Solar Warden- Is There a US Space Fleet?

by Michael Salla

April 15, 2009

from Examiner Website

Part 1

Cover of The Reagan Diaires

(Harper Collins, 2007)

On April 13, the National Archive Records Administration made available almost 250,000 pages of documents from President Reagan’s administration.

It will take several months for researchers to read through the documents. The released material may yield insight into a curious comment found in President Reagan’s Diary.

The entry for Tuesday, June 11, 1985 (page 334) reads:

Lunch with 5 top space scientist. It was fascinating. Space truly is the last frontier and some of the developments there in astronomy etc. are like science fiction, except they are real. I learned that our shuttle capacity is such that we could orbit 300 people.

This is curious since the Space Shuttle holds a maximum of eight people and only five were built for space flight.

Even if all five took off fully loaded it would be impossible to place and maintain 300 astronauts in orbit. Was Reagan revealing the existence of a highly classified space program that could accommodate hundreds of astronauts in orbit?

Apparently so according to dozens of military and corporate whistleblowers. Hidden within one of the ten unified combatant commands of the U.S. military, Strategic Command, is a highly classified fleet of aircraft carrier sized antigravity vehicles that operate in outer space.

The United States has organized its military forces into ten unified combatant commands respectively led by a single four star General or Admiral who reports directly to the Secretary of Defense. Six of the unified commands span the globe in terms of different geographical areas. In addition, there are four functional commands where specialized military activities are run by a single “Combatant Commander.”

From 1985 to 2002 Space Command was responsible for outer space operations by the U.S. military. In June 2002, Space Command merged with another of the functional commands – Strategic Command which is responsible for a range of space, satellite, missile, nuclear and intelligence activities.

Rumors that the U.S. has a highly classified fleet of antigravity vehicles have circulated for years.

On March 23, 1993, at an engineering conference in Los Angeles, Dr. Ben Rich former CEO of Lockheed’s Skunkworks, showed a slide with a black disk headed for space and said:

“We now have the technology to take ET home”.

Corporate and military whistleblowers have come forward to claim first hand knowledge of classified space vehicles using antigravity technology such as the Aurora and TR-3B.

In his book, The Hunt for Zero Point, Jane’s Defense Weekly analyst Nick Cook writes about the Aurora:

“there has been speculation since the late 1980s about the existence of a secret replacement for the Blackbird, a mythical plane called the Aurora that supposedly flew twice as fast and on the edges of space” (p. 14).

Other whistleblowers such as Edgar Fouche, a former contractor with the Department of Defense, have come forward to claim that the Blackbird’s [or SR-71] replacement, the Aurora actually comprises two types of hypersonic aircraft used for space flight.

He said:

“The Aurora comprises the SR-75 capable of speeds above Mach 5, and acts as a mother ship for the SR-74 that can travel at speeds of Mach 18 or more into space to deliver satellites.”

More significant is the large black triangular vehicle, the TR-3B that Fouche claims generates an intense magnetic field that reduces its weight by 89 percent.

He says that the TR-3B uses the Biefeld-Brown effect (created by large electrostatic charges) to reduce its weight so that more conventional propulsion systems such as scramjets can give it amazing speeds. This would be well above Mach 18 that he claims is the speed of the SR-74. Fouche claims the TR-3B is 600 feet across which would make it similar in size to an aircraft carrier.

Circumstantial evidence points to the existence of a secret space fleet of antigravity vehicles.

President Ronald Reagan’s startling Diary entry for June 11, 1985, for example, reveals a space shuttle capacity that could launch 300 people into orbit. Also, on August 6, 2007, for example, NASA awarded the “Human Spaceflight Support Team” for assisting NASA vehicles in avoided space debris.

The support team was part of USAF Space Command which is publicly stated to be the major military command providing space forces for U.S. Strategic Command.

The citation…highlights the team for its exceptional support in keeping the space shuttle, International Space Station and its crews safe from the dangers of orbital debris, spacecraft collisions and other inherent hazards of orbit operations.

However, neither the USAF Space Command nor Strategic Command is publicly known to have any kind of space vehicle that would assist the Space Shuttle or International Space Station from orbital dangers.

Normally, both NASA vehicles would require gradual orbital corrections that would take much time and be insufficient to deal with an immediate threat.

According to Ted Twietmeyer, the citation is circumstantial evidence for the existence of antigravity vehicles with advanced particle beam weapons that could remove orbital debris from the path of NASA vehicles.

The idea that a secret space fleet exists that can intervene to assist the Space Shuttle or International Space Station is also supported by the testimony of a former NASA employee.

Clark McClellandworked as a SpaceCraft operator for Space Shuttle missions during 1989-1992.

On one occasion he claims to have witnessed an eight to nine foot tall astronaut and what appeared to be a delta winged antigravity vehicle nearby (see below illustration).

Since McClelland knew all astronauts in the NASA space shuttle program he assumed that the very tall being in a space suit was an extraterrestrial.

While such a possibility can’t be excluded, the being and the nearby delta shaped vehicle may in fact have been part of a classified Space Fleet attached to U.S. Strategic Command.

Finally, the idea of a secret space fleet using advanced technologies was boosted by a British hacker, Gary McKinnon, who faces extradition to the U.S. for hacking into U.S. government and military computers.

McKinnon claims that he came across secret Pentagon and NASA files that contained a list of ‘non-terrestrial officers’, and a spreadsheet detailing ‘fleet-to-fleet transfers’.

Could the tall being depicted with the two Space Shuttle astronauts actually belong to a group of “non-terrestrial officers” that periodically give assistance to Space Shuttle programs through the US Air Force’s Space Command?

Based on the available evidence from a range of sources, President Reagan’s 1985 Diary entry is a frank acknowledgement of a classified space program that can transport and accommodate hundreds of astronauts. The Diary entry suggests he received one or more briefings on the topic.

Important clues may emerge from the recently released Reagan records about Strategic Command’s classified space fleet.

More significantly, the public may soon learn about the advanced antigravity technologies that have been secretly developed and used for decades to fly military astronauts into deep space. 

Part 2NASA decline and antigravity space fleet
May 6, 2009

Depiction of Constellation lauch vehicle (Ares 1) leaving Earth.

Photo NASA

President Obama has yet to name an administrator for NASA.

It is not unprecedented for a new President to delay. President Bush waited until November of his first year in office before naming Sean O’Keefe as the new administrator. The delay in naming a replacement to Michael Griffin means important decisions about future NASA operations are being made by acting administrator, Christopher Scolese.

Major decisions have been taken to lay off personnel when the Space Shuttle is retired in 2010 despite a Congressional request to consider ways to extend the Shuttle service life. Also, NASA managers last month decided to trim the crew capsule of the Constellation Project – the Space Shuttle’s replacement – from six to four.

The Constellation aims to take astronauts to the moon and mars, and service the International Space Station.

Obama’s delay in announcing a new administrator reflects the widespread view that he gives NASA a low priority. This is reflected in the steady decline in NASA’s budget in real terms since the end of the Apollo missions in the early 1970s. NASA’s decline is inevitable.

If whistleblower reports are accurate, then NASA is little more than a cover for a highly classified antigravity space fleet that regularly takes hundreds of military astronauts into space.

The alleged name of this secret project is ‘Solar Warden‘.

As discussed in part one of this series, President Ronald Reagan alluded to a highly classified space fleet in the June 11, 1985 entry in his diaries where he revealed that “our shuttle capacity is such that we could orbit 300 people.”

A succession of whistleblowers and aeronautical experts have come forward to reveal various details of advanced antigravity technologies that can, in the words of Ben Rich (former Lockheed Skunkworks CEO) “take ET home.”

If Reagan’s comments and whistleblower testimonies are correct, then the operational home of this secret antigravity space fleet, as shown in part one above, is U.S. Strategic Command. The project name of the classified space fleet, according to several whistleblowers is “Solar Warden”.

The existence of Solar Warden, if true, proves that NASA is a cover program using antiquated rocket propulsion technologies. If so, the ‘futuristic’ Constellation Program aimed to take astronauts to the moon and mars is a cover for an existing space program that regularly flies interplanetary missions using advanced antigravity propulsion technologies.

The first reference to Solar Warden occurred in March 2006. A reliable source, according to administrators of the Open Minds Forum, revealed its existence and capacities.

All space programs are a cover that exists to deceive the people of this world. We have a space fleet, which is codenamed” Solar Warden.”

There were, as of 2005, eight ships, an equivalent to aircraft carriers and forty-three “protectors,” which are space planes. One was lost recently to an accident in Mars’ orbit while it was attempting to re-supply the multinational colony within Mars. This base was established in 1964 by American and Soviet teamwork.

Another source describing Solar Warden is an anonymous whistleblower known as ‘Henry Deacon’ who works at Laurence Livermore laboratories as a physicist.

Deacon’s true identity is known to the creators of the Project Camelot website who have witnessed his credentials and believe him to be credible.

According to Project Camelot,

Henry confirmed the existence of a large manned base on Mars, supplied through an alternative space fleet (codename SOLAR WARDEN).”

According to Wiliam Arkin‘s manual for military code names which designates specific two letter alphabetical sequences to distinct U.S. military projects, Solar Warden falls into a Joint Forces Command project.

This suggests Solar Warden is operationally located within Strategic Command as claimed in part one.

If Solar Warden has been successful in establishing a Mars colony using antigravity propulsion systems, then this might explain why antigravity research became highly classified in the mid-1950s.

It also would explain why civilian researchers who successfully replicated antigravity technologies were ruthlessly suppressed as occurred to Otis Carr in 1961.

This suppression was revealed for the first time in 2007 through the testimony of Carr’s former protégé, Ralph Ring (below video):


A growing number of whistleblower and expert testimonies point to the existence of a highly classified antigravity space program that can place hundreds of military astronauts in space.

If Solar Warden or a similar classified military program does exist, then it is understandable why President Obama has delayed appointing a new NASA administrator.

NASA’s steady decline since its Apollo heyday has nothing to do with the competence and expertise of NASA personnel. The political reality is that highly compartmentalized military programs prevent advanced antigravity technologies into the public sector for commercial application.

NASA’s new ‘futuristic’ Constellation Program, based as it is on antiquated rocket propulsion technologies from the 1940’s, is a cover program and does not deserve to be funded.

Instead, U.S. military and corporate projects involving advanced antigravity technologies and the means by which these were acquired need to be exposed to the American people.

from ProjectCamelot Website

An update from ‘Henry Deacon’

17 February 2007

Spanish version

What we present here was not recorded in any interview. This is our own compilation of what we consider important from a number of conversations and written exchanges since our first meeting.

