More on Antartica’s New Berlin

from ProjectCamelot Website

The large document which can be downloaded here (a book of 400 pages, with maps, diagrams, equations, and hand drawings) was sent anonymously, on two disks, to a well-known UFO organization.

There is little information about the author, and the material has not been seen before.

The disks were then passed on to a respected German investigator. This person, whom we know well, passed them on to Project Camelot for publication stating that the material might be highly significant.

We do not read German, so we do not know the precise content.

But it’s clear that this is extraordinary material. It appears to document extensive, detailed information about a base in Antarctica originally established by the Nazis, advanced physics, mind control, something apparently resembling the ‘Montauk chair‘, and alien involvement in the affairs of the human race.

Included in the document are dozens of pages of higher mathematics, apparently detailing the physical theory of interdimensional travel. Whoever assembled this did so with a very great deal of time, trouble and technical knowledge.

The author states he has been a victim of mind control and/or mental illness, and appears to document a bizarre personal journey. But he also certain of what he is reporting. He recounts a large number of very peculiar dreams, but also describes the Antarctic base in detail. Most compelling are the many pages of mathematical physics, which of course cannot be hoaxed.

Strangely, a number of pages which contain the physics have a commentary in imperfect English, as if they have been partially auto-translated. We don’t yet know how this has come about, or if the text was written that way in the original.

Many questions are raised, of course – none the least being how one escapes from Antarctica. But the answers may present themselves to those with the resources to study the document thoroughly.

We intend to get it all translated, which may take time and require professional involvement. We are publishing this immediately because our experience suggests that it is an effective insurance policy not to sit on potentially explosive material privately for too long.

We welcome all and any responses to this, and invite German-speaking researchers and anyone with a knowledge of advanced mathematical physics to contact us privately to discuss the contents.

Project Camelot makes no claims for this document, but is publishing it simply because of its potential importance for others to investigate thoroughly.

Click here to download (PDF 18.6 Mb)


German Researcher’s summary

We asked the German researcher to write a summary of the book for the benefit of English-speaking readers:

About the bookI obtained the book from a German UFO society. They had received the book itself (around 400 pages) and two CDs containing the text and several drawings. The envelope had no address on it. However, the postmark reveals that it had been sent from Berlin.

The book was written by “Barabou Veduin cooperation withR. Eckelt”(both anonymous). The author,Barabou Vedu, claims that his writings are an actual report from his experiences on an old alien base, where he was being kept “somewhere in the eternal ice” until he was 15 years old.

He claims that people on the base spoke English and “Indian” language.

About the baseThe author says that the base is no longer under extraterrestrial but under human control. He says the reason why there are so many human scientists on the base is because this is a place where many exotic phenomena can be observed, like “vectorial viewing into the future”, “soul travel via machine”, “technical telepathy” or what he calls “eye-movies” (living another’s experiences by proxy).

The author says that the base where he lived it is located not far from another alien base which bears the name “New Berlin”. He suspects that the base where he lived was part of the “New Berlin” base. He describes it as a huge building of glass and plastic, several square kilometers in area.

During his stay, he says never left the base physically.

How he left the baseAround the year 1996, the author says that he left the base due to the first signs of schizophrenia; however, he has no conscious memory of how exactly he was “thrown out”.

He woke up outside the base in a mountainous area “somewhere in Tajikistan”, where he was welcomed by four Turkish people that he later identified as “one of their criminal mind-control-gangs”. He stayed with them for a while, but then fled and traveled to Germany by train, a trip which took about three weeks.

He says that after his arrival in Germany, he was officially accepted as a refugee.

Why he wrote the bookBecause of recurring flashbacks, nightmares and “apparent signs of post-traumatic stress”, he was assigned to a psychiatric hospital in May 1998.

He says that no-one there would believe any of the stories he had to tell which is why he decided to start lying to the doctors. He eventually managed to discharge himself and decided to confide in a person he trusts, whom he told about his past in order to cope with his fears and nightmares.

It seems that the book is a direct result of these conversations.

The author says that it was a good idea to write everything down because it was an effective way to “get rid of everything”. One may suspect that the aforementioned person “R. Eckelt” is the one who gained Barabou’s trust and helped him to write down his memories.

His memoriesThe author says that he and the other humans on the base followed a schedule.

They received their food from a tube which came out of the wall. He describes it as a kind of “brown paste”, which tasted like fruit. In order to receive food, they were obliged to follow certain tasks for which they received “bonus points”. Not fulfilling a task resulted in receiving no points, and therefore no food.

One of the main tasks that he and the other humans had was to “follow the thought structures of humans outside the base”, using a technology he calls the “Bereschewan-seat”. The seat itself is described as far too small for a human being – it seems to have been created for beings with another anatomy.

In order to use the seat, the author says they had to put on a specific suit with a cable which ended in a machine. Using the seat, it was apparently possible to see and feel the world outside as if one would experience it with one’s own senses (sight, smell, sound, touch etc). The author says that he was eventually obliged to draw what he saw. Sometimes he was ordered to distract people outside the base from their original thoughts and to “implant” different, more violent thoughts.

The author furthermore suggests that this manipulation has been going on for a long time – and probably from the future.

The author says that among the humans, there were also other beings present on the base. He refers to them as “Lemurs” – reddish, greenish robots which he suspects are inhabited by human souls who failed to accomplish their tasks. Another type of being mentioned is described as small and humanoid in appearance with brown, hairless skin.

Humans living on the base worshipped them, considering them to be “Gods”. In one part of the book, the author describes how he once saw one of these brown beings sitting perfectly at ease on the Bereschewan seat, a detail which suggests that the seat was their technology.

I have only read, in detail, a quarter of the book so far. There are many more things in the book which are not described in this summary.

A glance at the textThe book is almost entirely written in German, although some paragraphs are written in bad English and seem to have been translated either by a German-speaking person or by an automatic translator. As for consistency of the content, no apparent contradictions can be observed.

On the contrary, throughout the book, the author keeps relating again and again to details he has already mentioned before.

There is one chapter which contains numerous formulae and diagrams about what the author describes as “Our theory of everything”. This complex mathematical physics seems to describe an advanced model of a multidimensional universe, and how to travel through it.

He states that investigating these formulas might prove the authenticity of his claims, but possibly only “in 20 or 30 years from now”.

First steps undertaken so farA very experienced

remote viewerhas been asked to assist to give an opinion on the book’s authenticity. One initial session has been done so far and more are planned.

RecommendationsA complete translation into English would be advisable so that researchers from around the world can investigate this independently.

The book is obviously linked to the persistent reports that Hitler discovered an alien base in Antarctica and went there before the end of World War II. Therefore a thorough investigation of parallels between the book and existing Alien-Nazi-Antarctica research seems to be a good idea.

Theoretical physicist’s summary

We asked a theoretical physicist if he would comment on the mathematical physics section of the book. He is a respected academic with a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics (quantum mechanics, electrodynamics and relativity) and over 200 international scientific publications in journals from several countries.

His first language is not English, but his English is nonetheless excellent.

  1. The mathematics is genuine. The education level of the author would have to be Ph.D.
  2. It is a model. In Physics we have many models, and we must consider them all with respect if they don’t lead to experimental contradictions.
  3. For example, String Theory is a model. Some people accept it, and others (such as Roger Penrose) do not believe in Strings. But the final word is in the experiment.
  4. This presents a Photon Model which reproduces known results in Physics, but it also admits (which is important) the involvement of the Ether. In my personal opinion: Current Physics will advance if it accepts the existence of the Ether.
  5. This is an innovative model… and in a few aspects it reminds me of extensions from other models (for example, Tewari’s model for the electron).
  6. The ‘Ghost-balls’ remind me of some of Tesla’s experiments.
  7. It employs 5 and/or 6 dimensions, which is normal in Physics. For example, the Kaluza-Klein Theory uses a 5-dimensional space.

In summary: the model presented in this material has genuine ideas and mathematics. Separately from that, it may or may not be successful in describing Nature.

