Bob Dean Interview 2

25 February 2009

from ProjectCamelot Website

This very interesting conversation took place at the International UFO Congress at Laughlin, Nevada, on 25 February 2009.

It was not a formal interview, had been opportune and unscheduled, and was recorded with a hand-held Dictaphone in a very noisy environment. Ken Elliott and Miriam Delicado were also present, and we’re delighted to share this with you.

Original audio, minus the first 9 minutes, which is almost impossible to hear:

Start of recording

Bob Dean:…Don’t get me started there. I am not anti-Semitic, but

I have no illusions about the Israelis. I’ve known a number of them fairly well for many years through my service in the military. They’re a great people and they’re struggling to survive like everybody else.

Bill Ryan: Yes.

Bob: Anyhow, Barry Chamish has provided information about a number of things that have been going on in Israel. It’s stuff you’ll never read in the newspaper, because the newspaper is filled with the Palestinians, Gaza and all that.

Bill: Sure.

Bob: One little point which I always tell people is that Israeli archeologists have concluded that the foundation stones which they have excavated at the Temple Mount, what they call the Mount of Zion…

Bill: Yes.

Bob: The Temple Mount is where the Temple used to be.

Kerry Cassidy: I’ve been there.

Bob: The Temple was there until 70 AD when the Romans tore it down. The Muslims now have built a beautiful mosque on top of it. I can’t remember the name of it. But you know, this Mountain, is what it is; it’s a small mountain.

Bob:The Israeli archeologists have determined that the foundation stones at the very bottom are thousands of years old. These stones are the same size as the stones in the temple at


Bill: Baalbek has giant ones.

Bob: Yes. If you’re familiar with Baalbek…

Bill: Yes. Absolutely.

Bob: Those stones there…

Bill: Yes, they weigh 1100 tons.

Bob: There’s even one outside there, that’s hauled from the quarry.

Kerry: We were just looking at a video about that.

Bill: Yep. Sure.

Bob: They never were able to put it up for some reason, probably because they got into war with each other.

Bill: Yes.

Bob: But anyhow, the stones they’ve discovered at the foundation of the Temple Mount are of a size and age that match the Baalbek-era stones.

Bill: OK.

Bob: They estimate they’ve been there for 10,000 years.

Bill: Yes. So how come this hasn’t been made public?

Bob: Well, that’s a good question.

Bill: What’s the secret?

Bob: And Barry makes the point that, like so many things in our country… Like they finally found, you know, they identified the Ararat Anomaly through the Keyhole 11.

Bill: Yes.

Bob: And they’ve never released that, have they?

Bill: Well. Sure.

Bob: They put that Top Secret.

Bill: Well, that’s just too sensitive.

Bob: Why would they put the Ararat Anomaly Top Secret?

Bill: It would upset a lot of people, wouldn’t it?

Bob: Would it? The Muslims?

Kerry: Well, you’re talking about the Ark, right?

[Bill/Kerry laughter]

Kerry:Well, the reason’s obvious, isn’t it? Because they’re really not willing to share what happened during the last cataclysm.
Bob:How many scientists are willing to talk about anything that even hints or smacks of religion or

the Bibleor theological history…

Bill: OK. OK.

Bob: …all this bullshit about “Jesus and God” …and all that? Have you ever talked to an atheist? I hope you haven’t. Avoid them like the plague.

Bill: Yes.

Kerry: Well, I have. But I’m not sure that’s the only reason why they don’t….

Bob: Well, I don’t know why. I do know that they declared the Ararat Anomaly, once they found out what the hell they had up there with the Keyhole. They inserted a team up there, for God’s sakes. They extracted them and they brought out artifacts.

Bill: What did they find? Do you know what they found?

Bob: I don’t know what they found. All I know is that they found “anomalous artifacts”.

Bill: Right. OK.

Bob: Now, what the hell did they find other than a bunch of pieces of old wood? I don’t know.

Bill: Yes. OK.

Bob: It’s “anomalous artifacts”. For a long time the anomaly on the Ararat Mountain was known as an anomaly. Apparently now they discovered it was a boat. It wasn’t really an anomaly.

Bill: Hm…

Bob: They said: “It’s a god-damn boat.”

Bill: Yes.

Bob: I think I said that in the conference today, those very words. [laughs]

Bill: You said that on video with us as well.

Bob: Did I?

Bill: Oh yes, you did. Oh yes… a god-damn boat.. Oh yes.

Bob: Bleep me out, if I say something on the interview that’s inappropriate.

Bill: Oh, it’s very appropriate.

Bob: By all means, bleep me out. [laughs]

Bill: It was exactly the right way to put it.

Bob: I’ve been bleeped on television before, you know. I won’t tell you about that. Anyhow, the documentary the Israeli archeologists are filming, they’re not releasing it to the public.

Bill: Uh huh.

Bob: But they’ve declared that the stones are probably at least 10,000 years old. And of course that blows the hell out of the idea that the whole temple was built by Solomon.

Bill: Yes. Right.

Bob: Solomon only went back, what, 1000 BC? 900 BC?

Bill: Yes.

Bob: Somewhere in that vicinity. Anyhow, these stones are 40 feet long, 10 feet high, and 8 feet thick.

Bill: 40 by 10 by 8.

Bob: Forty feet long. Almost identical to the ones at Baalbek. I found that intriguing.

Bill:Yes. That’s incredible. That is so interesting.
Bob:And the other thing that

Barry Chamishhas shared… [turns to Ken Elliott, a friend of Bob and ourselves] Did you ever meet Barry? Israeli UFO researcher. He’s very famous.

Ken Elliott:No, no.
Bob:Is that

the Nephilimhave been showing up all over the place. That’s the word he used:Nephilim.

Bill: Now, what does that mean?

Bob: What I think it means? In Hebrew, it probably means the “Sons of God.”

Kerry:It’s synonymous with

the Anunnaki.
Bill:Is it synonymous with the Anunnaki?
Bob:I think so.

Ken:I think so.
Bill:It’s a different word that was used by

the Sumerians, isn’t it?
Kerry:But, as you know, that’s a general term. So what do you think he meant?
Bob:Anyhow, they’ve had reports. One farmer there… They’ve turned part of the Negev into a garden, with irrigation. They’ve got incredible farms at the edge of the Negev Desert. It was a farmer’s area, pretty good-sized piece of land, growing all kinds of things.

He hears a commotion outside in his garden and he flicks on the light which illuminates not only his doorstep but the yard out there. He opens the door and there’s this guy standing there, in some kind of a suit. He described it as kind of a space suit.

Kerry: Wow.

Bob: He was nine feet tall!

Bill: Yes. Anunnaki.

Kerry: Fabulous.

Bob: This farmer goes to his door and looks up at this guy, who’s this massive human being. He looks human – arms, legs, head inside a device of some kind. He looks up at this guy. Of course, his immediate instinct is to slam the door and run. And he did. He went back and told his wife and she said: Have you been drinking again? Or something like that.

Kerry: [laughs]

Bob: She goes to the front door, and of course there was no-one there. This is not just one incident. This has apparently happened three times.

Bob:And so the word out among the Israeli UFO researchers is:

The Nephilim are back.

Kerry: Okay, very interesting.

Miriam Delicado: That is very interesting.

Bill: Well, we don’t know what they want yet, but they’re showing up at people’s houses. That’s quite funny.

Kerry: Well, you know I had a very important dream about that.

Bob: The size of the individual was such that he intimidated the hell out of the farmer.

Bill: Yes.

Bob: But he disappeared. And this has happened, according to Chamish, about three times so far.

Bill: Incredible. Is this in the public domain anywhere?

Bob: In Israel.

Bill: It is in Israel.

Bob: Yes.

Bill: OK. So it’s not like this is off record. This has actually been published.

Bob: The stones… the part about the stones has not been officially released.

Bill: OK. Is that anything that we can talk about, or is it off record?

Bob: No. By all means.

Bill: OK.

