from MataHistory Website
In my recent interview (“ET and Ancient Texts” – below audio) with George Noory for Coast to Coast AM, a listener called in a crucial question that I did not answer properly, due to the fast-paced, improvisational nature of the on-air format:
ETs & Ancient Texts
February 16, 2006
Host: George Noory
Guest: John Lash
Scholar and mythologist John Lash shared revelations about aliens and UFOs that he gleaned from his research of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Nag Hammadi texts.
The Scrolls, he said, were written by an apocalyptic sect and contained numerous descriptions on the “hardware” side – sightings of crafts and close encounters.
The aliens were also written about in a positive light.
In contrast, in the Nag Hammadi texts, written by Gnostics, intrusive encounters and abductions are highlighted, with predatory aliens known as “Archons.”
Described as “draconic,” these entities were said to not be of Earth, yet hail from our planetary system.
The text explicitly warns of the Archons implanting divisive religious ideologies into the populace for their own purposes – a situation he sees being played out today.
Lash outlinedNine Theories of ET Contactwhich encompass various ways of comprehending ufology.
Among the paradigms he presented: The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis, which suggests our government cut a deal to trade access to advanced technology for the right for ETs to conduct experiments on humans and animals.
The Mind Control Hypothesis, as exemplified by
Jacques Vallee, which posits that UFO phenomena is real “but not in the sense that it appears to be.”
And the Benevolent Hypothesis, which assumes “space brothers” are here to helpfully intervene and initiate humanity into a higher evolution.
Sometimes, in responding to a question concerning the complex subject matter of mythology, it is necessary to frame the answer carefully, but radio interviews do not allow time for this.
In the following short piece I will have another try.
Who Are the Gods?
The listener asked me if the identification of the Sumerian Anunnaki and Gnostic Archons with modern ETs could be applied to other gods in different cultures, such as the Greek and Nordic myths.
A great question, and absolutely essential for a clear and sober orientation to the perplexing issue of alien entities, visitors, ancient astronauts, “gods in flying saucers,” etc.
I use three simple classifications for the various gods described in mythology and ancient texts (the Sumerian cuneiform tablets, the Bible, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Nag Hammadi codices, etc), and the entities reported in ET encounters and UFO sightings. The first classification is purely psychological. Some “gods” are not autonomous entities, independent of us, but projections of natural and intrapsychic processes.
I call such “gods” psycho-deities because they manifest through our psyches. Even if they represent forces operating in nature, what happens in the natural world also impacts the human psyche, and permeates it, so “nature gods” are also intra-psychic.
For instance, in Nordic myth Wotan or Odin is a shamanic deity, or a deified shaman, who represents the power of higher seeing and the gift of divination. These are capacities that come to be embodied, or personified, if you will, in the figure of Odin. The capacities Odin possesses are paranormal, hence “god-like,” both in the sense of being beyond the human norm, and in the sense of resembling faculties we might imagine superhuman beings to have.
Yet, they are intrapsychic capacities, fully within our range of evolution.
Or consider the nature god, Osiris, who was central to Egyptian religion. He represented processes of death and regeneration in nature, at the cellular level (hence a “grain god”), paralleled by other processes in the human psyche. As a “dying and resurrecting god,” Osiris does not stand totally beyond human reality.
The psycho-gods are interactive within the range of our mental and sensorial experience. They are, in a sense, extensions and reflections of ourselves and other sentient creatures.
Nordic mythology describes the celestial conflict between two generations of “gods,” the Vanir and the Aesir. The Aesir represent a class of “gods” of a superhuman, cosmic stature. They are not psycho-deities but cosmo-deities, divine powers that pervade the cosmos at large. They produce and sustain the manifest worlds, without manifesting themselves.
Of course, they also can reach into the human psyche, and enter our consciousness. They can go anywhere they like! Gnostics taught that the authentic cosmic gods, the pleromic divinities or Aeons, do not invade and overwhelm us. They have excellent boundaries. They do not assume human form. They are not of this world, but they are not entirely inaccessible to this world, either.
Cosmo-deities are the foundational and shaping forces of the manifest worlds, whereas psycho-deities represent our capacities to experience all that is so manifested. In Gnostic language, the cosmo-deities are the Aeons, the pleromic gods or Generators, as I like to call them. Pleroma means “fullness, plenitude.”
In astronomical terms, the pleroma of the Aeons is the galactic core, or hub. The opening Episodes of the Gaia Mythos present an attempt to describe the nature and activity of the Aeons. (I use a prose-poem for this purpose, as awkward as that may be, because a literal description would be inappropriate.)
