Mount Graham and the L.U.C.I.F.E.R. Project
L.U.C.I.F.E.R. “Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research” |
“L.U.C.I.F.E.R., which stands for “Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research,” is a chilled instrument attached to a telescope in Arizona.
And yes, it’s named for the Devil, whose name itself means “morning star” [and which] happens to be right next to the
Vatican Observatory on Mt. Grahamin Tucson.”
Rebecca Boyle, Popular Science Magazine
Following the release of our 2012 best-seller Petrus Romanus – The Final Pope Is Here, we were inundated with invitations from around the world to be interviewed on radio, television, and in print media.
These included,
- segments in The History Channel’s “Countdown to Apocalypse,” which premiered November 9, 2012
- a special feature on Canada’s largest Christian channel VisionTV titled “I Prophesy: The Apocalypse Series” (complete with re-enactments) that aired nationwide on Tuesday, November 20, 2012
- invitations to Rome to discuss with Italian media our findings on René Thibaut, a Belgian Jesuit whose meticulous analysis of the Prophecy of the Popes predicted the arrival of Petrus Romanus in this era
- a “best of” interview with George Noory on Coast to Coast AM,
…and dozens more.
But it was two shows in particular, which we did on The Omega Man Radio Program with popular author and radio man Steve Quayle that prompted our visit to Mt. Graham in southeastern Arizona to start our investigation.
The first show with Steve rocketed Omega Man to the #1 Blog Talk Radio Show in the world for over a week. It focused on the ancient Prophecy of the Popes and the fact that the pontiff following Benedict XVI will be the final one on this mysterious list of popes, a prophecy that was concealed inside the secret vaults of the Vatican for hundreds of years and which many believe points to the arrival of the False Prophet of end-times infamy.
(Note that at the start of this investigation, Benedict XVI remains pope and whoever is scheduled to follow him in the role of Petrus Romanus is still an open question, but whoever it turns out to be, they are the final pope according to the medieval catholic prophecy).
In the second Omega Man show, which aired Wednesday, April 4, 2012, we broached the subject of a “Vatican ET” connection.
That program sent Omega Man into the stratosphere for an unprecedented one-month position as the top BT radio show on the planet, illustrating to these authors that the world is more than casually interested not only in the final pope, but in the connection between Rome and their work on extraterrestrial intelligence, astrobiology, and the intriguing connection between those issues and Petrus Romanus.
Thus on a mild morning in September, 2012, we together with our cameraman – Joe Ardis, a.k.a. the Wild Man of the Ozarks – departed the small desert town of Safford, Arizona (which normally has a warm high desert climate, much hotter than most places in eastern Arizona due to its relatively low elevation of 2,953 feet) [i] en route to the Mt. Graham Observatory Base Camp, 80 miles from Tucson and a few miles south of Safford on State Route 366.
Located near the northern limit of the Chiricahua Apache and Western Apache territories, Dził Nchaa Si An, as it is known in the Western Apache language, is one of the four holiest mountains in America for the Apache, and considered sacred to the all of the region’s Native peoples.
(The San Carlos Apache Tribe had originally joined environmentalists who sought, among other things, to protect the Sacred Grounds and American Red Squirrel, in filing dozens of lawsuits before a federal appeals court to stop the construction of the observatories on Mt Graham, but the project ultimately prevailed after an act by the United States Congress allowed it).
We had been warned by our guide that the trek up the steep mountainside from 2,953 feet to over 10,700 was precarious, coupled with more hairpin turns, switchbacks and narrow segments of roadway overlooking deep canyon walls than we might have imagined, and, to top it off, there would be no guardrails along the harrowing winding path.
We were scheduled to arrive at the Mount Graham International Observatory a couple hours after departure. We would meet with astronomers and engineers at the Large Binocular Telescope – currently one of the world’s most advanced optical telescopes – where, among other things, the new LUCIFER device is attached between its gigantic twin mirrors (either of which would be the largest optical telescope in continental North America).
We were later told by the LBT systems engineer who spent significant time with us that day that another instrument – LUCIFER-II – is scheduled to arrive at the observatory anytime now and will complete the two multi-object and long-slit infrared spectrograph imagers they need for studying the heavens in search of, among other things, exo-planets that may host intelligent life.
We would also visit the Heinrich Hertz Submillimeter Telescope that day, which sets between the LBT and the real target of our quest – the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope and the Jesuits who work there.
Before leaving base camp, Dramamine for motion sickness was suggested ahead of departure, and the two men in our team that declined that offer would soon wished they hadn’t, as once we were underway, it was non-stop reeling back and forth, bouncing up and down as the driver – who seemed a little too much to enjoy being in one gear faster than he should have been given the circumstances – occasionally looked at us in the rearview mirror and smiled.
As we went from Sonoran Desert scrub at the mountain’s floor to alpine spruce-fir forest closer to the summit, our guide who set in the opposite front seat from the driver occasionally pointed to something off to one side, describing how more life zones and vegetative varieties existed here than on any other North American mountain, including almost two dozen plants, animals and insects that are not found anywhere else.
Of course this included the celebrity of Mount Graham – the endangered Red Squirrel – which Arizona has already spent at least 1.25 million dollars protecting.
But it was hard to appreciate these facts while growing queasy and wondering how far down the canyon wall we would roll if at any moment the driver lost control and barreled off the side.
Thankfully, just when we were starting to think this had been a bad idea, we stopped approximately two-thirds way up the mountain at the Columbine Ranger Station, a USDA Forest Service Administrative Complex that had been built Circa 1935 by the Civilian Conservation Corps, a public work relief program that was part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “New Deal” and that had provided unskilled manual labor jobs for people to relieve unemployment during the Great Depression.
We had packed a sack lunch and used the Ranger Station as a place to rest a while, eat, and let our bellies recover a bit from the roller-coaster ride.
While munching on a sandwich and looking at the aging black and white pictures that hung on the walls here and there of the Depression-Era men who had built the modest encampment, we met a volunteer, an interesting old chap who told us how he had been coming there for many years to keep a fire in the fireplace and to greet hikers that wandered into the park. When we told him where we were going, he got quiet.
When we added that our plan was to speak with the Jesuits at VATT in the restricted area further up the mountain, he lost interest in the conversation and started stirring his fire again.
Minutes later, lunch consumed and stomachs still uneasy, we were back in our vehicle. From this point forward, the road, if we can call it that, became little more than a glorified goat trail until finally, about a mile from our destination, we arrived at a security gate with warnings of “No Trespassing” in several languages.
The guide had a key to the gate. She unlocked then relocked it behind us after we drove through the opening.
At that point, the driver pulled a radio out, which we had not noticed before, and radioed somebody that we were heading up the incline. Evidently this was necessary because from this point forward the steep gravel lane was barely wide enough for one vehicle at a time, and you didn’t want to risk running up against another vehicle that might be coming down from the Observatories. No one answered the call, so he radioed again, then a third time, with still no response.
The silence must have meant the road was clear, as just like that he slipped the vehicle into low gear and we began our final 30-minute crawl up the mountainside.
“And one more thing,” the guide warned as we jerked over the rocky track, tires spinning against the loose gravel and dirt.
“When we get to the restricted area you’ll see brightly colored cables roping off most of the land around the buildings. Do not… I repeat, do not step over those lines or you will be arrested immediately and hauled off to jail.”
She wasn’t smiling, and when we got to the observatories, we saw the security lines and enforcement vehicles, just as she had described them.
It was approximately 11: AM (PST) as we rounded the final bend and saw just ahead the towering edifices housing the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT), an optical telescope for astronomy and currently one of the world’s most advanced systems.
Near it was the Submillimeter Telescope (SMT) or as it is also known, the Heinrich Hertz Submillimeter Telescope building, a “state-of-the-art single-dish radio telescope for observations in the sub-millimeter wavelength range… the most accurate radio telescope ever built.” [ii]
And last but not least about a block away from them we observed our primary reason for trudging to the top of this peak – the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope or VATT.
Of course we had read the official story from the Vatican Observatory Website before making the trip, how VATT truly lives up to its name:
“Its heart is a 1.8-m f/1.0 honeycombed construction, borosilicate primary mirror.
This was manufactured at the University of Arizona Mirror Laboratory, and it pioneered both the spin-casting techniques and the stressed-lap polishing techniques of that Laboratory which are being used for telescope mirrors up to 8.4-m in diameter.
The primary mirror is so deeply-dished that the focus of the telescope is only as far above the mirror as the mirror is wide, thus allowing a structure that is about three times as compact as the previous generation of telescope designs.” [iii]
Such technical language aside, the “Observers” who are approved to operate VATT and what they are using it for these days is what would take us through the looking glass.
This was confirmed minutes later by the Jesuit Father on duty that day (whom we got on film) who told us that among the most important research occurring with the site’s Vatican astronomers is the quest to pinpoint certain extrasolar planets and advanced alien intelligence. He then proceeded (as did our guide) to show us all around the observatory – from the personal quarters of the Church’s astronomers – where they ate, slept, relaxed, studied – to the control rooms, computer screens and systems, and even the telescope itself.
While we were given complete and unrestricted opportunity to question how the devices are used and what distinctives set each of the telescopes on Mt. Graham apart, we had not expected the ease with which the astronomers and technicians would also speak of UFOs!
This was especially true when we walked up the gravel road from VATT to the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT), where we spent most of the day with a systems engineer who not only took us to all seven levels of that mighty machine – pointing out the LUCIFER device and what it is used for (which he lovingly referred to as “Lucy” several times and elsewhere as “Lucifer”) as well as every other aspect of the telescope we tried to wrap our minds around – but who also stunned us as we sat in the control room, listening to him and the astronomers speak so casually of the redundancy with which UFOs are captured on screens darting through the heavens.
Our friendly engineer didn’t blink an eye, nor did any of the other scientists in the room, and we were shocked at this, how ordinary it seemed to be.
Authors Tom Horn and Cris Putnam in front of VATT.
Standing on the platform beneath VATT.
Walking from VATT to the Large Binocular Telescope.
LBT Systems Engineer in control room with Tom, Cris,
and an astronomer (out of frame on right) describing how often
“UFOs” are captured during observations.
But as much as the commonality of UFO sightings on Mt. Graham’s telescopes intrigued, this was not the primary reason for our being there.
We had come with deeper questions concerning high-level Vatican astronomers and what they had been leaking to, and discussing with, media in recent years. Captivating comments from Jesuit priests like Guy Consolmagno – a leading astronomer who often turns up in media as a spokesman for the Vatican who has worked at NASA and taught at Harvard and MIT and who currently splits his time between the Vatican Observatory and laboratory (Specola Vaticana) headquartered at the summer residence of the Pope in Castel Gandolfo, Italy, and Mt. Graham in Arizona.
Over the last few years, he has focused so much of his time and effort in an attempt to reconcile science and religion in public forums specifically as it relates to the subject of extraterrestrial life and its potential impact on the future of faith that we decided to contact him.
He agreed to be interviewed from Rome, and over the numerous exchanges that followed he told us some things that seemed beyond the scope.
He even sent us a copy of a private pdf, a literal goldmine of what he and the Vatican are considering regarding the ramifications of astrobiology and specifically the discovery of advanced extraterrestrials… in which he admits how contemporary societies will soon,
“look to The Aliens to be the Saviours of humankind.”
January 3, 2013
Nephilim As “Space Saviors” For Man’s Salvation
In our last entry top Vatican Astronomer Guy Consolmagno stated how contemporary societies may soon “look to The Aliens to be the Saviours of humankind.” [i]
To illustrate the theological soundness of this possibility, Consolmago argues that humans are not the only intelligent beings God created in the universe, and, he says, these non-human lifeforms are described in the Bible.
He starts by pointing to angels then surprises us by actually referencing the Nephilim:
Other heavenly beings come up several times in the Psalms.
For example, look at the beautiful passage in Psalm 89 that calls out,
“Let the heavens praise your wonders, 0 Lord, your faithfulness in the assembly of the holy ones. For who in the skies can be compared to the Lord? Who among the heavenly beings is like the Lord?…
The heavens are yours, the earth also is yours; the world and all that is in it -you have founded them.” Likewise, God asks Job (38:7) if any human can claim to have been around at the creation, “when the morning stars sang together and all the heavenly beings shouted for joy.”
Are these “heavens,” “holy ones,” those “in the sky,” the “morning stars … and heavenly beings” more references to angels? Or do they refer to some other kind of life beyond our knowledge?
…And these are not the only non-human intelligent creatures mentioned in the Bible. There’s that odd, and mysterious, passage at the beginning of Genesis, Chapter 6, that describes the “sons of God” taking human wives. With it is a frustratingly oblique reference to “The Nephilim …the heroes that were of old, warriors of renown .”
Most Biblical scholars suggest that the Nephelim and the Sons of God in Genesis can be explained away as a left-over reference to the creation stories of the pagans who surrounded ancient Israel, that they were written by the kind of people whose culture saw anyone Not Of My Tribe as being unspeakably alien.
Likewise, the references to heavens and stars singing and praising the Lord can be seen simply for the beautiful poetry that it is.
But whether you interpret these creatures as angels or aliens doesn’t really matter for the sake of our argument here. The point is that the ancient writers of the Bible, like all ancient peoples, were perfectly happy with the possibility that other intelligent beings could exist. [ii]
Read that again, then ask yourself:
Did the Vatican’s top astronomer actually mean to use the story of the Nephilim from the Bible as an example of the kind of “space saviors” man could soon look to for salvation?
This incredible assertion is only topped by what he says next.
In quoting John 10:16, which says,
“And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd,”
…Consolmago writes:
“Perhaps it’s not so far-fetched to see the Second Person of the Trinity, the Word, Who was present “In the beginning” (John 1: l), coming to lay down His life and take it up again (John 10: 18) not only as the Son of Man but also as a Child of other races?”
- Do Vatican scholars actually believe Jesus might have been the Star-Child of an alien race?
- Does Consolmagno and/or other Jesuits secretly hold that the “Virgin Birth” was in reality an abduction scenario in which Mary was impregnated by ET, giving birth to the hybrid Jesus?
As incredible as that sounds, you should prepare for the unexpected answer as this series unfolds.
All this would seem impossible theology if not for the fact that other high ranking Vatican spokespersons – those who routinely study from the “Star Base” (as local Indians call it) on Mt. Graham – have been saying the same in recent years.
This includes,
- Dr. Christopher Corbally, Vice Director for the Vatican Observatory Research Group on Mt. Graham until 2012, who believes our image of God will have to change if disclosure of alien life is soon revealed by scientists (including the need to evolve from the concept of an “anthropocentric” God into a “broader entity”), [iv]
- the current Vatican Observatory director, Father Josè Funes who has gone equally far, suggesting that alien life not only exists in the universe and is “our brother” but will, when manifested, confirm the “true” faith of Christianity and the dominion of Rome
When the L’Osservatore Romano newspaper (which publishes nothing that the Vatican doesn’t approve) asked him what this meant, he replied:
“How can we rule out that life may have developed elsewhere? Just as we consider earthly creatures as ‘a brother,’ and ‘sister,’ why should we not talk about an ‘extraterrestrial brother’? It would still be part of creation”
[v]and believing in the existence of such is not contradictory to Catholic doctrine.
Brother Guy Consolmagno with Pope Benedict XVI
Such statements are but the latest in a string of recent comments by numerous Vatican astronomers confirming a growing belief (or inside knowledge?) that disclosure will be made in the near future of alien life, including intelligent life, and that this encounter will not challenge the authority of the Roman Catholic Church.
From the 70s through the 90s, it was Monsignor Corrado Balducci – an exorcist, theologian and member of the Vatican Curia (governing body at Rome) and friend of the Pope – who went perhaps furthest, appearing on Italian national television numerous times to state that ETs were not only possible but already interacting with Earth and that the Vatican’s leaders were aware of it.
Furthermore, speaking as an official demonologist, he said that extraterrestrial encounters,
“are not demonic, they are not due to psychological impairment, and they are not a case of entity attachment, but these encounters deserve to be studied carefully.”
He even disclosed how the Vatican itself has been closely following the phenomenon and quietly compiling material evidence from Vatican embassies (Nunciatures) around the world on the extraterrestrials and their mission [later in this research we will disclose the secret alien files the Vatican has been collecting since the 1950s].
For example, at a forum concerning the enormous UFO flap in Mexico, he stated,
“I always wish to be the spokesman for these star peoples who also are part ofGod’s glory, and I will continue to bring it to the attention of the Holy Mother Church.”
Whatever you make of his claims, Balducci was a member of a special group of consultants to the Vatican, a public spokesperson for Rome on the matter of extraterrestrial life as well as UFO and abduction phenomenon, and his assertions have never been contradicted by the Church.
Still, perhaps most intriguing was Catholic theologian Father Malachi Martin who, before his death in 1999, hinted at something like imminent extraterrestrial contact more than once.
While on Coast to Coast AM radio in 1997, Art Bell asked Martin why the Vatican was heavily invested in the study of deep space at the Mt Graham Observatory we visited. As a retired professor of the Pontifical Biblical Institute, Martin was uniquely qualified to hold in secret information pertaining to VATT.
Martin’s answer ignited a firestorm of interest among Christian and secular UFOlogists when he replied,
“Because the mentality…amongst those who [are] at the…highest levels of Vatican administration and geopolitics, know…what’s going on in space, and what’s approaching us, could be of great import in the next five years, ten years”.
Those cryptic words “what’s approaching us, could be of great import” was followed in subsequent interviews with discussion of a mysterious “sign in the sky” that Malachi believed was approaching from the north.
While this could have been an oblique reference to an end time portent, the Catholic prophecy of the Great Comet, people familiar with Malachi believe he may have been referring to a near-future arrival of alien intelligence.
(Interesting note from the authors: When we asked Father Guy Consolmagno what he thought of Malachi’s claims, he seemed actually miffed by the man, saying,
“I have heard stories about the late Malachi Martin which make me rather suspicious of statements that come from him. I was at the Observatory in the 1990s, and he never visited us nor had anything to do with us.”
This reaction seems consistent with how many other Catholic priests despised Malachi’s willingness to disclose what Rome otherwise wanted buried, especially the Satanic cabal within the Jesuit order Malachi wrote about in his best-selling books.)
Yet, if ET life is something Vatican officials have privately considered for some time, why speak of it so openly now, in what some perceive as a careful, doctrinal unveiling over the last few years?
Is this a deliberate effort by church officials to “warm-up” the laity to ET disclosure? Are official church publications on the subject an attempt to soften the blow before disclosure arrives, in order to help the faithful retain their orthodoxy in light of unprecedented forthcoming knowledge?
Writing for Newsweek on Thursday, May 15, 2008, in the article “The Vatican and Little Green Men,” Sharon Begley noted that,
“[this] might be part of a push to demonstrate the Vatican’s embrace of science… Interestingly, the Vatican has plans to host a conference in Rome next spring to mark the 150th anniversary of the Origin of Species, Charles Darwin’s seminal work on the theory of evolution.
Conference organizers say it will look beyond entrenched ideological positions – including misconstrued creationism. The Vatican says it wants to reconsider the problem of evolution ‘with a broader perspective’ and says an ‘appropriate consideration is needed more than ever before.’” [x]
The “appropriate consideration” Begley mentioned may have been something alluded to by Guy Consolmagno three years earlier in an interview with the Sunday Herald.
That article pointed out how Consolmagno’s job included reconciling “the wildest reaches of science fiction with the flint-eyed dogma of the Holy See” and that his latest mental meander was about “the Jesus Seed,” described as,
“a brain-warping theory which speculates that, perhaps, every planet that harbours intelligent, self-aware life may also have had a Christ walk across its methane seas, just as Jesus did here on Earth in Galilee. The salvation of the Betelguesians may have happened simultaneously with the salvation of the Earthlings.”
This sounds like a sanctified version of panspermia – the idea that life on Earth was “seeded” by something a long time ago such as an asteroid impact – but in this case, “the seed” was divinely appointed and reconciled to Christ.
The curious connection between the Vatican’s spokespersons and the question of extraterrestrials and salvation was further hinted in the May, 2008 L’Osservatore Romano interview with Father Funes, titled, “The Extraterrestrial is My Brother.”
In the English translation of the Italian feature, Funes responds to the question of whether extraterrestrials would need to be redeemed, which he believes should not be assumed.
“Godwas made man in Jesus to save us,” he says. “If other intelligent beings exist, it is not said that they would have need of redemption. They could remain in full friendship with their Creator.”
By “full friendship,” Funes reflected how some Vatican theologians accept the possibility that an extraterrestrial species may exist that is morally superior to men – closer to God than we fallen humans are – and that, as a consequence, they may come here to evangelize us.
Father Guy Consolmagno took up this same line of thinking when he wrote in his book, Brother Astronomer: Adventures of a Vatican Scientist:
So the question of whether or not one should evangelize is really a moot point.
Any alien we find will learn and change from contact with us, just as we will learn and change from contact with them. It’s inevitable. And they’ll be evangelizing us, too. [xiii]
But hold on, as this disturbing rabbit hole goes much deeper…
In a paper for the Interdisciplinary Encyclopedia of Religion and Science, Father Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti – an Opus Dei theologian of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome – explains just how we could actually be evangelized during contact with “spiritual aliens,” as every believer in God would, he argues, greet an extraterrestrial civilization as an extraordinary experience and would be inclined to respect the alien and to recognize the common origin of our different species as originating from the same Creator.
According to Giuseppe, this contact by non-terrestrial intelligence would then offer new possibilities,
“of better understanding the relationship betweenGodand the whole of creation.”
Giuseppe states this would not immediately oblige the Christian,
“to renounce his own faith inGodsimply on the basis of the reception of new, unexpected information of a religious character from extraterrestrial civilizations,”
[xv]but that such a renunciation could come soon after as the new “religious content” originating from outside the Earth is confirmed as reasonable and credible.
“Once the trustworthiness of the information has been verified” the believer would have to, “reconcile such new information with the truth that he or she already knows and believes on the basis of the revelation of the One and TriuneGod, conducting a re-reading [of the Gospel] inclusive of the new data…”
How this “more complete” ET Gospel might deemphasize or significantly modify our understanding of salvation through Jesus Christ is discussed in the exotheology section of our upcoming investigative book “ExoVaticana”, but former Vatican Observatory vice director, Christopher Corbally, in his article “What if There Were Other Inhabited Worlds” may have summarized the most important aspect when he concluded that Jesus simply might not remain the only Word of salvation:
“I would try to explore the alien by letting ‘it’ be what it is, without rushing for a classification category, not even presuming two genders,” Corbally said, before dropping this bombshell:
While Christ is the First and the Last Word (the Alpha and the Omega) spoken to humanity, he is not necessarily the only word spoke to the universe… For, the Word spoken to us does not seem to exclude an equivalent “Word” spoken to aliens.
They, too, could have had their “Logos-event”.
Whatever that event might have been, it does not have to be a repeated death-and-resurrection, if we allow God more imagination than some religious thinkers seem to have had. For God, as omnipotent, is not restricted to one form of language, the human. [xvii]
That high-ranking spokespersons for the Vatican have in recent years increasingly offered such language acknowledging the likelihood of extraterrestrial intelligence and the dramatic role ET’s introduction to human civilization could play in regard to altering established creeds about anthropology, philosophy, religion, and redemption is set to become more future-consequential than most are prepared for.
And then there is that LUCIFER device at Mt. Graham, which the Vatican denies being connected to but we shall illustrate otherwise later in this series.
LUCIFER is curiously described on the Vatican Observatory website as,
“NASA AND THE VATICAN’S INFRARED TELESCOPE CALLED [LUCIFER] – A German built, NASA and The Vatican owned and funded Infrared Telescope… for
Why has the Vatican Observatory website allowed this caption to remain?
Nibiru and Nemesis are hypothetical planets that supposedly return in orbit close to the earth after very long periods of time. They have been connected in modern myth with “Planet X” and most darkly with the destruction of planets that some believe occurred during a great war between God and Lucifer when the powerful angel was cast out of heaven.
In the book of Job where the prophet details how God destroyed the literal dwelling places of the angels that made insurrection against Him (Job 26:11-13), it specifically mentions the destruction of Rahab, a planetary body also known as ‘Pride,’ from which God drove ‘the fugitive snake.’
Are Rome and other world powers using the LUCIFER device to observe something the rest of us cannot see – something they believe represents this ancient war (or worse, keeping eye on approaching end-times angelic transportation devices/UFOs, something Father Malachi Martin hinted at)? The latter theory is interesting in light of the demonic name of the infrared device.
Infrared telescopes can detect objects too cool or far away and faint to be observed in visible light, such as distant planets, some nebulae and brown dwarf stars. Additionally, infrared radiation has longer wavelengths than visible light, which means it can pass through astronomical gas and dust without being scattered.
Objects and areas obscured from view in the visible spectrum, including the center of the Milky Way, can thus be observed by LUCIFER’s infrared technology. [xix]
But what UFO researchers have fascinated about for some time now is how infrared technology can also be used to spot and track Unidentified Flying Objects in the heavens that cannot be seen with other telescopes or the naked eye. In fact, some of the most astonishing UFOs ever caught on film have been recorded with infrared.
What this has to do with the arrival of Petrus Romanus and especially the global leader he will celebrate is beyond disturbing and ultimately imminent.
LBT engineer showing authors the LUCIFER device and
explaining how it uses Infrared to see…?
[i] Private pdf from Guy Consolmagno to Tom Horn outlining the Vatican’s position on the arrival of alien saviors [to be provided free with the new book “ExoVaticana” when it is released April, 2013]
[ii] Ibid 33-34
[iii] Ibid 37
[v] “Vatican Astronomer Says it’s OK to Think Aliens Exist,” USA Today, May 28, 2008,
[vii] Richard Boylan “Vatican Official Declares Extraterrestrial Contact Is Real” UFO Digest
[viii] Paola Leopizzi Harris, “Monsignor Corrado Balducci says Mexico is blessed with UFO Sightings” March 28, 2006
[ix] “Comet and Father Malachi Martin” (ART BELL INTERVIEWS FATHER MALACHI MARTIN: Transcript of the April 5th, 1997 interview with late Father Malachi Martin by Art Bell), Godlike Productions, January 7, 2007,
[x] Sharon Begley, “The Vatican and Little Green Men,” Newsweek, May 15, 2008,
[xi] Neil Mackay, “And On the Eighth Day – Did God Create Aliens?” Sunday Herald – Scotland, November 28, 2005, (site discontinued; see alternatively, from Signs of the Times:
[xii] “The Extraterrestrial is My Brother,” L’Osservatore Romano, May 14, 2008,
[xiii] As quoted by article: Brother Guy Consolmagno, “Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial?: A Jesuit Priest Says the Discovery of Life Elsewhere in the Universe Would Pose No Problem for Religion,” Beliefnet,
[xiv] Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti, “EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE,” Interdisciplinary Encyclopedia of Religion and Science,, and
[xv] Ibid.
[xvi] Ibid.
[xvii] Open Minds Magazine, “The Vatican Extraterrestrial Question,” by J. Antonio Huneeus, June/July 2010, Issue 2, 59.
Which Came First – VATT, or The Real LUCIFER?
January 6, 2013
As mentioned in earlier entrees, the mountain range in Arizona where the Mt. Graham International Observatory and the LUCIFER device resides is considered one of the holiest mountains in America for the Apache Indians.
History suggests part of the reason native peoples considered it “holy” – and partly why the mountain was selected by the MGIO consortium – involves unusual heavenly activity there in ancient times when UFOs called “spirit lights” moved through the sky, something that seems to have contributed to their attribution of “powers” to the solar system, the location of metaphysical ‘portals,’ and other supernatural phenomena.
The Apache Creation Myth is telling in this regard, as a particular version involves the “One Who Lives Above” and who descended in a flying disc at the start of creation.
“In the beginning nothing existed – no earth, no sky, no sun, no moon, only darkness was everywhere,” the legend starts before noting; “Suddenly from the darkness emerged a disc, one side yellow and the other side white, appearing suspended in midair. Within the disc sat a bearded man, Creator, the One Who Lives Above.”
While no single “Apache Creation Myth” dominates all tribal beliefs, most groups share key precepts as well as symbolism within their oral histories.
Besides the creator who rides in a heavenly disc, a Dragon with the power of speech turns up, bargaining with men, as well as supernatural gateways associated with mountains (ch’íná’itíh) through which spirit beings can come.
Sometimes these spirits are represented by the Owl (to an Apache Indian, dreaming of an Owl signified approaching death, while the Hopi see the Burrowing Owl [Ko’ko, “Watcher of the dark”] as the god of the dead and the underground), which is fascinating given the connection with “alien abduction” accounts where the Owl is a disguise wherein the abductee is led to believe the bug-eyed alien in their memory was actually an Owl they had seen somewhere and had lodged in their memory.
Owls have been associated throughout Christian history with sorcery and flying witches and the source of these legends seem to mirror many abduction tales, which we shall consider later.
Suffice to say these ancient native ideas involving flying discs, flying creators, spirit lights, Owls, a talking Dragon or great serpent, and even supernatural gateways tied to mountain ranges began long before the Vatican cast its eyes on Mt. Graham.
In 1988, an American science fiction-horror film titled “They Live” (directed by John Carpenter) depicted a nameless drifter played by professional wrestler “Rowdy” Roddy Piper who discovers the ruling elite are in fact aliens that have hypnotized the human race and are managing human social affairs through subliminal messages concealed in memes and mass media.
In an important early scene, Nada, as the Piper character is called, enters an alleyway and finds a box containing black sunglasses. He puts on a pair and soon discovers they include a very special filter.
Looking through them he can see “the reality of the bleak world,” that global media and advertising actually contain totalitarian commands of obedience and conformity in consumerism, to control an unwitting human population by humanoid aliens with grotesque skull-like faces. [i]
Though a commercial failure at the time, the film eventually made its way to the top 25 Cult Classics, where it remains presently, according to Entertainment Weekly Magazine. [ii]
The film and theatrical posters can often be found today in mocking editorials depicting the goals of totalitarians and elitists, but another suggestion of the work that usually goes without discussion is how the world really might be infested with non-human agents of an unknown reality, about which the bulk of mankind is unaware.
First, from a purely incorporeal reality, we know that demons and their militaristic interest in people and geography are ontological facts, according to the Bible. In the Old Testament, demons are seen as the living dynamic behind idolatry (i.e., Deuteronomy 32:17), and in the New Testament, every writer refers to their influence.
Extrabiblical texts including ancient pseudepigraphical works like the first Book of Enoch and post-New Testament writings such as the Didache, Ignatius’ Epistle to the Ephesians, and the Shepherd of Hermas agree with this concern.
Early church fathers also reinforced the belief that evil spirits seek to thwart the will of God on earth through attacks on the body of Christ in particular and against society in general, as unseen intermediaries – both good and evil – interlope between spiritual and human personalities at home, in church, in government, and in society.
Understanding how and why this is true is defined in demonological studies such as the divine council (a term used by Hebrew and Semitic scholars to describe the pantheon of divine beings or angels who administer the affairs of heaven and earth), where experts typically agree that, beginning at the Tower of Babel, the world and its inhabitants were disinherited by the sovereign God of Israel and placed under the authority of lesser divine beings that became corrupt and disloyal to God in their administration of those nations (Psalm 82).
Following Babel, these beings quickly became idolized on earth as gods, giving birth to the worship of “demons” (see Acts 7:41–42; Psalms 96:5; and 1 Corinthians 10:20) and the quest by fallen angels to draw mankind away from God.
While the dominion of these entities and their goals are frequently overlooked, close collaboration between evil ones and unregenerate social architects operates on a regular basis outside the purview of the countless multitudes who are blinded to their reality. In other words, as suggested in the film “They Live,” behind governors, legislators, presidents, dictators, and even religious leaders, wicked spiritual powers move throughout the machine of ecclesiastical and civil governments and media as freely as they are allowed.
Whenever such principalities recognize a religious or political body that has become a force for moral good, they set about – through a sophisticated labyrinth of visible and invisible representatives – to bring that organization down, one righteous soul at a time.
It is within this concealed arena of evil supernaturalism that unregenerate men are organized. Under demonic influence, they are orchestrated within a great evil system (or empire) described in various scriptural passages as a satanic order. In more than thirty important biblical texts, the Greek New Testament employs the term kosmos, describing this “government behind government.”
It is here that human ego, separated from God, becomes hostile to the service of mankind while viewing people as commodities to be manipulated in the ministration of fiendish ambition.
Some expositors believe the origins of this phenomenon began in the distant past, when a fire in the mind of Lucifer caused the powerful Cherub to exalt himself above the good of God’s creation.
The once-glorified spirit, driven mad by an unequivocal thirst to rule, conquer, and dominate, spawned similar lust between his followers, which continues today among agents of dark power who guard a privileged, “cause-and-effect” symmetry between visible and invisible personalities.
At Satan’s desire, archons command this supernatural, geopolitical sphere, dominating kosmokrators (rulers of darkness who work in and through human counterparts) who in turn command spirits of lesser rank until every level of earthly government, secular and religious, can be touched by this influence. If we could see through the veil into this domain, we would find a world alive with good against evil, a place where the ultimate prize is the souls of men and where legions war for control of its cities and people.
With vivid testimony to this, Satan offered Jesus all the power and the glory of the governments of this world.
Satan said,
“All this power [control] will I give thee, and the glory of them [earthly cities]: for that is delivered unto me: and to whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine”
(Luke 4:6–7).
According to the epistle of the Ephesians, it is this dominion, not flesh and blood, where opposition to God’s will on earth is initiated.
Whereas people and institutions often provide the “faces” on our problems, the conflict originates beyond them, in this place where unseen forces scheme. These forces may indeed be more influential than anyone ever imagined. In fact, there is a strong likelihood that the first murder recorded in Genesis was demonically inspired (in a manner which parallels the so called “alien abduction” phenomenon in interesting ways.)
Did you ever wonder why “sin” is personified when God warns Cain,
“If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him”.
(Ge 4:7)
Doesn’t it seem odd that “sin” is a “him” and if Cain does not do well he will be sin’s desire? How can “sin” have desire?
Apparently, there is something more going on here and scholars have uncovered surprising answers.
The wonderful thing about archeology is that we now have a greater understanding of the Bible’s context than at any other time in history. Scholars have translated a wealth of tablets from Mesopotamia which not only add contextual clues to scriptural references but provide insight into borrowed Semitic vocabulary.
In this case, a careful examination of the Hebrew text leads many evangelical inerrancy-upholding scholars to see the participle (Heb. rōbēş) rendered “lieth” in the KJV (or “is crouching” in other versions) as an Akkadian loan word, rābişu, for a demon (ancient Hebrew has no vowels so ‘rbs’ offers this flexibility). [iii]
Of course, there are other scholars who balk, preferring a less supernatural exegesis, but the context of the passage supports the demonic interpretation. Sin does not lie in wait but demons do.
Biblical scholar John Walton agrees,
“The fact that the text mentions the desire to master Cain favors rābişu as a demon.”
Thus, just prior to the first murder in history, “sin” is depicted as a doorway-demon waiting for an opportune time, an invitation which comes all too soon.
The ancient Akkadian literature reveals more astonishing data. In medical texts, inflicted individuals are depicted as having “walked in the path of a rābişu” and “a rābişu has seized him.”
The root meaning of this term means ‘one who lies in wait’.[v]
Uncanny parallels to modern abductions are seen in the descriptions of demons who ambush their victims in various locations:
- rābiş ūri, “the rābişu of the roof”
- rābiş nāri, “the rābişu of the river”
- rābiş ĥarbati, “the rābişu of the wasteland”
It seems there was a rābişu for just about anywhere, even a rābiş musâti, “the rābişu of the toilet.”
Now that’s disturbing! Ill manners aside, consider the rābiş urĥi, “the rābişu of the road.” [vi]
Might Barney and Betty Hill, while driving late at night on that lonely road, have encountered something like the latter manifest physically in modern garb?
But What If There Is Something More – Something Embodied?
- What if the incorporeal or incarnate reality described above is only part of the story?
- What if in at least some instances there is something more physical than the whispered influence demons can have on the human mind?
- What if there are tangible human hybrids walking among us; fit extensions for incarnation or embodiment of powerful alien-demonic entities, such as the creatures in the movie “They Live” or the Nephilim of ancient days?
- Is such a concept too incredible to be substantive?
Would you be surprised to learn that some very intelligent people – including academics and scholars – believe (to borrow a line that Carol Anne so ominously expressed in the 1982 film Poltergeist) “They’re here.”
And is this secret knowledge why Vatican Astronomer Guy Consolmagno (see entry #2) sent us the story of the Nephilim from the Bible as an example of the kind of “space saviors” man will soon look to for salvation, suggesting that Jesus himself was the product of alien-human hybridity?
Among secular and religious researchers today there is a contentious behind-the-scenes debate going on in this regard, which has been growing in intensity over the last few years among those who recognize first of all that genetically modified plants, animals, and yes, humans are now reality (documented in the next entry).
Unnatural forms of life first sprang up in ancient days and according to the Bible this is a repeatable phenomenon – that is, human hybridization not only happened in earliest times, but was followed by at least a second wave during the days of Abraham, Moses and the Davidic kingdom, and, more importantly, was prophesied to erupt once more in the latter days.
Therefore, we shall show unequivocally that the question is not whether humans were, can be or are being hybridized, but whether alien/demon agencies are involved in the process.
If so, does this imply something very uncomfortable, which most of us do not want to think about; that a form of “human” exists that quite possibly cannot be redeemed?
[iii] E.A. Speiser, Semitic language specialist at Yale University, remarks, “A pertinent noun is otherwise unattested in this language, but is well known in Akkadian as rābiṣum, a term for ‘demon.’” E. A. Speiser, Genesis: Introduction, Translation, and Notes (New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 2008), 33.
[iv] John H Walton, Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary (Old Testament) Volume 1: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2009), 38.
[v] M.L. Barre’, “RABIŞU” in Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible, 2nd edition, editors K. van der Toorn, Bob Becking and Pieter Willem van der Horst, (Leiden; Boston; Grand Rapids, Mich.: Brill; Eerdmans, 1999), 682.
[vi] Baree, “RABIŞU,” 682.
January 13, 2013
Stories and legends extending as far back as the beginning of time in every major culture tell the astonishingly consistent story of “gods” that descended from heaven and materialized in bodies of flesh.

