Underground- From Ancient Cave Cities to Modern Underground Bases

For Millenia Humans have seaked refuge under the ground

by Mary Sutherland
June 07, 2007

from BurlingtonNews Website

        PART ONE Methods and Discoveries     INTRODUCTION
Zep Tepi is Genesis. Zep means Time. Tepi means First. Together they are the First Time or the Golden Age [Alchemy] where the gods moved through the Void and created our reality. “Just after the Deluge, at the dawn of the present time cycle, an era the Egyptians called ZEP TEPI, “The First Times”, a mysterious group of “gods” appeared, to initiate the survivors in the rudiments of civilization. From Thoth and Osiris in Egypt, to Quetzacoatal and Viracocha in the Americas, traditions worldwide subscribe the origins of contemporary civilization to this sophisticated group”. Evidence from around the world, indicates these people were the hi-tech survivors of the previous civilization of what we now refer to as Atlantis and MU. Like the nuclear survival bunkers and secret research facilities of our own civilization, there were those who arose from the underground “cities of the Gods”, after the dust settled. These survivors are characterized in the Bible as the “prediluvian patriarchs”, like Enoch and Methuselah, the “giants and heroes of old”, mentioned in Genesis. These are the ‘fabled gods’ of ancient Summer, Egypt and India.   All religious traditions can now be shown to originate from this one source. Muslim, Christianity, Native American , Traditions, Buddhism, New Age, etc. ….ALL!
During the summer of 1998, cave explorers using scientific equipment were able to confirm that a linked cave system some 15 miles in length exists underground in North Wales. Several years ago a researcher by the name of Frank D. Adams wrote on the results of his personal scientific experiments which may prove that giant cavities exist in granite at depths of more than 11 miles, conclusions which have also been supported by Louis V. King, a mathematician who calculated that, at normal temperatures, a cavity would exist at a depth of between 17.2 and 20.9 miles. The authors’ findings are also supported by the discovery of “16 Rouse Belts” which give planes of fracture penetrating the globe.

Dr. Ron Anjard in an article in the Summer, 1978 issue of Pursuit Magazine, claimed personal knowledge of 44 underground cities beneath the surface of North America, six of which are supposedly located on the West Coast. His information allegedly comes from anonymous American Indian sources. When we relate this to the large number of migration legends (to and from cavern realms) which exist among the native Amerindians, then we may conclude that certain tribes possibly still retain intimate knowledge of underground civilizations related to them via distant ancestral links.   Some of the elders of these different tribes, others have suggested, may in fact maintain present contact with several of these cavern civilizations. There are a few indications that some such ‘tribes’ literally moved underground as a result of the encroaching Anglosaxon civilization upon the America’s.   Similar allegations are made in relation to South and Central America as well.

Since the declassification of the new ground-penetrating radar 2 years ago, the most staggering data has emerged of complex and labyrinthine underground systems in various parts of the world.   At places like Guatemala in the Central America, tunnels have been mapped under the Mayan pyramid complex at Tikal, which extend a full 800 kilometers to the opposite side of the country. Investigators remarked, it was possible to understand how half a million Mayan Indians escaped the decimation of their culture.

In similar fashion, the SIRA radar was deployed in Egypt as early as 1978, mapping an extraordinary subterranean complex beneath the Egyptian pyramids. Arrangements made with President Sadat of Egypt, resulted in three decades of top secret excavations to penetrate the system.   At a recent meeting in Australia, one of the key scientists on the Giza project, Dr. Jim Hurtak, showed film footage of work in progress called, CHAMBERS OF THE DEEP, due to be released at the end of the century. As of yet, it has still never been released.

The film reveals the discovery of a vast megalithic metropolis, 15,000 years old, reaching several levels below the Giza plateau. While the rest of the Nu-Age speculates about a hidden chamber under the left paw of the Sphinx, the legendary “City Of The Gods”, lays sprawled beneath.   Complete with hydraulic underground waterways, the film shows massive chambers, the proportions of our largest cathedrals, with enormous statues, the size of the Valley of the Nile, carved in-situ. Researchers, risking their lives with lights and cameras, carefully negotiated rubber dinghies across subterranean rivers and kilometer-wide lakes, to penetrate sealed chambers beyond.   Already, remarkable caches of records and artifacts have been found.


Just after the Deluge, at the dawn of the present time cycle, an era the Egyptians called ZEP TEPI, “The First Times”, a mysterious group of “gods” appeared, to initiate the survivors in the rudiments of civilization.   From Thoth and Osiris in Egypt, to Quetzacoatal and Viracocha in the Americas, traditions worldwide subscribe the origins of contemporary civilization to this sophisticated group*.

Despite the misleading popularity of Von Danikan journalism, evidence from around the world, indicates these people were the hi-tech survivors of the previous civilization of what we now refer to as Atlantis and MU. Like the nuclear survival bunkers and secret research facilities of our own civilization, there were those who arose from the underground “cities of the Gods”, after the dust settled. These survivors are characterized in the Bible as the “prediluvian patriarchs”, like Enoch and Methuselah, the “giants and heroes of old”, mentioned in Genesis.   These are the ‘fabled gods’ of ancient Summer, Egypt and India. All religious traditions can now be shown to originate from this one source. Muslim, Christianity, Native American , Traditions, Buddhism, New Age, etc. ….ALL!

It is the legacy of a civilization and a technology way beyond our own. A technology capable of creating a vast underground city, of which the sphinx and pyramids are merely the surface markers.   The project scientist, Dr. Hurtak, likens it to the impact of contact with an advanced extraterrestrial culture. He described it as the discovery of the Fourth Root culture, the so-called Atlantean civilization, destroyed by the last earth tumble. It presents unequivocal evidence that all languages, cultures and religions trace back to a single common source, which Dr. Hurtak refers to as the “Parent Civilization”.

According to Dr. James J Hurtak, this was a culture who cracked the genetic code and possessed the keys of the physical spectrum, the “Higher Light Physics” of the ancients… The very information that Gilgamesh went in search of on his famous trek to the lost “City of the Gods”. This is what he was in search of in the tunnels beneath “Mt. Mashu” .
One of the major figures in our investigation is Dr. James J. Hurtak is a major figure in this report. He is , the Californian mystic and polymath who has played a key role in all the major aspects of the emerging belief system. He was involved in explorations at Giza in the 1970s and was one of the major proponents of the Face and Pyramids of Mars (and their connection with Egypt).   In my book, Living in the Light, I speak of the ‘Language of Light’… The Language of the Gods, HIBURU. Dr. Hurtak also refers to this ancient language… but as a “language of light”. ..literally. Not only about this wonderful language of the ‘gods’ but of a great priest SCIENTIST of a previous time cycle, the time Atlantean/Mu Cycle, by the name of ENOCH. He associate him with the building of the Great Pyramid complex. He alludes to a grand spiritual SCIENCE, a science which describes a GENETIC STAIRWAY TO THE STARS.

What have we been told of ENOCH. That he is a patriarch, father of Methuselah and great grandfather of Noah, the architect of the original Zion, the legendary ‘City of Yahweh‘, inventor of the alphabet and calendar. Taken away with God and shown the ‘secrets of heaven and earth, returning with the ‘weights and measures’ for all humankind. Ahh… lest we not forget the KEYS OF ENOCH!

Unknown to most Christians he was also the Egyptian’s THOTH, the ‘Lord of Magic and Time.’ He was HERMES to the Greeks, the ‘Messenger of the gods’. Ironically, although the Christian congregations have been taught to avoid anything of pagan or idol worshipping faiths, the saintly ENOCH is non other than the Celtic wizard MERLIN, who disappears up an apple tree to the mythic Avalon, seeking the secret of immortality and vowing to return.

Just like the Book of Revelations, the Pagan religions also speak of the same traditions, i.e. the Mayan legend of Quetzacoatal, promises a return of knowledge at ‘the end of time’, or the end of this present time cycle. Sound pretty close to ‘All things shall be revealed… doesn’t it’.   Although removed from our bible history years ago by early ‘religious leaders’, Enoch is still known by most theological students. From the Dead Sea Scrolls we were able again to regain the hidden knowledge of this patriarch and read his works as he describes a wondrous ancient civilized, who misused the KEYS of higher knowledge and were unable to save themselves from the last cataclysm.   Thus… both literally and figuratively they lost the ‘keys’ ..they lost all higher knowledge.

But of course, first through the Elite and their teams of scientists and archeologists…, and over 30 years later they are now trickling down to the common man, of which I highly suspect was not welcomed by those in power .nor by corporate religions.

The extraordinary discoveries in Egypt and other parts of the world, describe not just an advanced technology but, evolutionary path beyond our present state.

Careful scientific examination of the world’s key pyramid sites, reveal them to be sophisticated harmonic structures, not only mirroring positions of the planets and stellar systems but, designed to mimic the chakras and harmonic cavities of the human body. Every stone within the Great Pyramid is harmonically tuned to a specific frequency or musical tone. Even the sarcophagus in the centre of the Great Pyramid is tuned to the frequency of the human heart beat.

Astonishing experiments, conducted by Dr. Hurtak and colleagues at the Great Pyramid and other sites in the South Americas, demonstrate the pyramids to be voice-activated “geophysical computers.”   Intoning specific ancient sounds, the scientific team produced visible standing waves of light, above and within the pyramids and were even able to penetrate, hitherto, inaccessible chambers. Subsequent discoveries indicate the ancient priest-scientists employed some sort of harmonic sound technology within the temple structures.

The lost Enochian knowledge reveals the mother tongue as a “language of Light“. Known to the ancients as HIBURU, it is the primal seed language, introduced at the beginning of this time cycle. Modern research confirms, the most ancient form Hebrew to be a natural language, the alphabetic forms emerging from the phosphene flare patterns of the brain.   The same shapes, in fact, born of a spinning vortex. It is a true language of light, coursing through our very nervous system.

Encoding the natural waveform geometries of the physical world, Hiburu is a harmonic language, mimicking the waveform properties of light. The “keys” Enoch speaks of, turn out to be sound keys, keys to be vibratory matrix of reality itself, the mythic “Power of the World”.   The Enochian knowledge describes sonic equations, encoded within the ancient mantras and god names, capable of directly affect the nervous system and producing profound effect of healing and higher consciousness states.


As the ancient texts declare, “If you would speak with the gods you must first learn the language of the gods.” DNA, the ancient cabalistic “Tree Of Life” portrayed in the Biblical Torah, is now coming to be viewed as a live vibrating structure, rather than a fixed tape recording.   Many modern scientists, regard DNA as a shimmering, waveform configuration, able to be modified by light, radiation, magnetic fields or sonic pulses. The legacy of Thoth/Enoch suggests this “language of Light”, the harmonic science of the ancients, could actually affect DNA.

The evidence in Egypt, indicates this was the grand 6,000 year genetic experiment attempted by the Egyptians, the quest for immortality and the stars, a quest described by the great ones of old, a quest initiated by Gilgamesh so very long ago. The Egyptians were not fixated on the afterlife, as thought by early Christian translators but, focused on creating a higher type of human. Along with many ancient cultures, they believed DNA came from the stars and was destined to return.

The knowledge of Thoth/Enoch implies humans are meant to evolve beyond our present terrestrial form, as the Bible tells us, “we may become greater than angels”. The Egyptians record stories of the “Star Walkers”, occasional individuals who, like Enoch, traveled “beyond the Great Eye of Orion” and returned, to walk like gods amongst men.   Despite the bleaching of semi-divine beings from modern consciousness, could it be possible, as the ancient texts insist that, We are destined to “become as gods”? Are the Mayan “Lords of Light” and the Egyptian/Tibetan “Shining Ones” really a higher form of human? Is this why the elite ones have kept their work secret from us? Is this why archeologist have kept secrets of this wonderful race from us? Is this why they do not divulge the truth to us on our creation and evolution history? Are they saving this information only for them? Questions yet to be answered…..

According to many earth legends, such beings are supposed to return regularly, at the beginning and end of each time cycle, the 13,000 year half-point of our solar system’s 26,000 year zodiacal orbit around galaxy centre. Because of conditions on our galactic orbit, these 13,000 year intervals or “worlds”, seem to be separated by cataclysmic upheaval.

According to the “calendar in stone” of the Great Pyramid, which describes the so-called “Phoenix Cycle” of our galactic orbit, the present time period ends (converted to our present calendar) in the year 2012 AD. The Greek word PHOENIX, derived from the Egyptian word, PA-HANOK, actually means, “The House of Enoch.

The Enochian knowledge suggests, these regular cataclysmic changes act as an evolutionary agent provocateur, to quicken the resident life forms to the next evolutionary phase, prior to exodus from the womb planet. Human evolution may proceed more rapidly than previously thought. The evidence now appearing, records civilizations before us, who mastered the physical continuum and progressed beyond this world. There were also those who failed. We, too, have equal opportunity to make it or break it.

The discoveries emerging from Egypt, describe the existence of a world wide pyramid temple system in prehistory, mounted like antennae on the key energy meridians, which were employed by ancient priest-scientists as a musical system to stabilize the tectonic plates of the planet… cataclysmic geology at it’s finest. From the mother tongue word JEDAIAH, meaning “the way of the Word” or “the power of the Word”, the ancient JEDAI priests used the language of Light to tune the planet like a giant harmonic bell.   Much is being rediscovered in the last days of this time cycle. In the words of Dr. Jay Franz, of the Omega Foundation, “even if we don’t dare to name it, there is a universal feeling of something impending on the world stage.”

2002 Update by Dr. Hurtak

Since the beginning of 2002, Dr. J.J. Hurtak and a European team of investigators and explorers have been recording the construction of a massive system of walls being placed around the historic pyramidal sites and the larger unexcavated area of Giza, Egypt — in total, an area covering approximately eight square kilometers.   Why build these massive walls at this time?   Certainly Giza is one of the finest archaeological zones of the world. Are there new treasures of ancient Egypt yet to be uncovered that require sophisticated technology and surveillance platforms, to protect the ongoing research along the Giza plateau? Has, perhaps, an area been discovered that shows tracings of rare earths and unique minerals? Or is it simply, as some officials are claiming, a move to protect the plateau from terrorists and control the masses of tourists visiting the area? The standard argument for the creation of such a wall is “crowd control”, but the details of this new construction suggest an initiative that is both multi-purpose and grand scale: the wall near Nazlat al Salman will be, at a minimum, 7 meters (22 feet) high.   Are such measures solely for crowd control?

The walls have been built in stages. Images taken in February of 2002 reveal the walls extending far out into the desert where, for the most part, they have not been noticeable to the average visitor. Note the foundation and the massive re-bar supports. The walls have been carefully constructed on a deep and wide foundation (at least 2 meters below ground) with iron rod poles poised to support the concrete interfaces, with room for a special attachable cover. All in all this suggests a gargantuan wall.

This barrier would enclose all major archaeological activity but would do nothing to protect the archaeological site from the strong winds that blow across the plateau. So vast is this structure that some local village homes have been removed, suggesting that what is envisioned on the plateau is more than just a restricting device for visitors to the popular site. What we see is a larger, carefully thought-out design, encompassing neighboring findings and, perhaps, protecting underground graves, tunnels and passages.

Thus, not only are the aboveground structures contained in this “new zone,” but also the vast underground structures yet to be uncovered. The extent of the walls clearly shows the detailed consideration of civil engineers and hydrological experts. (I think of the likes of the ingenious Italian architect Paolo Soleri, who designed all the ingredients for an underground city to match his aboveground city in the deserts of Arizona.)

The psychological reality of guards stationed as sentries at intervals along the entire wall carries the intrigue of a major feature film set, designed for the few experts who are to find an underground sphinx or obelisk, or a connection between Osiris and the constellation of Orion, rather than an open-door feature for thousands of well-behaved international students of history and archaeology who have never needed to be extensively controlled.

