Nazi Mind Control – Comments by Jim Marrs

by J.Marrs

extracted from “Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America”


from Archive Website

Nazi investigations in to exotic sciences did nor end with flight and weapons technology. Since prior to the twentieth century, Germans had delved into psychology and psychiatry with an eye toward their application to warfare, even to the extent of exploring occult practices.

As well documented in a number of books, articles, and videos, there was a very definite and underlying occult aspect to National Socialism.

As elucidated in Rule by Secrecy, Unholy Alliance, The Occult and the Third Reich, The Spear of Destiny, and other works, World War II was largely the result of infighting between secret occult societies composed of wealthy businessmen on both sides of the Atlantic. Eventually the tensions between these groups provoked open warfare that consumed the entire world.

Sir Winston Churchill,

“was insistent that the occultism of the Nazi Party should not under any circumstances be revealed to the general public,” stated author Trevor Ravenscroft, who wrote that he worked closely with Dr. Walter Johannes Stein, a confidential adviser to Churchill.

“The failure of the Nuremberg trials to identify the nature of the evil at work behind the outer facade of National Socialism convinced him that another three decades must pass before a large enough readership would be present to comprehend the initiation rites and black-magic practices of the inner core of Nazi leadership.”

This remarkable statement was corroborated by Airey Neave, one of the Nuremberg prosecutors, who said the occult aspect of the Nazis was ruled inadmissible because the tribunal thought that such beliefs, so contrary to Western public rationalism, might allow Nazi leaders to go free by pleading insanity.

Even Hitler acknowledged that Nazi ideology ventured into a spiritual realm, when he stated,

“Anyone who interprets National Socialism merely as a political movement knows almost nothing about it. It is more than religion; it is the determination to create a new man.”

To attempt this creation, the Nazis turned to occultists such as,

  • Baron Rudolf Freiherr von Sebottendorff
  • Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels
  • Guido von List
  • Dietrich Eckart
  • Karl Haushofer,

…all of whom had immersed themselves in the philosophies of the Theosophical Society.

Theosophy, derived from the Greek theos (god) and sophia (wisdom), was an attempt to blend Christianity with Cabalistic and Eastern mysticism. One tenet of theosophy was that “Great Masters,” sometimes called the “Great White Brotherhood,” are secretly directing humankind’s evolution.

“The rationale behind many later Nazi projects can be traced back… to ideas first popularized by [Theosophical Society founder Helen] Blavatsky,” wrote Peter Levenda, who detailed connections with other Europe an secret organizations, such as the Ordo Templi Orientis, or Oriental Templars (OTO), Dr. Rudolf Steiner’s Anthroposophical Society, and the Order of the Golden Dawn.

Such groups were,

“concerned with raising their consciousness by means of rituals to an awareness of evil and non-human Intelligences in the Universe and with achieving a means of communication with these Intelligences. And the Master-Adept of this circle was Dietrich Eckart [the man Hitler called “spiritual founder of National Socialism”],” noted Ravenscroft.

Hitler wrote of his own occult experiences as a soldier in World War I:

“I often go on bitter nights, to Wotan’s oak in the quiet glade, with dark powers to weave a union.”

As previously mentioned, the deeply occulted Germanenorden contrived the Thule Society as a cover organization.

“The original conception of the modern Thulists was extremely crude and naive,” Ravenscroft explained.

“The more sophisticated versions of the legend of Thule only gradually developed in the hands of Dietrich Eckart and General Karl Haushofer, and were later refined and extended under the direction of Reichsfuehrer SS Heinrich Himmler, who terrorized a large section of the German academic world into lending a professional hand at perpetuating the myth of German racial superiority.”

In light of the occultism apparent in modern space missions mentioned earlier, recall that General Karl Haushofer, who used astrology to provoke the strange flight of Rudolf Hess to England, was a member of the mysterious Vril, an occult society that practiced telepathy and telekinesis.

It is surmised that it was perhaps through such occult practices that psychic contact was made with nonhuman intelligences, thus providing the Nazis with the concepts that led to their futuristic technology.

Nazi occult researcher Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, in his 1992 book The Occult Roots of Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence on Nazi Ideology, wrote that the power that motivated the occultists surrounding Hitler and Himmler “is characterized either as a discarnate entity (e.g., ‘black forces,’ ‘invisible hierarchies,’ ‘unknown superiors’), or as a magical elite in a remote age or distant location, with which the Nazis were in contact.”

Although rumors have floated about for years that the Nazis captured a UFO, no credible evidence has ever been produced. Some of those who have studied this issue have come to suspect that any such knowledge of nonhuman technology may instead have come through Nazi occultists using psychic means similar to remote viewing, a psychic ability studied, taught, and used operationally by the U.S. Army, the CIA, and the National Security Agency beginning in the early 1970s.

It was Soviet interest in psychic experimentation that led to experiments in the United States and the eventual creation of a unit of psychic spies within the U.S. Army. Remote viewing, known in parapsychological terms as clairvoyance, is the ability to discern persons, places, and things at a distance by means other than the normal five senses.

According to former U.S. military intelligence agent Lyn Buchanan, who at one time trained the U.S. Army’s remote viewers, the Nazis formed a unit of psychics and called it Doktor Gruenbaum. This name was for the psychic project, not a person, although apparently a German psychic who assumed the name Gruenbaum may have lived in the United States after the war.

The name Gruenbaum, or green tree, apparently was a reference to the green-tree symbol in the Cabala, which relates to the “tree of knowledge” in the Garden of Eden.

Buchanan reported:

“When Adolf Hitler lost the war and the victors began to divide the spoils, the U.S. and other countries dividing up the nuclear and rocket scientists had little or no concern for the mystical research. Russia, however, did, and so they took the scientists from the ‘Doktor Gruenbaum’ project back to Russia.”

Interestingly enough, it was reported that the Nazi Doktor Gruenbaum unit was connected to a broader program called Majik. This name has prompted comparisons to America’s original UFO-secrecy group, Majic Twelve.

