Missing Children- Thousands Disappear Every Month- Where are they??

The following is only a partial of the above audio.

by James Casbolt

from JamesCasbolt Website

After the completion of my last article ‘MI6 are the lords of the global drug trade’ I must now present the full picture as to what the intelligence community drug trafficking money is being used for.

I need to do this for many reasons. The truth must come out and I need to protect my family and myself. If any of us were to come to a premature end it would only add more credibility to what I am saying. Therefore by presenting the following I am protecting us.

Government harassment and surveillance of me has increased since going public with the last article. I believe this has now become a ’national security’ issue. I have had my life threatened, men situated in the hotel opposite my flat taking photographs of me using a high tech, long range camera which uses a blue laser, my phone line and my girlfriends mother’s phone line tapped, my information hacked into and taken off multiple websites and e-mails from government officials blocked.

I believe this is because I am leaking information on projects classified ‘above top secret’ which I will go into in detail in this article. The intelligence run drug trafficking is only classified ‘secret’.

My name is James Casbolt and I worked in MI6 covert cocaine trafficking operations with the IRA in London between 1995 and 1999. My father Peter Casbolt was also MI6 and worked with the CIA and mafia in Rome in 1993 on covert cocaine and heroin trafficking operations.

The global drugs trade run by many factions of the global intelligence community co-operating together (MI6, CIA, MOSSAD etc) is worth at least £500 billion a year. This is more than the global oil trade. MI6 control many of the other intelligence agencies in the world. MI6 created the CIA in 1947 and still control them today.

This ‘black ops’ drug money or in classic Orwellian terms, MI6/CIA ’non-appropriated funds’ is being used to fund government and military projects classified ‘Above top secret’.

These operations include a huge worldwide UFO cover up and the building and maintaining of deep underground military bases (D.U.M.B.S).

There are many of these bases worldwide but here is small list.

  1. Dulce in New Mexico
  2. Brecon Beacons in Wales
  3. Los Alamos in Mexico
  4. Pine Gap in Australia
  5. The Snowy mountains in Australia
  6. The Nyala range in Africa
  7. West of Kindu in Africa
  8. Next to the Libyan border in Egypt
  9. Mount Blanc in Switzerland
  10. Narvik in Scandinavia
  11. Gottland island in Sweden and many other places

These projects are being run by a secret, unelected international governing body connected to the U.N.

There are at least 1400 of these D.U.M.B.S worldwide. 131 in the US. With 2 underground bases being built per year in the US at the moment. The average depth of the bases are four and a quarter miles underground ( some shallower and some deeper ).

The bases are on average the size a medium sized city. Each DUMB base costs between 17 and 26 billion dollars to build which is funded by MI6/CIA drug money. Each underground base employs 1,800 to 10,000 workers. A nuclear powered drill it used to dig underground. This drill goes through rock at a tremendous rate and literally melts the rock away to form a smooth glass like surface around the edges of the tunnels.

On May 20 I personally received information from a former member of the NSA (National security agency) through a third party. I wish to protect this man’s identity and so I will call him ‘G’. This is the first time this information is being made public.

G was subcontracted by the NSA in the late 1980’s and worked for the NSA until 1992. He was a senior electrical engineer in the Los Alamos underground base in New Mexico. G also worked at the Alamo Gordo DUMB in New Mexico and an underground base in Hawaii. He said the Los Alamos base goes two miles underground and is the size of a small city.

Whilst there he witnessed rows of caged humans, tall grey aliens and a reptilian alien. G says the NSA was very hard on all subcontractors and people were worked very hard under severe conditions.

According to G the US federal government, the USAF and the DOE (department of energy) run the Hawaii DUMB he worked at. This base goes down two miles and stretches out into the Pacific Ocean.

It was here that three very tall and muscular ‘Nordic’ looking men (who according to G were reptilian/human hybrids because their eyes would ‘shift’ into having vertical slits for pupils) chased him along the motorway there and threatened to kill him because he had overheard them talking about some piece of high technology.

Understandably G has been emotionally scarred from these experiences and does not like talking to people about them.

I was also told on May 23 from this source that in June there would be a huge amount of HAARP engineered earthquakes on the west coast of America and that the DUMBS there had already been evacuated and shut down. This was one hundred percent accurate because between the 21 and 28 of June there were at least 400 earthquakes on the West Coast of America.

