
You think about yourself too much and that gives you a strange fatigue that makes you shut off the world around you and cling to your arguments. A light and amenable disposition is needed in order to withstand the impact and the strangeness of the knowledge I am teaching you. Feeling important makes one heavy,…

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by Tom Brown, Jr. Nexus Magazine Volume 7, Number 1 (December 1999 – January 2000) from NexusMagazine Website In the 1920s, an Apache wise man had a Vision of four prophecies that foretold death and destruction for mankind, unless we incorporate Spirit in our daily lives.Two of these prophecies may already have come true. About…

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It Has Happened Before On A Huge Scale and Should Never Ever Be Allowed to Happen Again- The Long Term Effects of an Ancient Nuclear War

It is a matter of written record. There was a Nuclear War in India and the Middle East thousands of years ago and the results were devastating. Life was not even the same for hundreds, if not thousands of years. by David Hatcher Childress Nexus Magazine Volume 7, Number 5 November-December 2000 USA Extracted from…

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Awareness- Are You Ready for it-

Intro to Awareness The Awareness Files Cosmic Awareness Introduces Itself To The Worldfrom LightNetwork Website(Trance Message Given Over Television Station YCAT-7)York, Pennsylvania, November 22, 1977  Cosmic Awareness is the force that expressed Itself through Edgar Cayce, Christ, the Buddha, Krisna, Mohammed, and other great Avatars who served as “channels” for the “Heavenly Father” (our Father/Mother…

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Dan Burisch- Area 51 Insider and Henry Deacon Laurence Livermore Labs Scientist – Project Camelot Interviews

Dan Burisch is a scientist that works at the S-4 facility which is the underground part of Area 51 from ProjectCamelot Website This interview was transcribed from video as the interviewee expressed a wish to remain anonymous (‘Henry Deacon‘ is a pseudonym, prompted by his similarity to the likeable and creative polymath on the Eureka…

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