Could it be that psychic viewing by the Nazi Doktor Gruenbaum unit tipped off Hitler to the possible pending secret attack on Europe from the Soviet Union, resulting in his preemptive Barbarossa attack? Since this ability is intuitive and not always crystal-clear, German viewers may have perceived the buildup of Soviet forces but been unable to foresee the end result of Barbarossa – the eventual defeat of Germany.

Whether or not the Nazis used psychic mental abilities to acquire exotic technology, it is beyond question that the study of the human mind began in earnest in Germany, with far-reaching consequences.

Behind the horrors of the Nazi regime rested a foundation of Europe an study of the human mind. Justification of euthanasia and extermination programs was provided by some of Germany’s most learned men.

“Hitler’s philosophy and his concept of man in general was shaped to a decisive degree by psychiatry… an influential cluster of psychiatrists and their frightening theories and methods collectively form the missing piece of the puzzle of Hitler, the Third Reich, the atrocities and their dreadful legacy.

It is the overlooked yet utterly central piece of the puzzle,” wrote Dr. Thomas Roeder and his coauthors Volker Kubillus and Anthony Bur-well in their 1995 book Psychiatrists – the Men Behind Hitler.

Psychiatry in general can trace its origins to five prominent Europe an scientists in the 1800s:

  • Thomas R. Malthus, the British economist who viewed war, disease, and starvation as beneficial survival mechanisms against unchecked population growth
  • Charles Darwin, the naturalist whose 1859 book The Origin of Species convinced whole generations that survival of the fittest is a law of nature
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, philosopher and close friend to Hitler’s paragon, composer Richard Wagner, who declared “God is dead” and advocated the superiority of the Übermensch, or superman, over lesser races, virtues, and values
  • Joseph Arthur, Comte de Gobineau, a French diplomat who championed the concept of an Aryan aristocracy and its preeminence over others
  • Houston Stewart Chamberlain, the British-born philosopher who moved to Germany, married the daughter of Richard Wagner, and also promoted an “Aryan world philosophy.”

“Darwin entangled his theory of natural selection with the assumptions of Malthus’s population theory. The result was a strange, incongruous marriage of Darwin’s observations of the animal world with Malthus’s emotional assumptions about the uncontrollable population growth and social solutions to preserve the British aristocracy,” noted Roeder, Kubillus, and Burwell.

They added that social Darwinism was perhaps the Nazis’ most central theoretical foundation.

“Social Darwinism had a profound and long-lasting effect on the mind of Adolf Hitler,” agreed Professor Snyder. “He expressed its ideas in simplified form in the pages of Mein Kampf… and he made it the theme of most of his major speeches.”

From the viewpoint that certain people are more evolved and thus more competent to judge others came the profession of psychiatry. The term itself came from the Greek psyche, or soul, and iatros, or doctor. However, these doctors of the soul quickly became preoccupied with more material matters – the physical brain and how to manipulate or destroy it.

As the field of psychiatry grew, so did its definitions. In 1871, “The Psychical Degeneration of the French People” was published, a paper that left the impression that simply being French constituted a mental illness.

“One of psychiatry’s leading figures, Richard von Krafft -Ebing, added to his list of varieties of mental disorders ‘political and reformatory insanity’ – meaning any inclination to form a different opinion from that of the masses,” the trio of researchers stated.

At the time of World War I, the attempt to bring respectability to the emerging psychiatric profession resulted in a certain bonding between psychiatry and the aristocratic German government. The German military was particularly impressed with the “therapy” of Fritz Kaufmann, because it referred to “war neurosis” or “shell shock.”

Based on the idea that antiwar behavior was a chemo-biological dysfunction, the “Kaufmann therapy” consisted of applied electrical shocks, actually more of a disciplinary mea sure than true medical therapy. The army was delighted that recalcitrant troops, following electroshock, quickly agreed to return to service.

Psychiatry continued to grow in power even as its agenda continued to widen. Psychiatrist P. J. Moebius, who had lectured on the “psychological feeble-mindedness of the woman,” pronounced, “The psychiatrist should be the judge about mental health, because only he knows what ill means.”

Such arrogance of belief soon led to the creation of various psychiatric organizations, such as the Gesellschaft fur Rassenhygiene, or Society for Racial Hygiene, which only served to further the ambitions of the profession. Since no one has yet found a significant and general “cure” for insanity, psychiatrists turned to the dubious concept of prevention.

This came to be known as “mental hygiene,” a bland term for the prevention of mental illness, whatever form that might take.

In the Germany of the 1930s, the rush to isolate and “cure” mental defectives quickly was interpreted to include malcontents and dissidents opposed to the Nazi regime. This open- ended concept resulted in the Nazi Sterilization Act, which went into effect in July 1933, just six months after Hitler’s ascension to power.

One of the leading and articulate authorities behind the rationale for this act was Dr. Ernst Rudin, a psychiatrist who in 1930 had traveled to Washington, D.C., to present a paper called “The Importance of Eugenics and Genetics in Mental Hygiene.” It was well received by those present as many Americans, especially among the globalists, had come to embrace the racist and elitist views of the German philosophers.

Nazi interest in science and psychological warfare was paralleled by their concern with eugenics, the scientific study of selective breeding to improve the human population. The term “eugenics” was coined in the late 1800s by Francis Galton, a British psychologist and half- cousin of Darwin’s, who wanted to extend the theory of natural selection into deliberate social engineering.

Race and genetics were always a top concern to ranking Nazis. We find the same concern exhibited by America’s ruling families.

By the time of his death in 1937, John D. Rockefeller and his only son, John D. Rockefeller Jr., had not only built up an amazing oil empire but had established such institutions as,

  • the University of Chicago (1889)
  • the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (1901) later renamed Rockefeller University, in New York City
  • the General Education Board (1903)
  • the Rockefeller Foundation (1913)
  • the Lincoln School (1917),

…where the Rockefeller siblings began their education.