[Interchange: Bill and Kerry, concerning the best Dictaphone positioning. The uploaded audio begins here.]

Bob: Well, I think it’s interesting, the fact that those stones… I’ve always been fascinated by the Baalbek stories. I’ve never been able to go there, you know. The years that I had Top Secret clearance I would never be allowed to go there. They wouldn’t even let me go to Berlin, for Christ’s sake, when I was at SHAPE.

Kerry: Why not?

Bob: Because of my clearance. You see, Europe was divided, honey. Germany was divided.

Bob:There was East Berlin, West Berlin. My kids were able to go to West Berlin on a tour because they were in high school. I wanted to go to West Berlin. I wanted to visit the Brandenburg Gate. I wanted to see a number of things.

I wanted to get into the Berlin Museum but that was in East Berlin because that had

the Lolladoff Platein it. That is an anomaly that is dynamite.

Bill: What’s it called again?

Bob: Lolladoff.

Bill: The Lolladoff Plate.

Kerry: And what’s the significance of that?

Bob: It’s named after a Russian archeologist who brought it back from Tibet.

Bill: OK.

Bob: Before World War II began.

Kerry: And when is it dated?

Bob: They can’t date it, honey. It’s a metallic substance that they can’t even consider what it is.

Kerry: Oh.

Bill: Things like that can’t be dated. They’re inorganic.

Bob: I’ve shown the Lolladoff Plate in my presentations a number of times and I have a slide of it.

Bill: I’d like to check it out.

Bob: Which I will be delighted to share with you. I can get a print made of it. But the point is, the Lolladoff Plate was an anomaly with a little Gray on it and symbols all around.

Bill: OK.

Bob: Lolladoff brought it back from Tibet around 1930 or somewhere back then. And that’s in the Berlin Museum in East Berlin. Well, it’s now just Berlin. But I couldn’t even travel to Berlin when I was there because I had Cosmic clearance.

Kerry: I have a question for you, Bob. In your speech did I misunderstand you, or did you say that you had worked on aircraft carriers?

Bob: No. I have been on aircraft carriers. My son worked on aircraft carriers for 12 years.

Kerry: OK. So that was how you got on aircraft carriers.

Bob: Yes. I had two, what they know as Tiger cruises. Eric was at sea for 12 years. He served on four separate Nimitz class carriers.

Twice when they had completed their tour in the Pacific, Mediterranean, wherever, they would come back to Pearl [Harbor] and they would re-stage so to speak at Pearl. And the aircraft, the entire air wing on the carriers, would generally leave the carrier there at Pearl Harbor and fly directly back to Alameda, to their air base.

And then the ship would then proceed from Pearl Harbor on to Alameda, which is in San Francisco Bay, and they would invite family members of crew members to come aboard at Pearl Harbor and ride with them from Pearl Harbor to Alameda.

Kerry: Great.

Bob: And they called these Tiger cruises. And I have the privilege of being on two of them.

Kerry: How long does it take on one of those to go between the two?

Bob: Oh, they could make it in a short time, but it takes about a week. But they could make it in three days. Those damn carriers go so fast. That’s another classified thing. No one knows how fast they can go.

Bill: We know they go fast.

Bob: Well, my son said one time they were playing with a Russian trawler in the Mediterranean. They were being shadowed, so the captain decided to play games with the Russian trawler. And they slammed this big nuclear-powered aircraft carrier – a thousand feet long – slammed it into high gear, whatever they do, you know…

Bill: [laughs] Right.

Bob: …and the bow rose somewhat.

Bill: Really? That’s hard to imagine.

Bob: Yes! And this massive carrier throws up what they call “rooster tails”.

Bill: Really?!

Bob: Really!

Bill: That’s impossible to imagine!

Bob: Yes. Well, you know what a rooster tail is.

Bill: Yes. I do. Exactly, like you get with a little speedboat.

Bob: This massive carrier throws up rooster tails and this thing goes, and they left the Russian trawler way the hell back there. And the Russians, I’m sure, are saying: What are they doing? You know. And the captain of the carrier is playing a game.

Bill: Yes.

Bob: Now they’re not taking aircraft aboard and launching aircraft at this moment because they slow down for that.

Bill: Of course.

Bob: They threw up rooster tails, and Eric says it was really hilarious to be on the massive ship that he was on with 5,000 crewmen, for God’s sake. Can you imagine? A ship with 5,000 crew?

Bill: That’s incredible to imagine. But you can’t just do that with screw propellers, can you? They must be doing something else.

Kerry: There’s special technology, isn’t there? There would have to be.

Bob: Oh, they have nuclear power.

Bill: Well, yes.

Bob: They have nuclear power.

Kerry: No. But also to part the water in front of you. [To Bill[ Isn’t that the technology that Henry [Deacon] was talking about? [To Bob] We have a witness that talked about this.

Bill: Yes. Henry was talking about that.

Bob: No, no. They didn’t part the water. They just rose up in speedboat fashion. They turned on the power with these nuclear reactors. And they have, I think, four enormous 12- or 14-foot screws back there.

Now, can you imagine 12- and 14-foot screws? And there are four of them? Two on each side. And they’re tied to two nuclear reactors? One reactor for two screws and another reactor for two screws, and they open it up, the power they’ve got. So anyway they walked away from the trawler, he said, and it was hilarious.

No one knows what they’ll do. Eric says: Pop, it’s over 50 miles an hour along the ocean. Over 50 miles an hour!

Bill: We heard, actually, that these things can do 80 knots.

Bob: I wouldn’t doubt that for a minute.

Bill: I mean, which is very hard to believe.

Bob: Listen, did I share something? What this commander told me at that cookout in Whidbey Island? This anti-submarine warfare officer that I had a chance to meet.

We were drinking beer and eating clams. This was when my son was assigned at Whidbey Island. His squadron was there. Whidbey Island is off the coast of Seattle there in Puget Sound. Beautiful place. But there’s this good-sized Naval base there.

And I’m visiting the Whidbey Island at the time. It was kind of a sad story because my wife, Eric’s mother, and I were in the process of getting a divorce and we’d gone up there to share that with Eric, to lay it out why we were divorcing.

Anyhow, during the cookout and the party and we’re all having a few, I bring up the subject of submarines, the Soviet submarine threat, because I’d been reading about it, you know. The Soviets had been building massive Typhoon type subs.

And I asked the young man at the time, I said: Are you guys able to stay on top of those things? I mean, do you monitor them well?

And he was in anti-submarine warfare and that’s where… The state of the art in those days was that they would drop these electronic, electromagnetic buoys, and then the buoy would radio to the plane and the guys were flying around in the planes monitoring the buoy and the buoy’s telling them what’s underneath. You know that story.

Bill: What year was this? About?

Bob: In the early ’90s. After ’91, before ’95. Somewhere in there.

Bill: OK.

Kerry: So what did he say?

Bob: Anyhow, I said: Are you guys on top of the Soviets? Are you following them? He says: Mr. Dean, he says, the minute they pull out of harbor, we’re with them all the way.

Bill: Right.

Bob: We monitor them from the moment they leave harbor until they go back.

Bill: Of course. Yes.

Bob: He says: The Soviets are no problem. He says: They’re big, they’re cumbersome, they’re good, they’re fast. We don’t…

Kerry: We have a witness that says there are some submarines, though, off the coast of California right now.

Bob: Well, there used to be Soviet subs on both coasts. They used to be on permanent station off the west coast, off the east coast. And every time they’d take up station, we’d know exactly where they were. And, literally, if push had come to shove, we could have eliminated them immediately.

And some of them are what they call boomers. They launch missiles. And the Soviets got pretty good at it before they… well, they’re still good at it.

Bob:You know, the SS-18 that I knew about before I retired from

FEMAwas… I lived in Tucson and the SS-18 had targeted Tucson because we had Titan missiles all around us there for a long time.

But getting back to the story, I asked this young man: Are the Soviets a threat? And he said: No, not at all. We monitor them closely. We know where they are at any time. He says: They show up big on our sonar, the whole nine yards.