If this material is rejected, then one must reject many, many similar scientific papers that each day are published in the Journals of Physics.


David Wilcock’s Analysis
January 22, 2008

I took a VERY detailed line-by-line look at this PDF. You didn’t mention the fact that almost all the illustrations are captioned in English, not in German. We need to get this text translated into English as soon as possible.

In my professional estimation this is a very substantial move forward in disclosure. There’s no telling whether the author’s dreams have any impact other than for his own subconscious symbol set – and it does appear that at least a third of the book’s content goes into various pieces of dream data.

Nonetheless, there are MANY correlations with other pieces of data. You look at the testimony in the black-ops marked-up version ofMorris Jessup’s “

Case for the UFO” – from Carlos Allende and two other insiders – and you see this ongoing discussion of the “S-M”, which apparently are the “Space Men,” and the “L-M,” which apparently are the Little Men/Lemurian-Men. I’ve already started writing about this on my website.

Here is Part Three of the article series where I began tackling this:

New Philadelphia Experiment Revelations, Part IIIHere is Part One if you want to read it sequentially, as it goes into theRainbow Project(Philadelphia Ex) and the new things I’ve learned about it recently… followed by a link to the marked-up version of the Case book:

New Philadelphia Experiment, Part IYou will notice that the physics model I begin outlining in Part One of this article series,New Philadelphia Experiment Revelations, is very, very similar to what we hear at the end of this book from an alleged German insider witness.

The data about “Lemurs” in this German witness’ book has many strong correlations with the data I’ve been gathering about the allegedLemurians… enough so that they appear to be one and the same thing.

The excerpts from Allende et al’s liner notes of Case for the UFO appear to be describing, in part, a war that occurred between a terrestrial ET species centered in the Pacific – i.e. the Lemurians – and a non-terrestrial invading species which is very likely the Anunnaki, or what they refer to in code as only the S-M, or “Space-Men.”

It is entirely likely that while most of humanity was in a primitive state, at least one ET race was able to colonize the planet, and may also have interbred with native humans to some degree. It is also possible that evolution proceeded along parallel tracks on Earth, and the “Lemurians” are a particular strain of human being that advanced far more quickly and was driven into hiding due to a still-ongoing war with the so-called Anunnaki.

It seems clear from the testimony inCase for the UFOthat there were wars where

the Anunnakiharvested asteroids, using powerful gravity-control technologies, and fired them at Lemurian cities with devastating effects. This is apparently what forced them to take refuge into undersea bases, where they still reside to this day.

It is likely that a more informed review of the Sumerian texts would tease out the details of this war, since someone like

Sitchinmight not understand all of it without the proper context.

It is also quite possible, given

Burisch’s testimony, that the “Lemurians” are actually travelers from one aspect of humanity’s future, as he has repeatedly described – and attempted to colonize the Earth at a time when humans of the era posed no threat, only to find themselves embroiled in a major war with an opposing ET faction.

Allende et al’s testimony in “Case” further correlates a variety of UFO sightings with an apparently well-known body of data about these Lemurian craft – including the fact that a form of slag builds up on the exterior of the craft as a result of their encounters with earth materials as they travel, and they have a function where they can slough off this material, which then pours off the craft as a molten liquid.

Deacon’s recent testimony also indicates the Anunnaki as an active influence, offhandedly mentioning an “Enki ship.”

I also have a mysterious testimony that came in, via a colleague, from a Russian scientist who quoted a series of books that he claims all have bits and pieces of this story. The basis of the Russian’s story is thata major Lemurian base existed in Antarctica, with the species still living and working there, and the Nazis formed a pact with them during World War II. This completely correlates with what I heard. I have been sitting on this and haven’t even told you about it before, and now we see the same thing in an entirely different form.

I actually bought every book the Russian scientist referred to in his letter but have not yet had the time to study all the references. There are an astonishing number of pieces he brought together in this one letter and I have confirmed that each book has the contents he speaks of – I just haven’t had the time to read them all in total.

I’ve long suspected that more of thisAnunnaki-Lemurian war storywould come out as new whistleblower testimony came to the fore, and that appears to be what is happening here.

Danielalso said there were Atlantean ruins under the ice in Antarctica, and that the Third Reich migrated to South America after World War II – specifically the southern tip of Brazil. He saw artifacts they gathered from there, implying there must be a base of at least some capacity in Antarctica that we are not normally privy to.

There are a variety of other correlations with things I heard from Daniel’s testimony that are specific and unpublished, things I’ve never gone public with and have not seen elsewhere. These alone would be sufficient to warrant a deeper investigation.

Furthermore, I studied the physics model the German author is giving, since most of it is in English. Again, there are a great deal of correlations with what I’ve heard from Daniel and from another key witness I will call Clark, who I haven’t had reason to discuss before.

These physics correlations are far too specific to be simply a product of chance – including the six-dimensional frame, the toroidal model where our 3D is but the exterior of a “hollow sphere,” and the idea (only implied here) that time-space is the region on the interior of the hollow sphere – the mirror-opposite of our own reference frame.

There is also material in the German text about the interchange of space and time causing volumetric contractions and expansions of time. This is not that far from existing relativity models, but nonetheless the specifics of how he articulates it are very similar to things I’ve heard from Daniel in the past. From what I know of physics equations I’ve seen when studying these alternative models, it does appear to be very well thought out and sound.

There should be utilities out there allowing you to do a fairly decent translation automatically within a PDF file. It’s all the better that the vast majority of the illustrations are already in English. I would consider it highly likely that a substantial percentage of the non-dream portions of this witness’ testimony will turn out to be accurate.

I think it is wise to hold back on the Russian testimony for now until we see if anyone else has correlative data to support this. The inevitable challenge we face is of people who take existing pieces and want to fabricate a story.

While this may seem a great way to get your 15 minutes, I consider these hoaxes a spiritual crime, and most of them never make it through the gate anyway.


Preliminary translation by anonymous translator

Here is the translation. I know that some sentences sound wrong… but they also do in German. This is his style.

I tried to keep the translation as original as possible. [Some notes have been added within the text.]

[ ____ ]

Hello, my name isBarabou Vedu.

I was born in 1983, and until I was 15, I was trapped inside an alien base somewhere in the eternal ice. Beside English, we also spoke Indian in this base.

I think in Indian my name means: “May you be his firstborn son of the Moon!”

Strange name, isn’t it? Seriously, who would name his son like this? Having such a name, you might as well let yourself be lined up against a wall to be shot. Was this name supposed to just make me furious, or did it have another reason as well? In addition, my father in our base [translator’s note: later he talks about another father who also gives him a Turkish passport] had a similar idiotic name.

His name was Hohunarao Vedu. I think this means in Indian: “May you be someone who will be bathed (man of) Moon.”

In the world of the symbols in our base, this meant as much as: “Though you are not of pure clear spirit, you deserve to be washed clean with clear pure spirit.” This ritual of the washing clean of one’s own dirty spirit with clean clear spirit could be connected to the common baptism ritual here in the world outside.

My mother in our base also had a very strange name. Her name was Wara, which means in Indian “Swan”, I think. In the world of the symbols in our base, this meant that you belonged to the light blue-green side of the spirit on which all divine entities are at home as well. Alone, my elder brother, eight years older, had a name without a religious background. His name was simply Magba, which means in Indian as much as tenth Moonhouse. I can’t say why they spared him all this religious stuff in his name.

At the start, I spoke about our alien base being a former alien base. By this, I wanted to state that in present time our alien base is not any more under extraterrestrial control, but probably under terrestrial control. The reasons for this are obvious. For example, there were scientists in our base who spend nearly each whole day developing new physical theories. Well, which alien lets his own technologies be examined by terrestrial scientists, so that they can tell him how that works what one has carried around the whole time with oneself? One can be sure that everywhere, where scientists walk around, terrestrial powers have taken the power. So, probably, also in our base.

But in this connection I’d like to mention that the scientists of our base kept the same demonic dressing protocol concerning the choice of their clothes as we did. This protocol stated that the color of one’s clothes must match one’s current emotional state. You wore red in anger, orange in pain, yellow in fear, green in kindness, blue in love and violet in grease [translator’s note: ‘grease’ in German also means to make sure someone else doesn’t get caught while doing something].

