The Hidden Evil – Part One

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by Mark M. Rich

from TheHiddenEvil Website


Throughout this book I will be presenting evidence on what I’ve discovered to be highly organized, covert, psychological warfare campaigns being carried out on the civilian population in all NATO countries.

Upon researching this phenomenon, I found that it led to elite organizations that have instigated wars, manipulated major historical events, and have wreaked havoc on a population that is largely unaware of their existence. After reading this book you may draw your own conclusions.

I will be explaining something that resembles insanity, but isn’t insanity, yet is caused by those who are insane. This will become evident later. The information in this book will be uncomfortable to most people. Some of it will be scary. I do not present the information for the purpose of scaring you, but it is a peripheral result of explaining something this repulsive in detail. It appears that the more areas of a horrific phenomenon you attempt to illuminate, the more you discover how horrifying it really is.

There are multiple websites now devoted to this topic which are listed in the Resources section of this book. Some independent talk shows such as The Grassy Knoll, The Power Hour, The Investigative Journal, and a few others, have covered this topic. But it is not yet recognized by the mainstream media, the legal community, or mental health professionals, for reasons which I will explain.

Some of the people I’ll be referencing have been labeled conspiracy nuts by the mainstream media in order to be discredited.(*) Interestingly, I’ve found that some of those engaged in the paranormal are partially responsible for the creation of this program. So, as I’ll demonstrate, the financial elite recruit the services of these individuals when required, but attack them when they expose their operations. These are standard discrediting tactics. This will be explored in the Tactics and Techniques to Discredit chapters.

Each person or organization used as a source may not necessarily agree with my overall estimation of this, or with other sources listed. They are used to illustrate specific points. If you’re on the receiving end of this policy, or even if you’re not targeted but have researched it, you may not completely agree with my findings. I’m just presenting the information that I’ve compiled. I don’t propose to have the absolute truth regarding this phenomenon, but my aim is to obtain it.

There are people who will have a vested interest in discrediting me or the information in this book. I’ve taken much caution to minimize the amount of informational errors that it contains. But most books contain some errors.(**) I have taken little liberty when making certain points that I believe are pertinent by doing my best to document this phenomenon as much as possible.

But, as much as I’ve done my best to do this, the media, and “experts,” may find something wrong with it and begin a relentless campaign to discredit me. Some words or phrases may be twisted around and quoted out of context. Small irrelevant inconsistencies may be blown out of proportion. There may also be a pervasive effort by multiple respectable “victims” to discredit me, or this information. As I’ll demonstrate, these are predictable tactics. But keep this in mind–after absorbing the information, ask yourself; does it ring true to you?

I will be referencing the work of doctors, former federal law enforcement, politicians, and researchers. Some of these individuals have seen how this planet really works due to their experience on the front lines. This experience has given them a glimpse of matters that will eventually affect everyone. They have issued warnings to the public in their books and publications. But apparently too many are asleep.

During this presentation you’ll see evidence from both the political Left and the Right. Because there are often barricades which prevent people who have adopted a political side from receiving information, I ask that you briefly abandon any identification with a political party. This is necessary for two reasons. First, mainstream conservative and liberal news sources both occasionally publish useful information. Second, as I’ll demonstrate, both political parties are controlled by the same source. The left/right political spectrum is a control mechanism.

Acknowledging this trap in his book, America’s Secret Establishment, Professor Antony C. Sutton stated, “Above all the reader must-at least temporarily while reading this work-put to one side the descriptive clich s of the left and right, liberal and conservative, communist and fascist, even republican and democrat. These terms may be important for self-recognition, they do provide a certain reassurance, but they are confusing in our context unless seen as essential elements in a game plan.”

The first part of this volume (Volume I), explains how the Hidden Evil can be allowed to exist in our society. This volume will cover the controlling financial elite, who they are, what they’ve done, and what their plans are. It will provide evidence to support my premise that, unknown to the masses, elite groups control their governments.

The second part of Volume I is an overview of historical events that have been kept from mainstream publications. It provides an outline which explains how the Hidden Evil is part of a recurring historical pattern. It also explains how these elite groups control the media, schools, and have rewritten history. Furthermore, it documents their financial support for Russian and German dictatorships, as well as a string of lies they’ve used to cover their tracks.

Volume II will focus on the structure, tactics, and purpose for the Hidden Evil, as well as how people can be persuaded to serve it. Also in Volume II, we’ll explore the high probability that it was created by these elite organizations. I’ll also cover the subject of Satanism which has surfaced many times during my research, and manifests itself on multiple levels within this program. But, it is not necessary to believe in Satan, Christ, or any religion in order to recognize that the Hidden Evil exists.

This book is not a complete coverage of the Global Union (New World Order), or of the global financial elite. Neither is it an in-depth coverage of history, or Non-lethal Weapons (NLW), also called Directed Energy Weapons (DEW). But it’s necessary that these subjects are touched upon to show a pattern which suggests that the Hidden Evil is a foundational element for the maintenance of a dictatorship, and was created by people who have funded dictatorships in the past.

Why would I want to focus on such a dark area of humanity? There is the argument by some mystics or New Agers that much of reality is an illusion. They insist that perception is reality, and if you choose to change your interpretation of an event, then it will have whatever meaning you assign to it. I think that is the case. Many things can be changed by choosing a different belief system.

But I also think there are principles and circumstances which exist no matter what. They exist regardless of our beliefs or knowledge of their existence.

The Hidden Evil is one of them.


* Dr. Rauni Leena Kilde, who has written about this phenomenon, has been labeled a conspiracy nut (, for believing that there may be intelligent life in the universe besides human beings.
** This book will contain grammatical & spelling errors. Some of them are my responsibility. In addition, the manuscript for this book has undergone frequent sabotage. This occurred from the time I began writing it, up until (and including) the time it was uploaded to the publisher’s server.

Before covering the specific groups which are likely responsible for creating the Hidden Evil, it’s necessary to explain that the United States and other NATO countries are not run by their respective leaders.

The power structure does not operate in the manner taught in public schools. The evidence I’ll be presenting suggests that these nations are run by an elite cabal of wealthy individuals who prefer to operate from behind the scenes.

This group has been called the Establishment, the Secret Brotherhood, the Alliance, the Invisible Government, the Shadow Government, a legal mafia, the New World Order, the Illuminati, the Insiders, the Military-industrial Complex, etc.(*)

In an article entitled, Elite Clique Holds Power in the U.S., which appeared in the Indianapolis News on December 23, 1961, Edith Kermit Roosevelt wrote,

“The word ‘Establishment’ is a general term for the power elite in international finance, business, the professions and government, largely from the northeast, who wield most of the power regardless of who is in the White House. Most people are unaware of the existence of this ‘legitimate Mafia.'”

She described,

“The power of the Establishment makes itself felt from the professor who seeks a foundation grant, to the candidate for a cabinet post or State Department job. It affects the nation’s policies in almost every area.”

Most people can sense that something is wrong, but can’t quite put their finger on what it is.

Despite changes in administration every four years, the planet continues to fall apart. Professor Sutton stated in his book, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler,

“Wars are started (and stopped) with no shred of coherent explanation. Political words have never matched political deeds.”

The reason, he asserted, is,

“because the center of political power has been elsewhere than with elected and presumably responsive representatives in Washington, and this power elite has its own objectives, which are inconsistent with those of the public at large.”

On March 26, 1922, the Mayor of New York City, John F. Hylan said,

“The real menace of our republic is the invisible government which, like a giant octopus, sprawls its slimly length over our city, state and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses generally referred to as ‘international bankers.’ This little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run our government for their own selfish ends.”

Congressman Lawrence P. McDonald wrote in November of 1975,

“Money alone is not enough to quench the thirst and lusts of the super-rich. Instead, many of them use their vast wealth, and the influence such riches give them, to achieve even more power. Power of a magnitude never dreamed of by the tyrants and despots of earlier ages. Power on a worldwide scale. Power over people, not just products.”

In his book Dark Majesty, Professor Texe Marrs added,

“The men at the top of the empire are billionaires many times over. Yet they still want more money.”

Author James Perloff describes the typical path of one of these individuals, in his book, The Shadows of Power. He writes that it “begins in private schools, the most famous being Groton.

From these they have typically proceeded to Harvard, Yale, Princeton, or Columbia, there entering exclusive fraternities, such as Yale’s secretive Skull and Bones… From academia they have customarily progressed to Wall Street, perhaps joining an international investment bank, such as Chase Manhattan, or a prominent law firm or brokerage house.”

He continues,

“Some of the politically inclined have signed on with the establishment think tanks like the Brookings Institution and the Rand Corporation,” and “a few have found themselves on the boards of vast foundations.”

From there, states Perloff, they ascend into,

“high positions in the federal government,” which requires membership in a “New York-based group called the Council on Foreign Relations.”

Professor Marrs declared,

“Five major groups-Banking and Money, Political, Intelligence, Religious, and Educational-are under the immediate direction and control of this small band of men.”

Everybody has heard of the “they” who seem to be in control of things.

“Whatever we call this self-perpetuating elitist group,” explained Professor Sutton, “it is apparently fundamentally significant in the determination of world affairs, at a level far behind and above that of the elected politicians.”

Before we explore who they are, I should point out that throughout this book you’ll notice a steady pattern of the following:

  • They disguise themselves and their intentions by creating groups which profess only the most innocent objectives. In this manner, they masquerade as humanitarians.
  • They frequently resort to lying and deceiving to accomplish their objectives.
  • They often use the National Security Act to justify their destructive deeds and to provide cover when they get caught.

So who are “they?”

Apparently, Wall Street, multinational corporations, international banks and wealthy people have formed elite groups to serve as vehicles for their interests.

These include Think Tanks such as,

  • the Council on Foreign Relations
  • the Trilateral Commission
  • the Bilderbergers,

…and others, which are interlocked with the Tax-exempt Foundations and the Federal Reserve.

According to Professor Sutton, Think Tanks, the Federal Reserve, the Executive Branch of the White House, Law, Education, and Media are all interlocked at the top, and controlled by an elite cabal.

“We should realize that many of these groups are closely allied together,” agreed Professor Marrs.

“In some cases,” he said, “the same man may simultaneously serve as either president or on the board of directors of a banking and money institution, a political group, an intelligence organization, a religious denomination or organization, and a foundation or educational group.”

Perloff acknowledged this interlock too, when he stated that their members serve “on the boards of vast foundations,” such as “Rockefeller, Ford, and Carnegie.”

Rene Wormser, General Council to the Reece Committee which investigated Tax-exempt Foundations, provides us with an example of interlocking directorates. In his book, Foundations: Their Power And Influence, he sites a report from a congressional investigation by the Reece Committee, concerning the Rand Corporation.

He states,

“This is a corporation in the nature of a foundation, which plays a very important part in government research. It would warrant special attention in connection with any study of the extent to which foundation interlocks have influenced government.”

“Among the trustees and officers of The Rand Corporation,” continues Wormser, “were found [by the Reece Committee] the following who had material connections with other foundations: Charles Dollard (trustee), Carnegie Corporation; L.A. Dudbridge (trustee), Carnegie Endowment National Science Foundation; H. Rowan Gaither, Jr. (trustee) Ford Foundation; Philip E. Mosely (trustee), Ford Foundation… Frederick F. Stephan (trustee), Rockefeller Foundation … Hans Speier (officer) (Ford) Behavioral Science Division…”

These Think Tanks hold regular meetings, which are not open to the public. According to a book entitled, Who’s Who of the Elite, by Robert Gaylon Ross, topics of conversation include wars.

He explained,

“[they] decide when wars should start, how long they should last, when they should end, who will and will not participate, the changes in boundaries of countries resulting from the outcome of these wars, who will lend the money to support the war efforts, and who will lend the money to rebuild the countries after they have been destroyed by war.”

“They own the central banks,” continued Ross, “such as the Federal Reserve System in the US, and similar organizations in all major countries throughout the world, and therefore are in a position to determine discount rates, prime rates … [&] what countries should receive loans (guaranteed by the taxpayers of the respective countries)…

They decide who will be allowed to run for the offices of President, Prime Minister, Chancellor, Governor General, or other names applied to the leaders of all major countries around the world.” In addition, they, “directly or indirectly own all the major news media, and can therefore tell the public exactly what they want them to hear, and deny the public information they do not want them to see, hear, or read.”

If the general population knew that a handful of unelected people were running their government they would probably be outraged.

This “legitimate mafia” prefers to remain behind the scenes, apparently so people will still believe they live in a constitutional republic. But their existence is not completely hidden. By incident, or accident, people such as targeted individuals, corporate/government whistleblowers and others, have directly experienced how government really works and who controls it.

Their experience on the front lines have given them insights into approaching situations that the general population is not yet aware of.

“Secret elitist groups always censor, or try to censor, news about their covert activities,” declared Antony Sutton and Patrick Wood in their book, Trilaterals Over Washington.

“Censorship stems from the overall need for secrecy, to conceal from the world at large. As long as Trilaterals (and Bilderbergers and other elite groups) skulk around the world convening closed meetings in secluded corners with security guards to keep out the press then we may conclude that Trilaterals, Bilderbergers, and the rest have something to hide.”

Most members of these elite organizations are not aware of their true objectives.

According to these researchers, there is an inner-core of members that are.

“These members are aware of only about 50%, or less of the goals, and objectives of the Global Union movement,” proclaimed Ross. “A large number of these people are members for ego, and social reasons only,” and would probably resign if they were to “find out what the Global Union is ‘really’ up to.”

These elite organizations have been called Think Tanks or modern secret societies.(**)

Some receive their funding from Tax-exempt Foundations.

“The existence of groups like the Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, and the Bilderbergers is well documented,” stated Jim Marrs in his underground bestseller, Rule by Secrecy. “The only question is the extent of their control and manipulation of major world events.”

“Likewise,” said Marrs, “there is no question that members of these societies exert inordinate control over many of the largest corporations and banks in the world. These corporations, in turn, control essential minerals, energy, transportation, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, telecommunications, and entertainment-in other words, the basics of modern life.”

When these policies are set at the top by the controlling elite who have been known to promote a one-world socialist order, then it’s understandable how destructive policies, which appear to be positive, can be filtered down to local and state governments.

Marrs explained,

“If the top leadership of government and business is controlled … then the activities of subservient agencies and divisions must be of little consequence. Government bureaucrats – honest and well-intentioned workers for the most part – simply follow orders and policies set by superiors.”

Former FBI Agent Dan Smoot acknowledged this covert power structure in his book, The Invisible Government, when he wrote,

“Somewhere at the top of the pyramid in the invisible government are a few sinister people who know exactly what they are doing…”

The invisible government that Smoot refers to has established identifiable groups, which it uses as vehicles to carry out its policies.

In his bestselling book, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Author Gary Allen, declared that they have “established some very special and highly influential organizations, many of which have clandestine aims and goals.”

He lists some of these groups as,

“the Bilderbergers, the Club of Rome, the Aspen Institute, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, [and] the Bohemian Grove.”

Local, state, and federal law enforcement are reportedly controlled by these Think Tanks.

“The Elite control our courts, the Pentagon, the U.N., NATO, N.S.A., C.I.A., F.B.I., B.A.T.F., our Senate and House of Representatives,” charged Ross, “and directly or indirectly control all local law enforcement agencies.”

Author Marrs agreed that government agencies under control of these elite groups include,

“not only the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA),” he said “but the National Security Council (NSC), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), National Security Agency (NSA), Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF), Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and many others.” He added, “These agencies are themselves secretive, citing reasons of national security, [&] executive privilege.”

“The Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and a few others – numbering less than a dozen leaders of international finance are the real power behind the visible thrones of world government,” observed Professor Marrs.

“No major policy is formulated without their input; no major plan of action is implemented without their specific ‘go’ signal.”

One of my goals is to show you who “they” are, what they’ve done, how they’ve covered it up, and what their plans are.

Throughout the rest of this book, myself & other authors will periodically refer to these interlocking Think Tanks using the abbreviations, BB for Bilderberg, TC for Trilateral Commission, and CFR for Council on Foreign Relations.

Now I’ll explain these elite groups in more detail. Let’s meet your unelected rulers.


* From the information I’ve come across, the term New World Order has been used to describe three things: a political movement, a group of individuals bringing about the movement, and joint reference to both the movement and the group fostering it. My understanding is that the term refers to the movement.
** Some literature describes these organizations as think tanks or modern secret societies, and others describe them as foundations. Carnegie Endowment is listed as a foundation in Foundations: Their Power and Influence by Wormser, but also listed as a think tank in Who’s Who of the Elite by Ross, and Trilaterals Over Washington by Sutton and Wood. Author Marrs describes the CFR, TC and Bilderbergers as modern secret societie

The Trilateral Commission

The Trilateral Commission was founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski. It has headquarters in New York, Paris, and Tokyo.

It is said to be funded by the tax-exempt giants like Ford, Lilly Endowment, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the German Marshall Fund, and corporations such as Time, Bechtel, Exxon, General Motors, Wells-Fargo, etc.

Its membership is composed of past and present presidents, ambassadors, secretaries of state, Wall Street investors, NATO and pentagon military personnel, international bankers, foundation executives, media owners, university presidents and professors, senators and congressmen, and wealthy industrialists and entrepreneurs.