Indeed, are the chambers of the deep being closed in the 21st century to students of world culture history who follow in the footsteps of explorers like Charles Piazzi Smyth and R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz, who entertained a higher meaning to Egyptian architecture?   Are these sites now being closed to technologically gifted explorers at a time when new proto-historic findings could serve to unite the various camps of thinkers and philosophers in the Near East on the basis of a grand history for all people? We hope that newly discovered realities within the walls will not be limited to the few, and that there will be no concealment of important historical information that could bring a higher knowledge and unity to all humankind.
Dr. J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D.
Specialist in remote sensing

Mars… Nibiru… Sumer… Mu… Extraterrestrials all have one thing in common. It’s history with underground tunnels and civilizations. Before listing the tunnels that I’m aware of around the world, I briefly wanted to mention a little history of how it all interconnects. Thank you.
Mary Sutherland

What happened to Mars and how did it affect Earth? David Icke
Excerpts taken from the Children of the Matrix,

Mars as we now know, at one time, was very similar to Earth. But what happened… and also what caused the great catastrophes that hit Earth causing the end of our last Golden Age. Sutherland
In the 1960’s a group of physicists from Boeing got together to launch a private study aimed at explaining the many anomalies of the Earth and other planets of the solar system that could not be explained by normal physics. What they concluded supported Velikovsky‘s proposals. They came to the agreement that around 5000BC, a huge body, Jupiter, careered through the solar system. This threw the outer planets into disarray, so explaining their present anomalies of spin direction and speed. Jupiter crashed into a planet that once orbited between where Mars and Jupiter are today and the debris from this planet, they said, can be seen the otherwise unexplained asteroid belt that occupied the space between Mars and Jupiter. Possibly one of the three Atlantean cataclysms, could have destroyed in stages, happened around 10500 BC and was caused by a close pass of the Earth by Mars, which has been knocked out of the original orbit. James Churchward says there are enormous ‘gas belts’ and chambers under the Earth and when these ‘blow’ on a vast scale, the land is destroyed. He says that gas belts ran under both Lemuria/Mu and Atlantis.
Churchward explains that civilizations existed for tens of thousands of years before Sumer emerged. Central to these Sumerian accounts were the ‘gods’ the Sumerians called the Anunna (Sons of An). Their later Semitic names were the Anunnaki (Those who from the Heaven to Earth Came) and DIN.GIR (The Righteous Ones of the Blazing Rockets).
The Anunnaki were a reptilian race from the stars. The Sumerian tablets describe a collision between the moons of a planet they called Nibiru and one orbiting between the present Jupiter and Mars. The debris from the collision created what the Sumerians called ‘the Great Band Bracelet’… the asteroid belt.
The Boeing physicists suggested that part of Jupiter broke away on impact with another planet. This is the body we now call Venus, they concluded. It was projected towards Mars, destroying the atmosphere and life on that planet. After devastating Mars, the ‘Venus’ comet was caught by the gravitational pull of the Earth, they aid. It made several orbits of the Earth, causing the tidal wave and devastation that ended the Golden Age and hurled vast quantities of ionized ice at the poles. In momentum then hurled it into is present orbit as “Venus” the plant. Synchronistically, the most ancient Mesopotamian and Central American records don’t include Venus in their planetary accounts, but the later ones do, and there was a focus in Venus with human sacrifices made to it.
Velikovsky, Boeing physicists and an increasing amount of other researchers today bring the time scale for the end of life on Mars to within the period that saw the end of Atlantis and Lemuria-Mu.   Brian Desborough suggest, along with others that the Golden Age was the result of many extraterrestrial and other dimensional races visiting the Earth and operating openly among the human population in a long period of at least thousands of years.   That the earth was much closer to the Sun before these events and that Mars orbited in the area the Earth now resides.   Dr. CJ Hyman and C. William Kinsman suggested that the Earth once followed the present orbit of Venus and that Mars was located in the present Earth orbit. Ancient legends say that Earth days and years were once shorter than now and humans lived for far longer.   The closer orbit to the Sun, Desborough says, would have demanded that the first Earth races would have been black, with the pigmentation necessary to cope with the fiercer rays of the Sun.
The Sumerian tablets describe that the Anunnaki left the earth before the great catastrophes… and the people who sheltered deep underground or in the mountain ranges above the flood water which , according to the Boeing study, could have reached heights of 10,000 feet. The earth is riddled with tunnels and caverns, natural and created, which date back to the ancient times.
After the catastrophes, the people came out of their shelters and the Anunnaki returned.
Resources The Book Your Church Doesn’t want you to Read. Edited by Tim C. Leenon David Icke, The Children of the Matrix James Churchward: The Lost Continent of Mu The Children of Mu The Sacred Symbols of Mu The Cosmic Forces of MU Age in Chaos, Immanuel Velikovsky Flying Serpents and Dragons, R.A. Boulay Back to Contents  

Part Two

Countries, Cities and Places


“There is an ancient legend among the Hindus of India that tells of a civilization of immense beauty beneath central Asia. Several underground cities are said to be located north of the Himalayan mountains, possibly in Afghanistan, or under the Hindu Kush. This subterranean Shangri-la is inhabited by a race of golden people who seldom communicate with the surface world. From time to time, they travel into our land through tunnels that stretch in many directions. Entrances to the tunnels are believed to be hidden in several of the ancient cities of the Orient. Tunnel entrances are said to be in Ellora and the Ajanta caverns in the Chandore Mountain range of India.”

Eric Norman
Click here for more information

BRAZILOne tunnel in Brazil is near Ponte Grosse in the state of Parana. (Fruit orchards were seen here.) Another entrance in Brazil is near Rincon, state of Parana. Also, in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil, near the city of Joinville there is a mountain containing an entrance to the tunnels. (Santa Catarina is an area alive with subterranean activity, including strange ‘singing’ from underground.) Another entrance in Brazil is in the state of Sao Paulo near Concepiao. Still another entrance in Santa Catarina near Gaspar has subterranean fruit orchards.

“The states of Santa Catarina and Parana, Brazil are honeycombed by a network of Atlantean tunnels that lead to subterranean cities.”

CANADAThe Nahanni Valley (Canada) EntranceThis covers 250 square miles in the southern end of the Mackenzie Mountains of Canada. It lies almost 550 miles due west of Fort Simpson on the Mackenzie River of northwest Canada. Hot springs and sulfur geysers keep the valley warmer than the surrounding areas by about 30 degrees year -round (the valley is above 60 degrees latitude), making it perpetually mist-covered. This valley is inhabited only by animals as people entering the valley are usually found headless and quite dead. The Indian tribes of the area avoid this valley. (These tribes include the Ojibways, the Slave, the Dogribs, the Stoney, the Beavers and the Chipweyans.) This valley is often referred to as “the Valley of the Headless Men.
Canadian UFO BasesEntrances at Lake Ontario possible underwater UFO bases/cities. Toronto Tunnels leading to subterranean city. Newfoundland Condemned Iron Mine connects with tunnels. Lake Ontario “Lights” Orange-colored spheres have been seen coming out of/diving into Lake Ontario. The area of highest activity is between Oakville and Toronto. There may be a connection to the Lakeview Hydro-electric plant, as many of these UFOs have been seen heading in that direction.

(Note: “The Great Lakes Triangle” by Jay Gourley would be interesting reading for more information about UFOs, etc. in the Great Lakes area.)

Toronto Entrance
There is a small opening to the underground tunnels off Parliament Street in downtown Toronto. (The entrance is between two apartment buildings, and leads to the tunnels via the sewers.) The underground city (abandoned?) beneath Toronto has its center beneath Gerrard Street and Church Street. Above this area, strange magnetic effects have been observed.

(Note: This corner of Gerrard & Church streets has a higher accident rate than anywhere else in Toronto. It is believed that underground equipment utilizing powerful magnetic fields -which have caused many strange magnetic effects in houses near this intersection- are responsible for the bizarre equipment failures that often are the cause of these accidents.)

The Indians near Toronto have legends of these tunnels.

CHINAChinese CavesExcerpt from Alien IDs

If we turn to Chinese folklore, … we find a time lapse of hundreds of years. There is a book entitled “The Report Concerning the Cave Heavens and Lands of Happiness in Famous Mountains,” by Tu Kuang-t’ing, who lived from 850 to 933 A.D.

This book lists ten ‘cave heavens’ and thirty-six ‘small cave heavens’ that were supposed to exist beneath the mountains in China. Here are the reported experiences of a man who entered a passageway leading to one of these cave heavens:

After walking ten miles, he suddenly found himself in a beautiful land ‘with a clear blue sky, shining pinkish clouds, fragrant flowers, densely growing willows, towers the color of cinnabar, pavilions of red jade, and far flung palaces.’  He was met by a group of lovely, seductive women, who brought him to a house of jasper, and played him beautiful music while he drank ‘a ruby-red drink and a jade-colored juice.’  Just as he felt the urge to let himself be seduced, he remembered his family and returned to the passageway.

Led by a strange light that danced before him, he walked back through the cave to the outer world; but when he reached his home village, he did not recognize anyone he saw, and when he arrived at his house, he met his own descendents of nine generations hence. They told him that one of their ancestors had disappeared into a cavern three hundred years before and had never been seen again.’

ENGLANDThe Staffordshire, England EntranceSomewhere in Staffordshire, England a lonely field exists in which a laborer discovered a large iron plate beneath the dirt. The “hatch” was large and oval, with an iron ring mounted on it. This entrance led into the tunnels. The field is in a valley surrounded on almost all sides by woods. The laborer was digging a trench for some purpose. The incident was reported in “A History of Staffordshire” byDr. Plot, who wrote the book in the late 1700s. It may be possible to find the entrance if it can be ascertained exactly which valley the laborer was digging in.

EGYPTDr.Earlyne Chaney, in an article titled ‘Odyssey Into Egypt,’ in her occult-oriented magazineVoice of Astara(May, 1982) tells of a discovery she and researcherBill Coxwas shown in Egypt. These were two tunnels, neither of which had been fully explored. One was in the temple of Edfu between Luxor and Cairo in the ruins of El Tuna Gabel; and the other near Zozer’s Step Pyramid at Cairo near Memphis-Saqqarah, within the tomb of the Bull, called “Serapium”.

The Egyptian government sealed both tunnels because of fears of certain archaeologists who alleged that they “lead too deeply down into the depths of the earth,” and because they found the earth to be “honeycombed with passages leading off into other depths,” and the possibility of explorers becoming lost.

If such labyrinths do exist, then it may explain one story which alleged that men dressed like “ancient Egyptians” have been seen deep in unexplored tunnels near Cairo, as well as possible confirmation of the story which appeared in Nevada Aerial Research’s Leading Edge publication to the effect that the U.S.(?) Government secretly maintains a huge base within a cavern of tremendous size (several miles in diameter) beneath the desert sands of Egypt.

Could this tie in with the vague references to a subterranean society(s) referred to by certain people ‘in the know’ which is/are known as the ‘Phoenix Empire‘ and/or the ‘Gizeh People‘?


The Liyobaa Cave Entrance
This was sealed off by Catholic Priests who believed it to be an entrance to “Hell.”

“The village of ‘Liyobaa’ or to translate, ‘The Cavern of Death,’ was located in the province of Zapoteca, somewhere near the ancient village of ‘Mictlan’ or the village of the ‘Underworld.

“The Cavern of Death was actually located in the last chamber of an eight chamber building or temple. This temple had four rooms above the ground and four more important chambers built below the surface of the Earth. This building was located in “Theozapotlan,” and the tunnel entrance led one beneath a mountain.”

Carolina Islands and Malaysia

Paul Doerr, in issue number 6 of hisNewsletter Unknown, related the tradition concerning a race of human giants which, according to stories in the Carolinas islands and especially Papua, allegedly went underground in ancient times. Once inhabitants of a lost island-continent called “Chamat,” they will, according to legend, one day emerge. This legend is wide-spread throughout Malaysia, which incidentally contains the largest “officially recognized” cavern chamber, the “Sarowak Chamber” on the island of Borneo in the Malaysian islands.

It is said to be 230 ft. wide by 980 ft. long and nowhere less than 270 ft. high, large enough to easily hold within itself the two previous contenders for the world’s largest official chamber – Carlsbad’s “Big Room” in New Mexico and the “Salle de la Verna” in the Pierre Saint- Martin caverns in France. Yankee stadium could fit in one end of the Sarowak chamber with room to spare!


Book of Dyzan, which has been translated from ancient manuscripts, tells of intellectually sophisticated humans from an ancient earth-born society who abandoned the surface of the earth, “depriving the impure human race of their knowledge,” and leaving in flying craft to rejoin their land “of iron and metal.”


The Maltese Cave Entrance

This entrance is located on the island of Malta, near the small village of “Casal Paula.” (This village is built on the “Corradino” plateau, and overlooks the capitol town of

Malta, “Valletta,” as well as Grand Harbour.) In 1902, workmen digging a well in Casal Paula fell into a subterranean cavern. The well was being dug for a house on “Hal Saflienti,” the main street in Casal Paula. The cavern the workers had fallen into connected with an entire complex of caves and tunnels. This entrance is known as the “

Hypogeum of Hal Saflienti.” (In Latin, “Hypogeum” is the name for an underground structure.)

The tunnels under the Hypogeum have been sealed off even since a school took 30 students into the caves and disappeared, guide and all. Search parties were never able to locate any trace of the people and children.


Newfoundland Iron Mine Entrance

After one of the Iron Mines in Newfoundland Province had been dug deeper than any other, strange happenings caused the mine to be shut down. The mining town in which this mine is located is near the Newfoundland-Quebec Border. This mine, having been condemned, is off-limits, and the police DO enforce this. Sneaking in late at night seems to be the only way to gain entrance.


Thirty six underground cities have been discovered so far in Cappadocia with some going down eight levels. Some of these cities can hold a population of thousands. The ventilation system are so efficient that even eight floors down the air is still fresh. Thirty vast underground cities and tunnel complexes have also been found near Derinkuya in Turkey .

South America

Karl Brugger, in his book The Chronicle of Akakor (Delacorte Press., N.Y., 230 pp), gives the history – as given to the author by one of their chiefs – of the Ugha Mongulala tribesman, whose ancestors were allegedly part of a vast empire which covered South America in ancient times.

Some of these ancient people, the chief claimed, left the planet in aerial vessels to explore other parts of the solar system and beyond, leaving behind vast subterranean cities beneath the Andes mountains and western Brazil.

In 1971, due to the constant encroachment of white settlers or invaders into their territory, 30,000 survivors of the Ugha Mongulala allegedly escaped to this ancient system of underground cities, consisting of 13 separate subterranean complexes all connected by tunnels, one of which is said to extend to Lima, and others of which are located throughout the Andes Mountain range of Peru.

Saga Magazine’s UFO Annual [980, p4], under the heading ‘Cave Martians’, described a bizarre encounter with subterranean creatures which seemed to have consisted of some type of automaton-like forms, perhaps on a reconnaissance mission from an underground civilization. The story involved a tunnel near Xucurus, Argentina(?), some 90 miles from Buenos Aires.

The tunnel was discovered by agriculturalist Gerardo Cordeire, and found to contain nine connecting passages and strange inscriptions on the walls.

From it’s entrance “men nine feet tall, green, with antennas on their heads, and square legs” were seen to emerge, and which, according to hundreds of witnesses from the town and nearby locals, resembled enormous “portable radios.”

United States Underground Cities, Bases and Tunnels Systems

These areas were found off a government map showing just some of the underground bases in the United States.

  • EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE :From Edwards a tunnel goes to Vandenberg Air Force Base From Vandenberg you back up to Edwards and go Southeast to subterranean base at a place that the map designates as Cat., which probably means Catalina Island, showing a flying saucer there so alien space crafts are probably seen there. The map shows an underground base and a tunnel going into it at a place called 29 palms.
    • The next place on the map where an underground base is, is the Chocolate Mts.
    • There appears to be a site in Nevada at Tonopah, Area 51 at Groom Lake, and a place designated as COG AFB.
    • In Arizona we have sites at Wickiup and Page.
    • Utah there is one at Salt Lake City (R&D AFB).
    • There is one in Riverton “M”, Denver, Colorado, Colorado Springs, COG Creedo and Delta.
    • In New Mexico they are at Dulce, Taos, Los Alanos, ALB, AFB, Datil and Carlsbad.
    • In Texas there is one at Lubbock. Denton “908” (C.O.G) seems to have an isolated one, Ft. Stockton and in Old Mexico there is one at Chihuahua.
    • Tulsa Oklahoma has one and just NE of there we appear to have one with a saucer coming out of it.
    • Hutchison AFB Kansas has one.

      Arizona Tunnels and Caves
  • GRAND CANYON – Cave[s] near the confluence of the Colorado and Little Colorado rivers. Hopi legends say that their ancestors once lived underground with a friendly race of “ant people” [not to be confused with the sinister “mantis” people described by several abductees], but some of their kind turned to sorcery and made an alliance with lizard or serpent men known as the “two hearts”, which dwelt in still deeper caverns below. The “flood” of evil and violence forced the peaceful Hopi’s to the surface world. An explorer named G. E. Kincaid claimed to have found “one of” the ancient caves, in which were reportedly discovered Oriental, Egyptian & Central American type artifacts. Smithsonian archaeologists S. A. Jordan and associates also explored the man-made cavern with hundreds of rooms, enough to hold over 50 thousand people. The underground city is about 42 miles up river from El Tovar Crystal Canyon and Crystal Creek, and about 2000 feet above the river bed on the east wall. John Rhodes after 3 years of field research reportedly discovered the Grand Canyon city, which is now being used as a museum for elitist groups and has lower levels that are being used by “super secret black book operatives”, which can only be entered via a stainless steel door at the bottom of a stairwell deep within the “city” that is “guarded by a very lonely soldier staring into the darkness… dressed in a white jumpsuit and armed only with an M16 assault rifle to ward off his imagination.” source: ARIZONA GAZETTE, March 12, 1909 & April 5, 1909; Robert Morning Sky; John Rhodes

  • SEDONA – Famous for it’s massive vortexes, is claimed to be an ancient colony of the Lemurians. According to Commander X, there are reports of a joint-operational underground city and facility under the Enchantment Resort in Boyton Canyon, where clone-like men in black have been seen, along with unusual electromagnetic vortex phenomena. source: David Icke, Children of the Matrix notes that Sedona is associated to UFO activities with a reptilian underground base where members of the reptilian race work with their human or part-human puppets in the Illuminati on the scientific and genetic agenda. The base would appear to be under Boynton Canyon in Sedona. This is not far from the reservation of the Hopi tribe, which has Lemurian connections.