We know Henry very well now. He’s a values-driven man of high intelligence, acutely aware of the importance of the information he shares at considerable risk to himself. He’s softly-spoken, kind, and has a delightful sense of humor. He does not seek any limelight. He is extremely concerned about the state of the world… and the direction in which it seems to be heading.

Because of the professional posts he’s held, he’s in a privileged position to be able to see everything that’s happening – which he describes as a bewildering complexity, all the details of which are known or understood by very few people – from an overview vantage point.

The picture he presents is complex, challenging, and significant.

Dan Burisch’s testimony
In our first interview,Henry told us he had never heard of Dan Burisch. Because parts of Henry’s story seemed to overlap with Dan’s, we strongly urged him to view our

three part Dan Burisch video interview.

On 27 September,three weeks later, we received the following e-mail. It’s quoted verbatim and in its entirety.

Dan Burisch is telling the whole truth.
I confirm this.
timelines and all

best wishes

This was of extreme importance, and we checked this with Henry in person as soon as we could. It appears that Dan’s claims – as extraordinary and incredible as they may seem – are true.

Henry did not comment on J-Rod, the treaties, or Lotus, as he has no experience or knowledge of those. But he did confirm that the greatest secret in the classified world – about which many insiders themselves have not been briefed – is that:

  • there is a complex problem concerning alternative timelines
  • some of the visitors are indeed humans from the distant future
  • there are significant issues with a possible future event which may seriously affect the earth and its population

The last of these is the reason that all this has been kept so highly classified, and why disclosure is so problematic.

The Roswell visitors were future humans – as

Dan Burischhas stated. They were not from another planet, but from a future Earth – stepping (which is a better word than “traveling”) back in time to 1947 to attempt to deal with the problems which had occurred in their history. Apparently, Dan was also correct in that the Roswell visitors were from earlier in the future than some other visitors who arrived subsequently. But Henry didn’t give details or time frames.

The Roswell visitors were on a purely altruistic mission. They did not have to do this, but chose to… out of compassion. But the mission went disastrously wrong – not just because they crashed (an accident caused by high-powered radar – later the military realized this and adapted the radar as a weapon), but because they had a device with them which was their only means, as an orientation device in time and space, to get them home and back to their own time.

The device was a little box, far smaller than the “Looking Glass” thatDan BurischandBill Hamiltondescribe as being subsequently utilized by military scientists in various experiments. When the box was acquired and investigated by the military, this became a catastrophe in itself.It made the timeline problem many times worse, because this both introduced the time-portal technology to us at the wrong time… and also told the military what lay ahead.
Henrycould not stress too strongly how totally calamitous for us all

the Roswell incidentwas. It was a major, major setback, right at the start of the future humans’ project to help fix the problem.

Since then, there have been continued attempts by the future humans to remedy the exacerbated situation. This is what has caused an overlay of timelines, creating a tangled complexity which apparently is challenging for even the most brilliant present-day minds to understand fully.

We askedHenrywhy the disks kept on crashing, almost year after year. He said that it seemed strange that the visitors had not evaluated the risk from radar before they returned in time, but he explained it was just very dangerous for them to be here for a variety of reasons, despite their advanced technology. Crashes have been caused by many factors, including offensive action.

Importantly, Henry emphasized that the Roswell visitors were not the Grays. (He did not mention who the Grays were.)

NOAA, the Dark Star, and global warmingHenryat one point did some work with

NOAA(theNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and it was there that he learned about what he called the “second sun”.

This is a massive astronomical object which is on a long elliptical orbit around our own sun, on an inclined plane to the rest of the planets. It’s now approaching, and is causing resonance effects on our sun in various ways. A small organization within NOAA is aware that this is a cause of the warming of all the planets, not just the Earth.

This information is classified, but has been known for a number of years.

We told him about

Andy Lloyd‘s excellent ‘Dark Star‘work, which he had not seen before. We also offered to send him Lloyd’s book ‘The Dark Star’; but he declined, saying that there was a risk that it might ‘front-load’ him too much before he had the chance to recall more information.

This issue is connected with the Roswell catastrophe described above. The problems the future humans were attempting to address were multiple, but principally – asDan Burischhas stated on many occasions – featured apossible event triggered by a massive ‘spike’ of solar activity at some point in our currently near future.Henry, like Dan, is at pains to emphasize strongly that this event is only possible (having been observed in

Looking Glass devicesin a possible future)… and currently is evaluated to be unlikely.
Henryexplains that the increase in solar activity is caused only in part by the ‘Dark Star’, multiple factors being at play. These are complex. Some of them are on a galactic scale, and are associated with natural, periodic events which the Earth has suffered through a number of times previously.

What makes this particular time completely unique for our planet is that there is a convergence of serious factors – such as carbon emissions, overpopulation, and our propensity for choreographing war – all of which combine with these major, cyclic and solar events to simultaneously threaten the well-being of ourselves and the biosphere.

Henry confirmed the

existence of a large manned base on Mars, supplied through an alternative space fleet and also throughstargates.

Signal non-localityHenrytold us that he had personal experience of interfacing with a team which effectively conductedAlain Aspect’s pivotal and conclusive 1981 experiment to proveBell’s Theorem, under the auspices of a classified project at Livermore in the late 1970s.

The results obtained were never published in journals – as is usual in the case of “black budget” research. The mathematical physics is complex, but the technology developed is now regularly used to communicate instantaneously across vast distances.

The disk shot down at Hunter LiggettWe askedHenryto tell us more about this event. He gave the location of the incident: within a mile of

the center of this map. (click below image)

It occurred in late 1972 or early 1973. His team were testing experimental laser weapons, targeting various materials in the field environment. Suddenly a disk-shaped craft appeared out of nowhere – measuring about 100 feet diameter by 25 feet high. It was about 150–200 yards away.

Someone shot at it with Air Force experimental laser which was under test at the time. The primary laser system was contained and operated from the back of a slightly modified M-35 2.5 ton truck called a “Deuce and a Half”.

There was no visible external damage from what Henry could see or remember, but the craft was disabled. Three small child-like aliens (not classic “Grays”) were captured, alive and in good health, and were transferred to a Nike base located in the hills near Tilden Park, directly east of Kensington, CA.

All this happened very quickly and was quite a shock to all concerned.

A Further Update from ‘Henry Deacon’

2 May 2007

Spanish version

Our last communication from Henry was on 30 March, 2007. Since then he has been totally silent, despite all our efforts to re-establish contact. Prior to his last communication, he had told us that he was being ‘coerced’, and that he feared he might be obliged to cease communication with us.

Although he was very careful (and sometimes enigmatically so) with his messages – which reached us through a variety of sometimes very creative means – he was also under no illusions about the capacities of some agencies to monitor information; see below for details.

We continue to regard Henry as a good friend whom we’d grown to like, admire and trust.

We miss his wry messages, his sparkling humor, and his strong principles and values. Wherever he is and whatever he is doing now, we hope he is safe, and wish him well. We assume that if he’s still alive he’ll be reading this page. Henry, we miss the lassi! It just wouldn’t be the same without you.

What follows is a further compilation of information of interest.

Although some of it is literally incredible, we believe he has always told us the truth.


MonitoringHenrywarned us that there exists advanced technology that canmonitor conversationseven in the outdoors. He told us that satellite lasers now have the capacity to pick up vibrations on a person’s clothing. Monitoring speech vibrations from a glass window pane is elementary, and is older technology.

This is important for us all to understand: bugs no longer need to be physically planted in someone’s apartment. Cellphones can also be activated to relay conversations, even when switched off; the only true safeguard is to remove the battery. Our conversations can be heard almost anywhere, at any time.. if the agencies choose to listen in.

9/11Henrytold us that besidesknowing way beforehandthat something like this was planned (see his first interview),he’d been briefed about it in detail a few hours before it happenedin his place of work at the time. The briefing took place with a group of colleagues. He reported being shocked not only at the low-key way it was announced, but at the comparative apparent lack of reaction of many of his colleagues. The purpose of the announcement was so that when the employees heard about it on the news later that day, they would not be alarmed:

“When you hear this in the news later today, don’t panic, because this is what’s going on.”

We are of course under no illusions about the importance of this. Five years after the event, Henry may be the first insider to come forward with confirmation that

9/11was an inside job.

Further details:

  • The planes that hit the twin towers were remotely controlled (over-riding the pilots, and with software modifications that would permit tight turns that would normally be impossible due to autopilot default limit settings). The remote control was enacted from thousands of miles away.
  • The plane that hit the Pentagon was a small, remotely piloted Navy jet. A full-sized Boeing 757 could not have been used because the aerodynamic ground effects would have prevented it coming in so low at full speed without it having to slow right down as if to land.
  • The well-publicized cellphone calls had been fabricated.
  • He also thought that control over Flight 93, which either crashed or was shot down over Pennsylvania, had been lost, and that that part of the plan had gone wrong (there had been another targeted building, but he did not know which one).
  • When we asked what had happened to the passengers and the plane of Flight 77 (the plane that supposedly hit the Pentagon), he replied that he did not know.
  • Osama bin Laden had nothing to do with any of it apart from the fact that he was a USG asset.

He told us that that was all he knew.

Multiple timelinesWe received this e-mail message fromHenryinFebruary 2007. We reproduce it in its entirety.

Do we exist on multiple timelines?

Your reality, in one way, depends upon “your” perceptions, awareness, selections… from a vast ocean of “probabilities”… but this is only an extremely limited model to work with in an attempt to conceptualize an answer. The English language alone does not accommodate for communicating an answer to this question.

Most humans in today’s Earth-bound world cannot grasp an answer to this question due to lack of exposure to other aspects of “reality”. The question itself is not complete, again, due to the constraints inherent in most world languages (the languages being at best, related to four dimensions – or on the other hand, utilizing “time” as a part of the language(s)) and possible non-exposure to other reality sets, by the person attempting to ask and to understand the nature of so-called timelines, etc.

The concept of timelines is only a model attempting to explain what cannot be explained in “words” here. There ARE other communication modalities available to us here, which can aid in understanding certain concepts. Explain colors to a person who has never had sight. Explain this world, as you know it, to an unborn child, who has active senses, but yet to put them to use in our “world”.

Remember the story of the Flatlanders – or even Sphereland? At this moment, the focus should be on waking the people…. preparing them for a “reality” shockwave… to minimize suffering.

Best Wishes.


Montauk, Henry saidmost ofAl Bielek’s information is correct.