The color white could be combined with the colors green and blue, and black with the colors orange and red. The choice of these colors for the corresponding human emotions corresponded to the coloring of their spirit, which changed colors depending on one’s state of mind.

Why so many scientists took care of our base isn’t difficult to guess. A place in which so many exotic phenomena like vector viewing into the future, “soul travel” by machines, technical telepathy, or eye-movies of people could be watched, shouts for a scientific examination. The interesting things the scientists of our base discovered during their examinations, one can readily read in the chapter “Appendix of our physical theories of tomorrow”.

This chapter about our physical theories might be a real treasure trove to physicists with an interest in the Nobel Prize. Those who think highly of themselves, and would like to prove to all of us that alien bases really exist, are free to earn their Nobel Prize at my expense. I think that’s only fair. Because I don’t own these ideas either. And I don’t see why I should take these theories with me to my grave, just because it isn’t yet the right time for these theories.

The ether-theorists of the 19th century were not that wrong in their ideas about the world. But I’m afraid they should have experimented with 4 to 5 dimensional ethers instead of three-dimensional. Because then their physics would have been perhaps a little more successful, andEinsteinwouldn’t have blocked the further development of ether-physics by his SRT[Special Relativity Theory].

But that’s a completely different problem.

So what to do to prove that their ether-physics is more correct than our ether-less physics of today? The way it looks, first SRT must go before one can continue with classic ether-physics – the physics of the extraterrestrial? But this is easier said than done. Einstein is an acknowledged expert in physics. To attack him and to claim new experiments about the topic of SRT, is a hard nut to crack for modern physicists. Especially as the disproof of SRT in favor of our 4-dimensional ether-physics indeed needs very demanding experiments for light propagation.

For example, one would have to measure the linear speed of light between two places, without using reflected light. A measurement which unfortunately currently still involves high measuring-errors. But a change from the physics of relativity to the physics of ether-theory includes, as I will show in my report “Their Theories”, great physical discoveries.

Among other things, one can for example prove that the Theory Of All could be a fractal hollow-sphere-model in a 6-fold or 6-dimensional space. In such a fractal hollow-sphere-model of All, the world repeats itself in the micro as well as in the macro, again and again at each level/plane of size. No matter where and no matter in which of these level-sizes one is currently situated, the world always looks the same.

Funnily enough, one can at the same time take this Theory Of All also totally informally to a string theory. Because if the world repeats itself on the level of a universe or of a photon again and again in the micro, then one has automatically contracting since produced by gravitation, fields in a space. Combined with a 4-5 dimensional hollow-sphere form of these fields, the result in a 6-dimensional space with a shifting of space dimensions 1 — 3 to 4 — 6 are contracting strings to expanses in space.

And so we get from the original hollow-sphere-theory an incomplete string theory!

From Thomas Kirschner, editor of the German NEXUS Magazine

Dear Bill,

Our team here spent a few hours analyzing the document, and I made a few calls to other “well-connected” friends.

It’s probably too early to make a definite assessment, but my general impression is to be careful.

This document consists of two parts: 95% of it is a fantastic story, and my own judgment is that it isn’t more than that. I could be wrong, of course, and some of my friends disagreed with me. Still, I would advise everybody to be extremely cautious. Besides that, this part of the book doesn’t really contain much useful information (in the sense that the material could be related to anything in the “real” world).

It does make claims that bear similarity to certain

Montauk-concepts(the author talks of a certain chair that can be used for remote viewing etc.) – but anybody could come up with such a story, having read the Montauk books and other far out material.

The physics section is something else, and it seems to me rather unrelated to the rest of the book, which makes it seem to me as if the author just copied it into his own story to gain credibility. But coming back to the physics:

One of my friends is a really, really well informed scientist, who is familiar with the work of Dr.

Burkhard Heim. He told me that the material seems to be definitely based onBurkhard Heim’s work, and he had the impression that it even goes beyond that – like a practical application. If that’s true, then it would be really something.

I asked for my friend’s opinion about the rest of the book, but he did not want to go into detail. However, he assured me that it is indeed “something”. He also assured me that the (below) Russian video documentary, which I have not seen yet, would be “very revealing”.

So, that’s really all I can tell you at the moment about this book.

But I learned some other interesting things in that phone conversation:

My friend assured me that the information from

Henry Deaconand

Dan Burischis absolutely head on, especially the claims regarding T1 and T2 [timeline 1 and timeline 2]. He said that there are two calculations regarding that fork-point: One says that it might come already this year. The other says that it will come right at the end of


I asked him:

“Why do you think that it would come now? Do you think the Mayans made a mistake?”

His answer was that the Mayans were surely right, but that our calendar system could be wrong, i.e. the “real” 2012 might be earlier than we think.

Then I asked him for the physical, scientific evidence for this [the timeline split], and he said that it would come from Burkhard Heim and from physicist

Kip Thorne. He urged me toGoogle for “Thorne” and for “Vega”.

My trip to Vega seems like just three months to me because I’m going so close to the speed of light. Normally – from the point of view of the Earth – that trip would take 25 years.
But, Thorne argues, since we’ve kept a wormhole open (stretching it all the way from Earth to Vega), local Earth spacetime would be kept in sync with the spacetime of my spaceship. The trip would seem like 3 months on Earth too. from

He also said that for top-ranking scientists who work for the (shadow-) Government, Montauk is absolutely standard knowledge. Whether it happened exactly as in the famous Montauk books would be another question, but T1 and T2, as Dan Burisch describes them, are current topics of discussion.

I asked him about

Planet Xand if he thought that was a real danger. His comment was thatit might only be for those who stayed on T2. Then I asked him how he imagined the transition from our time into T1 or T2, and he said that he imagined that we will go into some kind of tunnel, or enter a short sleep, that might only take seconds, and then we’re in the new time.

To conclude: these are all exciting topics. But let’s try to not get carried away. Remember, everything that I’ve just written is just human opinion, and each of us could be wrong.

The only “hard” evidence that can be checked out is that last section of the book, which contains scientific material. Whether that is real has still to be researched. And whether that author came up with it by himself or whether he just copied it from some book, is another unanswered question.

I myself would tend to the second conclusion.

More Information

  • May 2006 Russian TV documentary NAZI BASES IN ANTARCTICA, which contains some extraordinary and apparently authentic images:

Nazi UFOs, Secrets of the Third Reich II – Nazi Base Antarctica – Russian Documental

May 2006



In three of the above five articles, ‘Neu Berlin’ or ‘Neuberlin’ is referenced as a Nazi base in Antarctica. The source of this in each case is a 2003 report by Russian researcher Dr Konstantin Ivanenko.

by Jim Marrs

from GreyFalcon Website

With the current mysterious happenings in Antarctica concerning Lake Vostok, an old theory is being resurrected – that German Nazis as early as the 1930s may have built a secret base at the South Pole.

While this idea undoubtedly will strike most people as absurd, there is tantalizing evidence to suggest that something along this line might have some truth to it.

Long-standing banking and business connections allowed high-ranking German leaders in 1944 to forge a formidable Nazi-controlled organization for postwar activities.

Author Jim Keith wrote,

…in researching the shape of totalitarian control during this century, I saw that the plans of the Nazis manifestly did not die with the German loss of World War II.

The ideology and many of the principal players survived and flourished after the war, and have had a profound impact on postwar history, and on events taking place today.

Orvis A. Schmidt, the U.S. Treasury Department’s director of Foreign Funds Control, in 1945 offered this description of a Nazi flight-capital program:

The network of trade, industrial, and cartel organizations has been streamlined and intermeshed, not only organizationally but also by what has been officially described as ‘Personnel Union’.

Legal authority to operate this organizational machinery has been vested in the concerns that have majority capacity in the key industries such as those producing iron and steel, coal and basic chemicals.

These concerns have been deliberately welded together by exchanges of stock to the point where a handful of men can make policy and other decisions that affect us all.