Our working hypothesis is that the so-called extraterrestrials are nothing new. Indeed, they have been with us all along. They appear in our literature as far back as records extend.
In some of the earliest documents we see a diverse population of strange entities being created by the gods.
For instance, in the Akkadian (Sumerian-Babylonian) Epic of Creation we read of the chaos monster Tiamat employing a host of oddities:
“She deployed serpents, dragons, and hairy hero-men, Lion monsters, lion men, scorpion men, Mighty demons, fish men, bull men, Bearing unsparing arms, fearing no battle.” [i]
As the cuneiform tablets recount, the deity Enki believed correctly that Apsu, upset with the chaos they created, was planning to murder the younger deities; and so captured him, holding him prisoner beneath is temple called E-Abzu.
This angered Kingu, their son, who reported the event to Tiamat, whereupon she fashioned eleven monsters to battle the deities in order to avenge Apsu’s death.
These were her own offspring:
- Bašmu, “Venomous Snake”
- Ušumgallu, “Great Dragon”
- Mušmaĥĥū, “Exalted Serpent”
- Mušĥuššu, “Furious Snake”
- Laĥmu, the “Hairy One”
- Ugallu, the “Big Weather-Beast”
- Uridimmu, “Mad Lion”
- Girtablullû, “Scorpion-Man”
- Umū dabrūtu, “Violent Storms”
- Kulullû, “Fish-Man”
- Kusarikku, “Bull-Man”
These entities are recorded in the earliest records and find astonishing parallels in later literature. From the Sumerians through the Akkadians to the ancient Hebrews these legends have remained consistent.
“ancient Greek and Roman myths were populated not only by gods, heroes, and demons,” Brother Guy Consolmagno from VATT at Mt. Graham reminded us, “but by any number of strange and monstrous beings.”
Thus, from Rome to Greece – and before that, to Egypt, Persia, Assyria, Babylonia, and Sumer – the earliest records of civilization reveal an era when powerful beings known to the Hebrews as Watchers and in the book of Genesis as the benei ha-elohim (sons of God) descended to earth, mingled themselves with humans, and gave birth to part-celestial, part-terrestrial hybrids known as Nephilim.
The Bible says this happened when civilization expanded and daughters were born to men.
When the sons of God saw the women’s beauty, they took wives from among them to sire their unusual offspring. In Genesis 6:4 we read the following account:
“There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.”
When this Scripture is compared with other ancient texts, including those by early Church Fathers such as Justin, Irenaeus, Athenagoras, Commodianus, Julius Africanus, Clement, Tertulluan, Methodius, and Ambrose, not to mention works like the books of Enoch, Jubilees, Baruch, Genesis Apocryphon, Philo, Josephus, Jasher, The Testament of the 12 Patriarchs, and many more, the firmly held ancient belief becomes clear that the Giants of the Old Testament, such as Goliath, were part-human, part-animal, part-angelic offspring of a supernatural interruption into the divine order and natural propagation of the species.
The first-century Romano-Jewish historian Flavius Josephus described part of the story this way:
For many angels of God accompanied with women, and begat sons that proved unjust, and despisers of all that was good, on account of the confidence they had in their own strength; for the tradition is, that these men did what resembled the acts of those whom the Grecians call giants.
But Noah was very uneasy at what they did; and being displeased at their conduct, persuaded them to change their dispositions and their acts for the better: but seeing they did not yield to him, but were slaves to their wicked pleasures, he was afraid they would kill him, together with his wife and children, and those they had married; so he departed out of that land. [iii]
The early Church Father Irenaeus added that the angels used women not only to sire “giants” but taught them enchantments specifically for the purpose of casting lust-potions to lure both men and angels to their beds:
And for a very long while wickedness extended and spread, and reached and laid hold upon the whole race of mankind, until a very small seed of righteousness remained among them and illicit unions took place upon the earth, since angels were united with the daughters of the race of mankind; and they bore to them sons who for their exceeding greatness were called giants.
And the angels brought as presents to their wives teachings of wickedness, in that they brought them the virtues of roots and herbs, dyeing in colors and cosmetics, the discovery of rare substances, love-potions, aversions, amours, concupiscence, constraints of love, spells of bewitchment, and all sorcery and idolatry hateful to God; by the entry of which things into the world evil extended and spread, while righteousness was diminished and enfeebled. [iv]
While the prophet Daniel called certain powerful angels “Watchers” in canonical scripture (Dan. 4:13,17,23), it was the apocryphal book of Enoch that first described their cosmic conspiracy.
We read:
And I Enoch was blessing the Lord of majesty and the King of the ages, and lo! the Watchers called me – Enoch the scribe – and said to me:
“Enoch, thou scribe of righteousness, go, declare to the Watchers of the heaven who have left the high heaven, the holy eternal place, and have defiled themselves with women, and have done as the children of earth do, and have taken unto themselves wives: Ye have wrought great destruction on the earth: And ye shall have no peace nor forgiveness of sin: and inasmuch as they delight themselves in their children [the Nephilim], The murder of their beloved ones shall they see, and over the destruction of their children shall they lament, and shall make supplication unto eternity, but mercy and peace shall ye not attain”.
(1 Enoch 10:3–8)
According to Enoch, two hundred of these powerful angels departed “high heaven” and used women (among other things) to extend their progeny into mankind’s plane of existence.
David Flynn referenced an interlinear Hebrew Bible which offers an interesting interpretation of Genesis 6:2 in this regard. Where the King James Bible says,
“The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they [were] fair,” Flynn interprets this as, “The benei Elohim saw the daughters of Adam, that they were fit extensions” (emphasis added).
In other words, they wanted to incarnate themselves into the material world.
The New Testament also suggests this idea when Jude, the brother of our Lord, wrote,
“And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation [oikētērion]…”
(Jude 6)
This Greek term oikētērion is used by Paul in 2 Corinthians 5:2 to denote the transfigured body given to believers in heaven.
This implies that these fallen angels indeed sought to extend part of themselves into earthly bodies. The rendering “fit extensions” seems applicable when the whole of the ancient record is understood to mean that the Watchers wanted to leave their proper sphere of existence in order to enter earth’s three-dimensional reality.
They viewed women – or at least their genetic material – as part of the formula for accomplishing this task. Ancient records suggest the Watchers modified animals as well.
For instance, Jubilees implies that interspecies mingling eventually resulted in mutations among normal humans and animals whose “flesh” (genetic makeup) was “corrupted” by the activity, presumably through cross-genetic integration:
And injustice increased upon the earth, and all flesh corrupted its way; man and cattle and beasts and birds and everything which walks on the earth. And they all corrupted their way and their ordinances, and they began to eat one another. And injustice grew upon the earth and every imagination of the thoughts of all mankind was thus continually evil.
(Jubilees 5:2 underline added, cf. 7:21–25)
Even the Old Testament contains reference to the mutations that developed among humans following this time frame, including “men” of unusual size, physical strength, six fingers, six toes, animal appetite for blood, and even lion-like features (2 Samuel 21:20; 23:20).
Early Church Father Eusebius adds other important details:
And they begat human beings, with two wings; and then others with four wings and two faces and one body and two heads… still others with horses’ hooves, and others in the shape of a horse at the rear and a human shape at the front… they also made bulls with human heads and horses with dogs’ heads as well as other monsters with horses heads and human bodies… then all kinds of dragon-like monstrous beings…[vii]