There are apparently several kinds of stargate, notably:

  1. the kind where you step through a portal and leave the device behind
  2. the kind where you take the device with you

The latter he said was a bit like “Think about where you want to go, and you’re there.” The mental interface is significant, apparently.

He confirmed that as far as he knewDan Burisch’s information about stargates was 95% correct, but the missing 5% was that he had no knowledge of the large-scale

Looking GlassesDan described. (We showed him

Dan’s diagramsand also Bill Hamilton’s source’s text.) Henry emphasized that this didn’t mean they didn’t exist, because there was so much compartmentalization – but simply that he had no knowledge or experience of those devices.

We showed him Dan’s diagrams in person. We watched him while he examined them carefully.

Then he suddenly said:

“Did he tell you aboutthe one in Iraq?”

We asked him whether had he not heard that part of

Dan’s interview. Henry told us that he’d not finished watching the videos. We asked him what he knew. He said

theIraq stargatewas what the Iraq war was really all about, that its location was one of the biggest secrets, and that the war was at least partially about control of it.

We asked him how he knew all this – did he read it in a briefing document? No, he said, not a briefing document.

The only thing he would say was that it was “first-hand knowledge”.

The distant futureHenrytold us that in approximately 6,000 years time the Earth will be practically barren, and there will be an attempt to repopulate it. He said that large numbers of children have been abducted from the present and taken to the future Earth, because their genome is undamaged. (In future history the imminent catastrophe significantly damages the human genome.)

He also confirmed that somewhat later than 52,000 years time, theLooking Glassdata seems to go blank and no further information is accessible. This is is exactly what was stated byDan Burisch. (This information was given in a meeting. Henry finished the sentence for us as we were asking the question.)

(Note: Henry clearly confirmed the existence of “Looking Glass” devices which could “see” into the future, or into possible futures. It was the details of the type of technology described by Dan Burisch –

see this page– which Henry was unable to confirm personally.)

Henrytold us that he had thought that there was some kind of barrier in place which meant that future humans were only able to visit us at certain intervals of about 6,000 years. He stressed that he didn’t know much about this. Interestingly, a quick calculation shows that concerning the two principal dates frequently referenced by Dan Burisch, 45,000 = 7 x 6,500 and 52,000 = 8 x 6,500. This struck us as potentially significant. We had wondered about why there had not been visiting future humans from the intermediate periods of 46,000, 47,000, 48,000 (and so on) years in the future. Henry seemed to be offering one explanation.

Incredibly and significantly, it seems that

the Mayans – whose famously accurate calendar ends in the year 2012-apparently hadaccess to information left to them by visiting time travelers.

An environmental threatHenryvery much wanted to visit Egypt. He was quite anxious about it, and told us it was a problem.

When we asked why, he said that there was very little remaining time in which to travel there. We pressed him for a reason, and he responded that it was not connected with war or politics. We pressed him further, and he eventually said simply: “an environmental threat”.

He refused to elaborate, nor would he reveal how it was he had access to this information.

Underground and undersea basesHenryconfirmed that many undersea bases exist.

Chaotic resonating circuitsHenryelaborated on thechaotic resonating circuitshe mentioned in our first interview. He confirmed that they were relatively cheap and easy to make, and that the information, in segmented pieces, had been fairly widely available in a certain academic community in the 1970s.

He had retained no records of the circuit diagrams, but intriguingly he said he was 80% confident that he would be able to locate them if he spent time searching public domain records in a particular university library.

We know the location but for understandable reasons are not revealing it at this time.

Important contactsHenryon several occasions referenced and strongly recommended the work of

Bernard Pietsch,

Stan Tenen, and

Richard Hoagland.

He maintained that:

  • Pietsch knew everything there was to know about the Great Pyramid
  • Tenen was an inspired genius
  • Hoagland knew a very great deal of accurate information about the solar system

MarsThe story appears to be extremely complex, and that may be an understatement.Henryfed us snippets on an intermittent basis. These were sometimes very enigmatic.

What we were able to gather together was this:

  • Henry told us that the Mars base has a large population – 670,000 as of a few years ago. This seemed a huge number to us. We asked if these were all human. “It depends what you mean by human“, came the reply.

    The base has been in existence for an extremely long time (“tens of thousands of years”), and its population has waxed and waned over the centuries. It lies “at the bottom of an ancient seabed”. It is “not far” from the location of this NASA photo (below image), taken by the 1976 Viking 2 lander on Mars’ expansive Utopia Planitia (“Nowhere Plain”, sometimes referred to as “Utopian Plain”).
  • Henry stated that the most recent NASA images, discrediting the notion of a “Face on Mars“, have been doctored, as have the colors of the Martian sky on most officially released NASA photos. (It is apparently more blue than we are permitted to believe – click below image)
  • The Anunnaki are one part of the mix. Henry referred to them a number of times as being operational in present time. He said that they originated from another star system, but he could not remember where. The Anunnaki is our name for them, and they are the same race referenced and described in Zecharia Sitchin‘s work.

    The Anunnaki themselves are split into a number of factions, some of which are friendly, and others not. The most sinister thing he alluded to was that one faction of the Anunnaki sometimes preyed on human flesh, having acquired a taste for it. Other factions of the Anunnaki sought to prevent this. Such was the extreme nature of this piece of information that (in conversation) Henry was obliged to make repeated oblique references to it before we finally grasped what he was trying to tell us.

    Click on the image on the right to read a screen shot of an e-mail we received which conveyed a very small part of this story. Note Henry’s emphasis on the word “appears” (typical of his cautious and exact approach), and the typo in “Enki ship“. The e-mail is presented exactly as received. (Today’s related link appeared on image right:
  • Transport is by two means: stargates for personnel and small items, spacecraft for larger items of freight. The alternative fleet is codenamed SOLAR WARDEN.

    We had first heard of this from another source, and queried Henry about the codename. We sent him two separate messages, each simply of one word: SOLAR, and then WARDEN. We offered no context, or reason for our communication.

    The reply came immediately in three e-mails, each from a different address. The first said MARS, the second said ALTERNATIVE, and the third had as its subject “Not listed here” and gave this URL as its only content. We were impressed.
  • Most controversially, Henry gave several hints, on separate occasions, that he had been to Mars himself. The first occasion was in conversation, when he was talking about the base. We impulsively asked him if he had been there.

There was a very long pause. Eventually he smiled and said:

“I played a lot of ping-pong and watched a lot of TV”.

He repeated this obscure allusion later on two further occasions. Every way he referred to the base was consistent with his having visited it personally.

Later, in separate conversation, he said that a journey through a stargate was “instantaneous”, and he gave the impression that the experience of the stargate transition was at once disorienting and exhilarating. He described the appearance of a manmade stargate as a featureless gray surface. Natural stargates, he said, have a different appearance which is much harder to detect.

He appeared to agree with us strongly when we remarked that the prime protection of claims of this nature was their sheer unbelievability.

We have withheld this part of Henry’s story thus far because of the obvious risk that this may appear to discredit him in the eyes of some. Intellectual honesty compels us to report this, now that Henry appears to have been silenced.

An Important New Statement From Henry Deacon

17 December 2007

Spanish version

From: Exopolitics
Date: 12/19/07 11:12:36
To: Exopolitics Institute News;
Subject: [exopolitics] An important new statement from Henry Deacon

Aloha, here’s the latest update from Project Camelot concerning one of the whistleblowers that have previously released ET related information. Henry Deacon is a pseudonym used for an individual who has worked in compartmentalized corporate projects that conduct research and development on ET related projects. Since the early 1950’s, U.S. corporations have increasingly played a key role in ET related projects in the U.S. in any effort to prevent Congressional oversight and other bureaucratic interference which can occur in government run projects.   Thus the ultimate control of ET related projects has been privatized to a great extent, and even senior military officials can be denied access on a “need to know” basis.

Henry Deacon’s testimony gives an important clue as to what has secretly occurred. One caveat about what follows is that Deacon insists that the Report from Iron Mountain is legitimate. It should be pointed out that the Report refers to UFOs/ETs as a contrived phenomenon that at some point will be used to justify future military expenditures.   I believe that the Report was used to convince former whistleblowers such as Bill Cooper that the ET phenomenon was contrived.   This accounted for Coopers reversal in his later years where he claimed that the ET presence was fabricated, in contrast to his earlier testimony based on what he experienced during his Naval Service. So in my view the Report from Iron Mountain is a document that is part of a psychological operation to convince those accepting ET evidence as real, that such evidence is in fact contrived data to justify the military industrial complex. This has cleverly created a split between UFO/ET researchers and those that are opposed to the military industrial complex.

In peace

Michael Salla, Ph.D.

The Report from Iron Mountain
For this update, Henry specifically asked us to refer again to The Report from Iron Mountain, which he spoke about in our first interview.

For those unfamiliar with the document, this is the detailed report by a major think tank that was commissioned by JFK in the early 60s, briefed to focus on emerging major problems of the world in the post-war era. Although it exists more or less in its entirety, Henry was adamant that a false introduction had been added to the Report as damage control after it had been widely leaked and published as a book. The idea was then ‘seeded’ that it was imaginative fiction. Henry is adamant that it is not fiction.

To summarize the document is impossible in a single paragraph. The relevance to the present day is that the problem of the Earth’s rapidly growing population is one of the core themes. Henry states that most of the recommendations of the think tank report have now been implemented.

Henry had been given the official document to read in a government meeting in Tucson, Arizona, in 1986, in which a high-ranking military briefing officer made this statement, in connection with the document:

“There are sheep and there are wolves. We are the wolves.”

Threats to life as we know it Henry’s reason for coming forward again is that he is concerned that we are in deep trouble. He has watched most of Dr Bill Deagle’s December 2006 Grenada Forum lecture (below video) and confirmed to us that much of what he heard Bill Deagle speak about was accurate.