I posted all this information on the God like productions forum on the net and within hours the post was hacked into and removed.

By executive order the NSA is exempt from all laws which do not specifically name the NSA in the text of the law, which basically means they can do whatever they want and are answerable to no one.

This is because of its interaction with extra-terrestrial species and its twisted view that the people are children and cannot handle the truth.

There is currently an internal war raging in the global intelligence community regarding the alien agenda. This is between negative and positive factions. From my understanding one of the main negative factions is a group centered around MI6 and the CIA called ‘Aquarius‘. This group is covering up the truth, blatantly lying and discrediting or murdering anyone who gets too close to exposing what is going on. There is also a positive group centered around naval intelligence called ’Comm 12’ which is leaking accurate information regarding the alien agenda into the public arena.

When the missile (not plane) hit the pentagon on 9-11, it hit the naval intelligence section of the building. This was part of the internal war between Aquarius and Comm 12 being played out.

Aquarius has also enlisted the help of Hollywood and the mainstream media to twist the facts of the alien agenda and blind the public to the truth. Sir Martin Wakefield Jacomb was director for the telegraph newspapers in 1986.

He is also connected into MI6 and is involved with laundering MI6 drug money through the bank of England. Jacomb was the director of the bank of England from 1987 to 1995. Former head of the CIA William Casey was head of the council of the media network ABC. Many Insiders refer to the ABC network as ‘The CIA network’.

The grey and reptilian aliens working together with the military in the underground bases is called MIEC (military industrial extra-terrestrial complex). This is a malevolent organization, as you shall see with the following information. There are also benevolent ET’s on this planet.

These groups are not part of the MIEC and are from:

These groups seem to work together in some kind of protective ‘federation’.

On February 20, 1954 a delegation from these groups met with the Eisenhower administration in an unsuccessful effort to reach an agreement on the US’s thermonuclear weapons program. The stumbling block to these negotiations was that these ET’s were not willing to provide technology that might have been used by the military-industrial factions of the Eisenhower administration.

These peace loving ‘human looking’ beings refused to be co-opted into the emerging military industrial extra terrestrial complex (MIEC) in the US, Britain, Russia and elsewhere on the planet.

On July 11, 1934 the first treaty with the greys from Orion occurred aboard a naval ship in Balboa. This was one of the most important events in human history because it thrust us into a role we were not repaired for as regards to being a host to a malevolent extra-terrestrial race.

The US federal government disregarded the constitution of the United States by doing this and not telling the people. It was here that the agreement was first made between the greys representing the reptilians from Orion and representatives of the US intelligence community.

The treaty stated that in return for the greys providing high technology (anti-gravity, metals and alloys, environment, free energy and medical technology) the government would allow the greys to proceed unhindered with human abductions. This was only if a list of abductees was provided to the government and the abductees returned unharmed with their memories of the events erased.

In 1944 the second extension of the treaty was signed. I have very little details of this.

In May 1954 again under the Eisenhower administration the third extension of this treaty was signed called ‘The Greada treaty’. The greys and reptilians blatantly broke the terms of this treaty as we shall see later in this information. The Greada treaty was agreed upon at the Holloman air force base in New Mexico by the greys and the ‘Ultra’ unit in the NSA.

The original document of this treaty and the ET materials from it can be found today at the NSA facility called ‘Blue moon’ underneath Kirkland air force base in New Mexico. The entrance to this underground base is in the Manzano Mountains. Also at this location is the technological base of the secretive department of energy (DOE).

Today free energy devices developed from grey and reptilian technology are being built for use in space at the DOE base.

On April 15 1964 two intelligence personnel met under ‘project Plato’ with the greys in the New Mexico desert to arrange a meeting on April 25 at Holloman air force base in New Mexico. This meeting was to renew the treaty again in a psychological bid to buy time in order to solve the problem of the greys and reptilians.

A truly nightmarish situation is now unfolding. Phil Schneider was a geologist, structural engineer and underground tunneling expert for the US government and the UN. He participated in the construction of many DUMBS in North America and other countries. Phil was murdered by the CIA on January 17 1996 in his apartment in Wilsonville in Portland, Oregon.

