Some Questions About the Jesuits??? – In General, the Order Does Good Work for the Church

****It is the position of this website, that all human activities have their questionable ones. by Alfred Lambremont WebreDecember 2014 – January 2015 from NewsInsideOut Website   The Secret Babylonian Cult now known as… “The Society of Jesus” (Jesuits) Independent scientist Leuren Moret, MA, PhD (ABD) discusses the historical role of Russia in protecting humanity…

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ET Manipulations

  by Peter Tremblay June 06, 2008 from TheCanadian Website Dr. John Lamb Lash (left) illuminates ancient Gnostic insights on a Manipulative Extraterrestrial simulated reality agenda, against human free will. The Hon. Paul Hellyer (right), who is a former Canadian Minister of Defence, has championed the need for full discolsure by government agencies on UFOs. …

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