These Rockefeller-funded institutions ensured their early entry into the fields of medicine, pharmaceuticals, and education.

The Rockefellers were also interested in the eugenics movement, a program of scientifically applied genetic selection to maintain and improve their ideal for human characteristics, which included birth and population control. In 1910, the Eugenics Records Office was established and endowed by grants from Mrs. Edward H. Harriman and John D. Rockefeller. It seems the wealthy elite of America were as concerned with bloodlines as the Nazis.

Another American supporter of German psychiatry was James Loeb, son and by 1894 a business partner to Solomon Loeb, founder of the prominent Kuhn, Loeb and Company, the bankers and backers of railroad tycoon Edward H. Harriman.

In 1917, thanks to financial support from James Loeb, Dr. Emil Kraepelin, a professor at the University of Munich, was able to found the Deutsche Forschungsanstalt fur Psychiatrie, or the German Research Institute for Psychiatry.

“Kraepelin was certainly a conservative nationalist,” stated Roeder, Kubillus, and Burwell.

“But he also was a pioneer of psychiatric atrocities such as racial hygiene and sterilization, who, except perhaps for Rudin, had no equal in his advocacy for a legal foundation for the policies of Nazi extermination.”

By 1924, Kraepelin’s research institute, rescued from bankruptcy by Loeb’s money, had become incorporated into the prestigious Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, and the growing Nazi leadership was paying attention to its science.

Initially, they went for the most defenseless of the German population – the children. On July 14, 1933, only six months after Hitler was named chancellor of the Reich, the Law for the Prevention of Genetically Diseased Children was passed. A leading proponent for this legislation was Ernst Rudin, by then director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute.

Leading the movement to eliminate “mental defectives” from the German population were lawyer Karl Binding and the psychiatrist Alfred Hoche, who popularized the chilling phrase “ lebensunwertes Leben” – or “life unworthy of life” – in a 1920 tract titled Die Freigabe der Vernichtung lebensunwerten Lebens, or “Lifting Controls on the Destruction of Life Unworthy of Life.”

“This text, arguably more than any other, made available to the Nazi regime an ‘ethical’ rationale for ‘euthanasia.’ Although in the early days of the regime the public discussion would focus on the prevention of offspring with hereditary disease, hence sterilization, the destruction of life unworthy of life would spread as an unspoken principle,” wrote John Cornwell in his 2003 book Hitler’s Scientists: Science, War, and the Devil’s Pact.

The chosen means of prevention, enforced sterilization, was administered by special “hereditary health courts,” made up of two doctors – usually psychiatrists – and one civil official, usually a judge close to the Nazi Party, who acted as chairman.

The Nazi euthanasia program was not carried out in the open but instead by secret decrees, as Hitler steadfastly refused to seek a legal ruling, knowing that such a program was illegal under existing laws.

It is estimated that more than 400,000 people were sterilized as “life unworthy of life” between 1934 and 1945.

“The projected total of 410,000 was considered only preliminary, drawn mostly from people already in institutions; it was assumed that much greater numbers of people would eventually be identified and sterilized,” stated Robert Jay Lift on in The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide.

Lifton went on:

“Not surprisingly, Fritz Lenz [whose eugenics work was parroted by Hitler] carried the concept farthest in suggesting the advisability of sterilizing people with only slight signs of mental disease, though he recognized that a radical application of this principle would lead to the sterilization of 20 percent of the total German population – something on the order of 20 million people!”

One revealing anecdote involving this medical-driven policy was the release in 1933 of a mental patient who had been imprisoned as a violence-prone hardened criminal, a “dangerous lunatic,” according to a local official.

His psychiatrist, Dr. Werner Heyde, however, pronounced Theodor Eicke fit for discharge, and Eicke was soon named the first commandant of Dachau concentration camp. In 1934, Eicker was promoted to inspector general and chief of all concentration camps. Eicke, whose influence and spirit within the SS was “second only to that of Himmler,” died in 1943, when his plane was shot down behind Russian lines.

Dr. Heyde, whose recommendation released Eicke from prison, went on to become the medical director of the infamous Nazi T4 euthanasia program begun in 1940. (The designation T4 referred to the address of the stone building from which they operated: Tiergartenstrasse 4.) The approved method of killing ordered by Hitler, acting on the advice of Dr. Heyde, was the use of carbon monoxide. In a prototype of the Nazi death camps, a fake shower room, complete with benches, was constructed and used to gas the first victims.

Great pains were taken to employ what Robert Jay Lifton called “bureaucratic mystification,” a snarl of red tape and bureaucracy so convoluted that the victims, their families, and even those working within the system did not realize the full extent of the euthanasia program.

Interestingly enough, in 1941 Hitler ordered the official T4 euthanasia program halted for no recorded reason. Some have argued that Hitler may have developed pangs of conscience, while others believe that as more and more of the German population became aware of the killing, cries of objection could have caused Hitler a political problem.

Authors Roeder, Kubillus, and Burwell argued that the program was stopped simply because it had achieved its original quota of victims.

“The original campaign apparently had accomplished its purpose and was shut down. But that did not mean that a new euthanasia program wasn’t waiting to begin,” they wrote.

Starting in April 1941, the now-experienced doctors of T4 began visiting the Nazi concentration camps and soon were practicing their newest euthanasia program in earnest – the Endlosung, or final solution.

“The extermination of the Jews was an exact replica of T4’s earlier euthanasia program,” stated Roeder, Kubillus, and Burwell.

During the war, as today, both medical doctors and psychiatrists were quite vulnerable to peer pressure as well as the goodwill of the state, which provided the credentials and certificates necessary for their practice. So it seemed natural that mind manipulation through psychiatry and psychology was soon joined by a companion therapy – drugs.