In 1979 in Dulce New Mexico, Phil Schneider was drilling into the desert there to build an auxiliary base in the southern end of Dulce on top of an already existing underground base there. The already existing base had been built by the US government in the 1940’s under ’operation blue note’ but afterwards had been taken over by greys and reptilians.

Over a period of two days Phil and his team had drilled four holes in the desert that went down several thousand feet.

One of the holes kept bringing up dirty dust, putrid odours and broken off machine bits that were sent down the hole. Boring machines and lasers came back up damaged when they were sent down there. A probe was then sent down that came back up totally missing. Eventually people were sent down.

Phil was the first person to go. He was lowered down into the cave and when he got down there, standing around ten feet away were two seven-foot greys. He became petrified but managed to empty one clip from his pistol into the greys. As he was reloading one of the greys hit Phil with some kind of particle beam weapon which gave him a very high dose of nuclear radiation poisoning, similar to cobalt radiation but even worse.

Phil’s lung was burnt out of him and he has a huge scar running down his chest which he showed at his lectures which are available on video google.com.

Underground Bases and The New World Order

Phil Schneider

May 1995 Lecture


Phil Schneider was a geologist, structural engineer, and underground tunneling expert who participated in the construction of many deep underground cities and bases in North America and abroad for the government.

In May of 1995, suffering from terminal cancer, he began giving talks in Las Vegas describing in detail the underground cities, the government’s secret deal with negative aliens, high alien technology being employed by the government-including “corbomite” (element 140), mining on the moon, FEMA and martial law, the coming New World Order takeover, the Alien/NWO genocide agenda to reduce the earth’s population by 85% before 2029, and a host of other stunning revelations.

Phil Schneider was an extraordinarily brave man who knew that he was going to be killed because of the information he was revealing to the American public.

His fingers on his left hand were burnt off, his bones were burnt. He was basically cooked.

He was in radiation isolation therapy for 400 days plus. In the cave large metallic vats were found filled with human body parts, generally glands. In the vats were high tech stirring devices that stopped the blood coagulating.

In Aztec in New Mexico on the 13 February 1948 a crashed flying disk was retrieved by the US military. The craft was 100 feet in diameter was made of a light metal resembling aluminum and contained ET reptilian bodies. A large number of human body parts were also found on board the craft.

The ‘above top secret’ security lid was screwed down on this even tighter than Roswell to stop mass panic.

The very next day after the crash (the craft was probably shot down by the military) the government bought up the property from the local landowners. Witnesses in Aztec observed covered military trucks going in and out of the area for days after the crash.

The craft was transported to Wright Patterson air force base. The disc incorporated large rings of metal which revolved around a central stabilized cabin. There were no rivets, bolts, screws or signs of wielding.

People in Aztec carefully guard their words as to the accounts of the crashed disk. The Aztec citizens are still being monitored by the military to this day. One elderly woman said her husband watched the military trucks going in and out of the crash area for days. She said she was very nervous about the whole thing and didn’t want to talk about any of it other than her husband seeing the military vehicles. She was asked if she believed there had been a UFO crash.

Her response was,

“If something hadn’t happened out there, how come the military rushed right in… why was the covered military trucks going in and out of the canyon… why did they deny being there… and why were they buying the near and surrounding land where the UFO supposedly crashed?

In Cambodia in 1972 at the height of the Vietnam war, a US special operations team out on patrol came across a group of alien creatures loading various human body parts into large metal containers and sealing them. A pitched battle ensued, which resulted in fatalities on both sides. As the soldiers pulled back the aliens quickly retreated to their craft taking the body parts with them.

As usual a major cover-up was quickly enforced.

One of my contacts in Wales who I will call ‘D’ to protect his identity, was approached by an elite intelligence organization called ‘Group 5-8’. This group was formed by Margaret Thatcher in the 1980’s to work at the sights of crashed ET craft in Britain. This is the first time this information is being made public.

Even though group 5-8 was formed by Margaret Thatcher it is a UN group. The group 5-8 man called George showed my contact a UN identity card with UN holograms on it. George then drove D to a clandestine meeting on a motorway services.

It was here that George showed D photographs of human mutilations they had found near the heavily guarded Breaken beacon DUMB in Wales. These photos were taken at a sealed off area where UFO activity had taken place.

The photos showed a girl of sixteen and a boy of twenty who had their genitals removed, eyeballs removed, lips removed and directly half of their skin was missing. George said group 5-8 regularly found camper vans around this area where the occupants had vanished.