We had emplaced sonar devices all over the Atlantic and all over the Pacific – God knows how much it cost – where we could monitor anything that was going on under the surface, on the surface.

LikeDenny Blairsaid one time, he said to a Chinese admiral… He says: I own the water and I own the air above the water. So don’t talk threateningly to me. And Denny Blair at that time was a 4-star admiral who was PAC COM, or CINC COM, Pacific commander-in-chief. CINCPAC, I think he called it.

Anyhow, getting on with the story, let me finish this. He says: The one thing that interests us the most that we cannot figure out, he says, are theunderwater objects that are the size of aircraft carriers that are traveling over 200 miles an hour.

And he says: That is our primary concern at the moment. He says: We don’t know who they are, what they are, and what they’re doing down there, but, he says, they’re traveling at enormous rates of speed under water and they’re the size of aircraft carriers.

Bill: Mm hm…

Kerry: Incredible.

Bob: And he says: Some of our naval scientists are beginning to suspect that they’re the cause of what you know of as “rogue waves”.

Bill: OK. Hm.

Bob: He says: Do you know what a rogue wave is?

I says: Well, I’ve heard about them. They come out of nowhere and they can turn ships upside-down. On a calm sea, you know, there’s nothing out there, and all of a sudden there’s an 80-foot wave comes in. If the ship doesn’t hit it prow-on, it sometimes can turn a good-sized vessel sideways or upside-down.

He says: But that troubles us.

And this was in the early ’90s. We don’t really know what they are, who they are, or what they’re up to. All we know is they’re fast and they’re big.

And I said: Well, I got a nagging suspicion of who they might be. [laughs] But I… you know, I’m not an expert. I’m not really quotable. I could tell you who I think they might be. I’d come out of the closet, as it were, in ’91 and I was speaking publicly about this phenomenon then. But that’s a little tidbit that I have on my list of tidbits.

Bill: That’s a lovely story. But if those were ET craft that can just go through the water like they can go through the air, that it’s a fluid makes no difference, then you would expect them to be able to go much faster than that.

Bob: Probably.

Bill: They could go as fast as they wanted to.

Bob: Considering, Bill, that they build… they put a field around themselves.

Bill: Yes.

Bob: Essentially they are not part of the physical reality at that moment.

Bill: Yes.

Bob: They are within a field that they have generated. And they do that out there.

Bill: Exactly. Yes.

Bob: And that field protects and insulates them and they can go as fast as they want within that field. And essentially what we’re monitoring is the field moving.

Bill: Exactly. Yes.

Bob: OK. You’ve done your homework.

Bill: Yes, sure. Actually, 200 mph would be pretty slow compared with what their capability would be.

Bob: Well, that’s what he shared with me.

Kerry: And this admiral had how many stars? How many stars did this admiral you were talking to have?

Bob: At the time, this was a commander.

Kerry: Tell me the number of stars.

Bob: Commander… No, they don’t wear stars. Admirals wear stars.

Kerry: He wasn’t an Admiral. I’m sorry, is Admiral above or below Commander?

Bob: Well, let me give you a quick rundown here. My kid entered the service as an Ensign, a little gold bar. In the Army we’d call that a Second Lieutenant. The next rank up is Lieutenant Junior Grade, a little silver bar. In the Army we call that First Lieutenant.

The next step in the Navy would be Lieutenant Commander, that’s a little gold oak leaf. In the Army we’d call that a Major. The next rank up in the Navy is Commander, wearing a silver oak leaf. And in the Army we call that rank Lieutenant Colonel.

The next rank up in the Navy is Captain, wearing a little silver eagle, four stripes on his sleeve. In the Army we call that a Full Colonel, “Bird Colonel”. The next step would be Brigadier General, one star. Major General, two stars. Lieutenant General, 3 stars. And General, 4 stars.

The Admirals in the Navy: Rear Admiral, one star. Rear Admiral Second Grade, 2 stars. Vice Admiral, 3 stars. And Full Admiral, 4 stars.

Bill: OK.

Kerry: OK. Thank you very much for that.

Bob: You’re welcome.

Kerry: We have gotten information from someone saying that they think there was some problem with the Navy’s control of the ET situation sometime over the last year, where they seem to be losing ground or losing power within the factions, you know, Army vs. Navy vs. Air Force. Is that true? It doesn’t ring true to me. But I wondered if you’ve heard anything about that.

Bob: All I’ve known is that at the very beginning of the whole damn thing that the Navy has been the primary service in this whole thing. And I don’t know where it began. Probably back to the fact that the Navy recovered a UFO off the coast of San Diego in 1941.

Kerry:And we’ve never heard that story. Can you elaborate on that one?
Bob:A lot of researchers are well aware of it. You know, you all hear about

Roswelland all that hoopdeedoo about Roswell, and nobody seems to grasp that there wasn’t one crash and retrieval. There were three crashes and retrievals. And there have been crashes and retrievals all over the country, and all over the planet, for years.

And the military even reached the point some years ago, which many of us who were in the service knew about, is that they didn’t think they were crashing. They thought they were giving us hardware.

Bill: Hm…

Kerry: [laughs]

Bob: Because in some places they found the object on the desert floor, or wherever, fully intact. And in some cases there was remnants of a crew aboard. And in other cases the object was empty, no crew to be found.

Bob:And they really began to be suspicious when they saw that. And they began, a couple of them said: Hey, it’s like they’re giving us this hardware.
Bob:They’re handing us this technology. And in the cases of where there were little

Graysaboard… And you’ve heard me say this, and this is common knowledge among researchers, that there were little Grays aboard.

There were survivors; there were two or three dead; one or two were still alive. They hauled them off to where the hell is it? Wright-Patterson. They had labs there at the time. They have labs everywhere now. There are labs up the road here.

Kerry: Yes. Absolutely. [laughs]

Bob: The point is, they kept expecting them to come back to retrieve their little crew.

Bill: And they should easily have been able to.

Bob: And of course they could have done it any time they wanted.

Bill: Yes.

Bob: And they didn’t. And several cynics said: Hell, they didn’t give a damn one way or the other about retrieving that little guy. Because those little guys in many cases were not an evolved species.

The crash in northern Germany in 1962, Timmendorfer Strand, on the Baltic. There were twelve little bodies aboard and the physicians who autopsied them said they were absolutely identical and not one of them appeared to have anything that we could recognize as a reproductive organ. So they began to be suspicious that they might be laboratory products.

Bill: And expendable.

Bob: And the ones they grabbed at Roswell and Kingman and a couple other places. Right across the river over there in Kingman, Arizona, there was a crash.

Bill: Yes.

Bob: They retrieved two of the little guys who were alive. They took ’em back. They kept thinking that “They” were going to come back and get them. And the cynics said: Hell, they just wrote them off. Like the joke about the potato chips, they went back and made more.

Bill: Yes

Bob: Now that is… I find that kind of sad, really. When you create an advanced creature that has the capability of functioning as a crew member of a ship, the question that I come up with that troubles me somewhat from a spiritual point of view – is there a level of sentience in that creature? That someone would just write them off and let them go and leave them alone and forget it?

Kerry: Well, our Mr. X said…

Bob: And then I had an experience in Southeast Asia when I found out… [long pause] … Excuse me. We left guys behind in ’Nam. [voice choked up] I’m sorry. Forgive me. We left them behind knowingly.

Bill: Yes.

Voice: And they knew it going in.

Bob: We signed this deal with the North Vietnamese. We had made a promise that when we began to withdraw from Vietnam we were going to give the North Vietnamese a couple of billion dollars in reparations. Did you know that story?

Bill: No, I didn’t.

Bob: We were going to give them a couple of billion, so-called reparations for the damage we had done over Hanoi. Well, we never gave them a dime because our political people back in Washington got into a big knock-down drag-out brawl and said: Not only no, but hell no. We’re not giving them anything.