Between these two classes of “gods” is a third group, an ambiguous class of entities who are part psychic and part cosmic. They are called tricksters in anthropological studies and comparative mythology. Indigenous lore of the Americas is full of tricksters who interact with the native peoples, usually in a playful manner.
There is a vast range of trickster entities that do no harm and harbor no intent to deceive.
Their trickery is pure fun, or it may often be a way to instruct humans in survival, adaptation, and even self-knowledge. Many tricksters take the form of animals such as the rabbit, fox, crow, coyote, and so forth. These shapeshifting entities belong to the planetary habitat as much as we do. They are psychic, animistic powers of this world, close to the “animal powers” recognized by all indigenous peoples as allies to the human species.
The fairies and “little people” of Celtic folk-lore belong to this class.
Indigenous wisdom teaches that we cannot fully know what it means to be human unless we show the humility to learn from non-human beings. Trickster entities also include the spirits of various species of psychoactive plants, fungi, and mushrooms.
The niños or hongitos, the “little ones” of Maria Sabina, for example. Or the trolls seen in DMT experiences, reported by Terence McKenna and others.
There is, however, a particular strain of the trickster-type entity that behaves in a different manner. It deliberately presents itself as a cosmo-god, having a divine status. This entity tricks us by pretending to be other than it is. Most tricksters do not act in this way, as you can see from a study of the indigenous lore.
They may be shapeshifters, they may spin tall tales and perform all manner of clever illusions, but they do not pretend to be cosmic gods.
Those who do present themselves as cosmo-gods, our creators, and so forth, could be called “trickster gods.” But this is a tricky term! We can call them trickster-gods, not because they are true gods, but because they can be mistaken for true gods.
These tricksters cannot be equated with the animistic type of trickster, nor are they psycho-gods. They can be identified by their deceptive tactics, their attempt to be taken for genuine cosmic gods. In short, they are pretenders, imposters who seek to imitate the cosmo-gods. I propose that they be called pseudo-gods.
Such are the Archons described in Gnostic writings.
Demiurge and Sophia
The ultimate imposter deity is Jehovah, the father god of the Bible. This entity of the lord of the Archons, or chief archon (protarchon).
Jehovah is a trickster-god who pretends to be an Aeon, a Generator. When Gnostics explained this distinction, they were violently resisted and, in some cases, murdered by the devotees of the pseudo-god.
Much violence has been done on this planet to protect the Biblical pseudo-god from being exposed. In fact, Jehovah’s agenda encourages and sanctions this violence, as any sane person can see from reading a few pages of the Old Testament.
The pseudo-god needs to protect its identity and preserve its deception. To do so, it persuades its human devotees to fight in its behalf. This particular trickster-god is extremely jealous and malicious. This explains why the three mainstream religions, whose followers take the pseudo-god for the supreme creator, are informed by an agenda of violence, aggression, and domination.
We live on a planet where millions of inhabitants are caught in the deceptive spell of a pseudo-god.
This was the Gnostic warning to humanity.
Some writers on Biblical Ufology – see Nine Theories of Extraterrestrial Contact, which I discussed in the Noory interview – have pointed out that Jehovah acts like a murderous psychotic.
Christian O’Brien (The Genius of the Few) is particularly astute in his psychological profile of the Biblical father god, and A.D. Horn (Humanity’s Extraterrestrial Origins) flatly asserts that “Jehovah is a lizzie” – that is, a predatory reptilian.
Horn does not cite Gnostic sources, but this is exactly what you will find in the Nag Hammadi materials. The Apocryphon of John (NHC II, 1) and other cosmological texts use the term drakonic for Jehovah, or the Demiurge, as this pseudo-god is also called.
The name given to this entity in the Mysteries was Yaldabaoth, YAL-duh-BUY-ot. Roughly translated this means “breeder of the hive, or horde.”
Now, an important distinction: I cannot say if there are malevolent trickster-gods throughout the cosmos, manifesting in various worlds. The Gnostic teachings that survive do not cover this range of phenomena. Gnostic cosmology is specific to the conditions of our solar system and life on earth.
The seers of the ancient Pagan Mysteries observed that Archontic entities are present in the solar system, but they are not native to the earth as we are.
They are literally an extra-terrestrial and non-terrestrial species. As such, they are only capable of flitting into the atmosphere of the earth in erratic ways, making brief forays, and then flitting out again.
For them to remain on earth, special conditions would have to be established, just as when humans set up an outpost on the moon, or in the depths of the ocean. The Archon tricksters cannot live in the biosphere, just as we cannot live on the other planets of the solar system such as mars, jupiter, and neptune.
