by Julie Beal
June 29, 2021
from ActivistPost Website
Not all coronavirus vaccines use mRNA or DNA.
Some of them contain ready-made spike proteins that are made using synthetic biology.
They’re grotesquely unnatural and laced with weird
adjuvantsthat most people have never heard of.
The way the artificial proteins are made reveals the short cuts being taken with the mRNA/DNA versions and why calling them vaccines is the equivalent to saying a home-brew kit is the same as a glass of wine.
Bringing the DNA to life
To make a protein vaccine you need a bunch of cells and a bioreactor to put them in.
DNA is injected into the cells and activated with a spark of electric, in a process known as electroporation. The cells are kept alive by feeding them so they replicate or grow, and at the same time they pump out the proteins that were encoded into the DNA.
Valneva is producing a coronavirus vaccine using cells that came from the kidney of an African green monkey, whilst others are using insect cells.
Other proteins are grown in yeast cells, and there’s a flu vaccine grown in cells from the larvae of a moth.
The DNA from any of these cells can end up in the vaccine.
How to Make a Protein Vaccine
- Customize the genetic sequence of the protein using a bioinformatics computer program such as DNASTAR.
- Create DNA versions of the virus protein. (This often involves using RT-PCR to amplify the required sequences, then using E. coli and a bacteriophage to transcribe them.)
- Combine the DNA with a different kind of virus to create a hybrid.
- Use this hybrid virus to infect a cell line in a bioreactor (basically a big metal vat).
- Feed the cells with a special broth, e.g. salts, vitamins, sugars, amino acids and serum from a baby cow.
- After a few days, harvest and purify the proteins, mix them with adjuvants and other ingredients, then wang them all together and call it a vaccine.
Using people as vaccine-factories
Genetic vaccines containing DNA or mRNA miss out the last few steps of this production process.
Instead of using cells in a bioreactor to manufacture proteins, they use the cells of the human body.
This means the substance being injected only becomes vaccine-like once the host has done the work and produced whichever protein it’s encoded with.
It saves manufacturers a huge amount of time and money by turning people into walking-talking vaccine-factories that do the job for them.
The production of the vaccine only occurs if the body translates the genetic sequences, so there’s no way to know what dose anybody’s getting, because some people may translate more of the sequences and therefore make more proteins!
A lot of synthetic vaccines have had bad press (e.g. Pandemrix in the 2009 fake pandemic) but Big Pharma has plenty more planned because it’s a versatile and patentable platform.
The heroin vaccine is a good example of this:
it contains tetanus proteins attached to heroin molecules to make people produce anti-heroin antibodies…!
And how long would it take for flu vaccines to be added to the vax ID passport?
Flublok – a synthetic flu vaccine
Flublok has been licensed for use in the UK and the US. It contains hemagglutinin (HA) proteins from four different influenza viruses (e.g. selected by the FDA, one of which is the 2009 swine flu virus).
The HAs of all four strains are encoded into a genetically engineered insect virus (called ‘baculovirus’) and used to infect a cell-line generated from the ovaries of the fall armyworm (it’s related to moths, caterpillars and butterflies).
This infected mass of cells is fermented in a big metal vat or bioreactor, and kept alive by feeding it a chemically-defined broth.
When enough HA proteins have been produced by the cells, they’re extracted with Triton X-100 (which may have, “potential endocrine disrupting properties“).
It also contains Tween20 and “has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential“. i
Genetic Contaminants
Protein vaccines are often tainted with contaminants, such as DNA from the cells they were grown in, and these are usually listed in the package insert.
For instance, Flublok may contain some proteins or DNA from the insect cells or baculovirus it was grown in. Another example is the two vaccines for rotavirus that were found to contain DNA from a pig virus.
There’s also a risk of microbes such as mycoplasma getting into vaccines; this happened in 2015 when a group of 94 people were injected with a genetic HIV vaccine contaminated with a type of bacteria normally found in pigs.
Weird Adjuvants
Synthetic protein vaccines are thought to be ineffective unless they contain adjuvants.