German psychiatrists were merely following the lead of medical doctors, who in the twentieth century increasingly moved away from the tradition of homeopathy, which involved using minimal doses of drugs as therapy, to allopathy, the straightforward treatment of disease with drugs. What therapy could not accomplish through psychological means might be accomplished through drugs.

This trend to increase the use of prescription drugs set the stage for the rise of the giant pharmaceutical corporations during the twentieth century.

During the time of the Opium Wars of the late 1800s, any type of drug was used for profit. For example, in 1898, the German Bayer Company began mass production of heroin (diacetylmorphine) and used that name to market the new remedy. Bayer described heroin as a non-addictive panacea for adult ailments and infant respiratory diseases.

In the late 1800s, Bayer also promoted cocaine, which until the 1920s was an ingredient in the soft drink Coca-Cola.

But as more easily produced petrochemical drugs made their debut, they prompted the attention of the major global corporations.

The Rockefeller family’s interest in pharmaceuticals reaches back to the days of John D’s father, William “Big Bill” Rockefeller, who sold “Rock Oil,” a diuretic medicine that guaranteed “All Cases of Cancer Cured Unless They Are Too Far Gone.”

“William Rockefeller’s original miracle oil survived until quite recently as a concoction called Nujol, consisting principally of petroleum and peddled as a laxative,” wrote Eustace Mullins.

“Nujol was manufactured by a subsidiary of Standard Oil of New Jersey, called Stanco, whose only other product, manufactured on the same premises, was the famous insecticide Flit.”

Along with the previously documented business alliances between Standard Oil and I.G. Farben, Standard Oil vice president Frank Howard also served as chairman of the research committee at Sloan Kettering Institute, today known as the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, the New York City–based cancer center built in 1939 on land donated by John D. Rockefeller Jr. and financed by the Rockefeller family.

According to the center’s literature,

it has “long been a leader in cancer surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. It was the first to develop services specifically dedicated to the psychiatric aspects of cancer, to the relief of cancer pain, and to genetic counseling.”

Howard, in addition to maintaining relations between Nazi I.G. Farben and Standard Oil, represented Rockefeller interests with the firm of Rohm and Haas, still one of the world’s largest suppliers of specialty chemicals.

Current company literature states,

“From maintaining the freshness in fruits and vegetables to purifying antibiotics, we help customers create products that enhance the way of life for people around the world. Today Rohm and Haas extends to the far corners of the earth, with sales in more than 100 countries.”

According to Mullins, the American College of Surgeons maintained a monopolistic control of U.S. hospitals through its Hospital Survey Committee, with members Winthrop Aldrich and David McAlpine Pyle representing the Rockefellers.

In 1909, John D. Rockefeller Sr. extended his reach into the southern states by a $1 million donation to establish the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission, dedicated to eradicating hookworm disease.

“[D]espite its philanthropic goals, the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission required financial contributions from each of the eleven southern states in which it operated, resulting in the creation of state departments of health in those states and opening up important new spheres of influence for their Drug Trust,” wrote Mullins.

The physician who served as director of the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission during World War I was Dr. Olin West, a primary figure in the creation of the Tennessee State Department of Health. West went on to become a top executive for forty years at the American Medical Association.

The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research is now Rockefeller University. Another deep penetration of America’s education system was made in 1903, when John D. Rockefeller established the General Education Board (GEB).

According to the Rockefeller Archives,

“The [GEB] program included grants for endowment and general budgetary support of colleges and universities, support for special programs, fellowship and scholarship assistance to state school systems at all levels, and development of social and economic resources as a route to improved educational systems. Major colleges and universities across the U.S., as well as many small institutions in every state, received aid from the Board. The emphasis, however, was on the South and the education of blacks.”

“Rockefeller’s General Education Board has spent more than $100 million to gain control of the nation’s medical schools and turn our physicians to physicians of the allopathic school, dedicated to surgery and the heavy use of drugs,” commented Mullins, adding, “America became the greatest and most productive nation in the world because we had the healthiest citizens in the world. When the Rockefeller Syndicate began its takeover of our medical profession in 1910, our citizens went into a sharp decline. Today, we suffer from a host of debilitating ailments, both mental and physical, nearly all of which can be traced directly to the operations of the chemical and drug monopoly, and which pose the greatest threat to our continued existence as a nation.”

Mullins pointed to Britain’s Wellcome Trust as one of the world’s largest medical research charities. It finances research into the health of both animals and humans. It also illustrates the intertwining connections of the globalists.

The knighted Sir Oliver S. Franks, described as “one of the founders of the postwar world,” directed the Wellcome Trust as well as serving as British ambassador to the United States from 1948 to 1952. He was a director of the Rockefeller Foundation and its principal representative in England.

According to Mullins, he was given a life peerage as Baron Franks of Headington, County of Oxford, in 1962 and was,

“a director of the Schroeder Bank, which handled Hitler’s personal bank account, director of the Rhodes Trust in charge of approving Rhodes scholarships [Bill Clinton, among others], visiting professor at the [Rockefeller-endowed] University of Chicago and chairman of Lloyd’s Bank, one of England’s Big Five.”

Another aspect of Nazi medical science employed in America involves the toxic chemical sodium fluoride. The controversy over the fluoridation of municipal water supplies has raged since the 1950s and continues today.

Aluminum oxide is extracted from clay and bauxite. Through a chemical called cryolite the material is converted into aluminum. A by-product of this process is sodium fluoride, which for many years was used as a rat poison. One recent dictionary defined fluoride as a “poisonous pale yellow gaseous element of the halogen group.”

Sodium fluoride also acts as an enzyme inhibitor and has been linked by several studies – such as a 1982 report from the University of Iowa – to Alzheimer’s disease, a degenerative and fatal neural disease named for the German doctor Alois Alzheimer.

According to the Alzheimer Association, this brain-destroying disease is the seventh leading cause of death in America today.