Could one of those “decisions” have been the creation of a Nazi base connected to the development of UFOs?

While this notion may superficially appear to be sheer nonsense, the public record offers compelling – if incomplete – evidence to support this idea.

One theory is that Martin Bormann and other top Nazis escaped to South America and on to a secret base in Antarctica where they built UFOs so sophisticated that their secret Nazi empire has exerted significant control over world events and governments to this day.

While there can be no question that the business and financial network created by Bormann wields a certain amount of power even today, evidence for the existence of a major Nazi base containing UFOs is virtually nonexistent, consisting primarily of the known exploration of Antarctica’s Queen Maude Land – renamed Neuschwabenland by the Germans – in 1938 and some unverified statements.

Reportedly, German Navy Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz stated in 1943:

The German submarine fleet is proud of having built for the Führer in another part of the world a Shangri-La on land, an impregnable fortress.

And it has been reported that U.S. Admiral Richard Byrd, upon his return from an expedition to Antarctica in 1947, stated it was,

“necessary for the USA to take defensive actions against enemy air fighters which come from the polar regions” and that America could be “attacked by fighters that are able to fly from one pole to the other with incredible speed.”

Advancing the idea that the Nazis continually shipped men and material to the South Pole throughout the war years, author R. A. Harbinson wrote:

Regarding the possibility of the Germans building self-sufficient underground research factories in the Antarctic, it has only to be pointed out that the underground research centers of Nazi Germany were gigantic feats of construction, containing wind tunnels, machine shops, assembly plants, launching pads, supply dumps and accommodation for all who worked there, including adjoining camps for slaves – and yet very few people knew that they existed.

But, while tales of a secret Nazi base in Antarctica may appear plausible to some, the idea that a warm water location at the South Pole has remained undiscovered and no one has escaped or deserted the place in more than 50 years stretched belief to the breaking point in years past.

But with the new revelations of 60-70 degree temperature water, magnetic anomalies suggesting the possibility of a hidden city or base and the obvious back out taking place concerning current events at the pole, the idea of a secret base is no longer so far fetched.

Rumors began to circulate that whilst Germany had been defeated, a selection of military personnel and scientists had fled the fatherland as allied troops swept across mainland Europe, and had established themselves at a secret base on the Antarctic continent, from where they continued to develop their advanced aircraft technology.

Furthermore, it is interesting to note that at the end of the war, the allies determined that there were 250,000 Germans unaccounted for – even taking into account casualties and deaths.

Could Neu Schwabenland have been a permanently manned German base at that time?

The brackish water of the warm (30 degrees) lakes virtually confirmed that all had an outlet to the sea and would thus have been a haven for U-boats. The two ice-free mountain ranges in Neu Schwabenland presented no worse an underground tunneling project for Organization Todt than anything they had encountered and overcome in Norway.

The Germans were the world’s experts at building and inhabiting underground metropolis.

At the end of the war the United States gave anything concerning Ohrdruf a top secret classification for 100 years upwards. The fact that there had been substantial underground workings there, and Ohrdruf was the location of the last Redoubt, was concealed absolutely.

Fortunately for researchers, in 1962 the DDR had taken sworn depositions from all local residents during an investigation into wartime Ohrdruf, and upon the reunification of the two Germanys in 1989, these documents became available to all and sundry at Arnstadt municipal archive.

From the Arnstadt documents it is clear that the Charite Anlage unit operated in a three-story underground bunker with floors 70 by 20 meters.

When working, the device emitted some kind of energy field which shut down all electrical equipment and non-diesel engines within a range of about eight miles. For this reason, even though Ohrdruf was crawling with SS, it was never photographed from the air nor bombed.

Declassified USAF documents dated early 1945 admit the existence of an unknown energy field over Frankfurt/Main “and other locations” which “fantastic though it may appear” were able to “interfere with our aircraft engines at 30,000 feet.”

Ohrdruf rebuilt below Neu Schwabenland during the last two years of the war would not have been difficult, and since Charite Anlage had the highest priority of anything in the Third Reich, it seems likely that it must have been.

Such a base would have been impregnable, for the suggestion is that the force-field worked in various ways favorable to the occupants.


Scary Secrets of the Third Reich’s Base in Antarctica

A remarkable event occurred in 1999, but only specialists paid adequate attention to it.

A research expedition discovered a virus in Antarctica; at that, neither people nor animals had immunity to the virus. After all, Antarctica is far away, for this very reason the virus cannot be dangerous for the rest of the planet, especially since the dangerous discovery was deep in the permafrost.

However, scientists say that against the background of a global warming threatening the Earth, the unknown virus can cause an awful catastrophe on the planet.

Expert Tom Starmerue from the University of New York also shares the pessimistic forecasts of his colleagues.

We don’t know what the mankind will face in the South Pole in the nearest time due to the global warming. It is not ruled out that an unbelievable catastrophe may break out.

Viruses protected with a protein cover survive even in the permafrost; as soon as the temperature gets warmer they will immediately start reproducing.

American scientists treated the Antarctica discovery very seriously and even organized a special expedition that currently tests the ice for unknown viruses in order to develop an antidote in good time.

What is the source of the virus in Antarctica where only penguins can survive in the ice? There is no answer to the question, specialists are at a loss. However, several theories concerning the problem have been put forward.

A majority of scientists are inclined to believe that prehistoric forms of life probably survived in the permafrost.

But some specialists blame bonzes of the Third Reich for delivery of a secretly developed bacteriological weapon to Antarctica. And this theory arose not in a vacuum. It is known that already in 1938 Nazis suddenly became interested in Antarctica, they organized two expeditions to the area in 1938-1939.

At first, planes of the Third Reich took detailed pictures of unexplored territories and then they dropped several thousands of metal pennons with swastika there. The whole of the explored territory was called Neuschwabenland and was considered a part of the Third Reich.

After the expedition, Captain Ritscher reported to Field-Marshal Göring:

The planes dropped the pennons 25 kilometers apart; we covered the area of about 8.600 thousand square meters. 350 thousand square meters of them were photographed.

In 1943, Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz dropped a remarkable phrase:

Germany’s submarine fleet is proud that it created an unassailable fortress for the Führer on the other end of the world.

It highly likely means that Nazis were building a secret base in Antarctica within 1938-1943.

Submarines were mostly used for transportation of necessary freight to the place. As specialists for the Third Reich wrote, at the end of WWII the submarines were relieved of their torpedo arms in the port of Kiel and then were loaded with containers with different goods.

The submarines also received passengers whose faces were hidden behind surgical bands.

Wilhelm Bernhard was commander of one of the submarines, U-530; the submarine left the port of Kiel on April 13, 1945. When it reached the shores of Antarctica, 16 members from the crew built an ice cave and put boxes into the cave; it was allegedly said that the boxes contained relics of the Third Reich, including Hitler’s documents and personal stuff. The operation was code named Valkyrie-2.

When the operation was over on July 10, 1945, the submarine U-530 entered the Argentinean port of Mar-del-Plata and surrendered to the authorities.

It is also supposed that another submarine from the formation, U-977, under the command of Heinz Schäffer delivered the remains of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun to Neuschwabenland. It followed the route of the U-530 submarine and called at Antarctica. The submarine arrived in Mar-del-Plata on August 17, 1945.

But the version of Wilhelm Bernhard and Heinz Schäffer saying that the submarines delivered relics to the Antarctica shores (both captains told it at the interrogations held by the American and British intelligence services) seems rather dubious.

It is unlikely that the serious operation was designed only for the sake of delivery of the Third Reich documents and relics.

Later, special services seized a confidential letter of Captain Schäffer to his friend, Captain Wilhelm Bernhard who obviously planned to publish his memoirs. The letter was dated with June 1, 1983.

It runs as follows:

Dear Willy,

I was thinking if it is reasonable to publish your manuscript concerning the U-530.

The three submarines that took part in that operation (U-977, U-530 and U-465) are currently at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Isn’t it better to leave them there? My old friend, think about it! Think please how then my book will look when you publish your memoirs (after, WWII Heinz Schäffer wrote a book named “U-977”).

