
Hopi Prophesies
from DreamScape Website As you wind your way through the prophecies on this site and those you may find elsewhere, you would do well to pay particular attention to the accuracy of those of the Hopi People. Their prophecies are not written in obscure, archaic language, hidden away in dusty tomes. Hopi Elders pass these…

by Wes Penre November 27, 2003Last Updated: June 10, 2005 from Illuminati-News Website This whole thing with the Illuminati and a Shadow Government may be unreal to many people, but stay with me for a while and give it a chance. I encourage you to read this introduction, overview article before you read anything else…
Jade Helm- An AI Experiment?
April 28, 2015 from TabuBlog Website All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent (and consciously passive, inactive and willfully uncaring and unaware). Edmund Burke In the Western States a weeks long “drill” called JADE/HELM is set to take place. This is the End Game of…
Nazi Mind Control – Comments by Jim Marrs
by J.Marrs extracted from “Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America” 2008 from Archive Website Nazi investigations in to exotic sciences did nor end with flight and weapons technology. Since prior to the twentieth century, Germans had delved into psychology and psychiatry with an eye toward their application to warfare, even to the extent…