Well when we said that, the North Vietnamese said: Well, screw you. You can kiss your boys goodbye. And there were several hundred of them.

Bill: Yes. Sure. And they were regarded as being less valuable than…

Bob: They wrote them off like they didn’t have any value. And I served for 27 years in the Army and I never met a man, Bill, in all my years of service, that did not have value.

Bill: Of course.

Bob: The idea we’d leave them behind knowingly, and telling their next of kin that they’re missing in action or they’re killed in action, and those guys were in prison camps, alive, and could have been repatriated.

Well then, this commentary about these little Grays began to make some sense. They wrote them off. They went back and made more.

Well, if you want to be a total cynic, as I’ve almost become over the years, we went back and made more.

Bill: Yes.

Bob: And some of the ones we made are now dying in Iraq.

Bill: Yes.

Bob: I have a grandson dying in Kansas, after his second tour in Iraq.

Kerry: Oh really.

Bob: His heart is coming apart. His brain was scrambled.

Kerry: What from? Do you know?

Bob: One of those whatever they call it, those improvised…

Kerry: Bio-warfare?

Bob: IED. They’re bombs. They blow up. They improvise them; they put ’em beside the road.

Bill:Improvised Explosive Device.
Bob:There you are.IED. Anyhow, one went off right next to his personnel carrier. Killed a couple of his friends; shook him up. His brain was bruised and damaged, but the damage to his heart, they can’t… The VA’s got him under a complete care and support in Kansas, some clinic out there. My youngest grandson.

But over the years you see these things. We’ve got people in government, for God’s sake, that are capable of almost anything.

And I’ve had these young women come up to me… well, they’re not so young anymore. They come up to me, who have been grabbed and used in these experiments, for God’s sake. You’ve probably talked to some of them. And they come up and share with me heartbreaking stories because they know that I can understand, and I will be sympathetic or at least compassionate enough to listen to them.

We’ve got a government which I said Sunday: If you people think you know the government you’ve got, you don’t know the government you’ve got.

You talk about

Black Government, Shadow Government. It doesn’t matter what term you use. There are professionals in power that function as government that no one ever elected, that is not responsible or accountable to anybody, not to theHouseor theSenateor to thePresidentor theAmerican people. And many of them are in the intelligence agencies.

Kerry:But Bob, have you come across any overt Nazism in your experience?
Bob:Hell yes. Don’t you know that

NASA was formed by Nazis?

Kerry: Well, we do, actually.

Bob: Well, that’s fairly common knowledge. You just never realized how vast it was.

Kerry: All right.

Bob: You didn’t realize how… You all know about Wernher von Braun. Wernher was just the number-one guy in that program. There were at least a dozen if not more Nazis who were brought in under…

Kerry:Did you know any of them?

Paperclip. And many of them were prosecutable, who should have been held up in front of the Nuremburg trials. And we had them here and we gave them high pay, bought them beautiful homes; brought them and their families, and they worked for theNASAprogram for years.

Well, it wasn’t merely NASA. We had a number of them working in Central Intelligence. As a matter of fact, theCIAwas an offshoot of an old organization; I forget the name of it.

Kerry: The OSS. [Office of Strategic Services]

Bob: Strategic Service. That was built on a Nazi profile. That was built on a Nazi plan. And the old OSS had a whole bunch of Nazis in it. So that when the war was over, we had planeloads of Nazis being flown out Germany, for Christ’s sake, to the United States, being treated like celebrities.

Bill: Yes, that’s true.

Bob: The only thing that never came out – their names. We brought Nazis with their families and there’s a big joke going around … oh there are Nazis in Argentina. Bullshit. There are Nazis in Washington, DC. There are Nazis in Hollywood, in Beverly Hills.

But most of the old guys are gone now but their heirs are alive and well. Many of them are in government. And if I were, if had my notes at hand, I could probably name a few for you.

I got up in front… Well, you were there. Didn’t you see me Sunday?

Kerry: Yes.

Bob: I stood up in front and held this folder filled with… Here’s my notes. I didn’t even get one-third of the way through there.

I wanted to share another tidbit with you while I think about it because, you know… my mind at this stage. You push my button and I go dancing around here. The point is there was another piece of information I found tremendously interesting. A researcher by the name of Tellinger in South Africa.


Michael Tellinger.
Bob:You know Michael?

Bill: Not personally.

Bob: Oh, he’s brilliant.

Bill: I’ve listened to his story and seen his stuff.

Bob: Well, have you heard the story he’s telling now? South African archeologists have discovered what they think are Anunnaki laboratories.

Bill: Yep.

Bob: Adjacent to an ancient gold mine.

Bill: That’s 70,000 years old.

Bob: At least.

Bill: Yes.

Bob: I find that interesting.

Bill: That’s interesting stuff.

Bob: Now, what a laboratory would look like to an archeologist after 70,000 years, [Kerry laughs] I can’t imagine. But the very word was used. Tellinger said that apparently they discovered what appears to be the remnants of an ancient laboratory adjacent to an ancient gold mine. I didn’t hear the term 70,000 years. I just heard that it was ancient.

Bill: It’s at least 70,000 years old.

Bob: Really.

Bill: What I heard was about a year ago. They found some clearly artificial stone structures that were so old that the mainstream archeologists couldn’t believe that they weren’t natural. But if you look at them, you’ve got what Tellinger describes as South Africa’s Stonehenge.

Bob: Or older.

Bill:Yes. Much, much older.
Bob:As colorful as Stonehenge is, it’s not that big. There are things out there… Are you familiar with

Nabta Playa? The site in Egypt?

Bill: No. I’m not.

Bob: In southern Egypt? Nabta Playa? Oh my gosh! They’ve discovered remnants of what was apparently a calendar in the desert.

Bill: A calendar?

Bob: A calendar. A stone calendar that’s laid out in the desert at a place in southern Egypt, west of the Nile. I’m trying to place how it is according to… where’s the dam?

Bill:The Aswan Dam?
Bob:It’s south of Aswan and west of the river. And they found this site called Nabta Playa. They estimate the age of this thing is 150,000 years old. But it’s a stone calendar. And when they recorded that and measured it and checked it out… and they’ve done that.

There’s a book out called

The Origin Map.

Bill: Right.

Bob: OK? I can’t remember the name of the author. [ed. note: Thomas Brophy]. But you can find the book. The Origin Map. This stone calendar apparently has a detailed map, not only of the solar system, but the galaxy.

Bill: Oh wonderful.

Bob: It maps the galaxy! And they can determine the age of it because, by taking and computerizing what they found, the location and placement, they can age it, like going back, and that’s when they figured it was over 100,000 years old.

A map of the galaxy! Get the book, The Origin Map.

Bill: OK. Gotcha.

Bob: The writer escapes me. Find the book, read the book, then find the author and interview him. What an interview that would be!

Kerry:Absolutely. Bob, I want to ask you a question. We saw

Sitchinin L.A.

Kerry: And he said to the audience… An audience member asked him if the reason we went into Iraq was because of the Anunnaki. And he hemmed and hawed and then he finally said: Yes.

Bob: He said Yes? I’m not surprised.

Kerry:Yes. What do you know about that?
Bill:What his exact words were is – because I have a good memory for details of conversations – the question was:Is the war in Iraq connected in any way with the Anunnaki?And he paused for a long time. And then he said: This answer is full of landmines, but yes. And then he didn’t say any more.
Bob:That old codger! I have tremendous admiration and respect for him.

Bill: Yes.

Bob: But I’m not at all surprised.

Bill: What did he mean? [laughs]

Bob: Well, let me tell you what he might have meant. I can tell you from what limited knowledge I have. I can tell you that most of the gang that tore apart and went through the Baghdad Museum…

Kerry: Mm hm…

Bob: …were our people.

Bill: Of course.

Bob: Oh, you knew that.

Kerry: Well, we figure…

Bill: That’s been heavily surmised by people trying to figure out what was really going on there.