We all made an oath to keep the secret; we did nothing wrong, we just obeyed the orders and fought for our loved Germany and its survival. Please think again: isn’t it better to picture everything as a fable? What results do you plan to achieve with your revelations?

Think about it, please.

Even 40 years after the events, Heinz insisted that Bernhard mustn’t say the truth. Is it possible that the submarines delivered something more dangerous to the continent, not Hitler’s documents?

Could it be the bacteriological weapon traces of which were discovered in Antarctica as unknown viruses in the permafrost last year?



If you had been a Wehrmacht soldier at the bombed-out railroad station in Poltava, a city in the Ukraine, during the summer of 1942, you may have seen a very strange-looking military unit on the march, heading for a waiting passenger train.

The unit consisted of women, all of them blond and blue-eyed, between the ages of 17 and 24, tall and slender, their sensational figures encased in striking sky-blue uniforms.

Each woman wore an Italian-style garrison cap, an A-line skirt with the hem below the knee, and a form-fitting jacket with the insignia of the SS. You might have thought the SS had recruited a platoon of high-class call girls, but the truth was far stranger than that. You would have been looking at Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler’s latest brainstorm – the Antarktische Siedlungnsfrauen [Antarctic Settlement Women or ASF].

The story actually begins in 1938, when the German seaplane carrier Schwabenland sailed across the South Atlantic, bound for Queen Maud’s Land in Antarctica.

According to Russian ufologist Konstantin Ivanenko,

“The Schwabenland sailed to Antarctica, commanded by Albert Richter, a veteran of cold-weather operations. The Richter expedition’s scientists used their large Dornier seaplanes to explore the polar wastes, emulating Admiral Richard E. Byrd’s efforts a decade earlier.

The German scientists discovered ice-free lakes (heated by underground volcanic features) and were able to land on them. It is widely believed that the Schwabenland’s expedition was aimed at scouting out a secret base of operations.”

A German base was established in the Muhlig-Hofmann Mountains, just inland from the Princess Astrid Coast.

The area was renamed Neuschwabenland (New Swabia) and “the base was known only as Station 211.

From the movie Schindler’s List, people have gotten the idea that killing Jews was the Nazis’ main concern. But in actual fact, Hitler and the SS were just as ruthless with the rest of the population in their eastern European empire, thinking nothing of shuffling large numbers of people around in their quest for a more perfect Aryan race.

This shuffle was accomplished by a little-known office of the SS called the Rasse und Siedlungshauptamt (German for Race and Settlement Bureau) or RuSHA. In the Ukraine alone, RuSHA drafted 500,000 women for forced labor in the munitions factories of Nazi Germany.

It was RuSHA which selected women for Himmler’s unit of Antarktische Siedlungsfrauen (Antarctic Settlement Women) About half of the “recruits” were Volksdeutsch-ethnic Germans whose ancestors had settled in the Ukraine in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries.

The others were native Ukrainians whom RuSHA had “upgraded” to full Aryans.

This process was called Eindeutschung (Germanization).

According to Ivanenko,

There is increased popularity for the idea of a ‘German-Slavonic Antarctic Reich.’ It is said that 10,000 of the ‘racially most pure’ Ukrainians, out of half a million deported in 1942 by Martin Bormann, were transported to the German Antarctic bases during World War II, in the proportion of four Ukrainian women to one German man.

If true, this would mean that Himmler transferred 2,500 Waffen-SS soldiers, who had proven themselves in combat on the Russian front, to Station 211 – now Neuschwabenland – in Antarctica.

This may be the source of the myth of the “Last SS Battalion.”

An ASF training camp was set up in Estonia, on a peninsula near Ristna on Hiiumaa Island in the Baltic Sea. It was a combination finishing school and boot camp, where the ladies took lessons in charm and housekeeping along with their courses in polar survival. Himmler kept the camp’s existence a closely-guarded secret. For “unhappy campers,” the only escape consisted of a one-way train ticket to Auschwitz.

(There is one known instance of an ASF “deserter.” In 1943, Auschwitz guard Irma Griese, 22, the off-and-on girl friend of Dr. Josef Mengele, took to wearing a sky-blue ASF uniform, which she had scavenged from a pile of inmate clothing. Griese was hanged in 1946 for war crimes. The uniform’s original owner must have had serious second thoughts about a permanent move to Antarctica).

The failure of Grossadmiral Karl Dönitz’s U-boat offensive by May 1943 freed up dozens of “milk cow” U- boats. These were large submarines, almost as big as tramp steamers, which Dönitz had used to supply his U- boat “wolf packs” in remote seas of the world. Himmler now put them to work carting supplies and personnel to Antarctica.

Himmler’s rationale for sending thousands of settlers to Antarctica can only be understood within the context of his mystic beliefs. As a result of his youthful reading of New Age books, his association with the occultist Dr. Friedrich Wichtl, and his membership in the Artamen, Himmler became a believer in the Hindu concept of world-ages or yugas.

He believed that the current age, or Kali Yuga, would end in a global cataclysm, thereby giving birth to a new world-age called the Satya Yuga.

By sending a Nazi colony to Antarctica, Himmler was ensuring that a remnant of the “pure Aryan race” would survive the coming cataclysm with its society and culture intact. They would then take possession of Antarctica when the cataclysm melted the south polar ice cap.

According to believers, the Neuschwabenland colony survived not only the end of World War II, but a full on battle with the 3,500 Marines and aircraft of Operation High Jump.

In 2003 Ivanenko wrote:

The total population of Nazis in Antarctica now exceeds two million and that many of them have undergone plastic surgery in order to move about with greater ease through South America and conduct all manner of business transactions.

He called the Antarctic Reich,

“one of the most militarily powerful states in the world because it can destroy the USA several times over with its submarine-based nuclear missiles, remaining itself invulnerable to U.S. nuclear strikes because of the two-mile-thick ice shield.”

Further, he claims that the city of Neu Berlin, the colony’s capital, sprawls through “narrow sub-glacial tunnels” under an unnamed mountain range, heated by “volcanic vents.”

The ufologist also makes the claim that Neu Berlin adjoins,

“the prehistoric ruins of Kadath, which may have been built by settlers from the lost continent of Atlantis well over 100,000 years ago.”

Still other fringe researchers claim that the actual ruins of Atlantis have been found – and possibly reoccupied – under the Antarctic ice.

Some say that Atlantis is located near one of the 70 or so warm water lakes that have been discovered miles beneath the Polar Ice Sheet, such as Lake Vostok near the Russian base at the Pole of Inaccessibility.

Another of the oft made claims about Neuberlin is that the city has an Alien Quarter, where Pleiadians, Zeta Reticulans, Reptoids, Men In Black, Aldebarani and other visitors from the stars dwell. As we have seen, the Nazis were working on some very advanced aircraft, some of which may have been capable of leaving the earth’s atmosphere.

Some researchers are convinced that the Nazis did indeed make it to the moon, and even Mars. Could they have made contact with space aliens once they left the earth? Or, could their rockets, foo-fighters and disk aircraft have attracted aliens to visit them?

A claim floats around in modern U.F.O. lore that an extraterrestrial craft with anti-gravity propulsion crashed in the Schwarzwald in the summer 1936, and was recovered by the Nazis who back-engineered it, thus explaining their flying saucer program.

This parallels stories of a similarly recovered crashed “saucer” near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947, the American back-engineering of which supposedly led to the discovery of the transistor (patented by Bell Laboratories the following year), fiber-optics and other exotic technologies.

Ivanenko reported that talk about the Antarctic Reich is “becoming more and more popular” in Russia, Poland, the Ukraine, Belarus and other countries in eastern Europe.

He writes,

“In the May 10, 2003 issue of the (newspaper) ‘Frankfurter Allgemeine’, Polish journalist A. Stagjuk criticized Poland’s decision to send troops to Iraq” to assist with the Allied occupation.

“At the end, he said, ‘The next Polish government will sign a treaty with Antarctica and declare war on the USA.'”