D understandably had nightmares for weeks after this and was soon after followed by a high-tech American utility van with blue lights underneath it. I believe this was a NSA van.

Days after this D had his life threatened over the phone. The call was anonymous but told him to keep quite or his house would be burnt down with him in it. George then called D and told him his life was in danger and to get the information out as soon as possible to protect himself. The next day a gasman turned up pulled out his ID the moment the door was opened walked in and checked the meter. When he left a fire broke out which nearly burnt down the house with D and his wife in it. The house was wrecked and the fire brigade said the fire had mysteriously started in the bin in the room where the gasman was.

After this D another man and myself were investigating reports of a DUMB and missing children around the small village of Zennor in Cornwall. There had been many sightings of alien beings on the cliffs there since the 1960’s and many UFO sightings around the area and large amounts of covert military activity. Some of the UFO’s had disappeared into the ocean there according to witnesses.

Two years ago a Devon and Cornwall police project classified ’secret’ had gone on. This was a dig for the mass graves of children by the police. They had traced the reports of many missing children to this area. This is classified information that D managed to get hold of from his contacts. Once again this is the first time this information is being made public. From that I can gather the police did not find any bodies and the digging area was walled off from the public.

I believe the police were looking in the wrong place because the activity seems to be coming from underground. When the poet D.H Lawrence stayed at a small cottage in Zennor he heard explosions coming from deep underground.

And Aleister Crowley who was an MI6 agent spent much time at Zennor.

As already stated MI6 and the CIA are heavily involved in the alien agenda and I believe Aleister Crowley was up to his neck in it.

Aleister Crowley had performed many satanic rituals at a cottage in Zennor (there seems to be a close connection with Satanism and the greys and reptilians).

At this cottage one night after Crowley left that a woman named Ka Cox died of a stroke and her husband went insane and ended up in Bodmin mental asylum. The man said a reptilian being had materialized in the house and I believe Ka Cox died of fright after seeing this. The police files pertaining to her death were stolen from the police station after this.

Aleister Crowley was also at Montauk in New York when the project was in full swing and there is a quantum energy grid line that runs from Montauk to Zennor and the Men An Tol ancient stones in Cornwall.

After the fire at D’s house everything had been quite for a couple of years. All of a sudden after two days into our missing children investigation at Zennor, D had men outside his bedroom window shining lights in. This is an intimidation tactic used by the intelligence agencies.

I have only scratched the surface of what is going on at Zennor as there is not room to go into it all here. The bigger picture will be made public soon.

So what is going on with these human mutilations and missing people?. The truth of the matter is that the greys and reptilians feed off the glandular secretions and hormones through a type of osmosis. This is why major organs are taken from people. Your mind may want to go into denial that this is happening but if you start digging you will find this is 100% true. On the Crowed skies website there is video smuggled out of the Dulce underground facility that shows greys inside vats absorbing these blood mixtures through their skin.

Researchers Bill Hamilton and Tal XXXXXX (AKA Jason Bishop) received reports from workers at the Dulce DUMB who worked there in the mid 1970’s when it was being jointly run by the CIA, greys and reptilians. This was before the ET’s completely took the base over and kicked the humans out.

The workers said the Dulce facility goes down at least seven levels. Level six is privately called ’nightmare hall’ amongst workers. They tell of bizarre experimentation and multi-legged humans that look half human and half octopus, reptilian humanoids, furry creatures with hands like humans that cry like a baby, and mimic human words.

Also a huge mixture of lizard humans in cages, several cages of winged humans, three and a half to seven feet tall bat like creatures and gargoyle like beings. In level seven are thousands of rows of human and human genetic mixtures in cold storage, humanoid embryo storage vats with embryos in various stages of development.

Other workers said they witnessed scenes even more terrifying than this and refused to talk about them.

One worker told Bill Hamilton,

“I frequently encountered humans in cages, usually dazed or drugged, but sometimes they cried and begged for help. We were told they were insane and involved in high-risk drug tests to cure insanity.

We were told never to speak to them at all. At the beginning we believed the story. Finally in 1978 a small group of workers discovered the truth”.