Of the “winged humans” and “dragon-like monsters,” J.R. Church once made an interesting point that since this activity was satanic in nature, it refers to the “seed of the serpent” that was at enmity with Christ.
“The concept of a reptilian race continues throughout the Bible as a metaphoric symbol of the devil,” he wrote in Prophecy in the News magazine, February 2009.
“Later Scriptures add the term ‘dragon,’ with the implication that these other-worldly creatures were designed with the DNA code of a reptilian race.”
Church went on to state how some of these satanic creatures were depicted as “bat-like gargoyles, or winged dragons” in ancient art, and that we should not be surprised that,
“a humanoid-type reptilian race could cohabit with human women and produce a race of giants.”
In what could be historical support of Dr. Church’s premise, a document fragment found in Cave 4 among the Dead Sea Scrolls contains an admonition by Amram, the father of Moses, to his children.
In a badly damaged segment of the text, Amram sees the chief Angel of Darkness, A Watcher named Melkiresha in the form of a reptilian:
I saw Watchers in my vision, a dream vision, and behold two (of them) argued about me and said… and they were engaged in a great quarrel concerning me. I asked them: ‘You, what are you… thus … about me?’ They answered and said to me: ‘We have been made masters and rule over all the sons of men.’ And they said to me: ‘Which of us do you choose …’
I raised my eyes and saw one of them. His looks were frightening like those of a viper, and his garments were multi-colored and he was extremely dark…
And afterwards I looked and behold… by his appearance and his face was like that of an adder [a venomous snake], and he was covered with… together, and his eyes …” [viii]
The fact that the Watchers are described in explicitly reptilian terms by the ancient Hebrews grounds the ufological discussion of such beings and their interactions with man firmly in ancient history.
Case in point, Dr. John Mack’s seminal work on the abduction phenomenon cites many cases involving entities meeting the same description as that found in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
For example, the description by Sara,
“The head was the most prominent part of the body and was ‘shimmery,’ looking ‘reptilian,’ almost ‘snake like, serpent like’ and quite elongated.”
Furthermore, contrary to the revisionist accounts given by Ancient Astronaut theorists, this implies the so-called Reptilians are, in fact, Watchers pursuing a more sinister agenda than scientific exploration. Yet, abductee testimonies also suggest their interest in genetic material is very real.
Perhaps the most “scientific” description concerning the Watcher experiments and their genetic modification of humans and animals comes to us from the book of Jasher, a Hebrew text that adds an exceptional detail that none of the other texts is as unequivocal about, something that can only be understood in modern language to mean advanced biotechnology, genetic engineering, or “transgenic modification” of species.
After the Watchers had instructed humans “in the secrets of heaven,” note what it says occurred:
[Then] the sons of men [began teaching] the mixture of animals of one species with the other, in order therewith to provoke the Lord.
(Jasher 4:18)
It does seem likely that the phrase “the mixture of animals of one species with the other” means Watchers had taught men something more than natural animal crossbreeding, as this would not have “provoked the Lord.”
God made like animals of different breeds capable of reproducing.
For example, horses can propagate with other mammals of the equidae classification (the taxonomic “horse family”), including donkeys and zebras. It would not have “provoked the Lord” for this type of animal breeding to have taken place, as God Himself made the animals able to do this.
If, on the other hand, the Watchers were crossing species boundaries by mixing incompatible animals of one species with the other, such as a horse with a human (a centaur), this would have been a different matter altogether and may cast light on the numerous ancient stories of mythical beings of variant-species manufacturing that fit perfectly within the records of what the Watchers were accomplishing.
Understandably, this kind of chimera-making would have “provoked the Lord” and raises the serious question why the Watchers would have risked eternal damnation by tinkering with God’s creation in this way.
Several theories exist as to “why” watchers would have corrupted natural genotypes, including the idea that:
- because Yahweh had placed boundaries between the species and strictly ordered that “each kind” reproduce only after its “own kind,” the Watchers as rebels sought to break these rules in order to assault God’s creative genius through biologically altering what He had made
- the corruption of antediluvian DNA by Watchers was an effort to cut off the birth line of the Messiah
This theory posits that Satan understood the protoevangelium – the promise in Genesis 3:15 that a Savior would be born, the seed of the woman, and that He would destroy the fallen angel’s power.
Satan’s followers therefore intermingled with the human race in a conspiracy to stop the birth of Christ. If human DNA could be universally corrupted or “demonized,” they reasoned, no Savior would be born and mankind would be lost forever.
Those who support this theory believe this is why God ordered His people to maintain a pure bloodline and not to intermarry with the other nations.
When the Hebrews breached this command and the mutated DNA began rapidly spreading among men and animals, God instructed Noah to build an ark and to prepare for a flood that would destroy every living thing, the purpose of which would be to purge the earth of the contaminated genotypes and phenotypes.
Finally, a third theory as to why Watchers merged the genetics of various life forms incorporates the voluminous ancient “Watcher” texts into a consistent account regarding the overriding motive for what the Watchers had apparently used DNA for.
When this is done, it becomes clear that genetic substances were for them an earth-centric and organic construction material (or as Dr. Jacques Vallée called it, “living energy”) [x] for building a composite body that would allow them to leave their plane of existence and to enter man’s (see Jude 1:6; 2 Pet: 2:4).
The challenge of this theory becomes how intermingling various species would satisfy this goal or provide the Watchers with a method of departure from “high heaven” and incarnation into man’s “habitation.” While we will not take time here to explain every detail, the hypothesis involves the Watchers combining species in order to create a soulless or spiritless body – a living but empty “large organism” or “shell” into which they could extend themselves.
The rationale here is that every creature as it existed originally had its beginning in God, who wove a barrier between the species and ordered each creature to reproduce “after its own kind.”
The phrase “after its own kind” verifies what type of spirit can enter into an intelligent being at conception. When the sperm of a dog meets ovum of a dog and the life of a dog is formed, at the first spark of life the spirit (or “nature” when speaking of an animal) of a dog enters that embryo and it grows to become a dog in spirit and form.
The spirit of a man does not enter it, in the same way that a man is not born with the spirit of a horse or cow.
This creature/spirit integrity is part of the divine order and would have kept the Watchers, who wanted to incarnate within the human realm (not just “possess” creatures), from displacing the spirits of humans or animals and replacing them with their own.
How did the Watchers overcome this problem? It appears based on the ancient records (and like modern scientists are doing today) they blended existing DNA of several living creatures and made something that neither the spirit of man or beast would enter at conception, for it was neither man nor beast.
As Mysterious World, in its 2003 feature, “Giants in the Earth,” noted:
The Nephilimwere genetically manufactured beings created from the genetic material of various pre-existing animal species…
The fallen angels did not personally interbreed with the daughters of men, but used their godlike intellect to delve into the secrets of
YHWH’s Creationand manipulate it to their own purposes.
And the key to creating or recreating man, as we have (re)discovered in the twentieth century, is the human genome – DNA.
According to this extrapolation from the ancient accounts, the manipulation of living tissue by the fallen angels led to an unusual body made up of human, animal, and plant genetics known as Nephilim, an “earth-born” facsimile or “fit extension” into which they could incarnate.
While this theory significantly adds to the ancient record, it seeks to modernize the ancients’ description of what they, perhaps, did not fully grasp through the lens of a prescientific worldview and vocabulary. Interestingly, science has uncovered unexpected evidence for this in the human genome.
The Washington Post recently published a story on findings that a “mystery” species with partial human DNA once walked the earth.
The story, titled “Sex with early mystery species of humans seen in DNA,” UW researcher says, is just the latest in a series of similar recent finds, and while no fossilized giant bones were found in this case, a calling card was left in present-day Africans: snippets of “foreign” DNA.
“These genetic leftovers do not resemble DNA from any modern humans,” the article reports before adding this bombshell: “The foreign DNA also does not resemble Neanderthal DNA, which shows up in the DNA of some modern Europeans. That means the newly identified DNA came from an unknown group.”
Given the above theories, the biblical story of Nephilim offspring offers the most satisfying answer to this enigma.
One objection occasionally raised against the idea of part-men hybrids born as a result of union between angelic and human “genetics” is the belief that angels are supposedly sexless, since Jesus said at the resurrection that people will neither marry nor be given in marriage but shall be “like the angels in heaven.”
However, as James Montgomery Boice points out, the words recorded in Matthew 22:30,
“are not the equivalent of saying that the angels are sexless or that they could not have had sexual relations with women if they had chosen to do so. In heaven human beings will not marry but will nevertheless retain their identity, which includes their being either male or female.
In the same way, the angels could also have sexual identities. It is significant perhaps that when the angels are referred to in Scripture it is always with the masculine pronoun ‘he,’ and they are always described as men.” [xii]
Thus, when Jesus said the angels “in heaven” do not marry, this is a separate matter from what those angels that departed (or were cast out of) heaven was capable of doing and apparently did.
Jude 1:6-7 adds a deep and important point about this when it says:
And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.
Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire”.