“The Trilateral Commission was formally established in 1973 and consisted of leaders in business, banking, government, and mass media from North America, Western Europe, and Japan,” wrote James Perloff.

“David Rockefeller was founding chairman and Brzezinski founding director of the North American branch, most of whose members were also in the CFR,” he added. Author Jim Marrs announced, “With the blessing of the Bilderbergers and the CFR, the Trilateral Commission began organizing on July 23-24, 1973 at the 3,500-acre Rockefeller estate at Pocantico Hills, a subdivision of Tarrytown, New York.”

Its existence is a proven fact as verified by mainstream news sources such as Time Magazine, the Wall Street Journal, U.S. News and World Report, and The Washington Post, as well as multiple books including,

  • Trilaterals Over Washington, by Professor Antony Sutton and Patrick M. Wood
  • America’s Secret Establishment, by Professor Antony Sutton
  • Dark Majesty by Professor Texe Marrs (no known relation to Jim Marrs)
  • The Shadows of Power, by James Perloff,

…and others.

Professor Antony Sutton wrote,

“The organization is completely above ground. In fact,” he stated, “this author has openly debated with George Franklin, Jr., … of the Trilateral Commission on the radio. Mr. Franklin did show a rather ill-concealed dislike of the assault on his pet global New World Order – and made the mistake of attempting to disguise this objective.”

The Trilateral Commission has an official publication called, Trialogue.

It also issues multiple Task Force Reports (also called Triangle Papers) per year. Although its meetings are invitation-only, its membership list is publicly available and can be obtained by contacting them at: 345 East 46th Street, Suite 711, New York, NY 10017.

Authors Sutton and Wood comment about the seemingly innocent objectives of the Trilateral Commission. Quoting from the objectives which appear in every issue of Trialogue, they wrote,

“The Trilateral Commission was formed in 1973 by private citizens of Western Europe, Japan and North America to foster closer cooperation among these three regions on common problems. It seeks to improve public understanding of such problems, to support proposals for handling them jointly, and to nurture habits and practices of working together among these regions.”

Sutton and Wood then explain that the rest of their book is devoted to telling the truth about the commission.

Referring to the Task Force Report entitled, The Crisis of Democracy written in part by Harvard political scientist Samuel P. Huntington, author Marrs noted,

“The paper suggested that leaders with ‘expertise, seniority, experience and special talents’ were needed to ‘override the claims of democracy.'”

He added,

“Three years after his paper was published, Huntington was named coordinator of the 1979 presidential order creating the Federal Emergency Management Agency [FEMA], a civilian organization with the power to take totalitarian control of government functions in the event of a national ’emergency.'”

Like the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission has infiltrated the executive branch of the United States government.

Regarding the beginning of this pattern of infiltration into the White House, Sutton and Wood commented,

“On 7 January 1977 Time magazine, whose editor-in-chief, Hedley Donovan, is a powerful Trilateral Commissioner, named President Carter ‘Man of the year.'”

They added,

“Carter had already chosen his cabinet. Three of his cabinet members – Vance, Blumenthal, and Brown – were Trilateral Commissioners… In addition, Carter had appointed another fourteen Trilateral Commissioners to top government posts… These presidential appointees represented almost one-third of the Trilateral Commission members from the United States. Try to give odds to that!”

The January 16, 1977 issue of The Washington Post expressed,

“Trilateralists are not three-sided people. They are members of a private, though not secret, international organization put together by the wealthy banker, David Rockefeller, to stimulate the establishment dialog between Western Europe, Japan and the United States. But here is the unsettling thing about the Trilateral Commission.

The President-elect [Carter] is a member. So is the Vice-President-elect Walter F. Mondale. So are the new Secretaries of State, Defense and Treasury. So is Zbigniew Brzezinski, who is a former Trilateral Director and Carter’s National Security Adviser, also a bunch of others who will make foreign policy for America in the next four years.”

The same issue of The Washington Post reported that,

“At last count, 13 Trilateralists had gone into top positions in the administration, not to mention six other Trilateralists who are established as policy advisers, some of whom may also get jobs. This is extraordinary when you consider that the Trilateral Commission only has about 65 American members.”

Author Perloff wrote,

“The new President [Carter] appointed more than seventy men from the CFR, and over twenty members of the much smaller Trilateral Commission.

Zbigniew Brzezinski acknowledges in his White House Memoirs:

‘Moreover, all the key foreign policy decision makers of the Carter Administration had previously served in the Trilateral Commission…’

“Brzezinski,” stated Perloff, “of course, became National Security Adviser, the same position Kissinger had held.”

Commenting on a June 18, 1974 article in the New York Times, which stated,

“the lives and fortunes of large numbers of human beings hang upon the outcome of decisions taken by a small handful of national leaders-on the Trilateral Commission,” Gary Allen warned that “it was time to pay more attention – a lot more attention – to the group.”

Regarding the consolidation process of the New World Order, Sutton and Wood commented,

“In September 1974 Brzezinski was asked in an interview by the Brazilian newspaper Vega, ‘How would you define this new world order?'”

Brzezinski answered,

“We need to change the international system for a global system in which new, active and creative forces – recently developed – should be integrated. This system needs to include Japan, Brazil, the oil producing countries, and even the USSR…”

When asked if Congress would have an expanded or diminished role in the new system, Brzezinski declared,

“The reality of our times is that a modern society such as the U.S. needs a central coordinating and renovating organ which cannot be made up of six hundred people.”

This man is telling you that this New World Order will be a consolidation of individual countries into a single world government, which will be controlled by a small clique of insiders, who believe they are fit to rule the planet. Anytime you have a consolidation of the power such as this, you have a dictatorship.

Quoting from Brzezinski’s book, Between Two Ages, Sutton and Wood wrote that Brzezinski described Marxism as,

“a further vital and creative stage in the maturing of man’s universal vision… Tension is unavoidable as man strives to assimilate the new into the framework of the old. But at some point the old framework becomes overloaded.”

Brzezinski continued,

“The new input can no longer be redefined into traditional forms, and eventually it asserts itself with compelling force. Today, though the old framework of international politics – with … the fiction of sovereignty … is clearly no longer compatible with reality.”

According to Sutton and Wood, when Brzezinski uses the word “framework” he apparently means the U.S. Constitution; if this is so, then what he told us in 1971 is that the Trilateral Commission plans to make drastic changes to the U.S. Constitution.

“One of the most important ‘frameworks’ in the world … is the United States Constitution,” exclaimed Sutton and Wood.

So why is it so important to these elite organizations that the Constitution be changed?

Well, they’ve admitted in their own publications that they tend to merge the U.S. and other NATO countries into a single world government controlled by the big corporations. Would a constitution which guarantees individual freedom interfere with their plan? Before the amendments made by the U.S. Patriot Act, and other anti-terror legislation, the constitution made it impossible for a totalitarian regime to flourish in the United States.

Sutton and Wood wrote that the Trilaterals wanted to assemble,

“a national constitutional convention to re-examine the nation’s formal institutional framework,” in order to open up “a national dialog on the relevance of existing arrangements… The needed change,” said the Trilaterals “is more likely to develop incrementally and less overtly.”

Brzezinski himself declared,

“International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation-state.”

Changing “existing arrangements” can be safely translated to existing freedoms, such the Bill of Rights.

And “less overtly” means they’ll be making these changes without your approval using deception.

Sutton and Wood commented,

“When Brzezinski refers to “develop(ing) incrementally and less overtly” he is specifically recommending a deceptive… approach to abandonment of the Constitution.”

After the current “framework” is removed, it will apparently be replaced with a world constitution furnished by the UN, which doesn’t guarantee personal freedom as a human right, but makes it a privilege, which is granted if possible.

When multinational corporations and banks run the planet, this is basically global fascism. Whether it’s called fascism, or communism, or socialism, it’s all the same, which is control by those in charge of the state, or super-state, in the case of the New World Order.

Again Sutton and Wood warn,

“Those ideals which led to the heinous abuses of Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, and Mussolini are now being accepted as necessary inevitabilities by our elected and appointed leaders.”

“Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.”-Benito Mussolini

In his bestselling book, With No Apologies, Senator Barry Goldwater described the true intentions of the Trilateral Commission as,

“a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power-political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical [religious].”

He added,

“All this is to be done in the interest of creating a more peaceful, more productive world.”

In other words by using a big lie.

The Task Force report put out by the TC entitled, The Crisis of Democracy stated,

“The democratic political system no longer has any purpose. The concepts of equality and individualism give problems to authority. The media is not sufficiently subservient to the elite. Democracy has to be “balanced” (i.e., restricted). The authority and power of the central government must be increased.”

These people are telling you that they’re going to restrict your individual rights and centralize power into corporate hands.

There can be no confusion over the objectives of this group that has infiltrated the executive branch since the 1970s. They are telling you in their own publications exactly what they intend to do.

They are setting up a worldwide fascist dictatorship!

“Trilateralism is the current operational vehicle for a corporate socialist takeover,” advised Sutton and Wood.

Likewise, Senator Goldwater calls the Trilateral Commission an “international cabal,” which,

“is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States.”

This covert takeover has been done, not by a civil war but by infiltration.

On July 23, 1976, the Greek newspaper Exormisis recognized this overthrow when they wrote,

“A new kind of fascism emerges with Carter. The oppression will not have the form we used to know, but it will be the ‘depoliticization’ of all citizens in the U.S., and the generating of all power in the executive branch, that is, the Presidency, without the President giving any account to the Congress or anybody else except the multinationals [Banks/Corporations], which have financed Carter’s campaign… The accession to power of Carter … would mean a new era of dictatorial policies.”

Carter Pictured left, Jimmy Carter of the Trilateral Commission chose fellow Trilaterals Zbigniew Brzezinski (center) for National Security Advisor, and Cyrus Vance for Secretary of State.(*)

“Like sheep going to slaughter, our people cannot smell the death that awaits them,” warned Sutton and Wood. “If we are about to be thrown into the pits of the dark ages, the most logical catalyst, or motivator on the horizon is the TRILATERAL COMMISSION.”

The Trilateral Commission presents itself as a humanitarian group, which seeks to promote world peace through understanding and cooperation.

However, its publications indicate that it plans to install a worldwide dictatorship, which will be dominated by the multinational corporations. This is being accomplished using deception.


Photo taken from Shadows of Power, by James Perloff.

The Council on Foreign Relations

Congressman James E. Jeffries wrote,

“If the Establishment is elusive in its identity, it certainly has a perceptible face in the Council on Foreign Relations…”

Like its counterpart The Trilateral Commission, the CFR is composed of Wall Street investors, international bankers, foundation executives, members of Think Tanks and Tax-exempt Foundations, ambassadors, past and present presidents, secretaries of state, lobbyist lawyers, media owners, university presidents and professors, federal and supreme court judges, and members of military leaders from NATO and the pentagon.

It was formally established in New York, on July 29, 1921, as a counterpart to a British group called, The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA).

“The CFR and RIIA were originally intended to be affiliates, but became independent bodies, although they have always maintained close informal ties,” wrote James Perloff, in his well-documented book, The Shadows of Power.

CFR HQIts meetings are not open to the public and membership is by invitation only.

Like the Trilateral Commission, its membership list is publicly available. The CFR puts out a publication known as Foreign Affairs which has been called “the most influential periodical in print,” by Time Magazine. They are located at the Harold Pratt House, 58 East 68th Street in New York City, New York 10021. Pictured right is the CFR headquarters at the Harold Pratt House.(*)

It was originally dominated by J.P. Morgan interests, and began to gain momentum around 1927 with funding from the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations. The founding president was John W. Davis, millionaire and personal attorney of J. P. Morgan.

Some other early/founding CFR members included, Henry Davison, Thomas Thacher, Harold Swift, W. Averill Harriman, John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, Thomas Lamont, Paul Cravath, Federal Reserve architect Paul Warburg, Mortimer Schiff (Jacob’s son), Morgan partner Russell Leffingwell, and other Morgan partners.

Jim Marrs wrote in his book Rule by Secrecy that,

“Funding for the CFR came from bankers and financiers such as Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Bernard Baruch, Jacob Schiff, Otto Kahn, and Paul Warburg.

Today, funding for the CFR comes from major corporations such as Xerox, General Motors, Bristol-Meyers Squibb, Texaco, and others as well as the German Marshall Fund, McKnight Foundation, Dillion Fund, Ford Foundation, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Starr Foundation, and the Pew Charitable Trusts.”

The CFR created junior chapters in most major cities called, Committees on Foreign Relations. These junior chapters hold periodic dinner meetings.

Many researchers on this subject agree that there is an inner and outer core of the CFR and its interlocking Think Tanks. Members of the outer ring are just window dressing or camouflage, and are not aware of the motivating factors of the inner-core. The inner-core appears to be members of the steering and advisory committees.

Similar to the TC objectives, those of the CFR seem humanitarian on the surface.

Describing this façade in his book, Who’s Who of the Elite, Robert Gaylon Ross explained,

“Let’s start with the smoke and mirrors furnished by the CFR in several of their Annual Reports.”

Quoting a CFR Annual Report from 1993-4, he said,

“The Council on Foreign Relations is a non-profit, and non-partisan membership organization dedicated to improving the understanding of U.S. foreign policy, and international affairs through the exchange of ideas.”

However, he states,

“if you are doing something illegal, immoral, unethical, unpopular, and/or unconstitutional, you will do whatever is necessary to see that it is kept secret.”

Professor Sutton describes the CFR as,

“superficially an innocent forum for academics, businessmen, and politicians, [which] contains within its shell, perhaps unknown to many of its members, a power center that unilaterally determines U.S. foreign policy.”

He states that their true “subversive” objective is,

“the acquisition of markets and economic power… for a small group of giant multinationals under the virtual control of a few banking investment houses and controlling families.”

Former FBI Agent Dan Smoot observed the same veil of deception. In his book, The Invisible Government, he wrote,

“The leadership of the invisible government doubtless rests in the hands of a sinister… few.”

Regarding the majority of members he stated,

“Many, if not most, of these are status-seekers.”

But warned,

“The ultimate aim” of the CFR, “however, well-intentioned its prominent and powerful members may be” is “to create a one-world socialist system.”

When you see the word socialism think tyrannical dictatorship, dominated by the big corporations and international banks.

“A number of individuals are apparently invited into the CFR simply because they have a distinguished name or other enhancing qualities,” stated Perloff. He continued, “[they] join without endorsing or even knowing the Council’s habitual viewpoint.”

“However,” he said, “The membership’s great majority… have been chronically pro-socialist and pro-globalist.”

Professor Sutton recognized,

“most members of the CFR have no knowledge of this diabolical plan. But there is an inner core within the CFR that… promotes it.”

Regarding the media blackout, Allen observed,

“During its first fifty years of existence, the CFR was almost never mentioned by any of the moguls of the mass media.”

“And,” he added, “When you realize that the membership of the CFR includes top executives from the New York Times, The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Knight Newspaper chain, NBC, CBS, Time, Life, Fortune, Business Week, US News and World Report, and many others, you can be sure that such anonymity is not accidental.”

Referring to the whitewashed Reece Committee investigations which feebly investigated the Tax-exempt Foundations interlocked with the CFR, Smoot wrote,

“The power of the Council is somewhat indicated by the fact that no committee of Congress has yet been powerful enough to investigate it or the foundations with which it has interlocking connections and from which it receives its support.”

He declared,

“In 1939, the Council began taking over the U.S. State Department.”

Admiral WardAdmiral Chester Ward, former Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Navy, remained in the CFR for about 20 years and co-authored a book entitled, Kissinger on the Couch, where he wrote,

“Once the ruling members of the CFR have decided that the U.S. Government should adopt a particular policy, the very substantial research facilities of the CFR are put to work to develop arguments, intellectual and emotional, to support the new policy, and to confound and discredit, intellectually and politically, any opposition.”

To the left we see Admiral Chester Ward (right) swearing in William Frankey as the Assistant Secretary of the Navy.

The Admiral also warned that the goal of the CFR is the,

“submergence of US sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerful one-world government.”

In the August 1978 issue of W Magazine, former CFR President Winston Lord is quoted as saying,

“The Trilateral Commission doesn’t secretly run the world. The Council on Foreign Relations does that.”

Rene Wormser who served on the Reece Committee investigating the multi-billion-dollar Tax-exempt Foundations and their interlocks, wrote in his book, Foundations, that,

“The Council on Foreign Relations” is “virtually an agency of the government,” and that it is “financed both by the Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations, [and furthermore it] overwhelmingly propagandizes the globalist concept.”

Author Allen agreed when he wrote,

“The C.F.R. is totally interlocked with the major foundations and [other] so-called ‘Think Tanks.'”

Regarding the interlocking Think Tanks, Dan Smoot explained,

“All of the organizations have federal tax-exemption as ‘educational’ groups; and they are all financed, in part, by tax-exempt foundations, the principal ones being Ford, Rockefeller, and Carnegie. Most of them also have close working relations with official agencies of the United States Government.”