Gnostics taught that the earth does not belong to the solar system, but is merely captured in it.
As the Gaia Theory of Lovelock and Margulis affirms, the earth differs from the rest of the planets by the strange equilibrium of its atmosphere, providing not only a space for life-forms to inhabit but an interactive medium in which life can evolve, adapt, and innovate.
Such is the miracle of life on earth, including the human species as part of an open experiment overseen by the cosmic gods, the Aeons.
The earth is a special case (as Gaia theory asserts), because it is embodiment of a cosmo-god, the Aeon Sophia, whose name means wisdom. On this planet we see wisdom incarnate, living, evolving, sentient, and we are part of it. Sophia is one of the cosmo-gods of the galaxy we inhabit. She emerged from the core of the galaxy, the pleroma, to become immersed in a planetary body.
This situation is unique to our world. Mythologically, it is called the Fall of Sophia. To us, Sophia is the one Aeon or cosmo-god who is directly, sensorially present. We live in her skin. Our cosmic mother is the Aeon Sophia, whom we now call Gaia.
But Sophia is also the mother of the Archons, the tricky pseudo-gods who want us to take them for Aeons. Gnostic mythology (extensively described on site and in my forthcoming book, working title, Not in His Image) taught that before Sophia morphed into the earth, she produced a kind of spatter in the realms of elementary matter (quantum foam), resulting in a weird species made of inorganic (silicon-based) elements: the Archons.
These entities proceeded to fashion a world for themselves, the planetary system exclusive of the earth, which is Sophia’s body, and was formed somewhat later. The Archons are so named, from Greek archai, “prior, previous,” because they and their world were formed before Sophia morphed into the earth.
This is all quite a huge picture, of course. I do not expect anyone to digest it in one lump.
But it is remarkable that seers in the ancient Mysteries were able to establish this scenario. Take it or leave it, believe it or not. Personally, I believe this scenario is trustworthy and can be tested against the evidence.
It explains the origin of the Archontic ETs, both reptilian and embryonic or neonate types (the big-headed, bug-eyed Greys), as no other theory can do.
The value of the Gnostic scenario of the Demiurge and his horde is that it gives us a framework for discerning various types of non-human entities, and detecting one predatory type of trickster-god. I do not insist that these are the only predatory ETs in our galaxy – I know there are tales of many types – but the brutal fact is, one is enough to endanger our evolution.
Following Gnostic teachings, I believe that the Archons are the most immediate and intimate threat to humanity.
The Insanity of God
Now, just a few more words on Gnostic cosmology, and then I will return to the question that prompted this brief essay.
I often say that the Gnostic seers in the Mysteries were adept at paranormal skills such as lucid dreaming, remote viewing, clairaudience and clairvoyance. If this is correct, they would have been able to observe the Archon pseudo-gods and discern their modus operandi. In fact, about one-fifth of the NHC concerns the origins, motives, tactics, and actions of the Archons.
What those seers were able to determine about the predatory trickster-gods may be crucial to human survival. I want to emphasize one aspect of their dia-Gnosis of alien intrusion: not only does Yaldabaoth pretend to be the supreme creator god, but he falsely believes he is just that.
The chief Archon has a god complex! He is not only trying to deceive us, he is deceived. The pseudo-god is delusional, and his delusion infects all those who follow him – such is the shocking message from the ancient Mysteries.
The Gnostic assertion of the insanity of god must be one of the most astonishing concepts in human experience. But it is not isolated, not totally unique. In The Madness of the Ego I present a Buddhist parallel to the Gnostic Demiurge. Read this scenario and see if it is not an exact equivalent to the Gnostic myth of the Demiurge. Both narratives state that the pseudo-god mistakes himself for the creator of the entire universe.
This, of course, is exactly what Jehovah does, too. Believers in the mainstream religions who take this delusional entity for their Supreme Being are themselves delusional. In blind faith, millions of people are enmeshed in the insanity of a pretender god and implicated in the violence and aggression of the Archons.
The Demiurge is an imposter deity who works against humanity.
Yaldabaoth stands between humanity and the Aeons in the galactic core, pretending to be one of them. The Archon horde, operating on a hive-mentality, try to intrude between humanity and the Aeon Sophia, embodied in the earth. Thus they work against our innate wisdom, so closely connected to the intelligence of Gaia, in the vain attempt to deviate us from that connection.
This is the dia-Gnosis of the Mystery seers.
Double Deception
Finally, in closing, I would like to return to the call-in on the interview with George Noory.
Is it possible, he asked, to discern ET-Archons in other myths around the world?