Thomas Castello was one of the security workers at the Dulce facility. Thomas worked seven years for the Rand Corporation in California. He was transferred to Dulce in 1977. He estimated there were more than 18000 short greys at Dulce and also saw tall reptilians.

Thomas knew of seven levels but said there could have been more. He said the aliens were on levels five, six and seven. The lower you go the higher the security clearance is needed. The only sign in English is above the tube shuttle system and says ’To Los Alamos’.

The tube shuttle travels at mach 2.7. Most signs at the Dulce facility are in the alien symbol language and a universal system understood by humans and ET’s. Thomas said the other shuttle connections from Dulce went to Page Arizona, Area 51 Nevada, Taos Carlsbad, Datil New Mexico, Colorado Springs and Creede Colorado. Thomas also said there is a vast number of tube shuttle connections under the United States which extend into a global system of tunnels to other underground bases in other countries.

Thomas Castello said that below the second level of the Dulce facility everyone is weighed naked and given a uniform. Any change in weight is noted and if there is a change in weight of three pounds or more the people are x-rayed. At the entrance to all sensitive areas are scales and the persons weight must match with their ID card and code to gain entry.

Thomas Castello smuggled many things out of the Dulce facility before he escaped which included twenty seven sheets of 8×10 photos of alien and genetic creatures in vats.

One silent surveillance camera video tape, which begins with showing computer banks then vats, multi shots of nightmare hall, two shots of greys, one shot of the terminal sign saying ’To Los Alamos’ and thirty seconds of the shuttle train arriving.

Twenty five pages of diagrams, chemical formulas, schematics and alien equipment.

  • A copy of the new government/alien treaty with signatures.
  • Two pages of original documents signed by Ronald Reagan (then governor of California). Each page has Ronald Reagan’s signature plus other political signatures and four alien signatures.
  • Thomas Castello’s ‘flash gun’ (a laser type weapon used by the security officers at Dulce).
  • Thomas put the original set of these items in a sealed, one piece oxygen free heavy plastic box. Five sets of copies are in five different boxes in five different locations guarded by five different individuals known only to Thomas Castello.

I understand these individuals would be scared to leak this proof as Thomas Castello’s wife and child were kidnapped and then disappeared in Puerto Rico not long after this (now presumed dead).

But if any of you are reading this then please contact me anonymously and we can arrange for you to send me a copy. I will be able to get it out on a large scale. My e-mail address will be at the end of this article.

This is part of an interview with Thomas Castello before he disappeared:

“I am saying there are aliens in several underground bases in this country and terrible things happen in those places. If I die before it is proven search for proof. Demand that the government admit it. If enough people demand it they will find a way to explain the base or at least explain why they must keep it secret. There are many people that work at Dulce that know me.

I am challenging those co-workers to speak up anonymously. Send a letter to confirm what I have explained. In the name of the brave men, women, children and aliens that died trying to let the public know what is going on at the Dulce facility. Expose that horrid place before thousands more innocent people are tortured and die unspeakable deaths”.

The Rand corporation which is involved in the construction of these underground bases has released ‘The Roper report’. This is now a third generation report that says according to their research one in ten people have been abducted and implanted by the Greys and reptilians and returned with their memories erased. This report has been sent out to one hundred and ten thousand clinical psychiatrists in the US.

The Roper report also states that women are being raped by reptilian ET’s as part of a ongoing genetic program by them. As fantastic as this sounds it is backed up by some of the world’s top MD’s like John Mack and many others. There are some ninety concerned psychiatric scientists in the US who are trying to form an organization to prevent secrecy on this horrendous situation.

They say that because of the alien/government treaties this amounts to government sponsored rape. According to the Roper report 99.3% of the abductees being used in this ongoing genetic ET program are female and 0.7% are male.

I have personally seen intelligence documents of studies into the Grey and Reptilian problem that show they are involved in genetic sabotage of the human race. The Grey and Reptilian alien agenda is to slowly and covertly take over the planet in the next thirty years, reduce the population and run the planet from underground using the surface population as food to be taken when and how they wish. The British, Russian and US government is shooting down around one Grey and Reptilian craft a month with particle beam weapons developed from Tesla technology.

The Russians have areas the size of football fields full of crashed ET craft. If that is not a full-scale invasion I don’t know what is.