Bob: Oh yes, they were our people. And that Lieutenant Colonel, or Colonel, that Marine Colonel that we put there in charge of the museum? You know who I’m talking about?

Bill: I don’t, actually.

Bob: We put a Marine Colonel in charge of the museum to look after it and hopefully regain all of the stuff that had been looted.

Bill: OK.

Bob: And to safeguard it after the mob had left.

Bill: Yes.

Bob: Well that Lieu… This is probably going to get my ass into a jam, but that Marine Colonel knew exactly who those people in that mob were.

Bill: OK.

Bob: And they went in that museum and they walked away with specific items.

Bill: Specific items?

Bob: They had a list…

Bill: Yes.

Bob: …of what to bring back from that museum.

Bill: Yes. Shocking.

Bob: And so much of what was stolen [is] irreplaceable, worth its weight in gold, or platinum, or…

Kerry: But the question is, they took it somewhere.

Bob: Cylinder stones.

Bill:Yes, exactly.
Kerry:But you know,

Dan Burischsays that we have the

Looking Glass technologyon those cylinder stones. And that’s time-travel technology that you can get off the stones.

And there’s a

stargateunderneath in Iraq.Bob:Kerry, when you travel in space, you

travel in time. You cannot separate space-time. Space-time, time-space, space-time, it’s all the same. You cannot travel out there without traveling in time.

Bill: Yes.

Bob: Time is not at all what we think. And you’ve heard this again and again and again, and I’ve been working to try to get my mind to wrap around it and I can’t. But that yesterday and today and tomorrow, it’s all the same. There’s only one eternal Now.

Bill: Yes.

Bob: Now I can’t wrap my poor old brain around that. [To Bill] Perhaps you can. [To Kerry] You ought to interview this guy [Bill] sometime.

Kerry: Oh, we’re going to.

Bob: Don’t put him on the… don’t let him do the interview. You interview him!

Kerry: OK! [laughs]

Bob: Because I’ve already intuitively picked up on this dude that he knows a hell of a lot more than he’s ever shared with anybody!

Kerry: Exactly.

Bob: I bring something up and he knows all about it already.

Ken: His poor old nimble brain sure draws a crowd, doesn’t it?

Bob: Anyhow. Where were we? Oh, we were at Nabta Playa.

Kerry:No, we were in Iraq, and

the Anunnaki.
Bill:The cylinder seals.
Bob:Yes. The cylinder seals.

Kerry: And the Anunnaki.

Bob: Yes, well look, honey. I said this Sunday, didn’t I? The Anunnaki are all around us. It was that crew that met Ike in ’54 at Muroc. That was the Anunnaki, the same group that built Ur. It’s the same group that built the ziggurat that poor old John Paul II wanted to visit before he died.

Miriam: I don’t know even a quarter of… I don’t even know an eighth of what you all know and understand, but as you’re talking about this I seem to recall someone, somewhere, sharing with me that the indigenous people all over the world are starting to have people visiting, trying to dig up their sites, and they are looking for technologies.

I am under the impression from my contact that I’ve had, that part of this is – the reasoning behind it is – that there’s an ultimate device that they are trying to find all of the parts for that are all over the Earth. What do you know about that?

Bob: Who’s doing the digging?

Miriam: I’m not sure what group it is that’s doing the digging but it’s definitely… it’s definitely, you know, an organization.

Bob: A human, a national entity of some kind?

Miriam:Yes, absolutely.
Bob:All right. Well, I’m not surprised. I wouldn’t be at all surprised. They have learned that there is knowledge of ancient societies’ traditions. You know, just to give you a brief example of

the Dogon in Africawho knew all about – what the hell’s the planet or the star out there?


Miriam:The dog star.
Bob:Sirius A and Sirius B. We didn’t discover Sirius B until what, 30 years ago? And the Dogon knew about it.

Bill: They knew all about it for thousands of years.

Bob: I mean that’s a tiny example. And the Nabta Playa thing out there in the desert. The stuff that was rifled out of the museum in Baghdad.

Kerry:What about the idea ofa stargate in Iraq?
Bob:I don’t think it’s there anymore, because they don’t need it. Stargates can be opened at any time, at any place by them, at their choosing. They open a portal any time they want. And if you don’t believe me, readThe Search for the Skin Walker.

[ed. note: The
Hunt for the Skinwalker

You know who George Knapp is? I hope you interview him.

Bill: It’s the Skinwalker Ranch.

Bob: The Skinwalker Ranch up in Utah.

Kerry:Yes, I’ve heard him speak about it.
Bob:Bob Bigelow who I’ve known for some years, billionaire in Vegas up here, paid out of pocket to establish a research center up there at theSkinwalker Ranchfor years and years and years. And the book that George Knapp and the British scientist – I can’t remember the name of the guy that worked with him [ed. note: Colm Kelleher] – was under contract with Bigelow for many years. The name is escaping me.


Skinwalker Ranchstory was just the tiny tip of a large iceberg. That particular location apparently was a site selected by them. There’s some of them out there – and they come and go off that particular location and have been doing it for centuries.

The Indians have these stories that go back hundreds of years of “The Others” coming through these doorways. Well, they open the doorways any time and any place they want.

I don’t think there’s anything left in Baghdad or in Iraq. I could be wrong. There could be something underground that hasn’t been dug up yet. I know we had a team over there digging like hell inUr.

Miriam: Exactly. Yes.

Bob: I had the newspaper article, and I’ve got it with me, from the New York Times of poor old John Paul wanting, asking for God’s sake, asking Saddam Hussein for permission…

Bob:…to make what

the Vaticanconsidereda holy– what was the word that I…?


Bob: A holy pilgrimage to Ur!

Bill: That’s as weird as it gets, isn’t it?

Bob: Now, when you consider the meaning first of all, of pilgrimage and holy – and this was in the release; the Vatican said this – a holy pilgrimage to Ur before he died.

Bob:And he asked

Saddam Husseinfor permission and the son of a bitch turned him down, wouldn’t allow him to come.

But the point is,what motivated John Paul II to want to make his pilgrimage to Ur?Could it have been the information that [Archbishop James] McIntyre gave to Pope Pius II?

Bob:Because of

the event that happened up at Muroc in ’54?

Kerry:But we have information the Vatican’s also had visitations from a certain group.
Bob:Oh! Oh! Listen, they have! Of course! I’ve got it in my file. I wanted to get to it Sunday and didn’t have time. I have a good friend in Rome,

Cristoforo Barbato.

Bill: Barbato? You know him?

Kerry: He’s a friend of yours?

Bob: Yes, I’ve known Cris for years.

Bill: You know him personally. OK.

Kerry: We’ve been trying to interview him.

Bob: Oh, he’s a dear young man. He’s bright and delightful. I consider him a good friend.

Bill: He told us he didn’t speak English.

Bob: Oh, bullshit. [laughter]

Kerry: I can’t believe that.

Bob: Excuse me Cris, I’m sorry!

Bill: OK.

Bob: Well, he doesn’t speak it that well.

Bill: OK.

Bob: He understands it.

Kerry: He may not write it… He doesn’t write it that well.

Bill: OK. That’s true, actually.

Bob: All right. You’ve talked to Cris, then?

Bill:No, we haven’t. We spoke to

Luca Scantamburlo.
Kerry:We’ve exchanged emails with Cristoforo.
Bob:Luca’s supposed to be here.

Bill: Luca?!

Bob: Luca’s supposed to be here. Get with…

Bill: We need to find out if… whether Luca’s here before we go. OK.

Kerry: He’s not on the list to speak.

Bill: No, he’s not on the list to speak. Um, Paola [Harris] would know.

Bob: Yes. Talk to Paola. Talk to Paola because I think…

Bill:Let’s find out if he’s here.
Kerry:So what is Cristoforo telling you? I mean, he knows all about

Nibiru. Is he part of the…
Bob:Well, Cris has gotten most of his information from a couple of

close friends who are Jesuits. And I’ve known Jesuits for years. I used to sit and drink and have big parties with Jesuits when I ran an Officer’s Club in Nuremburg years ago during the Occupation. And the Jesuits are the scholars of Catholicism.

