February 29, 2012
from NaturalNews Website
After it was exposed that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the philanthropic brainchild of Microsoft founder Bill Gates, purchased 500,000 shares in Monsanto back in 2010 valued at more than $23 million, it became abundantly clear that this so-called benevolent charity is up to something other than eradicating disease and feeding the world’s poor (guardian.co.uk).
It turns out that the Gates family legacy has long been one of trying to dominate and control the world’s systems, including in the areas of technology, medicine, and now agriculture.
The Gates Foundation, aka the tax-exempt Gates Family Trust, is currently in the process of spending billions of dollars in the name of humanitarianism to establish a global food monopoly dominated by genetically-modified (GM) crops and seeds.
And based on the Gates family’s history of involvement in world affairs, it appears that one of its main goals besides simply establishing corporate control of the world’s food supply is to reduce the world’s population by a significant amount in the process.
William H. Gates Sr., former head of eugenics group Planned Parenthood
Bill Gates’ father, William H. Gates Sr., has long been involved with the eugenics group Planned Parenthood, a rebranded organization birthed out of the American Eugenics Society.
In a 2003 interview with PBS’ Bill Moyers, Bill Gates admitted that his father used to be the head of Planned Parenthood, which was founded on the concept that most human beings are just “reckless breeders” and “human weeds” in need of culling.
Gates also admitted during the interview that his family’s involvement in reproductive issues throughout the years has been extensive, referencing his own prior adherence to the beliefs of eugenicist Thomas Robert Malthus, who believed that populations of the world need to be controlled through reproductive restrictions.
Though Gates claims he now holds a different view, it appears as though his foundation’s initiatives are just a modified Malthusian approach that much more discreetly reduces populations through vaccines and GMOs.
Gates Foundation has invested heavily in converting Asian, African agricultural systems to GMOs
William Gates Sr.’s association with Planned Parenthood and continued influence in the realm of “population and reproductive health” is significant because Gates Sr. is co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
This long-time eugenicist “guides the vision and strategic direction” of the Gates Foundation, which is currently heavily focused on forcing GMOs on Africa via its financing of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA).
The Gates Foundation has admittedly given at least $264.5 million in grant commitments to AGRA, and also reportedly hired Dr. Robert Horsch, a former Monsanto executive for 25 years who developed Roundup, to head up AGRA back in 2006.
According to a report published in La Via Campesina back in 2010, 70 percent of AGRA’s grantees in Kenya work directly with Monsanto, and nearly 80 percent of the Gates Foundation funding is devoted to biotechnology.
The same report explains that the Gates Foundation pledged $880 million in April 2010 to create the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP), which is a heavy promoter of GMOs. GAFSP, of course, was responsible for providing $35 million in “aid” to earthquake-shattered Haiti to be used for implementing GMO agricultural systems and technologies.
Back in 2003, the Gates Foundation invested $25 million in “GM (genetically modified) research to develop vitamin and protein-enriched seeds for the world’s poor,” a move that many international charities and farmers groups vehemently opposed.
And in 2008, the Gates Foundation awarded $26.8 million to Cornell University to research GM wheat, which is the next major food crop in the crosshairs of Monsanto’s GM food crop pipeline.
If you control agriculture, you control the populations of the world
The Gates Foundation’s ties with Monsanto and corporate agriculture in general speak volumes about its real agenda, which is to create a monopolistic system of world control in every area of human life.
Vaccines, pharmaceuticals, GMOs, reproductive control, weather manipulation, global warming – these and many other points of entry are the means by which the Gates Foundation is making great strides to control the world by pretending to help improve and save it.
Rather than promote real food sovereignty and address the underlying political and economic issues that breed poverty, Gates and Co. has instead embraced the promotion of corporately-owned and controlled agriculture and medicine paradigms that will only further enslave the world’s most impoverished.
It is abundantly evident that GMOs have ravished already-impoverished people groups by destroying their native agricultural systems, as has been seen in India.
Some may say Gates’ endeavors are all about the money, while others may say they are about power and control. Perhaps it is a combination of both, where Gates is still in the business of promoting his own commercial investments, which includes buying shares in Monsanto while simultaneously investing in programs to promote Monsanto.
Whatever the case may be, there is simply no denying that Gates now has a direct interest in seeing Monsanto succeed in spreading GMOs around the world.
And since Gates is openly facilitating Monsanto’s growth into new markets through his “humanitarian” efforts, it is clear that the Gates family is in bed with Monsanto.
“Although Bill Gates might try to say that the Foundation is not linked to his business, all it proves is the opposite: most of their donations end up favoring the commercial investments of the tycoon, not really “donating” anything, but instead of paying taxes to state coffers, he invests his profits in where it is favorable to him economically, including propaganda from their supposed good intentions,” wrote Silvia Ribeiro in the Mexican news source La Jornada back in 2010.
“On the contrary, their ‘donations’ finance projects as destructive as geoengineering or replacement of natural community medicines for high-tech patented medicines in the poorest areas of the world…Gates is also engaged in trying to destroy rural farming worldwide, mainly through the ‘Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa’ (AGRA).