It is clear that the Sumerian Anunnaki and the Gnostic Archons are identical to modern ETs, but it is by no means easy to go through the massive material of myth and folk-lore and weed out every reference to the pseudo-deities.
I have not done this, not completely or exhaustively, but I have made various attempt at it. I would like to report my investigations on another article on site.
Meantime, there is one more crucial factor in the dia-Gnosis. This concerns the double deception of the ET phenomenon: the phenomenon itself tricks us from seeing how it works. Since I have introduced the ET-Archon theory on this site, there has been ever more excited talk about how the gods described in ancient myth were actually extraterrestrials or “ancient astronauts.”
I am certain that factoring the Archons into this discussion can be extremely instructive. At the same time, the introduction of Gnostic counter-intelligence on alien intrusion takes the discussion to another level. We now have to become more sophisticated in our understanding of the alien factor.
When we today regard the gods described in ancient times as Archontic ETs, we tend to think that we have finally understood who the gods are. This is not correct: in reality, we have come to see who the gods are not!
In making the identification, Anunnaki = ETs, for instance, we catch sight of the entities who pretend to be gods. In the Sumerian cuneiform record, which are transcripts of channeled materials, the Anunnaki claim to be our creators. But does the fact that something was written on clay tablets 2800 years ago mean that it is true? Of course not.
The Sumerian cuneiform record presents a claim that the Anunnaki are superior creator gods, not proof that they are.
The cuneiform tablets are not evidence of facts, they are evidence of a story presented as fact.
Here we are close to seeing the double deception. Having ascertained that the ancient gods were really ETs, we fail to ask, What about gods who are not ETs? The nature of the ET deception is, first, that it tricks us about the gods, and then, when we get on to the deception, it diverts us from looking beyond it toward the true gods, the divinities of the living cosmos.
Having made the ET-god connection, we must take another step toward more sophisticated knowing.
The sane thing to do, then, would be to ask, If the Archon-ETs were wrongly regarded as gods, who are the genuine gods? It would be a gross error to assume that we have understood the nature of the gods simply by making the ET connection to ancient mythology.
Due to the double deception of the ET phenomenon, we tend to assume that “ancient astronauts”, who pretended to be gods and were taken as such, must be the only gods.
With the dia-Gnosis of the Archons, we are just on the threshold of discovering the true Gods. This is a momentous shift.
According to the Gnostics, the “true gods” are the Aeons of the Pleroma. And one of these is Sophia, the wisdom goddess, who morphed into the planet earth. Today we call her Gaia. She is the ground of life and consciousness for the human species and all sentient life, including molecular life.
Such is the ancient Pagan teaching preserved by the guardians of the Mysteries. Today we stand at the threshold of reviving and reliving that teaching.
The trick is, to get past the extraterrestrial tricksters to the real magic of life on this earth.

June 2005
from Whale Website
Recently, our brilliant colleagues, Malou and Gerry Zeitlin of, put us in touch with, a site that explores anomalies, theories of conspiracy, and beliefs concerning alternative realities.
Alain Gossens, who operates the site with his partner Bruno Michelet, lives in Brussels, and so we were able to meet and talk about mutual interests.
The result was a three-part collaboration with articles by Alain on Alien Predation, and by myself, on Gnostic Parallels to Castenada, published simultaneously in English and French.
Karmapolis: We have been discussing the idea that a parasite exists and rules our mind. How can we demonstrate to our readership that this parasite exists and that the idea of “mental infection” is not delusional?
JLL: Like an infection, the mental parasite would be detected by its symptoms. Malaria, for instance, produces violent symptoms caused by a foreign entity that invades the body.
To think clearly about the parasites, we must consider that certain behavior, and certain forms of thinking, in particular religious ideologies, would be symptomatic of an infection or foreign invasion of the human mind.
Karmapolis:What is the nature and the origin of this parasite? Is it a interdimensional intelligence? Is it possible that it takes an organic form?
JLL:According to the Gnostics, the parasites orArchons, as they called them, originate with the earliest phase of the formation of the solar system, before the Earth coalesced as a planetary organism. Their habitat is the solar system, exclusive of the Earth, moon and sun. They are inorganic forms with intelligence of an electrical nature – cyborgs, as we would say.
Karmapolis:The Gnostic Texts (
Nag Hammadi Codices, NHC) describe the Eons and the Archons. To explain it simply to our readership, what are the differences between the Eons and the Archons?
JLL:In Gnostic cosmology, Aeons or Eons are gods, deities, divinities.
They are not creator-gods or point entities, however. They are rather like massive alive, aware, currents. They are the forces that form the central core of the galaxy we inhabit, the Pleroma.
