
We have Created a New Life Form-Think About the Ramifications
by Emily SingerMarch 24, 2016 from QuantaMagazine Website The ‘syn3.0’ cells contain the minimum number of genes needed for life. Scientists have created a synthetic organism that possesses only the genes it needs to survive. But they have no idea what roughly a third of those genes do. Peel away the layers of…

40 Years As A Diplomat with the Secret Space Force
Antichrist The Contemporary Data from RedMoonRisingWebsite recovered throughWayBackMachineWebsite Please see the Important Noteat the bottom The 20 thcentury has seen the decline of traditional Christian beliefs and the rise of the seemingly all-inclusive, multi-dimensional belief system known loosely as “New Age” spirituality.Helena BlavatskyandAlice Baileywere two of the most well known organizers of this movement in…

The AntiChrist- Give Some Serious Thought to This
Antichrist The Contemporary Data from RedMoonRisingWebsite recovered throughWayBackMachineWebsite Please see the Important Noteat the bottom The 20 thcentury has seen the decline of traditional Christian beliefs and the rise of the seemingly all-inclusive, multi-dimensional belief system known loosely as “New Age” spirituality.Helena BlavatskyandAlice Baileywere two of the most well known organizers of this movement in…

DARPA is what??
by Emily SingerMarch 24, 2016 from QuantaMagazine Website The ‘syn3.0’ cells contain the minimum number of genes needed for life. Scientists have created a synthetic organism that possesses only the genes it needs to survive. But they have no idea what roughly a third of those genes do. Peel away the layers of…

The Seeders – Life came from Somewhere
There is, in addition to recently published channeled work by Elena Danaan is some of the lore about a race of beings who, in ancient times, traveled throughout the galaxy bring the seeds of life to habitable heavenly bodies. This is a post about that. In my opinion, it has a ring of truth. by…

Henry Deacon- An Update by Project Camelot
from ProjectCamelot Website An update from ‘Henry Deacon’ 17 February 2007 Spanish versionWhat we present here was not recorded in any interview. This is our own compilation of what we consider important from a number of conversations and written exchanges since our first meeting. We know Henry very well now. He’s a values-driven man…

Atlantis and it’s Empire
by Marco M. VigatoNew Dawn Special Issue Vol. 16 No 2 (April 2022) from NewDawnMagazine Website Marco M. Vigato has written a book that establishes the historical and geological reality of Atlantis and reveals its continuing influence worldwide: The Empires of Atlantis – The Origins of Ancient Civilizations and Mystery Traditions throughout the Ages Most…

Alien Influences
by Franz Erdl 2009 from PsiTalent Website Spanish version Every human being has been programmed during past lives by reptilian aliens. I describe, by my own experience, how the aliens suck our energies by manipulating our everyday life, our relationships and sex life and that they have designed lots of spiritual paths, religions and healing…

CIA File Dump on UFOs- Why Now?
by Nathan FaldeJanuary 19, 2021from Ancient-Origins Website US government info on “everything” to do with UFO sightings, held by the CIA, was released and published online on January 14, 2021. Source: IgorZh/ Adobe Stock “What does the U.S. government really know about UFOsand for how long have they known it?” Ufologists and UFO experiencers have been asking…