It is remarkable here that Jude connects the sin of the fallen angels with the sexual sins of Sodom and Gomorrah using the telling commentary that they had gone after “strange flesh”.
This is the Greek sarkos heteros and contains a very important meaning connected to how the men of Sodom and Gomorrah wanted to have sex with angels (see Gen. 19). Thus their sin is compared by Jude to those angels of one verse earlier, which departed their proper habitation in heaven to commingle with women.
The Apostle Paul also resonates these demarcations in 1 Corinthians 15:40 when he says,
“There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.”
When explaining how the “heavenly” body is made up of something entirely different than the “earthly body,” is Paul speaking metaphysically or can a difference in the “raw material” of these bodies be assumed?
Certainly it can, because in the verse just before this one he speaks of the differences between the flesh of men, beasts, fishes, and birds, yet how these are all of earthly composition, as opposed to the following verse where he clearly divides the celestial body as “another” type of body not of the same “terrestrial” (terra firma, of the earth) kind.
According to the Second Century Apostolic father Athenagoras, Lucifer had been the angel originally placed in charge of the earthly “matter” (see Plea for the Christians). After his fall, Satan used his knowledge of creation and genetics to corrupt what God had made.
This is interesting in light of modern science and the recent suggestion that genetic abnormalities,
“may predispose a man to antisocial behavior, including crimes of violence.”
One of the hottest topics in biology today is the science of “epigenetics,” which involves heritable changes in gene expression or cellular phenotypes that can be caused by “mechanisms” other than normal changes that occur in underlying DNA sequences – thus the title epi-(Greek: επί- over, above, outer)-genetics.
Whether supernaturalism can play a role as one of these “outer mechanisms” is suggestive and many scholars believe demonic possession, for instance, can negatively affect chromosomal health.
The New Testament is replete with connections between sickness and genetic disorders as directly connected to demonism. According to theologian and spiritual warfare expert, Dr. Neil Andersen,
“approximately one-fourth of all the healings recorded in the Gospel of Mark were actually deliverances.”
For example,
“they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick;” and, “when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease”.
(Mat. 8:16; 10:1)
But, this is only part of the story.
There is a difference between demonized humans… and them among us now.
[i]William W. Hallo and K. Lawson Younger, The Context of Scripture (Leiden; New York: Brill, 1997), 392.
[ii] Intelligent Life in the Universe: Catholic belief and the search for exraterrestrial intelligent life, Catholic Truth Society, London, 2005, 4
[iii] Antiquities of the Jews – Book I, chapter 3:1
[v] David Flynn, “Seraphim, Cherubim & Ezekiel’s Wheels Aliens, Nephilim & the Days of Noah”
[vi] James H. Charlesworth, The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha and the New Testament, Volume 2: Expansions of the “Old Testament” and Legends, Wisdom, and Philosophical Literature, Prayers, Psalms and Odes, Fragments of Lost Judeo-Hellenistic Works, Includes Indexes. (New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 1985), 2:64.
[vii] Josef Karst, Eusebius Werke, 5. Band: die Chronik (Leipzig 1911).
[viii] 4Q Amramb (4Q544) Geza Vermes, The Dead Sea Scrolls in English, Previous Ed.: London : Penguin, 1987., Revised and extended 4th ed. (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1995), 312.
[ix] John E. Mack, Abduction (NY: Charles Scribner and Sons, 1994), 212.
[x] Jacques Vallée, The Invisible College: What a Group of Scientists Has Discovered About UFO Influences on the Human Race (New York: Dutton, 1975), 233.
[xiii] T. Shinn, Richard P. Whitley, Expository Science: Forms and Functions of Popularisation, Springer, NY, 1985, 148
[xiv] Neil T. Anderson, The Bondage Breaker, (Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 2006), 33.
January 15, 2013
On November 28th, 2012, during the third season of “Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura” the TruTV program looked into,
“human-animal hybrid experiments that supposedly have gone beyond the Petri dish with rumors that a real-life ‘Planet of the Apes’ is being created.”
The producers had contacted one of the authors of the upcoming book Exo-Vaticana (Tom) late in 2011 with a request for help. They wanted to know whether scientists had secretly crossed the Rubicon with regard to human-animal genetic experiments.
Though Tom spent numerous hours as a consultant providing documentation and expert witnesses, he turned down repeated requests to be part of Season 3: Episode 4 “Manimal,” described on Ventura’s website this way:
“Science has made major breakthroughs in drug research and transplant technology by experimenting on ‘chimeras’ – human/animal embryo hybrids. But these seemingly noble goals may be covering up a much more nefarious purpose – to create half human, half ape super soldiers, paving the way for a real life Planet of the Apes showdown.”
(The producers actually offered on three separate occasions to fly Tom to set locations in the United States to meet with Jesse Ventura and the film crew, but he turned them down for reasons that will be revealed later. Conversely, though Tom declined their repeated invitation to be on the show, he did set them up with Professor William B. Hurlbut, Consulting Professor for the Department of Neurology and Neurological Sciences at Stanford University Medical Center and a member of the U.S. President’s Council on Bioethics who will be featured with both of the authors of Exo-Vaticana and over a dozen experts in an upcoming documentary expose on Transhumanism, tentatively scheduled for release in 2013).
Among the scores of research papers, DARPA budget line items, suspect locations where human-animal experimentation ethics may have passed the curtain of acceptability, and media reports that Tom forwarded to the producers was a Reuters news article dated November 9, 2009, titled “Scientists Want Debate on Animals with Human Genes,” which hinted at just how far scientists have come and how far they intend to go with human and animal hybridization.
The news piece started out,
“A mouse that can speak? A monkey with Down’s Syndrome? Dogs with human hands or feet? British scientists want to know if such experiments are acceptable,”
[ii] ,
…then continued with revelations that scientists inside Britain were comfortable now with up to 50/50 animal-human integration.
The article implied that not all the research currently under design is kept at the embryonic level, and that fully mature monstrosities (like the creature in the 2010 movie Splice) are quietly under study.

Scene from the movie “Splice”
It didn’t take long to surmise if the Reuters article was simply speculating or if indeed there were scientists already experimenting with human-animal creations beyond the embryonic stage.
In July, 2011, Britain’s Academy of Medical Sciences (AMS) admitted in a 148 page report how such science is advancing so quickly and being conducted in so many laboratories around the world without appropriate oversight that an international regulatory commission is urgently needed to oversee the creation of these part-human part-animal part-synthetic chimeras.
Interestingly, the AMS did not call for a prohibition of the science, but rather an international supervisory body under which the science can fully and officially proceed.
In the précis of their analysis they considered,
“research that involves the introduction of human DNA sequence into animals, or the mixing of human and animal cells or tissues, to create entities we refer to as ‘animals containing human material’” (ACHM).
They then confessed:
“Such approaches are long-established, and thousands of different ACHM have been used in biomedical research, yet they have received relatively little public discussion.”
What type beings did Britain’s leading scientists know of or suspect as now secretly under study?
From the summary of their paper we find:
Extensive modification of the brain of an animal, by implantation of human derived cells, which might result in altered cognitive capacity approaching human ‘consciousness’ or ‘sentience’ or ‘humanlike’ behavioral capabilities.
Situations where functional human gametes (eggs, sperm) might develop from precursor cell-types in an animal; and where fertilisation between human and animal gametes might then occur [yes folks, we are talking here about animals that can conceive from human sperm and give birth to human-animals].
Cellular or genetic modifications which could result in animals with aspects of humanlike appearance (skin type, limb or facial structure) or characteristics, such as speech [in other words, Nephilim]. [v]
Only one day after the Academy of Medical Sciences circulated this report, the popular UK Mail Online published a story detailing how in just one instance alone (of potentially tens of thousands):
Scientists have created more than 150 human-animal hybrid embryos in British laboratories. The hybrids have been produced secretively over the past three years by researchers looking into possible cures for a wide range of diseases.
The revelation comes just a day after a committee of scientists warned of a nightmare ‘Planet of the Apes’ scenario in which work on human-animal creations goes too far. [vi]

While such chimeras are supposedly destroyed at the embryonic level, experts involved in the field who were interviewed by Reuters admitted,
“some scientists in some places want to push boundaries.”
In other words, there are most likely Splice-like creatures in laboratory settings now, locations that these scientists have left unmentioned.
Martin Bobrow, professor of medical genetics at Cambridge University hinted why this is the case:
“There is a whole raft of new scientific techniques that will make it not only easier but also more important to be able to do these cross-species experiments”.
One place where researchers may have already considered this research to be so “important” that it justifies pushing those “boundaries” the British scientists alluded to, is the Yerkes National Primate Research Center at Emory University in Georgia (originally located in Orange Park, Florida).
It is one of eight national primate research centers funded by the National Institutes of Health, both of which have shown interest in combining animal and human genetics to create a new species.
The Discovery Channel on March 27, 1998 (in an episode of Unsolved History) discussed a report by Dr. Gordon Gallup, a psychologist from the University at Albany, on the Yerkes National Primate Research Center in which he confessed,
“a human-chimp hybrid was successfully engendered and born [at the center] but was destroyed by the scientists soon after.”
This should come as no surprise, as Emory’s professors including Rabbi Michael Broyde have argued very recently that Jewish law would support animalized humans so long as the technology produces superior people.
In an October 7, 2011 article on the University’s website, Broyde says:
Genetic engineering (GE), in which the traits of different individuals, or animals, are combined, already has resulted in amazing combinations… Jewish law would support similar intentional human-human chimerism, in which the embryonic material of two fetuses is mixed, or human-animal chimerism, in which the cells of a human are mixed with cells of another mammal… processes and technologies that result in healthy, or healthier, children are intrinsically good and should be embraced, not feared. [x]
Professor Broyde is correct in stating that genetically altering,
“the traits of different individuals… has resulted in amazing combinations.”
In fact, the first known genetically altered humans were born over a decade ago as a result of an experimental program at the Institute for Reproductive Medicine and Science of St Barnabas in New Jersey.
An article at that time explained part of the research, saying,
“The babies were born to women who had problems conceiving. Extra genes from a female donor were inserted into their eggs before they were fertilized in an attempt to enable them to conceive. Genetic fingerprint tests on two one-year-old children confirm that they have inherited DNA from three adults – two women and one man.”

Concerning these experiments, Dr. Joseph Mercola points out something very important:
Today, these children are in their early teens, and while the original study claims that this was “the first case of human germline genetic modification resulting in normal healthy children,” later reports put such claims of absolute success in dispute [meaning not all the genetically engineered kids were necessarily healthy].
Still, back in 2001, the authors seemed to think they had it all under control, stating:
“These are the first reported cases of germline mtDNA genetic modification which have led to the inheritance of two mtDNA populations in the children resulting from ooplasmic transplantation.
These mtDNA fingerprints demonstrate that the transferred mitochondria can be replicated and maintained in the offspring, therefore being a genetic modification without potentially altering mitochondrial function.”
Dr. Mercola continues:
“It’s relevant to understand that these children have inherited extra genes – that of two women and one man – and will be able to pass this extra set of genetic traits to their own offspring.
One of the most shocking considerations here is that this was done – repeatedly – even though no one knows what the ramifications of having the genetic traits of three parents might be for the individual, or for their subsequent offspring.
Based on what I’ve learned about the genetic engineering of plants, I’m inclined to say the ramifications could potentially be vast, dire, and completely unexpected.” [xii]
For those inclined to believe the astonishing report above was an isolated incident, British scientists repeated the same experiments in 2008, and in 2012 the Oregon Health & Sciences University (OHSU) conducted similar research aimed at producing genetically engineered super babies. [xiii]
Yet regardless how many times this and other forms of human genetic tinkering have been secretly conducted outside public or congressional review (historical precedence suggests many, many times), it is important to understand how germline genetic engineering was used in this one example where thirty genetically modified children were created reflects the very modus operandi that fallen angels used with Nephilim – to introduce heritable modifications to the human genotype that give birth literally worldwide to changes in the gene pool through natural propagation.
Dr. Mercola’s concerns are thus highly appropriate in that current GE models on humans carry the same potential as when “all flesh” was corrupted in the Old Testament and had to be destroyed by God.
As a result, germline engineering is considered by some conservative bioethicists to be the most dangerous of human-enhancement technology, as it has the power to truly reassemble the very nature of humanity into posthuman, altering an embryo’s every cell and leading to transferable modifications extending to all succeeding generations.
Debate over germline engineering is therefore most critical, because as changes to “downline” genetic offspring are set in motion, the genotype and phenotype (nature, physical makeup, and behavior) of mankind will be altered with no hope of reversal, thereby permanently reshaping humanity’s future. In spite of that, according to “ethicists” like Oxford University Professor Julian Savulescu, not only do we have “a moral obligation” to engineer such people, but embryos that do not meet certain genetic improvements in the future should not be allowed to live. [xiv]
Dr. Richard Seed, a physicist in Chicago went further, warning anybody that has plans of standing in the way of this dream that they had better rethink their oposition:
“We are going to become Gods, period. If you don’t like it, get off. You don’t have to contribute, you don’t have to participate, but if you are going to interfere with me becoming a God, you’re going to have trouble. There’ll be warfare.”
Professors Seed and Savulescu are not alone in their strong beliefs.
Dr. Gregory Stock, a respected proponent of germline technology argues that man not only has a moral responsibility to “improve” the human genotype, but powerful new technology now at our disposal for transcending existing biological limitations is making the schemes of transhumanists inevitable if not imminent.
“We have spent billions to unravel our biology, not out of idle curiosity, but in the hope of bettering our lives. We are not about to turn away from this,” he says.
Elsewhere, Stock does admit, however, that this could lead to,
“clusters of genetically enhanced superhumans who will dominate if not enslave us.”
Thus from the “Human-Ape Army” plans of Ilya Ivanov under Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin [xvii] to the early part of the twentieth century where Adolf Hitler instructed Josef Mengele to perform horrific experiments on live human beings in concentration camps to test their genetic theories, to the U.S. where up until the 1970s more than sixty thousand Americans were sterilized after being deemed of inferior genetic stock, the dream of one day advancing the next step in human evolution through engineering homo-superior has always had its champions.
The difference until lately has been the Frankensteinian visionaries lacked biotechnological skills and the public’s will to enable,
“large-scale genetic and neurological engineering of ourselves.”
Today, that has changed, the technology has arrived, and the will to birth a new form of man has at least entered its fledgling state if not secretly advanced altogether.
Even the recent Olympics underscored this science, pointing out the specter of clandestinely modified humans. Chinese swimmer Ye Shiwen’s superhuman-like performance led John Leonard, the director of the World Swimming Coaches Association, to describe the 16-year-old’s world-setting feat as ‘suspicious’, ‘disturbing’ and ‘unbelievable’.
Authorities who tested Ye Shiwen for drug abuse should have also checked to see ‘if there is something unusual going on in terms of genetic manipulation,’ he said. [xix]
Dr Ted Friedmann, chair of the genetics panel of the World Anti-Doping Agency, agreed, saying he ‘would not be surprised at all’ if genetic enhancements were not now being secretly used on humans. [xx]
In other words, Aldous Huxley’s dystopian ‘Brave New World’ is already slipping in under most of the public’s radar.
Human pre-natal diagnosis, screening fetal genomes, and designer children were just the first cracks in the dam holding back incremental changes due the human genetic reservoir this century, and experts are now admitting it.

This includes the Academy of Medical Sciences mentioned earlier, the same astute science body that more recently joined the British Academy, the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Royal Society to produce a narrower joint study in 2012 titled: “Human enhancement and the future of work” wherein they documented the alarming trend aimed at augmenting humans both cognitively and physically.
In this new study, the collaborative team characterized serious concerns over the burgeoning “hybrid age” as having already started and in which the arrival of a new form of man is upon the horizon.
What new breeds of hominid do they foresee?
An example from page 26 of their work highlights how people could be engineered to have serpentine qualities:
Participants discussed how these kinds of techniques may in the future aid research into the extension of the range of human vision to include additional wavelengths.
Examples exist in animals, such as snakes that can detect infrared wavelengths, which might provide a source of research for developing approaches that can be used in humans.
Potential applications could be envisaged in the military, but also in other employment, from night watchmen, safety inspectors, gamekeepers, etc, including the possibility of enhanced vision at night. [xxi]
To assure tomorrow’s snake people not only see in the dark but are appropriately plugged into the end-times grid they will serve, the looming reptilian-humans will also have Borg-like “physical and digital enhancements such as cybernetic implants and advanced machine-interfacing technologies” according to the study. [xxii]
Whenever these authors speak on the subject of transhumanism and the looming “human enhancement” era, people are surprised to learn the many ways in which the United States government has committed taxpayer money to institutions such as the Case Law School (Cleveland, Ohio) for developing the actual guidelines that will be used for setting government and public policy around the next step in human evolution through genetic alteration.
Maxwell Mehlman, the professor of bioethics at the Case School of Medicine, received nearly a million dollars not long ago to lead a team of law professors, physicians, and bioethicists over a two-year project,
“to develop standards for tests on human subjects in research that involves the use of genetic technologies to enhance ‘normal’ individuals.”
Following the initial study, Mehlman began traveling the United States offering two university lectures:
- “Directed Evolution: Public Policy and Human Enhancement”
- “Transhumanism and the Future of Democracy”
These talks are designed to inform and persuade college students on the need for society to comprehend how emerging fields of science have already set in motion what some are calling “the Hybrid Age,” a time when what it means to be human will be forever changed.
It’s revealing that many of these technocrats admit being influenced by the works of men like Friedrich Nietzsche (from whom the phrase “God is dead” derives) and Goethe, the author of Faust.
Nietzsche was the originator of the übermensch or “Overman” that Adolf Hitler dreamed of engineering, and the “entity” that man according to Nietzsche will eventually evolve into.
Like the ancient Watchers before them, transhumanists dream of giving life to Nietzsche’s Übermensch by remanufacturing men with animals, plants, and other synthetic life-forms through, among other things, the use of recombinant dna technology, germline engineering, and transgenics, in which the genetic structure of one species is altered by the transfer of genes from another.
While in the United States, George W. Bush once called for legislation to,
“prohibit… creating human-animal hybrids, and buying, selling, or patenting human embryos,”
[xxiv]the prospect of animalized humans “is a subject of serious discussion in certain scientific circles,” writes senior counsel for the Alliance Defense Fund, Joseph Infranco.
“We are well beyond the science fiction of H.G. Wells’ tormented hybrids in the Island of Doctor Moreau; we are in a time where scientists are seriously contemplating the creation of human-animal hybrids.”
The former chairman of the President’s Council on Bioethics, Leon Kass, may have said it best in the introduction to his book, Life, Liberty and the Defense of Dignity: The Challenges of Bioethics:
Human nature itself lies on the operating table, ready for alteration, for eugenic and psychic “enhancement,” for wholesale redesign.
In leading laboratories, academic and industrial, new creators are confidently amassing their powers and quietly honing their skills, while on the street their evangelists [transhumanists] are zealously prophesying a posthuman future.
For anyone who cares about preserving our humanity, the time has come for paying attention.[xxvi]
Even so, from this part forward in this series, things start getting really interesting.
[iv] Ibid.
[v] Ibid.
[viii] Ibid.
[xvi] Joe Garreau, Radical Evolution: The Promise and Peril of Enhancing Our Minds, Our Bodies – and What It Means to Be Human (New York: Broadway, 2005) 116
[xviii] Jerome C. Glenn, “The State of the Future” (7/14/10), emphasis added.
[xx] Ibid.
[xxi] Human enhancement and the future of work, Academy of Medical Sciences, British Academy, the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Royal Society, October, 2012, 26
[xxiii] Case Western Reserve University, “Case Law School Receives $773,000 NIH Grant to Develop Guidelines for Genetic Enhancement Research: Professor Max Mehlman to Lead Team of Law Professors, Physicians, and Bioethicists in Two-Year Project (April 28, 2006).
[xxiv] George W. Bush, in his January 31, 2006, State of the Union address
[xxv] Joseph Infranco, “President Barack Obama Warped and Twisted Science with Embryonic Stem Cell Order,” LifeNews (4/13/09)
[xxvi] Leon R. Kass, Life, Liberty, and the Defense of Dignity: The Challenge for Bioethics (New York: Encounter, 10/25/02).
Incubi, Succubi, Daemons, and Elementals
January 20, 2013
Based on facts detailed in the previous entries, we started this part of the investigation saying the question is not whether humans were, can be, or are being hybridized, but whether alien/demon agencies are involved in the process.