The British, Russian and US government have become ‘blood brothers’ and the best of friends because of the alien agenda. The Russian and US cold war was feigned animosity and a sham so these governments could develop nuclear weapon programs to counter the alien threat.

The cold war was a lie for the public to take the attention away from what the nuclear weapons program was really being developed for, not against Russia but as a last resort against the Greys and Reptilians.

The headquarters of the secret international governing body in charge of dealing with the ET phenomenon is in Geneva, Switzerland. The ruling body is made up of representatives of the governments involved as well as the executive members of the group known as the Bilderbergers. As I have said the British, American and Russian governments are working very closely together because of the Grey/Reptilian threat to the planet.

Although the situation is so horrendous that these governments have shattered into panicked factions, some of which have ’sold out’ and are directly helping the Greys and Reptilians.

According to very credible US government insider William Cooper the most important meetings of this secret international governing body are held by the policy committee on a nuclear submarine beneath the polar ice caps.

The secrecy is such that this is the only method to make certain the meetings cannot be bugged and is the only place they will discuss their biggest secrets.

It would be wrong and cruel of me to present his information without presenting the full picture. The Greys and reptilians from Orion have been involved in an ancient war with the Benevolent Pleiadians and other groups.

The Pleiadians are a very powerful group and are the guardians of this solar system. I personally do not believe they will let the grey/reptilian agenda fully unfold. They have helped us in the past, are helping us now and will help us in the future.

I know this because I have had many Para-normal ET contact experiences since childhood. There is not room to go into detail here but is covered in the ’Above top secret’ presentation with investigative journalist Dave Starbuck. Type ’revelation audio visual-Dave star buck’ into a search engine to find.

I have very clear photographic evidence of benevolent Pleiadian ET’s materializing in my house and a box of ‘channelled’ communications with these beings. These photographs will stand up to a computer grain analysis test because they are all one hundred percent real. I also do not have the knowledge or technology to fake them. One photo shows a very clear face materializing in front of me. I also have post traumatic stress disorder from abductions and other contacts with malevolent reptilian entities. Again these are covered in ’Above top secret’.

There is a massive number of missing children in Britain, America and other places connected to these underground bases. The figure in Britain seems to be at least twenty thousand children disappear without a trace every year. In a 1995 classified CIA, DIA (defense intelligence agency) and FBI report, it stated that one hundred thousand children and one million adults disappear and are never found in the US every year.

You may ask yourself how is this being covered up. As was mentioned at the beginning of the article, the same group working with the greys and reptilians which is MI6, CIA and the MIEC, own and control the mainstream media.

In 2001 Scotland Yard police revealed that it had been unable to find three hundred black boys aged between four to seven that disappeared from London in a three-month period. The three hundred boys were reported missing between July and September in 2001.

Journalist Yinka Sunmonu an expert in missing children told the BBC’s Today program “Children are here one day and gone the next”.

In 1989 in Westchester, New York which was the site of numerous UFO overflights and reports of human abductions at that time. Over three thousand missing children reports surfaced. After extensive investigation by local police departments the children were not found at red light districts or centers for run a ways. Researchers and law enforcement officials were baffled.

There is also the CIA ‘finders case’. This involved negative factions of the CIA directly involved in child kidnapping. This was revealed in a 1987 US customs report. Customs and police raided a Washington DC warehouse which was used by the CIA. There they found a set of instructions broadcast via a computer network which advised the CIA to move a huge amount of kidnapped children that were originally being held at the warehouse (customs and police found large amount of nappies and other things there) and to keep them moving across jurisdictions.

There were instructions on impregnation of female teenagers and also instructions on how to avoid police detection. The destination for the children in the instructions was New Mexico.

The Albuquerque journal ran an article entitled ’ Why New Mexico has so many more missing children than comparable states remains a mystery’.

Much of this activity is centered around New Mexico where the Dulce underground facility is.

One male survivor of the MI6/CIA mind control project Monarch described in ’The illuminati formula’ by Fritz Springmeir, the china lake naval base at Ridgecrest in the California desert. This anonymous man says batches of children numbering one, two and three thousand were kept in cages piled up to the ceiling of large hangers. He says these cages are called ’woodpecker grids’.

These are electrified and the children were tortured with electric shocks.