Ivanenko added that Stagjuk’s words were broadcast on the shortwave radio station Deutsche Welle the same week.

Some analysts compared this sentence to famous code phrases which started wars in the Twentieth Century, such as ‘Over all of Spain, the sky is cloudless’ in 1936, and ‘Climb Mount Niitaka’ in 1941.

(“Climb Mount Niitaka” was the signal Admiral Yamamoto sent to Kido Butai, the Imperial Japanese Navy’s fleet, to begin the attack on Pearl Harbor.)

It is strange to think of a large population living under the ice of Antarctica, totally divorced from the “mainstream” world.

Then again, there are Jivaro indigenous people living on Lago de Yanayacu (lake), less than 50 kilometers (30 miles) east of Iquitos, Peru, who have never heard of Courtney Love.

  • So, is there a city under the ice inhabited by the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the original SS settlers?
  • Or is it just an urban legend stemming from the chaotic conditions that prevailed in Europe during World War II?

Some day we may know for certain.


On December 30, 1946, a U.S. Navy patrol plane with a crew of nine, mapping the Antarctic coast as part of a military effort called Operation High Jump crashed in a snowstorm after its radar failed to detect a slope not shown on the charts.

Now the U.S. Navy, piggybacking on scientific explorations of western Antarctica, has begun an effort to locate the plane and recover the remains of the crew members who died.

The crew members and their plane were part of what remains to this day the largest expedition ever in Antarctica, Operation High Jump, which was led by the renowned polar explorer, Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, and consisted of 13 ships, 23 aircraft and 4,700 men.

According to a 1946 Navy memorandum, the mission’s goal was ‘consolidating and extending U.S. sovereignty over Antarctic areas, investigating possible base sites and extending scientific knowledge in general.’

With the Cold War turning more frigid by the month, the venture unnerved the Soviet Union. The Soviet whaling fleet had just begun plying Antarctic waters, and a military publication called Red Fleet warned darkly that the operation was proof ‘American military circles are seeking to subject the polar regions to their control.’

Argentina and Chile were none too happy, either. Both countries had their own overlapping claims to areas extending from the tip of South America. Their fears of an American incursion were heightened when Chile asked Washington’s permission to send an observer along, but was turned down.

In their books, written in the 1970s, Wilhelm Landig and “outcast ufologist” Ernst Zündel claimed that Operation High Jump was literally “the last battle of World War II.”

In Secret Nazi Polar Expeditions (1978) and Hitler at the South Pole (1979), Zündel claimed that Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler had founded an SS colony in Antarctica called Neuschwabenland. The base, known as Point 211, eventually became the Antarctic Reich.

Opinion is sharply divided about the final fate of Neuschwabenland. Some argue that the Nazis abandoned their Antarctic sanctuary in the 1960s and moved to sites in the Andes.

Another group claims that the Antarctic Reich still exists and has grown into “a civilization under the ice,” home to about 3 million people of German and Ukrainian descent. It’s supposed to be somewhere in the Mühlig-Hoffman Mountains, adjacent to the ruins of Kadath, a city founded by settlers from the lost continent of Atlantis.

The Redemptionists believe that Adolf Hitler escaped from Berlin in April 1945, traveled to southern Argentina in a U-boat, and from there traveled to Neuschwabenland in a Nazi flying saucer. Hitler supposedly lived in Antarctica until 1952, when he reportedly traveled to the moon and met with aliens from space.

These aliens took him to Aldebaran, 68 light-years from Earth. According to the legend, some day Hitler will return with an Aldebarani space armada.

On November 27, 2004, the Navy undertook “the initial flight… to try to locate the wreckage of the George 1,” the plane that crashed in 1946.

The search flight,

“was a joint one, conducted aboard a Chilean Navy Orion P-3 aircraft with a Chilean crew and NASA scientists working together.”

“This wasn’t just a routine task for us,” said Capt. Christian Aldunate, the senior Chilean pilot on the recovery flight.

“It was a challenge to find clues that could help locate the plane, even though we knew it would be almost impossible to get at it because of the ice and snow that had piled up over so many years.”

During an 11-hour flight from and back to Punta Arenas, in the extreme south of Chile, the search plane dipped as low as 500 feet (150 meters) over Thurston Island so scientists could use radar and laser beams to try to locate the remains of the U.S. Navy PBM (Martin) Mariner seaplane.

“Even today it’s not easy, but we can rely on information from satellite photos, GPS systems and wind predictions,” Aldunate said, referring to global positioning networks.

“But from the time they took off until the time they arrived in the area, they had no idea what to expect.”

Though little known in the outside world, the three men who died in the (1946) crash – Wendell K. Hendersin, Maxwell Lopez and Frederick Williams – are still celebrated in Antarctica as heroes.

At McMurdo Station, a U.S. research base on the edge of the Ross Ice Shelf, there is a plaque to honor the men, the first Americans to die on any of Byrd’s many expeditions.

(See the Duluth, Minn. News-Tribune for January 2, 2005, “Navy tries to find plane lost in Antarctica 58 years ago”).


There are lines of magnetic force emanating from the South Magnetic Pole. What is strange about the North and South Poles is the way in which the magnetic lines of force move.

The magnetic lines of force originate from a “hole” just off the coast of Antarctica.

There are Chilean and Peruvian scientists/bases being near or along the route of UFOs emanating from inside the Earth.

Many UFOs fly directly south-north along South America. If one draws a line from South America, through the Antarctic bases of Chile, etc through the South Pole to the South Magnetic pole – then you get a straight line.

What’s interesting about this potential “UFO route” is that UFOs coming from Inside the Earth would end up flying over the America South Pole base.

However, the line of flight is such that the only places in the Antarctic where you’d stand a chance of seeing these UFOs is in the “Weddell sea” area where South American countries have their bases and at the Scott Base at the South Pole.

The other parts of the UFO route is somewhat offset from the commonly traveled routes and so there’s little chance of running into UFOs by accident at any other places. That would explain why the US Govt doesn’t like visitors to the South Pole base: It’s not that the hole is AT or NEAR the South Pole base (as we originally thought), but along the route from the real hole in the oceans off the coast.

Bob Borino, in his article, ‘UFO Bases Found in Antarctica’ (Globe, Jan. 18, 1983) quotes from certain scientists who believe that a subterranean UFO Base is located beneath the strange ‘Polynya Sea’ in the Antarctica’s Weddell Sea region.

The French Agence France Press on 25 September 1946, said:

The continuous rumors about German U-boat activity in the region of Tierra del Fuego (Feuerland, in German), between the southernmost tip OF LATIN AMERICA AND THE CONTINENT OF ANTARCTICA are based on true happenings.

The newspaper ‘France Soir’ had the following account:

Almost 1-1/2 years. AFTER cessation of hostilities in Europe, the Islandic Whaler, “Juliana” was stopped by a large German U-boat.

The Juliana was in the ANTARCTIC region around Malvinas [now Falkland] Islands when a German submarine surfaced and raised the German official naval Flag of Mourning — red with a black edge.

The submarine commander sent out a boarding party, which approached the Juliana in a rubber dinghy, and having boarded the whaler demanded of Capt. Hekla part of his fresh food stocks. The request was made in the definite tone of an order to which resistance would have been unwise. The German officer spoke a correct English and paid for his provisions in U.S. dollars, giving the Captain a bonus of $10 for each member of the Juliana crew.

Whilst the food stuffs were being transferred to the submarine, the submarine commander informed Capt. Hekla of the exact location of a large school of whales.

Later the Juliana found the school of whales where designated.

To address that 1947 story. To this day there has never been any Icelandic whaler in the South Atlantic, let alone in the Antarctica. No Icelandic ship has ever been named Juliana and Hekla is an active volcano in Iceland, not a last name.

99% of all Icelandic last names for males end in “-son”.


The Hitler-in-Argentina tale is an old one. It first surfaced in a book by Ladislao Szabo entitled “Hitler Está Vivo” (Spanish for Hitler Is Alive) back in 1947.

