The Abduction Experiences of a Close Friend- The Late Clark Hathaway

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I had known Clark Hathaway for over 25 years. I met him in 1969 in the north part of Sacramento. He came from a military family. His dad was retired Army. He also had a very intense Army career, having been through some very dark moments. He had been trained as a military hit man and was stationed in a small base in Bad Gastin, Austria. He would go into Eastern Europe to do his work. Clark was also an extremely accomplished artist and that is the reason that his descriptions in this post are so clear. His regressions where done by Richard Boylan. Both Rich and Clark were part of the very large UFO Discussion Group that I had formed back in those days. We met once a month at a then Round Table Pizza on La Riviera Drive and Watt Avenue in Sacramento. The group had about 150 regulars and many of them had been experiencers like Clark. A portion of this group were also being seen by Rich.

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