  • ARIZONA, SUPERSTITION MTS. – Several people claim to have had experiences with all types of alien beings inhabiting underground levels below the superstitution Mts. east of Phoenix. Early reports speak of humans and human-dwarfs inhabiting the caverns of the region, although in the 20th century reports of reptilian and grey type aliens have increased. Some encounters involve white-greys from Epsilon Bootes, humanoid or reptiloid “deros” in black hooded cloaks using abducted/programmed humans above and below as mind slaves or worse; reptilian humanoids with integrated human DNA abducting and raping women; and various other regressive underground scenarios. source: Kaye Kiziar; Commander X; Brian Scott; Steve Brodie; Hank Krastman

  • FORT HUACHUCA, ARIZONA – Had and possibly still does have a large underground and tunnel system that is occupied by a Top Secret communications and cryptography unit. NSA either commands or has peripheral use of the facility. The Arizona military site is also one of the many designated detainment (concentration) camps authorized by our government, under the homeland security act, is martial law is necessarily declared.
  • CUSHMAN – Caverns west and west-north-west of the town are legendary for stories of deep cavern systems, encounters with hairy humanoids with an attitude, giant serpents and insects, deadly gas pockets, strange electro-magnetic phenomena and unexplained disappearances. One of these is “Blowing Cave” which lies in the mining area NW of Cushman and is located 1/4 mile north of a road leading west from Cushman, one of several caverns in the area, some of them possibly connecting at the deeper levels. Between the large entrance and an underground lake far back in the cave is a trail that winds through an area of rubble or “breakdown”. The trail is intersected by a crack in the earth [between the entrance and the lake] that, if followed into the breakdown, widens enough to enter. This chasm is reportedly an entrance to the endless networks of the alien underworld. source: Charles Marcoux – – George Wight – D. A. Lopez; TRIP TO A CUSHMAN CAVERN

  • Indian Legends of California

    The Modoc tribe tell that ‘ thousands of snows ago, there was a great storm over Mt. Shasta. The Great Spirit, who lived within the mountain, sent his youngest daughter out to speak to the storm and tell it to stop blowing so hard, or else the mountain might blow over. He also told her not to stick her head out the top of the mountain, or the wind could catch her long, red hair, and blow her away. The girl, however, having never seen the sea, was overcome with curiosity and stuck her head out of the top of the mountain to see it. As her father the Great Spirit had warned, her long, red hair caught the mighty wind, and she was blown away. Fortunately a group of Grizzly bears found her and took her in. These Grizzly bears were not like modern Grizzlies, however, they were more like humans, walking on two feet, and when the Great Spirit’s daughter came of age, she married the oldest Grizzly’s son. Their children were then a combination of spirit and animal, having the nature of both; they were the first Modocs.’

    There have been tales of strange-looking, robed persons emerging from the forests and coming into nearby towns surround Mt. Shasta to trade gold nuggets for supplies:
    • ‘These odd looking persons were not only peculiar in their dress and different in attire from any costume ever seen on the American Indian, and especially in the California Indian, but distinctive in features and complexion; tall, graceful and agile, having the appearance of being quite old and yet exceedingly virile.’
    A protrusion in the center of their very high foreheads was said to be a special organ enabling them to communicate by telepathy. When approached by townspeople, the Lemurians would apparently vanish into thin air.

    According to the Brotherhood of the White Temple in Sedalia, Colorado entitled Mysteries of Mount Shasta, that it is Atlanteans, not Lemurians, who inhabit Mt. Shasta. Though the Lemurians had indeed created vast, underground pleasure palaces beneath the mountain, they had lost their freedom in a great war with the Atlanteans, and remain imprisoned by the Atlanteans in their pleasure palaces even today.
    • “After their retreat, the Atlantean victors sealed the entrance and established an elaborate guard system which prohibits the Lemurians to ever escape their bondage. The Atlanteans, Dr. Doreal states, still reside in their colony beneath Mt. Shasta and commute every three months by strange cigar-shaped airships to an area in the South Pacific in order to check the sealed entrance of the imprisoned Lemurians.”
    It is these aircraft, some say, that accounts for the occasional appearances of UFOs above Mt. Shasta.

    The Paihute Indians of the southwest USA claim that a Greek or Egyptian-like race first colonized the massive caverns within the Panamint Mts. thousands of years ago [one source claims the base was established around 2500 B.C., which is incidentally about 600 years following the beginnings of the rise of Egyptian intellectual culture] when Death Valley was part of an inland sea connected to the Pacific Ocean. When the sea dried up these people — who were described as wearing flowing robes draped over one shoulder, head-bands holding back their long dark hair, and bronze-golden skin — out of necessity began to develop their collective knowledge and intellect and soon afterwards began to construct “silvery flying canoes”. At first these flying machines possessed wings, were relatively small, and flew with a dipping movement and a loud ‘whirring’ noise. As time passed the ships became wingless, grew larger in size, and flew ever more smoothly and silently. Eventually these people, the HAV-MUSUVS moved their civilization into still deeper caverns which they had discovered farther underground, and commenced to explore the nearby planets and eventually other star systems as their own technological explosion began to refine every aspect of their society. These Hav-musuvs have apparently had interplanetary or interstellar travel for 3000-4000 years since they first developed their flying machines. Could they have been one of the many native-terranian “ancient astronaut” civilizations which apparently had colonized Lyra and other systems? The story of the Panamints was related by a Navaho Indian by the name of Oga-Make, who in turn heard it from an old Paihute medicine man.

  • 29 PALMS MARINE BASE – Underground facilities involved with recovered alien technology and research. Also a geological anomaly in the area created by sea water rushing in to underlying caverns when the area was under water, creating a tunnel-like structure from which UFO’s have been seen to emerge. Attempts of Army personnel to send cameras down resulted in the camera cables being “cut”, and and attempts to send military speleonauts down on ropes resulted in the explorers being exposed to a noxious blue gas which had apparently been released from below to prevent them from descending. source: Val Valerian; 29 PALMS MARINE BASE

  • ANAHEIM – On Nov. 3, 1989, radio talk show host Ken Hudnell announced his intention to take a group to visit an ancient underground city 60 miles from Anaheim. source: THE LEADING EDGE; KEN HUDNELL

  • BAKERSFIELD – In 1972 Wanda Lockwood of Bakersfield reported that in 1970 she was playing with her son in his bedroom when what sounded like a large steel hammer struck the concrete basement floor 3 times. Her child Danny was so surprised that he began to cry. Having heard a similar noise several months earlier beneath her living room, Wanda was curious and put her ear to the bedroom floor and clearly heard “the roar of machinery”. She took a hammer and began to pound the bedroom [basement?] floor in a 1-2-3, 1-2-3 manner until 5 minutes later a “being” beneath the floor began to tap back in the same 1-2-3, 1-2-3 manner. She could hear a series of noises and knocks and then she faintly heard MEN talking to each other, but the voices were too muffled to understand. In later months she would again hear the machinery when placing her ear to the floor, but never again the men’s voices. source: FATE Magazine, April, 1972

  • BARSTOW – Camp Irwin. Reports of several tunnels below the Camp Irwin area, one of which is an abandoned mine at the bottom of which is an “earth crack” which leads to a tunnel that connects with a massive underground river about a quarter of a mile wide, one of at least five subterranean rivers which rise and fall with the tides, suggesting the source of origin being a large underground sea below the dry basins of Utah and Nevada. One of these reportedly runs below Kokoweef and Dorr peaks near the SW flank of the Ivanpah Mts. NW of Needles, California. These underground rivers are said to empty into the Pacific or Gulf of California via large aqua caves near the base of the continental slopes. source: DEPTHS OF THE EARTH, by William R. Halliday; Leon Davidson; Richard Toronto; FORT IRWIN; CALIFORNIA’S UNDERGROUND RIVER CANYONS

    Leon Davidson, in an early issue of Flying Saucers Magazine, spoke of a large network of “underground tunnels in the California desert, at Camp Irwin, near Barstow.” This may tie-in with an item related by a Los Angeles municipal water director, as related in an early issue of Richard Toronto’s Shavertron letter-zine, stating that this water director knew of 5 large underground rivers which ran beneath the Mojave desert, and that die-traces showed that at least one of these emptied into the Pacific ocean through openings in the continental slopes (One source stated that such a river exited in the Gulf of California).

    Other sources speak of a “Kokoweef” river-system which is alleged to lie below Kokoweef peak just east of Fort Irwin, which looked- -according to it’s alleged discoverer, a Mr. Earl Dorr, and a few “Indians” who also claimed to have been in it–like a “Grand Canyon” underground. It allegedly consists of a river chasm generally 500 ft. wide and over a thousand feet high-deep, sided by steep tiered-shelved underground cliffs, huge stalactites and cataracts. Also, the alluvial sands on the ‘beaches’ along the river, which allegedly hold a large percentage of gold dust, are said to be several feet deep. The entrance to this cavern was allegedly dynamited shut by Mr. Dorr to protect anyone else from getting to “his” gold. There is in fact evidence that Dorr did dynamite shut the lower level of ‘Kin Sabe’ cave in Kokoweef Peak, and there are present-day attempts to break through into this underground system. The water of the river allegedly rose and fell with the tides, suggesting that a very large body of water might exist upstream, that is if Dorr’s account as well as the accounts of the Indians were not fabricated).

    The municipal water director, according to the Shavertron article, spoke with a man who claimed that he was hired several years ago by the government to look for water sources for Ft. Irwin. He alleged to have explored an old mine in the area and found that deep down, the shaft intersected with an ancient earth fault or chasm- like cave which continued horizontally for a considerable distance. This government employee followed the chasm and allegedly emerged onto the bank of a huge underground river-cave over a quarter of a mile wide! The tremendous water flow – possibly originating from the waters that apparently disappear beneath the Great Basin, the Nevada and Mojave deserts? -could have ‘fed’ the water needs of all of Southern California.

  • DEEP SPRINGS – Deeps Springs, due east of San Jose and next to the California-Nevada border, is named after a small spring fed lake, within which government divers have reportedly discovered an underground river which they have followed for approximately 27 miles in the direction of Las Vegas, although it is uncertain whether or how much of this is walkable. Deep Springs, according to an agent who was part of a secret CIA paramilitary force called “Yellow Fruit” or “YF” based at the Nevada Test Site [where they are working with “blond” humanoid aliens in an effort to fight the Greys at deep springs], is the basing area of a large nest of grey aliens and communist-homosexual human collaborators who are using the “National Resources Defense Council” as a front for their agency, and who are involved in an electromagnetic war with the “benevolent ones” who have made allies within the Nevada Test Site, who serve as advisors to intelligence agencies that are turning against the greys as a result of betrayals of joint-operation treaties. However there are still intelligence agencies under alien control working at the Nevada Test Site and especially within the deeper underground levels [the benevolent ones and their allies essentially having gained the “upper ground”], however the whole scenario is a mess and “out of control”, largely because of the military-industrial “machine” itself which has become so compartmentalized and secretive [even to the exclusion of Congressional oversight] that the true patriots don’t have the freedom or backup to do much damage against their underground nemesis, mainly because of the limitations imposed upon them by fraternal oaths, mental programming, and military security clearances. It is basically every man for himself, UNTIL at least the PUBLIC and CONGRESS gets involved and adds their support to the patriots who are literally dying on the front lines in this battle with an alien nemesis which has infiltrated the very core of the military-industrial complex. Men In Black, by the way, have also been seen at Deep Springs. Also several “stand-offs” allegedly exist throughout the world, the Deep Springs – Nevada Test Site stand-off being possibly the largest and most critical. Gravity anomaly maps also suggest the existence of massive caverns beneath the area. Agent “YF” cited the following coordinates as locations of Deep Springs extension facilities, in most cases near the bases of mountains near which portals to the underground installations exist: N 37 22 30 – E 117 58 0; N 38 21 0 – E 115 35 0; N 35 39 0 – E 114 51 0; and also Yucca Lake: N 37 0 30 – E 116 7 0. source: John Lear; LEADING EDGE Newsletter, Dec. 1989 – Jan. 1990

  • CADIZ – The late Earl Gambrel tells how he was transported by an alien craft one night from the outskirts of Barstow to an area just 2 miles NW of Bonanza Springs, some 13 miles from Cadiz and just south of the Clipper mountain area. He found [or was shown] a cave or tunnel in the side of a hill near a natural rock arch and a peak which looks like it has “a black railroad car on top of it.” After considerable travel underground at a 30 degree descent, he reached an underground city with streets and houses filled with large crystals, now abandoned. He also heard of another man who reportedly found the cave and told others about it, but who was killed shortly thereafter. source: John Winston; Map Location of Cadiz

  • CHINA LAKE – A woman named “Diane” claimed that she has had numerous alien encounters since childhood. During one encounter she was taken to a joint alien-military facility deep beneath the China Lake Naval Weapons Test Center via magnetic a elevator to a huge facility where she observed numerous humans and animals in cages who had been bio-genetically altered. Also, possible massive underground facilities beneath Argus and/or Southeast Peaks NW of Trona in the China Lake Reserve. source: ALIEN MAGIC, by William F. Hamilton III; UNDERGROUND BASES AND TUNNELS, by Richard Sauder;

  • CLEAR LAKE – According to Robert K. Newkirk, northern California’s “Clear Lake has many underground caverns [leading under Mt. Konocti?] that we know have no endings and others that run to San Francisco Bay.” source: AMAZING STORIES; Mt. Konocti

  • EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE – The “Haystack” bluff or butte near the launch area reportedly holds underground levels and surface pylons where pulse beam and stealth research is being carried out. Haystack Butte is reportedly the central hub of massive underground activity, with underground connections to other facilities. Witnesses who have described alien activity there have died under mysterious circumstances. Also reports of a 50 mile underground tube-shuttle linking Edwards AFB with the Tahachapi facility, and an ongoing excavation below the base down past 9000 feet, with underground facilities being monitored by hovering remote-controlled basketball sized metallic spheres capable of electromagnetically monitoring the encephalographic waves of base workers and visitors and thus anticipate their intents. source: B.S.R.F. Newsletter, Dec. 1990; The LEADING EDGE Newsletter, May 1989; William F. Hamilton, III

  • EL PASO MOUNTAINS – Below Iron canyon and Gofer, NW of Garlock [over a dozen miles north of Mojave, California near the El Paso Mountains], there have been reports of alien beings who control deadly “machines” which stalk the surface, especially near Iron canyon, at night. Also reports of secret government monitoring activity and also a major electromagnetic ‘vortex’ energy field in the area. source: UFO ANNUAL magazine [year uncertain]; El Paso Mts.; Garlock Fault Zone

  • ESSEX – Jack Mitchell, founder of Mitchell Caverns [18 miles north of Essex, which is 28 miles west of Needles and 111 miles east of Barstow on Route 66] claimed that while exploring a shaft called “The Cave of the Winding Stair” in or near Mitchell Caverns, he was lowered down a ledge 500 feet, from where he set fire to a gasoline soaked sock with a rock in it, and watched it disappear into the shaft without seeing it hit anything. source: CAVEMAN, the autobiography of Jack Mitchell; Mitchell’s Caverns

  • HELENDALE – SW of Barstow. A Lockheed facility known as the RCS [Radar Cross Section] test range, and also known as the “Helendale” facility. A massive underground base site and C.O.G. [Continuity Of Government] facility, located 6 miles north of Helendale auxiliary airport. Several underground openings, especially in the northern end. Also a 100 foot pylon for testing antigravity prototypes. Some of these pylons are retractable and rise from or sink into openings in the ground. source: HUFON REPORT, Nov. 1992; Helendale Facility

  • BETWEEN HOPLAND & LAKEPORT – Edward John spoke of an area midway between the two cities [in the area of the Krishna temple] and somewhat south, where the following has been reported: space-time distortions, attempted attacks by alien creatures at night, an atmosphere of terror covering a 30 mile area, black automobiles disappearing into cliffs, strange voices in an unknown language coming out of thin air, cars mysteriously stalling and starting, rumors of a “bottomless cave” with a stone staircase leading downward, unexplained disappearances of “government vehicles” along the Hopland – Lakeport road, and mysterious deaths among residents of a nearby valley. Also a 1990 magnetic survey identified a large gap in the magnetic field near Lakeport and Mt. Konocti, suggesting a large cavernous expanse below. source: AMAZING STORIES magazine, May 1946 – Dec. 1946; Route from Hopland[*star] to Lakeport

  • JUNE LAKE – Jack Peterson reported an encounter near June Lake where he reportedly observed a small humanoid being exiting from a cone-shaped machine which had emerged from the depths of the earth, and which disappeared into the earth after the “alien” had re-entered the craft. source: SHAVERTRON, issue No.14; June Lake, California

  • LANCASTER – A collaboration between Northrup, McDonnel-Douglas and Lockheed is developing and testing antigravity air and/or space craft in massive underground facilities. Abductees report being taken to these elaborate multi-billion dollar underground complexes where they have seen human military personnel working with grey aliens and in some cases reptilian humanoids. Glowing discs, triangles, boomerangs, elongated shapes, spheres and other types of antigravity craft have been seen flying or hovering in the area, as well as black unmarked helicopters. source: HUFON REPORT, Nov. 1992; Michael Lindemann & Michael Riconosciuto