All sorts of weird stuff has been invented over the last ten years or so, using chemical and genetic engineering to create substances that can force the body to have a particular type of immune response.
For example, nanoparticles can make people produce inflammatory cytokines by activating the inflammasome. Protein vaccines often contain lipid nanoparticles, such as MPLA, saponin, cholesterol and squalene.
Many also contain aluminium, and some contain CpG ODNs and other weird stuff like cholera toxins.
Lipid A is the toxic principleof lipopolysaccharide of gram negative bacteria, which causes a spectrum of changes in blood cells and vascular cells… human platelets are directly stimulated by endotoxic lipid A…”
Monophosphoryl lipid A (MPLA) is a small part of Lipid A that’s been derived from
Salmonellabacteria and is said to be “
It’s been used in several vaccines, including
Cervarixand Mosquirix.
Developed by
GSK, the WHO, and the Gates Foundation, Mosquirix contains malaria proteins fused with Hepatitis B proteins and is produced in yeast cells.
It also contains a GSK adjuvant called AS01E, which combines MPLA with a saponin called QS-21 and is given to babies aged 6 weeks to 17 months.
Mosquirix was rolled out in parts of Africa in 2019 even though
the overall mortality ratefor girls receiving the vaccine had almost doubled.
The ingredients and
excipientslisted in the
packet insertread like a recipe for chemical soup, and include a lipid called
DOPCand a type of detergent called
The Valneva vaccine mentioned above contains aluminium and CpG-1018.
This genetic adjuvant is a CpG ODN (oligonucleotide) which is a very short genetic sequence, or molecular pattern, associated with certain types of virus and bacteria. CpG ODNs play a trick on the body because they make the immune system react as if they were real bacteria.
They’re made from a cytosine molecule paired with a guanine molecule, forming a little couplet that would normally be connected to a backbone made of phosphate.
When CpG ODNs are created as adjuvants, however, they’re tweaked on the nano-level in a highly unnatural way.
Molecules in the backbone are tweaked so the phosphate backbone becomes a
phosphorothioatebackbone which is not at all normal but apparently they make the CpGs more stable so vax makers do it anyway.
Phosphorothioate is also used in mRNA constructs and may be in the Moderna and Pfizer jabs.
A company called Dynavax
iimakes CpG-1018 and add it to their Hepatitis vaccine despite the fact that it’s been
Previous research has also shown that CpG-based adjuvants “
could potentially trigger autoimmune diseasein a susceptible individual”, and the 2017
FDA reviewof all the adverse events linked to the vax included three cases of autoimmune disease.
All vaccines produced using synthetic biology are classed as ‘biologicals’ and are excluded from the usual tests to see if they’re safe.
For example:
The range and type of genotoxicity studiesroutinely conducted for pharmaceuticals are not applicable to biotechnology-derived pharmaceuticals and therefore are not needed.”
As a result, protein vaccines usually say on the package insert that they haven’t been tested (much) to see if they affect fertility, etc. and it looks as if the mRNA and DNA jabs have been given the same authorization.
How will people’s bodies react to these unnatural genetic creations?
Will the world be forced to adapt to the new genetics?
When it comes to antibodies, for instance, we make ones that match the antigen we’re reacting against so if the proteins are attached topolyethylene glycol(PEG), we might make
When animals are injected withluciferase(glowing molecules from a firefly), they end up making
The same thing happens with unnatural genetics, as shown by research in which animals were injected with CpG ODNs with a phosphorothioate backbone, and they responded by producing “
phosphorothioate backbone-specific antibodies.”
The shape of the proteins
Proteins are made of strings of amino acids, and they’re all folded into specific shapes.
When proteins become mis-folded, they are less likely to create the desired type of antibodies, and this has been linked to vaccine-associated disease enhancement (VADE).
A well-known example of this type of vaccine-risk is antibody dependent enhancement, or ADE, and is linked to SARS vaccines.
Viruses in old-fashioned vaccines could end up mis-shapen when formalin was used to inactivate them so they didn’t look like the original virus anymore, and this was said to be one of the reasons people made the wrong kind of antibodies and got ADE after having vaccines against measles, etc.