Referring to the CFR’s infiltration into the White House, Senator Goldwater wrote that the CFR has,

“staffed almost every key position of every administration since that of FDR.”

The senate was apparently concerned about the influence and infiltration of the CFR into the White House.

Quoting a Congressional Record, dated December 15, 1987, vol. 133, Perloff wrote,

“Senator Jesse Helms, after noting the CFR’s place within the Establishment, put it this way before the Senate in December 1987: The viewpoint of the Establishment today is called globalism… Mr. President, in the globalist point of view, nation-states and national boundaries do not count for anything. Political philosophies and political principles seem to become simply relative. Indeed, even constitutions are irrelevant to the exercise of power…”

In an article called, School for Statesmen, which appeared in the July 1958 issue of Harpers, CFR member Columnist Joseph Kraft, proclaimed,

“It [the CFR] has been the seat of some basic government decisions, has set the context for many more, and has repeatedly served as a recruiting ground for ranking officials.”

Allen commented,

“The policies promoted by the C.F.R. in the fields of defense and international relations become, with regularity which defies the laws of chance, the official policies of the United States Government.”

“Today the C.F.R remains active in working toward its final goal of a government over all of the world – a government which the Insiders and their allies will control,” declared Allen.

“The goal of the C.F.R. is simply to abolish the United States with its constitutional guarantees of liberty. And they don’t even try to hide it.”

Study No. 7, published by the CFR on November 25, 1959, advocates,

“building a new international order [which] must be responsive to world aspirations for peace, [and] for social and economic change.” This new order will include, “states labeling themselves as ‘Socialist’ [Communist].”

Allen refers to the CFR as the “invisible government,” and says it is “unquestionably” the “most influential group in America.”

Former Agent Smoot concurs, writing,

“I am convinced that the Council on Foreign Relations, together with a great number of other associated tax-exempt organizations, constitutes the invisible government which sets the major policies of the federal government.”

Continuing, he said, the CFR,

“exercises controlling influence of government officials who implement the policies; and, through massive and skillful propaganda, influences Congress and the public to support the policies.”

He stated further that,

“the objective of this invisible government is to convert America into a socialist state and then make it a unit in a one-world socialist system.”

CFR Meeting This 1968 photograph on the right shows President Johnson consulting with advisors regarding Vietnam peace talks.

Except Johnson, all were members of the CFR. Left to right: Andrew Goodpaster, Averell Harriman, Cyrus Vance, Maxwell Taylor, Walt Rostow, Richard Helms, William Bundy, Nicholas Katzenbach, Dean Rusk, President Johnson.

Helms was not a CFR member at that time, but joined later.

“We shall have world government whether or not you like it – by conquest or consent.”-CFR member James Warburg,

testifying at Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 17, 1950

Regarding the CFR’s plan for a single world government, Perloff said,

“The CFR advocates the creation of a world government.” And, “Anyone who cares to examine back issues of Foreign Affairs will have no difficulty finding hundreds of articles that pushed… this concept of globalism.”

“For decades,” said Perloff, “the CFR pushed this ascending approach to world government, with Foreign Affairs carrying such titles as Toward European Integration: Beginnings in Agriculture, Toward Unity in Africa, Toward a Caribbean Federation, and so on.”

He quotes a 1974 article which stated,

“The house of world order will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down… an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.”

Very few people are aware of the existence of the CFR or its purpose. This appears to be the case with their interlocking Think Tanks such as the Bilderbergers and the Trilateral Commission.

Perloff said,

“Today, probably not one American in five hundred can identify the CFR, despite the fact that it is arguably the most powerful political entity in the United States.”

And Allen’s estimate is higher; he comments,

“It is doubtful that one American in a thousand so much as recognizes the Council’s name, or that one in ten thousand can relate anything at all about its structure or purpose.”

The CFR is a supra-governmental organization that overshadows congress.

It is financed by the Tax-exempt Foundations, and portrays itself as a humanitarian group. But its objectives are to erode national sovereignty and merge America into a worldwide government under the control of its members, which include people of tremendous wealth. Basically, their goal is global fascism.

The CFR is responsible for setting major policy, which is activated without public knowledge or consent. It is beyond congressional investigation.


* All photos taken from Shadows of Power, by James Perloff.

The Bilderbergers

The Bilderbergers are an international group composed of European Royalty, Wall Street investors, politicians, international bankers, prominent businessmen, media executives, and military leaders from around the planet. “Those in attendance include leading political and financial figures from the United States and Western Europe,” proclaimed Allen. Allen also says that it is probably “not accidental,” that less than one person in 5,000 is aware of this group. Jim Marrs wrote, “The Bilderbergers are a group of powerful men and woman-many of them European royalty – who meet in secret each year to discuss the issues of the day.”

Bilderberg HotelThe first official meeting of the Bilderbergers took place at the Hotel de Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Holland in May 1954. It was formed in part by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a former Nazi. “The primary impetus for the Bilderberger meetings came from Dutch Prince Bernhard,” wrote author Marrs, “a former member of the Nazi Schutzstaffel (SS) and an employee of Germany’s I.G. Farben in Paris.” The Rockefellers and Rothschilds are said to have played an important part in its inception also. Pictured right is the Hotel de Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Holland.(*)

Veteran journalist James P. Tucker has investigated the Bilderbergers nearly 30 years. His book, The Bilderberg Diary, which includes photographic evidence, is a well-documented account of the results of his investigation. In it he writes, “The Bilderberg group is an organization of political leaders and international financers that meets secretly every spring to make global policy. There are about 110 regulars,” he says, including, “Rockefellers, Rothschilds, bankers, heads of international corporations and high government officials from Europe and North America.” These people meet at varying locations around the planet.

Referring to the financial elite’s various fronts, Professor Marrs wrote, “Comprising themselves in the form of the Bilderberger Group, they have met at least annually since 1954.” Their meetings are by invitation only, and according to Gaylon Ross, of the three interlocking Think Tanks, they are the most secretive. They are also the most influential. Their meetings are financed by the Tax-exempt Foundations. Allen asked, “Why do the Ford, Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations finance the meetings if they are not important?”

In 1964, Dan Smoot acknowledged this elite group when he wrote, “The ‘Bilderbergers’ are another powerful group involved in the internationalist web.” Speaking of the interlocking membership, he proclaimed, “American firms associated with the society are said to be among the large corporations whose officers are members of the Council on Foreign Relations and related organizations.”

The Bilderbergers have close ties to Europe’s nobility such as the British royal family, as well as royalty from Holland, Sweden and Spain. They also contain the same representatives in finance and industry as their counterparts, The Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations. There is also a heavy cross-membership with the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations.

“As with the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderbergers often carry cross-membership in two or more of these three groups, commented Marrs.” Allen remarked, “Those who adhere to the accidental theory of history will claim that it is sheer coincidence that every single one of those named as past and present members of the Bilderberger Steering Committee is or was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.”

The Bilderbergers are said to be the organization that sets global policy which is then passed on to the CFR and TC to implement. While the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations both publish their membership rolls, the Bilderbergers keep the meetings, goals, and membership lists secret. “Bilderberg does not publish membership lists but they have been obtained by investigative reporters working for The Spotlight,” wrote Ross.

SWAT Each year the hosting government is responsible for providing heavy security for three days, which includes: the military, the secret service, federal and local police, and private security firms. Allen explains, “The participants are housed in one location and are protected by a thorough security network. Decisions are reached, resolutions adopted, plans of action initiated…” A Swedish SWAT team member confronts Tucker during the 2001 Bilderberg meeting in Gothenburg Sweden.

“When they meet, they clear out all the guests, and employees in the building in which they are to meet,” Ross said, and added “they completely de-bug all the rooms, bring in their own cooks, waiters, housekeepers, heavily armed security guards, etc. and do not allow ‘outsiders’ anywhere near the meeting place just before, during and immediately after they meet.”

Police EscortContinuing he explained, “Each time they have met on US soil, the meetings were held on Rockefeller owned property.” According to veteran journalist Tucker, some hotel staff is allowed to stay but are given strict orders to never to speak to a Bilderberger unless spoken to, or look them in the eyes. The picture on the right was taken during the 2003 Bilderberg meeting in Versailles, France, where Bilderberg attendees received police escorts.

Police Escort The German police vehicles on the left are escorting Bilderberg members during the 2005 meeting in Rottach-Egern, Germany. And below that is a Swedish police officer with a guard dog patrolling the woods outside the 2001 Bilderberg meeting in Gothenburg Sweden.

The Rutland Vermont Herald apparently received notice of a Bilderberg meeting when local officials were given instructions on how to prepare for it. It declared on April 20, 1971, “A rather tight lid of secrecy was being kept on the [Bilderberg] conference.” “A closed-door meeting,” it described, “was held in Woodstock last week to brief a handful of local officials on some phases of the [future] conference… The Woodstock Inn will apparently be sealed up like Fort Knox… No press coverage will be allowed.”

Referring to the same meeting which took place on April 23, 1971 in Woodstock, Vermont, Allen wrote, “When Prince Bernhard arrived at Boston’s Logan Airport, he did admit to reporters that the subject of the conference would be the “change in the world-role of the United States.” Allen remarked, “Isn’t it nice to have changes in America’s role in the world decided upon by Bernhard, Rothschild and Rockefeller?”

The mainstream news will normally not report on these meetings. Speaking of the media blackout Tucker said, “Bilderberg has, at one time or another, had representatives of all major U.S. newspapers and network news outlets attend. They do so on their promise to report nothing. This is how Bilderberg keeps its news blackout virtually complete in the United States.” According to Tucker, as part of a disinformation strategy, mainstream newspapers in the United States may even portray these meetings as harmless talk-sessions of little importance.

Marrs commented, “Unlike their American counterparts, some members of Scotland’s news media found their voice. Under the headline, Whole World in their Hands, Jim McBeth of The Scotsman described the tight security surrounding the [1998] meeting [at the Turnberry Hotel near Glasgow, Scotland], commenting, ‘Anyone approaching the hotel who did not have a stake in controlling the planet was turned back.'”

“The press, naturally, is not allowed to be present, although occasionally a brief press conference is held at the end of the meeting at which time the news media are given in very general terms the Bilderberger version of what was discussed,” observed Allen. Reporters that are not invited and attempt to document these meetings have been arrested. Marrs added, “Despite the fact that many highly regarded American media members meet with the Bilderbergers, little or nothing gets reported on the group or its activities…”

Although there is a media blackout concerning these meetings, the news media are always present, agreed Ross. He lists past attendees, “such as: Peter Jennings (BB, and Anchor and Senior Editor of ABC News, World News Tonight), Joseph C. Harsch (BB, CFR, and former Commentator for NBC, Inc.), Bill D. Moyers (BB, and Executive Director of Public Affairs TV, Inc., and former Director of the CFR), [and] William F. Buckley, Jr. (BB, CFR, and Editor-in-Chief of National Review, and host of PBS’s Firing Line).”

Ross says other media personnel which have attended include, “Gerald Piel (BB, CFR, and former Chairman of Scientific America, Inc.), Henry Anatole Grunwald (BB, CFR, and former Editor-in-Chief of Time, Inc.), Mortimer B. Zuckerman (BB, CFR, and Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of the US News and World Report, New York Daily News, and Atlantic Monthly), Robert L. Bartley (BB CFR, TC, and Vice President of the Wall Street Journal).”

Washington PostMore media attendees, according to Ross, are Peter Robert Kann (BB, CFR) of Dow Jones and Company, Donald C. Cook of the Los Angeles Times, Thomas L. Friedman of the New York Times, and Katherine Graham owner of The Washington Post. Most of these attendees have cross memberships in the CFR and TC. Here to the right we see Washington Post publisher Donald Graham (center) during the 2004 meeting in Stresa, Italy.

Tucker commented that mainstream media apparently doesn’t think these meetings are newsworthy. Evidently, for decades the Post and most other major media outlets didn’t think the public would be interested in learning about these world leaders meeting to shape world events. Is it possible that there’s something else of major significance they’re not reporting or are being used to cover-up?

On May 26, 1995 the Swiss newspaper, Tagesschau, ran a story entitled, The Swiss Military to Protect International and Leading Economists and Statesmen. The article explained, “Prominent leaders from the world of politics and economics will be meeting at Nidwalden on Mt. Bergenstock, Switzerland, for the very secretive Bilderberg conference… [A]mong the participants are Leading Bankers, politicians and industrialists from Europe and North America. The Luminaries from the 1995 meeting include Kurt Furgler, Walter Scheel, Henry Kissinger, Helmut Kohl, Fiat Chairman Giovanni Agnelli, shipping magnate Stavos Niarchos, David Rockefeller and Prince Claus of the Netherlands.”

RockefellerThe 1994 meeting in Helsinki, Finland, Tucker wrote, included, “In addition to Rockefeller and Kissinger, other familiar faces… [such as] Lord Peter Carrington, Queen Beatrix of Holland, NATO chief Woerner, President Ahtisaari and Prime Minister Esko Aho of Finland, German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, German central banker Hans-Otto Pohl and Atos Erkko, a well known Finnish publisher.”

To the top left we see David Rockefeller at the 2004 Stresa Italy Bilderberg meeting. Below it we see him again (seated right) next to Vernon Jordan. Standing is Richard Perle (far right), and Jessica Mathews of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Also in attendance says Tucker, were, “Franz Vranitsky, President of Austria; Percy Barnevik, President of ABB (Asea Brown Boveri Ltd.) of Sweden; Giovanni Agnelli, head of the giant Fiat firm in Italy; Max Jacobson and Jaakko Illoniemi of Finland; Rozanne Ridgway, Assistant Director of the White House Office of Management and Budget; and Volker Ruhe of Germany.” Tucker lists other attendees as, “Katherine Gram, owner of The Washington Post Co.; Louis Gerstner of IBM; Thomas Pickering, U.S. Ambassador to Russia; Brent Scowcroft, Adviser to Bush; Paul Allaire of Xerox; Peter Sutherland of Britain; [and] Queen Sofia of Spain.”

Referring to the meeting in Versailles, France in 2003, Tucker announced, “The following have been positively identified as participating: Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands; Ali Babacan, Minister of the Economy in Turkey; King Juan Carlos and Queen Sophia of Spain; Jacques Chirac, President of France, Kenneth Clark, former British Chancellor of the Exchequer and member of the Parliament; Etienne D’avignon, Societe General of Belgium; Jean Louis Debre, President of the French National Assembly; Kermal Dervis, Turkey; Sevein Gjerem, CEO of the National Bank of Norway.”

Gerald Ford attended Bilderberg meetings 1964 and 1966, and in 1974 became President. And while Governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton attended a 1991 meeting before becoming President in 1992. Regarding Clinton’s Bilderberg connection, Marrs wrote, “In 1991, then Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton was honored as a Bilderberg guest. The next year he ran for and won the presidency of United States.”

The plan for a common European currency, the Euro, is said to have been formulated by the Bilderbergers. Tucker claims that the plan for a “European super-state” and the “euro” had been on the Bilderberg agenda for years. “It was viewed as a major step toward their goal of a world government and creates a favorable climate for the huge banks to consume the small ones and for the huge, international conglomerates to absorb the small firms,” he observed.

Quoting a Bilderberger, Marrs added that, “Jack Sheinkman, Chairman of Amalgamated Bank and a Bilderberger member, stated in 1996, ‘In some cases discussions do have an impact and become policy. The idea of a common European currency was discussed several years back before it became policy. We had a discussion about the U.S. establishing formal relations with China before Nixon actually did it.'”

“Bilderberg has had a direct influence on the White House since President Dwight Eisenhower’s years,” wrote Tucker. “They are accustomed to owning the president-whoever he is and whatever party is in control of the White House. A look back: Clinton, Trilateral and Bilderberg; Bush, Trilateral; Regan, received the Trilateralists at the White House and had his Vice President (Bush) address their meeting; Carter [Trilateralist] and his Vice President, Walter Mondale, both Bilderberg; Jerry Ford and his Vice President, Nelson Rockefeller, both Bilderberg…”

Tucker further proclaimed that “Most presidents have been members of at least one of these two groups [Bilderberg or Trilateral Commission], and all have had representatives attend Bilderberg meetings to receive their orders.” Allen observed the same pattern; he stated, “While the ‘new world order’ is being built, the Bilderbergers coordinate the efforts of the European and American power elites.” So according to this information the leaders of the NATO nations are covertly controlled by this elite group of financial elitists.

A single currency is said to be in the planning for the entire Western Hemisphere by the Bilderbergers, which will eventually be followed by a world currency. The Bilderbergers, according to Tucker, are also in the process of implementing a global citizens’ tax which will be payable to the United Nations. He wrote, “Like the federal income tax, a UN levy would be so small at the outset the consumer would hardly notice. But establishing the principle that the UN can directly tax citizens of the world is important to Bilderberg. It is another giant step toward world government. It is openly discussed with little public notice or objection…”

The objective of the Bilderberg Group appears to be the same as its interlocking Think Tanks, which is a one-world dictatorship, dominated by the financial elite. Journalist Tucker asserts, “Leaders of Bilderberg and its brother group, the Trilateral Commission… together make up the word shadow government.” Tucker informs us that what the Bilderbergers really intend is “a global army at the disposal of the United Nations.” And that “it has been a long standing goal of Bilderberg for the UN to become the world government to which all nations will be subservient.”