  • CALIFORNIA, LANDERS. About a dozen miles north of Yucca Valley is Giant Rock, thought to be the largest free-standing boulder in the world. It covers 5800 sq. ft. and is 7 stories high. It was used in ancient times for seances by native American chiefs. Frank Critzer was the first modern individual to excavate rooms from beneath Giant Rock. According to Hank Krastman, Frank stated that in the process of his excavations he “had stumbled onto some unusual glass-lined tunnels under ground which went down real deep”. Critzer hollowed out 400 square feet of rooms from under the north side. Deputies from Riverside county [Giant Rock is in San Bernardino county] during WWII tried to apprehend Frank for questioning as a possible German spy [there were several in the area at the time] but when Frank barricaded himself in his “home” the deputies threw in a tear gas grenade, which ignited a pile of dynamite under his table that was used for excavation. The deep “glass” tunnels may have been buried in that explosion. Frank was killed, and newspapers held with the spy story even though the FBI told George Van Tassel it was not true. George restored some of the rooms under the rock, where he claimed to have had meetings with human ET’s who claimed to be members of a Sol-ar system Tribunal on one of the moons of Saturn. Van Tassel was instructed to build the domed “Integratron” near the Giant Rock, with the belief that the weight of the rock pressing down on the sand-quartz below created an electromagnetic field similar to the one created about 7 feet above the apex of the Great pyramid, generated by the massive weight pressing down on the quartz-laden stones. After George passed away the “government” blew up the underground chamber. source: INTERNATIONAL UFO Magazine, article by Hank Krastman; Giant Rock & the Integratron

  • CALIFORNIA, MT. LASSEN – Two young men reported the discovery of a glazed tunnel behind an outcropping of rock at about the 7500 ft. level on the slopes of Mt. Lassen. They explored the cavern using a strange tunnel vehicle and were captured by men dressed as surface people who were known as the “horlocks”, humans under the total mind-control of some alien force, only to be rescued by an underground resistance force. Others have reported abductions near Lassen by a human – reptilian collaboration. source: AMAZING STORIES magazine, Dec. 1946; Mt. Lassen Natl. Park

  • CALIFORNIA, LLANO – A large McDonnel-Douglass facility based at the old Grey Butte Airport, about 6 miles SW of El Mirage dry lake and 9 miles NE of Llano. Also contains pylons upon which various aerodynamic hulls are placed for stealth and other design tests. Often the objects atop the pylons have been seen to glow at various intensities. source: HUFON REPORT, Nov. 1992; Map of Llano, California; the Yano [sic/i.e. Llano] Facility & Aliens

  • CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES – On Feb. 12, 1953, witnesses observed an automobile enter the throat of a storm drain near Willowbrook and Greenleaf Avenues. Police followed the fresh tire-tred marks into the tunnel for 7 miles, while other police & flood control workers continued the search by dropping through manhole covers. The search continued until midnight, until 7 miles up the drain the tracks VANISHED. “In the muddy silt covering the floor of the drain, the tire-tred marks were sharp and fresh… then no more tracks.” source: STRANGE DISAPPEARANCES, by Brad Steiger
  • CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES – A legendary underground city, now flooded, is said to lie below the Los Angeles Public Library and surrounding areas. Patterned after the shape of a lizard, the city is said to be connected to Mt. Shasta, and was built by an ancient race that revered reptiles. Although filled with gold, parts of the ancient city has become flooded. source: QUEST FOR THE LOST CITY, article by Sanford M. Cleveland in AMAZING STORIES magazine, July 1947; see also THE LIZARD PEOPLE UNDER LOS ANGELES

  • CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES – In the old Spanish Garavanza district, where Avenue 64 and York Boulevard now lie, there used to be a ranch owned by Ralph Rodgers who had employed several Mexican and Chinese workers. In early 1900 Andrew C. Smith and Charles A. Elder, discovered a rumored tunnel entrance in the area and reported it to the local newspaper, whose editor confirmed their story. They explored the tunnel to some depth. They also learned from a Mexican elder of a native American village that existed on the banks of the Arroyo Seco River. When the Spanish entered the area this man, Juan Dominquez, had explored the tunnel “leading to a gigantic cave and then still going further down”, spreading under the entire village of Garavanza and connecting to the Spanish Church of the Angels on North Avenue 64. One entrance was reportedly located along the west bluff of Arroyo Seco River about 300 feet south of the former Pasadena Ave. Rail Bridge, and about 20 feet above the stream, but the city “blew up” the entrance after children were hurt in the cave, and a Freeway exists now in the area, however a secret opening still exists in the basement of the Spanish church mentioned above. Early visitors to the cave had reported “many caverns and tunnels going deep down, with eerie voices coming from them.” The cave used to be used by natives for ritual purposes. source: Article by Hank Krastman in THE HOLLOW HASSLE INSIDER, Vol.3, No.1; The Church of the Angels – Los Angeles

  • CALIFORNIA, MOJAVE – Stories of underground pits and shafts [some natural, others artificial mine-shafts] leading to underground caverns below Iron Canyon near the El Paso Mts. NE of Mojave. Reports of underground alien activity, automatons, and electromagnetic vortexes, all of which are carefully monitored by secret government agents. [see also: CALIFORNIA, EL PASO MOUNTAINS]
  • CALIFORNIA, OAKVILLE – Just east of Santa Rosa, there is a secret government facility that has been constructed near the Oakville Grade, which will reportedly consolidate many of the C.O.G. [Continuity Of Government] operations of the Military-Industrial Complex. Black “mystery helicopters” have been seen leaving and entering the facility on a constant basis. source: Several issues of the NAPA SENTINEL Newspaper

  • CALIFORNIA, PALMDALE – Reports of a multi-layered technology center over 8 levels in depth and the size of a massive city. Many of the workers being “synthetics” and humans with “ultra top secret” security clearances. source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, July 7, 1992; The Skunk Works – Palmdale

  • CALIFORNIA, QUINCY – Cossette Willoughby tells about an experience that she and her husband Ken had while staying at a turnout about 20 miles from Quincy, in a heavily wooded area. She saw an “old man” with white hair, white shirt and dark trousers who “swung his head from side to side like a lizard as he walked, he had a reptilian appearance [and] carried a very elaborate cane [with] a large ball carved on top with four cobras wound around the stick.” When she tried to get his attention the “man” ignored her, walking across the road from one patch of woods to another, in an area where the turnout was the closest sign of civilization for several miles around. source: Cossette Willoughby of Fairacres, New Mexico; Quincy, California map

  • CALIFORNIA, SALTON SEA – Mountains adjacent to the Salton sea of S. California have been the site of reports of subterranean rock slides, and also legends concerning the ancient “seven caves” of the Aztecs which some believe lie below the area. source: Penny Harper; Salton Sea Naval facility

  • CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO – The COMTRAPAC submarine base reportedly maintains several underground levels. The 6th sub-level containing a terminal to a sub-shuttle transit system capable of subterraneous hi-speed transit to other U.S. underground bases as far away as Washington D.C. source: UFO JOURNAL OF FACTS, Spring, 1991 [a MUFON research journal], article by Forest Crawford of Illinois-Missouri MUFON; San Diego Sub-Base

  • CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO – There is a report of a demolition crew who, several years ago, broke into a subterranean tunnel while demolishing a building. Workers followed the tunnel for a while until they came face to face with hair animal-men whose eyes reflected their lights back at them with a reddish glow. source: NEW ATLANTEAN JOURNAL[?]; a Related Site?

  • CALIFORNIA, TEHACHAPI MTS. [NW of Los Angeles] – Several accounts suggest that the military-industrial complex had entered in to a collaboration with a parasitical alien race. In exchange for advanced technology the industrialists have allowed the aliens to have access to the multi-trillion dollar military-industrial underground network in order to carry out “genetic experiments” on earth. Those who received the new “Trojan horse” technology also received major alien mind-control programming, and as a result the underground networks are quickly being assimilated by the alien collective, effectively controlling the minds of those earth people who pose the greatest threat to alien imperialism, i.e. those who have access to interplanetary technology. Tehachapi is also called the “Anthill”, there are open silos where laser light systems are tested and hovering basket-ball sized cosmodrones or “spybees” monitor all activity above and below ground, where “ground-scrapers” descend at least 2 miles and 42 sub-levels, connecting to other facilities via tunnels and mag-lev shuttles and also to more ancient alien cavern domains [natural and artificial] deep beneath the earth. There are also reportedly cloned humans with cybernetic minds and assimilated reptilian/alien DNA which work in these facilities known as the ‘Orange’ because of their ‘stalky’ yellowish or reddish hair, along with Grey aliens, Reptiloids, Military Industrial Black Ops, and others. This site is also known as the Tejon or Tahachapi “Ranch”, and is located at the mouth of Little Oak Canyon, about 25 miles NW of Lancaster. It is partially powered by the Kern River hydroelectric project, where there is also a mountain that has been “hollowed out”. One can reportedly drive underground [with required security clearance] from California City to Palmdale to George AFB/Victorville through underground cities and tunnels where aliens have been seen “all over the place”, having free access to the underground network, yet these aliens have been known to abduct or even kill some who have reported their presence there, because the aliens operate “inside our government” [via the Military-Industrial Trojan horse which operates largely outside of Congressional oversight] and do not want their subversive activities to be discovered by the masses or by more benevolent space forces who are at war with these “regressive” alien forces. These regressive aliens attempt to create a facade of benevolence towards those “programmed” humans who work in the underground facilities, or use fear and intimidation towards those who are aware of their true intentions. Reports of abductions and dissections of humans abound, reportedly with the purpose of “finding our weaknesses and learning how to control us” through controlling the social infrastructure upon which most have become dependent. source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, July, 1992; Val Valerian; Michael Lindemann; “High Strangeness in the Antelope Valley”, by William F. Hamilton III

  • CALIFORNIA, YUCCA MOUNTAIN – Reports of underground tunnels descending several miles beneath the mountain. source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, July 7, 1992; the Los Alamos Labs – Yucca Mountain Project

  • CALIFORNIA, SANTA ROSA – Underground FEMA facility. source: Richard Sauder

    A very active UFO base exists beneath Mt. Ranier. There are also said to be underground “vaults” containing records of the ancient Lemurians. (Note: F.L. Boschke wrote the book “The Unexplained” about the mysteries surrounding Mt. Ranier.) The ice cap of Mt. Ranier contains a maze of corridors and caves. In August of 1970, scientists climbed to the top of Mt. Ranier, and entered these caverns and tunnels. Evidence was found indicating that a small lake exists deep beneath the ice cap. It is possible that one could find a way to get beneath Mt. Ranier through these tunnels.
    The Mt. Lassen Entrance Mt. Lassen in Tehama County, California is an entrance to a large underground city. Near the foot of Mt. Lassen is a town called Manten. A man named “Ralph B. Fields” lived (lives?) there, and found the entrance to the underground city. His friend “Joe” was with him. The cave entrance is in the side of the mountain, at a little over 7,000 feet above sea level, and is near a rock outcropping suitable for camping under.
  • Death Valley, CA. Entrance.
    Local Indian legends speak of a tunnel that runs beneath the desert. (Note: The book “Death Valley Men,” tells the story of 3 people who are supposed to have found an underground city connected with this tunnel, and who actually took treasures from it. The entrance to the Death Valley Tunnel is in the Panamint Mountains down on the lower edge of the range near Wingate Pass, in the bottom of an old abandoned shaft. The bottom of the shaft is collapsed, opening an entrance into a large tunnel system containing much treasure.) These tunnels connect with the surface also through arches (like large windows) in the side of the mountain and they look down on Death Valley. They’re high above the valley now, but they were once on the edge of the water, and were accessed by boats. The “windows” in the Death Valley side of the Panamint Mountains are about 4,500-5,000 feet above the bottom of Death Valley, and are across from Furnace Creek Ranch. From these openings you can see the green of the ranch below you and Furnace Creek Wash across the valley. (So, with high-powered binoculars or a telescope, you should be able to see the openings from the Furnace Creek Ranch, or Wash.) You can drive down Emigrant Canyon towards Death Valley. You can then park beside the road between Furnace Creek Ranch and the Salt Bed. (From here, the windows should be visible through binoculars.) Indian legends of the Paiutes Indians speak of the people who used to live in the Panamint’s caverns.
  • The Mt. Shasta, CA Entrance
    There are tunnels beneath Mt. Shasta that lead to a UFO base there, as well as tunnels that connect with the vast world-wide tunnel network. The Lemurian city “Telos” is said to exist beneath Mt. Shasta. William Hamilton has done much research on Mt. Shasta and the tunnels. He has privately published a book entitled “Alien Magic” 249 North Brand Boulevard, Suite 651 Glendale, CA 91203
  • COLORADO BLANCA PEAK – Mt. Blanca [Massif] is located in the mysterious San Luis Valley of Colorado, which has been a “hot spot” for UFO sightings and animal mutilations. Also Southwestern tribes have legends involving caverns below the Mt. Blanca, San Luis Lakes, and Great Sand Dunes National Monument region, through which their ancestors migrated during a time of surface natural disasters before emerging onto the surface once again. There have been some rumors of an attempted government attack upon an underground alien [Grey] base beneath Mt. Blanca, using a deadly nerve agent, which backfired or failed. Blanca peak is located between Alamosa and Walsenberg.

  • DELAWARE BAY – Richard S. Shaver created a stir in AMAZING STORIES Magazine from 1945-1950 after sending a ms. to editor Ray Palmer [who backed Kenneth Arnold’s investigation of the ‘Maurey Island/Tacoma’ UFO incident which also involved military industrialist agent Fred L. Crisman — who later happened to be a close associate of Clay Shaw who Attorney James Garrison accused of being the Mafia-CIA go-between in the JFK assassination], Palmer also having publicized Arnold’s own sighting of disc-shaped craft over Mt. Rainier, which became the original source for the term “flying saucers”. Shaver’s ms. was originally titled A WARNING TO FUTURE MAN, until it was embellished and “occultized” by Palmer to accommodate his metaphysical and science-fiction oriented readership, and re-named I REMEMBER LEMURIA. Shaver told of his experiences where he would “hear peoples thoughts” while working on a certain arc welding machine at an auto plant in Detroit. The “machine” made him sensitive to the thought-waves of others in the factory, however he claimed that many of the “voices” or thought-waves what he intercepted did not come from the factory but emanated from caverns BELOW Detroit involved a warring subterranean factions known as the dero and the tero, of star-ships, machines capable of transmitting electronically-enhanced focused encephalographic or telepathic beams or rays, and other bizarre and horrific realities. Shaver also told of how his first visit to “the caves” occurred when a “hologram” of a young woman led him to a cavern entrance; also of his second and last physical visit to a hidden cave entrance on the east coast of Delaware [Bay], via a boat by which he navigated the water-filled passage for a few miles until reaching a “Tero” city. While there the “Deros”, he claimed, attacked and killed all of his Tero “friends”, but for some reason they left Shaver alive. Shaver left the cave and never returned to the inner world physically, however he continued to receive “thought beams” which claimed to originate from other “Teros” yet which became increasingly occultic and confusions, suggesting, according to some, that the “Deros” were manipulating Shaver in order to bring ridicule to the subject of an underground reality that was on the verge of becoming public knowledge on the surface. The “Shaver Mystery” DID however provoke much feedback from others who recounted similar experiences with the underground realm, however the highly occultic “messages” that Shaver continued to receive for years afterwards led many to become entangled in deeply occultic practices and belief systems and also paranoid schizophrenic behaviors. Who or whatever was manipulating Shaver’s mind apparently succeeded in dragging many people under their occultic influence. According to Ray Palmer, who stayed overnight at Shaver’s house on on occasion, he heard five separate and distinct voices one night coming out of Shaver, who was apparently linked to a collective mind via electro-telepathic waves. The “group” of voices which were being channeled through Shaver were matter-of-factly discussing the murder and dismemberment of a woman within “the caves”, and one of the “voices” was stating — according to Palmer — that such things should not be taking place. source: AMAZING STORIES Magazine; THE HIDDEN WORLD; SHAVER MYSTERY Magazine; CAVEAT EMPTOR; SHAVERTRONmagazine; Richard Shaver, the founder of Ufology?