Some of the important information Henry gave is summarized here:

  1. Stealth pathogens have been covertly deployed with the intention of reducing the world’s population. Henry was aware of many other programs besides the weaponized Avian flu deployment described in detail by Bill Deagle. Weapons that are genetically selective (racial) were also mentioned. Also, “Environmental threats” he had referred to in his previous above update, were reiterated.
  2. Attention should be paid to Alex Jones‘s documentary “Endgame“, which documents comprehensive and well-established plans to reduce the world’s population to a manageable 500 million. (This is also reported in detail by Deagle.)   Alex Jones’ ENDGAME – Trailer
  3. Naomi Wolf (below video) is accurate in her assessment of the coming threat to US democracy, brilliantly laid out in her book The End of America. Talk by Naomi Wolf – The End of America  
  4. It is likely that there will be an economic meltdown in the very near future, starting with the dollar, then spreading to the pound and then the euro and onwards. This could happen at any time. In an extreme case, cash holdings may be next to useless. Bartering of skills and commodities might be a useful alternative for survival during those times. Water purification facilities are a good investment. Psychological/Spiritual (not religious) focus is Most important for one’s readiness.
  5. A Solar CME (Corona Mass Ejection) is likely, but in Henry’s words is “Russian Roulette” as whatever transpires depends on the position of the Earth in its orbit around the sun when it occurs, and also – for specific global areas – on the rotation of the Earth itself.
  6. Henry suggests those with the means to do so to find a safe place as soon as possible. It should be away from coastal areas and other locations vulnerable to flooding; be away from earthquake fault zones; be away from major conurbations and population centers; ideally have at least part of the dwelling against a hillside or under the ground; and have reliable access to uncontaminated fresh water and food.
  7. To protect against the EMP (electromagnetic pulse) that might be associated with a Corona Mass Ejection or EMP devices, electronic components should be,
    1. wrapped first in cotton or natural cloth (an insulator) and then
    2. wrapped in aluminum foil, or buried in the ground or stored in a metal container
  8. In the event of a heavy EMP, any vehicle with an electronic engine management system would be vulnerable to being rendered useless. A reliable powered vehicle to have would be a diesel-engined car or truck, old enough to contain no electronic components. Bicycles are a good asset.
  9. Ham (Amateur) radio systems may be the only reliable means of communication for local and global communications. Even these systems may fail temporarily to some degree for direct, long distance communications, if the ionosphere is perturbed by HAARP-like systems or Solar activity.
  10. Vitamin D3 (5000 IU per day) provides excellent cheap insurance against viral epidemics, whether natural or engineered. Dark-skinned people may require slightly higher doses. More than 5000 IU per day is not recommended on a regular basis. D3 has many additional benefits to include teleomere protection. Ten to twenty minutes of exposure to sunlight (on your skin) will generate more than enough D3, but for those who are indoors most of the day (elderly or office workers), or those who are in high-latitudes (during winters) should compensate with approx 5000 IU per day of D3.
  11. Working free energy systems have been developed, in essence making use of the Casimir effect (which Henry explained would come as no surprise to most “physicists”). In general, the resulting technologies have been withheld from the public not for economic reasons such as oil interests, but because it had been judged that widely available free energy would only speed the unchecked growth of the world’s population – this being regarded by the Powers that Be as the most pressing problem of our times. Due to many religious and other social constructs, addressing the population growth issue appears to have no gentle, timely, easy solution.

Apocalypse now?
Maybe, or maybe not. Close observers of the current global situation differ in their views and their evaluations.

Many are optimistic that corners have been turned. Dan Burisch has very recently stated (November 2007) that he believes we are safely on Timeline 1 (as opposed to the catastrophic ‘T2’). Others are not at all sure that we are out of the woods on all economic and geopolitical counts and fear that things may get a lot worse before they get better.

Forewarned is forearmed. For the record, Henry believes that it is almost too late to do anything whatsoever except safeguard oneself personally (especially through nondogmatic-religious, mental/emotional/spiritual preparation). It is to his credit that he has allowed us to publish this update. Those familiar with Bill Deagle’s views will know that he too has said – a full year ago – that we are at “one second to midnight”.

Two statements are important here:

We at Project Camelot believe that it’s not too late to spread the word – if word needs to be spread. Every life saved is a gift. And it’s possible that by marshaling positive intent on a widespread scale, disasters may be minimized or even averted altogether. While we’re watching the situation very carefully, those who listened to Deagle’s December 2006 lecture will note that nothing too bad has happened yet.

If we make it through 2008 as another ‘reasonably normal’ year – with no nuclear detonations, terrorist attacks (real or fabricated),

pandemics, or

economic meltdown, thenthere may be good reason for renewed optimism

We live for that day.

Separately, Henry has asked us to state on his behalf that he is fiercely critical of anyone who is producing information or making money on the back of potential catastrophe by selling products or information at anything other than reasonable normal prices. (Of course, we agree.)

He believes that all helpful information must be free and available to all people, with consideration given that one must weigh if what is disseminated will provide the greatest good for the overall future of humankind.

Henry states:

“Be a part of nature and let go of your fears. Go with the flow. A lifetime is short. There is not much time. So Slow Down as you travel through time and enjoy each moment – the here and now.”

Other information
We could never have an in-depth conversation with Henry without our touching on other topics – some of them in considerable depth.

It had always been that way.

  • We heard more about the Mars Colony (old, multifunctional, the largest of several on the planet, almost completely underground, and occupied by many diverse groups);
  • We were told that the terraforming of Mars has begun;
  • Global warming is natural and not created by human activities. It is well known that all of the planets are in a state of ‘global warming’ during this period. The destruction of the world’s forests are of great concern to Henry.
  • Henry confirmed that David Wilcock’s contact ‘Daniel‘ was fairly accurate in his depiction of the Montauk project (the one correction being that the means of transport to Mars is now via jump-rooms rather than jump-gates)
  • Henry confirmed that Bill Deagle’s information is fairly accurate (with the caveat that Henry had not heard of Project Omega, and that some of the ‘electronic cage’ scenarios referenced by Deagle were plans which had not yet been implemented);
  • We learned that the alien visitor referred to in his original interviewwas slim, although human-proportioned – was low in mass, was dark in color, had “squinty, slanted eyes”, did not appear to attempt any form of communication (possibly due to the condition of “his” health), and survived for about a week, his death probably being caused by poor treatment and a couple of portable devices having been (ignorantly!) taken away/removed from him;
  • Henry estimated that there were, on Earth, currently at least 40 differing groups of “alien” visitors, from different places or times, and with many different agendas;
  • Henry told us again that Alpha Centauri A was an inhabited system (confirming what we had learned in our first interview);
  • We asked Henry what he knew of exotic propulsion systems. He replied that there were many different technologies. One that he knew a little about featured the creation of a ‘gravity well’ in front of the craft – the system remotely looking like the physical construct of a small linear accelerator (wave-guide) projecting off of a central “orb”. He stressed that this was a very loose analogy. This is used by some of our own advanced vehicles.

    Other technologies require pilot(s) who interface consciously with the craft, as was reported by Col. Philip Corso in his book The Day After Roswell. Remotely similar to system control in the Montauk Projects, and described in detail by Wilcock in his interview with us here, the emotional focus of the pilot must be extremely stable (more so than can be attained by almost any present-day earth humans). For this reason, some of the visitors – who were time-traveling future humans – had been ‘modified’ biotechnologically to optimize the interface.
  • We asked Henry if the Apollo astronauts had actually gone to the moon. This was a question that had not actually previously occurred to us in earlier meetings. There was a long pause before Henry replied saying:
    • Yes, they had. But it was not a simple answer.

      Most of the missions did indeed go to the moon, but some photos and film footage were fabricated for PR purposes, and – remarkably – some advanced technology was borrowed: a lightweight nano tech-skin shielding combined with a charged-field technology were utilized on some of the craft to provide very effective radiation shielding, combined with other technologies used to protect the astronauts from Gamma and other hazardous radiations and energetic particles during the journeys. Additional advanced “alien” technologies were added to land the Lunar Module and assist take-off from the moon.

      Some Apollo astronauts were aware of these technologies (though only a couple were aware of the alternative space program). This accounts for some general reluctance to be interviewed or to speak openly on the subject. Their anger at those who claim they never went at all is understandable, because they did indeed reach the moon. They were very brave men… and they had some help.
  • Incredibly, Henry stated that the one moon we have now is known to have been engineered into position eons ago. When we asked if this was done by our ancestors or by our creators, the answer came back “both“.
  • There is sentient life on a number of other planets in the solar system. General conditions ‘out there’ are not always as has been presented. Henry stated that Mars had experienced several catastrophes, not all naturally caused. He told us that it was known that the Van Allen belt had been created artificially a long time ago to provide protection to the Earth and its extraordinary teeming life. The present condition of the Van Allen belt is in a functionally deteriorated state. It was also put in-place to prevent “primitives” from leaving Earth before certain criteria were met.
  • Henry continued to urge us to interview the great writer and futurist Arthur C. Clarke, who was 90 on 16th December 2007. Those who saw Clarke’s magnificent movie 2001 will remember that an alien black monolith was discovered in the crater Tycho. Henry told us that certain lunar magnetic field anomalies (just as in the film) have been discovered. But he does not have any information about what was discovered. It seems that Arthur C. Clarke knew exactly what he was writing about. Keep an eye out on Europa!

The Secret Space Program: for our benefit, or that of others?
Maybe most importantly, Henry held the strong opinion that what has become frequently referred to as ‘the secret space program’ is well-intentioned (at least one of the programs) and is being managed by a group with the purpose of ensuring that the human race will survive, come what may.

For that reason, Henry was extremely reluctant to do or say anything to jeopardize its continuation. He urged us to support his stance.

In answer to our many questions, he explained that a classified, alternative space program, not in any way connected with the use of rocket motors, began soon after World War II and that other agendas – such as to radically reduce the world’s population, and keep the remnants under tightly corralled control – were being pursued by entirely different and separate groups.

He emphasized that there was extreme diversity and compartmentalization among behind-the-scenes governing groups on Earth (just as among the alien visitors), had not seen any evidence that one single group was in overall control, and that their differing plans and agendas for the human race were not in any kind of strong alignment.

Most interestingly, he told us that the Department of Homeland Security (apparently the name bears little relation to its function) had been established partially as a coordinating organization for at least some of these groups (many of them intelligence) after other attempts to facilitate the groups working together to share project information had failed. Henry had been part of some of those attempts, which is one reason why he is so unusually well-informed in diverse areas (compartmentalized for many people) where much information is not shared at all.

This extreme compartmentalization seems to explain the confusion about how it was that the controllers, whoever they are, appear on the one hand intent on exterminating or controlling huge numbers of people… while on the other hand are actively reaching for the stars.

Henry again stressed the very high level of complexity, urged us to take our attention off intriguing issues such as Mars, exotic technology and alien visitation, and focus instead on immediate threats to our survival, freedom and reorganization closer to your home.

We acknowledge his wish and hope that we have represented him fairly and accurately.


It’s not too late
Henry told us many times that he did not believe that essential information could possibly be presented to the public in such a way that they would be able to understand, accept and work with it in a timely, calm and rational manner.