Wolfowitz & DavignonTo the right we see Honorary Bilderberg Chairman Etienne Davignon (left) with Paul Wolfowitz, former Secretary of Defense and current head of the World Bank, at the Bilderberg meeting in Rottach-Ergen, Germany in 2005. Professor Texe Marrs, has lectured at the University of Texas, authored over 25 books, and has retired from the USAF as an officer with numerous decorations. Writing with authority, backed by careful research, he concludes, “The goal of the Bilderbergers is to create a pretense [fake] democratic World Government, controlled by them.”

Author Marrs noted that Bilderberg members that are not part of the inner-core, may not be aware of the true intentions or objectives of the group, and may be convinced that world government is the only way to peace. This also appears to be the situation with its interlocking Think Tanks, the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations.(*) “Not everyone who attends one of the Bilderbergers’ secret meetings is an Insider,” agreed Allen. “Bilderberg policy is not planned by those who attend the conferences, but by the elite steering committee of Insiders.”

“Remember, the Bilderbergers are philosophically neither Republican nor Democrat, declared Professor Marrs. “Their only ‘party’ is filthy lucre… Money, in turn, brings them power, and these folks have a never satisfied appetite for raw power.” Apparently Gorbachev was influenced by the Bilderbergers and talked about a global union during a speaking tour in the United States. “Gorbachev’s speeches could have been dictated by Kissinger after being drafted by Rockefeller… as content was concerned,” charged Tucker. “Gorbachev held out the Bilderberg-Trilateral vision of a UN military force that could invade once-sovereign nations to enforce ‘human rights.'” “The New World Order means a new kind of civilization,” Gorbachev told the Chicago CFR on May 8, 1991.

Regarding how President Clinton pushed the Bilderberger objective in 1999, Tucker wrote, “It appeared in daily newspapers for all to read, but too many sleep. The developments were celebrated by The Washington Post’s Bilderberg representative Jimmy Lee Hoagland in a column on June 27, 1999… [When he proclaimed], ‘The president promises a future in which Americans stand ready to intervene militarily if they can stop wholesale racial or ethnic slaughter “within or beyond other nations’ borders”… He promises a new world order.'” The first American woman to attend a Bilderberg meeting was Hilary Clinton in 1997. Author Marrs senses they may have plans for her in the following years.

Presidents and prime ministers are selected by the Bilderbergers and controlled like puppets. Bilderberg meetings are guarded by the military, SWAT teams, local police and private security firms. Like the CFR, their policy is passed without public approval. Their goal is to create a world government under their control, which will have the illusion of freedom.

Their motives for establishing a global dictatorship using a fake democracy will be expanded upon when we examine a future chapter on psychopathy. Most are unaware of their existence due to a media blackout. Despite attending Bilderberg meetings, mainstream media owners have reported little on this group for over fifty years.


* All Bilderberg Photos were taken from Jim Tucker’s Bilderberg Diary.
** Authors, Allen, Ross, and Sutton, all agree there is an inner-core.

The Federal Reserve System

Apparently there were constant battles for control of the republic between the international bankers and presidents.

Controlling the central bank of a country seems to be a crucial part of installing a dictatorship.

Allen wrote,

“From the earliest days, the Founding Fathers had been conscious of attempts to control America through money manipulation, and they carried on a running battle with the international bankers.”

“Essential to controlling a government is the establishment of a central bank with a monopoly on the country’s supply of money and credit,” wrote Perloff.

Meyer Rothschild is said to have remarked,

“Let me issue and control a nation’s money, and I care not who writes its laws.”

Allen concurred,

“All those who have sought dictatorial control over modern nations have understood the necessity of a central bank. When the League of Just Men hired a hack revolutionary named Karl Marx to write a blueprint for conquest called The Communist Manifesto, the fifth plank read: “Centralization of credit in the hands of the state… Lenin later said that the establishment of a central bank was ninety percent of communizing a country.”

Senator Barry Goldwater described an international banker as one who makes money by extending credit to governments. This is more beneficial to the banker than loaning to an individual because governments borrow much more, and they can guarantee repayment by burdening the people with taxes. Also, instead of debt payment, a banker may receive political influence.

Perloff wrote,

“No turn of events is more lucrative for an international banker than war – because nothing generates more government borrowing faster.”

“Whoever controls the volume of money in our country is absolute master of all industry, and commerce… and when you realize that the system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation, and depression originate.”-President James Garfield July 2, 1881

One attempt to gain control of the country by way of a central bank was with the Bank of the United States (1816-36), which was abolished by President Andrew Jackson. Jackson warned,

“The bold effort the present [Bank of the United States] had made to control the government, the distress it had wantonly produced… are but premonitions of the fate that awaits the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution or the establishment of another like it.”

Note the semantic deception used with the naming of the bank, “Bank of the United States,” as if to imply that it was part of the government. This was not the last time this tactic was used.(*)

Senator Goldwater wrote, “In the early years of the Republic… Jefferson opposed Alexander Hamilton’s scheme for the First Bank of the United States, and Andrew Jackson abolished Nicholas Biddle’s Second Bank of the United States.” “America heeded Jackson’s warning for the remainder of the century,” wrote Perloff. But the “tide began to turn… with the linking of European and U.S. banking interest, and the growing in power of America’s money barons, such as J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, and Bernard Baruch.”

A German banker named Paul Warburg migrated to the U.S. in 1902. He was an associate of the Rothschilds and became a partner in Kuhn, Loeb, and Company, which was headed by Jacob Schiff. The Schiffs also had ties to the Rothschilds, which went back about a century. Warburg began to lecture widely on the need for a central banking system.

Apparently the international bankers became impatient over the unwillingness of congress to accept a central bank. So using the Problem-Reaction-Solution formula, Wall Street deliberately created a panic to force congress to create a central banking system controlled by private interests. This was done to eliminate competition and to seize control of the country by way of the Federal Reserve System.

Perloff wrote, “The Panic of 1907 was artificially triggered to elicit public acceptance of this idea. Snowballing bank runs began after J.P. Morgan spread a rumor about the insolvency of the Trust Company of America.” He added, “Tragedy is the mother of new directions. The Panic of 1907 spawned the Federal Reserve.”

Allen described J. P. Morgan as “an old hand at creating artificial panics.” He stated, “Such affairs were well co-coordinated. Senator Robert Owen, a co-author of the Federal Reserve Act, (who later deeply regretted his role), testified before a Congressional Committee that the bank he owned received from the National Bankers’ Association what came to be know as the Panic Circular of 1893. It established: ‘You will at once retire one-third of your circulation and call in one-half of your loans.'”

On April 25, 1949, Life Magazine ran an article entitled, Morgan The Great, where historian Frederick Lewis Allen reported that “certain chroniclers have arrived at the ingenious conclusion that the Morgan interests took advantage of the unsettled conditions during the autumn of 1907 to precipitate the panic, guiding it shrewdly as it progressed so that it would kill off rival banks and consolidate the preeminence of the banks within the Morgan orbit.”

This deliberately created (problem) caused a predictable panic (reaction), which forced congress to create a commission to investigate other banking options, which resulted in the Federal Reserve (solution). In a Congressional Record dated, December 22, 1913, vol. 51, Congressman Charles Lindberg declared, “The Money Trust… caused the 1907 panic, and thereby forced Congress to create a National Monetary Commission.”

Federal Reserve BoardPerloff describes the Money Trust as, Wall Street monopolists such as Rockefeller, Morgan, Warburg, and Schiff. Heading the National Monetary Commission was Senator Nelson Aldrich, who was under the control of the international bankers. “Aldrich was known as the international bankers’ mouthpiece on Capitol Hill,” wrote Perloff. There was apparently some bribery that took place too. Top left is Paul Warburg. Bottom right is Frederic Delano.(**)

The commission spent about two years studying central banks in Europe, and finally the “Federal Reserve became law in December 1913,” declared Perloff. The solution was drafted at Morgan’s hunting club on Jekyl (sic) Island off the coast of Georgia. “The Fed,” stated Allen, “was drafted on Jekyl Island in Georgia by Senator Nelson Aldrich; Henry P. Davison of J. P. Morgan and Company; Frank A. Vanderlip, President of the Rockefeller-owned National City Bank; A. Piatt Andrew, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury; Benjamin Strong of Morgan’s Bankers Trust Company; and [Rothschild representative] Paul Warburg.” Tucker added “The ‘Fed,’… is allied with the Bilderberg group, which is composed of the world’s biggest moneychangers – led by the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.”

The naming of this bank was another tactic of semantic deception; there is no reserve, and it’s not federal. The Federal Reserve is privately owned, it makes its own polices and is not subject to the president or congress. Many of its members are from the CFR. “Probably 90% of the US citizens think that the Federal Reserve System is one of the branches of the federal government,” Ross said, and added, “most think that it is part of the Treasury Department… because of the term ‘Federal’ in its name.” “This is no accident,” he proclaims, but a “psychological ploy to con the Americans into accepting their deception. It is not ‘Federal’ and there is no ‘Reserve.'”

Perloff added, “Indeed, the Fed is authorized to create money-and thus inflate – at will. According to the constitution, only Congress may issue money or regulate its value. The Federal Reserve Act, however, placed these functions in the hands of private bankers – to their perpetual profit.” Senator Goldwater wrote, “The accounts of the Federal Reserve System have never been audited. It operates outside of the control of Congress and through its Board of Governors manipulates the credit of the United States.”

Federal Reserve board members serve 14-year terms and are appointed by the president. “Since these positions control the entire economy of the country they are far more important than cabinet positions,” said Allen. He continued, “These appointments which should be extensively debated by the Senate are routinely approved.” The results he says are “ever-increasing debt requiring ever-increasing interest payments, inflation and periodic scientifically created depressions and recessions.”

Also in 1913, the 16th amendment was passed which subjected citizens to a federal tax. “Because income tax has been declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1895, it had to be instituted by constitutional amendment,” wrote Perloff. Again, Senator Nelson Aldrich who was handled by the international bankers proposed the amendment. “The man who brought forward the amendment in Congress was the same senator who proposed the plan for the Federal Reserve – Nelson Aldrich,” observed Perloff.

Apparently the American people agreed to this new tax because they believed it would have a minimal impact on the middle class and would impede the rich. “Initially, it was nominal,” Perloff described, “a mere one percent of income under $20,000 – a figure few made in those days.” According to Perloff the American people were assured it would never increase.

Another reason is that the public was deceived by clever propaganda that the Federal Reserve would stabilize the economy and prevent future panics. “It did nothing of the kind,” declared Perloff. “Not only has our nation suffered through the Great Depression and numerous recessions, but inflation and federal debt-negligible problems before the Fed came into existence – have plagued America ever since.”

On June 10, 1932 Congressman Louis McFadden, a former chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Currency warned, “When the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the people of these United States did not perceive that a world banking system was being set up here. A super-state controlled by international bankers and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure. Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers but the truth is – the Fed has usurped the government.”

“1 to seize and hold (as office, place, or powers) in possession by force or without right.”
-Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary

Congressman Lindberg informed the public in a Congressional Record dated December 22, 1913, vol. 51, that “This [Federal Reserve] act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth… When the President signs this act the invisible government by the money power, proven to exist by the Money Trust investigation, will be legalized…” He warned, “I have seen these forces exerted during the different stages of this bill” and “The money power overawes the legislative and executive forces of the Nation and of the States.”

“If the key to controlling a nation is to run its central bank,” asked Perloff, “one can imagine the potential of a global central bank, able to dictate the world’s credit and money supply. The roots for such a system were planted when the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank were formed at the Bretton Woods Conference of 1944. These UN agencies were both CFR creations,” he added.

Dr. Johannes Witteveen, former head of the IMF, said in 1975 that the agency should become “the exclusive issuer of official international reserve assets.” In the fall 1984 issue of a CFR newsletter called, Foreign Affairs, Richard N. Cooper laid out a modern plan for international currency. He wrote, “I suggest a radical alterative scheme for the next century: the creation of a common currency for all the industrial democracies, with a common monetary policy and a joint bank of Issue to determine that monetary policy.”

In 1987 Senator Jesse Helms, stated,

“it is no secret that the international bankers profiteer form sovereign state debt. The New York banks have found important profit centers in lending to countries plunged into debt by Socialist regimes. Under Socialist regimes, countries go deeper and deeper into debt because Socialism as an economic system does not work. International bankers are sophisticated enough to understand this phenomenon and they are sophisticated enough to profit from it.”

“Many historians would have us believe that this trio of events – the income tax, the Federal Reserve, and the War – was a coincidence,” wrote Perloff.

“But too often history has been written by authors financed by foundations, in books manufactured by Establishment publishing houses.” He observed, “Many more ‘coincidences’ were yet to trouble the American people in this century.”

Congressmen McFadden and Lindberg, both clearly state that the “legislative and executive forces” had been “usurped” (taken over) by an “invisible government” consisting of international “bankers” and “industrialists” acting together to “enslave the world for their own pleasure.”

What these researchers and statesmen are saying is that the Federal Reserve is a privately owned corporation, which was created using lies and deceit. It exists to control the nation, and to eliminate competition using taxation, in order to prevent the middle class from rising to affluence.


* A term commonly used by Charlotte Iserbyt in her book, The Deliberate Dumbing-Down of America.
** Photo taken from the Shadows of Power, by James Perloff.

Tax-exempt Foundations
Tax-exempt Foundations were originally setup for humanitarian purposes to provide grants to existing institutions.   Rene A. Wormser served as General Counsel to the Reece Committee, which was a congressional committee that investigated the Tax-exempt Foundations from 1953 to 1955. His book, Foundations: Their Power and Influence, is a documented expose of his experience with the committee. In it he wrote, “Foundations were originally created to support existing institutions and to undertake certain ‘operating’ functions.”

Soon after (or possibly from their inception) foundations became a loop hole that the financial elite used to avoid taxes. “By the time the income tax became law in 1913, the Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations were already operating. Income tax didn’t soak the rich, it soaked the middle class,” wrote Perloff. “Because it was a graduated tax, it tended to prevent anyone from rising into affluence. Thus it acted to consolidate the wealth of the entrenched interests, and protect them from new competition.”

Smoot pointed out that the primary purpose of some of the large Tax-exempt Foundations is no longer humanitarian in nature, but “predominately tax avoidance.” “One of the leading devices by which the wealthy dodge taxes” concurred Perloff “is the channeling of their fortunes into tax-free foundations.” He also charged that, “The major foundations, though commonly regarded as charitable institutions, often use their grant-making powers to advance the interests of their founders.”

The “independent, uncontrolled financial power often enables foundations to exert a decisive influence on public affairs,” wrote Wormser. He further testified that, “They have a power comparable to political patronage.” He cautioned “When they do harm, it can be immense harm – there is virtually no counterforce to oppose them.”

What other projects do they fund? According to the findings of congressional investigations, the foundations have been known to fund political movements in a direction inclined to favor a socialistic, one-world government. Individual foundations have also been known to merge themselves in a “cartel-like” fashion to fund their political projects, which tends “to endanger the freedom of our intellectual and public life,” warned Wormser. Wormser referred to this merging as the Tax-exempt Complex.

The first glimpse into foundation influence came under the Congressional Act of August 23, 1912, when the Commission on Industrial Relations studied labor conditions and the treatment of workers by the major U.S. industrial firms. They eventually examined the foundations, which were interlocked with them. “Starting with a study of labor exploitation, it [the Commission on Industrial Relations] went on to investigate concentrations of economic power, interlocking directorates, and the role of the then relatively new large charitable foundations (especially of Carnegie and Rockefeller) as instruments of power concentration,” wrote Wormser.

During the commission hearings, future Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis testified on January 23, 1915, that he was seriously concerned about the emerging danger of such a concentration of power. He said, “When a great financial power has developed… which can successfully summon forces from all parts of the country… to carry out what they deem to be their business principle… [there] develops within the State a state so powerful that the ordinary social and industrial forces existing are insufficient to cope with it.”

“Control is being extended largely through the creation of enormous privately managed funds for indefinite purposes, hereinafter designated ‘foundations'” declared Mr. Basil M. Manly, director of research for the commission. The commission’s report concluded that, “As regards the ‘foundations’ created for unlimited general purposes and endowed with enormous resources, their ultimate possibilities are so grave a menace… [that] it would be desirable to recommend their abolition.”

Congress has declared that these foundations, which can be used to fund anything, should be eliminated because they are potentially destructive to the republic. According to Rene Wormser, even though these congressional findings occurred in 1915, the time period is irrelevant – they are still quite important. He stated, “Under totally different economic and social conditions, the findings of 1915 are still significant.”

The second investigation into the Tax-exempt Foundations came from the Cox Committee which lasted from 1952 until 1953. Again, fears of subversive political objectives funded by these multi-billion-dollar organizations (acting in concert) were eminent.