Today, what some call “alien abduction,” in which a breeding program allegedly exists resulting in alien/human hybrids, seems but a contemporary retelling of similar DNA harvesting and genetic manipulation by those mysterious beings called “Watchers” whose genetic modification activities we have discussed.
In his book, Confrontations – A Scientist’s Search for Alien Contact, highly regarded UFO researcher, Dr. Jacques F. Vallée, once argued:
“Contact with [aliens is] only a modern extension of the age-old tradition of contact with nonhuman consciousness in the form of angels, demons, elves, and sylphs.”
Later, Vallée more closely identified the operative power behind these “aliens” as equivalent to the fallen Watcher angels of the Days of Noah:
Are these races only semi-human, so that in order to maintain contact with us, they need crossbreeding with men and women of our planet?
Is this the origin of the many tales and legends where genetics plays a great role: the symbolism of the Virgin in occultism and religion, the fairy tales involving human midwives and changelings, the sexual overtones of the flying saucer reports, the biblical stories of intermarriage between the Lord’s angels, and terrestrial women, whose offspring were giants? [ii]
Another highly respected and often-quoted UFO researcher, John Keel, echoed the same when he stated in Operation Trojan Horse:
Demonology is not just another crackpot-ology. It is the ancient and scholarly study of the monsters and demons who have seemingly coexisted with man throughout history…
The manifestations and occurrences described in this imposing literature are similar, if not entirely identical, to the UFO phenomenon itself. Victims of demonomania [possession] suffer the very same medical and emotional symptoms as the UFO contactees…
The Devil and his demons can, according to the literature, manifest themselves in almost any form and can physically imitate anything from angels to horrifying monsters with glowing eyes.
Strange objects and entities materialize and dematerialize in these stories, just as the UFOs and their splendid occupants appear and disappear, walk through walls, and perform other supernatural feats.[iii]
Associate professor of psychology Elizabeth L. Hillstrom was even more inflexible on comparisons between “alien” experiences and historical demonic activity, quoting in her book Testing the Spirits an impressive list of scholars from various disciplines who concluded that similarities between ETs and demons is unlikely coincidental.
Hillstrom cites authorities of the first rank including Pierre Guerin, a scientist associated with the French National Council for Scientific Research, who believes,
“The modern UFOnauts and the demons of past days are probably identical,”
…and veteran researcher John Keel, who reckons,
“The UFO manifestations seem to be, by and large, merely minor variations of the age-old demonological phenomenon.”
Harvard psychiatrist and Pulitzer Prize-winner John Mack risked his career when he announced that the abduction phenomenon is very much real albeit an assault of a quasi-spiritual nature.
The following is a chilling excerpt from Mack’s Passport to the Cosmos:
Some abductees feel that certain beings seem to want to take their souls from them. Greg told me that the terror of his encounters with certain reptilian beings was so intense that he feared being separated from his soul.
“If I were to be separated from my soul,” he said, “I would not have any sense of being. I think all my consciousness would go. I would cease to exist. That would be the worst thing anyone could do to me.”
Mack recorded page after page of such transparently demonic phenomenon. Another victim described her horror saying,
“I knew instinctively that whatever that thing was next to me wanted to enter me. It was just waiting to enter me.”
Of course, this screams demon possession, but, against the evidence, Mack’s naturalistic worldview steered him toward the extraterrestrial hypothesis.
In contrast, Vallée connects the dots:
“The ‘medical examination’ to which abductees are said to be subjected, often accompanied by sadistic sexual manipulation, is reminiscent of the medieval tales of encounters with demons.”
With these sorts of characterizations coming from the secular scholars, it should be no surprise that we also connect UFO/ET phenomenon with demonic activity.
Incubi, Succubi, Daemons, and Elementals
In contrast to the “demons” of later Judeo-Christian belief, French UFO researcher, Aimé Michel (1919-1992), preferred the daemons of earlier Greek antiquity as the culprits of UFO and ET activity.

The difference between what most people today think of as a demon (an incorporeal, malicious spirit that can seduce, vex, or possess a human) and the daemons of ancient Greek Hellenistic religion and philosophy is that daemons were corporeal (though often invisible and constituted of material unlike human or animal genetics) and could be good (eudoaemons) or evil (cacodaemons).
Eudoaemons (also called agathodaemons) were sometimes associated with benevolent angels, the ghosts of dead heroes, or supernatural beings who existed between mortals and gods (as in the teachings of the priestess Diotima to Socrates in Plato’s Symposium), while cacodaemons were spirits of evil or malevolence who could afflict humans with mental, physical, and spiritual ailments.
(In psychology, cacodemonia or cacodemomania is the pathological belief in which the patient is convinced he/she is inhabited, or possessed, by a wicked entity or evil spirit.)
This delineation, and its potential spiritual and physical ramifications on humans, was reflected in the works of Italian Franciscan theologian, exorcist and advisor to the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition in Rome, Ludovico Maria Sinistrari (1622–1701).
Sinistrari, who was regarded as an expert on sexual sins, wrote extensively of individuals accused of amorous relations with demons.
His work, De daemonialitate, et incubis et succubis, may be considered today among the earliest accounts of what could otherwise be called “alien abduction” resulting in hybrid offspring because the incubi and succubi of Sinistrari’s opinion were neither evil spirits nor fallen angels, but corporeal beings,
“created midway between humans and angels.”
Sinistrari found that monks and nuns were of particular interest to the incubi/succubi, presumably due to pent-up sexual frustrations resulting from celibacy oaths that made them easier targets (which makes one wonder what the venerated St. Cecilia really meant when she said to Valerian, “There is a secret, Valerian, I wish to tell you. I have as a lover an angel of God who jealously guards my body”). [x]
Physical evidence, including semen, left on site following intercourse with the phantoms was often copious, negating the possibility in at least some cases that the event was psychological. One such incident between a sleeping nun and an incubus in the form of a spectral “young man” had multiple eyewitnesses and was recorded by Sinistrari in his work, Demoniality.
The Catholic Father writes:
In a Monastery (I mention neither its name nor that of the town where it lies, so as not to recall to memory a past scandal), there was a Nun, who, about trifles usual with women and especially with nuns, had quarreled with one of her mates who occupied a cell adjoining to hers.
Quick at observing all the doings of her enemy, this neighbor noticed, several days in succession, that instead of walking with her companions in the garden after dinner she retired to her cell, where she locked herself in. Anxious to know what she could be doing there all that time, the inquisitive Nun betook herself also to her cell.
Soon she heard a sound, as of two voices conversing in subdued tones, which she could easily do, since the two cells were divided but by a slight partition. [There she heard] a peculiar friction, the cracking of a bed, groans and sighs, her curiosity was raised to the highest pitch, and she redoubled her attention in order to ascertain who was in the cell.
But having, three times running, seen no other nun come out but her rival, she suspected that a man had been secretly introduced and was kept hidden there. She went and reported the thing to the Abbess, who, after holding counsel with discreet persons, resolved upon hearing the sounds and observing the indications that had been denounced her, so as to avoid any precipitate or inconsiderate act.
In consequence, the Abbess and her confidents repaired to the cell of the spy, and heard the voices and other noises that had been described. An inquiry was set on foot to make sure whether any of the Nuns could be shut in with the other one; and the result being in the negative, the Abbess and her attendants went to the door of the closed cell, and knocked repeatedly, but to no purpose: the Nun neither answered, nor opened.
The Abbess threatened to have the door broken in, and even ordered a convert to force it with a crow-bar. The Nun then opened her door: a search was made and no one found.
Being asked with whom she had been talking, and the why and wherefore of the bed cracking, of the sighs, etc., she denied everything.
But, matters going on just the same as before, the rival Nun, become more attentive and more inquisitive than ever, contrived to bore a hole through the partition, so as to be able to see what was going on inside the cell; and what should she see but an elegant youth lying with the Nun, and the sight of whom she took care to let the others enjoy by the same means.
The charge was soon brought before the bishop: the guilty Nun endeavored still to deny all; but, threatened with torture, she confessed having had an intimacy with an Incubus. [xi]
These entities were associated with the forest sylvans and fauns by Augustine in his classic, De Civiatate Dei (“City of God”):
There is, too, a very general rumor, which many have verified by their own experience, or which trustworthy persons who have heard the experience of others corroborate, that sylvans and fauns, who are commonly called “incubi,” had often made wicked assaults upon women, and satisfied their lust upon them; and that certain devils, called Duses by the Gauls, are constantly attempting and effecting this impurity is so generally affirmed, that it were impudent to deny it. [xii]
The incubus in Henry Fuseli’s
famous 1781 oil painting The Nightmare
These devils usually appeared at night as either a seductive demon in a male human form (incubi, from the Latin incubo, “to lie upon”) having phantasmagoric intercourse with women, or elsewhere as a sensual female presence (succubi) who collected semen from men through dream-state copulation.
Some believe these entities are one and the same. That is, the same spirit may appear as a female in one instance to collect male seed, then reappear elsewhere as a male to transfer the semen into a womb.
The etymology (the study of the history of words, their origin, form, and meaning) of the word “nightmare” actually derives from the Old English maere for a “goblin” or “incubus” and variously referred to an evil female spirit that afflicted sleepers with a feeling of suffocation and bad dreams and/or elsewhere as a seductress.
While religious credo involving incubi and succubi was widespread in mythological and legendary traditions, Sinistrari defied established church theology on the topic when he wrote:
“Subject to correction by our Holy Mother Church, and as a mere expression of private opinion, I say that the Incubus, when having intercourse with women, begets the human foetus from his own seed”.
Ironically, Sinistrari considered the worst part of this sinful intercourse to be that the incubus – a morally superior being in his mind (as currently suggested by modern Catholic theologians regarding ET and documented in the upcoming book Exo-Vaticana) – had lowered itself by taking up with a human!
“The incubus, (or succuba) however, does, he holds, commit a very great sin considering that we belong to an inferior species,” notes twentieth-century writer William Butler Yeats from Sinistrari’s own writings.
In this sense, Sinistrari’s interpretation of the incubi and succubi is similar to the alien abductors of modern tradition and the daemons of Hellenistic Greek religion.
They also reflect the beliefs of the alchemists who preceded Sinistrari, especially German-Swiss occultist Paracelsus, who believed in the Aristotelian concept of four elements (earth, fire, water, and air), [xv] as well as the three metaphysical substances – mercury, sulfur, and salt – the finest of which were used by the entities to constitute the more majestic “bodies” of those elemental beings.
Elementals are referred to by various names.
In the English-speaking tradition, these include fairies, elves, devas, brownies, leprechauns, gnomes, sprites, pixies, banshees, goblins, dryads, mermaids, trolls, dragons, griffins, and numerous others.
An early modern reference of elementals appears in the sixteenth-century alchemical works of Paracelsus.
His works grouped the elementals into four Aristotelian elements:
1) gnome, earth elemental
2) undines (also known as nymph), water elemental
3) sylph, air elemental (also known as wind elemental)
4) salamander, fire elemental
The earliest known reference of the term “sylph” is from the works of Paracelsus. He cautioned that it is harmful to attempt to contact these beings, but offered a rationale in his work, Why These Beings Appear to Us:
Everything God creates manifests itself to Man sooner or later. Sometimes God confronts him with the devil and the spirits in order to convince him of their existence. From the top of Heaven, He also sends the angels, His servants.
Thus these beings appear to us, not in order to stay among us or become allied to us, but in order for us to become able to understand them. These apparitions are scarce, to tell the truth.
But why should it be otherwise? Is it not enough for one of us to see an Angel, in order for all of us to believe in the other Angels? [xvi]
A book that popularized this concept in the late sixteenth century was the work Le Comte de Gabalis, ou entretiens sur les sciences secrete (“Count Gabalis, or Secret Talks on Science”), which helped the revival of the third-century mystical philosophy based on the teachings of Plato and earlier Platonists known as Neoplatonism.
It explained:
The immense space which lies between Earth and Heaven has inhabitants far nobler than the birds and insects. These vast seas have far other hosts than those of the dolphins and whales; the depths of the earth are not for moles alone; and the Element of Fire, nobler than the other three, was not created to remain useless and empty.
The air is full of an innumerable multitude of Peoples, whose faces are human, seemingly rather haughty, yet in reality tractable, great lovers of the sciences, cunning, obliging to the Sages, and enemies of fools and the ignorant. [xvii]
“According to Count Gabalis,” Robert Pearson Flaherty explains, “these elementals were – like Sinistrari’s incubi and the ETs of current lore – corporeal and capable of begetting children with humans.” [xviii]
This occult concept holds potential for deep deception and near future malevolence, as, according to the doctrine, it was,
“the original intent of the Supreme God that humans should join in marriage with the elemental races rather than with each other, and the ‘fall of man’ occurred when Adam and Eve conceived children with each other rather than with elemental beings. Unlike humans, elemental beings had mortal souls; hence, they had but one hope of immortality – intermarriage with humans.”
Flaherty compares this to modern ET abduction stories and the messages received by those who are part of the “alien” breeding program:
Through hybridization with humans, ETs of current lore do not seek immortality but rather to avoid extinction. Historian of religions Christopher Partridge describes how the concept of malevolent ETs is rooted in Christian demonology (belief in evil spirits).
Here, “ET religion” is used to refer to the positive valorization of ETs, who are portrayed not as fallen angels and scheming demons, but as [like Vatican theologians argue in the upcoming book Exo-Vaticana] our saviors, creators, and (in the hybridization myth) partners in continued evolution and survival. [xx]
[i] Jacques Vallée, Confrontations – A Scientist’s Search for Alien Contact (New York, NY: Ballantine Books, 1990), 159.
[ii] Jacques Vallée, Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact (New York, NY: Ballantine Books, 1988), 143–144.
[iii] John A. Keel, UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse (Atlanta, GA: Illuminet Press, 1996), 192.
[iv] Elizabeth L. Hillstrom, Testing the Spirits (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1995), 207–207.
[v] John A. Keel, UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse, 299.
[vi] John E. Mack, Passport to the Cosmos: Human Transformation and Alien Encounters (New York: Crown, 1999), 209.
[vii] John E. Mack, Passport to the Cosmos, 209.
[viii] Jacques Vallée, Confrontations, Reprint ed. (New York, NY: Ballantine Books, 1991), 13.
[ix] Ibid., 86.
[x] “St. Cecilia,” Catholic Culture, last accessed January 14, 2013,
[xi] Ludovico Maria Sinistrari, Demoniality: Or Incubi and Succubi (Isidore Liseux, 1879), 235–241.
[xii]Philip Schaff, The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers Vol. II – St. Augustin’s City of God and Christian Doctrine (Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems, 1997), 303.
[xiii] Ludovico Maria Sinistrari, (Whitefish, MT: Kessinger, 2003), 27.
[xiv] “Notes (W. B. Yeats),”, last accessed January 14, 2013,
[xv] “Paracelsus,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, last modified December 20, 2012,
[xvi] Jacques Vallée, Dimensions, 15.
[xvii] Abbé N. de Montfaucon de Villars, Comte de Gabalis, ou entretiens sur les sciences secrete (London: The Brothers/Old Bourne Press, 1913), 29.
[xviii] Robert Pearson Flaherty, “These Are They,” ET-Human Hybridization and the New Daemonology, Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative & Emergenct Religion (Nov 2012, Vol. 14 Issue 2), 86.
[xix] Ibid., 87.
[xx] Ibid.
(Pt 1)
Close Encounters of the Skinwalking, Shapeshifting, Demonic Werewolf Kind
January 23, 2013
The history of elemental beings including incubi and succubi or “alien-demons” by any other name is often closely associated with a variety of shapeshifting monsters and “cryptids” (from the Greek “κρύπτω” [krypto] meaning “hide”), whose existence is difficult to prove by means of their ability to apparently move in and out of Earth’s dimension or man’s visible spectrum – the human range of sight.

Examples of these would include the Yeti in the Himalayas, the famous Bigfoot or Sasquatch of mainly the Pacific Northwest region of North America and Canada, and the Loch Ness Monster of Scotland.
Hoaxes aside, literally tens of thousands of people throughout history and around the world (including reputable individuals such as clergy, professionals, military, law enforcement personnel, and even anthropologists) have seen, found biological samples of such in hair and footprint evidence, and even filmed and recorded the creatures’ unidentifiable language vocalizations, but have up until now failed to capture a single physical specimen… that the public knows of.
Witness testimonies often include reports of fantastic sizes – from enormous dragons in the sea to giant bipeds ranging in height from eight to twelve feet, with footprints up to twenty-four inches.
And then there are the phenomena frequently connected with the appearance of cryptids that are typical of occult activity – a retching or sulfuric odor, mysterious rapping on walls and windows, shadows and ghostly lights inside or outside homes, disembodied voices, the levitation or disappearance of furniture and other household items, etc.
Possibly the earliest account of a Bigfoot sighting in the US was published over 125 years ago in a historical pamphlet that told of frontiersmen coming across a “wild man” in the Siskiyou Mountains of Northern California.
“The thing was of gigantic size – about seven feet tall – with a bulldog head, short ears, and long hair; it was also furnished with a beard, and was free from hair on such parts of its body as is common among men.”
Another barely known confrontation with a large, hairy biped was actually reported by President Theodore Roosevelt, an avid outdoorsman.
Noah Hutchings writes of this event:
“The story appeared in The Wilderness Hunter published in 1893. The account given by Roosevelt related that some kind of a wild beast had killed a man and had eaten half his body in a mountain range between the Salmon and Windom rivers.
The following year, two hunters were camping in the same area when they became aware that they were being watched by a strange creature walking on two legs. The next day, the hunters separated.
One of the hunters arrived at camp to find the other hunter dead with his neck broken and severe wounds to the throat area. In the article, Mr. Roosevelt reported his belief that the hunter was killed by ‘something either half-human or half-devil, some great goblin-beast.’” [ii]
There are even reports of apelike creatures shot and killed followed by similar creatures coming to retrieve the corpse.
One such story tells of a Bigfoot being put down and afterwards, similar large, hairy beings coming out of the woods to recover the body. The same creatures returned again later to attack the cabin of those miners who had killed the beast.
An account of this event states:
At night the apes counterattacked, opening the assault by knocking a heavy strip of wood out from between two logs of the miners’ cabin.
After that there were assorted poundings on the walls, door, and roof, but the building was built to withstand heavy mountain snows and the apes failed to break in… There was… the sound of rocks hitting the roof and rolling off, and [the miners] did brace the heavy door from the inside.
They heard creatures thumping around on top of the cabin as well as battering the walls, and they fired shots through the walls and roof without driving them away. The noise went on from shortly after dark till near dawn.… The cabin had no windows and of course no one opened the door, so in fact the men inside did not see what was causing the commotion outside.
Nor could Mr. Beck say for sure…that there were more than two creatures outside. There were [at least] that many because there had been one on the roof and one pounding the wall simultaneously.
However many there were, it was enough for the miners, who packed up and abandoned their mine the next day. [iii]