A second book by Michael X. Barton was published in 1969 entitled “We Want You: Is Hitler Alive?” Then Ernst Zündel took up the banner in 1974. Out of these books has sprung the “Saucer Nazi” theories.

Both theories agree that Hitler escaped from the Führerbunker in Berlin and fled to Argentina in a U-boat. However, believers in the Antarctic Reich theory contend that Hitler left Argentina in the early 1950s and moved to Neuschwabenland, an SS colony under the ice of Antarctica, right next to the prehistoric ruins of Kadath.

Here, they say, Adolf lived out his life, resuming his artist’s career and painting a series of Antarctic icescapes.


Prior to World War II German scientists were obsessed with Antarctica. Far from finding a desolate wasteland covered with ice, the Germans discovered ice-free areas, warm water lakes and cavern systems.

The following passage refers to German efforts to claim a region of Antarctica after Norwegian expeditions in the 1920’s and 30’s:

After these expeditions the Germans also got interested in Queen Maud land [or “Neuschwabenland” as referred to by the Germans], and planned an expedition to declare it as theirs… Anyway, it is still lying there as a remote ice-shelf with lots of high mountains over the glacier.

Truly a beautiful land.

Queen Maud land is dominated by the giant shelf of ice, flowing slowly from King Haakon VII – plateau over the South Pole, down to the ocean. This area is called “Fenriskjeften” after the mouth of the giant Devil-wolf in Norse mythology.

According to this mythology Fenris’ (the wolf) teeth were very sharp, and they would kill all people on Earth during

Ragnarokthe end of the world.

Most of the mountains in Fenriskjeften have names with analogies to teeth, or to other parts of the Norse.

The use of wolf symbology is interesting as it touches upon a theme in Nazi symbology which used the wolf as a totem of the hunter-killer:

Hitler’s retreat in Berchtesgaden, Bavaria was nicknamed “Wolf’s Lair” and the tactic used by German U-Boats to defeat convoys during the War was called “Wolfpack.”

Germany also had allies in South America and South Africa. Many Nazis fled to Argentina following the war and South Africa resembled a Nazi state as racial minorities [including Indians as well as blacks] were subjected to apartheid.

Hitler’s dream was of a “Thousand-year Reich.” Is this a thinly-veiled counterpart to Jesus‘ Millennial Kingdom? Allied pilots reported seeing “foo fighters” during the latter stages of the World War II. These craft appeared and vanished at incredible speeds and created electrical and magnetic anomalies when close to allied aircraft.

These craft are similar to “flying saucers” that were reported initially in 1947.

Nazi leaders were known for their obsession with the occult, including astrology and ancient relics. Remember the Indiana Jones movies that used Nazi quests for the holiest relics of the Judeo Christian faith? These movies are based on the occultic practices of Nazis.

One relic they were fascinated with [and may possess] was the “Spear of Destiny” that pierced Christ’s side on Golgotha.

The next movie in the Indiana Jones series is tentatively titled “Indiana Jones and the Lost Continent” an allusion to Atlantis – the antediluvian civilization destroyed by God’s flood in Genesis Chapter 6 after the daughters of men were taken by the sons of God as their wives [a reference to “fallen angels”?]

Hitler’s corpse was never found. Recent reports of “opened KGB files” assert that Hitler’s bones were kept and then destroyed by Soviet intelligence. But the current incarnation of Russia is a wolf in sheep’s clothing and there is little faith in the KGB [or FSB, its “successor”] veracity.

UFO abductee Barney Hill [who in the 1960’s was one of the first publicized abductees] claimed under hypnosis that one of his abductors “look[ed] like a German Nazi”. Other abductees have claimed seeing Nazi-style decorations or hearing German or German-accented voices as part of their abduction experience.

Under “Operation Paperclip” Nazi scientists and intelligence officers were integrated into the military, NASA, and the intelligence community. Wernher von Braun is the most famous and is remembered for being the genius behind the Saturn rockets.

The most infamous was Reinhard Gehlen, a Major General in the Nazi Abwehr or intelligence agency.

Gehlen was sponsored by the Dulles brothers.

John Foster Dulles was a founding member of the CFR and served as President Eisenhower’s Secretary of State; Allen was a president of the CFR, and was the Director of Central Intelligence – head of the CIA – when John F. Kennedy was assassinated.

Not only has the CIA been implicated in the assassination of JFK, Allen Dulles was a member of the Warren Commission – the investigative body JFK researchers argue was the government’s official cover-up of the conspiracy. German wealth [much of it looted from nations conquered during World War II] was spirited out of Germany.

U.S. Undersecretary of Commerce Stuart Eizenstadt reported the following concerning the Nazi Treasury:

The evidence presented in this report is incontrovertible.

….The Swiss National Bank and private Swiss bankers knew, as the War progressed, that the Reichsbank’s (the German central bank) own coffers had been depleted, and that the Swiss were handling vast sums of looted gold.
(“TRANSCRIPT: EIZENSTAT BRIEFING ON LOOTED NAZI GOLD REPORT” United States Department of Commerce. 8 May 1997).

When World War II ended, and Europe was being overrun by the allies, the country in charge of each sector of Europe. In our sector, we backed trucks up to the former production facilities and hauled off all the documents.

Everyone else did the same thing.

Some twelve years later the Australians discovered a 16mm film, a technical report, of the German V-7 research project.

The V-7 weapons research project involved circular disk-shaped craft. Now, we knew about programs V-1 through V-4, but we had no previous idea about the V-7 program.

The information in this documentary seemed to indicate that the Germans built their first operational disk sometime in the early 1940’s in the first production facility in Prague. Then they proceeded to expand their design, development and research teams until by the time the Germans were being driven back into Germany, they had nine research facilities, all with projects under testing.

They successfully evacuated eight of those facilities out of Germany, along with the scientists and the key people. The ninth facility was blown up. Now, this 16mm film showed some pictures of flying vehicles in operation.

We also knew through intelligence, where I was working at the end of the war, that the Germans built eight very large cargo submarines, especially built, and they were all commissioned, launched and proceeded to disappear without a trace. To this day, we have no idea where they went.

They are not on the bottom of the ocean or at any port we know of. It’s a mystery, but the mystery might have been solved by this Australian documentary film, which shows large German cargo submarines in the Antarctic with ice flows all around them, and crews standing on deck waiting for tie-up at a quay. We have underground information that some of the research facilities in Germany were taken to a place called “New Schwabenland”.

Now, Germany was called “Schwabenland” before it was called Germany. So, we are talking about “New Germany”, and it is located in an area at the South Pole formerly called Queen Maude Land.

Back around 1937, we convened an international conference under the League of Nations at the time to decide to restrict new claims to land in Antarctica.

At the time, everyone seemed to have a claim except Germany, who had not staked out a claim but only had some research going on down there. The whole thing was designed to keep Germany from making a land claim as the Nazi’s were coming to power. We refused to recognize German claims, which were shown on German maps.

A couple of years ago, National Geographic showed the German claim on a map for the first time.

But, back in 1939, Göring led an expedition to the Antarctic, including a submarine force, and they took construction and digging equipment down there and began excavating a tunnel complex, and this activity might have been going on since that time. If that is the case, it could be a sizable complex today.

That may be where the big cargo submarines are.

We believe that at least one or more of the disk research facilities were taken to Antarctica.

We had information that

one was taken to the Amazon, and that another was taken to the north coast of Norway, where there is a strong German population. Those were taken into secretly maintained underground facilities.

Before World War II, the Germans had military advisors all over South America, and when we got into the war we persuaded countries in South America to give up German advisors and accept American ones. Down there, they still prefer the Germans and have never liked us.

It is quite possible that some of this material and some of these research facilities were de-centralized to South America as the German empire began to collapse.

The big companies like

I.G. Farbenand the German subsidiary of General Electric opened large subsidiary plants in Rio and Sao Paulo in Brazil, and some of these new facilities became larger that they had been in Germany. So, there would have been support capability for disk research facilities. One has to wonder how much truth there really is to all of this.