Cell-based proteins are said to have the same problem since they can also become mis-shapen or unfolded due to the way they’re produced.
Proteins produced in cells can end up having,
a different three-dimensional structurethan the protein in its normal context, resulting in the production of antibodies that may not recognize the infectious organism.”
“It is important to express proteins of disease agents with the greatest possible similarity to the authentic moleculeso that the proper immune response is induced when the proteins are used as a vaccine.”
Lots of things can cause a protein to get warped or denatured, such as changes in pH or temperature.
Even the stuff they add as adjuvants can warp the proteins, e.g. aluminium can cause them to unfold whilst lipid emulsions can “induce structural changes“.
This is one of the reasons why there have been attempts to stabilize the proteins added to vaccines, as illustrated by Novavax.
The Novavax protein vaccine
Novavax was awarded $1.6 billion through ‘Operation Warp Speed‘ to make their NVX-CoV2373 coronavirus protein vaccine iv using baculoviruses and insect cells, so it’s very similar to the Valneva and Sanofi/GSK vaccines which are also made with baculoviruses and insect cells.
Novavax had plenty of practice with the spike protein before the ronascam began, because they’d already developed a MERS-CoV vax and had even tested it on humans.
This vaccine was described in a 2013 patent and contains their proprietary adjuvant, Matrix-M.
This adjuvant is a mixture of saponin, cholesterol, and phospholipid nanoparticles, and it’s being added to their coronavirus vaccine.
The patent also covers SARS coronaviruses and describes using,
“protein engineering and recombinant DNA technology to improve or alter the characteristics of the proteins”.
The resulting product can be used in one of two ways: either injected directly into humans as a vaccine, or injected into humanized cows or horses so they produce “human antibodies” which can then be harvested from the animals and injected into humans.
Novavax tested the MERS version of these humanized antibodies in a clinical trial in 2014, with reported side effects including fatigue, loose stools, and sore throat.
The Novavax Corona-Makeover
Novavax is now using the NIH’s pre-fusion design to make the spike protein. (AstraZeneca isn’t, but J&J, Moderna and Pfizer are!)
The pre-fusion design involves changing (or mutating) two amino acids to proline and is usually referred to as S-2P.
Proline is used to lock the spike into position by making it more rigid and less likely to unfold but these ultra-stable spikes could cause even more damage to the body than the original virus because they’re also extra-spikey!
On top of that, they can easily spread around the body because they’re really small and protected by lipid nanoparticles.
The current coronavirus vaccines have been shown to reach the brain, ovaries and testis; this could cause inflammation in these very sensitive areas and may explain some of the neurological and menstrual problems people have been reporting.
Novavax have created some extra mutations in the spike by changing the amino acids that constitute the furin cleavage site, which consists of four amino acids.
Novavax have mutated it from RRAR to QQAQ (R=Arginine; A=Alanine; Q=Glutamine).
It’s worth knowing about these kinds of mutations because they were a key part of the gain-of-function (GoF) research funded by the NIH and outsourced to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.
The SARS-CoV-2 virus appears to be a man-made construct and could have been enabled by the insights gained during this GoF research. Future articles will look at these issues in more detail, such as the furin cleavage site which nobody can explain.
The unusual appearance of a furin cleavage site was a boon for the NIH because they’d spent the previous decade experimenting with the structure of coronaviruses in the Argonne National Laboratory, and had come up with the S-2P pre-fusion design in 2014.
The development of a coronavirus vaccine was complemented by the GoF research, e.g. using the bat coronaviruses to patent a coronavirus vaccine!
The NIH was also doing secretive work with Moderna that involved using MERS and other viruses that also have a furin cleavage site – this includes most of the so-called outbreaks that have occurred over the past two decades!
All of this research resulted in the creation of the NIH’s ronascam solutions-package that was ready-to-go by 2020 …
- Valneva are using protamine to harvest virus proteins from the cells they use (protamine is involved in the formation of sperm and is also used by Curevac to make mrna).