He feels that the Powers that Be are (in general, planned genocide notwithstanding) doing their best to handle an overwhelmingly difficult and complex situation by keeping the public uninvolved.

He believes that it now appears to be too late to do anything to change the direction of many already implemented major global agendas. Unfortunately, critical situations may soon become quite apparent to us and may leave us in a state of confusion and chaos. Only prepared minds will be able to calmly sail through the stormy seas ahead.

We at Project Camelot believe strongly that the public has a right to know:

  • their history
  • their identity
  • their future
  • the problems the world faces
  • who our real friends and foes are
  • everything that has happened and is happening in our own solar system and on the planet which is our only current home

This is our only area of disagreement with Henry, who has become a close friend. We will never believe it’s too late.

We encourage everyone reading this page to copy its contents in full for the widest possible distribution.

Back to Report From Iron Mountain

by Makia Freeman
February 21, 2019
Freedom-Articles Website

Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the worldwide conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance.

SSP experiencers keep giving credence

to the idea of a Breakaway Civilization.

SSP experiencers (those who claim to have been, or still are, part of the SSP – Secret Space Program) continue to step forth in multitude. It seems the floodgates have opened as more and more SSP experiencers recover their memories and go public with their accounts.

I think the terms SSP experiencers and SSP experiencer (rather than SSP asset or SSP agent) are good ones to describe these brave individuals who, in all cases, have undergone severe trauma and mind control as they were inducted into highly secretive and otherwordly military programs

The Plot Thickens – SSP Composed of Many Groups and Corporations with Varied Interests and Missions

The revelations of SSP experiencers such as,

…has given us clues that there is a whole other world going on behind our backs, a phenomenon that ufologist Richard Dolan termed the breakaway civilization.

Even if not all of these people are credible, they do corroborate each other on certain themes and details, such as the idea of,

A Brief Overview of the Different Secret Space Program Groups

According to the various SSP experiencers, there are various groups, organizations and corporations involved in the SSP such as,

  • the ICC (Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate)
  • LOC (Lunar Operations Command)
  • MDF (Mars Defense Force)
  • Solar Warden
  • Nacht Waffen

Here’s a brief breakdown of what they each do, from what we can ascertain so far:

  • ICC (Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate): According to Disclosure Wikia, the ICC is a,

“conglomerate of corporations from all over the world that build aerospace technologies… basically all of the corporations that have come together, pooled their resources, and created a vast infrastructure in our solar system.”

According to Elena Kapulnik (see below), the ICC has 11 bases on Mars which include manufacturing plants, labs, R&D and weapons facilities.

In this presentation, she states that the ICC space station platforms are based on original schematic designs ofWernher von Braun(

Operation PaperclipNazi scientist smuggled into the U.S. at the end of WW2 to work for NASA).

She reveals the companies involved in building infrastructure on ICC Mars bases, a mixture of U.S. and German companies including,

  • TRW
  • General Dynamics
  • Lockheed
  • Douglas
  • Northrop Grumman
  • Exxon Mobil
  • Boeing
  • Astro-und-Feinwerktechnik Adlershof GmbH
  • Bayer
  • Allianz
  • LOC (Lunar Operations Command): Again according to Disclosure Wikia, the LOC is a,

“demilitarized zone on the Moon. It is an area where SSP personnel rendezvous before going further out into the solar system and beyond.

It serves as a neutral zone for the various SSPs. It also acts as air traffic control for our solar system. LOC has three sites:

  • LOC Alpha
  • LOC Bravo
  • LOC Charlie”
  • MDF (Mars Defense Force): The MDF is the main defense organization on Mars. Both Randy Cramer and Penny Bradley (see below) describe its main function to defend the Mars Colony Corporation from the indigenous Martians species, including a native reptoid and insectoid (Raptor and Mantid) ET species.

  • Solar Warden: Solar Warden is a program run by the U.S. Navy, responsible for monitoring all incoming and outgoing traffic in the Solar System. It patrols and defends our solar system. Some SSP experiencers have suggested that Solar Warden’s real purpose is to protect the surface of the Earth to thwart ET Disclosure. Solar Warden was created in 1970s and 80s, and is a mid-level SSP; the ICC has more advanced ships.

  • Nacht Waffen: This a German term literally meaning “Night Weapons” but better translated as “Dark Fleet.” We know about this thanks to the revelations of Penny Bradley (see below). Penny was transferred to the Nacht Waffen from the MDF as a punishment.

SSP Experiencers #1 – Kevin Trimmel

SPP Experiencer Kevin Trimmel claims he was abducted by a white TR-3B triangular UFO and placed into the SSP, specifically into an operation called Solar Warden which has he states has been running since the 1970s.

Kevin became an empath, was loaned out to ICC on Mars and trained in remote viewing. Then in 2009, his blank slate memory wipe broke down and he started his recall.

Kevin claims there are 2 factions of the NWO:

Body Voltage, Reincarnation Trap and Saturn’s Rings
Kevin garnered some interesting ideas during his time in the SSP.

He recalls how his superiors kept emphasizing how he must increase his body’s voltage or electricity (measured in MHz) to increase longevity.

They also taught him that when you die, if you want to be able to navigate the afterlife and to have control over reincarnation process, you have to be able to bring your energy/MHz high enough; otherwise you will be involuntarily reincarnated (see Soul-Catching Net – Are We “Recycled” at Death to Remain in the Matrix?).

Kevin also states that the rings around Saturn are a technology, as has been exposed by Norman Bergrund and David Icke.

SSP Experiencers #2 – Ileana Star Traveler (Elena Kapulnik)

Ileana Star Traveler (real name Elena Kapulnik) claims she was abducted by Reptilian ETs during the ages of 2 and 10, that her DNA was changed and that she grew up on Mars.

She worked for a company Monarch Solutions where they trained her psionic abilities, then worked for the ICC in a quantum time leap program.

Monarch Solutions is a company that uses cloned bodies with “consciousness transfers”, i.e. cloned people with no intrinsic soul but who carry the soul or consciousness of another person. She was kept young, often leapt timelines and was finally released back into normal life in 2014.

Elena has natural psychic abilities which she says the SSP harnessed to open space/wormhole portals (not time portals) by giving her drugs.

SSP Experiencers #3 – Penny Bradley

Penny Bradley is unique among all SSP experiencers in terms of longevity.

She underwent all sorts of misadventure and abuse in the SSP but managed to survive – and recall her 55 years in the program! Penny was first traumatized by being raped regularly at age 4, starved of affection, starved of food, made to feel cold and drowned.

The amount of detail she reveals is quite extraordinary, such as detailed accounts of battles on Mars with,

  • the native Reptoid and Mantid ETs
  • 15 ft wide spiders
  • the Nacht Waffen
  • human soldiers being hooked into ships’ computers
  • regeneration tanks
  • memory wiping technology
  • time travel
  • the true atmosphere on Mars

Since she was mind controlled, Penny has 4 altars of which she has partial memory:

  • “Penelope Valkyrdin” pilot in MDF, transferred to Nacht Waffen as a navigator as punishment for emotional meltdown.
  • “Lieutenant Penelope Bradley” in Kruger, a mercenary company (which competes with Monarch Solutions). Both companies use cloned bodies with consciousness transfers.
  • The 2nd Kruger alter, a cyborg altar with no emotion Penny can’t remember this altar’s name, but she was surgically altered with a permanent chip behind her left ear (looks like a bluetooth) which gives her a VR (Virtual Reality) screen. This screen has information like air speed, wind direction and gives a readout of every person who comes into her periphery.
  • A sex slave altar on Mars who died her hair and who was part of Monarch Solutions.

Death is Not an Option
Penny recounts that the SSP was brutal at times.

Death was not an option to escape; her masters would routinely kill people then put them in regeneration tanks to resuscitate them.

The Main “Product” of the ICC
According to Penny, in the SSP, clones are considered soulless and are treated horribly.

The main product the ICC is selling to ET groups (thousand of races) is cyborgs designed to be robotic supersoldier slaves with a human consciousness.

The reason for this is that it requires a human consciousness to operate the weapons, ships, external exoskeletons worn in battle, etc.

The ICC is literally selling fellow humans beings in exchange for advanced alien technology!

Prepare Yourself Psychologically

It’s always important to stay open to new ideas.

Yes, this stuff is “far out”, but so are so many truths of the worldwide conspiracy and NWO which were initially thought of as crazy and which were later proven.

Obviously we need more concrete evidence to confirm the existence of the SSP, but ask yourself:

why do all these SSP experiencers have such vivid detail and such a correlation of general themes, if they are all delusional hoaxers?

Remember, one of the reasons that the SSP is so secret is because the torture (child kidnapping, rape, trauma, ritual abuse and mind control) that takes is so horrific.

Their accounts of the German/Nazi influence on the SSP matches up with my research on how and why the Nazis really won the war…

I strongly believe we all need to psychologically prepare ourselves for the very real possibility that these incredible secret programs, operations and projects are going on behind our backs.

It is a massive understatement to say that, if true, these programs will totally and fundamentally change our idea of who we are and what our place in the cosmos is.


A Further Update from ‘Henry Deacon’

2 May 2007

from ProjectCamelot Website

Our last communication from Henry was on 30 March, 2007. Since then he has been totally silent, despite all our efforts to re-establish contact. Prior to his last communication, he had told us that he was being ‘coerced’, and that he feared he might be obliged to cease communication with us.

Although he was very careful (and sometimes enigmatically so) with his messages – which reached us through a variety of sometimes very creative means – he was also under no illusions about the capacities of some agencies to monitor information; see below for details.

We continue to regard Henry as a good friend whom we’d grown to like, admire and trust. We miss his wry messages, his sparkling humor, and his strong principles and values. Wherever he is and whatever he is doing now, we hope he is safe, and wish him well. We assume that if he’s still alive he’ll be reading this page. Henry, we miss the lassi! It just wouldn’t be the same without you.

What follows is a further compilation of information of interest.

Although some of it is literally incredible, we believe he has always told us the truth.


Henrywarned us that there exists advanced technology that canmonitor conversationseven in the outdoors. He told us that satellite lasers now have the capacity to pick up vibrations on a person’s clothing. Monitoring speech vibrations from a glass window pane is elementary, and is older technology.

This is important for us all to understand: bugs no longer need to be physically planted in someone’s apartment. Cellphones can also be activated to relay conversations, even when switched off; the only true safeguard is to remove the battery. Our conversations can be heard almost anywhere, at any time.. if the agencies choose to listen in.