It appears that some of the craft we see today are nothing more than

further developments of German disk technology. So, we may in fact be visited periodically by Germans.

One has to wonder how much we are observing is man-made, and how much is truly

extraterrestrial technology.

Certainly there is some of both, but we don’t know what the percentages are.

Wendelle C. Stevens

Thousands of Missiles Fired by Russian and American Forces over Earth’s Arctic Regions – completely unannounced

Are we fighting extraterrestrial UFOs?
India Daily
Staff Reporter
Apr. 14, 2005

Report is reaching of a strange behavior by the American and Russian forces in the Earth’s Arctic regions. Completely unannounced, both the super powers are launching thousands of missiles from both land based and aircraft launched these missiles that are being directed out of the earth’s atmosphere into the outer space regions of our planets atmosphere.

From various news services however there is being reported that Russia and the United States are conducting Missile Defense War games. The valid question is why was this separate military exercise not previously announced. Some UFO researchers believe that both the forces are jointly fighting something that they are not saying.

There are also reports that someone is manipulating the earth’s weather systems in a massive scale. Are American and Russians jointly fighting them?

The cosmic bursts hitting the earth are also strange. The Solar flares in recent times have shown extreme abnormal behavior.

The increasing earthquakes, floods, droughts and landslides may have been caused by some artificial agents.

  • On the surface the American and Russians are saying these missile launches are part of military exercises but why are they unannounced?
  • What triggered this massive launch of terrestrial missiles in thousands?

Photo taken over the Antarctic sky


Secrets of the 3rd Reich

Secret Nazi Research in Alien Technology

Secrets of the 3rd Reich21/06/2006

Evidence of the use of extra terrestrial technology. One of the last great mysteries of the 20th century is the occult past of the 3rd Reich, and membership of secret societies by some of its leading exponents.

The question as to whether these people were aware of the existence of lost extraterrestrial technologies, once applied by past advanced cultures, is raised by completely new research, supported by historical documents and original film footage of the period.

Were the disk-shaped flying objects (UFOs), driven by anti-gravitation forces, actually constructed?. Test pilots, engineers and investigators explain the Nazi program for space travel and contact with aliens.

Look at the evidence and decide for yourself.

by Katherine Smith, PhD

November 30, 2010
MiddleEasternStudies Website

Katherine Smith, PhD
Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience Posted by Ronald Swenson, PhD (University of Jordan in Amman) is a senior fellow at the University of Southern California, College of Letters, Arts & Sciences, Department of Middle East Studies, www.middleeasternstudies.wordpress

The long-hidden report “CIA created ‘safe haven’ for Nazis in US” obtained by the New York Times November 13, 2010, may be the most concrete account yet of the role that prominent members of Germany’s Nazi party played in the early, formative years of the CIA, following World War II.

It alleges the CIA created a “safe haven” for Nazis believed to be of use to the US’ Cold War efforts. [1]

Notice the words alleges and believed, to be of use to the US’ Cold War efforts. What if there was another reason the CIA created a “safe haven” for Nazis?

In Search of J. D. Salinger, by Ian Hamilton, recounts Salinger’s experience during and after World War II, serving with the Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC).

Salinger’s reclusive behavior may have been the result of knowledge he gained while in the employ of the United States Defense Intelligence Department during and after World War II.

He took part in the creation of the mind control program, MK-Ultra and Project Artichoke and in the interrogation of captured Nazis (denazification of Germany) [2]

Project Artichoke was developed under the influence of the former Nazis who worked with CIC and

The House of Rothschildto make sure the end of the Diaspora and the Jews arrival in Palestine happened in exactly 1260 years from the “abomination of desolation.”

The Cassandra Prophecyby Ian Gurney

Salinger, it is reasonable to assume, had access to the secret memorandum written on June 21, 1933, from the German Zionist Federation to the Nazis,

“All German Jewish organizations, it was declared, should be dominated by the Zionist spirit”.

In 1941, the “Stern Gang,” among them Yitzhak Shamir, later Prime Minister of Israel, presented the Nazis with the Fundamental Features of the Proposal of the National Military Organization (NMO) in Palestine:

The NMO, which is well-acquainted with the goodwill of the German Reich government and its authorities towards Zionism activity… is of the opinion that: the NMO in Palestine… offers to actively take part in the war on Germany’s side.

The Iron Wall, London 1984, pp.195-197

The Wall Street Journal December 2, 1976

Concentration camps weren’t the only camps set up by Hitler and the Gestapo.

During the 1930s, in cooperation with the German authorities, Zionist groups organized a network of some 40 camps where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine.

The Transfer Agreement between Hitler’s Germany and international Zionism, implemented in 1933 and abandoned at the beginning of WWII, allowed German Jews to immigrate to Palestine. [3]

Therefore, we can logically deduce that Salinger may have uncovered the Story behind the Story of Adolph Hitler and the Modern State of Israel, aka The Key to the Secret of the Universe.

For Esmé – With Love and Squalor’

In his celebrated story For Esmé – With Love and Squalor, Salinger, trying to get a grip on life, most probably is talking about himself when he starts a correspondence with a thirteen year-old British girl.

A Perfect Day for Bananafish is another story about his struggle with suicide because he was tormented by:

The knowledge he learned as a counterintelligence officer that millions of deaths and an untold amount of suffering caused by two World Wars and the Holocaust had only one purpose: to create the Modern State of Israel and end the Diaspora, in 1948. The Key…

Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that Salinger connected WW I, WW II, Adolph Hitler and the ‘Holocaustto The Modern State of Israel.

Salinger was living with both the memory of the horrors of war and with the knowledge that millions of deaths and untold suffering caused by World War II had nothing to do with an incompetent fanatical dictator, Adolph Hitler, financed by George H.W. Bush’s father, Prescott, trying to take over the world. [4]

In one of the rare moments when he did speak to the media, he said,

“I love to write. But I write just for myself and my own pleasure.”

He displayed the mental anguish of a misanthrope involved in one of the bloodiest episodes of the war in Hürtgenwald, a useless battle, where he witnessed the horrors of war, and has to confront the reality that 70 million people died in order to create the Modern State of Israel.

Salinger himself was hospitalized for stress, according to his biographer, Ian Hamilton, and later retreated into his private world and Zen Buddhism. Alleging a conspiracy about the story behind the story of two World Wars and the Holocaust in 1950 would be hazardous to your mental and physical health.

It was a choice between getting killed or ridiculed; he kept silent and waited for death.


[1] A report the Justice Department has been trying to hide for the past four years offers the most detailed account yet of the CIA’s efforts to protect known Nazi war criminals in the United States. Eric Lichtblau,

[2] The project’s intentionally oblique CIA cryptonym is made up of the digraph MK, meaning that the project was sponsored by the agency’s Technical Services Division, followed by the word ULTRA (which had previously been used to designate the most secret classification of World War II intelligence). Other related cryptonyms include MK-NAOMI and MK-DELTA.

A precursor of the MK-ULTRA program began in 1945 when the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency was established and given direct responsibility for

Operation Paperclip.

Operation Paperclip was a program to recruit former Nazi scientists. Some of these scientists studied torture and brainwashing, and several had just been identified and prosecuted as war criminals during the Nuremberg Trials.,

Several secret U.S. government projects grew out of Operation Paperclip. These projects included Project CHATTER (established 1947), and Project BLUEBIRD (established 1950), which was later renamed to Project ARTICHOKE in 1951. Their purpose was to study mind-control, interrogation, behavior modification and related topics.

[3] When Lenni Brenner’s, 51 Documents: Zionism Collaboration with the Nazis was published the Pro-Zionist British Jewish central organization wanted Amazon to issue a warning to their customers,

“We have urged Amazon to acknowledge on the site that this book is of a dangerous and controversial nature.”

Brenner’s introduction:

The Nazi era is the most discussed period in history, yet most Jews and others are unaware of the interaction between Zionism, Hitler and Mussolini.

What happened to the Jews is constantly utilized in Zionist propaganda as justification for the creation of the Israeli state, the silver lining around the dark cloud of desolation.


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