On August 1, 1951, a motivated Congressman E. E. Cox (Democrat) of Georgia introduced a resolution in the House of Representatives to conduct a thorough investigation into the foundations. He asserted, “There are disquieting evidences that at least a few of the foundations have permitted themselves to be infiltrated by men and women who are disloyal to our American way of life. They should be investigated and exposed to the pitiless light of publicity…”

The Cox resolution to investigate the foundations was passed in 1952. Unfortunately, Congressman Cox died during the investigation. The commission met the same fate as the one before it. No actions were taken to prevent the expansion of these foundations, or provide means for future accountability to the public. And as Smoot described it, “the final report of his [Cox] committee (filed January 1, 1953) was a pathetic whitewash of the whole subject.”

However, it did still yield some important facts. Part of the final report on January 1, 1953 said some foundations “supported persons, organizations, and projects which, if not subversive in the extreme sense of the word, tend to weaken or discredit [our] system as it exists in the United States and to favor Marxist socialism.” Or in other words, they were found to promote Communism.

The third attempt to investigate the foundations lasted from 1953 to 1955, during the Reece Committee hearings. Smoot wrote, “On April 23, 1953, the late Congressman Carroll Reece, (Republican, Tennessee) introduced a resolution proposing a committee to carry on the ‘unfinished business’ of the defunct Cox Committee. The new committee to investigate tax-exempt foundations… was approved by Congress on July 27, 1953.” Author Perloff added, “For what was probably the… last time, the CFR came under official scrutiny.”

Other organizations which came under investigation included, The American Council of Learned Societies, The National Research Council, the Social Science Research Council, the American Council on Education, the National Education Association, the League for Industrial Democracy, the Progressive Education Association, the American Historical Association, the John Dewey Society, and the Anti-Defamation League.

During the investigation, Norman Dodd, Director of Research for the Reece Committee, was invited to the headquarters of the Ford Foundation by its president, H. Rowan Gaither. Gaither, a member of the CFR, revealed that the Ford Foundation was operating under directives from the White House to use their grant-making power to “make every effort to… alter life in the United States… to make possible a comfortable merger with the Soviet Union.” Apparently Mr. Dodd was put under surveillance, stalked, and experienced character assassination.

The committee was attacked viciously and resulted in a whitewash. Recognizing another unsuccessful attempt to scrutinize the interlocks, Smoot said, “It went out of existence on January 3, 1955, having proven, mainly, that the mammoth tax-exempt foundations have such power in the White House, in Congress, and in the press that they are quite beyond the reach of a mere committee of the Congress of the United States.”

But the committee did yield some helpful information. It found that the Tax-exempt Foundations, their intermediaries and interlocks have “exercised a strong effect” on “public education,” which “has been accomplished by [using] vast propaganda, by supplying executives and advisors to government and by controlling much research in this area through the power of the purse.” And that, “The net result of these combined efforts has been to promote a ‘world government.'”

Quoting from the final report of the committee, Perloff wrote, “The report… observed that major foundations have actively supported attacks upon our social and government system and financed the promotion of socialism and collectivist ideas.” The Committee declared that the CFR was “in essence an agency of the United States Government” and that its “productions are not objective but are directed overwhelmingly at promoting the globalist concept.”

“The Reece Committee… proved with an overwhelming amount of evidence that the various Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations have been promoting socialism since their inception,” agreed Allen. The Reece Committee hearings also revealed that individual Tax-exempt Foundations often act in concert with each other in order to amplify the enactment of their goals.

Congressman Reece made a final report on Tax-exempt Foundations, which was published by the government printing office on December 16, 1954. He said that there was clearly an interlock between The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and some of its associate organizations, such as the Council on Foreign Relations and other foundations, with the State Department. And that, “[the] foundations and organizations would not dream of denying this interlock. They proudly note it in reports.”

Reece details the infiltration into the government, stating, “They [CFR/foundation interlock] have undertaken vital research projects for the [State] Department… [and have] fed a constant stream of personnel into the State Department trained by themselves or under programs which they have financed.”

Finally Reece concluded that “the Rockefeller Foundation, The Carnegie Corporation of New York, and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, [are] using their enormous public funds to finance a one-sided approach to foreign policy and to promote it actively… by propaganda, and in the Government through infiltration. The power to do this comes out of the power of the vast funds employed.”

The report clearly states that the CFR with interlocked foundations have infiltrated the government. And that they use enormous sums of money to propagandize “educate” the public in support of the policies which they decide we should adopt. What congress has told us is that the government has been infiltrated by the CFR using multi-billion-dollar private bank accounts known as Tax-exempt Foundations.

This means that when a major U.S. policy is filtered down from the federal government, into the local and state governments, that it may originate from the CFR/foundation interlock. Specifically, this means that it has come from the big corporations and the international banks, of which the CFR and other Think Tanks are composed.

The “State within a state” that Justice Louis D. Brandeis warned about in 1915, was part of the beginning of a government within a government, or, as FBI Agent Dan Smoot calls it, The Invisible Government. Other notable components include: the emergence of the Federal Reserve System, and the creation and infiltration of the CFR, the Bilderbergers and the TC into the executive branch.

The Reece Committee found that, “When their activities spread into the field of the so-called, ‘social sciences’ or into other areas which our basic moral, social, economic, and governmental principles can be vitally affected, the public should be alerted to these activities and be made aware of the impact of foundation influence on our accepted way of life.”

“The power of the individual large foundations is enormous,” they concluded. “It can exercise various forms of patronage which carry with them elements of thought control… It is capable of invisible coercion through the power of its purse… This power to influence national policy is amplified tremendously when foundations act in concert. There is such a concentration of foundation power in the united States.”

“Every significant movement to destroy the American way of life has been directed and financed, in whole or in part, by tax-exempt organizations, which are entrenched in public opinion as benefactors of our society,” warned Smoot. And Wormser stated, “By engaging ‘public relations counselors’ (ethically, and even legally, a questionable practice), it can further create for itself a favorable press and enthusiastic publicity.”

“As I see it, the foundations… have, nonetheless, become the ‘agencies’ of the principal organization which they finance – the Council on Foreign Relations,” said Smoot. So according to Smoot’s conclusion, which is backed up by two congressional investigations, the tax-exempt giants are basically the private bank accounts of the interlocking Think Tanks.

Perloff arrived at the same conclusion when he noted, “The Rockefeller Foundation, for example, has poured millions into the Council on Foreign Relations, which in turn serves as the Establishment’s main bridge of influence to the U.S. government.” Wormser wrote that “Dr. Hutchins… [former] President of The Ford Foundation’s off-shoot, The Fund for the Republic, stated in 1948… that ‘world government is necessary, therefore it is – or must be made – possible.'” Finally, Smoot summarized, “[foundations] do finance the vast, complex, and powerful interlock of organizations devoted to a socialist one-world system.”

Writing about the results of other independent organizations which have investigated foundations, Wormser observed that, “ideas and organizations [supported] by tax-exempt foundations… had become the breeding ground for socialist and related political movements and action.” And that there were fears, “over the danger of foundation support of various undesirable concepts and movements having political implications.” These fears included, “the impairment of our national sovereignty; and even subversion. Hence the support by a majority in Congress of both the Cox and Reece Committee inquires.”

The Reece Committee also found that foundations tend to support “moral relativity” (the end justifies the means), and “social engineering” (mind-control), which are “detriment of our basic moral, religious, and governmental principles.” Wormser indicated that they also supply grants to intermediary organizations, which they’ve created, in order to carry out private (political) projects. These organizations are essentially public front organizations, which are presented to the public as being humanitarian in nature.

Interestingly, the brutal MKULTRA experiments, which were carried out in prestigious hospitals and universities, were funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. In his book, The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, Jonathan Marks wrote, “He [Dr. Cameron] headed Allan Memorial since 1943, when the Rockefeller foundation had donated funds to set up a psychiatric facility at McGill University. With continuing help from the Rockefellers, McGill had built a hospital known far beyond Canada’s borders…”    
So, as these investigations and independent researchers have found, the true purpose for some of these foundations which are used by the financial elite, is to bankroll the installation of a one-world socialist dictatorship, and tax avoidance.   These investigations were launched because Congress and others were concerned that these foundations were backing subversive socialist political moments by using vast propaganda and the power of the purse.

These investigations were launched because Congress & others were concerned that these foundations were backing subversive socialist political moments by using vast propaganda & the power of the purse.   This appears to be exactly what the Hidden Evil is – part of a subversive political movement toward the installation of a socialist one-world government.  



There can be no denying that these organizations have infiltrated the executive branch.

According to this information, it began with the documented overthrow of the true government in 1913 and continued with the appointment of members of elite Think Tanks into the executive branch.(*) First with the CFR, then the Bilderbergers and finally the Trilaterals. The infiltration by the Tax-exempt Foundations and the interlocking Think Tanks was done by the “power of the purse,” according to the Reece Committee hearings.

There is a heavy cross membership between those in control of the foundations and the elite societies. The Tax-exempt Complex is essentially their private multi-billion-dollar bank account. There is a strong interlock between the elite societies, the owners of mainstream media, the foundations, the Federal Reserve, Wall Street, the multinational corporations, and international banks. This cabal controls the United States and other NATO governments.

Once the deciding members of these Think Tanks settle on a policy, significant resources are pooled to promote the policy, which filters down to the local government. Opposition is met with ridicule by an array of organizations which the elite use to confound and discredit their critics. And in their own publications, they’ve made their intentions perfectly clear – a removal of the constitution and individual freedom, and the creation of a one-world government with them in control. This will be an absolute nightmare of a dictatorship.

On August 30, 2003, Congressman Ron Paul was addressing an audience near Austin Texas and was asked if there existed a “deceptive conspiracy to overthrow the American Republic” and “Bill Of Rights” and to “usher in a totalitarian World Government,” under the control of the UN.

He answered,

“Yes. I think there are 25,000 individuals that have used offices of power, and they are in our Universities and they are in our Congress, and they believe in One World Government. And if you believe in One World Government, then you are talking about undermining National Sovereignty and you are talking about setting up something that you could well call a Dictatorship.”

Obviously, no presidential candidate is allowed to get close to the White House without being owned by this cabal. Although voting fraud probably does exist, the elections themselves are apparently scams, which offer the illusion of choice.

This explains why there have been no major positive changes throughout multiple administrations.

“Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of the day; but a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, and pursued unalterably through every change of… [administrations] too plainly proves a deliberate, systematic plan of reducing us to slavery.”-Thomas Jefferson

In his book, How the World Really Works, Alan B. Jones wrote,

“the elites who wish to set up their world dictatorship recognize their main enemy to be the great middle class of the United States, which, being made up of individuals who have acquired a little education, property, and independence, will fight strenuously to keep them.”

“The strategy,” says Jones, “of the elites is to squeeze the middle class to death by creating or exacerbating the major problems facing the society, including class warfare, crime, education, moral decay, etc., and then creating in response spurious governmental programs to “cure” the problems that they just created.”

What Jones is describing here is the financial elite’s consistent use of the Problem-Reaction-Solution formula.

“I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me and the Bankers in the rear. Of the two, the one at my rear is my greatest foe.”-Abraham Lincoln

Now that you have an understanding of the real power behind the throne, in upcoming chapters we’ll explore how these organizations have manipulated some major world events. But first let’s examine their control of mainstream information more closely.

This will help explain why you may never have heard of them, or the authentic version of how some historical events occurred.


* Former presidents, such as Garfield and Lincoln have attested to having running battles for the republic with the international banks and corporations. So some researchers may contend that this overthrow occurred at an earlier date, and they may be correct. Other authors suggest that despite winning the Revolutionary War, the United States was never truly removed from the grip of British Royalty. They too may be correct. But I listed 1913 as it was documented as an overthrow in a Congressional Record dated December 22, 1913, vol. 51, and echoed by Congressman Louis McFadden. This evidence was provided in the Federal Reserve section.

Volume I – Part II

Centralized Control of History, Media, & Academia

Control of Media
In his book, The Rockefeller File, free-lance journalist and bestselling author Gary Allen declared,

“Rockefeller gang’s plans for monopolistic World Government are never, but never, discussed in the machines of mass misinformation.”

By now you probably already know why you haven’t heard of the Hidden Evil, or the coming socialist dictatorship in mainstream news.

The people who are installing it control the media.

“Why don’t investigative news shows like Sixty Minutes… tackle the… Trilateralist-CFR hold on our government,” asks Perloff. “Surely such material would have sufficient audience appeal.”

“The so-called founders of such giants as The New York Times and NBC were chosen, financed and directed by Morgan, Schiff, and their allies,” wrote Allen. Regarding the beginning of the takeover of the mainstream news, Perloff says, “A prime mover in this process was J.P. Morgan – the original force behind the CFR.”

Perloff quotes Congressman Callaway’s notation in Congressional Record volume 54, dated February 9, 1917, which stated,

“In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests… got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers… to control generally the policy of the daily press of the United States.”

The record continued,

“These 12 men… found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers… Emissaries were sent to purchase the policy, national and international, of these papers… [and] an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information regarding… things of national and international nature considered vital to the interest of the purchasers… This policy also included the suppression of everything in opposition to the wishes of the interests served.”

“The CFR needs to reach the mass audience of Americans who do not belong to, or attend the meetings of, or read material distributed by, the propaganda organizations,” declared Smoot. He continued, “[The] Council on Foreign Relations leaders are aware of this need, and they have met it.”

Allen agreed, when he wrote,

“Public opinion is manufactured by the CFR’s ventriloquists in the mass media.”

Former CFR member, Admiral Chester Ward, described the CFR’s influence in the mass media, too.

He proclaimed,

“They control or own major newspapers, magazines, radio and television networks,” and “the most powerful companies in the book publishing business.”

The Associated Press, New York Times, Washington Post, and LA Times have their own wire services, which most mainstream news outlets use. According to Allen, the CFR controls these wire services.

Ross observed,

“The CFR could not accomplish their goals without complicity of the mainstream news media which they absolutely control with an iron fist.”

He explained that,

“Occasionally they will hold a public meeting, and invite the open press (including C-SPAN), in order to give the impression that they are a harmless group engaged only in social activities.”

Allen refers to the mainstream media as “CFR’s ventriloquists,” and writes,

“At the center of Insider power, influence, and planning in the United States is the pervasive Council on Foreign Relations.”

He adds,

“The CFR was created by the Rockefellers and their allies to be the focus of their drive for a ‘New World Order.'”

“We are grateful to The Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years.

But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”-David Rockefeller, Bilderberg Meeting, Baden-Baden Germany, 1991

Other outlets allegedly under the control of the CFR include, the National Broadcasting Corporation, Columbia Broadcasting System, Time, Fortune, Look, Newsweek, New York Post, Denver Post, Louisville Courier Journal, Minneapolis Tribune, and the Knight Papers.

Publishing houses under CFR control include, McGraw-Hill, Simon & Schuster, Harper Bros., Random House, Little Brown & Co., Macmillan Co., Viking Press, Saturday Review, Business Week, and Book of the Month Club.

The mainstream media appears to serve multiple functions. First, to distribute information that the controlling cabal wants you to believe is real news. Secondly, to assist in the cover-up of information that has leaked out through other sources. In other words, Damage Control. T

hirdly, as a weapon to assassinate the characters of those who expose the practices of the Establishment. Also, to act as a firewall to prevent information detrimental to the elite’s control from reaching the public. Finally, to continue to reinforce mainstream accounts of current and historical events.

The mainstream news essentially serves as a primary tool for social conditioning or mind-control.

“It is through the press and the media that the lie is penetrating through to the masses,” declared Professor Marrs.

The media is used as a weapon. So when you watch, read, or listen to mainstream news, ask yourself,

“what will the CFR like me to believe today?” Allen sums up the real purpose of the mainstream news, stating, “These are the Establishment’s official landscape painters whose jobs it is to make sure the public does not discover the C.F.R. and its role in creating a world socialist dictatorship.”

According to Allen, “psychology and propaganda” used in the mainstream news, were,

“developed in the West in such places as the Rockefeller financed Tavistock Institute in England.”

He says,

“The hidden persuaders from Madison Avenue, the Rand Corp. think tank or Hudson Institute, can and do manipulate public opinion.”

“The Establishment elitists,” he explains “refer to it as ‘the engineering of consent.’ That means we are made to think the manacles they are slipping on our wrists are love bracelets.”

Allen charges that the techniques developed at these Think Tanks have been used successfully by Communist states.

“Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.”-Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Propaganda Minister

From the descriptions that these researchers have given, an accurate analogy could be drawn from the Wizard of Oz. America and other NATO are the great and powerful Oz, which appear to be run by their respective leaders. The mainstream news is the “curtain,” which prevents us from understanding that the real controllers behind it are Think Tanks, the Fed, Wall Street, and the Tax-exempt Complex.

Another role of the mainstream news is to project the illusion of a two party system. The grass roots Democrats and Republicans have their philosophical differences.

But, says Allen,

“as you move up the party ladders these differences become less and less distinguishable until finally the ladders disappear behind the Establishment’s managed news curtain and come together at the apex under the control of the C.F.R.”