One of the more disturbing and better documented cases concerning large nonhuman primates occurred on October 25, 1973, near Greensburg, Pennsylvania, when a young farmer named Stephen Pulaski and more than a dozen others observed a bright red ball of light accompanied by large humanoids.
The twenty-two-year-old farmer with two younger boys watched from a hilltop as a bright, “dome shaped” object, making a “sound like a lawn mower,” settled over a field.
He guessed it measured about one hundred fifty feet in diameter.
Suddenly, Pulaski caught sight of two large creatures, which at first he thought were bears – one about seven feet tall and the other taller than eight feet – walking by a fence line. He was able to approximate their size fairly accurately, because they were silhouetted against the railing boards.
They were covered with long, dark hair and had arms that hung down like a gorilla’s. The beings were making a sound like babies whimpering, and a terrible odor like burning rubber was wafting up the hill from them. The entities saw Pulaski and the two young men and started toward them.
As the younger boys ran toward the farmhouse, the twenty-two-year-old fired a warning shot over the creatures’ heads with his hunting rifle. When they continued forward, he shot three more times, this time directly at the larger of the two.
The big, hairy biped acted like it was hit, raised its right hand, and the dome-shaped object went silent, disappearing instantaneously, but being replaced by a glowing area on the ground. At that, the beings turned and headed into the woods.
A few minutes later, a state trooper arrived to investigate the shooting. He went with the farmer down onto the field to within two hundred yards of the incident area. The officer later reported that the ground was still glowing when they got there. Trees began breaking in the forest, and the men thought something large was moving towards them from the woods.
It abruptly stopped, then, thirty minutes later, it started moving again. A large, brown figure could be seen coming their direction, so they jumped into the patrol car and sped to safety.
Early the next morning, members of the Westmoreland County UFO Study Group arrived at the farm to begin an investigation.
They noted that Pulaski’s dog seemed to be tracking something they couldn’t make out in the woods. As they were talking with the young farmer and his father, Pulaski inexplicably began behaving as if he were demon possessed – convulsing, growling, and flailing about. His own dog ran at him, and he attacked it. At the same moment, two of the investigators started feeling lightheaded and were having difficulty breathing.
Pulaski suddenly knocked his father down as he fainted onto the ground, face first into manure.
When he snapped out of it a few moments later, he started growling like an animal and warned,
“Get away from me. It’s here. Get back.”
A sulfuric aroma filled the air as Pulaski reported seeing a figure cloaked in all black garbs saying something to him about a man “who is coming to save the world.”
Pulaski was subsequently evaluated physically and psychologically and found to be of sound mind and truthful. Numerous witnesses at various phases of the incident also testified that the event actually happened as reported.
The Pulaski farm is one example of thousands of comparable events wherein cryptids have appeared accompanied by spiritualistic and demonological characteristics. In another account, both a giant and small creature teamed up to torture a young woman.
This was not only captured by multiple eyewitnesses, but also was played out repeatedly in a prison cell before dumbfounded police officers, prison guards, medical staff, and dozens of reporters in the heart of Manila, capital city of the Philippines. In this case, physical evidence was even captured in the form of long, black hair from a beast that was never identified.
At the center of the episode was one of America’s most well-known ordained ministers, Dr. Lester Sumrall, who formed the LeSEA broadcast network.
In the early 1950s, Dr. Sumrall was in Manila building a church, which today is known as the Cathedral of Praise. On May 12, 1953, the Daily Mirror in Manila published a startling story under the headline, “Police Medic Explodes Biting Demons Yarn,” in which a most unusual story unfolded of law enforcers and medical examiners being mystified by an inmate whose body continuously bore deep teeth marks.
The frightened girl claimed that two beings were appearing and biting her.
One of the devils was big and dark with long hair all over his head, chest, and arms. He had fangs like a dog and large, sharp eyes, and his feet were at least three times larger than normal. He was dressed in a black robe with what appeared to be a hood on the back.
His voice was deep, with a tunnel-like echo.
The second being was squatty, maybe thirty inches tall, and it was also dark, hairy, and deformed. As the witnesses watched, the girl’s facial expressions would suddenly change, and she would begin glancing about, as if she was seeing something the others could not. (What she was seeing was dubbed “The Thing” by the press.)
Then the girl would start screaming and struggling against an invisible force, before collapsing, half-conscious, into the arms of the prison staff member holding her. At that moment, there would be teeth marks wet with saliva marking her body.
Dr. Mariano B. Lara, then chief medical examiner of the Manila Police Department and a university professor of pathology and legal medicine, was convinced of the genuineness of the possession and exorcism and provided his own description, recounted in this excerpt from the official medical report filed at the prison:
I find it difficult and near impossible to accept anything of a supernatural character.…
Equipped with a magnifying lens and an unbelieving mind about this biting phenomena, I scrutinized carefully the exposed parts of her [Clarita Villanueva’s] body, the arms, hands, and neck, to find out whether they had the biting impressions. I saw the reddish human-like bite marks on the arms…
At that very instant, this girl in a semi-trance loudly screamed repeatedly.… I saw, with my unbelieving eyes, the clear marks or impressions of human-like teeth from both the upper and lower jaws.
It was a little moist in the area bitten on the dorsal aspect of the left hand, and the teeth impressions were mostly from the form of the front or incisor teeth.
Seeing these with my unbelieving eyes, yet I could not understand nor explain how they were produced as her hand had all the time been held away from the reach of her mouth.…
In full possession of her normal mind, I asked her (Clarita Villanueva) who was causing her to suffer from the bites.
She answered that there are two who are alternately biting her; one big, black, hairy human-like fellow, very tall, with two sharp eyes, two sharp canine teeth, long beard like a Hindu, hairy extremities and chest, wearing a black garment, with a little whitish piece on the back resembling a hood. His feet are about three times the size of normal feet.
The other fellow is a very small one about two or three feet tall allegedly also black, hairy and ugly.[iv]
After first hearing the report on the radio then reading the newspaper story the next day, Dr. Sumrall, who believed the girl was demon possessed, grew convicted that the Lord wanted him to procure permission from prison authorities to pray for the prostitute’s deliverance.
Through his church architect, who was a friend of the mayor of Manila, he received the okay to visit with the chief medical advisor of the police department, Dr. Mariano Lara.
While talking with the doctor inside the prison morgue, Lara acknowledged to Sumrall that something beyond his professional knowledge was happening and that he was actually afraid of “The Thing” after witnessing the bite marks appear before his own eyes.
With Lara’s approval, Sumrall was allowed to pray for the girl while observers watched. She was very resistant, cursing him in English (which she could not speak), screaming, and fighting every moment to get away. The first day of prayer failed to provide healing, and Sumrall believed he needed to fast and pray for another day.
That evening, the newspaper published his picture on the front page, three columns wide, with the headline, “The Thing Defies Pastor.” [v]
The next day would be different. Following a spiritual battle reminiscent of an Old Testament prophet challenging the followers of Baal, and with repentance of her sins and acceptance of Jesus as Savior, the girl was delivered, yet, that was not the end of the story.
Sumrall explains what happened next:
As I was leaving I told Clarita that I was sure these devils would return.
“After I am gone,” I said, “they will come. Then you must demand them to leave without my being present. You must say, ‘Go, in Jesus’ name,’ and they will obey.”
With this I left the compound.
We asked the newsmen not to write about the morning’s events, but they said they were obliged to. The story had run for two weeks and it must be concluded. Since the Methodist Church is the oldest Protestant denomination in the islands, they presumed I was a Methodist, and it was in the papers that way.
They did not know how to write of such an experience; therefore, some of what they said was not correct. But I feel mostly responsible for this, as I gave them no interview and left the city to get away from publicity.
The devils did return to attack Clarita, and a strange thing happened when she called on them to leave. She was engaged in a mortal struggle and went into a coma, her fists clenched. The doctor pried her hands open and to his astonishment, there lay some long, black, coarse hair.
Dr. Lara placed this hair in an envelope and put it in a guarded place. Under the microscope he found that the hair was not from any part of the human body.
The doctor has no answer to this mystery – how an invisible being, presumably a devil, could have lost hair by a visible being pulling it out. [vi]
The notion of physical material like hair having been pulled from a wraithlike demon opens the fascinating proposal that ultraterrestrial beings (call them angels, demons, or aliens) can migrate back and forth between different realities and take forms that are both material and immaterial.
This sounds crazy to the natural mind, yet the concept is biblical.
The writer of Hebrews reminds us to,
“be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares” (Heb. 13:2), and when the disciples ofJesussaw his return from the grave, they “were terrified and affrighted, and supposed that they had seen a spirit.”
Jesus told them to touch Him and see that,
“a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have”.
(Luke 24:37–39)
Similarly, Abraham was visited by three angels in the plains of Mamre (Genesis 18:1–8).
They appeared as men and walked, talked, sat, and ate. But the truth was they were not human at all, but spirit-beings from heaven, illustrating one of the most dynamic facts of Scripture:
that other-dimensional life forms have power to assume tangible matter whenever it fits their cause.
Does this explain how cryptids can be there one moment and gone the next, leaving man perplexed by their appearance and disappearance?
Does this not remind of the Rephaim, which exist in the spirit world but could also have the ability to manifest on Earth as giant, hairy bipeds known in the Bible as Nephilim and perhaps today as Bigfoot?
Incidentally, hair from the Manila “Thing” is not the only example found.

In October 2012, a headline in the UK’s Mail Online read:
“Sasquatchin Siberia? Hair Found in Russian Cave ‘Belonged to Unknown Mammal Closely Related to Man.’”
The story claimed that DNA tests on suspected “Yeti hair” found in a Siberian cave during an international expedition in 2011 was of an unknown mammal closely related to man, but not a human. Nor did the hair belong to any known animal from the region such as a bear, wolf, or goat, the article said.
Analysis was conducted in Russia and the US, which,
“agreed the hair came from a human-like creature which is not a Homo sapien yet is more closely related to man than a monkey.”
Then, on November 24, 2012, another press release was issued involving a team of experts in genetics, forensics, imaging, and pathology led by Dr. Melba S. Ketchum of Nacogdoches, Texas, and their five-year long DNA study (submitted for peer review), which claimed,
“the existence of a novel hominin hybrid species, commonly called ‘Bigfoot’ or ‘Sasquatch,’ living in North America.”
The DNA sequencing suggested that the legendary Sasquatch is actually,
“a hybrid cross of modern Homo sapiens with an unknown primate species.”
Dr. Ketchum reported that her team sequenced three complete Sasquatch nuclear genomes and determined the species is a human hybrid.
“Our study…utilized next generation sequencing to obtain 3 whole nuclear genomes from purported Sasquatch samples,” Ketchum said.
“The genome sequencing shows that Sasquatch mtDNA is identical to modern Homo sapiens, but Sasquatch nuDNA is a novel, unknown hominin related to Homo sapiens and other primate species. Our data indicate that the North American Sasquatch is a hybrid species, the result of males of an unknown hominin species crossing with female Homo sapiens.”
Ketchum, a veterinarian whose professional experience includes twenty-seven years of research in genetics, including forensics, continued:
The male progenitor that contributed the unknown sequence to this hybrid is unique as its DNA is more distantly removed from humans than other recently discovered hominins like the Denisovan individual.
Sasquatch nuclear DNA is incredibly novel and not at all what we had expected. While it has human nuclear DNA within its genome, there are also distinctly non-human, non-archaic hominin, and non-ape sequences. We describe it as a mosaic of human and novel non-human sequence.
Further study is needed and is ongoing to better characterize and understand Sasquatch nuclear DNA. [ix]
That Ketchum and her team’s findings were reported before being peer reviewed is suspect and may turn out to be erroneous. On the other hand, if validated, it could be another baffling evidence fragment connected to that mysterious creature we call “Bigfoot” and “Sasquatch.”
[i] Thomas G. Aylesworth, Science Looks at Mysterious Monsters (New York, NY: Julian Messner, 1982), 30.
[ii] Noah Hutchings, Marginal Mysteries (Crane, MO: Defender Publishing, 2011), 141.
[iii] Thomas G. Aylesworth, Science Looks at Mysterious Monsters, 32–33.
[iv] Joseph Jacobs, “The Truth Behind The Exorcist,” TAT Journal 12 (1981), last accessed January 14, 2013,
[v] Viewable here: “Demons: The Answer Book,” Anchor Distributors, last accessed January 14, 2013,
[vi] Ibid.
[vii] Will Stewart, “Sasquatch in Siberia? Hair Found in Russian Cave ‘Belonged to Unknown Mammal Closely Related to Man,’” UK Mail Online, October 30, 2012,
[viii] “‘Bigfoot’ DNA Sequenced in Upcoming Genetics Study,” PRWeb, last accessed January 14, 2013,
[ix] Ibid.
(Pt 2)
Close Encounters of the Skinwalking, Shapeshifting, Demonic Werewolf Kind
January 27, 2013
Another cryptid sometimes associated with Bigfoot, which was first reported in the 1980s on a quiet country road outside of Elkhorn, Wisconsin, is called “The Beast of Bray Road.”
A rash of sightings between the ’80s and ’90s prompted a local newspaper (Walworth County Week) to assign one of its reporters named Linda Godfrey to cover the story.
Godfrey started out skeptical, but because of the sincerity of the eyewitnesses, became convinced of the creature’s existence. In fact, she was so impressed with the consistency of the reports from disparate observers (whom the History Channel’s TV series MonsterQuest subjected to lie detector tests in which the polygraph administrator could find no indication of falsehoods) that she wrote not only a series of articles for the newspaper but later a book, titled Real Wolfmen: True Encounters in Modern America.
In her book, she claims that,
“the U.S. has been invaded by upright, canine creatures that look like traditional werewolves and act as if they own our woods, fields, and highways. Sightings from coast to coast dating back to the 1930s compel us to ask exactly what these beasts are, and what they want.”
Her book presents a catalogue of investigative reports and first-person accounts of modern sightings of anomalous, upright canids.
From Godfrey’s witnesses, we learn of fleeting, as well as face-to-face, encounters with literal werewolves – canine beings that walk upright, eat food with their front paws, interact fearlessly with humans, and suddenly and mysteriously disappear.
While Godfrey tries to separate her research from Hollywood depictions of shapeshifting humans played by actors like Michael Landon or Lon Chaney Jr., she is convinced there really are extremely large, fur-covered, anthropomorphic, wolf-like creatures that chase victims on their hind legs.

Eighteenth-century engraving of a werewolf
Werewolves, like other cryptids, are deeply connected in history not only with occultic lore but with the alien-similar fauns and incubi that sought and obtained coitus from women.
In the ancient Bohemian Lexicon of Vacerad (AD 1202), the werewolf is vilkodlak, on whom the debauched woman sat and was impregnated with beastly seed.[2]
St. Patrick was said to have battled with werewolf soldiers and even to have transformed the Welsh king Vereticus into a wolf.
(The strange belief that saints could turn people into such creatures was also held by St. Thomas Aquinas, who wrote that angels could metamorphose the human form, saying, “All angels, good and bad have the power of transmutating our bodies.”) [3]
Long before the Catholic saints believed in such things, the god Apollo was worshiped in Lycia as Lykeios or Lykos, the “wolf” god. The trance-induced utterances of his priestesses known as Pythoness or Pythia prophesied in an unfamiliar voice thought to be that of Apollo himself.
During the Pythian trance, the medium’s personality often changed, becoming melancholic, defiant, or even animal-like, exhibiting a psychosis that may have been the original source of the werewolf myth, or lycanthropy, as the Pythia reacted to an encounter with Apollo/Lykeios – the wolf god.
Pausanias, the second-century Greek traveler and geographer, agreed with the concept of Apollo as the original wolf man who, he said, derived his name from the pre-Dynastic Apu-At, an Egyptian god of war.
But Virgil, one of Rome’s greatest poets, held that,
“the first werewolf was Moeris, wife of the fate-goddess Moera, who taught him how to bring the dead back to life.”
Romans of that era referred to the werewolf as versipellis, or the “turn-skin,” reminiscent of later indigenous peoples of America who still believe in “skinwalkers,” or humans with the supernatural ability to turn into a wolf or other animal.
According to local legend, a ranch located on approximately four hundred eighty acres southeast of Ballard, Utah, in the United States is (or at least once was) allegedly the site of substantial skinwalker activity.
The farm is actually called “Skinwalker Ranch” by local Indians who believe it lies in “the path of the skinwalker,” taking its name from the Native American legend. It was made famous during the ’90s and early 2000s when claims about the ranch first appeared in the Utah Deseret News and later in the Las Vegas Mercury during a series of riveting articles by journalist George Knapp.
Subsequently, a book titled Hunt for the Skinwalker: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah described how the ranch was acquired by the now defunct National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS), which had purchased the property to study,
“anecdotal sightings of UFOs, bigfoot-like creatures, crop circles, glowing orbs and poltergeist activity reported by its former owners.”
A two-part article by Knapp for the Las Vegas Mercury was published November 21 and 29, 2002, titled, “Is a Utah Ranch the Strangest Place on Earth?”

It told of frightening events that had left the owners of the ranch befuddled and broke – from bizarre, bulletproof wolf-things to mutilated prize cattle and other instances in which animals and property simply disappeared or were obliterated overnight.
As elsewhere, these events were accompanied by strong odors, ghostly rapping, strange lights, violent nightmares, and other paranormal phenomena.
Besides the owners of the Skinwalker Ranch, other residents throughout the county made similar reports over the years. Junior Hicks, a retired local school teacher, catalogued more than four hundred anomalies in nearby communities before the year 2000. He and others said that, for as long as anyone could remember, this part of Utah had been the site of unexplained activity – from UFO sightings to Sasquatch manifestations.
It was as if a gateway to the world of the beyond existed within this basin. Some of the Skinwalker Ranch descriptions seemed to indicate as much.
For example, in one event repeated by Knapp, an investigator named Chad Deetken and the ranch owner saw a mysterious light:
Both men watched intently as the light grew brighter. It was as if someone had opened a window or doorway. [The ranch owner] grabbed his night vision binoculars to get a better look but could hardly believe what he was seeing.
The dull light began to resemble a bright portal, and at one end of the portal, a large, black humanoid figure seemed to be struggling to crawl through the tunnel of light. After a few minutes, the humanoid figure wriggled out of the light and took off into the darkness.
As it did, the window of light snapped shut, as if someone had flicked the “off” switch.[6]
In 1996, Skinwalker Ranch was purchased by real-estate developer and aerospace entrepreneur Robert T. Bigelow, a wealthy Las Vegas businessman who founded NIDS in 1995 to research and serve as a central clearinghouse for scientific investigations into various fringe science, paranormal topics, and ufology.
Bigelow planned an intense but very private scientific study of events at the farm.
He was joined by high-ranking military officials, including retired US Army Colonel John B. Alexander, who had worked to develop “Jedi” remote viewing and psychic experiments for the military as described in Jon Ronson’s book, The Men Who Stare At Goats, former police detectives, and scientists including Eric W. Davis, who has worked for NASA.
In the years before, Bigelow had donated 3.7 million dollars to the University of Nevada at Las Vegas,
“for the creation and continuation of a program that would attract to the university renowned experts on aspects of human consciousness.”
Bigelow’s Chair for the university program was parapsychologist Charles Tart, a man,
“famous for extended research on altered states of consciousness, near-death experiences and extrasensory perception.”
But what Bigelow’s team found at the Skinwalker Ranch was more than they could have hoped for, at least for a while, including,
“an invisible force moving through the ranch and through the animals.”
On this, the Las Vegas Mercury reported in November of 2002:
“One witness reported a path of displaced water in the canal, as if a large unseen animal was briskly moving through the water.
There were distinct splashing noises, and there was a foul pungent odor that filled the air but nothing could be seen. A neighboring rancher reported the same phenomena two months later.
The [ranch owners] say there were several instances where something invisible moved through their cattle, splitting the herd. Their neighbor reported the same thing.” [10]