Bill: Yes.

Bob: And they not only run the intelligence service, which I jokingly said Sunday is probably one of the world’s finest, if not the finest because every damned Catholic priest in the world is a member of the, you know, feeding information into the intelligence service.

Bill: Yes.

Bob: So the Vatican’s got unpaid agents all over the damned place.

Bob:Anyhow, Cris has got this connection with these Jesuits in Rome and they’re members of this, apparently, this

Vatican security organization. And they reached out to him. He didn’t reach out to them, they reached out to him. It’s happened to me time and time again over my years.

And they wanted him to… because they knew he had people who listened to him, he had connections within the UFO community, as it were. And they wanted him to know they are deeply, deeply involved with

the Tenth Planet.

Bill: Yes.

Bob: And that the Vatican is deeply concerned about it.

Kerry: Is there a chance it’s disinfo? Planted purposely?

Bob: Oh, you always have to face that, that you have in intelligence operations over the years you always have the problem of disinformation. Our authorities are good at it. There’s always that possibility.


The Vaticanmust be good at that as well.
Bob:But the problem is, in such things you learn to sift and weigh and evaluate, and you check other sources and you compare this source with that source, and you try to end up intuitively grasping for yourself: Is there any validity to this?

And after a time, and you work at it, and you learn after a while to get pretty good at it because you develop your own inner gut feeling – which they call intuition – that this is going good and that isn’t. And I’ve learned over the years, the hard way, to weigh and sift and figure out what was right. I think the story is basically true.

Kerry: OK.

Bob: I’ve assumed, from what I…

Kerry:Does Barbato think it’s true?

Cris thinks it’s true.

Kerry: OK.

Bill: Yes.

Kerry: But he’s gone into hiding. We were told they tried to get him fired from his job. In fact he lost his job. He couldn’t get another job. Did you hear that? Because he writes for magazines and they wouldn’t – they closed him down. He was talking too much.

Bob: Cris has had bumpy roads along the way and I don’t want to put this on tape.

Kerry: All right.

Bill: OK.

Kerry: But isn’t this the Vatican’s tactics? You know they broke into our car when we were parked in the Milan airport.

Bob: I’m not surprised.

Kerry: And it was right after we talked to Luca Scantamburlo. They thought we had something. They thought he’d given us something. He didn’t give us anything. But he was talking about Nibiru.

Bob: You realize what a dynamite subject this is to the Vatican?

Bill: Oh yes.

Miriam: By the way, the Vatican is a very interesting place.

Bob: Yes, they wouldn’t let me in.

Kerry: Have you been there?

Miriam: I think I was there last night in my visions.

Bill: OK.

Bob: I was denied access.

Kerry: We’ll talk later, OK?

Miriam: You got that, right?

Bob: I hope I didn’t say something too offensive.

Miriam: Not at all. I can just feel someone calling me back to that room.

Ken: I’ve got to go, too.

Miriam: I just want to say thank you, because this is the first time I’ve had an opportunity to meet you and I understand now why people think so highly of you. You’re very…

Bob: I wish I understood it. [laughs]

Miriam: You are always weighing the possibilities and it’s such an important aspect to keep in this field. And I just want to say thank you.

Bob: Let me just say one thing in closing. It’s all a spiritual matter. You know that.

Miriam: That’s the only thing

Bob: It has nothing to do with guys coming and going from different places.

Miriam: It has nothing to do with it. And Kerry and Bill are supporters of that, fully.

Bob: Oh, they know that.

Miriam: And that is what I talk about to everyone that gives me the opportunity to do so. So thank you.

Bob: Thank you.

Miriam: And I would love to stay but I feel someone calling me back to that room.

Kerry: Actually you need to watch our interview with him. We’ve got two very long interviews.

Bob: Yes.

Miriam:OK. I will watch all of them in detail. And the only other thing to say in closing is that there is mining going on all over the planet and everyone has this idea that it’s being done for gold and silver and all of these other matters. But I have a feeling that that is actually not what’s going on.

If you take a look at the locations where all of this pit mining is going on or where they’re trying to go, a lot of these areas are sacred places. And I believe it is because they are trying to find the way underground, not just to an underground base or to create one, but to the actual underground. And they’re trying to see if it’s real. That’s what they’re trying to do.
Bob:Well if they wanted to ask me some advice I would tell them to go to Mount Hayes, Alaska and just try to start mining. You know what’s under

Mount Hayes? [laughs] I’m sorry.

Miriam: I know it’s a…

Bob: I’m teasing you.

Miriam: A base?

Bob: There is a major ET facility under Mount Hayes in Alaska.

Miriam: Yes. Mm hm… Well, I know that they’ve been in certain areas where they’ve been trying to get to, and I personally know of at least two locations where there are bases underground. Three, actually, that I’ve never talked about, ever. And I won’t share that publicly.

But I do know of three locations and that they’ve been trying for years to get mining into those areas and they’ve been stopped every time.

Bob: Well, it’s a hell of a… They’re not going to succeed. If they dig in the wrong place, they’re up the creek.

Miriam:They are. They’re totally up the creek.
Bob:If they were to try mining in

Mount Perdidoin the Pyrenees, they would run into a real mess.

Bill: Yes. How do you know this, Bob, about Mount Hayes and Perdido? Where does your information come from?

Bob: A variety of sources. There’s one remote viewer that I probably evaluate and trust.

Ken: I’m going to catch up with you later. Thank you. Have a good trip.

Bill: Thank you.

Ken: And I’m here to testify that Bob Dean is alive. He is not dead again.

Bob: Oh, that’s a rumor! That’s only a rumor. You’ve got to interview Ingo Swann.

Kerry:Oh, you know it! I love the guy. I mean, we’re trying to interview him for a long, long time. I think he’s the best out there.
Bob:Let me tell you a little vignette here, and then I have to go to the Gentleman’s Lounge because I’m need of a – what is it they call it? A flash of illumination? [laughter] And I have to go to the men’s room to get it, you see.

Ingo was taken to Mount Hayes by a chap by the name of James Axelrod…
Bill:Oh yes.
Bob:…who at the time wasDirector of Special Programs in the CIA.James Axelrod– I don’t know, James may be dead now. Obama’s got an Axelrod in his staff! I don’t know whether they’re related or not. Could be.

But James Axelrod was theDirector of Special Programs in CIAfor some years ago, took old

Ingo, after interviewing, using him, asking him to assist them in some of their

remote viewing– which he did.

Gave them information on the Moonthat blew them away.

The point is, they took Ingo up to Mount Hayes to purposely demonstrate and show him the coming-in of a massive ET ship.

Bill: OK.

Bob: And they watched it materialize over a lake…

Bill: I heard that story.

Bob: …at the base of Mount Hayes.

Bill: I heard that story. Yes.

Bob: OK. Now, Ingo didn’t at the time know where the hell he was, so he didn’t know where Mount Hayes was or anything like it. But the ship materialized and it came in through time.

Bob:It wasn’t just a space ship; it was a time ship. And Axelrod did it purposely to show Ingo what they were dealing with. And if you want to know about

underground bases, the guy who first began to find out all about them was… Price.


Pat Price.
Bob:Pat Price. Pat’s gone for years now.

Bill: Yes.

Bob: He was a cop. Loved to have known him. He was my kind of guy. Pat was the one – they said that they’d never got a remote viewer as accurate as Price had been.

He came up initially with these locations, and he came up with four of them. One at Pine Gap, the other one at Mount Perdido, the other one underground in Zimbabwe.

Bill:Oh really! I haven’t heard that one.
Bob:Well, I’ve got notes. I’ve even got map photographs of these locations in my files. It was in Alaska, Perdido in the Pyrenees,

Pine Gap, Zimbabwe.

I’ve learned from my connections with intelligence, and the Navy people primarily, that there is a major ET facility on a mountain in Puerto Rico. And there is a massive undersea location off Puerto Rico in a place called the

Puerto Rican Trench.