  • FLORIDA – MIAMI – Underground genetics-breeding facility with several mature and young girls being held captive by grey aliens. Used to breed a “hybrid” slave labor race that is intended to infiltrate surface society and do the bidding of the New World Order, which is to be ultimately controlled by an alien agenda. source: Mr. X

  • GEORGIA – Engineer Rex Ball came upon a network of tunnels in Georgia in 1940, which led to an underground installation manned by Oriental-looking men in coveralls and a few American military officers. When caught in the tunnels, an officer issued the curt command: “Make him look like a nut!” The next thing he recalled was waking up in a field uncertain whether the experience was real or a dream. source: THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES, by John A. Keel

  • ATLANTA – A major underground Bavarian Illuminati facility constructed in collaboration with a similar base below the Denver International Airport. Like the DIA facility, the Atlanta facility is occupied by the cult of the serpent [human & alien collaborators] and is “intended” to be used jointly with the Denver Airport facility as duel U.S. headquarters for New World Order regional control, and for continued “Montauk” or “Phoenix” Project operations. source: Mr. X

  • DOUGLAS – In the 1950’s, Earl Meeks was drilling a well on his property 6 miles from Douglas when he broke through to empty space. The shaft began to suck in a constant flow of air and sounds resembling “an underground railway” were so loud that they had to cover the “well” with planks at night so that they could sleep. A few decades later a subscriber to THE HOLLOW EARTH INSIDER, “Lucky”, visited the Meeks homestead 6 miles WEST of Douglas, and learned that people from all over the state had come to investigate the well the entire 2 weeks that it sucked in air, before the Meeks finally had it capped off. “Lucky” told of his intention to seek permission from the Meeks to uncap the well. source: FATE Magazine, Jan. 1957; THE HOLLOW EARTH INSIDER, Vol.1, No.4 [Spring, 1993]

  • MARIETTA – A planned underground Pentagon facility below Kennesaw mountain, a few miles from Dobbins Air Force Base, to be used as a “defense” installation for the surrounding 13 states region, was reported by Richard Sauder. source: UNDERGROUND BASES AND TUNNELS, by Richard Sauder

  • THOMASVILLE – Underground FEMA facility. source: Richard Sauder

    BURLEY – Druggist George Haycock claimed that he had explored a shaft that could be entered via a boulder strewn depression or sink 6 miles west of Burley, and one mile off the main road [presumably in the opposite direction from the river?]. Native American legends told of a demonic race that would emerge from a cave and capture their women and children. Mr. Haycock reported psychic attacks and impressions of evil activities taking place underground. The shaft led to a long square-cut yet ancient horizontal crawlspace tunnel with branch tunnels and a cave-in which he attempted to dig through, although experiencing unusual “resistance” in doing to. He later wrote friends that someone was trying to blast the shaft closed with dynamite and also reported a death threat he had received in the mail telling him to cease and desist his explorations. Shortly after this, he was found strangled to death in his home. source: AMAZING STORIES magazine, Oct. 1947 & Jan. 1948

    CHICAGO – Allegations that the Bahai Temple near Chicago, which has foundation “pillars” reaching hundreds of feet to the bedrock below, contains an entrance to an underground system deep below which connect to other underground systems. source: Kenneth Van Hoof

    PIKEVILLE – Strange disappearances in the Truck Coal Mine 3 miles east of town. Two boys seen entering the mine disappear even though their lamp is found abandoned at the entrance. A full scale search of the mine fails to turn up any evidence of the missing boys. source: FATE magazine, Nov. 1950

    (See ‘Caves and Atlantean Temples‘)

    Appalachians formed when the sea closed by collision between America and Europe, they grow 45,000ft high. what we see today are the roots of the mountains. at such high pressure, rock act as a fluid, what you talk about are frozen waves of rock.

  • PINEVILLE – On Dec. 26, 1945, a mine explosion in the Belva Mine trapped several men. When they were rescued some of the men insisted that they saw a “door” in one of the walls open, and a man dressed as a “lumberjack” emerge from a well-lighted room. After assuring the men that they would be rescued, the strange visitor returned to the room and closed the door. Other similar accounts have been reported during similar mine disasters, such as the one at a Shipton, Pennsylvania mine, where similar “lumberjack” or “telephone linemen” type of men have been seen, suggesting that they exist in another time-dimension, possibly explaining why they “knew” the outcome of the disasters. In some cases the strange “workmen”, as if taking the role of guardian angels, had offered trapped men unusual “lighting” to keep them out of the dark, and in other cases as with the Shipton disaster, “astral visions” accompanied the visits of these fourth dimensional [?] visitors. source: Pineville Kentucky newspapers, circa Dec. 26, 1981 – Jan. 1982

  • RIVERTON – Patsey Wingate, a victim of UFO encounters, missing time, MIB limo’s, harassment, black helicopters, police-like cars in a temporal mist, death threats, the works… spoke of a mountain near Riverton where a certain UFO was seen on numerous occasions. While on the mountain she would hear humming sounds coming from underground, then at home later that night she experienced frightening vivid “dreams” of “children underground on the mountain [who] were begging for help. They were in glass cages. Some of the children looked human, but some looked like aliens.” source: UFO UNIVERSE, Vol.3, No.2, [Summer 1993]

  • SALEM – SE of Salem is Hodges cave, which some believe is the cavern that is mentioned in John Uri Lloyd’s book ETIDORHPA, which was illustrated by a veteran Mason. Witnesses have stated that they have seen Masons wandering about the area. One report tells of a nearby stone staircase leading deep into the gloomy darkness of the earth, which witnesses failed to fully investigate as they were hit with an overpowering sense of terror. source: THE SHAVER MYSTERY magazine

  • STOVEN’S CAVE [SITE UNSPECIFIED] – Unusual sounds emanating from the cavern. source: TECH TROGLODYTE [NSS affiliate newsletter], Vol.12, No.2

  • TAZEWELL COUNTY – Higgingbottom #1 or Devil’s Slide cave is avoided by local residents because they are convinced that some loathsome creature lives at the bottom. source: CAVE LEGENDS OF THE APPALACHIANS, article by Janice Goad
    FORT POLK – Reports of over 19,000 war-ready United Nations Organization troops, French, Pakistani & Russian, along with massive underground facilities for storage of military and other supplies. source: a former anonymous serviceman who interacted with the base

    CROFTON – An ancient network of tunnels and crawlways discovered beneath a parking lot in Crofton during excavations. The artificial tunnels were reportedly covered by subsequent construction. source: THE WASHINGTON STAR NEWS, July 25, 1973 & Aug. 15, 1973

  • FORT MEADE – “Cavernous subterranean expanses” existing beneath the National Security Agency’s headquarters, filled with over 10 acres of the most sophisticated supercomputers money can buy, which monitor global telephone, telegraph, telex, fax, radio, TV, microwave, internet and other forms of communication. source: UFO Magazine, Vol.7, No.6; Richard Sauder

  • BETWEEN OLNEY & LAYTONSVILLE – Located on Riggs Road, off of Rt. 108, this underground facility is maintained by FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Agency]. Long lines of cars have been seen heading through the gate at shift change, in spite of the surface illusion of vacancy and disrepair, vehicles which pass through an electronic surveillance area and disappear behind a knoll in the near distance. At least 10 levels deep, and several electronic surveillance facilities, with possible NSA connections. source: UFO Magazine, Vol.7, No.6; Richard Sauder

    BOSTON – Ervin M. Scott claimed to have intercepted an electronically augmented telepathic transmission from a woman, a cavern-dweller under the Salt Lake flats of Utah, whose people were under siege by the “evil ones”. She urgently warned about a woman who was abducted into tunnels/caverns beneath an abby in the north section of Boston 3 weeks earlier [the 1st church of Roxbury is located in the north section of the city and is by far the oldest “abby” in Boston]. Another “voice” breaks in on the “transmission” and tells Ervin not to believe the former woman’s voice, stating, “Don’t you know this is a lie? a trick?”, and then warningly, “keep quiet about this!”. source: SEARCH magazine, July 1964

  • MAYNARD – Underground FEMA facility. source: Richard Sauder

    BATTLE CREEK – Underground FEMA facility. source: Richard Sauder

    REDWOOD FALLS – A WWII trainee claimed to have discovered a small underground passage near [west of?] Redwood Falls, which led to an ancient tiled concourse and to an underground alien realm. He spoke of the “deros” and “teros” and stated that he emerged 6 months later with a “tero” woman who became his wife, with no intention on returning, although both lived in fear as if they were constantly being watched or followed. source: letter sent to Richard Shaver [circa 1950’s]

    CAMERON – Rumors of a “haunted” cave or mine in the area source: unknown

  • KANSAS CITY – Somewhere on the Missouri river near Kansas city a man explored a cave in the side of a steep embankment on somewhere on the rivers edge. He was terrified by a tall creature with cat or lizard like eyes, who had apparently been living in the cave or possibly had come from the river itself. source: Charles Marcoux

    Pat Garrett’s Reptilian Experience Reported to Mary Sutherland, BUFO Paranormal and UFO Radio
    Incident Date: March 7, 2004

    This past Sunday…the 7th. A friend and I were riding two ATVs in a place called, “The Underground” it is a public and private storage facility in Carthage, Mo. What makes this place such a desirable storage facility is that it is all underground…hence the name. They are constantly expanding this place and there are miles and miles of carved out caves in there…and it goes pretty deep. This facility stores thousands and thousands of food containers, all dehydrated for the Navy… I have seen them and it is public knowledge around here. It is also a fall out shelter able to hold some 40,000 to 50,000 people. I tell you this to give some sense of the vastness of the place. I worked there as a subcontractor some 9 years ago… I helped build the office spaces up on top. I started to explore then… about once a month and did so all the way until this past Sunday. However, I never went as far or as deep before either.

    It was fun to take the ATVs and cruise underground…no rain or weather problems…ever. We were approx 8 miles in and I’d say maybe 500 feet deep when we took a turn down an area that was marked “Naval Authoritative Zone” I remember making a comment about the Navy getting a ship down there and said that was an easy posting. The walls became more defined as in: polished or finished and this was striking because this was supposed to be a newly blasted area… totally backward I would think…still thinking nothing was wrong we kept going, actually increasing speed because the floor was paved now and we could go faster. We came up on an unusual painted pattern on the floor and I thought, “cool graffiti… kids have been down here… we’re safe… won’t get into any trouble.” The road dipped down and then it took a 90′ turn to the left… we had no warning and we were going too fast. I knew we were going to hit the wall. BUT we DIDN’T… we passed through some kind of projection of the cave siding… although I don’t know how it was done…it was real looking. We passed into a whole new road system… this one was large, and much older than where we came from. We started to smell an odor…musty, damp, growing stronger as we went deeper on smell. The lighting decreased as well probably 60% less than the other area’s…we turned on our headlights. We continued on at about 5 to 7 miles an hour for about 5 min and we noticed it was getting cooler… which was to me, very strange…since once inside a cave a certain distance… the temp says the same. We made a right turn and started to come up on what I thought was a rest area on the side… about 40 feet away. I thought it looked like a pair of fountains until they moved. We both stopped immediately. We were approx. 30′ feet away now and what we saw were two creatures, one was very tall at least 7′ feet maybe more and very powerfully built… reddish in color and the other was smaller about 6′ feet but it was not red in color but pale, like an albino and it was not as powerfully built as the other. They looked like REPTILES… living, walking, intelligent beings… not human… not warm blooded. Reptiles! I know it sounds crazy but it is true. They said nothing but I did get a strong sense from the big one. A malevolence, evil presence of some kind. My friend screamed and we turned around…a power turn. We started to go back out when my friend said, “the big one” was after us. I looked back and it was following us. I had the overwhelming feeling that if it caught us that harm would come to us. We passed through the wall projection and I looked back and saw the thing raise it’s arm and it had a weapon of some sorts. It fired and hit the ATV my friend was on. The engine died and he stopped. I told him to jump on…and he did. I gunned it and then my friend said, “STOP!” I slowed down and he he said, “LOOK!”. I looked back and the thing had stopped at the graffiti on the cave floor/road. The ATV was on it’s side of the graffiti/symbol. It was obvious the thing would not cross the marking. I slowed more…we were now about 75′ feet away. I stopped and the three of us… Me, my friend and the creature/reptile/man thing just looked at each other… for about 15 sec. And let me tell you… that is a long time. Then I started to leave… It stayed there waiting and not moving until we were out of sight. As soon as we cleared the cave I got on my cell phone and called the Sheriff’s Dept. I was told that they would not come out and that “Underground Security” would handle it. Then they hung up! By law they are not to do that…We can hang up on anyone…but a government office, be it City or Federal can not hang up on you. Anyway, I was shocked and scared and we took off across the outside of the underground over to my truck and sure enough…Underground Security was waiting for us. We were told to leave, not to tell anybody about this…that if I come back…The Navy would press charges. I was also told that I had 10 min to leave or I would be taken in. What can I say… we left. It has been 3 days since this has happened and I am still shaken. I am a powerful person, 6’4″ and 265 lbs and I have never in my life be afraid for my life… until this past Sunday. I lost my one of my two ATV’s. As far as I know… it is still down there. My friend will not talk about it and I have not heard anything from anyone about it. I did call the Sheriff’s Dept. and they said they never got a call from me. Well, that is my story… I have never had anything strange happen in my life and I am very very concerned about this. I can tell you this…I had an urge to kill the things I saw down there… I don’t know if that is a natural reaction as most people have a natural revulsion towards reptiles or because of my faith and the feeling of evil I had… or what. All I know is that they are real…and I wish I could do something… anything to combat or help against these things. Take care all and thank you again for letting me write this and share this experience.

    Hoover Dam. Lake Mead’s Hoover Dam SE of Las Vegas. Rumors that the dam construction workers penetrated extensive caverns near the base of the cliffs, that Lake Mead is a hot spot of alien activity, and that the floor of one level of the dam contains a “wild tile inlay on the floor, with signs of the zodiac and all sorts of stuff suggesting an entrance.” source: Letter from Vaughn M. Green in SHAVERTRON newsletter, No. 14

    BOULDER DAME – Reports of underground tunnels and UFO activity between the base of Boulder Dam and Jumbo Peak. source: Lew Tery

  • EUREKA – A mysterious maze of underground tunnels and rooms discovered beneath the immediate area of Eureka. source: “An Underground Cathedral”, article by Charles Hillinger in THE LOS ANGELES TIMES, Mar. 2, 1975

  • MERCURY – An electrician at the Mercury base camp on the Nevada Test Site claimed to have seen “aliens” in “stainless steel caverns” about 3000 feet below the surface of the Mercury Site. The “Mercury Workers” contracted through Reynolds Electric [a division of E.G.&G.], and several of them told terrifying stories of harassment and death threats from base personnel in an effort to keep them from talking. Also Las Vegan Stayce Borland and her brother were killed by “burglars” during a time when they were trying to help some of the Mercury Workers who had been apprehended and were being held captive underground. Many insisted that Borland’s murder was part of a conspiracy, similar to the 5 people killed in a “helicopter crash” some years ago who, according to former Wackenhut employee Michael Riconosciuto, were trying to escape with documentation of genetic research atrocities, alien interaction, and antigravity craft technology in the underground facilities there. This conspiracy of concealment is reportedly being run by the aliens themselves to maintain control of those military-industrial-intelligence agencies which have been infiltrated and assimilated through advanced mind control technology. source: “The Billy Goodman Happening” – KVEG Radia 840 AM, Las Vegas, Nevada, Nov. 19, 1989, etc.

  • NEVADA CITY – The Mayflower mine east of the city contained a long tunnel from which strange noises often known to emerge, and also reports of “devils” being sighted in the nearby Murchie mine. source: Article by Wayland D. Hand in CALIFORNIA FOLKLORE QUARTERLY, April, 1942

  • PAHRUMP – NW of Pahrump [which lies due west from Las Vegas] is Devil’s Hole National Monument, an annex of Death Valley National Monument. It is an apparently “bottomless” aqua-cave containing a species of cave fish located no where else in the world. Like the legendary “subterranean grand canyon” — which reportedly runs beneath the Kokoweef and Dorr Peaks near the SW flank of the Ivanpah Mts. just south of highway 91 and NW of Needles, California — the Devil’s Hole water level ALSO reportedly rises and falls with the tide, suggesting a connection with a massive underground sea below and upstream, possibly in the area of eastern Nevada and western Utah. At least 2 boys disappeared trying to explore Devil’s Hole, and Navy scuba divers were lowered on cables and reported seeing a large subterranean river which roared up from below, flowed across a wide expanse although they could not estimate the depth because of a myriad of colonnades of black rock through which the river flowed, before plunging once again down an abyss. This reportedly occurred in a cave NEAR Devil’s Hole. Although “fenced in”, Devil’s Hole is open for public view. source: ADVENTURE IS UNDERGROUND, by William Halliday; Virginia Louis Swanson

  • RENO – An underground ‘Nazi’ antigravity disc facility tied-in with the Antarctica scenario. source: Al Bielek
    NORTHERN – John Keel, after hearing reports of strange sounds of pulsating machines coming from caves in the mountains of northern New Jersey, personally visited some of the caverns. source: THE 8TH TOWER, by John A. Keel

  • BROOKHAVEN – see: New Jersey, Newark
  • NEWARK – Massive German [Thule Society] infiltration of the American military-industrial complex following WWII, via the NSA, I.T.T., ARCO, EXXON, etc., led to the construction of massive joint alien-fascist underground complexes [stemming from the Nazi alliance with an alien collaboration, based under the Gizeh plateau of Egypt – via the Grant Orient Lodge of Egyptian Freemasonry and the various Gnostic Bavarian cults that were brought back from Egypt during the Egyptian occupation of the armies of the so-called “Holy Roman Empire” Italy-Austria-Germany]. Tunnel systems run from the I.T.T. Corporation building in Newark to the I.T.T. facility at Nutley, to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio [mag-lev tubes], to A.I.L., to Long Island [Montauk Point]. source: ORION BASED TECHNOLOGY, MIND CONTROL AND OTHER SECRET PROJECTS, by Val Valerian

  • PARAMUS – A massive underground facility with an entrance located in an office building at 140 century road. The building next door at 120 century road is also owned by the same company which finances projects carried out below, which deal mainly with abducted women and young girls who are heavily mind controlled using brainwashing and extreme sexual abuse and torture induced MPD alternate programmed personalities, in order to create “sex agents” for a Nazi cabal which had infiltrated the American Industrial Complex following WWII. These agents are used to extract important information from, to bribe, or to blackmail powerful men. There also may be a connection to the ARCO scenario in New Jersey as well. source: Mr. X