Children are today still being transported to china lake naval base by train, car and air. One of the main delivery routes for children into China Lake is by plane from the Santa Rosa airstrip near Bohemian grove. The Santa Rosa airstrip is supposed to be closed, yet planes take off from there every night and do not put there lights on until they are hundreds of feet in the air.

The Nazi geneticist and mind control scientist Joseph Mengela ‘The angel of death’ from the Auschwitz concentration camp was brought to America after the war by MI6 and the OSS (which became the CIA) in project paperclip. Many other leading Nazi mind control experts, rocket scientists and geneticists were also brought to America and Britain after the war.

Joseph Mengela stayed at the China Lake base and the Tavistock Institute in London.

China Lake naval base is in the same as Lancaster, California. It was in Lancaster the mass graves of mutilated children were discovered.

By the sheer amount of evidence the only conclusion I can come to is that certain sections of the US and British government have sold us and our children out to malevolent ET’s in backdoor treaties.

The situation is truly grim. Come on people, time to wake up! The new world order and UN one world government is this rigid control structure to clamp the people of the world into a totalitarian vice so they won’t have to tell us about the aliens.

I also believe that certain sections of the intelligence community and the US and British government are directly helping the Greys and Reptilians with their takeover agenda. Evidence seems to point to the ET’s promising these humans certain powers when this happens. The name of the powerful secretive group ‘The Trilateral Commission’ is taken from the Orion Grey/Reptilian flag known as the Trilateral insignia. This shows how much trouble the Human race is in.

There is now an apathy amongst the people towards world events that is deadly and contagious. This is especially true of the people of Britain. We have truly become a nation of sheep.

I challenge you to shake off that apathy and challenge your government to tell you the truth. Please send letters copies of this article to your local government officials and distribute it amongst your friends and family. This information desperately needs to get out on a large scale as possible but I cannot do this on my own, I need your help.

There is a huge amount of pressure on the governments to go public on the ET scenario, but there is also a huge amount of pressure on them not to go public as well. We need to demand our government officials tell us the truth about the ET scenario and if they do not we must impeach them.

If there are any government officials or intelligence personnel who still have a conscious and would like to provide me with information on any of the areas covered in this article or information on any other areas, please contact me at the e-mail addresses below.

I will also be willing to meet you face to face.

by James Casbolt

September 2007

from JamesCasbolt Website

Spanish version

James Casbolt is a former MI6 agent who worked in ‘Black ops’ drug trafficking operations in London between 1995 and 1999. He comes from a line of intelligence people. His grandfather was naval intelligence, his father was MI6 who was also involved in ‘Black ops’ and his uncle was an MI5 officer in Logistics. From Cornwall England, James wishes to make amends for his part in these operations and blow the whistle on the crimes against Humanity that the intelligence agencies are involved in. MI6 and the CIA have cornered the global drugs trade (which is worth at least £500 billion a year, this is more than the global oil trade) and are now bringing the majority of illegal street drugs into America and Britain.

They are using this drug money to fund projects classified ‘Above top secret’ which include the building and maintaining of deep underground military bases (DUMBS). There are now over 4000 of these bases worldwide and the average depth of these bases is four and a quarter miles. Some are shallower and some are deeper. The bases are on average the size of a medium sized city and yes, he says there are aliens in them.

James is connected to ex intelligence people who have worked in these underground bases and on other ET related projects. There are vast numbers of children and adults disappearing around the world and ending up in these underground bases. As a former MI6 Agent that has seen aliens first hand and has inside information that will shock even the most disbelieving person. Every person alive on the planet today needs to be aware of this information for their futures.

I mentioned at the bottom of this article that all 33rd degree and above Masons have gone through certain genetic procedures and are not in control of their own actions. However I would like to make the statement now after being helped by good men in the intelligence community who are high level Masons, that all Masons are not pushing forward negative New World Agenda’s.

As I am given more intelligence by insiders I realize that everything is not as black and white as I originally thought with much infighting occurring. I apologize for this as I am still young and learning myself. However the genetic procedures mentioned in this article are very real and certain Masonic factions embrace these things as an honor.

To my friends in London. I cannot make it this Friday but I will be there next month
James CasboltSt Ives, Cornwall 13/9/07

The last time I reported on the New World Order dictatorship and current ET events I mentioned that the Draco reptilians installed in various underground military facilities around the world keep themselves away from the main human areas in these bases.

