Going Black- Follow the Money
by Catherine Austin Fitts23 September 2002 from Scoop Website Catherine Austin Fitts is the President of Solari, Inc., a former Assistant Secretary of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner in the first Bush Administration and a former partner and member of the board of Dillon, Read & Co. Inc and President of Hamilton Securities. She is…
Stop Abusing the Indigo Children
by Brian Desborough February 21st, 2004 from HyddenMysteries Website I was then simply a young inexperienced “naive idiot” in a very very sophisticated and successful covert psychological warfare operation run by the late Brenden O’Regan of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and the late Harold Chipman who was the CIA station chief for all mind…
The Hidden Evil – Part One
by Mark M. Rich2009 from TheHiddenEvil Website Overview Throughout this book I will be presenting evidence on what I’ve discovered to be highly organized, covert, psychological warfare campaigns being carried out on the civilian population in all NATO countries. Upon researching this phenomenon, I found that it led to elite organizations that have instigated wars,…
US Space Command from an insider
by Kerry Cassidy Project Camelot 2013 – 2014 from YouTube Website Interview 1 TOTAL RECALL – MY INTERVIEW WITH MARK RICHARDSNovember 8, 2013 This is an interview with Captain Mark Richards conducted at Vacaville Prison on November 2, 2013. This is the first time in the over 30 years of his incarceration, that any journalist…
Galactic Federation and More
January 29 2024 from ElenaDanaan Website Thor Han Eredyon is an Errahel from planet Erra, in the Ashaara (Taygeta) star system, and my soul companion since we left our original home star system, Altea, in the NGC 7331 galaxy, visible in the Pegasus constellation, several hundreds of thousands of years ago. We undergone together many…
Cyborgs and More
by Ben PopperAugust 8, 2012 from TheVerge Website Shawn Sarver took a deep breath and stared at the bottle of Listerine on the counter. “A minty fresh feeling for your mouth… cures bad breath,” he repeated to himself, as the scalpel sliced open his ring finger. His left arm was stretched out on the operating…
Mass Surveiilance and More
by A Lily BitMarch 19, 2024from ALilyBit Website European Parliament Approves ‘Artificial Intelligence Act,’ ushering in Mass Surveillance in the Name of “Public Safety”… In a move that rings with Orwellian undertones, the European Parliament has propelled the Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Act from its conceptual cradle in 2021 to the precipice of legal reality, transforming…
The Lacerta Files- An Interview with a Reptilian Female
December 26, 2004 Originally published at PRAVDA OnLine from LuisPrada Website Spanish version Note of the Editor of Brother Veritus’ Website These English translations were edited to correct English grammatical errors but message and intent were left intact. The word “Ilojiim” or “Illojim” used extensively in these texts could mean “Elohim”, since this is the…