9/11Henrytold us that besidesknowing way beforehandthat something like this was planned (see his first interview),he’d been briefed about it in detail a few hours before it happenedin his place of work at the time. The briefing took place with a group of colleagues. He reported being shocked not only at the low-key way it was announced, but at the comparative apparent lack of reaction of many of his colleagues. The purpose of the announcement was so that when the employees heard about it on the news later that day, they would not be alarmed:

“When you hear this in the news later today, don’t panic, because this is what’s going on.”

We are of course under no illusions about the importance of this. Five years after the event, Henry may be the first insider to come forward with confirmation that

9/11was an inside job.

Further details:

  • The planes that hit the twin towers were remotely controlled (over-riding the pilots, and with software modifications that would permit tight turns that would normally be impossible due to autopilot default limit settings). The remote control was enacted from thousands of miles away.
  • The plane that hit the Pentagon was a small, remotely piloted Navy jet. A full-sized Boeing 757 could not have been used because the aerodynamic ground effects would have prevented it coming in so low at full speed without it having to slow right down as if to land.
  • The well-publicized cellphone calls had been fabricated.
  • He also thought that control over Flight 93, which either crashed or was shot down over Pennsylvania, had been lost, and that that part of the plan had gone wrong (there had been another targeted building, but he did not know which one).
  • When we asked what had happened to the passengers and the plane of Flight 77 (the plane that supposedly hit the Pentagon), he replied that he did not know.
  • Osama bin Laden had nothing to do with any of it apart from the fact that he was a USG asset.

He told us that that was all he knew.

Multiple timelines
We received this e-mail message fromHenryinFebruary 2007. We reproduce it in its entirety.

Do we exist on multiple timelines?

Your reality, in one way, depends upon “your” perceptions, awareness, selections… from a vast ocean of “probabilities”… but this is only an extremely limited model to work with in an attempt to conceptualize an answer. The English language alone does not accommodate for communicating an answer to this question.

Most humans in today’s Earth-bound world cannot grasp an answer to this question due to lack of exposure to other aspects of “reality”. The question itself is not complete, again, due to the constraints inherent in most world languages (the languages being at best, related to four dimensions) (or on the other hand, utilizing “time” as a part of the language(s)) and possible non-exposure to other reality sets, by the person attempting to ask and to understand the nature of so-called timelines, etc.

The concept of timelines is only a model attempting to explain what cannot be explained in “words” here. There ARE other communication modalities available to us here, which can aid in understanding certain concepts. Explain colors to a person who has never had sight. Explain this world, as you know it, to an unborn child, who has active senses, but yet to put them to use in our “world”.

Remember the story of the Flatlanders – or even Sphereland? At this moment, the focus should be on waking the people…. preparing them for a “reality” shockwave… to minimize suffering.

Best Wishes.


Regarding Montauk, Henry said most of Al Bielek’s information is correct.

There are apparently several kinds of stargate, notably:

  1. the kind where you step through a portal and leave the device behind
  2. the kind where you take the device with you

The latter he said was a bit like “Think about where you want to go, and you’re there.” The mental interface is significant, apparently. He confirmed that as far as he knewDan Burisch’s information about stargates was 95% correct, but the missing 5% was that he had no knowledge of the large-scale

Looking GlassesDan described. (We showed him

Dan’s diagramsand also Bill Hamilton’s source’s text.) Henry emphasized that this didn’t mean they didn’t exist, because there was so much compartmentalization – but simply that he had no knowledge or experience of those devices.

We showed him Dan’s diagrams in person. We watched him while he examined them carefully.

Then he suddenly said:

“Did he tell you aboutthe one in Iraq?”

We asked him whether had he not heard that part of

Dan’s interview. Henry told us that he’d not finished watching the videos. We asked him what he knew. He said

theIraq stargatewas what the Iraq war was really all about, that its location was one of the biggest secrets, and that the war was at least partially about control of it. We asked him how he knew all this – did he read it in a briefing document? No, he said, not a briefing document.

The only thing he would say was that it was “first-hand knowledge”.

The distant futureHenrytold us that in approximately 6,000 years time the Earth will be practically barren, and there will be an attempt to repopulate it. He said that large numbers of children have been abducted from the present and taken to the future Earth, because their genome is undamaged. (In future history the imminent catastrophe significantly damages the human genome.)

He also confirmed that somewhat later than 52,000 years time, theLooking Glassdata seems to go blank and no further information is accessible. This is is exactly what was stated byDan Burisch. (This information was given in a meeting. Henry finished the sentence for us as we were asking the question.)

(Note: Henry clearly confirmed the existence of “Looking Glass” devices which could “see” into the future, or into possible futures. It was the details of the type of technology described by Dan Burisch –

see this page– which Henry was unable to confirm personally.)
Henrytold us that he had thought that there was some kind of barrier in place which meant that future humans were only able to visit us at certain intervals of about 6,000 years. He stressed that he didn’t know much about this. Interestingly, a quick calculation shows that concerning the two principal dates frequently referenced by Dan Burisch, 45,000 = 7 x 6,500 and 52,000 = 8 x 6,500. This struck us as potentially significant. We had wondered about why there had not been visiting future humans from the intermediate periods of 46,000, 47,000, 48,000 (and so on) years in the future. Henry seemed to be offering one explanation.

Incredibly and significantly, it seems thatthe Mayans(whose

famously accurate calendar ends in the year 2012) apparently hadaccess to information left to them by visiting time travelers.

An environmental threatHenryvery much wanted to visit Egypt. He was quite anxious about it, and told us it was a problem. When we asked why, he said that there was very little remaining time in which to travel there. We pressed him for a reason, and he responded that it was not connected with war or politics. We pressed him further, and he eventually said simply: “an environmental threat”.

He refused to elaborate, nor would he reveal how it was he had access to this information.

Underground and undersea basesHenryconfirmed that many undersea bases exist.

Chaotic resonating circuitsHenryelaborated on thechaotic resonating circuitshe mentioned in our first interview. He confirmed that they were relatively cheap and easy to make, and that the information, in segmented pieces, had been fairly widely available in a certain academic community in the 1970s. He had retained no records of the circuit diagrams, but intriguingly he said he was 80% confident that he would be able to locate them if he spent time searching public domain records in a particular university library.

We know the location but for understandable reasons are not revealing it at this time.

Important contactsHenryon several occasions referenced and strongly recommended the work of

Bernard Pietsch,

Stan Tenen, and

Richard Hoagland.

He maintained that:

  • Pietsch knew everything there was to know about the Great Pyramid
  • Tenen was an inspired genius
  • Hoagland knew a very great deal of accurate information about the solar system

The story appears to be extremely complex, and that may be an understatement.Henryfed us snippets on an intermittent basis. These were sometimes very enigmatic.

What we were able to gather together was this:

  • Henry told us that the Mars base has a large population – 670,000 as of a few years ago. This seemed a huge number to us. We asked if these were all human. “It depends what you mean by human“, came the reply.

    The base has been in existence for an extremely long time (“tens of thousands of years”), and its population has waxed and waned over the centuries. It lies “at the bottom of an ancient seabed”. It is “not far” from the location of this NASA photo (below image), taken by the 1976 Viking 2 lander on Mars’ expansive Utopia Planitia (“Nowhere Plain”, sometimes referred to as “Utopian Plain”).
  • Henry stated that the most recent NASA images, discrediting the notion of a “Face on Mars“, have been doctored, as have the colors of the Martian sky on most officially released NASA photos. (It is apparently more blue than we are permitted to believe – click below image)
  • The Anunnaki are one part of the mix. Henry referred to them a number of times as being operational in present time. He said that they originated from another star system, but he could not remember where. The Anunnaki is our name for them, and they are the same race referenced and described in Zecharia Sitchin‘s work.

    The Anunnaki themselves are split into a number of factions, some of which are friendly, and others not. The most sinister thing he alluded to was that one faction of the Anunnaki sometimes preyed on human flesh, having acquired a taste for it. Other factions of the Anunnaki sought to prevent this. Such was the extreme nature of this piece of information that (in conversation) Henry was obliged to make repeated oblique references to it before we finally grasped what he was trying to tell us.

    Click on the image on the right to read a screen shot of an e-mail we received which conveyed a very small part of this story. Note Henry’s emphasis on the word “appears” (typical of his cautious and exact approach), and the typo in “Enki ship“. The e-mail is presented exactly as received. (Related link appeared on image right:
  • Transport is by two means: stargates for personnel and small items, spacecraft for larger items of freight. The alternative fleet is codenamed SOLAR WARDEN.

    We had first heard of this from another source, and queried Henry about the codename. We sent him two separate messages, each simply of one word: SOLAR, and then WARDEN. We offered no context, or reason for our communication.

    The reply came immediately in three e-mails, each from a different address. The first said MARS, the second said ALTERNATIVE, and the third had as its subject “Not listed here” and gave this URL as its only content. We were impressed.
  • Most controversially, Henry gave several hints, on separate occasions, that he had been to Mars himself. The first occasion was in conversation, when he was talking about the base. We impulsively asked him if he had been there.

There was a very long pause. Eventually he smiled and said:

“I played a lot of ping-pong and watched a lot of TV”.

He repeated this obscure allusion later on two further occasions. Every way he referred to the base was consistent with his having visited it personally.

Later, in separate conversation, he said that a journey through a stargate was “instantaneous”, and he gave the impression that the experience of the stargate transition was at once disorienting and exhilarating. He described the appearance of a manmade stargate as a featureless gray surface. Natural stargates, he said, have a different appearance which is much harder to detect.

He appeared to agree with us strongly when we remarked that the prime protection of claims of this nature was their sheer unbelievability.

We have withheld this part of Henry’s story thus far because of the obvious risk that this may appear to discredit him in the eyes of some. Intellectual honesty compels us to report this, now that Henry appears to have been silenced.

by David Griffin MSc

Exopolitics UK

July 2010

from ExopoliticsJournal Website

About the Author: David Griffin established the UK network of the global exopolitics initiative in 2006 as the first national exopolitics site outside of the American continent. Although he has no long term background in UFOlogy he found himself returned to this framework repeatedly when researching wider areas and currently considers exopolitics to be the best ‘lens’ through which to view the complexities of contemporary, deep political culture. Academically David attended the well known Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution dept. of Bradford University just after then Prime Minister Thatcher tried to get the School closed down. In addition to a degree he worked at various higher education organisations in the UK in the area of Virtual Learning and courseware development. He also achieved an MSc in Multi-media and Education with an emphasis on Human Computer Interaction. He regularly speaks at events in the UK and Europe and is currently involved in the promotion of the UK’s Second Annual Exopolitics Conference at the University of Leeds. Contact:


This paper will be one of the first to tackle the issue of changing access to a range of technologies that has moved its way down from military research in the post-war era.