  • ALBUQUERQUE – Manzano mountain, or the Kirtland [AFB] Munitions Storage Complex, was excavated by the Air Force to serve as a nuclear weapons storage area. The mountain is visible a couple of miles south of I-40 on the eastern outskirts of Albuquerque. Security is extremely tight. Also, reports of grey aliens operating within some of the deeper levels. A 285,000 sq. ft. underground extension facility was constructed in the same area in 1989, although heavy secrecy surrounds these facilities. source: UFO Magazine, Vol.7, No.6; Richard Sauder

  • DULCE. – The Jicarilla Apache Indians believe that their ancestors emerged from the caverns in ancient times. When they emerged they were plagued by monsters [saurians?]. Some wanted to go back down but once their hero’s slew all of the monsters, all was at peace [ironically the Dulce underground network is now reportedly under the control of some of the very ‘monsters’ or ‘reptilians’ that they may have succeeded in driving underground]. source: MYTHS & TALES OF THE JICARILLA APACHE INDIANS, by Morris E. Opler

  • DULCE [JICARILLA APACHE RESERVATION] – In the town of Dulce in NW New Mexico, one block from the PAN AM building is the old high school, now used as an engineering facility by MAKEN & HANGER [originally ZIA Corp.]. Inside the facility is an elevator that leads to Level-1 of the massive underground facility beneath the Dulce area which is also known as “Ultra” or “Section-D”, which runs under main street at a depth of about 200 feet. This level is guarded by PROFORCE Security, whereas deeper and more secure levels under the Archuleta mesa to the north contain automatic devices designed to KILL intruders. Dulce is by far the most massive and most strategic of all of the underground “hubs” of the joint military-industrial / alien imperial collaboration in North America, with numerous tube-tunnels radiating to all parts of the continent and beyond. source: ALIEN MAGIC, by William F. Hamilton; The Dulce Book; Map of Dulce, New Mexico
  • The Dulce, New Mexico Base
    An underground Military Base/Laboratory in Dulce, New Mexico connects with the underground network of tunnels which honeycombs our planet, and the lower levels of this base are allegedly under the control of Inner Earth beings or Aliens. This base is connected to Los Alamos research facilities via an underground “tube-shuttle.” (It can be assumed that such a shuttle way would be a straight-line construction. It should then be possible, by using maps and some deduction, to determine the most likely location of this base, especially since the general location is already known.) Beginning in 1947, a road was built near the Dulce Base, under the cover of a lumber company. No lumber was ever hauled, and the road was later destroyed. Navajo Dam is the Dulce Base’s main source of power, though a second source is in El Vado (which is also another entrance). (Note: The above facts should also help to locate the base.) Most of the lakes near Dulce were made via government grants “for” the Indians. (Note: The September, 1983 issue of Omni (Pg. 80) has a color drawing of ‘The Subterrene’ – the Los Alamos nuclear-powered tunnel machine that burrows through the rock, deep underground, by heating whatever stone it encounters into molten rock, which cools after the Subterrene has moved on. The result is a tunnel with a smooth, glazing lining.)”
    Bechtel (BECK-tul) is a super secret international corporate octopus, founded in 1898. Some say the firm is really a ‘Shadow Government’s working arm of the CIA. It is the largest Construction and Engineering outfit in the U.S.A and the World (and some say, beyond). “The most important posts in U.S.A. Government are held by former Bechtel Officers. There are over 100 Secret Exits near and around Dulce. Many around Archuleta Mesa, others to the source around Dulce Lake and even as far east as Lindrich. Deep sections of the Complex connect into natural Cavern Systems. (Note: The elevators, lights, and doors at Dulce Base are all magnetically controlled.) The area around Dulce has had a high number of reported Animal Mutilations.” The researchers at Dulce Base have also abducted several people from Dulce’s civilian population and implanted devices of various types in their heads and bodies. (Note: Livermore Berkeley Labs (where?) began producing blood for the Dulce Base in the mid 1980s, and Human and Animal abductions slowed considerably. It may be worthwhile to check-out Livermore Berkeley Labs.) DELTA group (from the National Recon Group) is responsible for security of all Alien-connected projects. The DELTA symbol is a Black Triangle on a Red Background. Dulce Base’s symbol is a Delta (triangle) with the Greek Letter “Tau” (t) within it, and then the entire symbol is inverted, so the triangle points down, and the “Tau” is also inverted. Christa Tilton (was abducted and taken to Dulce Base) She is the editor of “Crux” magazine, which deals with UFOs, abductions, etc. P.O. Box 906237 Tulsa, Oklahoma.

  • GUADELLUPE MTS. – In the 1800’s, two trappers reportedly discovered a cave in the Guadellupe Mts., which they followed to a considerable depth. Hiding behind a large outcropping of rock they observed in fascination and horror a procession of beings in dark hooded robes enter a large cavern and began to chant, at which a “crystal like” entity descended from the stalactites above, hovered and in a multi-colored display communicated with the beings in some type of xylophone-like manner, until it once again ascended and was lost among the stalactites above, at which the procession descended DOWNWARD through the passage from which they had emerged. source: SHAVERTRON Magazine

  • LOS ALAMOS – Massive underground joint military-alien facilities connected via shuttle to the Dulce, New Mexico facility to the NW. The deeper facilities under Los Alamos reportedly descend to great depths and intersect with alien sectors which constitute the largest concentration of grey alien activity in North America, with Dulce running a close second… although many of the aliens apparently commute between Dulce and Los Alamos. To minimize cattle mutilations the U.S. government has reportedly been transporting daily shipments of cattle to rendezvous points in the mountains SE of Los Alamos, where some have reported massive UFO activity on these occasions, and also ancient heiroglyphs depicting alien beings. source: Thomas Costallo; Sharula [Bonnie] Dux; K. Studstrup; etc.

  • ORGAN MTS. – 60 miles NW of El Paso, Texas in the Organ Mts. of New Mexico. Helen Compton Gordon and her husband discovered an old abandoned mine far above the “Bean Blossom Mine” near their former home. Climbing the ore-splattered slope they entered the other mine and discovered deep inside an immense chasm separated from the main tunnel passage by a rock wall, on the other side of which was a narrow ledge-precipice at the edge of the chasm. They threw lighted sticks down the shaft and they seemed to “fall forever”, also rocks were thrown in which they could not hear hit bottom. An old timer in the area told them it was a “glory hole” and that miners tended to avoid them. source: SHAVER MYSTERY magazine, Vol.1, No.2 [1947]

  • PIE TOWN – An unexplored cave with large steps leading deep into the earth near El Moro National Monument NE of Pie Town. Also reports of a southern extension base between Pie Town and Datil which is linked underground to the Dulce base in NW New Mexico. source: THE HIDDEN CITY OF CHIHUATLAN, by Charles A. Marcoux; Thomas A. Castello

  • SAN CRISTOBAL – A homeless man spent the night in a black rock cavern near some [hot?] springs north of San Cristobal [north of Taos]. He was frightened from the cave after seeing a “lizard like” humanoid, the size of a man and walking upright on two feet. source: Tim Ore

  • TAOS – Reports of a native American legend stating that Montezuma was born near Taos and was “instructed by beings who lived in Pueblo Peak, which is near Blue Lake, where UFO’s have been seen entering and exiting the water. Near Taos, in a cave above the Lucero River, not far from Frijoles Canyon, ancient and modern sacrifices were carried out by secret cults. “Members of secret society groups in Taos have been found beheaded, like Arthur Manby who told of a secret “Aztland” Hot Springs roughly 11 miles NW of Taos, flanked by petroglyphs on the canyon walls. source: ALIEN INVADERS, article/treatise by TAL LeVesque

  • TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES – A Mr. Lemon stated that when he was young, about 12, he was out hunting deer NORTH of Truth or Consequences, and was tracking a wounded deer he had shot when he came across an intricately carved stone stairway that led down into the earth, which he determined to investigate after he killed the deer. He searched for years but was never able to find the enigmatic staircase again. source: Cossette Willoughby

      NEW YORK
  • MANHATTAN – A large triangular system of tunnels utilized by a “masonic lodge”, deep below the surface of Manhattan. source: “Tunnels and Caverns Beneath New York City”, article by R. L. Blain-Sanders in the Fall, 1981 issue of SHAVERTRON Magazine

  • MANHATTAN – Con Edison, while drilling a test hole in the north end of East River Park, broke through to open space about 200 feet below, suggesting the existence of a large cavern below. source: uncertain

  • MANHATTAN – Strange stories of several sub-basement levels descending below the Empire State Building, rumors of descending sub-basements connecting with ancient tunnels and sub-basement levels controlled by the Federal government. Following the Twin Towers bombing it was reported that 6 sub-levels controlled by the Secret Service were damaged. Also in a similar fashion LOCAL reporters in the early hours of the Oklahoma City bombing reported that underground tunnels containing all kinds of military hardware had been blasted open, and also rumors of an 18-leveled underground facility below the Murah Federal Building, with the 5 upper levels being used for parking. These aspects of the bombings were, predictably, not advertised by the national media monopolies. source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR; various private news sources

  • MANHATTAN – The Episcopal Church of St. John the Divine at 103 St. and Amsterdam reportedly conceals the entrance to an underground cavern used by an occult lodge, an actual “city” left over from former sub-inhabitants of the eastern seaboard during antediluvian/Atlantean times, and protected by “space-warping” technology. source: ENCYCLOPEDIA OF OCCULTISM & PARAPSYCHOLOGY, by Leslie A. Shepard, pp. 889-890; Maurice Doreal

  • LINCOLN TUNNEL – A man and his wife, traveling through winter snow, parked their car in the Lincoln tunnel to wipe the snow from off of the car, and vanished without a trace. source: John Grant

  • MONTAUK – An underground base 8-9 levels deep below Camp Hero at Montauk Point, Long Island, which is reportedly occupied by Ciakars from Alpha Draco, Greys from Rigel Orion, Black Ops & German Intelligence – Thule Society agents. The Montauk mind control and space-time manipulation projects were based there and at 25 other bases around North America and reportedly involved over 25 thousand “abductees” who have been programmed to serve the as “sleeper” agents of the New World Order. The computer archives of the Montauk Project are housed in the underground facility near the Alsace-Lorraine region near the German-French border, and is known as the Montauk Alsace Lorraine Time Archives [M.A.L.T.A.]. Entrances reportedly exist under the old 7-story Montauk Tower in the nearby town of Montauk; near the Sage Radar Tower and buildings to the north; under the old Montauk Air Force Station; Block Island; East Hampton; in a hill near the Light House at Montauk ‘Point’ itself; in the cliffs overlooking the beaches near Camp Hero; behind the so-called “cement bunkers” that have been sealed; under the “mystery closets” which can be seen throughout the area; and connecting the basements of three [?] buildings – now demolished – in the Shadmoor area directly west of the Ditch Plains public bathhouse and parking lot; an entrance near a boulder which sits along the west side of the SE entry road to the base; and also at Fort Pond Bay. source: Preston Nicholes; Peter Moon; Duncan Cameron; Al Bielek; John Quinn; Michelle Guerin; Michael Ash; Mr. “X”; etc.

  • ROME – A very large underground facility located at the Rome National Air Base where is located a “Montauk Chair” similar to the one at the base under Montauk Point, Long Island. An underground tunnel with electric cars reportedly connects this facility with another smaller facility in Rochester, an entrance to this tunnel connection allegedly being located under the Andrews Street bridge in Rochester. source: Mr. X

    The Brown Mountain Entrance
    Brown Mountain is in North Carolina near Morganton. Morganton is “about 15 miles north of an actual highway marker which has been posted by the state providing any visitor the best view” of Brown Mountain. Brown Mountain is an area in which many strange lights have been seen. There are entrances that lead inside the mountain to an isolated (?) Alien base.

  • OHIO

    ADA – Joint alien-military underground facility. source: UFO Magazine, Vol.7, No.6, 1992

  • BINGER – A large mound north of Binger has traditionally been “haunted” and also the site of a legendary entrance to a vast system of labyrinths leading to the “Land of Kenyon” within a vast cavern illuminated by a bluish electromagnetic aurora/phosphorescence, in which live a peaceable race. However deep below this cavern are other darker realms where malevolent “serpent people” dwell. source: Charles Marcoux

  • MCALESTER – Just before the Korean war three men explored a cavern NE of MCalester, underneath a “haunted mound”, near which strange manifestations, animal mutilations and missing livestock had been reported. The owner at the time had put crosses on the knoll in order to keep “evil spirits” away. The three man, once inside, made their way down into a large cavern and found a seemingly “bottomless shaft” around which spiraled a stone staircase with steps large enough to accommodate a 12 foot giant. They descended for about a mile, not reaching the bottom, and decided to go back up. After the first two had emerged they heard a scream from the third, and some shots from his .45 revolver. They helped him out and in terror he told of hairy animal-men who had suddenly snuck up from behind him, grabbing him and trying to pounce him down to the ground. As evidence he showed his friends the YELLOWISH BLOOD that his gun had extracted from the creatures. source: Charles Marcoux; Victor John C. Johnson

  • OKLAHOMA CITY – Reports which surfaced in the first hours after the Oklahoma City Federal building bombing but were suppressed by the national media, of Firefighters who told of huge tunnels that had been blasted open where they were shocked to see huge underground rooms filled with military arsenals, including missiles and missile launchers, tanks, etc. Also reports of an 18-level base beneath this Federal Building [and others?], with the top 5 levels being used for underground parking. source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR OREGON
  • FORT ROCK BASIN – Water wells north of Fort Rock Basin have been known to blow air for days during periods of high barometric pressure – times when they should rather be taking in air. source: “Central Oregon’s Underground World Filled With Wind That Roars, Whistles…”, Article by Larry Chitwood in THE OREGONIAN, Oct. 31, 1985

  • PORTLAND – “The Astounding Woodstock Mystery Hole just 2 miles west of I-205 located in Portland Oregon. Inside the Mystery Hole you’ll find a Giant Double Arch, Geometric “codes” inscribed on walls, and other oddities. A Black Obsidian Mirror, and a Florite Crystal Tower, re-constructed based on information gleaned from the curious glyphs insculptured on the Giant Double Arch found deep inside The Mystery Hole.” source: INSIDE THE MYSTERY HOLE website
  • ALLEGHENY MOUNTAINS – About 50 miles south of Pittsburgh in the first range of the Allegheny mountains, George A. Lehew reportedly found a cavern which he penetrated for over a mile, the passages becoming increasingly wider. He descended at about a 45 degree angle until reaching a room in which he found a 6-ft.-wide thermol bore, a perfectly circular shaft with smooth glazed walls that had apparently been melted through the rock/earth in some ancient time. Old timers in the area alleged that six “survivors” in 1915 took gear and equipment and spent a month exploring the cave, going 18 miles from the entrance and down almost 5 miles below sea level, where they distinctly heard the “rumble of machinery” off in the distance. source: Letter from George A. Lehew in AMAZING STORIES Magazine, Dec. 1946

  • BLUE RIDGE SUMMIT – The location of the so-called “underground Pentagon” maintained by nearby Ft. Ritchie, and used as a major electronic nerve center for the U.S. military. A massive installation that is also known as “Raven Rock” or “Site R” that was blasted out of greenstone granite 650 feet below. A 260,000 sq. ft. facility sprawling beneath 716 acres composed of five different “buildings” in specially excavated separate caverns, literally forming an underground “pentagon”. Also contains fluorescent lights, convenience store, barbershop, medical and dining facilities, an underground reservoir containing millions of gallons of water, a chapel, 35 miles of telephone lines, and six 1,000-watt generators. It is a supercomputing and electronic command post linked with several military communications networks around the globe, and is reportedly connected via tunnel to Camp David several miles to the north near the town of Thurmont. source: UFO Magazine, Vol.7, No.6; Richard Sauder

  • DIXONVILLE – Mine inspector Glenn E. Berger reported in 1944 to his superiors that the Dixonville mine disaster which “killed” 15 men was not the result of a cave-in, but rather an attack by underground creatures capable of manipulating the earth [partial cave-ins], whose domain the miners had apparently penetrated. Most of the dead miners were not injured by falling rocks but showed signs of large claw marks, others were missing, and one survivor spoke of seeing a vicious humanoid creature that was ‘not of this world’ within an ancient passage that the miners had broke into. The creature somehow created a “cave-in”, blocking himself and another inspector [who closed his eyes when he felt the creatures ‘hot breath’ on his neck] from the main passage until another rescue party began to dig through the collapse, scaring the “creature” away. source: Article by Stoney Brakefield in NEWS EXTRA, July 14, 1974

  • NEW KENSINGTON – A creature, about 4 ft. tall, walking on two feet and “half humanoid – half dinosaur” was seen by grownups and children. One boy attempted to grab the creature from behind, which let out a squealing or screeching sound and escaped. Also, children attempted to pour gasoline on the creature and light it, unsuccessfully, before it escaped into a “sewer tunnel” nearby. source: “Green Thing Sparks Rumors”, article by Michael Burke, in THE VALLEY NEWS DISPATCH, New Kensington-Terentum & Vandergraft, PA., March 5, 1981 issue

