
Robert David Steele – One of My Heros- May He Rest In Peace- What He Says About Trump Is Powerful!!!!
Ex- CIA Case Officer turned whistleblower and very much a good guy was taken by COVID. I strongly recommend that, like in the case of Michael Ruppert, William Cooper and others like them ( all of whom have paid the ultimate price), you become educated in what they all had to say.

Oh Bill. What Are You Up To Now??
by Ethan A. Huffstaff writer February 29, 2012 from NaturalNews Website After it was exposed that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the philanthropic brainchild of Microsoft founder Bill Gates, purchased 500,000 shares in Monsanto back in 2010 valued at more than $23 million, it became abundantly clear that this so-called benevolent charity is up…

The Stargate is What?? And You Thought That Slick Willie Was or Is a Great Used Car Salesman!!!
by Joe AllenJanuary 23, 2025from Joebot Website Forget the WHO. That’s so old school… Enter Stargate and the Made-In-The-USA version of science-based medical dictatorship. If Larry Ellison’s AI gives you an “ironclad” diagnosis of, say, CANCER and makes a special mRNA/DNA vaccine for you, the machine will roll up your sleeve and…

The Media Industrial Complex
The Corporate-Run Media – formerly “Mainstream Media” MSM = Mainstream Media Not every item of news should be published. Rather must those who control news policies endeavor to make every item of news serve a certain purpose.Joseph Paul Goebbels Nazi Propaganda MinisterWe are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time…

The Monopoly on Your Mind- Media Control on Steroids
Consolidation Craze and Illusion of Choice… In a recent Twitter survey I conducted, nearly 90% of people rated their trust in mainstream media as either “very low” or “low.” And is it any surprise? Ever-mounting media consolidation has narrowed the perspectives the public is privy to, ownership and funding of these corporations are riddled with…

A New Generation of Children are here- They are Very Special in Many Ways
por Doreen Virtue from StarChild Website del Sitio Web StarChild WHAT ARE INDIGO AND CRYSTAL CHILDREN AND ADULTS? How do you know if you, or someone you know, is an Indigo or Crystal Child or Adult? We will describe the main features and characteristics of these people. But we want to stress that the…

FEMA – Who are They? The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
by Roland C. Eyears1997 from FederalObserver Website Editor’s Notes: It has been several years since this column was penned, however with the recent events in New York and Washington, we felt compelled to share this information with our readers. Chalk it up as something to think about. FOREWARD I already know that this message…