Yet of all the anomalous incidents at the ranch, there was one that took the prize.
On the evening of March 12, 1997, barking dogs alerted the NIDS team that something strange was in a tree near the ranch house. The ranch owner grabbed a hunting rifle and jumped in his pickup, racing toward the tree. Two of the NIDS staffers followed in a second truck.
Knapp tells what happened next:
Up in the tree branches, they could make out a huge set of yellowish, reptilian eyes. The head of this animal had to be three feet wide, they guessed. At the bottom of the tree was something else. Gorman described it as huge and hairy, with massively muscled front legs and a doglike head.
Gorman, who is a crack shot, fired at both figures from a distance of 40 yards. The creature on the ground seemed to vanish. The thing in the tree apparently fell to the ground because Gorman heard it as it landed heavily in the patches of snow below. All three men ran through the pasture and scrub brush, chasing what they thought was a wounded animal, but they never found the animal and saw no blood either.
A professional tracker was brought in the next day to scour the area. Nothing.
But there was a physical clue left behind. At the bottom of the tree, they found and photographed a weird footprint, or rather, claw print. The print left in the snow was from something large. It had three digits with what they guessed were sharp claws on the end.
Later analysis and comparison of the print led them to find a chilling similarity – the print from the ranch closely resembled that of a velociraptor, an extinct dinosaur made famous in the Jurassic Park films. [11]

In his new book “Longwalkers – The Return of the Nephilim“, popular author and radio host Steve Quayle takes us from “Skinwalkers” to “Longwalkers” in describing how the ‘Cryptid’ phenomenon we have been discussing may actually be in fulfillment of end-times prophecy.
Though his work is written in a fictional format, he includes a personal letter that he received from a pilot who flew a 12-foot tall, dead, cannibalistic giant out of the Middle East after destroying a Special Forces group hunting the Taliban in 2005. The giant had six fingers and six toes and the Longwalkers book cover is said to be an accurate artistic representation of the actual event.
The pilot related material evidence to Steve in a subsequent phone conversation that only someone who actually observed the giant could have possibly known.
Such stories of anomalous cryptids moving in and out of man’s reality, the opening of portals or spirit gateways like those described in “Longwalkers” and at Skinwalker Ranch, and the idea that through these openings could come the sudden appearance of unknown intelligence was believed as fact in biblical times, a phenomenon we will continue to investigate in the next entry.
[1] Linda S. Godfrey, Real Wolfmen: True Encounters in Modern America (New York, NY: Tarcher/Penguin, 2012). See quote and learn more about the book here: “Summary of Real Wolfmen,” Penguin, last accessed January 14, 2013,,,
[2] “The Book of Were-Wolves,”, last accessed January 14, 2013,
[3] “Werewolf,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, last modified January 12, 2013,
[4] Frank Joseph, The Lost Worlds of Ancient America (Pompton Plains, NJ: New Page Books, 2012), 252.
[5] “Skinwalker Ranch,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, last modified January 4, 2013,
[6] George Knapp, “Is a Utah Ranch the Strangest Place on Earth? (Part 2),” Las Vegas Mercury, November, 29, 2002.
[7] Natalie Patton, “UNLV Unplugs Program on Human Consciousness: Donor Behind its ’97 Birth Decides to Fund Scholarships Instead,” Review Journal, November 8, 2002,
[8] Ibid.
[9] George Knapp, “Is a Utah Ranch the Strangest Place on Earth?”
[10] Ibid.
[11] Ibid.
…and the False Messiah from Magonia
January 29, 2013
Stories of anomalous cryptids moving in and out of man’s reality such as described in the previous two entries were once considered fact in ancient times.

Early people around the world viewed “them” as coexisting with man and who could be seen whenever the netherworld beings willed it. This included the opening of portals or spirit gateways and the idea that through these openings could come the sudden appearance of werewolves, ghosts, goblins, trolls, and those mythical beings of legend that have an even more interesting connection to modern UFO lore known as fairies.
Fairy variety is considerable and listing each type here is beyond the scope of our interest.
However, some of them are virtually identical with ancient descriptions of demons including a particular one called the bogie or “bogeyman” who haunts the dark and enjoys harming and frightening humans. These fairies appear very similar to traditional descriptions of “Bigfoot” with the same furry bodies together with fiery red eyes. Other Fairy classifications are practically indistinguishable from the flying witches of Classical Antiquity and the Ancient Near East.
Olaus Magnus, who was sent by Pope Paul III in 1546 as an authority to the council of Trent and who later became canon of St. Lambert in Liége, Belgium, is best remembered as the author of the classic 1555 “Historia de Gentibus Septentrionalibus” (History of the Northern Peoples), which chronicled the folklore and history of Europe. In it, he provided engravings of fairy-demons carrying women away for intercourse.
Before him, in 1489 the legal scholar Ulrich Molitor did the same, providing etched plates in his Latin tract on sorcerous women (“De laniis et phitonicis mulieribus”) depicting demons abducting women for coitus. Besides such similarities to current UFO and alien-abduction activity, these fairies often left “the devils mark” – a permanent spot or scar believed to have been made by the demon (or the devil himself) raking his claw across the flesh or by the red hot kiss of the devil licking the individual.
This happened at night, at the conclusion of the nocturnal abduction episode.
This mark was also known as “fairy bruising” and as the “witche’s teat” and appeared as a raised bump or scoop mark in the flesh often on the most secret parts of the body. In modern times, alien abductees often bear the same marks as those described in olden days as the Devil’s Mark – cuts or scoops on the backs of the legs, arms, neck, purplish circular spots around the abdomen and genitals, and in patterns consistent with those from medieval times ascribed to witches, incubi and fairies.
Thus the actual mythology of these creatures and the “little people” that traveled with them between our reality and fairyland or “Elfland” portrays an image quite different than that of cutesy “Tinkerbell” fluttering overhead at Disneyland!
Fairy legend includes the identical alien-sounding roles of abduction, inducing some type of paralysis in which the victim can see what is happening but is powerless to intervene (the Oxford Dictionary of Celtic Mythology says the colloquial English usage of ‘stroke’ for cerebral hemorrhage derives from its relationship with “paralysis” and originated with the “fairy-stroke” or “elf-stroke” of legend), [i] levitating of people and flying them away to “fairyland” (or what some today call “Magonia”), and traveling in UFO-like discs or circular globes of light.
In the 1960s, legendary French UFO researcher Dr. Jacques Vallée began to explore these commonalities between UFOs, alien abduction, and fabled figures like fairies in his book Passport to Magonia – From Folklore to Flying Saucers.
Out of this research he developed a “multidimensional visitation hypothesis” beyond space-time that would allow for undetected coexistence between humans and non-human beings, which have been seen and detected for thousands of years and that seem to present themselves in a way that suggests:
- either they are mutating their persona to match our current belief systems (i.e. they once were called the little people of Elfin lore who stole and replaced children with “changelings” while today they are the little grays of ET abduction who steal and replace embryos with hybrid babies)
- or they are doing what they have always done and we are the ones interpreting their presence in ways that accommodate our current understanding of science and religion.
For Vallée, the comparisons between the ancient fairy stories and modern alien-abduction phenomenon were too similar to be coincidence.
He cites the work of Walter Yeeling Evans-Wentz (1878 – 1965), an anthropologist and expert on “fairy-faith” in Celtic countries (a 1911 book/dissertation on the subject ‘The Fairy-faith in Celtic Countries‘), as powerful evidence for consistency of the phenomenon throughout history.
Evans-Wentz, also a theosophist, is famous for compiling and editing the sacred texts on Tibetan Buddhism which were published by Oxford University Press in the early twentieth century. Consequently, he is widely credited with pioneering western Buddhism associated with Astrobiologist Chris Impey (whom we discuss later).
However, before his travels to Sri Lanka and India, Evans-Wentz wrote his doctoral thesis at Oxford University on the Celtic belief in fairies. He approached the subject as a scholar examining the history and folk-lore of the British Isles through the lens of anthropology and psychology. It is perhaps one of the most thorough and scholarly endeavors ever conducted on the subject.
As the nineteenth century rolled over into the twentieth the industrial revolution was driving the populations toward the cities and the population was booming. Evans-Wentz did extensive ethnographic fieldwork interviewing folks in Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Brittany and the Isle of Man. Encounters with fairies were plentiful enough to be commonplace in the early nineteenth century, but as modernity approached they waned. Today fairies are largely forgotten, relegated to old wives tales and legend, albeit the phenomenon still exists.
Jacques Vallee is convinced that the fairies were not only real but that they currently endure under the modern guise of extraterrestrials. What Evans-Wentz was able to capture was the time of transition when the entities plagued by the encroachment of modernity transformed themselves.
Through his field work Evans-Wentz noted that the nearly all of the older folks had witnessed fairies or believed in them. It transcended legend as a commonly accepted fact. However, the next generation, influenced by the industrial zeitgeist, lacked fairy belief.
John Bruno Hare, founder of the internet archive, surmised,
“We come away from this study with a multi-dimensional view of the fairies, who, much like the grey aliens of UFO belief, inhabit a narrative which seems too consistent to be the product of insanity, yet too bizarre for conventional explanation.”
This suggests a line of congruence between the accounts of fairies and that of today’s so-called extraterrestrials.
Vallée writes:
We have now examined several stories of abductions and attempts at kidnappings by the occupants of flying saucers. These episodes are an integral part of the total UFO problem and cannot be solved separately. Historical evidence, gathered by Wentz, moreover, once more points in the same direction.
This sort of belief in fairies being able to take people was very common and exists yet in a good many parts of West Ireland… The Good People are often seen there (pointing to Knoch Magh) in great crowds playing hurley and ball. And one often sees among them the young men and women and children who have been taken (emphasis in original).
Not only are people taken, but – as in flying saucer stories – they are sometimes carried to faraway spots by aerial means. Such a story is told by the Prophet Ezekiel, of course, and by other religious writers.
But an ordinary Irishman, John Campbell, also told Wentz:
A man whom I have seen, Roderick Mac Neil, was lifted by the hosts and left three miles from where he was taken up. The hosts went at about midnight.
Rev. Kirk gives a few stories of similar extraordinary kidnappings, but the most fantastic legend of all is one attached to Kirk himself: the good reverend is commonly believed to have himself been taken by the fairies.
Mrs. J. MacGregor who keeps the key to the old churchyard where there is a tomb to Kirk, though many say there is nothing in it but a coffin filled with stones, told me Kirk was taken into the Fairy Knoll, which she pointed to just across a little valley in front of us, and is there yet, for the hill is full of caverns and in them the “good people” have their homes. And she added that Kirk appeared to a relative of his after he was taken.
Wentz, who reports this interesting story, made further inquiries regarding the circumstances of Kirk’s death.
He went to see the successor to Kirk in Abcrfoyle, Rev. Taylor, who clarified the story:
At the time of his disappearance people said he was taken because the fairies were displeased with him for disclosing their secrets in so public a manner as he did. [iii]
Some UFO researchers go so far as to call the Reverend Robert Kirk “the first genuine martyr of the exo-politics movement.” [iv]
His seminal The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies provides a wealth of parallels to modern UFOlogical research (which is also included in the free data packet that will come with Exo-Vaticana).
Was Kirk spirited away to the ever-enigmatic place called Magonia?
Vallée documented how,
“the physical nature of Magonia, as it appears in such tales, is quite enigmatic. Sometimes, it is a remote country, an invisible island, some faraway place one can reach only by a long journey. Indeed, in some tales, it is a celestial country… This parallels the belief in the extraterrestrial origin of UFO’s so popular today.
A second – and equally widespread – theory, is that Elfland constitutes a sort of parallel universe, which coexists with our own. It is made visible and tangible only to selected people, and the ‘doors’ that lead through it are tangential points, known only to the elves.
This is somewhat analogous to the theory, sometimes found in the UFO literature, concerning what some authors like to call the ‘fourth dimension’ – although, of course, this expression makes much less physical sense than does the theory of a parallel Elfland. (It does sound more scientific, however!)” [v]
Vallée’s argument is persuasive given the history of demonic entities and their deceitful record of assuming any appearance that gains them acceptance into society. Recall the creatures in the film “They Live” and their ability to appear quite human.
According to 2 Corinthians 11:14 even Satan himself can manifest as “an angel of light”!
Vallée also notes this deception on the part of the modern alien-fairies seems to be for the purpose of taking and replacing babies or smaller children with “changelings.” In alien abduction many women report the removal of their fetus followed later by introduction to (supposedly) the post-gestational baby.
In fairy lore the child is removed and replaced with a “changeling,” a human-looking copy especially of Western European folklore and folk religion. Numerous theories were developed between the 13th and 15th centuries to explain the reason for this abduction and replacement of children including that the earthly child was a “tithe to Hell” or tribute paid by the fairies to the devil every seven years.
But Vallée updates this point, noting how the modern alien-abduction phenomenon and the numerous accounts of abductions by the fairies focused,
“especially on pregnant women or young mothers, and they also are very active in stealing young children.”
He says:
Sometimes, they substitute a false child for the real one, leaving in place of the real child …one of their children, a changeling: By the belief in changelings I mean a belief that fairies and other… beings are on the watch for young children…that they may, if they can find them unguarded, seize and carry them off, leaving in their place one of them. [vi]
Vallée then points to a television series that capitalized on the aspect of UFO lore and the connection between modern and ancient abductions:
In the show, the human race has been infiltrated by extraterrestrials who differ from humans in small details only. This is not a new idea, as the belief in changelings shows. And there is a well-known passage in Martin Luther’s Table Talk, in which he tells the Prince of Anhalt that he should throw into the Moldau a certain man who is, in his opinion, such a changeling – or killcrop, as they were called in Germany.
What was the purpose of such fairy abductions? The idea advanced by students of folk talks is again very close to a current theory about UFO’s: that the purpose of such contact is a genetic one.
According to Hartland:
The motive assigned to fairies in northern stories is that of preserving and improving their race, on the one hand by carrying off human children to be brought up among the elves and to become united with them, and on the other hand by obtaining the milk and fostering care of human mothers for their own offspring. [vii]
Baby switched with a changeling in “The legend of
St. Stephen” by Martino di Bartolomeo
Thus the idea of deceptive nighttime creatures probing humans to gather genetic material for use in generating hybrid offspring agrees with Vallée and his contemporaries who, following extraordinary research, determined that whatever the modern alien abduction encounters represent, its goal is a repeat of ancient activity involving the collection of DNA for,
- a Breeding Program, followed by
- a Hybridization Program, and finally
- an Integration Program,
…exactly what Watchers accomplished with Nephilim in ancient times
But why would “aliens” be involved in such a program? Over the last few decades secular alien abduction researchers like Budd Hopkins and Dr. David Jacobs have posited that the aliens are a dying race and must pass on their genetic material through hybrids to maintain their species.
The Barney and Betty Hill case of September 19–20, 1961, marked the first widely-publicized claim of such alien abduction and the beginning of the public’s knowledge of the phenomenon.
Yet the part of their story often overlooked is how ova was reportedly retrieved from Betty Hill’s body and sperm from her husband Barney, presumably for use in the hybridization scheme. In the years since, tens of thousands of people have slowly emerged from around the world to claim they too have been subject to a mysterious alien procedure in which human genetic material is harvested including sperm and eggs for a reproductive agenda involving human hosts as surrogates and incubatoriums for fetuses wherein alien-human hybrids are produced.
Entire communities have grown up around the idea that children now exist on earth that are part-human and part-alien.
Some claiming to be parents of hybrid children have their own websites, host conferences, and are building social networks across the web. These people include academics, physicists, psychologists, attorneys, actresses and school teachers. Furthermore, according to researchers, it isn’t just child hybrids that are now among us. Adult versions have spread throughout society too.
Budd Hopkins – who, before he died of cancer at the age of 80 in 2011, was considered the father of the alien-abduction movement – claimed that he and Dr. Jacobs especially were building new case files containing disturbing evidence related to specific entities and their integration within human society.
He was planning to illustrate that the science fiction-horror film “They Live” was not that far off after all, and that, from local bread factories to halls of congress, alien-human hybrids are now firmly entrenched within earth’s cultures.
Not long before he passed away, he wrote on the Journal of Abduction-Encounter Research (JAR) website:
I investigated the reports of two women who described seeing an adult male hybrid wearing glasses. Each made a drawing of the hybrid, and the two drawings are amazingly similar. Both portray a strange-looking man, with sharp cheeks, wearing oddly-shaped glasses. The two women independently drew the same person.
Some of these hybrid beings have been seen by more than three people at once and they are described by the witnesses the same way. As far as hybrids operating in the human world, we have many reports of them driving automobiles, shopping in stores, and behaving more or less naturally in other mundane places, but manifesting the kinds of powers aliens seem to have, i.e., the ability to control minds, and to communicate telepathically.
The powers the gray aliens possess in the world can entail a complex series of repeated similar events, as if these adult hybrids do not really understand our world and our behavior but are trying to learn exactly how we act and what we say, all of which gives us an uneasy feeling of what their agenda might be leading to.
There definitely is strong evidence that an infiltration into human society is taking place. [viii]
[iii] Passport to Magonia: From Folklore to Flying Saucers. Chicago, IL, U.S.A.: Publ. Henry Regnery Co.. 1969, pp 100-101
[v] Ibid. 102
[vi] Ibid. 104
[vii] Ibid. 105
Portals, Occultism and the Collins Elite
February 03, 2013
Approximately six years ago, following the release of the book Nephilim Stargates, Tom Horn did a series of radio shows with Steve Quayle and later televised shows with J.R. Church and Gary Stearman for their Prophesy in the News broadcast in which the idea of supernatural “portals, doorways and openings” were discussed.
The concept is actually an ancient one – that gateways between our world and other dimensions exist or can be created through which those entities described in previous entries can pass.
At one point the programs with Church and Stearman (available online at YouTube) focused on a theory Tom had briefly raised in Stargates involving,
- infamous occultist Aleister Crowley
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory founder Jack Parsons
- L. Ron Hubbard, Church of Scientology founder
A portion of that original material reads:
As is referenced in chapter 2, in 1918 famed occultist Aleister Crowley attempted to create a dimensional vortex that would bridge the gap between the world of the seen and the unseen. The ritual was called the Amalantrah Working and according to Crowley became successful when a presence manifested itself through the rift.
He called the being “Lam” and drew a portrait of it. The startling image, detailed almost ninety years ago, bears powerful similarity with “Alien Greys” of later pop culture.
L. Ron Hubbard and Jack Parsons attempted to do this very thing by inviting the spirit of Babylon [their magical working was called Babalon] through a portal during a sex ritual. Their hope was to incarnate the whore of Babylon – a demon child or Gibborim. Parsons wrote that the ritual was successful and that at one point a brownish/yellow light came through the doorway. At the same moment he said he was struck by something invisible, and a candle was knocked out of his hand.
It is interesting that following Crowley’s magic portal (which produced the alien-looking LAM) and Hubbard and Parson’s Babalon Working ritual, Crowley died in 1947 – the same year as the Roswell crash and the same year Kenneth Arnold [a friend of Parsons] saw his flying saucers and sightings of “aliens” increased around the world.
Was a portal indeed opened by these men’s invitations? [i]
J.R. Church was very interested in this idea, that men heavily involved in the occult with a strange UFO-alien twist and covertly connected with segments of this government’s aerospace endeavors might actually have opened a portal allowing the increase into our world of powerful demonic influences.
Several years after Nephilim Stargates was published and the shows with Steve Quayle and Prophecy in the News had aired, a book by Nick Redfern titled “Final Events” was released that repeated the basic concepts, but this time around had the backing of a secret government group that had been commissioned to get to the bottom of the UFO phenomenon and that ultimately concluded the mysterious manifestations are demonic and somehow directly connected to the government and Parson’s Babalon Workings.
According to Redfern, these men are called the “Collins Elite”…

