
Hopi Prophesies

from DreamScape Website As you wind your way through the prophecies on this site and those you may find elsewhere, you would do well to pay particular attention to the accuracy of those of the Hopi People. Their prophecies are not written in obscure, archaic language, hidden away in dusty tomes. Hopi Elders pass these…

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by Wes Penre November 27, 2003Last Updated: June 10, 2005 from Illuminati-News Website  This whole thing with the Illuminati and a Shadow Government may be unreal to many people, but stay with me for a while and give it a chance. I encourage you to read this introduction, overview article before you read anything else…

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The Dulce Caverns and Pueblo Mythology

by Branton In his article ‘ALIEN INVADERS’, researcher ‘TAL’ LeVesque reveals the following information in regards to the ancient “Evadamic-Draconian” conflict which has, for thousands of years, raged upon, within and beyond planet earth: “The ‘DRACONIAN’ Group is a Confederation. They are Reptilian Humanoids, with sub-groups [The ‘Serpent Race’, from Sirius]… (Note: Sirius figures prominently…

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Alien Parasites- We Are Borg

by Alain Gossens Karma One March-July 2005Translated from French by John Lash from MetaHistory Website recovered through WayBackMachine Website Spanish version The “New Sorcery”In this article, we refer to the work of Carlos Castaneda, an anthropologist of obscure South American origins who established himself in southern California where he published a thesis on the use…

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