Bill: Yes, which is very deep.

Kerry: Yes, they’re actually filming – I don’t know if it’s Jaime or someone else – there’s a film-maker who films UFOs, the evidence of the UFOs going in and out of the water. Right?

Bob: Well, apparently they come in, in a lake. They come out of a lake in Puerto Rico.

Bill: Yes.

Bob: There’s a place called Cabo San Lucas, I think in Puerto Rico, which is just…

Kerry: Cabo San Lucas is in Baja.

Bob: Well, there’s also…

Kerry: So maybe it’s the same name.

Bob: Maybe I’m wrong, but it sounds like Cabo San Lucas.

Kerry:It’s quite possible.
Bob:But there’s a major ET facility there. And the one that I find most intriguing is the major US-ET joint operation in the

Kwajalein Atollin the Pacific.

Bill: Yes. I’ve heard that. Kwajalein.

Bob: We have a joint facility there on Kwajalein with them. I would say it’s mostly with the same group.

Kerry: Which group?

Bob: The Anunnaki .

Kerry: The Anunnaki, meaning the tall…

Bob: Well, that’s generic.

Kerry:I mean, because some of these bases are Gray bases.
Bob:Well, there are two Grays, you know. There are two groups of


There are Grays that appear to be an evolved species. You know, they bleed, they reproduce like we do. They’re almost human in a sense. They’re five feet, sometimes taller, five and a half. Their skin’s not gray, it’s kind of an off-white.

Kerry: But their agendas…

Bob: They have round eyes.

Kerry: …are different.

Bob: And they are apparently benevolent people.

Bill:Yes. Yes.
Bob:But so are the ones supposedly from

the Pleiades. Are they benevolent? The indications we’ve received from people I say I trust…

Kerry: Yes.

Bob: …is that…

Kerry: It’s just there are some that are not, so it’s important to make the distinction.

Bob: Listen, there are different groups with different agendas and they’re not in total agreement with each other. However, thank God, thanking the big cheese in this, there are at least two groups, perhaps three, that are supportive of us, that would like to see us survive as a species.

Kerry: Yes.

Bob: And they appear to be working together.

Bill: Yes.

Bob: Although they may have separate agendas, they do have an agreement or an understanding among themselves that they’re going to have to help bring the human race through our transition here. Which is not easy.

Yes, you’re right, there are different groups with different agendas. I’ve been told that they all have their own agendas. And some of them are not so nice.

Kerry: Right.

Bob: We have encountered some that are not nice at all. I don’t mean to say that they are purposefully malevolent. They just don’t like human beings. They look upon us like the…

A commander told me about two he worked with outside of Nellis. They’re working with us, they respect us, they know that we have a potential to be better than we are. They want to see us make it.

But there are others that couldn’t care less whether we make it or not. They are so advanced, apparently, not only technologically but spiritually and socially, they’re at a point where they have very little compassion for us as a primitive species.

Now how much compassion do we show to chimpanzees in the zoo? How much compassion do we show to monkeys in the wild?

Bob:You know, do we show compassion to the

Bonobo– or whatever you call it? That group of chimps that are apparently one step beyond regular chimps? The Bonobo – is those the ones that walk upright?

Bill: Yes.

Bob: How much compassion do we show to them? We put needles in them; we put them in laboratories.

Kerry: Well, OK, but a lack of compassion is a lack of evolvement in a species…

Bob: I think so.

Kerry: …regardless of how evolved they are technologically.

Bill: Right. Just because you’re technologically smart doesn’t mean you’re spiritually wise.

Bob: Yes. They don’t go together necessarily.

Kerry: The name of the game is it’s a spiritual game in the final analysis. And they’re not winning that game just because they’re technologically advanced.

Bob: No, they’re not.

Kerry: And that’s why they’re here – part of the reason.

Bob: It could be why they don’t like us very much. Because we human beings appear to have a spark.

Bill: Yes.

Kerry: Absolutely.

Bob: Humans have a spark of divinity within. Now I’m not saying this – and I’m not telling you with any authority, but I’m telling you there could be species out there that do not have that spark of divinity.

And the question is: Do they have a conscience? And the theological people will say: Do they have a soul? Hell, I don’t know. I’ve often wondered whether I had a soul. And until I began my remote viewing and had my out-of-body experiences, I was never quite certain of it.

But I do know now. Yes indeed, I do have a soul. And so do you, and so do you.

Bill: I know that for sure.

Bob: I know you know that.

Bill:Bob, I want to ask you two quick questions, because we have to go, and so do you. One question is about

Ike and Muroc in 1954. Was there another meeting at Holloman?

Bill: Because some people talk about Holloman as well.

Bob: Oh yes.

Bill: So there were two meetings. One was at Muroc and one was at Holloman.

Bob: Yes. Holloman.

Bill:Which one was first? Muroc was first?
Bob:Muroc, I think, was the first one, in ’54. Holloman was ’52 or ’53, maybe. [Ed note: Bob meant to say ’54, or ’55.] I think

Michael Sallahas a list.

Bill: OK.

Bob: If you’ve followed him, you saw his presentation? I don’t know whether that’s totally accurate or not. It may be. But there have been meetings at several bases over the years at different places.

Bill: Yes.

Bob: And they were not all with the same group.

Bill: Of course. Yes.

Bob: There’s a rumor and a story that I’ve heard repeatedly from different sources which I think might have some validity to it, that Kennedy met a group from the Pleiades.

Bill:Oh really? I had not heard that.
Bob:That Kennedy met the

Tall Blonds.

Bill: OK. That’s interesting. That’s very interesting.

Kerry: Well that makes sense.

Bob: Well, it all seems to fit, doesn’t it?

Bill: That’s great.

Bob: They’re pieces of an enormous jigsaw puzzle. And you start putting them all together, and you think: Oh my God, look at that picture.

I think that does make sense. I think Jack Kennedy met this group, the Tall Blonds. Now, whether that was a contributing factor to his death, I don’t know.

Bill: OK.

Bob: I do know that rumor continually surfaces that he planned total disclosure before he died. There are people that even suspect that that was the reason he was killed. That’s the Wise Men. You’ve heard my term I use.

Bill: The Wise Men. Yes?

Bob: The Wise Men. The Magi…

Bill: Yes.

Kerry: Right.

Bob: …didn’t want it because it wasn’t time.

Kerry: Are you aware that there’s a change in the Magi, you know, basically in that whole group?

Bob: Well…

Kerry: And that they’ve gone through a transition, and they have different leaders now?

Bob: Funerals take their toll on the Magi. [laughs]

Kerry: Yes.

Bob: As they used to say: Progress is measured by one funeral at a time. You’ve heard that?

Bill: Yes. [laughs]

Kerry: Yes.

Bill: That was Max Planck who said that. Yes. That’s right.

Bob: The old scientists drop dead, and the new scientists come out with a broader view and an open mind.

Bill: Yep.

Bob: Yes, the Magi has changed several times. The last I heard from sources, well, my friend at the Arlington Institute – is that there are now about 40 of them. When they meet at the country club there in Virginia, they need more tables and chairs now. They meet annually, supposedly. And as I jokingly say: It’s not A country club, it’s THE country club.

Bill: THE country club. Yes.

Bob: An old retiree friend of mine who is at death’s door used to run that place. He ran the bar; he ran the dining room.

Bill: Incredible.

Bob: And I asked him one time: Why the hell do you do that, knowing what the hell they’re up to?
And he honestly said this to me.

He says: Let me tell you.
He says: Neither one of us is stupid.
He says: The perks are good.
He says: I eat anything I want any time I want.
He says: I smoke the very best cigars that are air-delivered to us here from Cuba. The finest cigars, as good if not better than what Castro smokes.
He says: We’re drinking the finest Scotch we can get from Scotland.
And he says: It’s so good that the Scots don’t export it and sell it. They drink it themselves.
And he says: We get cases of it from Scotland.
He says: Now here I am.
And he says: You, you old fart – this was some years back – told me you like bourbon. I like Scotch.
So he says: I got the best cigars, I got the best Scotch, I got the best steaks, and I got a place to live.
He says: And I live in a comfortable suite at the Country Club. All my bills are paid.
And he says: My pension goes into the bank and I never touch it.
He says: Why the hell wouldn’t I do this? You would, too, if you were given the chance.