It works as a Trojan horse to deprive poor African farmers of their traditional seeds, replacing them with the seeds of their companies first, finally by genetically modified (GM).”
- http://www.guardian.co.uk/global-development/poverty-matters/2010/sep/29/gates-foundation-gm-monsanto
- http://www.seattleglobaljustice.org/2010/08/for-immediate-release-gates-foundation-invests-in-monsanto/
- http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_21606.cfm
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Eugenics_Society
- http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_monsanto36.htm
by Frank Bergman
January 22, 2025
from SlayNews Website
Russia’s Ministry of Defense (MOD) has accused billionaire Bill Gates of funding,
“bioterrorism-related activities with the goal of population reduction.”
The Russian MOD raised the alarm in a press briefing where officials asserted that the Gates Foundation is a primary sponsor of the U.S. African Biolab Complex.
Addressing the media, Major General Aleksei Rtishchev, Deputy Chief of the Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops of the Russian Armed Forces, warned:
“American specialists capable of enhancing the pathogenic functions of microorganisms are actively operating.”
Rtishchev claims that the Russian military has uncovered evidence showing that,
Gates has been funding U.S. biological activity in Africa…
Interestingly, Rtishchev also alleged that the Clinton Foundation is tied to the experiments.
During the briefing, Rtishchev stated:
“The US administration views the region as an unlimited natural reservoir of dangerous infectious agents and a testing ground for experimental medical drugs.”
The following translated key statements and slides from the briefing were obtained and shared by Sputnik in a post on X:
https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-0&features=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%3D%3D&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1882132719909691821&lang=en&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bibliotecapleyades.net%2Fsociopolitica3%2Fwin-micro-gates196.htm&sessionId=55e1310fd210d6ccef758c57e36eafcc94cc1c35&theme=light&widgetsVersion=2615f7e52b7e0%3A1702314776716&width=550px |
The U.S. military’s biological presence on the African continent is expanding rapidly, according to Rtishchev.
“American specialists capable of enhancing the pathogenic functions of microorganisms are actively operating in Africa,” the Russian MOD leader stated.
The Russian Defense Ministry has unveiled,
which officials from the United States and various African nations are involved in the implementation of military biological programs on the African continent.
Globalists view the region as,
an abundant reservoir of dangerous infectious agents and a testing ground for experimental medications, Rtishchev said.
He added that the U.S. government has been employing a biological risk management system in Africa, which has previously been tested in Georgia and Ukraine.
The sponsors of these biological activities include but are not limited to the Gates Foundation and Clinton Foundation, Rtishchev asserted.
According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the U.S. has been actively engaged in:
- Nigeria: A joint medical research center and a military medical laboratory for the armed forces were established in 2024.
- Kenya: The US Army Military Medical Center has deployed a network of field stations to monitor the spread of infectious diseases throughout Equatorial Africa.
- Senegal: A new $35 million laboratory facility is nearing completion. This project involves the same Pentagon contractors that have worked in the former Soviet Union, including Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine.
- Ghana and Djibouti: The US has established branches of the National Naval Medical Center and is actively addressing natural disease outbreaks and isolating pathogens.
Rtishchev also alleges the Gates Foundation has been conducting a project in 18 African countries to study the characteristics of infection occurrence and the resistance of pathogens to medical treatments.
These experiments are deliberately exploiting the economic challenges faced by African nations in healthcare to organize research schemes, the general cautions.
Rtishchev noted that,
Washington D.C. elites fear Russia and China may expose American military and biological ploys…
The United States often does not disclose the ultimate goals of its experiments to partners, who are frequently unaware of the associated risks.
Rtishchev also accused the United States of illegally receiving Ebola virus samples exported from Sierra Leone in 2014.
Pathogens that fall into the Pentagon’s area of interest, later emerge as a pandemic with American pharmaceutical companies reaping the benefits, Rtishchev warned.
McCullough Foundation epidemiologist Nicolas Hulscher weighed in on the explosive allegations from Russia’s military.
The Russian Ministry of Defense briefing revealed that,
“the Gates Foundation is a primary sponsor of the U.S. African Biolab Complex,” Hulscher notes.
“All individuals, regardless of their income or status – including Bill Gates – who have participated in or supported bioterrorism-related activities with the goal of population reduction or societal disruption will ultimately face the appropriate legal consequences,” he added.
Hulscher cited 18 U.S. Code § 175 – Prohibitions with respect to biological weapons, which states:
“Whoever knowingly develops, produces, stockpiles, transfers, acquires, retains, or possesses any biological agent, toxin, or delivery system for use as a weapon, or knowingly assists a foreign state or any organization to do so, or attempts, threatens, or conspires to do the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for life or any term of years, or both.”
During an interview on Media Blackout with Marris Zeee, Hulscher raised the alarm about Gates’s efforts to trigger another pandemic while commenting on Russia’s warning.
https://rumble.com/embed/v6a09f1/?pub=4 |
It comes after Gates recently made a disturbing confession about his experiments on people in third-world nations.
As we reported,
Gates provoked outrage by gloating that he has been using India as his “laboratory” for testing experimental “vaccines.”