  • PITTSBURGH – Two boys enter a cave in a Pittsburgh suburb that was uncovered by road excavation work, only to find a partially buried thermol-bore [a perfectly round fused polished shaft apparently melted through the rock], partially concealed by dirt, and which they uncover and explore. Their dog runs down the sloping shaft, which is about 4 ft. in diameter, ahead of them until a deep, vibrating sound is heard, following which the dog came running back out of the shaft, clawing its way over them and in total terror, running back home. The cave was then subsequently covered by further road excavation. Also rumors of old robber gangs in frontier times who would rob banks and escape to hide away in ancient caverns underground, via an “automatic door” they had discovered in the cliffs. source: THE SHAVER MYSTERY Magazine

  • COLUMBIA – The alleged discovery of an underground tunnel by a family picknicking in the suburban town of Irmo, 4 miles NW of Columbia, Irmo having been suspected in the past of harboring U.N. fugitives. John Don Cooper and his son Wayne Dwayne discovered the opening while out foraging for branches for their makeshift lean-to. The passage led to a man-made cave. According to police spokesman Ralph Hightower the tunnel was located in a wooded area next to the parking lot of the Irmo K-Mart, which was not heavily visited due to competition from a nearby Wal-Mart and Sams Club. Cooper immediately called 1-1-1 and the Irmo SWAT Team responded by storming K-Mart and the tunnel. Caught by surprise, the U.N. infiltrators lost the battle, which lasted about 4 hours, however it was fount that the tunnel branched out to many different and still unknown locations. The tunnel at the town limits of Irmo was sealed by the SWAT Team. Hightower said: “…I don’t think they’ll be back ’cause we kicked their butts real good.” source: local newspaper article from Columbia, S.C., Nov. 23, 1997

  • GAFFNEY – In the mid-1960’s, a woman in Gaffney complained to the local police that someone was digging tunnels under her house, as she was plagued by eerie hums and strange mechanical sounds emanating from under her house. source: THE 8TH TOWER, by John A. Keel

    GALLATIN – On Sept. 23, 1880 at about 3:30 in the afternoon former David Land dematerialized in front of 5 witnesses while walking across a field. Mrs. Lang ran and pounded the ground where he had vanished. Seven months later Lang’s children insisted that they had heard their father crying distantly from UNDERNEATH the field. He seemed desperate and tortured, and was begging for help, until his voice faded away and was not heard again. Where he was last seen there was a circle of WITHERED yellow grass 20 feet in diameter. source: MAJESTIC, by Whitley Streiber

  • ALPINE – The ‘haunted’ Refugio mine in the Chispa Mts. 60 miles SW of Alpine, which had been abandoned in spite of a large amount of silver ore still remaining within. As one investigator attempted to enter a ‘drift’, a thunderous noise and a rush of air came from the tunnel, throwing him against the opposite wall, bruised and dazed, as the air subsided “one of the post piercing and plaintive cries I ever heard” emerged, the terrorized Henry Boyd said. The phenomena was repeated as he left the mine, and later attempts to work the mine ended in injury and terror, some of the men who later attempted to enter the enigmatic tunnel were thrown repeatedly broken and bruised against the tunnel walls as if by an invisible force. source: NEW YORK HERALD, Jan. 4, 1903

  • ATHENS – Joint alien-military underground facility. source: UFO Magazine, Vol.7, No.6, 1992

  • BETWEEN FREDRICKSBURG & MASON – Kiser cave, reportedly pours out a steady stream of carbon dioxide from its mouth, a phenomena which has not yet been explained. source: EXPLORING AMERICAN CAVES, by Franklin Folsom

  • DALLAS – The Texas Instruments plant, near the main gate of the Dallas facility, allegedly conceals an underground entrance leading to large caverns below. Allegations that certain “Shaver Mystery” experts were asked to enter the caverns where small green-skinned humanoids were being contained in cages, in order to offer their opinions as to who or what the beings were. source: Henry M. Steele

  • DENTON – Underground FEMA facility. source: Richard Sauder

  • EL PASO – Tunnel in the Franklin Mts. No further details. source: THE HIDDEN CITY OF CHIHUATLAN, by Charles A. Marcoux

  • FORT WORTH – On the afternoon of Friday, July 13th, 1984, a 20 foot long, 2-foot-high bulge stretched the surface of a street in Fort Worth, as if a giant earthworm was trying to come up from under the road. It seemed alive, swaying back and forth, said Charlie McCafferty of the fire dept. “What spooked me was there wasn’t even a crack in the road.” Jackhammers were used to break through the asphalt & concrete, where they found silt layers intact and no evidence of gas buildup. Shortly after the above event a similar mound was seen on Calvin Lang’s homestead at the outskirts of Ft. Worth, and after prodding it with a rake it disappeared yet it had left some buildings torn apart, fences torn down, and shrubs and trees uprooted. Later Jeremy Boiter spotted what appeared to be a giant tentacle erupting from the ground in a shower of gravel and dirt about 2 miles away. It seized a can and her kittens, devouring them in seconds as well as two growling dog which it swallowed in its “slick dripping mouth”. His friend Phil Dewar also found scraps of birds, rabbits and other while animals among the rubble of a destroyed hut. source: THE WORLD’S MOST INCREDIBLE STORIES, by Adam Sisman; THE GAZETTE, Schenectady, N.Y., 16 July 1984; NATIONAL EXAMINER, 12 Feb. 1985

    “A-K warriors watching undercover and very secretive government movements going on in southern Utah and northern Arizona by the government and archaeology dept. of Utah. They are mapping the Anasazi underground caverns and tunnel systems in Arizona, Utah, Nevada, and New Mexico. This action has been going on for about 2 years. They are using a new development of radar coupled with seismographic signals. One of ours spies in the government said recently that they have made some rather astounding discoveries. Navaho and Kaweah warriors are watching this gab gang of white men. Kawewah warriors in Arizona are looking for two gold hunters in south Arizona area.” source: “Anasazi Underground”, report from AMERICAN INDIAN DEFENSE, Hutchinson, Kansas

  • ALPINE – This “suburban legend” involves a farmer near Alpine who solicited the help of some other men to move a large boulder in his field. The boulder was moved, only to reveal a tunnel leading downward. They descended the sloping tunnel but came to a place where their progress was prevented by a “giant serpent”. In fear, they went back to the surface and re-sealed the shaft with the boulder. source: K. Studstrup

  • CANYON-LANDS NATIONAL PARK – The Druid Arch area is reportedly the site of a joint alien-military base. Many unusual phenomena have been described, including strange men “posing” as park rangers discouraging people from going into certain “public” areas, invisible military personnel who could only been seen as reflections in mirrors, UFO sightings and manifestations, and also a high level of electromagnetic energy which adversely affects electronic equipment. source: “Lands of Ancient Star People”, article by Robert Morning Sky in UFO UNIVERSE, Spring, 1996

  • DUGWAY – Reported underground connection to the Sub-Global network, and also reports of automatons and reptilian humanoids operating under holographic human disguises, who have been seen to transform temporarily to their alien state, according to a hair stylist and a worker at an auto shop in the town of Dugway who both witnesses such temporary transformations. source: confidential

  • LITTLE COTTONWOOD CANYON – A few miles up the canyon there are 3 switch backs on the north side of the road, with security signs posted, leading up to the “granite” cliffs. The first switch back leads to the underground records vault maintained by the Mormon church, which has an underground but “off limits” connecting passage which leads deeper into the mountain, to a massive cavern where military and alien personnel collaborate, and in which witnesses have observed massive construction projects, and large underground buildings in which humans and greys have been seen working at benches on electronic [mind control, etc.] equipment. Also, reports of a “Melchizedek” lodge penetrating the Mormon/LDS and Masonic lodges, the Mt. Shasta Mayan colony, and other ‘lodges’ in Sirius and Arcturus, which have formerly maintained treaties with the grey aliens although many of them have turned against the greys as a result of their betrayals of interactive treaties. The 2nd and 3rd switch backs going up the canyon both intersect at the same point, which is apparently the main surface entrance to the underground “military” facility. source: several confidential sources

  • SALEM-THISTLE – Under the mountains between Salem and Thistle [ghost town] Utah, there are, according to reports, caverns in which a joint Nazi – Masonic – Reptilian underground facility is maintained. Also reports of massive alien/reptilian “infiltration” activity in the area and especially along the “Wasatch Front” of the Western Rockies. source: confidential sources

  • SALT LAKE CITY AIRPORT – Underground FEMA facility. source: Alan DeWalton

  • SALT LAKE CITY – Massive underground facility for human cloning, beneath the University of Utah, where human cloning has been carried out at least since 1977. source: ORION TECHNOLOGY, MIND CONTROL, AND OTHER SECRET PROJECTS, by Val Valerian

  • SALT LAKE CITY – Below Crossroads Plaza [via the EXITS behind the “Crossroads Cinemas” theater on the “right”{?} and also under “manhole” covers within and outside of the mall] are reportedly ancient tunnels that were discovered by early construction workers and excavators, some of which have been refurbished. Also hints of a human/alien collaboration in the area. The tunnels, catacombs and cavern systems below reportedly involve the following: Dangerous encounters with reptilian humanoids, federal agency involvement, men seen in a 300 ft. long chamber wearing suits and carrying Uzi machine guns, holographically concealed side passages, a greenish glow seen emanating from behind a locked[?] door in the 3rd sub-level below Crossroads, ancient wooden doors blocking passages that lead north – also on the 3rd sub-level, tunnels under the NE corner of the Crossroads plaza leading south and east that are blocked by metal gates, a huge passage “large enough to drive a semi through” leading south and strung with lights at the bottom of a multi-leveled concrete shaft with descending trap doors, three-toed footprints and a seemingly bottomless pit seen in the cavern from which the the “semi” tunnel extends southward, rumors of over 100 miles of passages some ancient and some modern, several accounts of people who have disappeared in the underground labyrinth, paranormal manifestations, and whispered rumors of connections to a vast system of cavern-networks covering an area of about 1000 miles diameter and part of an uncollapsed segment of an ancient global aquifer which collapsed forming the ocean beds – a vast system of caverns with penetrates Utah and extends into parts of Idaho, Nevada, Arizona and Colorado. source: several confidential sources

  • ZION CANYON – Reports of a vast underground drainage system which receives the waters of the Great American desert of Utah, Nevada, Arizona and California, stretching from Zion Canyon, to the Grand Canyon of Arizona, to the Carson Sink of Nevada, and to the Mojave desert of California, through which large subterranean rivers flow. source: Letter from Chuck Edwards in THE HIDDEN WORLD, issue A-8 [1962]

  • BELLS COVE – Near the small village [ghost town?] of Bell’s Cove is Buck Hill Caverns, deep within which explorers reportedly discovered a seemingly bottomless shaft, from which emerged the distinct sound of sobbing, or crying and wiling as of a woman in pain. source: “The Phantom of Buck Hill Caves”, from CORNET magazine, Oct. 1961

  • BLUEMONT – Mt. Weather, in northern Virginia, is a virtual underground city 46 nukes from Washington D.C., a C.O.G. [Continuity Of Government] facility, and the hub of the FEMA subterranean network [and its underground facilities which exist beneath several major airport terminals]. The infrastructure of Mt. Weather includes microwave communications systems, a small spring-fed lake, a pair of 250,000 gallon water tanks and several ponds, a sewage treatment plant capable of processing 40,000 gallons per day, a hospital, cafeterias, a diesel powered electrical generating plant, private living quarters and dormitories, closed circuit TV, radio and TV studio, massive super-computing facilities which store personal information on millions of Americans, wargame simulators, electric cars, etc. Insiders admit that an entire non-representative appointed “back up government” lives in residence within Mt. Weather, being entirely unaccountable to the citizens of the U.S.A. There are several C.O.G. facilities within a 300 mile radius of Washington D.C., with Mt. Weather being the central coordinator of this “Federal Arc”. At least 96 underground C.O.G. facilities exist in Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, and North Carolina. source: UFO Magazine, Vol.7, No.6; Richard Sauder; see also MOUNT WEATHER

  • CULPEPER – A couple miles east of Culpeper, just off Rt.3 in northern Virginia, is Mt. Pony, beneath which lies a large underground government facility maintained by the Federal Reserve and Treasury Dept. The 140,000 sq. ft. facility is said to be supplied with water, food, a generator, communications equipment, etc. At least 5 billion dollars worth of Federal Reserve notes has been stored under Mt. Pony. The facility also monitors major global and banking activity via a “Fed Wire”. source: UFO Magazine, Vol.7, No.6; Richard Sauder

  • LANGLEY – At least 7 levels of underground facilities beneath the CIA headquarters, some of which contain recovered alien hardware. source: confidential

  • TAZEWELL – 6 miles SW of Tazewell is “Devils Slide Cave”, from which an unusual sounds have been heard to emanate. source: TECH TROGLODYTE [NSS affiliate newsletter], Vol.12, No.2

  • WARRENTON – The Warrenton Training Center, and underground relocation center for an unspecified Federal Agency. The U.S. Army maintains two underground facilities near Warrenton, “Station A” on Rt.802 and “Station B” on Bear Wallow Road, on Viewtree mountain. Some suggest that both stations, only a couple miles apart, may be connected underneath. Large antennae towers and AT&T microwave facilities suggest an electronics communications and computing facility. Security at Station A is reportedly more extreme than at Station B. source: UFO Magazine, Vol.7, No.6; Richard Sauder

    The House of the Temple, the Scottish Rite Masonic headquarters, sits atop the pentagram-like street layout of Washington D.C. and reportedly connects to ancient glazed tunnels built by “Atlanteans” in antediluvian times, and also connections to a massive cavern called “NOD” where the NSA, Sirians, and other alien species collaborate in an agenda of global domination. Several D.C. buildings are reportedly connected by underground tunnels, both ancient and modern. source: Jon Singer; Richard Toronto; WEIRD AMERICA, by Jim Brandon

  • ELLENSBERG – Mel Waters tells of a “bottomless shaft” in the Madistash Ridge near Ellensberg, about 10 feet wide. Also nicknamed Hell’s Hole. One man claims to have dropped an old refrigerator down the shaft but did not hear it hit. Also reports of military men in the area, and residents who were told not to talk about the subject, also rumors that the U.S. military paid the discoverer a “fortune” to shut up about shaft and “disappear”. source: STRANGE UNIVERSE, April 22, 1997; Art Bell’s DREAMLAND radio program

  • FORT LEWIS – Many reports state that the Madigan military hospital 50 miles south of Seattle is being used by aliens [reptilian] to process military personnel into an alien agenda. The hospital is very high-tech with at least 3 underground levels that are off limits to both civilian and military personnel. Many claim that most of the workers at this Army hospital are “not human”, and a powerful electromagnetic field has been reported within and surrounding the hospital area. The nearby Ft. Lewis has been implicated in certain New World Order predatory activities. source: Article by Val Valerian in THE LEADING EDGE magazine

  • TACOMA – A strange hole in the back yard of Jim and Harriet Johnson’s home, which “devours” everything thrown into it. Cavers explored the hole and saw 3 cone-shaped stones that they could not explain. The Johnson’s built a deck over the hole and planned to sell the house, after former owners related their own experiences. The original owner told of being lowered down the hole only to have his oil lamp sucked out of his hands, while another told of filling the hole with marble and ‘all kinds of stuff’, but the hole ‘erupted’ spewing stuff all over. Another filled the hole with old tires, but the hole seemed to consume the tires, which began sinking out of site. source: EVERETT HERALD [Everett Washington], March 17, 1980

  • YAKIMA – An alien base reportedly lies below the Yakima Indian Reservation SE of Tacoma, Washington. source: THE HOLLOW HASSLE Newsletter, Vol.2, No.2

  • BRAXTON/WEBSTER COUNTIES – The area bordered by Newville on the west, Helvetia on the east, Cleveland on the north and Hacker Valley on the south [Braxton & Webster counties] contain many subsurface anomalies according to the late husband of British Canadian Joan Howard, an abductee whose husband did survey work in the area. He told of strange caverns in the area with strange sounds of voices and machinery emerging from within as if beyond the walls, caves containing strange hieroglyphic writings, a pipe that stands out of the ground FAR from any industrial area which ejects a gas flame upwards, a cavern with a deep chasm near which at least one man vanished [from his sleeping bag at night outside the entrance], and one cavernous labyrinth deep within which one man encountered a woman with no hair who spoke to him in an unknown language, yet being unable to understand him she gave up and disappeared into the depths of the labyrinth. source: THE SPACE – OR SOMETHING – CONNECTION, by Joan Howard

  • POINT PLEASANT – 7 ft. tall reptilian humanoids with 10 ft.-span wings and glowing red hypnotic eyes were observed by several dozen witnesses near Point Pleasant and surrounding communities in the mid 1960’s. One of the most concentrated encounter areas was the so-called TNT area where concrete domes led to several miles of underground tunnels where explosives were stored during WWII. Some young people observed one of the creatures which they chased into one of the “domes” which covered the now “capped” tunnel entrances, however when they entered the dome the creature had vanished. These creatures were described as being something similar to a cross between a humanoid and a pterodactyl, and have been referred to as the Mothmen, Winged Dracos, Winged Serpents, Gargoyles, or Ciakars. John Keel visited the TNT area personally and discovered one large circular area where an almost PHYSICAL atmosphere of terror gripped him and did not leave until he left the “circle”. source: THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES, by John A. Keel

  • WEST VIRGINIA, WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS – A large C.O.G. [Continuity Of Government] facility exists beneath the Greenbrier Hotel, containing living quarters to house 800 people, meeting rooms and banks of computers and communications equipment, 250 miles SW of Washington D.C. in the Allegheny mountains. Also a large dormitory, infirmary, shower facilities, television studio, phone booths, dining areas, power plant, etc. source: UFO Magazine, Vol.7, No.6; Richard Sauder
Atlantis Rising Forum

Recently, Erick von Daniken reported that he’d had been in a network of tunnels that run for thousands of miles beneath the South American continent.   Von Daniken said in the Gold of the Gods that he had been in the tunnels, accompanied by their discoverer, Juan Moricz, a Hungarian immigrant who is now a citizen of Argentina.   Entrance to the subterranean labyrinth is somewhere in the province of Morona-Santiago, Ecuador. According to von Daniken, he saw immense rooms filled with metallic plaques. They constitute a possible record of the ancient world, according to the Swiss writer.