“There is no such thing at this date of the world’s history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it… The business of journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright… We are the tools of rich men behind the scenes. We are jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.”-Journalist John Swinton, New York Press Club 1953

Most people pay attention to the events illuminated by these corporate-owned spotlights because they’re big, common, socially accepted, and because they’re all most people have ever known. When you start listening to independent news broadcasts, your conditioning begins to come undone, you start to connect the dots and find that events that were puzzling and seemed unrelated are part of the same picture. These independent news outlets broadcast on shortwave, and web cast. Some have past MP3 shows available for download. These shows are extremely educational.(*)

By listening to these broadcasts you can become familiar with who really runs this planet, what they’ve done, and where they’re taking you. Most of the topics discussed on these shows will never be covered on mainstream news. If you do begin to listen to these shows, you may find yourself watching mainstream news less frequently due to its high rubbish content.

You may also become temporarily upset after realizing you’ve been deceived, you’ve been misled, conned, tricked – and that most of your friends and relatives have too.

Control of History & Education

“According to some, history is basically a jumble of events: blunders, coincidences, and happenstances that have brought us to where we are today,” wrote Perloff. “However, seen in the context of globalist influence and maneuvering, history… begins to make sense, as if snapping into place upon a calculated blueprint.”

In 1915, Mr. Basil M. Manly, director of research for a congressional investigation known as the Commission on Industrial Relations, observed that control of information was being extended by, the “endowment of colleges and universities, [and] through controlling or influencing the public press,” wrote Wormser. During the Reece Committee hearings, Professor Kenneth Colegrove at Northwestern University testified, “The officers of these foundations wield a staggering sum of influence and direction upon research, education and propaganda in the United States and even in foreign countries.”

The Reece Committee concluded, “The impact of foundation money upon education has been very heavy, largely tending to promote uniformity in approach and method, tending to induce the educator to become an agent for social change and a propagandist for the development of our society in the direction of some form of collectivism. Foundations have supported text books… which are destructive of our basic governmental and social principles and highly critical of some of our cherished institutions.”

Wormser exposed the profound influence that foundations have on public education, when he stated, “Foundation giving most obviously has an enormous impact on education, on social thinking, and ultimately on political action. This influence reaches the public through the schools and academies, through publicity, and through education and other associations dedicated to public and international affairs.” He sustained, “Foundation grants have become so important a source of support that college and university presidents cannot often afford to ignore the opinions and wishes of the executives who distribute foundation largess.”

Finally, he added, “This situation permits large foundations to exercise a profound influence upon public opinion.” Senator Goldwater agreed, writing, “The intellectual influence of the academic community… is subservient to the wealth of the great tax-free foundations.”

Observing the effort by the Establishment to lie about history, former FBI Agent Dan Smoot said, “The Reece Committee investigation threw some revealing light on the historical blackout which the Council on Foreign Relations has ordered and conducted.” Smoot gave one example which included a two-volume history of World War II, written in part by William L. Langer of the CFR and funded by grants from the Rockefeller Foundation and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

“Foundations have supported a conscious distortion of history,” revealed the Reece Committee. The phrase “conscious distortion” is a polite way of saying blatant lie. “Twentieth-century history, as recorded in Establishment textbooks and journals, is inaccurate,” stated Professor Sutton. “The prevailing Establishment version is seen to be, not only inaccurate, but designed to hide a pervasive fabric of deceit and immoral conduct.” Professor Sutton explained that they are effective, “Not so much because of outright censorship, although that is an important element, but more because of the gullibility of the American ‘educated public.'”

Professor Marrs concludes that these historical lies are deliberately manufactured so the public will be easier to control. He charges, “The rewriting and deceitful misinterpretation of American and world history is one of the main methods used to manipulate and shape public opinion.” “The establishment of the American Historical Society was no doubt an unprecedented step in instituting this diabolical plan to rewrite the past,” he observes.

The accrediting agencies themselves may also be controlled by the Tax-exempt Foundations, as suggested by the Reece Committee. It stated that the “so-called “accrediting’ organizations… are extra-governmental, yet… [influence] education to a considerable degree. For various reasons colleges, universities, and specialized schools and departments today require ‘accreditation,’ that is, approval of one or more of these organizations which presume to set standards. Some of these accrediting organizations are supported by foundations…”

“Universities, hospitals, institutes and learned societies sometimes supply nothing but their name labels affixed to what is actually a pet project of foundation managers,” announced Wormser. According to Wormser, they pick the professors, they pick the topics, and they even pick the research staff. And they already know what the outcome is going to be. These doctors, professors, research staff, etc. are made well aware in advance that there will be a particular conclusion that they must arrive at. Not adhering to this predetermined conclusion will result in a denial of grants.

Professor Sutton agreed, writing, “Through foundations controlled by this elite, research by compliant and spineless academics, ‘conservatives’ as well as ‘liberals’ has been directed into channels useful for the objectives of the elite essentially to maintain this subversive and unconstitutional power apparatus. Through publishing houses controlled by this same financial elite unwelcome books have been squashed and useful books promoted.”

“It is understandable,” continued the professor, “that universities and research organizations, dependent on financial aid from foundations that are controlled by this same New York financial elite, would hardly want to support and to publish research on these aspects of [authentic] international politics.” Books critical of the official account of history don’t get reviewed or are not available through mainstream outlets. And according to author Perloff, historians that do not adhere to their version of history are often blacklisted.

Smoot asks, “Where will you find a college administration that will not defend the Ford Foundation against all critics – if the college has just received, or is in line to receive, a million-dollar gift from the Foundation? How far must you search to find college professors or school teachers who will not defend the Foundation which gives 25 million dollars at one time, to raise the salaries of professors or school teachers?”

In a future chapter called, The Satanic Influence, we’ll find evidence that the AHA was setup by an Establishment organization known as The Order of Skull and Bones. This organization, like its elite Think Tank counterparts, works toward the objective of a one-world socialist dictatorship under elite control. The mainstream media is used as a weapon by these groups.

Allen, observed that the Rockefellers “do not pour money into local school board races; they put their bucks into the schools that train the teachers and they finance the writing of textbooks.” He stated, “The family couldn’t care less who controls the local school board.” According to Allen, the publishing houses under CFR control also specialize in publishing school textbooks.

Speaking of the movement by the Council on Foreign Relations to use professors in their deliberate campaign to rewrite the past, author Perloff noted, “The council’s [CFR’s] steering committee moved to distinguish the roster by adding college professors… They hailed from campuses beholden to J.P. Morgan. As Dr. Quigley observed: ‘The Wall Street contacts with these professors were created originally from Morgan’s influence in handling large academic endowments.'”

This evidence suggests that mainstream schools and media are conduits for historical lies. It also suggests that they are a medium for social conditioning, also known as mind-control. Professor Sutton observed, “The existing system of education is little more than a conditioning mechanism. It has little to do with education in the true sense, and a lot to do with control of the individual. This requires suppression of individualist tenancies and a careful spoon-feeding of approved knowledge.”

Professor Marrs declared, “Few of us are aware that such techniques are being utilized against us since we’re constantly being led to believe… that we are independent, resourceful, intelligent, and fully able to make up our own minds.” Many of us have operated most of our lives on a filtered version of history. Or, in essence, lies.(**)

So, according to the results of congressional investigations and independent researchers, mainstream history is written by the financial elite. The CFR and interlocking Think Tanks have literally rewritten history using schools and publishing houses which they control by grants from their private multi-billion-dollar bank accounts (Tax-exempt Foundations).

I’m not an expert on history, but the information I’ll be presenting in future chapters will be more accurate than some mainstream accounts. Now that you understand that a financial elite does exist and that they exercise an enormous amount of control over mainstream publications, it will be easier to understand why the following events did not unfold as presented in schools and mainstream media. Although some of this information pertains directly to the U.S., it is relevant to all NATO countries, because as goes America, so goes the rest of the world.


* I would highly recommend the Republic Broadcasting Network (RBN), at, and the Genesis Communications Network (GCN), at
** I include myself in this category, researching information for this book has been a learning and sometimes shocking experience. And there is still much to learn.

Wall Street funded Communists

Professor Sutton stated,

“Western textbooks on Soviet economic development omit any description of the economic and financial aid given to the 1917 Revolution and subsequent economic development by Western Firms and banks.”

“In the Bolshevik Revolution we have some of the world’s richest and most powerful men financing a movement which claims its very existence is based on the concept of stripping of their wealth,” declared Allen.

“[M]en like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Schiffs, Warburgs, Morgans, Harrimans, and Milners.”

Perloff agreed,

“Jacob Schiff, the head of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., heavily bankrolled the [Communist] revolution. This was reported by White Russian General Arsine de Goulevitch in his book Czarism and the Revolution.”

“According to his grandson John,” described Allen, “Jacob Schiff… long-time associate of the Rothschilds, financed the Communist Revolution in Russia to the tune of $20 million.”

He continued,

“According to a report on file with the State Department, his firm, Kuhn Loeb and Co. bankrolled the first five year plan for Stalin,” and added, “Schiff’s descendents are active in the Council on Foreign Relations today.”

Referring to the emergence of a communist dictatorship which resulted from the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, Professor Marrs wrote that they were funded by,

“Germany and America… Their repugnant campaign to purify and cleanse Mother Russia and to seek world domination resulted in… [millions of] human beings wiped out and brutally purged…”

He attested,

“Brown Brothers Harriman” helped finance it with “money made possible by it and the affiliated Guaranty Trust Company.”

Professor Sutton agreed, writing,

“W. Averell Harriman was a director of Guaranty Trust Company” and “was involved in the Bolshevik Revolution.”

On February 3, 1949, the New York Journal-American stated, “Today it is estimated even by Jacob’s grandson, John Schiff, a prominent member of New York Society, that the old man sank about $20,000,000 for the final triumph of Bolshevism in Russia. Other New York banking firms also contributed.”

Referring to a June 15, 1933, Congressional Record, Allen wrote “Congressman Louis McFadden, chairman of the House Banking Committee, maintained in a speech to his fellow Congressman:

“The Soviet government has been given United States Treasure funds by the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks acting through the Chase Bank and the Guaranty Trust Company and other banks in New York City…

Open up the books of Amtorg, the trading organization of the Soviet government in New York, and of Gostorg, the general office of the Soviet Trade Organization, and of the State Bank of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and you will be staggered to see how much American money has been taken from the United States’ Treasury for the benefit of Russia.”

“Now our textbooks tell us that the Nazis and Soviets were bitter enemies and their systems are opposites,” observed Professor Sutton.

But in the,

“1920s, W. Averell Harriman was a prime supporter of the Soviets with finance and diplomatic assistance… [and] participated in RUSKOMBANK,” which was “the first Soviet commercial bank. Furthermore, Max May, the Vice President of Guaranty Trust, which was dominated by Harriman and Morgan, became the first Vice-President of Ruskombank.”

However, declared Professor Sutton,

“Averell Harriman, his brother Roland Harriman, and… E.S. James and Knight Woolley, through the Union Bank… were prime financial backers of Hitler.”

He asked,

“How could a rational man support Soviets and Nazis at the same time?”

A curious dilemma arises when faced with the documented fact that Wall Street funded both Communists and Nazis.

First, it would seem these two forms of government are at opposite ends of the political spectrum. And that capitalists would see them as a threat to their growth.

Allen provides a possible answer, writing,

“But obviously these men have no fear of international Communism. It is only logical to assume that if they financed it, and are willing – even eager – to cooperate with it, it must be because they control it. Can there be another explanation that makes sense?”

He adds,

“Remember that for over 100 years it has been a standard operating procedure of the Rockefellers and their allies to control both sides of every conflict.”

Before Winston Churchill became Prime Minister of Great Britain, he acknowledged a conscious effort of wealthy people to install a communist dictatorship in Russia.

He wrote in the February 18th, 1920 issue of the London Illustrated Sunday Herald, that,

“From the days of Spartacus [Adam] Weishaupt… to those of Karl Marx, to those of Trotsky, Bella Kuhn, Rose Luxembourg, and Emma Goldman, this world-wide conspiracy has been steadily growing.”

He affirmed,

“It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th century; and now at last, this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically undisputed masters of that enormous empire.”

After the Bolshevik Revolution, Wall Street ensured the communists would retain control of Russia. Professor Sutton described this effort when he wrote, “On may 1st, 1918, when the Bolsheviks controlled only a small fraction of Russia (and were to come near to losing even that fraction in the summer of 1918), the American League to Aid and Cooperate with Russia was organized in Washington, D.C to support the Bolsheviks. This was not a ‘Hands off Russia’ type of committee formed by the Communist Party U.S.A or its allies. It was a committee created by Wall Street with George P. Whalen of Vacuum Oil Company as Treasurer and Coffin and Oudin of General Electric, along with Thompson of the Federal Reserve System, Willard of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and assorted socialists.”

“The Bolsheviks were not a visible political force at the time the Czar abdicated,” Allen wrote. “And they came to power not because of the downtrodden masses of Russia called them back, but because very powerful men in Europe and the United States sent them in. “They [Lenin and Trotsky] joined up, and, by November, though bribery, cunning, brutality and deception, they were able (not to bring the masses rallying to their cause, but) to hire enough thugs and make enough deals to impose out of the gun barrel what Lenin called ‘all power to the Soviets.'”

“Having created their colony in Russia,” said Allen, “the Rockefellers and their allies have struggled mightily ever since to keep it alive. Beginning in 1918 this clique has been engaged in transferring money and, probably more important, technical information to the Soviet Union.” Perloff agreed, writing, “Probably no name symbolized capitalism more than Rockefeller. Yet that family has for decades supplied trade and credit to Communist nations. After the Bolsheviks took power, the Rockefellers’ Standard Oil of New Jersey bought up Russian oil fields, while Standard Oil of New York built the soviets a refiner and made an arrangement to market their oil in Europe. During the 1920’s the Rockefellers’ Chase Bank helped found the American-Russian Chamber of Commerce, and was involved in financing Soviet raw material exports and selling Soviet bonds in the U.S.”

According to Senator Barry Goldwater, Chase Manhattan built a truck factory in Russia which could also be used to produce armored vehicles such as tanks and even rocket launchers. Perloff echoed, “American technology helped the Soviets construct the $5 billion Kama River truck factory… [which was] successfully converted by the Kremlin to military purposes.”

Wall Street continued to aid the Russian communists as they supplied the Vietnamese communists that Americans were fighting in Vietnam, says Allen. In the late 60s Rockefeller and other industrialists built synthetic rubber plants and an aluminum factory totaling about 250 million dollars. Professor Sutton observed, “these American capitalists were willing to finance and subsidize the Soviet Union while the Vietnam War was underway, knowing that the Soviets were supplying the other side.”

An article appeared in the New York Times on January 16, 1967, which carried the headline, Eaton Joins Rockefellers to Spur Trade with Reds. Perloff summed up the story, “The ensuing story noted that the Rockefellers were teaming up with tycoon Cyrus Eaton, Jr., who was financing for the Soviet block the construction of a $50 million aluminum plant and rubber plants valued at over $200 million.” He added, “The Chase, which maintains a branch office at 1 Karl Marx Square in Moscow, has gained notoriety for financing projects behind the Iron Curtain.”

StalinPictured left is Averill Harriman of the CFR (center) with Stalin (right) & Winston Churchill.(*) W. Averill Harriman was made U.S. Ambassador to the USSR in 1941. Allen wrote, “Sutton quotes a report by Averell Harriman to the State Department in June, 1944 as stating: ‘Stalin paid tribute to the assistance rendered by the United States to Soviet industry before and during the war.'” “It is not an exaggeration to say that the USSR was made in the USA,” observed Allen.

Referring to Professor Sutton’s book, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, he wrote, “No one has even attempted to refute Sutton’s almost excessively scholarly works. They can’t. But the misinformation machines that compose our mediacracy can ignore Sutton. And they do.” The book, added Perloff, “is based on assiduous research, including a deeper probe into State Department files.”

Professor Sutton warned,

“The synthesis sought by the Establishment is called the New World Order. Without controlled conflict this New World Order will not come about… And this is being done with the calculated, managed, use of conflict… This explains why the International bankers backed the Nazis, the Soviet Union, [and] North Korea… against the United States. The ‘conflict’… [builds] profits while pushing the world ever closer to One World Government. The process continues today.”

The evidence that these researchers present, which includes mainstream news and State Department records, suggests that Communist Russia was not only heavily funded by Wall Street, but was the actual creation of Wall Street.

The Communist Revolution was instigated by Wall Street. Wall Street continued to build Russia even as they supplied aid to a country that America was at war with. Because they created communist Russia, they must have known about the millions of people being murdered.


* Photo taken from the Shadows of Power, by James Perloff.

Pearl Harbor was Allowed to Happen

The following evidence suggests that the attack on Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen to justify the entry of America into WWII. At this point in history, the CFR had infiltrated the White House and was in control of FDR.

“The Council on Foreign Relations played a significant role in the Roosevelt administration,” declared author Perloff.

This was done through the War and Peace Studies Project, which was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. For instance, Henry Stimson was War Secretary for FDR, and George Messersmith was Secretary of State. So when you see FDR, think “CFR.”

U.S. intelligence cracked the radio code that Tokyo used to communicate with its embassies. The decoded messages, which were usually known to Washington on a daily basis, revealed that spies in Hawaii informed Tokyo of the exact locations of warships at Pearl Harbor. Washington was also aware that the attack would come on or around December 7th.