Although aluminum has been associated with Alzheimer’s, such claims have been disputed. Some have claimed that Alzheimer’s disease is more common in areas where the aluminum content in the water supply is highest, but the method and results of these studies have been questioned. But it is true that, in 1986, the Reagan administration’s Environmental Protection Agency raised the “safe” level of sodium fluoride in public water supplies from 2 parts per million gallons to 4 parts, even though one part per million has been shown to impair neurological efficiency.

In October 2007, despite “heated hearings” in 2003, the Los Angeles–based Metropolitan Water District began fluoridating the drinking water of 18 million Southern Californians in six counties, including San Diego.

According to a report by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a Washington-based, nonprofit organization whose mission is to “protect public health and the environment,” the plan to fluoridate water in Southern California,

“will put 14.5 percent of children under one year old, and 12.5 percent of children one to two years old, over the recommended fluoride exposure limits published by the National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicine and endorsed by the American Dental Association. In Los Angeles County alone, more than 40,000 children age two and under will exceed the safe dose.”

Bill Walker, EWG’s vice president for the West Coast, pointed to recent studies that call into question claims that fluoridation is safe.

A March 2006 National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council report identified fluoride as a potent hormone disruptor that may affect normal thyroid function; the NAS/NRC report also cited concerns about the potential of fluoride to lower IQ, noting that the,

“consistency of study results appears significant enough to warrant additional research on the effects of fluoride on intelligence.”

That finding was echoed by a December 2006 study published in the prestigious, peer-reviewed journal The Lancet, which identified fluoride as an “emerging” neurotoxin; and a 2006 peer-reviewed study at Harvard strongly supported concerns that fluoridated water is linked to osteo-sarcoma, an often-fatal form of bone cancer, in boys.

The Harvard study found a five-fold increase in bone cancer among teenage boys who drank fluoridated water from ages six through eight, compared to those drinking non-fluoridated water.

Brain studies reported by the Alzheimer’s Society in England show that aluminum accumulates in nerve cells that are particularly vulnerable to Alzheimer’s disease, although not all persons exposed to aluminum develop Alzheimer’s. Although many studies on animals and on isolated cells have shown that aluminum has toxic effects on the nervous system, it is claimed that the doses of aluminum used were much higher than those occurring naturally in tissues.

This obviously raises the question of how much fluoride/aluminum the public is ingesting from non-natural sources, such as the fluoridation of drinking water.

The human brain contains 100 billion nerve cells (neurons) that form networks to manage our thinking, learning, and remembering. By the mid-1990s, studies were indicating a link between Alzheimer’s and aluminum. But just as the debate over the link between cigarettes and cancer lasted decades, due to the obstructionist studies funded by the tobacco industry, the controversy over aluminum – and sodium fluoride – continues today.

Numerous Web sites and periodicals have carried the accusation that sodium fluoride was placed in the drinking water of Nazi concentration camps to keep inmates pacified and susceptible to external control.

Such use of fluoridation by the Nazis to dull the senses of prisoners was described by Charles Eliot Perkins, a prominent U.S. industrial chemist whom the U.S. government sent to help reconstruct the I.G. Farben chemical plants in Germany at the end of the war.

In a 1954 letter to the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, Perkins stated:

“The German chemists worked out a very ingenious and far-reaching plan of mass control that was submitted to and adopted by the German General Staff . This plan was to control the population of any given area through mass medication of drinking water supplies… In this scheme of mass control, ‘sodium fluoride’ occupied a prominent place…

However, and I want to make this very definite and very positive, the real reason behind water fluoridation is not to benefit children’s teeth… The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination and control and loss of liberty… Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluorine [sic] will in time gradually reduce the individual’s power to resist domination by slowly poisoning and narcotizing this area of brain tissue, and make him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him…

I was told of this entire scheme by a German chemist who was an official of the great Farben chemical industries and was prominent in the Nazi movement at the time… I say this with all the earnestness and sincerity of a scientist who has spent nearly 20 years research [sic] into the chemistry, biochemistry, physiology, and pathology of ‘fluorine [sic].’ …

Any person who drinks artificially fluoridated water for a period of one year or more will never again be the same person, mentally or physically.”

A Christian Science Monitor survey in 1954 showed that seventy-nine of the eighty-one Nobel Prize winners in chemistry, medicine, and physiology declined to endorse water fluoridation.

Yet, today, two-thirds of all municipal water and most bottled water in the United States contain sodium fluoride, which has long been used as a rat poison. Most people do not realize that fluoride is a key ingredient in Prozac and many other psychotropic drugs. Prozac, whose scientific name is fluoxetine, is 94 percent fluoride.

More than 21 million prescriptions for fluoxetine were filled in the United States in 2006, making it one of the most prescribed antidepressants.

Every U.S. Public Health Service surgeon general from the 1950s to this day has supported the introduction of this poison into America’s water supply, even though fluoride, this poisonous waste product of aluminum manufacture, accumulates in the human body and has been shown to affect tooth decay only in children under twelve years of age.

It is quite ironic that Prozac, which is 94 percent fluoride and given to hyperactive children, requires a prescription from a licensed physician while the same substance can be placed in our drinking water by dealers who have no medical training, no license to dispense medications, and no idea to whom they are administering this corrosive, toxic, and impairing substance.

In 1946, Oscar Ewing, a Wall Street attorney and former counsel to the Aluminum Company of America (now known by the acronym Alcoa), was appointed by President Harry S. Truman to head the Federal Security Agency, which placed Ewing in charge of not only the U.S. Public Health Service but also the Social Security Administration and the Office of Education.

Congressman A.L. Miller, a physician turned Republican politician, said that Ewing had been placed in his position and highly paid by the Rockefeller syndicate to promote fluoridation.

Miller stated,

“The chief supporter of the fluoridation of water is the U.S. Public Health Service. This is part of Mr. Ewing’s Federal Security Agency. Mr. Ewing is one of the highly paid lawyers for the Aluminum Company of America.”