And I jokingly said: Is there an opening? [laughter] Is there another job? I’ll work for you, you old bastard, you know. [laughter]

We served together. We were in Korea together.

Bill:Incredible. Did he know anything about what was discussed in those meetings or was he not present?
Bob:He had a vague idea of the agenda. Yes, they discussed… You hear these rumors about, hell I forget what they call themselves,

the Bilderbergers? And another group,The Council of Foreign Relations?

Bill: Yes.

Bob: You find these wise men in all of those groups. They’re members of all of them. And there’s another, a third group that I can’t remember.


Trilateral Commission.
Bob:The Trilateral…

Bill: Yes. Commission.

Bob: And they’re represented on all of them.

Bill: Yes.

Bob: And they literally – I don’t know whether this is true – I hate to go; I’ve got to run. I don’t know – they said to me they pick who runs for elections.

Bill: Oh yes!

Kerry: Absolutely!

Bob: Whoever’s in that White House has been approved.

Bill:That’s the straight of it. They control the whole thing.
Bob:And I look at this young man, bright young kid there that’s living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Has he been approved? Obviously he has. And if he hasn’t been, God bless him, because…

I hope his Secret Service people are on their toes. Because if

Obamatries to pull anything at all that is not in accordance with their agenda, he’s up shit creek. And you may quote me!

Bill: We will quote you. [Kerry laughs] Just a little bit of interest… just a tidbit for you here. We met somebody who met Obama in the 1980s when Obama was 20-something years old. And he said that at that point Obama knew that he was going to be president.

Bob: He’d been selected.

Bill: Yes.

Bob: He has shown that confidence over the years.

Bill: Yes. And it wasn’t that he – what was really interesting – it wasn’t that he knew that he would be in for a shot at the presidency. He knew he would be president.

Bob: Well, that’s what my old buddy told me. He said that they pick them. And if they get to the office, they’ve been selected. Now what Jack Kennedy did, I don’t know. I know Jack was put in there primarily by his old man’s money.

Now, whether he changed his plans while he was in office? I have no idea what happened there. Jim Marrs has got it all in his book.

Bill: Oh yes.

Kerry: Yes.

Bob: I’m not surprised. You know I’ve learned enough about the program and the process in the Shadow Government, and the ones who really call the shots. And I said to the people on Sunday, I says: The government you think you’ve got is not the government you’ve got.

Bill: Yes. Exactly.

Bob: I wouldn’t be surprised, Bill, whether they’re pulling the shots there, that they’re selecting. It wouldn’t surprise me because I know the same damned process is going on in the Vatican. They picked the present Pope.

Bill: Of course. Yes.

Bob: The Kraut, who had been a member of…

Kerry: Nazi.

Bob: …Hitler’s youth when he was a kid. They selected. It’s a game…

Bill: A rigged game.

Kerry: Absolutely.

Bob: And we’re all chess pieces.

Bill: Oh, yes.

Bob: And they move us around.

Bill: Yes. Sure. Yes.

Bob: And I learned that I had been moved around before… Well, I learned it finally in Vietnam.

Bill: Yes. Of course.

Bob: When I worked for this Colonel in Special Operations. I knew then that I was a mere chess piece. That was when the beginnings of my old world really began to crumble.

It started when I learned about “The Assessment.” My old world view is gone. My old paradigm, I’ve swept it away.

Bill: Of course. Yes.

Bob: My new world view is in a process of being formed, and firmed up, and we’re discussing that right now.

Bill: And your mission, which is ours also, is to help people let go of their worldview so they can…

Bob: Well, I have been told… I have been flat told to get my ass – and it wasn’t merely my son. This comes from a number of sources:…

Kerry: Oh wow.

Bob: You old fart, get off your dead ass and stop sitting there stewing in your own juices and get the hell back out there and talk about what you’ve been shown and the things you’ve been told.

And I’ve said it repeatedly, the reason I’m getting away with some of the things I’m getting away with is that somebody there wants me to do what I’m doing.

Bill: Exactly.

Bob: And I’m to a point, Bill, now, without becoming religious here, where I honest-to-God believe that I’ve got good friends in high places.

Bill: Us too! We’re still here!

Kerry: We’re right there with you, Bob.

Bob: Let me tell you something. You could not be accomplishing what the two of you are doing unless what you’ve been doing has been approved and encouraged by someone.

Kerry: Absolutely. We’ve been told we have protection.

Bob: I’m not surprised. Well, I have! The reason I’m here, honey, is that I’ve had a charmed life.

Kerry: I know. I know. Well they chose well, didn’t they?

Bob: Well, I look at you and I think you’re a pretty good-looking chick. Yes, I think they chose pretty well. Now, I’m surprised you associate yourself with old cowboys like this one here. [pointing to Bill]

Bill: This is going in the transcript. [laughter]

Kerry: All right. All right. This has been great. Thank you, Bob.

Bob: You guys are leaving, I understand?

Kerry: Yes, we’re on our way.

Bill: We’re on our way out.

Bob: Well, it’s always a pleasure to see both of you again.

Bill: It’s a great pleasure, Bob. Thank you so much.

Bob: I feel like you’re almost family now.

Kerry: Yes.

Bill: Well, it feels like that.

Kerry: And give all our love to Marcia.

Bob: I will. I will indeed. And you take care. Where’s your next stop?

Bill andKerry: We’re going to Sedona. Right now.

Kerry: And we’ll do some editing there, and then he goes back to Europe, and I go to California.

Bob: Well, how long are you going to be in Sedona?

Kerry: A little over two weeks.

Bob: Oh. Well, you have time to grab Peter Gersten.

Kerry: Oh really?

Bob: Yes. He lives there.

Kerry: Well, OK. I’ve met his wife, but I know Peter Gersten best.

Bob: Not unless he married her. I thought that they were living together. They lived in the same apartment complex, actually, for a year.

Kerry: That’s interesting. You know him?

Bob: Oh, I’ve known Peter for years.

Kerry: OK.

Bill: Well, you have to grab that one. Yes.

Kerry: All right. Good idea.

Bob: He’s one of the guys who said of me – and I’ve always appreciated the compliment. He said: Bob Dean is the only UFO researcher who never had a negative thing to say about any other UFO researcher. He said: Bob, I’ve never heard you say a negative thing about anybody.

I said: Well, you just haven’t been listening closely! [laughter] I’ve said a few!

If you can get hold of Peter Gersten, it would be worth it.

Kerry: OK.

Bob: Do an interview.

Kerry: I hear you. OK. I take your advice very seriously.

Bob: Listen guys, be safe.

Bill: Oh, we’ll be safe. We’ll be safe.

Bob: You’ve got good friends in high places.

Bill: And we have. Yes. You, too. And if you ever have a chance to talk to the Guy Upstairs, tell him that we appreciate him taking care of us. [laughs]

Bob: I speak to him regularly. I have an open line, as good if not better than the Pope.

Bill: I think you do. Well, the Pope may be talking to somebody else. We don’t know that…

Kerry: Yes well, that Pope.

Bob: Well I would jokingly almost surmise… Well, I will surmise that the Pope has representatives in PI-40. He’s got representatives in the wise men who gave him the country club.

Bill: Yes. I mean, he must have. He must have.

Kerry: Yes, that’s what we hear. But that may not be a good thing.

Bob: Well, you know how it’s weighed. You know, good thing / bad thing, the overall picture is in the middle.

Kerry: OK.

Bill: OK.

Bob: I’ll see you guys later.

Kerry: All right. Take care.

Bill: Take care, Bob…!

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