It Has Happened Before On A Huge Scale and Should Never Ever Be Allowed to Happen Again- The Long Term Effects of an Ancient Nuclear War

It is a matter of written record. There was a Nuclear War in India and the Middle East thousands of years ago and the results were devastating. Life was not even the same for hundreds, if not thousands of years. by David Hatcher Childress Nexus Magazine Volume 7, Number 5 November-December 2000 USA Extracted from…

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Cosmic Awareness Introduces Itself To The World- Are You Ready for it-

It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you review articles on Corporatocracy (put this in the search engine) from LightNetwork Website This Masterfile contains excerpts from the Revelation of Awareness Newsletters with Paul Shockley as the Interpreter:(Issues nrs: 434, 404, 81-15, 418, 473, 380, 470, 428, 395, 453, Jan 1, 1976 New Year’s message, 83-18, 81-21,96-11, 448,…

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