Other opponents were less kind. Leaflets handed out in New York City cried,

“Rockefeller agents order fluoride-(rat-)poisoning of nation’s water. Water fluoridation is the most important aspect of the Cold War that is being waged on us – chemically – from within, by the Rockefeller-Soviet axis. It serves to blunt the intelligence of a people in a manner that no other dope can. Also, it is genocidal in two manners: it causes chemical castration and it causes cancer, thus killing off older folks…

This committee [Ewing’s study of fluoride] did no research or investigation on the poisonous effects of water fluoridation. They accepted the falsified data published by the U.S.P.H.S. [U.S. Public Health Service] on the order of boss Oscar Ewing, who had been ‘rewarded’ with $750,000 by fluoride waste producer, Aluminum Co. He then developed the ‘public spirit’ that impelled him to take a $17,500 job as Federal Security Administrator.

He immediately demanded of Congress an appropriation of $2,500,000 for promotion of fluorides by his U.S.P.H.S.”

It is interesting to note that West Germany banned the use of fluorides in 1971, a time when it was still heavily occupied by Allied soldiers.

“Apparently they could no longer silence the German scientists who had proved that fluoridation is a deadly threat to the population,” wrote Mullins. “Sweden followed West Germany in banning fluoridation, and the Netherlands officially banned it on June 22, 1973, by order of their highest court.”

But the scientific minds encouraged by globalist funding were not content with drugs to merely pacify a population. They wanted direct control. It should come as no surprise that the men behind the documented CIA mind-control projects – MKULTRA, ARTICHOKE, BLUEBIRD, MKDELTA, etc. – had received Nazi medical science passed along by Paperclip doctors and their protégés.

The infusion of Nazi mind-control specialists within the fledgling CIA resulted in Project MKULTRA (pronounced M-K-ULTRA), a code name for mind-control research that continued until the late 1960s, when it was said to have been discontinued.

Project MKULTRA was created in 1953 by CIA officer Richard Helms, a good friend to CIA psychiatrist Dr. Sidney Gottlieb. It was the brainchild of then CIA director Allen Dulles. Dulles reportedly was intrigued by reports of mind-control techniques allegedly conducted by Soviet, Chinese, and North Koreans on U.S. prisoners during the Korean War.

Published accounts show this project not only used drugs to manipulate a person’s personality, but also electronic signals to alter brain functioning. According to a 1975 internal CIA document,

“MKULTRA was a group of projects, most of which dealt with drug or counter-drug research and development. The Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) and the Deputy Director of Plans (DDP) were kept informed on the program via annual briefings by Chief Technical Services Division (C/TSD) or his deputy.

Most of the research and development was externally contracted… The objectives were behavioral control, behavior anomaly production, and countermeasures for opposition application of similar substances. Work was performed at U.S. industrial, academic, and governmental research facilities. Funding was often through cutout arrangements.”

After discussing testing on “volunteer inmates” and the diminished role of the MKULTRA project as fears of Soviet drug use eased, the CIA officer that authored the report noted,

“Over my stated objections the MKULTRA files were destroyed by order of the DCI (Mr. [Richard] Helms) shortly before his departure from office.”

To study psychochemicals and the possibility of using them to achieve mind control, the CIA, along with military intelligence, launched a program code-named BLUEBIRD, later changed to ARTICHOKE.

THE CIA HAS even admitted that its drug testing on college campuses resulted in the “drug revolution” of the 1960s.

This amazing story began in 1943, when Swiss chemist Dr. Albert Hofmann, working for Sandoz Laboratories in Basel, accidentally absorbed through his fingertips a chemical derived from the cereal fungus ergot. He proceeded to experience a semiconscious delirium complete with kaleidoscopic colors and visions.

As this was the twenty-fifth compound of lysergic acid diethylamide, synthetically produced by Sandoz, Hofmann named it LSD-25.

The editors of Consumer Reports, in their monumental 1972 book Licit & Illicit Drugs, noted: “Psychiatrists were naturally interested from the beginning in LSD effects. Many of them took the drug themselves, and gave it to staff members of mental hospitals, in the belief that its effects approximate a psychotic state and might thus lead to better understanding of their patients.”

About the same time Dr. Hofmann was discovering LSD, General William “Wild Bill” Donovan, a former J. P. Morgan Jr. operative and head of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), which conducted irregular and unorthodox warfare, began searching for a drug that would loosen the tongues of captured spies and enemy soldiers.

Donovan called together a group of psychiatrists, who tested numerous drugs, including alcohol, barbiturates, and even caffeine. Plant extracts such as peyote, scopolamine, and even marijuana were also tested.

In 1947, the old OSS was superseded by the newly created CIA, within which drug experimentation continued, though with mixed results. Liaisons were formed between academics in universities, police departments, criminology laboratories, doctors, psychiatrists, and even hypnotists. Secret CIA funding was provided and experiments were not limited to laboratory animals.

Like the Nazis before them, they also used sometimes unsuspecting human guinea pigs. These experiments were carried out in collaboration with hundreds of known Nazi scientists, who had experimented with these same drugs on prisoners in concentration camps. These scientists were brought into the United States after the war to continue their work.

By the mid-1950s, the CIA had managed to secure a monopoly on LSD. At first, the agency personnel tested LSD only on themselves, but later decided they would slip LSD into each other’s food or drinks without prior notice, to observe the effects. Such childish experimentation soon got out of hand. Nothing was done to stop this practice until rumors circulated that the annual CIA Christmas party punch was to be spiked with LSD.

By the end of the 1950s, CIA experimentation had grown, with funding running through such CIA fronts as:

  • the Geschickter Fund for Medical Research
  • the Society for the Study of Human Ecology
  • the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation

With the CIA funding masked by such foundations, drug experimentation reached down to university campuses and other public institutions across the United States.

Once again, the U.S. Public Health Service played a role. At the Public Health Service’s Addiction Research Center in Lexington, Kentucky, drug addicts would be given morphine or heroin in exchange for participating in drug experiments there, including the ingestion of LSD.

