Underground Bases and Remote viewing

Remote Viewing Underground UFO Basesby Cassandra ‘Sandy’ FrostSoultravel.nuNovember-28-2005 from Rense Website Atwater is the author of ‘Captain of My Ship, Master of My Soul’ and is an internationally acclaimed speaker. He was personally hired by Robert Monroe in June, 1988 and he currently works as the Research Director for the Monroe Institute: monroeinstitute.org Joe McMoneagle…

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The Cosmic Wars by Branton – A Major Treatise- Chapter 4 out of 12

The following historical scenario is a revolutionary one which, we acknowledge, contradicts “traditional” historical thought in many ways. We only ask the reader to carefully weigh the information and make their own determination as to its accuracy and historical reliability. The reader must be the one to decide how to fit the following information into…

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The Late John Lear- One of the Greats of UFO Research- The Project Camelot Interview- As Usual, Kerry Cassidy’s Work is Impeccable

Las Vegas, NevadaApril 2008from ProjectCamelot Website Yes, he’s incorrigible and fun loving, with a great sense of humor that has served him well over these many years. Our 2006 interview with John Lear remains one of our favorites. When we met again with him recently, with considerably more time at our disposal than we had…

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