We will initially examine the structures that created a system to skew the truth on the reality of visiting intelligences and proceed to review the increasing ways in which the phenomena itself has become more complicated and whilst simultaneously revealing itself. By placing the increasing use of night vision systems by civilians on top of the contemporary exopolitical situation or framework a new paradigm is ushered in.

We’ll view this new era in the light of the various forms of disclosure and contact and posit the ramifications for the human species and the interface between terrestrial and extra-terrestrial beings.


When we take a look at evolutionary history in relation to the development of the human species we see a fundamental shift from basic evolutionary processes to what Timothy Leary [1] called ‘epigenetic’ culture.

At this point we became increasingly aware of ourselves outside of the cold, mechanical biological development that preceded it and this manifested in what we could suggest was the start of human history – insofar as societal culture as we now see it developed with our ability to record written or visual information. As part of this vast shift in perception, civil structures and the associated power vectors that accompany such things also became more complex and dominant.

In a similar way that we can see religious hierarchies often served the purpose of keeping ‘sacred’ knowledge for an elite few in the priesthood, a contemporary parallel is the post World War 2 cover-up of the fact the planet is being engaged by a range of non-human intelligences.


Von Braun and JFK aim higher

Covering Up and Shining Light

The year of 1947 represents the initiation of this modern distortion of alien visitation, exemplified by the infamous Roswell event and the formation of the US ‘National Security State’[2] – the latter many researchers see as directly related despite its main promotion as an anti-communist structure.

Since that time the UFO issue has been more or less mediated by a trans-national military industrial complex, its associated control of the mainstream media [3] and its ability to raise vast funding in both legitimate and covert [4] manners.

The collusion of military, media, science and academia in this control matrix was exemplified by the resulting decisions of several important working groups of the post war era, including the Robertson Panel [5] and Brookings Report [6], which surmised that the public was not yet ready for the ramification of off-world visitation.

Whilst the secrecy objective may have had some rational aspects during the Cold War era, it has become evident in recent decades that those at the core of the issue are more concerned with the associated factors of a truth embargo such as economic dominance and technological superiority.

When we again examine the post-war period with regards the issue of visiting non-human intelligence we can identify several vectors via which the phenomena attempted to ‘reveal’ itself despite this immense barrier created by the National Security State. Firstly we see the era of the 1950s with its many direct attempts at contact – the so called ‘Space Brothers’ era – which took place at Giant Rock, California.

This form of contact appeared to be based primarily on human-like ‘aliens’, was based around issues of education to do with nuclear war, ecology and spirituality. It was also ‘direct’ insofar as the real propaganda had yet to fully assert itself as an indirect mediator of the experience.

As the decades progress we see increasing involvement of shady intelligence agencies in the form of the ‘Men in Black’ phenomenon and in the 1980s the ‘grey’ ET abduction experience appeared to dominate accounts along with a variety of MILAB [7] [military abductions] processes.

At the turn of the millennium we can view the complex mix of associations the ET/UFO issue has magnetized to itself since the 1947 watershed period we’ve discussed. Civilian interfacing with the alien ‘Other’ could now be construed in a number of ways with several shades in-between.

Experiences were seen as either ‘authentic’ ET contact, pure military [i.e.: terrestrial] in nature and, especially in the post 9/11 era, the notion of holographic ‘hoax’ alien events for deception purposes has been increasingly cited [8].

Once you add the bizarre media disinformation on this issue and more complex Co-Intel Pro type releases [Majestic Documents, Project Serpo, 2008 UN modeled meetings on Disclosure and so on] which purposefully mix truth with fiction even the most dedicated researcher of the Extra-terrestrial field is struggling to create a reliable narrative from the situation.

In the last few years however, a technological system has ironically dribbled down from the military sector into civilian use.

Generation 3 image intensifier equipment began to fall in price and enter the commercial markets in addition the break-up of the former Soviet Union led to cheap stockpiles of the technology moving to the West.

The fact is Generation 3 systems are now older tech having been superseded by a Generation 4 series. However, for our purposes it’s Gen 3 that is required as it appears that these offer the best overall resolution and easy operation – bringing objects way out in near earth orbit and closer into view in the night sky.

Gen 4 tech supposedly improved on its predecessor as it allowed a faster shift from the low input ‘field’ environment to the more active and partially lit urban environment, losing some of the clarity we require for spotting some of the seemingly astonishing things that are going on above our heads right now.

Sufficient quality Gen 3 night vision goggles or scopes [below illustration] can be sourced for between $1500 and £3500.

Generation 3 night vision image intensifiers.

In the last year or so this former military technology has become an intrinsic part of the larger, more established skywatch and CE-5 [9] oriented groups.

Recently a popular British documentary team traveled over to Washington State to the Mount Adams, high-activity ranch of James Gilliland [] and UK viewers watched as the lead presenter caught his first ever UFO sighting both on screen via N.V. equipment and pointed to in the sky via high powered laser pointer.

The ramifications of this approach are slowly beginning to emerge: the visit to the ranch was the final point of the documentary and all other attempts to engage with authentic off-world phenomena had failed, yet within a few hours this system revealed direct contact to the documentary team and thus to the wider viewing public. What’s more, the N.V. approach brings with it a shift in the experience of the UFO phenomenon itself, one which we’ll explore the exopolitical context of soon.

Far from simply repeating the rare glimpses of orb-like lights in the sky which UFOlogists often spend years searching out, the new technological paradigm of telescopic night vision allows:

  • Enhanced detail perception
  • Greater visual range and acuity
  • Shifts in perceptible light frequency ranges

…the above allowing not only regular objects to be seen more readily but also novel phenomena which appears to have been ordinarily occluded by the inability of human vision to perceive the various infra-red spectrums.

Near infra-red CCD cameras and video have been around a while but the magnifying, hi-tech combination of technology employed in Generation 3 scopes and goggles appears to have unleashed a military monster on an ever more aware and inquisitive public.

Up to this point you had to be one of 3 things to see these objects:

What the average person can now see is direct evidence of one of the bigger research and discussion area within the community in the last couple of years.

This relates to not just single orbs of light but whole fleets of moving objects and in fact what could well be termed ‘squadrons’ of either terrestrial [planetary military] space fleets, authentic ET fleets or some mix of both we can only currently guess at. It’s not that this new technology is revealing an ‘unknown’ light spectrum to us, more that now the ability has arrived to experience en-mass, to make a significant difference and challenge those who still pursue negative mediation agendas.

In fact as far back as the 1950s Wilhelm Reich student Trevor James Constable was aware that these light frequencies held a key to greater accessibility of apparently anomalous intelligences.

Hacktivist’s Fleet to Fleet Evidence

British truth activist and amateur computer hacker Gary McKinnon only recently, with a change in UK government structure, managed to have a stay put on his extradition to the USA.

The American Defense Dept. is desperate to put McKinnon on trial in the US over his rather embarrassing access to several military networks. During his virtual trips at the turn of the millennium and subsequent to his arrest at the behest of the US authorities by the then British Hi Tech National Crime Squad, McKinnon reported to journalists three important findings.

Firstly he located a facility where ‘anomalous’ objects were digitally removed from NASA type images – presumably for wider consumption but more importantly for our context, he located references to what he termed ‘Non-Terrestrial Officers’ and a spreadsheet of ‘Fleet-to-Fleet Transfers’.[10]

Gary assumed the former were some form of planetary military group that used black budget technology in the nearer [or maybe further?] regions of geo-orbit and he looked up the names of the “fleet ships” from the spreadsheet he saw against their Navy [i.e.: sea-going] counterparts and found no correlation.

These two elements bring a new facet of the UFO phenomenon into vision – that most likely with back-engineered technology, the human race now has access to off-planet exploratory vehicles.

Meshing with McKinnon’s evidence are the ongoing rumors about a terrestrial fleet of anti-gravity facilitated ships probably run on a trans-national basis [more on this to follow] but maybe controlled centrally from somewhere like the aptly named US Space Command which merged with the multi-partnered STRATCOM in 2002.

The resulting debate is low on direct evidence [as can only be expected of covert programs decades ahead of conventional physics and using a shady mix of undeclared public and corporate finances] but high on probability when examined from the evidence ‘mosaic’ approach. Names for such an operation have included the Naval Tenth Fleet and Solar Warden [11].

Given we’ve been back-engineering alien hardware since 1947, it seems counter-intuitive to assume the visual data from N.V. technologies is mere hallucination or some esoteric lightshow. Firm, researched whistle-blower accounts exist of alien vehicle training simulator construction from the mid 50s onwards[12] and direct exchanges of advanced technology for use of earth as a galactic way-point[13].

That’s not all – add to this the statement of Ben Rich – former head of the Lockheed Skunkworks – who said:

We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity… Anything you can imagine we already know how to do.

This none too subtle hint at the state of military/corporate development in the 1990s fits neatly into the matrix of evidence we’re exposing in relation to the UFOlogical, night vision experience.

In an article discussing this issue – Dr Michael Salla points to the little known case of long term NASA technician Clark McClelland who testified to seeing a space suited supposed “ET” whilst working at the shuttle control center communicating with a NASA astronaut in the open bay of the shuttle. Whilst McClelland assumed this suited entity to be a visiting ET – the nearby delta shaped craft he also noticed may indicate some form of joint space fleet organization.[14]

We should also give a brief mention to another British citizen who ended up adding to the discussion of what Gary McKinnon found.

John Lenard Walson [15] [pseudonym] appears to have stumbled upon a new method of linking video to the new range of powerful, domestic telescopes aka astro-videography – all from his back garden shed. As part of this breakthrough he caught still and moving images of until now rarely seen objects in orbit.

These included vast ship and platform like structures – some of which he caught doing maneuvers.

You’d think this was far fetched given his amateur status but the author of this article in fact contacted an employee of NASA/JPL and had the footage confirmed as authentic.

One of the many night-vision enhanced triangular formed craft[s] seen travelling
at 1000s of mph by sky observers using this technology.

Terrestrial Triangles and Shuttle Feed

The 1980s and 1990s saw the ongoing development of corroborating visual data for the fleets of ships seen under image enhanced conditions.

Former intelligence officer and engineer Edgar Fouche [16] discussed in significant detail his work in the 1980s and 90s on the TR-3B – ‘Black Triangle’ – known under a variety of names during its various development and testing stages. Fouche went on to suggest that aliens had either “lost” or “given” the advanced nuclear thrust technology to the US Military.