One of the universities involved was Harvard, where Dr. Timothy Leary, along with Richard Alpert, later known as Ram Dass, conducted a series of experiments with LSD and psilocybin. Leary had come to Harvard after serving as director of clinical research and psychology at the Kaiser Foundation Hospital in Oakland, California.

The Kaiser Family Foundation, a “leader in health policy and communications,” was named for Henry J. Kaiser, a wealthy industrialist and ship builder who in 1946 began Kaiser Aluminum.

According to foundation literature,

“Kaiser campaigns are based on a new model of public service programming pioneered by the Foundation – direct partnerships with major media companies and a comprehensive ‘multiplatform’ communications strategy that goes far beyond traditional ‘PSAs’ [Public Service Announcements].

Current partners in the U.S. include MTV, BET, Univision, Viacom/CBS, and Fox. Together, Kaiser’s campaigns reach tens of millions of people annually, and have won multiple Emmy and Peabody awards in recent years.”

It is no wonder that the aluminum waste product fluoride has received such favorable media attention over the years.

Many stories circulated around Harvard concerning LSD parties and undergraduates selling LSD-laced sugar cubes on and off campus. Leary was fired from the university in 1963, officially because he missed a committee meeting. Alpert, too, was dismissed, reportedly for violating an agreement not to supply LSD to undergraduates. This was the first time in the twentieth century that Harvard faculty members had been fired. Both Leary and Alpert began writing articles chastising Harvard and extolling the virtues of drugs.

Leary became immortalized with his slogan “Turn on, tune in, and drop out.”

As the drug culture grew rapidly in the late 1960s,

“it was widely observed that young people paid little or no attention to dire warnings against the hazards of marijuana-smoking, LSD-using, and other forms of drug use,” noted the editors of Consumer Reports.

“When the evidence of their own experience contradicts adult propaganda, they (like sensible adults) rely on their own experience – and tend to distrust in the future a source of information which they had found unreliable in the past.”

After the major media began to report stridently on the campus drug scene, public interest grew, as did demand, and the campus drug revolution of the 1960s was off and running. Some researchers wondered whether the drug revolution was simply happenstance – or part of the fascist globalist plan to weaken the structure of American society.

Following hearings by a Senate committee on the testing of human subjects in 1977, Senator Ted Kennedy referred to the infamous CIA mind-control experiments by stating,

“The deputy director of the CIA revealed that over thirty universities and institutions were involved in an ‘extensive testing and experimentation’ program which included covert drug tests on unwitting citizens at all social levels, high and low, native Americans and foreign… The intelligence community of this nation, which requires a shroud of secrecy in order to operate, has a very sacred trust from the American people.

The CIA’s program of human experimentation of the fifties and sixties violated that trust. It was violated again on the day the bulk of the agency’s records were destroyed in 1973. It is violated each time a responsible official refuses to recollect the details of the program.”

One certain violation involved the death of a scientist working on mind control.

According to the government, in 1953, Dr. Frank Olson, a biological and mind-control scientist working for the U.S. Army at Fort Detrick, Maryland, was surreptitiously given an LSD-laced drink by Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, while attending a conference at Deep Creek Lodge in Maryland.

Some days later, a distraught and hallucinating Olson threw himself out of a high window of a New York hotel. It appeared to be either a drug-induced accident or a suicide. However, Olson’s close friends and family members still believe Olson was murdered to prevent him from speaking out against the MKULTRA program, which he had come to both regret and despise.

Research based on Nazi pharmaceutical science even spread to more exotic attempts at mind control.

In 2005, at the Eighth Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference held at the Doubletree Hotel in Windsor Locks, Connecticut, one speaker was Carol Rutz, author of A Nation Betrayed.

Rutz claimed to be the victim of government abuse and mind-control experiments. She mentioned an astounding connection.

Referring to a woman who described “eye experiments” at a residential school where,

“they were trying to change our eye color from brown to blue,” Rutz stated, “This particularly caught my attention, since the change of eye color was a pet project of Auschwitz ‘Doctor’ Josef Mengele, aka Dr. Black, as I knew him, who I allege worked alongside Dr. Ewen Cameron, Sid Gottlieb, and others.”

Another seedy side to this experimentation on unwitting subjects involved a CIA contract agent named George Hunter White, who worked under the auspices of Dr. Gottlieb. White would bring unsuspecting men from local bars to a CIA-financed bordello in San Francisco, where he would give them LSD-spiked drinks and then watch the men have sex with prostitutes from behind a two-way mirror.

The U.S. taxpayers paid for it all, as White would send bills for his “unorthodox expenses” to Dr. Gottlieb.

White once said of this work,

“I was a very minor missionary, actually a heretic, but I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun. Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape, and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All- Highest?”

Indeed, where else but in an agency penetrated by displaced Nazis and their philosophies?

Much of the drug experimentation was centered at secret facilities at the Edgewood Arsenal, located on Chesapeake Bay northeast of Baltimore. In 1955, thanks to the influx of Nazi chemists, a new drug-testing program was instituted at Edgewood.

“Volunteer soldiers were recruited, but not told what drugs they would be given, nor that men had died as the result of similar experiments. They were told they would only suffer temporary discomfort,” wrote mind-control researcher and author Walter H. Bowart.

“Seven thousand soldiers underwent the Edgewood Arsenal tests. Five hundred eighty- five men were given LSD; the rest were administered other unspecified drugs.”

Carol Rutz produced a letter she received from a U.S. soldier who underwent experimentation at Edgewood Arsenal:

“I can see where you don’t believe anything coming out of the government. I don’t. I am one of the 6,720 enlisted soldiers used at Edgewood in 1955–1975. I was there in ’74, when they had just got their brand-new lab. I am glad Congress investigated it in ’75 and the army shut the program down – at least they won’t do it openly anymore. I was young and stupid when I volunteered; I was eighteen. I am now forty-nine and totally disabled, I have the body of a seventy-year-old, and the VA says the army didn’t do anything to me. I don’t believe them.”

