Governments Launch Cyber Warfare Against Citizenry To Overcome Vaccine Hesitancy- by Whitney Webb

Whitney Webb is One of the World’s Best Investigative Journalists. See Amazon for her many great books. She is also on YouTube Interviews all the time. Highly Recommend listening to her. by Whitney WebbNovember 11, 2020 from UnlimitedHangout Website Spanish version   Anti-vaxxers are positioned as a threat to national security. Bully tactics further threaten…

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Plagues, Cyborgs and Super Soldiers- The Terminator Scenerio??

by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.January 26, 2024from ChildrensHealthDefense Website A new report produced by the RAND Corporation for the Pentagon recommends the U.S. military explore how new biotechnological innovations – including mRNA vaccines, CRISPR gene-editing and brain-computer interfaces – could change the nature of future warfare, investigative journalist Lee Fang reported Thursday. The Pentagon is exploring…

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