- Dynavax is being funded by the Gates Foundation “to scale up production of adjuvant for use in COVID-19 vaccines”.
- The mrna vaccines may also contain phosphorothioates and other unnatural molecules and will be covered in more detail in a separate article.
- Novavax has got loads of stuff in development, including a flu vaccine called Nanoflu.

by Jon Rappoport
June 26, 2018
from JonRappoport Website

Just as a few Big Tech companies control media exposure on the earth, so to will a few
Big Pharmacompanies control the genetic future of planetary citizens.
Technocrats are outside of all ethical and moral bounds, bent on the ‘science of social engineering.’
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) has launched efforts to create a vaccine that would protect people from most flu strains, all at once, with a single shot.
Over the years, I’ve written many articles refuting claims that vaccines are ‘safe and effective‘, but we’ll put all that aside for the moment and follow the bouncing ball.
Massachusetts Senator and big spender, Ed Markey, has introduced a bill that would shovel no less than a billion dollars toward the universal flu-vaccine project.
Here is a sentence from an NIAID press release that mentions one of several research approaches:
“NIAID Vaccine Research Center scientists have initiated Phase 1/2 studies of a universal flu vaccine strategy that includes an investigational DNA-based vaccine (called a DNA ‘prime’)…”
This is quite troubling, if you know what the phrase “DNA vaccine” means.
It refers to what the experts are touting as the next generation of immunizations. Instead of injecting a piece of a virus into a person, in order to stimulate the immune system, synthesized genes would be shot into the body.
This isn’t traditional vaccination anymore. It’s gene therapy.
In any such method, where genes are edited, deleted, added, no matter what the pros say, there are always “unintended consequences,” to use their polite phrase.
The ripple effects scramble the genetic structure in numerous unknown ways.
Here is the inconvenient truth about DNA vaccines:
They will permanently alter your DNA.
The reference is the New York Times, 3/15/15, “Protection Without a Vaccine.”
It describes the frontier of research:
the use of synthetic genes to “protect against disease,” while changing the genetic makeup of humans.
This is not science fiction:
“By delivering synthetic genes into the muscles of the [experimental] monkeys, the scientists are essentially re-engineering the animals to resist disease.”
“‘The sky’s the limit,’ said
Michael Farzan, an immunologist at Scripps and lead author of the new study.”
“The first human trial based on this strategy – called immunoprophylaxis by gene transfer, or I.G.T. – is underway, and several new ones are planned.” [That was three years ago.]
“I.G.T. is altogether different from traditional vaccination. It is instead a form of gene therapy. Scientists isolate the genes that produce powerful antibodies against certain diseases and then synthesize artificial versions.
The genes are placed into viruses and injected into human tissue, usually muscle.”
Here is the punchline:
“The viruses invade human cells with their DNA payloads, and the synthetic gene is incorporated into the recipient’s own DNA. If all goes well, the new genes instruct the cells to begin manufacturing powerful antibodies.”
Read that again:
“the synthetic gene is incorporated into the recipient’s own DNA.”
Alteration of the human genetic makeup.
Not just a “visit.” Permanent residence…
And once a person’s DNA is changed, he will live with that change – and all the ripple effects in his genetic makeup – for the rest of his life.
The NY Times article taps Dr. David Baltimore for an opinion:
“Still, Dr. Baltimore says that he envisions that some people might be leery of a vaccination strategy that means altering their own DNA, even if it prevents a potentially fatal disease.”
Yes, some people might be leery. If they have two or three working brain cells…
This is genetic roulette with a loaded gun. Anyone and everyone on Earth injected with a DNA vaccine will undergo permanent and unknown genetic changes…
And the further implications are clear. Vaccines can be used as a cover for the injections of any and all genes, whose actual purpose is re-engineering humans in far-reaching ways.
The emergence of this Frankenstein technology is paralleled by a shrill push to mandate vaccines, across the board, for both children and adults. The pressure and propaganda are planet-wide.
The freedom and the right to refuse vaccines has always been vital. It is more vital than ever now.
It means the right to preserve your inherent DNA…