Despite a congressional investigation in the 1970s and a lawsuit by one of the soldier victims, Master Sergeant James Stanley, which went to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1986, the work at Edgewood never reached the public.

“For all this, the secret Paperclip connections at the base remain unexposed. The fact that Paperclip scientists worked at Edgewood at various times between 1947 and 1966 has been kept a closely guarded secret,” wrote Linda Hunt.

For example, Kurt Rahr, who “should be considered an absolute security threat to the United States,” according to an early report by the Public Safety Branch of the Office of Military Government U.S. (OMGUS), nevertheless was hired under Paperclip and set to work at Edgewood. Rahr was deported back to Germany in 1948 after another scientist, Hans Trurnit, accused him of being a communist.

Other Edgewood scientists included Theodor Wagner-Jauregg and Friedrich Hoffman.

These men initially studied the Nazi poison gasses, tabun and sarin, the most deadly agents the U.S. military had ever encountered. U.S. soldiers were exposed to tabun and mustard gas in an Edgewood gas chamber reminiscent of those in the Nazi death camps.

“In 1949, the direction of Edgewood’s work abruptly changed,” noted Hunt.

“A consultant of the Chemical Division at [European Command] sent information about an amazing drug, LSD, that caused hallucinations and suicidal tendencies in humans. As a result, Edgewood’s [scientific director of the Chemical and Radiological Laboratories Dr.] L. Wilson Greene seized the idea of conducting ‘psychochemical warfare.’ He then suggested that $50,000 be set aside in the 1950 budget to study psychochemicals.”

Friedrich Hoffmann, another Paperclip chemist, traveled the world in search of exotic and new psychochemicals. He used the University of Delaware’s chemistry department as a cover to prevent anyone from connecting him to Edgewood Arsenal.

This subterfuge was easy enough to maintain, because both the department chairman William Mosher and Professor James Moore were heavily involved in the MKULTRA program.

“We were all being paid by the CIA,” Moore told Linda Hunt.

SS Brigadefuehrer, or brigadier general, Walter Paul Emil Schreiber, whom one U.S. Army officer described as “the prototype of an ardent and convinced Nazi who used the party to further his own ambitions,” worked for more than a decade for the chemical division of the U.S. Europe an Command.

His attempt to join Paperclip scientists in America was thwarted when counterintelligence connected Schreiber to hiding SS officers and unexplained business dealings with both the French and the Soviets.

According to Gordon Thomas, author of Mindfield: The Untold Story Behind CIA Experiments with MKULTRA & Germ Warfare,

“Walter Schreiber had been the paymaster for all the doctors working the Nazi biochemical warfare programs. Under the cover of Paperclip he was brought to the United States. By 1951 he was working at the Air Force School of Medicine in Texas.”

A year later, Schreiber, fearing that the media might discover his background, obtained a visa and found a job in Argentina, where his daughter was living.

There in 1952, he met his old friend, Dr. Josef Mengele.

“U.S. laws governing the American zone of Germany forbade the Germans from doing research on chemical warfare,” noted Hunt. “But that did not stop the Army Chemical Corps or the High Commissioner of Germany [John J. McCloy], the U.S. organization that replaced OMGUS, from hiring chemical warfare experts as ‘consultants’ or funding German industries to produce chemical warfare materials for the United States.”

Hunt may not have noticed the interconnectedness of the personalities and business interests in both Germany and America before, during, and just after the war.

But one person who did notice that funny business was taking place within the CIA was John K. Vance, a graduate of Columbia University who had served as a military translator at the Nuremberg trials. Vance stumbled upon MKULTRA in the spring of 1963 while working on an inspector general’s survey of the CIA’s technical services division.

A resulting inspector general’s report concluded,

“The concepts involved in manipulating human behavior are found by many people both within and outside the agency to be distasteful and unethical.”

As the result of Vance’s discovery and the inspector general’s report, the agency began scaling back the project, which was eventually said to have ended in the late 1960s.

The MKULTRA program, which used patients in psychiatric hospitals, and other unwitting subjects, to develop mind- control techniques, became public knowledge in 1977, during hearings conducted by a Senate committee on intelligence chaired by Senator Frank Church.

Some of the most distinguished figures in psychiatry participated in MKULTRA, including Dr. Ewen Cameron, the man whom Allen Dulles sent to study Rudolf Hess and who later served as president of both the American and Canadian Psychiatric Associations as well as the World Psychiatric Association.

Any in-depth study of MKULTRA shows that the CIA, in addition to seeking a truth serum, also was highly interested in the ability to program individuals to act in accordance with someone else’s will. The 1962 Frank Sinatra film The Manchurian Candidate portrayed a programmed assassin ordered to kill a ranking political figure. This movie came out at the same time the CIA was actively working on just such a program, thanks in great part to the groundwork laid down years earlier by Nazi mind- control experts.

In the words of Kathleen Ann Sullivan, who claimed to have been part of the MKULTRA program as reported by Gordon Thomas, author of Mind Field:

“I am a survivor of the MKULTRA program. It was run by the CIA and designed to control a subject’s mind and will to the point where he or she would become an assassin.

To achieve this I was forced to undergo extensive drugging, electroshock, sensory deprivation, hypnosis, partake in pornographic films, act as a prostitute, and much else. I finally have realized I cannot keep hiding that it has left me only a shell of life to live. In going public I want to end the fear all survivors of MKULTRA live with.”

Hunt noted:

“That both the Army and CIA MKULTRA experiments stemmed from Nazi science was certainly relevant to understanding the early history of those secret projects.”

A full accounting of the Nazi-inspired mind-control experiments – whether failures or successes – will never be known, because in 1973, on orders of Helms, Gottlieb destroyed all MKULTRA files before leaving the agency.

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