The first knowledge about these immense underground tunnels came when the Conquistadores invaded ancient South America. The ex-swineherd, Francisco Pizarro, kidnapped the emperor of the Incas and held him for ransom.   Francisco drew a red line around the prisoner’s room, nine feet above the floor of the seventeen by twenty-foot room. The Inca stated he would fill the room with gold in return for his freedom. From his cell in Cajamarca, emperor Atahualapa ordered his subjects to gather up gold for his ransom.

Before the emperor could be freed, he was killed by Pizarro’s soldiers. Learning of the assassination, the Incas hid their gold. Thousands of llamas loaded with treasure were diverted away from Cajamarca. It is believed by some treasure hunters that the llama loads of gold were hidden in these ancient tunnels. Indian legends say the gold was secreted “in such a place that even we do not know the location.”

Among the artifacts that vanished were the mummified bodies of thirteen Inca emperors.   They had sat on golden chairs in the Temple of the Sun at Cuzco, the chairs resting on a huge slab of gold. Realizing the Spaniards were interested only in riches, the Indians hastened to hide their sacred objects. Polo de Ondegardo, another of the king’s Conquistadores, stumbled across three mummies of the ancient kings’ twenty-six years later. The mummies were stripped of their jewelry; the bodies were broken into pieces.

The remainder of the mummies have not been found. They are believed to have been hidden in the tunnels beneath Cuzco and the fortress of Sacsahuaman. The old chroniclers say the tunnels were connected with the Coricancha, a name given to the sacred area of old Cuzco.   In addition to the Temple of the Sun, this area contained temples dedicated to the moon, lightening, thunder, Venus, the rainbow and the Pleiades. The area was considered to be sacred to the Incas because of the riches in this “enclosure of gold.”   Around the Temple of the Sun was a yard-wide strip of gold embedded into the stone.   The temple contained an immense sun disc cast from pure gold. The golden disc was attached to the altar wall of the temple in such a way that the morning sun reflected against the great orb. On each side of the large disc were two smaller plates. Finally, another large sun disc was situated in the temple so that it reflected back the rays of the setting sun.

The mummified remains of Inca rulers were placed around the temple decorated with golden jewelry and precious stones. Near the mummies were large gold plates engraved with a picture of the Inca as they appeared during life. These were the treasures that eluded the rapacious Spaniards.

The Garden of the Sun was another fantastic hoard that has been lost.   Sarmiento (1532-1589) reported this subterranean garden was located near the Temple of the Sun. “They had a garden in which the lumps of earth were pieces of fine gold,” he reported. “These were cleverly sown with maize – the stalks, leaves and ears of which were all pure gold. They were so well planted that nothing would disturb them. Besides all this, they had more than twenty sheep with their young. The shepherds who guarded the sheep were armed with slings and staves made of gold and silver. Pots, vases and every kind of vessel were cast from fine gold.” The important buildings in the Coricancha were connected by underground tunnels with the fortress of Sacsahuaman.   Entrances to these tunnels started at the Chincana, “the place where one gets lost.” As we mention in another chapter of this book, all of the entrances have been sealed. Too many adventurous treasure hunters were going in to the caverns and disappearing.

After they conquered Peru, the Spaniards destroyed the temples in Cuzco and the church of Santo Domingo was erected on the site. There is an old legend in Cuzco that a treasure hunter slipped into the tunnels. In his search for riches, the man became lost and wandered through the maze of tunnels for several days. One morning, about a week after the adventurer had vanished, a priest was conducting mass in the church of Santo Domingo.

The priest and his congregation were suddenly astonished to hear sharp rapping on the stone floor of the church. Several worshippers crossed themselves and murmured about the devil’s demons. The priest quieted his congregation and directed that a large stone slab be removed form the ancient floor. The group was astonished to see the treasure hunter come up out of the tunnels carrying a gold bar in each hand.

Dr. A.M. Renwick, dean of the Anglo-Peruvian College in Lima, tells of another temple with immense subterranean passages. Writing in Wanderings in the Peruvian Andes, Dr Renwick told his readers of visiting the ancient temple of Chavin in the isolated regions of the Andean mountains. The temple covers some 30,000 square yards and is fortified. The ruins are situated across a valley from a stone fortress. Dr. Renwick believed underground tunnels connected these two structures.

The temple of Chavin is pyramidal in shape, consisting of four stories. The uppermost parts of the structure have been destroyed. Renwick reported that after considerable effort, his expedition located the entrance to the ancient tunnels.   While the entrance was quite narrow, the tunnels themselves were large and “commodious.” “These subterranean corridors are in almost perfect condition,” Dr. Renwick explained. “The masonry is for the most part, as solid as if built only a few years ago, and the passages are so extensive that we were able to spend the whole day exploring the recesses of this building which must have been reared three thousand years ago. No such walls are built in that region today. The whole is liberally supplied with air. In a place where four corridors meet stands the famous idol of Chavin, a granite obelisk thirteen and a half feet in height with a diameter of over two feet at its widest. It represents a fanged monster, partly jaguar and partly human. Here for at least three thousand years must have stood this idol.

The figure is most carefully engraved in high relief and is adorned with serpents and other symbolic figures.” Dr. Renwick said that other commitments prevented a complete investigation of these subterranean passages.   He felt a survey of the tunnels would require at least two years.

Rumors of these massive tunnels were so persistent during the 1850’s that a viceroy of Peru decided to find the entrance. An expedition was outfitted and sent to find an entrance into the subterranean passages. They were guided by a roughly sketched Inca map that had been obtained from an unknown source by a Jesuit missionary. The map led the gold hunters into the rugged terrain of the Huatanay region of Peru.   This was the area where the last of the Incas resisted the Spanish invaders for almost a hundred years. The Spaniards were under fire by savage Indians. They lost their supplies during a battle in which huge boulders were sent crashing down from high mountains by the outraged Indians. Disgusted with the savagery of the country and the hostility of the Indians, the group gave up their quest and returned to Lima.

Several of the early priests in South America reported hearing deathbed confessions from converted Inca Christians. Father Pedro del Sancho in a Relacion told of a dying Quichua Indian who claimed to have been a witness to the ceremonial closing of the tunnels.   Father del Sancho wrote: “…My informant was a subject of the Inca emperor. He was held in high esteem by those in power at Cuzco. He had been a chieftain of his tribe and made a yearly pilgrimage to Cuzco to worship his idolistic gods. It was a custom of the Incas to conquer a tribe or nation and take their idols to Cuzco. Those who wished to worship their ancient idols were forced to travel to the Inca capital. They brought gifts to their heathen idols. They were also expected to pay homage to the Inca emperor during these journeys”.

“As he lay dying, the man told me that he was revealing that which no other white man had ever been told. When it became apparent that the empire was falling to the “white devils” from across the sea, the high priest of the Temple of the Sun called a meeting. The men who came together were the highest priests of the land. They met with the sorcerers and magicians from Cuzco and other outlying towns. Also in attendance were other noble consorts from the court of Atahualpa, the last emperor.

“It had reached the ears of these men that my countrymen were interested in gold and silver. Their hatred for the emissaries of his majesty, the king, was beyond description. They agreed at this meeting to spirit away as much of their riches as could be handled. These treasures were placed in ancient tunnels that were in the land when the Incas arrived.

“Also placed in these subterranean repositories were artifacts and statues deemed sacred to the Incas. When the hoard had been placed in the tunnels, there was a ceremony conducted by the high priest. Following these rites, the entrance to the tunnel was sealed. The opening was concealed in such a manner that one could walk within a few feet and never be aware of the entrance.

“My informant said that the entrance lay in his land, the territory which he ruled. It was under his direction and with his subjects that the openings were sealed. All who were in attendance were sworn to silence under the penalty of death. Although I requested more information on the exact location of the entrance, my informant refused to divulge more than what has been written down here.” The Russian-born mystic and occultist, Madame Helene H.P. Blavatsky, was traveling in Peru in 1848 when she heard rumors of these ancient tunnels.   The founder of Theosophy, Madame Blavatsky was always interested in unusual events. After leaving Lima, where she heard about the tunnels, Madame Blavatsky went on to Arica on the frontier between Chile and Peru. She questioned everyone she met about the tunnels.   Her report reads: “We reached Arica, near sunset, and at a certain point on the lonely coast we were struck by the appearance of an enormous rock, nearly perpendicular, which stood in mournful solitude on that shore, and apart from the cordillera of the Andes. As the last rays of the sun strike the face of the rock, one can make out, with an ordinary opera glass, curious hieroglyphics inscribed on the volcanic surface.

“When Cuzco was the capital of old Peru, it contained the Temple of the Sun, famed far and near for its magnificence. It was roofed with thick plates of gold and its walls were covered with the same precious metal. The eaves troughs, carrying off the rainwater, were also made of pure gold. In the west wall, the architects had contrived an aperture, in such a way that, when the sunbeams reached it, it caught and focused them inside the temple’s nave and sanctuary. Stretching inside the temple like a golden chain from one sparkling point to another, the rays encircled the walls, illuminating the grim idols, and disclosing certain mystic signs that were at other times invisible.” By interpreting these mystic signs, according to Madame Blavatsky, the location of the tunnels, their entrance and how they might be entered could be discerned.   She reported these signs were invisible except on certain days when the sun’s rays were focused directly on the inscriptions.

Madame Blavatsky reported the tunnels started at Cuzco and ran underground to Lima, a distance of around 380 miles by air. At Lima the tunnels turn southward into what is now modern Bolivia. This is a distance of some thousand miles! She also reported that within the tunnels is a point where a royal tomb has been constructed.   The ancient tomb has been protected by a couple of enormous slabs of stone that form a door. The huge stone door is constructed in such a way that no cracks or joints can be seen. Only by reading certain signs can the secret location of the royal tomb be ascertained.

Exactly where she obtained her information was not mentioned by Madame Blavatsky.   However, she mentioned a secret society of custodians who protect the tunnels. This secret society is believed by many investigators to exist today, carefully guarding the treasures of the ancients. However entrance could be obtained to the subterranean labyrinth provided the seeker can interpret symbols carved on rocks and visible only when the sun hits the stone at a certain angle.

Even if an adventurous person were to find the entrance, the tunnels would be extremely dangerous to explore. If the Inca’s tomb is flanked by huge stone doors that pivot, there must be a method gaining entrance. The doors may be operated by a hidden mechanism. They might open when a certain word is spoken, reminiscent of the “open sesame” of the Arabian nights.

We can assume that the ancient builders of the tunnels anticipated possible grave robbers. They probably created a deadly trap for unwary ghouls. Madame Blavatsky was told during her South American trip that a thousand soldiers couldn’t penetrate into the treasure-laden tomb.   Her informant said: “… A thousand soldiers, were they in the tunnel, would be forevermore one with the dead, did they attempt to force their way into the treasure tomb of the dead Inca. There is no other access to the Arica chamber, but through the hidden door in the mountains near the Rio Payquina. Along the entire length of the main corridor, from Bolivia to Lima and royal Cuzco, are smaller hiding places filled with treasures of gold and gems and jewels, that are the accumulation of many generations of Incas. The aggregate value of the treasures is beyond the power of man to estimate.” Nearly a hundred years ago, Madame Blavatsky claimed to have an accurate map of the tunnels. “We had in our possession an accurate map of the tunnels, the sepulcher, the great treasure chamber and the hidden, pivoted rock doors,” she stated. “It was given to us by an old Peruvian; but if we had ever thought of profiting from the secret it would have required the co-operation of the Peruvian and Bolivian governments on an extensive scale. To say nothing of physical obstacles, no one individual or small party could undertake such an exploration without encountering an army of brigands and smugglers with which the coast is infested, and which, in fact, includes nearly the entire population. The mere task of purifying the mephitic air of the tunnel not entered for centuries would also be a serious one. There the treasure lies, and tradition says it will lie until the last vestige of the Spanish rule disappears from the whole of North and South America.” When Christopher Columbus landed on the island of Martinique, a story of similar tunnels was brought to his attention.   The Carib Indians told the Spanish about the Amazon women who lived without men. Columbus and his crew were informed that these women would hide in ancient subterranean tunnels if they were bothered by men. If their persistent suitors followed them into the tunnels, the Amazons cooled their passions with a flurry of arrows from their strong bows.

The concept of vast underground passages is enough to boggle the mind. That such tunnels could be constructed indicates a science in pre-Inca or Inca days. It means there was a technology capable of building a labyrinth beneath the earth.

And for what purpose? It is one thing to construct an underground shelter in the event of a catastrophe. Such a cavern, man-made or naturally formed, would provide safe refuge against an impending disaster. To construct tunnels that run for a hundred or a thousand miles beneath the South American continent is beyond the boundaries of present knowledge.

But many people persist in hunting for the caverns. I have corresponded with and met several people who search for the tunnel entrance. Some are wild-eyed visionaries with a fanatical gleam in their eyes. A few are mentally disturbed individuals. Others are quick-buck opportunists out to fleece anyone who will put up funds for the funds for an expedition.

A sampling of the correspondence includes this letter from a Brazilian physician who spends his vacation time hunting for the tunnels.   He writes: “… English Explorer, Colonel Fawcett, disappeared in the jungles several years ago. He was searching for a tunnel entrance into the subterranean world in the Rancador mountains when he vanished. Reports from that part of Brazil indicate that Fawcett and his son, Jack and their companion were living in a cavern city beneath the mountains. They were well treated, according to these reports, but they were not allowed to return to the surface because they might reveal the location of the entrance.

“The entrance to the cavern city is carefully guarded by the Murcego Indians. They are a ferocious, dark-skinned tribe with a highly developed sense of smell. You must obtain their approval before you enter the caverns. However, should they decide you are not worthy to share the secret, you will not be allowed to return to civilization.

“There is a legend in Brazil that the subterranean cities were constructed by the survivors of Atlantis. We don’t know if the present inhabitants are the descendants of the Atlanteans, or whether they died and another race wandered into the tunnels and settled in the city.” Francisco Pizarro found tunnel entrances that had been closed with gigantic slabs of stone during the campaign against the Incas.   Pizarro located these entrances at a height of 22,000 feet on Huascaran, the sacred mountain of the Incas. History doesn’t tell if he succeeded in entering the cavern or what he found there.

These caves were forgotten until 1971 when a group of South American spelunkers organized an expedition to explore the caverns. They arrived at the Peruvian village of Otuzco.         The group was equipped with winches, miners lamps, ropes, cables, and battery-powered flashlights.   Two hundred feet below the surface, the group found their progress blocked by several huge slabs of stone. It took the efforts of four men to push these doors open, pivoting the slabs on stone balls that acted as guides.

A report on what they discovered indicates history may need to be revised. A Peruvian periodical said: “The tunnels found behind the stone slab doors would test the ingenuity of today’s largest and best equipped contractors. These tunnels lead toward the seacoast angling away at a slope of 14 degrees. The floor of the tunnel is made from stone slabs. These stones have been mortised and grooved to fit together. They have been marked in such a manner that they are slip-proof.

“The tunnels extend for an estimated sixty miles and end some eighty feet below sea level where they are flooded with seawater. It is believed that the tunnel may have run beyond the coast, under the ocean, and onto an island off the coast. To date, the speleologists have not ventured beyond the spot where the tunnels are flooded.”

“Scholars point out that the skills needed to construct these tunnels was beyond the knowledge of the natives of ancient Peru. Exactly who built the tunnel and why, remains a mystery.” Perhaps the mystery of the tunnels will be solved someday in the future.   Until then, we might consider that these structures were probably in South America prior to the reign of the Incas. Some scholars have suggested that the tunnels were built by the Atlaneans. Others have speculated that an unknown race that existed before the flood constructed the tunnels.   Still others debate the possibility that the tunnels were made by the unknown builders of Tiahuanaco and other megalithic stone-works. It is rumored, but not proven, that subterranean tunnels can be found under the ruins of Tiahuanaco, that the passages spread out from those ruins to other points on the continent.

Peter Cristobal de Molina, a Spanish chronicler in the 15th century, tried to penetrate the mystery of the Inca tunnels.   In Ritos y Fabulas de los Incas, Molina reported a South American legend about the creator of mankind leaving the surface and going into an underground paradise. The father of humanity did this after his work was complete.   This secret retreat for the “God” or “gods” of old South America was the origin of many culture bearers and teachers who pop up periodically throughout history.  

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