Perloff observed,

“These intercepts were routinely sent to the President and to Army Chief of Staff General George Marshall. In addition, separate warnings about the attack – with varying specificity as to its time – were transmitted to these two men by or through various officials, including Joseph Grew, our ambassador to Japan; FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover; Senator Guy Gillette… Congressman Marin Dies; Brigadier General Elliot Thorpe… Colonel F.G.L. Weijerman… and other sources.”

On December 6th, Captain Johan Ranneft of the Dutch naval attach in Washington acknowledged that U.S. naval intelligence informed him that Japanese carriers were about 400 miles northwest of Honolulu.

Apparently Ranneft informed Washington, but no alert was passed to the commanders in Hawaii. At least on hour before the attack, a Japanese submarine was sunk at the mouth of the harbor by a US Navy destroyer called the USS Ward. The captain of the USS Ward, Lieutenant William W. Outerbridge, sent a message to Admiral Kimmel. But it seems that there was some communications trouble between Outerbridge and Kimmel.

The Times (UK), wrote,

“Outerbridge sent a report of the attack to Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, commander in chief of the Pacific Fleet.”

Outerbridge’s report to the US Navy stated that,

“Damage was seen by several members of the crew. This was a square positive hit… [and the] submarine was seen to keel over to starboard.”

The sighting of the submarine was confirmed by a minesweeper called the USS Condor. But Admiral Kimmel decided to “wait for verification of the report” before raising the alarm to the rest of the US Pacific Fleet in Pearl Harbor, they reported.

Prior to the attack, Admiral Richardson was stripped of his command of Pearl Harbor by FDR, for warning of the fleet’s vulnerability. Command of the base was given to Admiral Kimmel.

Perloff commented,

“Kimmel’s predecessor, Admiral Richardson, had been removed by FDR after protesting the President’s order to base the Pacific Fleet in Pearl Harbor, where it was quite vulnerable to attack.”

He continued,

“Roosevelt and Marshall [also] stripped the island of most of its air defense shortly before the raid, and allotted it only one third of the surveillance planes need to reliably detect approaching forces.”

Japanese SubAn article in the BBC dated August 29, 2002, entitled Japanese Pearl Harbor Sub Found, stated,

“The 78-foot (24-metre) submarine could provide the first physical evidence to back US claims that it fired first against Japan in World War II and inflicted the first casualties.”

Also on August 29, 2002, the Chicago Sun-Times ran an article entitled Japanese Sub Sunk Before Attack Found in Pearl Harbor. It declared,

“Researchers said Wednesday they found a Japanese midget submarine sunk nearly two hours before the aerial attack on Pearl Harbor.”

And The Times reported,

“Daniel Martinez, a historian for the USS Arizona Memorial who has interviewed the sailors who shot at the submarine and a pilot who saw it sink, says there is now no doubt the attack took place.”

A congressional investigation known as The Roberts Commission was appointed by FDR to investigate the intelligence failure.

It consisted of a four-member team. Two were members of the CFR. Like other congressional investigations puppeteered by the CFR, it was a whitewash. According to Perloff, Supreme Court justice Owen Roberts (a globalist), headed the commission.

Perloff writes,

“Two of the other four members were in the CFR.” The commission absolved Washington of any blame and declared that the attack occurred due to “dereliction of duty” by Kimmel and Short.

“At the court-martials, attorneys for the defendants dug up some of Washington’s secrets. The Roberts verdict was overturned: Kimmel was exonerated; Short received a small reprimand; and the onus of blame was fixed squarely on Washington,” wrote Perloff.

Apparently the Roosevelt administration repressed the results of the commission for reasons of “national security.”

Below are posters symbolizing the propaganda, which was successfully used to solicit support for the involvement of the U.S. in WWII.

US Propaganda
The Times described,

“Despite testimony from Lieutenant Outerbridge and the seamen on the Condor… [the account was] ignored by military and congressional tribunals investigating the attack on Pearl Harbor – including nine wartime commissions of inquiry – and the incident has since been omitted from historical accounts.”

Perloff added,

“Incriminating memoranda in the files of the Navy and War department were destroyed. The court-martial findings were buried in a forty-volume government report on Pearl Harbor, and few Americans ever leaned the truth.”

Exploding ShipsOn the right we see the USS Arizona in flames, and the exploding USS Shaw below it.

Could this have been avoided? According to the BBC, the,

“attack on Pearl Harbor left 2,390 people dead, 1,178 wounded, 21 US ships heavily damaged and 323 aircraft damaged or destroyed.”

Smoot observed,

“The council on Foreign Relations has heavy responsibility for the maneuvering which thus dragged America into World War II.”

The CFR had what they needed to get us into WW II, now just a small amendment needed to be made to the constitution, so they could continue to legally fund the Nazis.

Six days after the Pearl Harbor attack, President Roosevelt amended the Trading with the Enemy Act.

“All this [funding] was done legally thanks to President Roosevelt,” wrote Marrs.

“This meant any kind of business transaction could be made legal with the approval of Roosevelt’s Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau, whose father helped found the Council on Foreign Relations,” he stated.

September 11th
Entire books and documentaries are available on this subject. Most people have an understanding that things may not have occurred exactly as they have been told. Many believe they have been lied to in some way. And some believe that it may have been allowed to happen in order to facilitate a global war.

The reality of the situation is much worse. But rather than make claims which would require an entire book to support, I’ll simply state that there are some very serious questions that need to be answered regarding not just 9/11, but the Okalahoma City Bombing.

To that I will add that the 9/11 Commission was chaired, vice chaired, and directed by members of the Council on Foreign Relations.

I urge anyone interested in finding out what happened to view the documentaries, 9/11: Rise of the Police State, by Alex Jones, 9/11: The Great Illusion, by George Humphrey, and Loose Change.

So, not only did the U.S. crack the Japanese code and know what day the attack would occur, they had at least a one-hour advanced warning on the day the attacks took place.

 The CFR/Wall Street sacrificed over 2,000 people on December 7, 1941 for the sake of globalization. Then they used their history books to lie about it.

If they really wanted to defeat the Nazis, they would not have continued to fund them up until 1944.


* All photographs used on this page have been taken from,, and

Wall Street funded Nazis

Professor Antony Sutton in his book, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, Professor Antony Sutton (pictured right), author of nineteen books, provides a thoroughly documented account of the role played by Morgan, Rockefeller, General Electric Company, Standard Oil, National City Bank, Chase and Manhattan banks, Kuhn, Loeb and Company, General Motors, Ford, and other industrialists, in helping to finance the Nazis.

To prove his point, Professor Sutton provides bank statements, letters from U.S. ambassadors, mainstream media sources, Congressional Records, excerpts from Congressional Investigations, and statements from the Nuremberg trials. Wall Street’s funding of the Nazis is part of authentic history.

Professor Sutton wrote that,

“General Motors, Ford, General Electric, DuPont,” and other “U.S. companies intimately involved with the development of Nazi Germany were… controlled by the Wall Street elite,” such as “the J.P. Morgan firm, the Rockefeller Chase Bank and to a lesser extent the Warburg Manhattan bank.”

“The deal bringing Hitler into the government was cut at the home of banker Baron Kurt von Schroeder on January 4, 1933,” wrote author Marrs.

Other notable figures that are said to have appeared at this meeting include Council on Foreign Relations members John Foster Dulles, and Allen Dulles, of the New York law firm Sullivan and Cromwell, which represented the Schroeder bank.

Allen Dulles would eventually become a member the Bilderbergers and director of the CIA.

Zyklon B”Max Warburg,” stated Marrs, “a major German banker, and his brother Paul Warburg, who had been instrumental in establishing the Federal Reserve System in the United States, were directors of Interssen Gemeinschaft Farben or I.G. Farben, the giant German chemical firm that produced Zyklon B gas used in Nazi extermination camps.”

On the left we see used canisters of the Zyklon B gas found by the allies after WWII.

The gas was apparently produced with the full support of American industrialists.

“The financing for Adolph Hitler’s rise to power was handled through the Warburg-controlled Mendelsohn Bank of Amsterdam and later by the J. Henry Schroeder Bank with branches in Frankfurt, London and New York,” wrote Gary Allen. “Chief legal council to the J. Henry Schroeder Bank was the firm Sullivan and Cromwell whose senior partners included John Foster and Allen Dulles.”

Author James Perloff concurs, and reveals the role that the Council on Foreign Relations played in aiding the Nazis.

He states,

“In 1939, on the eve of blitzkrieg, the Rockefellers’ Standard Oil of New Jersey sold $20 million in aviation fuel to… I.G. Farben [and] even had an American subsidiary called American I.G.” Describing the CFR’s connection to the Nazis, he lists the directors of the American I.G. as “ubiquitous Paul Warburg (CFR founder), Henry A. Metz (CFR founder), and Charles E. Mitchell, who joined the CFR in 1923…”

Other U.S. companies which contributed heavily to the Nazi war machine include Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH) and Union Banking Corporation (UBC), both of New York.

Prescott Bush (grandfather of President George W. Bush) was a partner at BBH and director of UBC. UBC of New York, which was founded and chaired by E. Roland Harriman, is now confirmed to have been a Nazi front company.

In a story called, Bush-Nazi Link Confirmed, on October 10, 2003, The New Hampshire Daily Gazette announced,

“After 60 years of inattention and even denial by the U.S. media, newly-uncovered government documents in The National Archives and Library of Congress reveal that Prescott Bush… served as a business partner… for the financial architect of the Nazi war machine from 1926 until 1942.”

A similar article appeared in the London Guardian on September 25, 2004, it was entitled, How Bush’s Grandfather Helped Hitler’s Rise to Power.

“Prescott Sheldon Bush… father of the [former] President George [H. W.] Bush… was a partner in the Wall Street firm of Brown Brothers Harriman for 40 years,” wrote Professor Marrs.

“It was Brown Brothers Harriman that helped to finance… the 1917 communist revolution in Moscow and the rise of Hitler and Nazism, through money made possible by it and the affiliated Guaranty Trust Company.”

Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands who served in an intelligence unit for the German branch of Farben was also a member of the Nazi SS. Bernhard eventually became a founding member of the Bilderbergers.

Death ChamberIn his book, The Rockefeller File, Gary Allen wrote,

“The alliance between Nazi Germany and the Rockefellers is truly shocking.”

He explained,

“Hitler’s Luftwaffe ran on Standard petrol, and the Rockefellers were partners in I.G. Farben Industries, whose thousands of war products included the poison gas used in Nazi death camps.”

Professor Sutton added,

“American I.G. Farben, General Electric, Standard Oil of New Jersey, Ford, and other U.S. firms” were “directly responsible for bringing the Nazis to power.”

The Russian soldier on the right is standing on top of a death chamber, near the opening from which the gas was dropped.

“German bankers on the Farben Aufsichsrat (the supervisory Board of Directors) [of I.G. Farben] in the late 1920s included the Hamburg banker Max Warburg, whose brother Paul Warburg was a founder of the Federal Reserve System in the Unite States,” revealed Professor Sutton.

“Not coincidentally, Paul Warburg was also on the board of American I.G., Farben’s wholly owned U.S. Subsidiary.”

So what this means is that Paul Warburg aided the Nazis while working for I.G. Farben in the U.S., while his brother helped them while working for the same company in Germany.

“The two largest tank producers in Hitler’s Germany were Opel, a wholly owned subsidiary of General Motors (controlled by the J.P. Morgan firm), and the Ford A.G. subsidiary of the Ford Motor Company of Detroit,” wrote Professor Sutton.

“In brief,” he affirmed, “American companies associated with the Morgan-Rockefeller international investment bankers… were intimately related to the growth of Nazi Industry.”

HollerithOn March, 29, 2002, The Guardian ran an article entitled, IBM Dealt Directly with Holocaust Organisers.

They wrote that,

“Newly discovered documents from Hitler’s Germany prove that the computer company IBM directly supplied the Nazis with technology which was used to help transport millions of people to their deaths in the concentration camps at Auschwitz and Treblinka.”

According to this mainstream publication, IBM supplied the Hollerith machines (pictured right) that determined when people would die, according to their weight, height, age, and other attributes.

Hitler & Watson Meeting

Similarly, an article entitled, How IBM Helped Automate the Nazi Death Machine in Poland, appeared in The Village Voice on March 27, 2002, alleging that there was,

“a strategic business alliance between IBM and the Reich, beginning in the first days of the Hitler regime and continuing right through World War II.”

It continued,

“Recently discovered Nazi documents… make clear that IBM’s alliance with the Third Reich went far beyond its German subsidiary. A key factor in the Holocaust in Poland was IBM technology provided directly through… IBM New York, mainly to its headquarters at 590 Madison Avenue.”

Pictured above is a 1937 meeting between Adolph Hitler (left), and the head of IBM, Thomas J. Watson (center).

One excuse used by the industrialists that supported the Nazis, is that they had no idea what was going on. Unveiling this falsehood, Professor Sutton explained,

“This financial and technical assistance is referred to as ‘accidental’ or due to the ‘short-sightedness’ of American businessmen.”

However, he stated,

“the evidence presented… strongly suggests some degree of premeditation on the part of these American financiers.”

He further noted,

“The general impression left with the reader by modern historians is that this American technical assistance was accidental and that American industrialists were innocent of wrongdoings.”


The Kilgore Committee under the United States Senate charged with post World War II investigations concluded that,

“the United States accidentally played an important role in the technical arming of Germany… Germans were brought to Detroit [Ford Motor Company] to learn the techniques of specialized production of components, and of straight-line assembly… The techniques learned in Detroit were eventually used to construct the dive-bombing Stukas.”

To the right we see the German Stukas used during WWII, which were apparently designed with the help of Ford Motor Company.

Reportedly, the planes ran on fuel supplied by Rockefeller. The report continued,

“At a later period I.G. Farben representatives in this country enabled a stream of German engineers to visit not only plane plants but others of military importance, in which they learned a great deal that was eventually used against the United States.”

Professor Sutton points out,

“[The Kilgore Committee] makes it clear that I.G. Farben directors had precise knowledge of the Nazi concentration camps and the use of I.G. chemicals.”

To illustrate his point, he quotes a 1945 interrogation of I.G. Farben director von Schnitzler in which Schnitzler stated,

“I was horrified” that the chemicals were being used in the camps but “kept it to myself because it was too terrible.”

Professor Sutton suggests,

“not only was an influential sector of American business aware of the nature of Naziism, but for its own purposes aided Naziism wherever possible” and “profitable.”

He charges,

“The pleas of innocence do not accord with the facts.”

James Stewart Martin investigated the structure of the Nazi industry while working as Chief of the Economic Warfare Section for the Department of Justice.

In his book, All Honorable Men, published in 1950, he asserts that American and British businessmen got themselves appointed to key positions in the post-war investigation. Martin concludes that this was a deliberate tactic to divert, stifle and muffle investigation of Nazi industrialists and to hide their own involvement.

Regarding this matter Professor Sutton observed,

“The evidence suggests there was a concerted effort not only to protect Nazi businessmen, but also to protect the collaborating elements of American and British business.”

Referring to the Kilgore Committee in 1946, Professor Sutton wrote,

“Accordingly, it is not at all difficult to visualize why Nazi industrialists were puzzled by ‘investigations’ and assumed at the end of the war that their Wall Street friends would bail them out and protect them from the wrath of those who had suffered.”

Apparently these Nazis were angry that they were even on trial and boasted that their “friends” in Wall Street would rescue them.

The Kilgore Committee in 1946 described the attitudes of these Nazi war criminals stating,

“Their general attitude and expectation was that the war was over and we ought now to be assisting them in helping to get I.G. Farben and German industry back on its feet. Some of them have outwardly said that this questioning and investigation was… of short duration, because as soon as things got a little settled they would expect their friends in the Untitled States and England to be coming over. Their friends, so they said, would put a stop to activities such as these investigations…”

The Control Council which was given the task of preparing directives for the arrest and detention of war criminals, moved into Germany after the war. It was headed by the Council on Foreign Relations.

Professor Sutton observed,

“At the end of World War II, Wall Street moved into Germany through the Control Council to protect their old cartel friends and limit the extent to which the denazification fervor would damage old business relationships.”

He said,

“General Lucius Clay, the deputy military governor for Germany, appointed… Banker William Draper [to]… put his control team together from businessmen who had represented American business in pre-war Germany.”

The CFR/Wall Street managed these investigations from the top.

“So when we examine the Control Council for Germany,” wrote Professor Sutton “we find that the head of the finance division was Louis Douglas, director of the Morgan-controlled General Motors,” and the head of the “Economics Division was William Draper, a partner in the Dillon, Read Firm that had so much to do with building Nazi Germany in the first place.”

“All three men [Douglas, Clay, and Draper] were, not surprisingly… members of the Council on Foreign Relations,” he added.

“None of the Americans were ever prosecuted,” wrote Perloff.

“The story of American ties to German fascism has been avoided like the plaque by the major U.S. media.”

Professor Sutton declared,

“After World War II the Tribunals set up to investigate Nazi war criminals were careful to censor any materials regarding Western assistance to Hitler.”