Interestingly the project [possibly called the umbrella term Aurora] appears to have become trans-national as the 90s saw increasing triangle sightings over European [i.e.: NATO] countries with much discussion pointing towards these as terrestrial assets.

One of the most dramatic was over Cannock Chase [2002] in the UK Midlands where the craft can be seen to do a 180 degree turn in a split second.


According to one UK researcher:

The craft is an equilateral-shaped triangle, each edge, from tip to tip, is approximately 184 feet.

The ‘Firefly’ is one of the current generation of super-stealth aircraft, still part of the black-budget program. Near silent in operational flight, near silent hover capabilities. The underside lighting configuration is so designed as to give conflicting eyewitness accounts of the lighting and indeed shape of the craft, the three large circular red lights in each point can converge in the center to form one very large red or white light.

I am informed that there are two of these craft in Europe in current operation, one is based at Boscombe Down, England and shares flight operations with Macrihanish, Scotland.

The other craft is based in Germany.

The USA have two craft, of slightly different configuration. The craft is manned or crewed by NATO personnel; it is believed all participating NATO countries supply flight crew.[17]

Along with these increased sightings came a stunning break through almost by accident thanks to Canadian TV director Martyn Stubbs.

Stubbs had a long term interest in space related issues and whilst at work at his broadcasting company would set up recording equipment at his home to monitor the official satellite feeds of NASA during their many shuttle based STS missions (watch video).

On checking the footage with great patience – Stubbs began to see that the new, high definition CCD cameras installed on the various shuttles were recording both individual and swarms of obviously intelligently controlled objects.

A collection of some of this footage was released by a British UFO collective called “NASA STS Missions – The Smoking Gun” and was a breakthrough moment in stimulating discussion and new interest in the exopolitical field. It was no coincidence that NASA then encoded the STS footage and added a delay from live broadcasting.

Out of the many different STS scenes available – two especially remain under popular discussion today. One is STS-48 which appears to show some form of terrestrial pulse or energy weapon being fired at an intelligent object in earth orbit and the equally amazing ‘Tether’ footage – during which swarms of UFOs of many sizes appear to gather around a ‘failed’ shuttle energy experiment.

This segment of film was investigated at length by David Sereda who made the point that the shuttles cameras were allowing us to view enhanced light ranges thus revealing the vast range of craft we saw first hand on the NASA streams.

Towards an Evolutionary Leap

If we take a step back for a moment and consider the points made above without the new N.V. paradigm – we can see a convincing picture being constructed in the run up to the 3rd millennium for a shift in how we perceive the complex issue of extra-terrestrial life and the various vectors via which it appears to interface with the planet.

For a multitude of reasons we can see how a planet at our stage of evolutionary development would need to acquire an off-planet space system.

It’s really irrelevant whether this is based on something as simple as terrestrial national advantage [to claim space ‘territories’ or for economic advantage via mining rare minerals etc.] or from something far more complex such as protection of the earth against supposedly conquering alien hordes as was only recently mentioned by leading Cambridge physicist Prof Steven Hawking [18].

In fact a complex mixture of these is most likely. It is even possible that distinct factions of terrestrial cabals have liaised with different visiting races of ETs and are engaged in an off-planet territorial conflict with each other.

Add to this the use of what Nazi rocket scientist Wernher von Braun the ET issue as a hoax or false-flag scenario and we can see the urgent need for this area to be taken seriously and investigated by the wider community.

Black triangle as seen over various Euro countries over 80s/90s

It may appear premature to draw conclusions such as that above and yet when we impose the night vision grid on top of the construct we’ve highlighted so far we may not be far off.

Some of the longer term users of N.V. technology in this area have proven the existence of not only fleets of triangular craft in at various heights in orbit but also claim to have seen ‘battles’ take place between craft. Given the recent revelation via British MoD FOIA document release that a huge UFO was pre-ordered to be shot down over the mainland[19] in 1957 – is it such a stretch to admit this policy may now have reached the off-planet status?

Night Vision researcher Ed Grimsley was interviewed and adds:

In describing battles between ships, he said they fire laser beams or ball energy on each other, and the weapons seem to travel 3-4 times faster than what he first observed in 1961.


wars could be between different ET factions, between humans and ETs, or even a kind of angelic battle. He believes that many of the craft he’s witnessing, such as discs and triangles are man-made.


Although apart from the STS-48 footage and now occasional testimony from N.V. users, detailed footage of such ‘space wars’ has yet to be fully documented and released into the public domain.

Grimsley and others are now regularly enabling the supply of image enhancing, night-vision scopes and additionally offering group sessions on use of the equipment for this purpose.

We can foresee a time when this technology becomes regular kit at such gatherings and an ever more awake to the possibilities civilian community expands in response.

Summary and Exopolitical Implications

Here’s a surprising context: Those of us assuming that such atmospheric displays are a modern event it may be worth pausing to examine a surprisingly similar situation from the 1500s in Europe.

The difference being no technology was needed for the citizens to see the space-war-like display recorded in a wood carving from the era [below image].

At sunrise on the 14th April 1561, the citizens of Nuremberg beheld “A very frightful spectacle.” The sky appeared to fill with cylindrical objects from which red, black, orange and blue white disks and globes emerged.

Crosses and tubes resembling cannon barrels also appeared whereupon the objects promptly “began to fight one another.” This event is depicted in a famous 16th century woodcut by Hans Glaser.

In addition to the fact image enhancement has passed into public hands from military R&D – another significant irony is that its core functionality may well have come from downed ET craft and been carefully seeded into chosen industries in the post-Roswell era.

In his book The Day After Roswell, Colonel Philip Corso who worked at the Pentagon under the Army’s ‘Foreign Technology Division’ claims that among the products resulted from the Roswell debris were:

  • Image intensifiers, which ultimately became “night vision”
  • fiber optics
  • supertenacity fibres
  • lasers
  • Molecular alignment metallic alloys
  • Integrated circuits and microminiaturization of logic boards

According to Corso, companies like Bell Labs, IBM, Dow Corning and Hughes Aircraft subsequently managed to create new technological breakthroughs that gave the U.S. a decided edge not only against traditional terrestrial nations but also in a projected military response to the extra-terrestrial ‘threat’.

In addition it seems now somewhat futile to continue the dichotomy of human vs. alien and terrestrial vs. extra-terrestrial insofar as who this technology ‘belongs’ to. In addition to the vast evidence of back-engineering we also come across many mentions of indirect influencing of evolutionary development pathways by ETs in the contact literature.

Just one example is that of Californian resident Bob Renaud [21] who was guided via a range of contact mediums [including face-to-face ultimately] to alter TV and radio equipment in order to facilitate ET communication.

In ongoing contacts his group of ETs stated that off-planet intelligences were often instrumental in the development of many inventions from the plane, radio, TV etc. This notion is repeated endlessly in the cases of ‘advanced’ inventors.

Nicola Tesla appears to have been inspired in this manner and British ‘Levity Disc’ and free energy genius Prof. John R. Searl (below media) had vivid dream sessions about the complicated mathematic involved in establishing his SEG devices – strangely enough starting round about the 1947 era.[22]

This is just one of many elements that suggests that formal [big ‘D’] Disclosure is only part of the complex process of introducing the alien “Other” into global awareness. Indeed it’s an ongoing historical process of absorbing, integrating and communicating the nature of ‘alien-ness’ itself.

Thus the once powerful structures of propaganda and cover-up are fading as the contradictions in the system begin to show. In this case: how can one sector of the planet assume they can develop technology and knowledge from extra-terrestrial sources and keep this closeted from the very population it was aimed to help progress?

In many ways the shift to the notion that part of the species is now regularly traversing the vast ranges of planetary orbit and probably further a field has a ramification greater than the elements mentioned in this paper.

Futurists such as Barbara Marx Hubbard, Dr Tim Leary and Robert Anton Wilson [23] discussed the impact of a post-terrestrial consciousness on humans as we felt this move into a hyper-spatial reality. The important question however remains one of complex power plays – whether between terrestrial groups structured in the ‘deep’ political matrix suggested by Peter Dale Scott or an interplay between terrestrial and extra-terrestrial players so far remaining formally unacknowledged by government structures.

Exopolitics is sadly the only area currently dealing with these complexities of modern, transitional global culture. Perhaps with exopolitics having a core focus on the issue of weapons in space – it seems that this is one area to focus on.

It is difficult to comprehend how highly destructive capabilities either manned in the form of the space craft we’ve discussed or remotely operated would be allowed to roam around the solar system uninhibited. It seems likely that some contradictory condition of quarantine and first directive exists – simply based on the fact we’ve yet to fully destroy ourselves let alone be overtly colonized by one of the many ET groups that appear to be out there.

However – if the evidence of image enhanced data is anything to go by – we may well be facing a future where the ET issue will be more crucial than ever in assisting humanity to make a safe and peaceful transition to our evolutionary destiny as, as they appear to be in most cases, galactic explorers and evolutionary anthropologists.


End Notes

[1] Info Psychology: a revision of Exo-Psychology. Dr Timothy Leary, New Falcon Press

[2] See various volumes of UFOs and the National Security State. Richard Dolan. Keyhole Publishing.


[4] For a good discussion of the Black Budget see: Additional work on ‘deep’ political structures by authors such as Catherine Austin Fitts and Peter Dale Scott suggest that major global fraud and drug trafficking by above-government groups may well amass unacknowledged trillions of dollars a year – much of this is likely to have been re-directed into various aspects of the UFO issue.



[7] See MILABs by Helmut Lammer

[8] See:




[12] See the excellent article at: – the name ‘Jarod’ was actually Area 51 engineer Bill Uhouse who since has documented his testimony on film and at conferences. Even more renowned is the Bob Lazar case where Edward Teller invited the young physicist to work at S4 and back engineer a saucer the previous covert scientists had problems getting to work.

[13] See the 3 books by ex-miltary weather technician Charles Hall who worked and spoke to the Tall White variety of ETs at Indian Springs, Nevada.




[17] Graham M. Wilson (Chairman & Director of Investigations) UK Society for Paranormal & UFO Research – Filers UFO Reports.




[21] Wendelle Stevens – The UFO Contacts of Rob Renaud – UFOPhotoArchive Publishing.


[23] See article by David Griffin in on ‘Space Migration’ in the December 2009 issue of the Exopolitics Journal for more on this groups contribution to democratizing space.

Other Resources

For a full archive of the case of Gary McKinnon visit and enter “Gary McKinnon” into the search field.

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