The Prism of Lyra- Our Galactic Cousins

During the early development of the Lyran system the first friction between polarities began to occur. Some Lyrans manifested the idea of the feminine polarity — intuitive and allowing. They believed the path to reintegration was through inner development. Other Lyrans, however, ‘polarized to the masculine. Their philosophy upheld the notion that in order to…

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Is Reality A Computer Simulation

  by Melvin M. VopsonAssociate Professor of Physics, University of PortsmouthOctober 18, 2023 from TheConversation Website The simulated universe theory implies that, our universe, with all its galaxies, planets and life forms, is a meticulously programmed computer simulation. In this scenario, the physical laws governing our ‘reality‘ are simply algorithms. The experiences we have are…

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The Ugliness of War

When World War II was over, the machine that was created to a supply the war continued and has been a curse to humanity ever since. by Gabriel July , 2024 from LibreSolutionsNetwork Website Gabriel is a passionate Canadian with a fascination with free software and bottom-up strategies. He runs Libre Solutions Network, a project…

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Tiamat- The Super Planet That Was

by Joan d’Arc 2002 from ParanoiaMagazineWebsite Spanish version According to the harmonic rule known as Bode’s Law, a planet should exist between Mars and Jupiter – some 260 million miles from the Sun. Beginning in 1801, tiny rock and metallic objects were discovered to be orbiting the Sun at about this distance. Since then, several…

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Solar Warden- Is There a US Space Fleet?

by Michael Salla April 15, 2009 from Examiner Website  Part 1 Cover of The Reagan Diaires (Harper Collins, 2007) On April 13, the National Archive Records Administration made available almost 250,000 pages of documents from President Reagan’s administration. It will take several months for researchers to read through the documents. The released material may yield…

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NanoTech Papers

Overview An Overview of NanotechnologyAdapted by J.Storrs Hall from papers by Ralph C. Merkle and K. Eric Drexler INTRODUCTION Nanotechnology is an anticipated manufacturing technology giving thorough, inexpensive control of the structure of matter. The term has sometimes been used to refer to any technique able to work at a submicron scale; Here on sci.nanotech…

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NanoTech- The Land of the Strange

written by Administrator Spanish version13 November 2006UPDATED Article and Videos from Utopiated Website In the mid 1990s we began seeing strange formations of long strands of “cloud” globally. Despite debunking attempts and Roswell-like diversions like cloud seeding by the various high ranking military and aviation groups it became clear by 2000AD that chemtrails were a…

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The Aviary – What Was IT?

The so-called Aviary was a loosely knit group of government insiders who linked up to share information on the UFO issue. For years they were a little known group, but in the early 1990’s the exsistence became known among UFO researchers. This post is about them. Refer the to post here entitled The Meeting. “Embraced…

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