“[At] the very core of Naziism,” says Professor Sutton, we “find Wall Street, including Standard Oil of New Jersey and I.T.T., represented… [up] to as late as 1944.”

Referring to Wall Street’s role in funding the Nazis as being one part of a consolidation plan for world domination, he concludes,

“This interplay of ideas and cooperation… was only one facet of a vast and ambitious system of cooperation and international alliance for world control.”

The professor quotes an Establishment insider; Georgetown professor Dr. Carroll Quigley, as saying that it was,

“nothing less than to create a world system of financial control, in private hands, able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.”

According to this information, the Council on Foreign Relation, played an important role in funding the Nazis, and orchestrated the investigations to prevent their connections from being made public. This is a major historical lie.

This evidence also suggests that Wall Street/CFR not only funded, but arguably, created the Nazi war machine.


* All photographs used on this page have been taken from the following sources:,,,

The Great Depression was Deliberately Created

Apparently congress was aware of the scheme of the international bankers and recognized the danger that the republic was in.

Congressman Lindberg said in a Congressional Record dated, December 22, 1913, vol. 51,

“This new law [the Federal Reserve Act] will create inflation whenever the trusts want inflation. It may not do so immediately, but… if the trusts can get another period of inflation, they figure they can unload the stocks on the people at high prices during the excitement and them bring on a panic and buy them back at low prices… The people may not know it immediately, but the day of reckoning is only a few years removed.”

“That day of reckoning, of course, came in 1929,” said Perloff, “and the Federal Reserve has since created an endless series of booms and busts by the strategic tightening and relaxation of money and credit.”

Speaking about the historical disinformation regarding the crash, Perloff said,

“Establishment historians present the ’29 stock market crash as they do most events: an accident, evolved from erroneous policies, not from deliberate planning. We have all heard how foolish speculation bid stock prices high, but that the bubble finally burst, plunging brokers out of windows and America into the Depression.”

“Having built the Federal Reserve as a tool to consolidate and control wealth, the international bankers were now ready to make a major killing,” stated Allen.

“Between 1923 and 1929,” he described, “the Federal Reserve expanded (inflated) the money supply by sixty-two percent. Much of this new money was used to bid the stock market up to dizzying heights. At the same time that enormous amounts of credit money were being made available.”

Continued Allen,

“the mass media began to ballyhoo tales of instant riches to be made in the stock market. According to Ferdinand Lundberg: ‘For profits to be made on these funds the public had to be induced to speculate, and it was so induced by misleading newspaper accounts, many of them bought and paid for by the brokers that operated the pools.'”

Perloff concurred, writing,

“The Federal Reserve prompted the speculation by expanding the money supply a whopping sixty-two percent between 1923 and 1929. When the central bank became law in 1913, Congressman Charles Lindbergh had warned: ‘From now on, depressions will be scientifically created.’ Like two con men working a mark, the Fed made credit easy while Establishment newspapers hyped what riches could be made in the stock market.”

“Curtis Dall,” he continued, “himself a syndicate manager for Lehman Brothers was on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange on the day of the Crash.”

Perloff quotes Dall as declaring,

“Actually, it was the calculated ‘shearing’ of the public by the World-Money powers triggered by the planned sudden shortage of call money in the New York money market.”

The “shearing,” wrote Allen, caused a,

“despair [which] produced a willingness to accept a major expansion of government controls over the economy… In 1929, America was a long way from total government.”

He advised,

“The next depression will be used as the excuse for complete socialist-fascist controls at home and the creation of a World Superstate internationally.”

Congressman Louis McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking Committee, declared of the Depression,

“It was not accidental. It was a carefully contrived occurrence.”

He warned,

“The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so that they might emerge as rulers of us all.”

The Great Depression is another example of the Problem-Reaction-Solution formula.

“Plummeting stock prices ruined small investors, but not the top “insiders” on Wall Street,” wrote Perloff.

“Paul Warburg had issued a tip in March of 1929 that the crash was coming. Before it did, John D. Rockefeller, Bernard Baruch, Joseph P. Kennedy, and other money barons got out of the market… Early withdrawal from the market not only preserved the fortunes of these men,” said Perloff, “it also enabled them to return later and buy up whole companies for a song.”

“History shows that the Wall Street biggies came through very well indeed,” wrote Alan B. Jones in his book, How the World Really Works.

Quoting from G. Edward Griffin’s book, The Creature from Jekyll Island, he added,

“Virtually all of the inner club was rescued. There is no record of any member of the interlocking directorate between the Federal Reserve, the major New York banks, and their prime customers having been caught by surprise.”

Pictured below is a bread line in New York City during the Great Depression. Apparently the Wall Street insiders didn’t require this service.(*)

Bread Line
Jones quotes Herbert Hoover’s description of the Secretary of the Treasury, Andrew Mellon’s views,

“Mr. Mellon had only one formula: ‘Liquidate labor, liquidate stocks, liquidate the farmers, [and] liquidate real estate.'” [Mellon] said, “It will purge the rottenness out of the system. Values will be adjusted, and enterprising people will pick up the wrecks from less competent people.”

“For those who knew the score,” stated Allen, “a comment by Paul Warburg had provided the warning to sell. That signal came on March 9, 1929, when the Financial Chronicle quoted Warburg as giving this sound advice: ‘If orgies of unrestricted speculation are permitted to spread too far… the ultimate collapse is certain… to bring about a general depression involving the whole country.'”

“Sharpies [insiders] were later able to buy back these stocks at a ninety percent discount from their former highs,” he declared.

“FDR is probably best remembered for the New Deal,” stated Perloff.

“Of courser, since a large portion of the work force was unemployed, there was not enough tax revenue to pay for these programs. So the government turned to its other source – borrowing. In effect, the international bankers, having created the Depression, now loaned America the cash to recover from it.”

He added,

“Naturally, the interest on these loans would be borne on the backs of taxpayers for years to come.”

The migration of families & individuals due to lack of jobs was evidently common during the Great Depression.

Encyclopedia Britannica describes the Great Depression as the,

“Longest and most severe economic depression ever experienced,” which “precipitated economic failures around the world” and triggered “major changes in the structure of the U.S. economy.”

“To think that the scientifically engineered Crash of ’29 was an accident or the result of stupidity defies all logic,” concluded Allen.

This evidence suggests that The Great Depression was artificially created so the larger Wall Street firms, which control the stock market, could eliminate competition and make profits out of lending America money to recover from it.

“Competition is a sin.”-John D. Rockefeller


All photographs used on this page have been taken from from and

An Attempted Overthrow of the U.S. Government

General ButlerIn 1934 General Smedley D. Butler went public after he was approached by Wall Street and offered up to 300 million dollars to lead an army of 500,00 veterans equipped with munitions from Remington Arms Company to Washington D.C., in order to overthrow the U.S. Government by force. The plot was investigated by the McCormack-Dickstein committee, which found General Butler to be telling the truth.(*)

During his 35 years of service in the Marine Corps, General Butler received the Congressional Medal of Honor twice. The Medal of Honor is the highest award for valor against an enemy force, which can be given to an individual serving in the Armed Forces of the United States.

Jules Archer’s book, The Plot to Seize the White House, was written with the cooperation of senators, reporters, former Speaker of the House of Representatives John W. McCormack, former editors of the Philadelphia Inquirer, and the Philadelphia Record, and the immediate family of General Smedley Butler who provided military records, scrapbooks, memorabilia, recordings, etc. In his book Archer states, “School texts… are uniquely silent about the powerful Americans who plotted to seize the White House with a private army, hold President Franklin D. Roosevelt prisoner, and get rid of him if he refused to serve as their puppet in a dictatorship they planned to impose and control.”

The backing of the revolution reportedly came from the American Liberty League, which was headed by Morgan and DuPont. “Heavy contributors,” says Archer, also included, “the Pitcairn family (Pittsburgh Plate Glass), Andrew W. Mellon Associates, Rockefeller Associates, E. F. Hutton Associates, William S. Knudsen (General Motors), and the Pew family (Sun Oil Associates).” The online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, added, “General Butler claimed that the American Liberty League was the primary means of funding the plot. The main backers were the DuPont family, as well as leaders of U.S. Steel, General Motors, Standard Oil, Chase National Bank, and Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company.”

In his book, Facts and Fascism, investigative reporter, and author George Seldes wrote, “Most papers suppressed the whole story or threw it down by ridiculing it. Nor did the press later publish the McCormack-Dickstein report which stated that every charge Butler made… had been proven true.” Archer commented, “Press coverage of what was obviously a startling story of utmost importance to the security of the nation was largely one of distortion, suppression, and omission.”

So, as expected, the mainstream press was called upon to discredit General Butler. “On November 22 the Associated Press struck a low blow at Butler by getting Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia, of New York, to express an opinion of the conspiracy based on what he had read about it in the press,” wrote Archer. The AP ran this news item under the headline Cocktail Putsch. Explaining the contents of the article, Archer continued, “Mayor LaGuardia of New York laughingly described today the charges of General Smedley D. Butler that New York brokers suggested he lead an army of 500,000 ex-service men on Washington as ‘a cocktail putsch.’ The Mayor indicated he believed that some one at a party had suggested the idea to the ex-marine as a joke.”

Commenting on a November 21, 1934, article on the front page of the New York Times entitled, Gen. Butler Bares Fascist Plot To Seize Government by Force, Archer wrote, “This was followed by a whole string of denials, or ridicule of the charges, by prominent people implicated. Extensive space was given to their attempts to brand Butler a liar or lunatic. Only at the tail of the story, buried inside the paper, did the Times wind up its account with a few brief paragraphs mentioning some of his allegations.”

Continuing to quote denials from the article, he wrote, “It’s a joke – a publicity stunt.” “Thomas W. Lamont, partner in J. P. Morgan and Company, gave his comment: ‘Perfect moonshine! Too unutterably ridiculous to comment upon!’ J. P. Morgan himself, just back from Europe, had nothing to say. ‘A fantasy!’ scoffed Colonel Grayson M.-P. Murphy. ‘I can’t imagine how anyone could produce it or any sane person believe it. It is absolutely false so far as it relates to me and my firm.'” Time Magazine also ran a first-page story on December 3, 1934 that attempted to ridicule Butler under the headline Plot Without Plotters.

“If the press seemed overeager to emphasize denials of Butler’s charges,” wrote Archer, “the people of grass-roots America were far readier to believe the man who had exposed the plot. Letters of encouragement poured in from all over the country.” Fortunately not all mainstream publications demonized General Butler. “Paul Comly French broke the story [on November 20, 1934] in… the Philadelphia Record and the New York Post,” announced Archer.

Archer described French’s article entitled, $3,000,000 Bid for Fascist Army Bared, writing, “Major General Smedley D. Butler revealed today that he has been asked by a group of wealthy New York brokers to lead a Fascist movement to set up a dictatorship in the United States. General Butler, ranking major general of the Marine Corps up to his retirement three years ago, told his story today at a secret session of the Congressional Committee on Un-American Activities.”

Quoting Dickstein, Archer wrote, “General Butler’s charges were too serious to be dropped without further investigation… He is a man of unquestioned sincerity and integrity. Furthermore, in my opinion, his statements were not denied or refuted. I think the matter should be gone into thoroughly and completely and I intend asking Congress for funds to make such an investigation. The country should know the full truth about these reputed overtures to General Butler. If there are individuals or interests who have ideas and plans such as he testified to, they should be dragged out into the open.”

Unfortunately this was not the case. The committee, like all committees investigating the financial elite, was a whitewash. Wikipedia states that even though the committee, “did take the threat seriously and did verify that a fascist coup was indeed well past the planning stage, the Senate committee expired.” This is similar to the Reece Committee’s fate while investigating the Tax-exempt Foundations.

“Worst of all, no one involved in the plot had been prosecuted,” wrote Archer. “MacGuire had denied essential parts of Butler’s testimony, which the committee itself reported it had proved by documents, bank records, and letters,” he declared. This is blatant perjury. So, he asked, “Did the department intend to file a criminal prosecution against MacGuire for perjury or involvement in the plot?” The answer of course is no.

The online encyclopedia noted, “Portions of Butler’s story were corroborated,” by “Veterans of Foreign Wars commander James E. Van Zandt,” who attested that he too, had been approached by representatives of Wall Street to lead a “Fascist dictatorship” under the guise of a “Veterans Organization.” General Butler’s testimony was also supported by Captain Samuel Glazier – testifying under oath about a plot to install a dictatorship in the United States.

Of the committee’s findings, the encyclopedia, states, “The Congressional Committee report confirmed Butler’s testimony… In the last few weeks of the committee’s official life it received evidence showing that certain persons had made an attempt to establish a fascist government in this country.” It added, “There is no question that these attempts were discussed, were planned, and might have been placed in execution when and if the financial backers deemed it expedient.”

The director of the ACLU, Roger Baldwin, stated, “The Congressional Committee investigating un-American activities has just reported that the Fascist plot to seize the government… was proved; yet not a single participant will be prosecuted under the perfectly plain language of the federal conspiracy act making this a high crime.”

Reportedly, on February 25, 1935 Time Magazine ran an article entitled, Schnozzle, gimlet eye: Fascist to Fascist which stated that the HUAC found the plot to be true. Commenting on this, Archer stated, “In a tiny footnote at the bottom of the page, in five-point type that could barely be read, Time informed those of its readers with 20-20 vision, ‘Also last week the House Committee on Un-American Activities purported to report that a two-month investigation had convinced it that General Butler’s story of a Fascist march on Washington was alarmingly true.'”

In his broadcast over WCAU on February 17, 1935, Butler revealed that some of the most important portions of his testimony had been suppressed in the McCormack-Dickstein report to Congress. He said the committee had, “stopped dead in its tracks when it got near the top.” “There is strong evidence to suggest that the conspirators may have been too important politically, socially, and economically to be brought to justice after their scheme had been exposed before the McCormack-Dickstein Committee of the House of Representatives,” wrote Archer. He stated, “Powerful influences had obviously been brought to bear to cut short the hearings, stop subpoenas from being issued to all the important figures involved, and end the life of the committee.”

Archer quotes retired Representative John W. McCormack, former Speaker of the House as saying, “There was no doubt that General Butler was telling the truth… We believed his testimony one hundred percent. He was a great, patriotic American in every respect.” According McCormack, if General Butler had not exposed these plotters, Americans today could be living under a dictatorship.

When McCormack was asked by Archer why the Department of justice under Attorney General Homer Cummings failed to initiate criminal proceedings against the plotters. He answered, “The way I figure it… we did our job in the committee by exposing the plot, and then it was up to the Department of Justice to do their job – to take it from there.”

Not surprisingly, the alleged financial backing of this attempted overthrow includes a solid link to the CFR. “The founding president of the CFR was John W. Davis,” wrote Perloff, “who was J.P. Morgan’s personal attorney and a millionaire in his own right.” In addition, Thomas W. Lamont was a founding member of the CFR. He also aided in the bloody Bolshevik Revolution. Perloff added, “Among the other Bolshevik abettors in the CFR’s original membership were… Morgan partner Thomas Lamont who helped persuade the British government to accept the New Soviet regime…” John J. Raskob, a director of the Liberty League, was also an early CFR member.

John L. Spivak, a reporter assigned to cover the committee hearings, called the story “one of the most fantastic plots in American history… What was behind the plot,” said Spivak “was shrouded in a silence which has not been broken to this day… It would be regrettable if historians neglected this episode and future generations of Americans never learned of it.”

Archer echoed, “It would seem time that school textbooks in America were revised to acknowledge our debt to the almost forgotten hero who thwarted the conspiracy to end democratic government in America.”

According to this information, the CFR/Wall Street made an overt attempt to install a dictatorship by force. This plot was investigated by congress and found to be authentic. It is strikingly similar to the Communist Revolution which Wall Street is known to have funded, where an entire country was communized after a few major cities were seized.

“The Communists came to power by seizing a mere handful of key cities,” wrote Allen. “In fact, practically the whole Bolshevik Revolution took place in one city – Petrograd. It was as if the whole United States became Communist because a communist-led mob seized Washington D.C.”



* Photo taken from


The historical evidence you’ve just seen contains not just a couple of irrelevant details, that have for clarity sake been omitted, but major facts that have been deliberately left out of mainstream education.

These facts would cause most people to view this world in a very different manner. Major historical lies have been widely distributed through the school system and mainstream publications.

The lies have been relatively consistent, spanning multiple major historical events.

We’ve seen a pattern of the same financial elite (often the same families), lying, scheming, and instigating conflicts for their own profit and control. The media is their tool, used to attack their enemies, whitewash authentic history and keep people ignorant.

The controlling elite funded the savage Communist Revolution and the Nazi Holocaust, which resulted in the murder of millions.

They built the dictatorship in Russia, which resulted in the brutal slaughter of millions of people during the Russian Holocaust. The same cabal allowed the attacks on Pearl Harbor to take place and deliberately created the Great Depression.

There was at least one blatant attempt to overthrow the U.S. Government by force in 1933-34, which congress confirmed to be genuine. Entire volumes could probably be written on their evil deeds.

By control of the Tax-exempt Complex and other institutions, they control academia and have literally rewritten history.

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