Totalitarianism 101- Part One

Covid changed everything. by Paul LevyJanuary 16, 2021from AwakenInTheDream Website Spanish version   It should get our attention that every person or group of people that have discovered what the Native Americans call Wetiko disease unanimously consider it to be the most important topic – it’s been called “the topic of topics” – to understand…

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What Some Alien Cultures Are After- Soul Energy or What Is Called Loosh

by Zen Gardner11 May 2016 from ZenGardner Website Spanish version  The fundamental understanding that we are an energy source for some form of inter-dimensional parasites is becoming more and more predominant. After all, it fits not only ancient and even current religious and spiritual teachings, but every form of social and psychological framework as well….

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ET Denial

by Pierre Bertrand 21 March 2007 from TheCanadian Website Spanish version Sandro Botticelli’s “Mystical Nativity,” 1501. Something huge and saucer-shaped is in the sky above the manger with a circle of winged beings floating beneath it. Ancient Gnostic disciples of Jesus critically illuminate this denial. Extraterrestrial denial within Western science and Christianity, manifests from a…

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The Aldebaran Mystery

by Jim Nichols from JimNicholsUFO Website Dr. Hermann Oberth, who pioneered rocket design for the German Reich during World War II and later advanced rocket technology for the American manned space launches, cryptically stated, “We cannot take the credit for our record advancement in certain scientific fields alone; we have been helped.” When asked by…

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AI- A Clear and Present Danger

by Pawel SysiakJuly 27, 2016from Medium Website About This essay, originally published in eight short parts, aims to condense the current knowledge on Artificial Intelligence. It explores the state of AI development, overviews its challenges and dangers, features work by the most significant scientists, and describes the main predictions of possible AI outcomes. This project…

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