They only work closely with 33rd and above ‘Illuminated’ Masons. I also talked about the fact that most if not all, Masonic members of the 33rd degrees and above have been replaced by Android/hybrids known by the higher levels of the global intelligence apparatus as ‘Ontocyborgenergetic’ life forms. These ‘Draco-borgs’ are patched into a collective computer like matrix, have no free will and are controlled by the Draco.

When I use the word android I am not talking about a robot with wires instead of veins. I mean a cloned genetically engineered being. Without going into too much detail and getting into complicated bio-genetics, the original human has their bio-plasmic body or ‘information cloud’ removed and put into a cloned body loaded with microchip implants and other genetic enhancements and forms of mind control.

A walk-in ‘Ontocyborg-parasite’ is also blended into the bio-plasmic body. These are multi-dimensional alien beings that are an artificial intelligence life form. These onto-parasites run from a microchip in the android and are connected to the lower two chakra points in the spine. They get their energy from the sexual kundalini energy in the spine and use that as a battery.

There are different types of walk-ins both good and bad.

A positive walk-in may be when a human has enough of earthy life and is close to suicide. There higher self may ask to leave and a benevolent ET may agree to do a ‘soul exchange’ and come into the human body. The higher consciousness rules are that only one information cloud or soul should inhabit a physical body at a time (as example, see ‘The life and Work of T. Lobsang Rampa‘).

Onto-parasite walk-ins go against this as two information clouds are connected to 1 body and they both fight each other for control until one gives up. An artificial walk-in overshadows the clone and is usually a tall grey or Draco etheric/multi-dimensional bio-robot. This is similar to the ultimate spy handler and a perfect spy is one who not aware they are a spy. Gifted psychics can see them as dark shadows standing behind people that seem to follow them around and are blended into the bio-plasmic body. The bio-plasmic body is an information cloud that is basically our essence and can now be photographed on a digital camera.

The NSA has the technology to remove the aura but this is one of the Zetan Grey geneticist specialized areas. The Grey doctors surround the victim who is paralyzed on a table. They telepathically probe the mind and find out what the person’s deepest fear is and then they project images of that fear greatly intensified into the person’s mind. I have had personal experience with this through my life.

They also use electricity and radiation to increase pain and fear levels. The goal is to take the person to breaking point and once this happens the bio-plasmic body can be removed and put in the clone body. The original body is then destroyed to break any connections between that and the new body and also to try and sever the connection between consciousness levels at the freedom levels of 4th and 5th dimensional time/space.

The Greys gave this technology to the Nazi’s in the second world war so the Nazi’s could create their ‘Ubermen’ (supermen) genetically enhanced soldiers and spies in the super race projects. After British intelligence and the OSS brought the leading Nazi scientist to America and Britain after the war, the android geneticist Dr Joseph Mengela (The angel of death from Auschwitz) worked at the Tavistock Institute in London as well as other places.

This institute specializes in the art of torture and studies into the breaking point of humans. It is a MIEC (Military Industrial Extraterrestrial complex) facility and connected to Project Mannequin at the AL/499 NSA underground facility at Peasmore, Berkshire.

This is not a new phenomenon as high level Masonic fraternities which go back to ancient Babylon and Atlantis have been working with these ET’s for a long time.

Regardless of whether we are talking about the Illuminated degrees of,

  • the Scottish Rite
  • The York Rite
  • The Nigerian Rite
  • the 33rd degree of Zion etc,

...they are all controlled by the Draco in alliance with the Anunnaki.

The Anunnaki are the tall albino Nordic humanoid ET’s who may be from the Sirius sector. There also are highly compassionate Anunnaki helping Humanity as well… I will resent the testimony in my book of NSA people who have met these being face to face in such places as Area 51 and Arizona.

These beings are codenames ‘SAMS’ by the NSA. Once again the ones I have information about appear to be cybernated life-forms as when they talk they have a metallic reverb voice and are also connected to a collective computer matrix.

Many of the major military/NSA underground facilities are built on top of ancient already existing ET bases.

This is a photo of an Albino Anunnaki Nordic.

I do not know whether this is real or not, however these beings are definitely real, as at least 4 men I know (and who I trust, one of which may have been murdered) in the global intelligence community have seen these beings in various underground NSA facilities in the past. They told me this is exactly what they look like.

There testimonies will be presented in my book.

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