… Following this initial contact with Redfern concerning the government study group, we continued making significant efforts to verify the story concerning the Collins Elite.
Tom also agreed to meet with a member of the Collins group and has been told a meeting could occur, though as of this date he is still waiting. Meanwhile our sources in the United States – which extends from US Military intelligence to National Defense employees with both DoD and Intel Top Secret Security clearances – at first came back empty handed.
This included our friend Colonel Steve Bauer who served longer as a U.S. Government Military Aide than anyone in the history of the White House under five U.S. Presidents – Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan and Bush. Bauer had never heard of the “Collins Elite” and couldn’t locate a single intelligence resource that otherwise would substantiate Redfern’s claims.
But we knew, having said that, this didn’t mean the story as detailed in Final Events was untrue. Counterintelligence,
Majestic 12 level compartmentalization, and official denial is a well-established part of the government’s past and present protocols when handling questions concerning UFOs and so-called alien abduction activity – a fact that every significant investigator into this phenomenon has run into when trying to separate fact from fiction.
So we moved on and checked with one of our international contacts – former director of Britain’s Military of Defense’s department for UFO research, Nick Pope – and was surprised when he cautioned against disbelief and even confirmed the existence of a Collins Elite-like group among Britain’s aristocracy (this is discussed during a Q&A with Pope in the upcoming book Exo-Vaticana).
Following this, we reached out to Gregory Richford, a Ball Aerospace contact who works with Advanced Systems & Technologies for Space Control & Special Missions. He too cautioned against doubting the Collins reality and sent us a four-page document, ending with an ominous warning.
Below are just some of the talking points from his meticulous outline.
Security levels and Compartments
- Starts with the understanding that a Top Secret DOD (Department of Defense) or SCI (Sensitive Compartmented Information; intelligence world) clearance is the first level of clearance required before one gets to SAP programs.
- There are at least four levels of Top Secret (TS) special access programs (SAPs) that currently exist in the US DOD/Intel world:
- Acknowledged top secret SAPs
- Acknowledged top secret SAPs
- (Security cleared) Congress (or staff) has access to full knowledge of program name, mission, budget, etc.
- Unacknowledged top secret SAPs
- Unacknowledged top secret SAPs
- Cleared Congress (or staff) has access to full knowledge
- Unacknowledged/Waived top secret SAPs
- Unacknowledged/Waived top secret SAPs
- Program, Budget, customer, and mission are all highly classified
- Only two Senators and two Congressmen are made aware of the program, typically at a very high level only
- Typically referred to as a “Black” program
- Completely Unacknowledged top secret SAPs
- Completely Unacknowledged top secret SAPs
- No acknowledgement or overview to the Congress
- Accountable only to the agency that authorizes mission and money ostensibly related to a Presidential Order
- Really known as “Deep Black” in the vernacular.
- This level is itself not acknowledged; can’t be acknowledged for obvious reasons
- Two agencies in particular make great use of this: CIA and NSA
- With more than 25 years in this world, I personally have experience with levels 1 through 3 only. Level 4 is outside my scope.
- Most of the high level UFO work is done at level 4. It is not acknowledged and specifically not even known except to those briefed into the compartment/program. Only leaks aid in the process of discovery.
- This is likely a strong reason why Nick Pope is reluctant to spell out unambiguously what by definition is meant to be concealed at an unacknowledged level.
- With more than 25 years in this world, I personally have experience with levels 1 through 3 only. Level 4 is outside my scope.
Formation of the Collins Elite
- A number of intelligence agencies looking at the UFO situation are drawn into the orbit of a larger picture held by the CIA.
- Army Intel; Naval Intel; Air Force Intel; Defense Intel Agency (DIA), etc.
- This seems consistent with how high level exchange takes place; they contribute to larger efforts out of their own agencies and budgets.
- Army Intel; Naval Intel; Air Force Intel; Defense Intel Agency (DIA), etc.
- A subgroup of this CIA-dominated and controlled compartment, informally sees things differently and begins to form a counterpoint voice to the research. They call themselves after a time the “Collins Elite.”
- This seems plausible based on the discussions and factions I have seen over the years. Independent thinking is valued. Like-minded experts gather around themselves.
- This seems plausible based on the discussions and factions I have seen over the years. Independent thinking is valued. Like-minded experts gather around themselves.
- Over time, the Collins Elite position becomes more refined, more emphatic, more concerned.
- One notes that most of these guys are industry old timers, with an old Christian worldview, having been in this covert intel circle for 30-40 years.
- One notes that most of these guys are industry old timers, with an old Christian worldview, having been in this covert intel circle for 30-40 years.
- The Collins Elite seems to be an internal but informal collection of guys who maintain their independence of thought about matters in this highly classified and clearly controversial realm.
ReviewU.S. Intelligence agencies are trying to understand UFOs in early 1950s
- Same intel agencies also trying to understand the occult sorcery of two key figures: Aleister Crowley and Jack Parsons – and how it could be applied as a National Defense asset.
- Deeply covert CIA-controlled intel group wants to pursue research on psychotronic weapons and remote viewing ‘technologies’ and embarks on a deluding journey, a perverted scheme and Faustian bargaining.
- After years and decades of incremental research in this arena, several deaths more recently occur to test subjects in these realms; things are going badly awry.
- A sub-group watching all this, loosely confederated, calling itself the “Collins Elite” begins to recognize this as completely occult, demonic/Satanic, and begins to organize itself as a counterpoint to the general research direction.
- The Collins Elite begins to see a much larger and terrifying picture of what this whole unleashed enterprise is leading to; the connection to fallen angels, the Nephilim, and a plan for taking over the world.
- This unsettling story has every indication of being true; it follows directly from everything you and I know about UFOs and their ultimately nefarious mission tied to an end-time prophetic scenario
- Unraveling this further is loaded with known and unknown complexities – and that includes dangers.
DNA Harvesting, Genetic Manipulation and the Seed of the Serpent
When former Christian college professor and BBC correspondent, Dr. I.D.E. Thomas, in his highly recommended book, The Omega Conspiracy, chronicled the burgeoning of so-called “alien abduction” activity in the 1980s, he made similar enlightening connections between the alien-abduction phenomenon and end-time prophecy concerning a return of Nephilim, something other writers have since built upon.
Documentation by “abductees” worldwide and the stories of DNA harvesting by “aliens” reminded him of the history of biological misuse by the Watchers.
Dr. Thomas told us personally that the special desire by the “aliens” for human and animal molecular matter could explain “why animals have been killed, mutilated, and stolen by the aliens,” a point Vallée repeated in his book, The Invisible College: What a Group of Scientists Has Discovered About UFO Influences on the Human Race, when he wrote:
In order to materialize and take definite form, these entities seem to require a source of energy…a living thing…a human medium…
Our sciences have not reached a point where they can offer us any kind of working hypothesis for this process. But we can speculate that these beings need living energy which they can reconstruct into physical form.
Perhaps that is why dogs and animals tend to vanish in [UFO] flap areas. Perhaps the living cells of those animals are somehow used by the ultraterrestrials to create forms which we can see and sense with our limited perceptions. [ii]
Evidence concerning the collection of “living cells” from animal (and human) mutilations indicates something very unusual and unworldly.
The precision by which the material is collected has often been compared to “laser-like” precision, but Lieutenant Colonel Philip J. Corso (1915-1998), who is best known today for his book The Day After Roswell (which disclosed his involvement in allegedly back-engineering extraterrestrial technology recovered from the UFO crash site at Roswell, NM in 1947), was working on a manuscript before he died titled “Dawn of a New Age” that described an unknown technology beyond laser accuracy used by unsympathetic Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBEs) for tissue removal:
A study and laboratory reports show that the tissue taken from animals and humans by the alien EBEs also centers around celi structure.
So delicate and perfected is their advanced approach that when they cut out the private reproductive parts (vagina, penis, testicles) and the rectum, eyes ears, udders, etc., they do not cut through cells.
The cells are separated not cut through. Even the brain is taken in a manner where there is no cerebral trauma.
In their animal and human mutilations, the aliens have shown a callous indifference concerning their victims. Their behavior has been insidious and it appears they might be using our earth and manipulating earth life. Skeptics will excuse them that possibly they are benevolent and want to help, however, there is no evidence they have healed anyone or alleviated human ailments.
On the other band, they have caused pain, suffering and even death. [iii]
- the Battalion Commander of European Air Defense in WW-II
- the Chief of the Special Projects branch of the Intelligence Division under General Douglas MacArthur
- a staff member of President Eisenhower’s National Security Council for four years,
…Corso’s unpublished work illustrates how the science and purpose behind the alleged modern ET-human-hybridization agenda is so clouded in mystery that not even leaders from the world’s most prestigious intelligence bureaus seem to fathom it (except – as we will seek to document in the upcoming book Exo-Vaticana – at above-top-secret levels there are Black Government Agencies participating with the alien entities in some sort of Cosmic Watergate wherein the breeding program transpires).

Plenty of so-called whistle-blowers, books, and leaked files have suggested the same, but Vallée’s suspicion is that many, if not most, of these “sources” are actually concoctions by complicit government proxies, which are disseminated in order to so completely muddle the factual objectives of the program with duplicity, half-truths, and subterfuge that the public can never really know what is happening.
“There is a
genuine UFO phenomenonand it is not explained by the revelations of alleged government agents bearing fancy code names like Condor or Falcon,”
[iv]he concluded in
Dr. David Jacobs, a historian specializing in popular culture at Temple University, has concluded from over twenty years of research that the overriding purpose of the UFO phenomenon is abduction with nefarious intent.
For example, the evidence strongly suggests that the majority, if not all, of “close encounter” UFO sightings are the beginnings or endings of abduction events.
Even high-level sightings may be indicative of abductions. Statistics from Gallup Polls on UFO sightings have varied from 9 percent to 14 percent since the 1950s. If a percentage of these sightings mask abductions, then the number of abduction events is high. [v]
This proposes a more sinister agenda behind UFOs than scientific exploration.
At the same time, that a modern “alien” program of breeding and hybridizing humans is covertly occurring similar to what the ancient Watchers did is something, no matter how absurd it may seem, a growing body of scholars, based on accumulative physical and eye-witness evidence, are coming around to.
In his book, Secret Life: Firsthand, Documented Accounts of UFO Abductions, Professor Jacobs combined scientific and investigatory methods to analyze the accounts of dozens of “abductees” including more than three hundred independently corroborated stories of such experiences, describing in unsettling detail the reproductive procedures that abductees claim were administered by “small alien beings.”
Jacobs’ profoundly unsettling conclusion paralleled that of Vallée and others – that alien abductors are conducting complex reproductive experiments involving the conception, gestation, hybridization, and integration on Earth of alien hybrid beings.
Jacobs wrote:
[The aliens] want to use the ability humans have to recreate themselves. They want human sperm and eggs. They want human physical involvement with the offspring. They want complete knowledge of the reproductive physiological processes.
[And this] abduction program appears to be vast. Abductees routinely report rooms with as many as two hundred tables holding humans in various stages of examination. The aliens hustle them out as soon as possible after the procedures are completed, presumably so that more humans can be brought in.
The evidence suggests that this goes on twenty-four hours per day, month after month, year after year. The amount of time and energy invested in the breeding program is enormous. [vi]

Besides Jacobs and Vallée, other noteworthy scientists who believed something unearthly was happening in connection to alien activity included:
- Dr. Josef Allen Hynek, the United States astronomer and professor in charge of Project Blue Book
- Dr. Hermann Julius Oberth, one of the founding fathers of rocketry and astronautics
- Lynn E. Catoe, senior bibliographer for government publication research by the Library of Congress for the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research
- Dr. Karla Turner, an academic who gave up her career to speak out after discovering her own abductee status
- the late Harvard Medical School Professor and Pulitzer Prize-winner, Dr. John Edward Mack
After working with abduction “experiencers” including interviews with over one hundred people of various ages and backgrounds, Mack showcased the narratives of thirteen subjects in astonishing detail in his book, Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens, where he reached very much the same conclusion as his peers:
What is amply corroborated [is] that the abduction phenomenon is in some central way involved in a breeding program that results in the creation of alien/human hybrid offspring… My own impression is that we may be witnessing…an awkward joining of two species, engineered by an intelligence we are unable to fathom. [vii]
Yet, if demons pretending to be aliens are actually behind a fantastic breeding and hybridization scheme, what would be their purpose?
Biblical scholar and prophecy expert Gary Stearman believes they are dark overlords, come forth to repeat what happened in the Days of Noah, to create a generation of genetically altered pseudo-humans for the service of Satan and Antichrist in preparation of Armageddon.
He points to Matthew 24:37, which says,
“But as the days of Noe [Noah] were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”
Gary then goes on to elaborate:
Here, Jesus is clearly speaking of future judgment, the Tribulation, Second Coming and certain events that will surround it.
He says that His coming will happen at a time when social conditions will resemble those that plagued the world in the days of Noah. From Genesis 6, we now discern that these will include an invasion of dark forces from the heavens…
The UFO abduction phenomenon is only a mask for fallen angels who have departed from their natural domain to engage in the filthy work of creating an alternate race that will act as their proxies… Now, as [in the Days of Noah], they pry into the forbidden areas of human procreation. Lascivious and power hungry, they seek to set up their own race, and their own province of control.
But only in the last fifty years have their activities acquired a speed and purpose that tells us what time it is, prophetically speaking. Jesus told us, in effect, that when we begin to see such things come to pass, His appearance would not be far behind. [viii]
On the Watcher website, our dearly departed friend and late Christian genius, David Flynn – whose early online research first broke many of today’s most popular theories regarding the alien-hybrid scheme as an end-times deception aimed at misleading mankind – reaffirmed the warnings made by Gary Stearman:
Book of Enochexplains that the Sons of God descended first onto the mountain called Hermon… The rebel angels intended to thwart God’s plan for the earth by destroying the descendants of Adam.
Satan’s goal in organizing the Nephilim/human hybridization program was to pollute the bloodline that would produce Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the Kinsman Redeemer. Now that it is so close to the end times, Satan has orchestrated human/rebel angel interaction on a grand scale. The plan is now to prevent any flesh from being saved.
By manipulating human genetics, whether through the guise of “alien abduction” or by supplying willing mortal accomplices with the proper technology… there is currently being created humanoid hybrids who are not-quite-human…
The second wave of hybrid “Nephilim creation” is Satan’s last effort to destroy all Sons of Adam, so that none can be redeemed when Jesus Christ returns at the End of the Age. [ix]
One cannot read the conclusions by Gary Stearman and David Flynn without calling to mind Genesis 3:15, which says,
“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed [zera, meaning “offspring,” “descendants,” or “children”] and her seed”.
From the Middle Ages forward, church leaders believed this genotype or “seed” would provide for the mystical arrival of Antichrist and ultimately represent the return of Nephilim – the reunion of demons with humans.
Back in 1976, Academician N.P. Dubinin, the first director of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1957-1959) may have understood a key element related to how Satan’s “seed” would animate Antichrist on earth in the last days. He described by what means in his opinion the genetics revolution would lead to “an exchange of living forms” taking place “between the earth and other worlds.” [x]
After reading his material, Russian Orthodox Archpriest Vladislav Sveshnikov expressed apocalyptic fears, saying:
“We have to admit that contemporary science is preparing the ground for the coming of the Antichrist.”
Why did Sveshnikov imagine the “exchange” of genetic material “between the earth and other worlds” leading to Antichrist?
He saw something reminiscent of the Watchers advent being repeated in,
“the manipulation of genes in order to produce the ‘superman’ or ‘man-god’ of Nietzsche’s imagination, who will be at the same time the ‘devil-man’ or ‘Antichrist’ of Christian patristic teaching.”
The English theologian George Hawkins Pember agreed with this premise, and in his 1876 masterpiece, Earth’s Earliest Ages analyzed the prophecy of Christ that says the end-times would be a repeat of “the Days of Noah.”
Pember outlined the seven great causes of the antediluvian destruction and documented their developmental beginnings in his lifetime.
Like Stearman, Flynn, and Sveshnikov, he concluded that the seventh and most fearful sign would be the return of the Nephilim and the arrival of Antichrist,
“The appearance upon earth of beings from the Principality of the Air, and their unlawful intercourse with the human race.”
Thus, it appears those social, spiritual, and academic intellectuals who now believe we are close to integration with intelligent alien life (and who also believe that this discovery could ultimately reconfigure established doctrines of science, religion, and salvation) may be closer to the truth than some of them have imagined.
Events unfolding over the past decade portend a near future in which “alien influences” led by a man of unusual intelligence will arrive on Earth as champions of a “new” Gospel. Numerous Scriptures foretold the otherworldly leader’s coming for what he actually is – paganism’s ultimate incarnation; the “beast” of Revelation 13:1.
As Jesus Christ was the “seed of the woman” (Genesis 3:15), the Antichrist will be the “seed of the serpent.”
But the prophet Daniel may have provided an even greater clue as to the identity of this coming false savior. He says in chapter eleven, verse thirty-nine of his book that the Antichrist will be a worshipper of the god of forces – a god whom his fathers knew not, a text that we will analyze later and show from the Hebrew how it can literally be interpreted to mean, an alien god.
[i] NEPHILIM STARGATES, Anomalos Publishing House, Crane, MO, 2007, pg 94
[ii] Dr. Jacques Vallée, The Invisible College: What a Group of Scientists Has Discovered About UFO Influences on the Human Race (New York, NY: Dutton; 1st edition, 1975), 233.
[iii] Philip J. Corso, Dawn of a New Age, Part II, 28, as retrieved 11/23/2012 from
[iv] Dr. Jacques Vallée, Revelations: Alien Contact and Human Deception (San Antonio, TX: Anomalist Books, 2008), 236.
[v] David M. Jacobs,The Threat – Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda, 1st Fireside ed. (NY: Simon & Schuster, 1999), 121.
[vi] David M. Jacobs, Secret Life: Firsthand, Documented Accounts of UFO Abductions, (New York, NY: Touchstone, 1999), 309.
[vii] John E. Mack, Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens, (New York, NY: Ballantine Books, 1995) 404–405.
[viii] Gary Stearman, “The Ghastly Truth About the Days of Noah,” Prophecy in the News Magazine, November 1999, 15.
[ix] David Flynn, “Seraphim, Cherubim & Ezekiel’s Wheels: Aliens, Nephilim & the Days of Noah,” Watcher Website,
[xi] Ibid.
[xii] “G. H. Pember: A Short Biography,” Raiders News Network,