Archons are an anomalous species of inorganic beings that arise outside the Pleroma, in the limbs or arms of the galaxy.
They are called Archons (from Greek archai, “elementary, from the beginning”) because they arise first, before the Earth is formed. Their bodies are formed of elementary matter (quantum fields) in a pre-organic state.
Karmapolis:Do you think that the flyers described by
Castañedaand the Archons of the Gnostics are really the same thing?
JLL:Yes, I am convinced they are the same.
Karmapolis:What was the personal event that happened in your life that focused your attention on the idea that a parasite like the Archons, the flyers or some kind of extraterrestrial entities, affect our perception of the universe?
JLL:The sense that something distorts our perception has come to me gradually, not triggered by a specific personal event. However, I did have remarkable (“occult”) experiences from the age of four, such as lucid dreams in which I encountered magical beings who came to assist or teach me, as well as other beings who attacked me. I have been directly aware of both kinds of intervention since that age.
Karmapolis:Do you think that some extraterrestrial beings like
the Grays(or Greys) are the incarnations of this parasite, or that those alien beings are more shadowed or possessed (than us) by this parasite, this predatory intelligence?
JLL:I follow the Gnostic teachings that the primary predatory intelligence facing humanity is the Archontes. I believe that they areidenticalwith the Anunnaki and the modern Grays.
Karmapolis: The Gnostics warned us about this predatory creature: they described the Archons and told us how we can be affected by them. Did the Archons create us? What is the legacy they gave us?
JLL: The Gnostics taught that the Archons did not create us, but they are caught in a delusion, and they think they are our creators. One of their main goals is to convince us that they created us – in effect, to get us to think as they do. As far as I know, there is no “legacy” we have received from the Archon ETs.
They are inferior to us in will and intelligence, though superior in navigational technology for travelling among the planets, in telepathy and techniques of imitation (virtual reality). I believe that the Archons are identical with the “Watchers”of Enoch, entities who are credited with teaching metal-working and cosmetic adornment to humanity.
If the Gnostics were correct, the Archon ETs attempt to take credit for imparting certain skills like this to humanity, but the claim is false, I believe. We ourselves have discovered these skills, but forgotten how, so we are susceptible to accept the explanation of a foreign or alien intervention.
Karmapolis: Do you believe that the Archons can take an organic form to exist? Do you believe for instance that the Archons and the Greys are the same thing?
JLL: In my understanding, the Archons are an inorganic species. Perhaps silicon and mercury, as Kerner suggests. The Greys are cyborgs, resembling human form – or, to be precise, the form of a premature fetus. Gnostic texts describe the production of the Archon species as an abortion, hence the form of a premature human body.
The Archons are only body, they have no soul. Yes, I am convinced that the Gnostic Archons are identical with modern Greys of the embryonic type.
Whitley Streiber observed that the Grey ETs exhibit a high degree of neotony – that is, they have the form of an entity that is not fully formed when it is born.
Karmapolis: In their interpretation of Gnostic texts, scholars outline the crucial role played by an individual they call Jesus Christ. This character warned us about the Archons. Is this the same Jesus known from the New Testament? Why is the message from Jesus contained in the New Testament and in the Nag Hammadi Codices so different?
If it is not the same character, is the “Christ” in Gnostic writings a power that possesses some people (such as “prophets”), and is the power described in the NHC texts completely different from the one described in the New Testament?
JLL: These are big and troublesome questions. Some of the language in these questions reflects the typical confusion – or disinformation, if you will – about Gnostic materials. In fact, the name Christ never occurs in the Nag Hammadi Codices, nor does the name Jesus. Rather, there is a recurring code: Coptic XC or XRC (translated CHS or CHRS) and IC or HC (translated IS).
For instance, in The Tripartite Tractate (117.10) you find HC in Coptic, and the translators modify this to H(COY)C, “Esous,” then translated into the name Jesus. You can see how far scholars must go to manipulate the codes and make them fit a preconception. Most Gnostic texts use the terms “the Savior,” the “Lord” and the “Revealer,” with no specific mention of Jesus or Christ at all.
Scholars who come from a Christian background and consider the NHC to be early Christian writings routinely decode XRC as Christ, or sometimes as Chrest, and IC as Jesus. There is, however, no clear or firm basis for this convention. I am convinced that these codes do not refer either to “the Christ” of Saint Paul or the “historical Jesus” of the New Testament.
The codes are used precisely to avoid those identifications. The term “the living Jesus” found in the NHC refers to an inner guide or psychic entity, not a historical person.
To Gnostics “the living Jesus” indicated a spiritual force that does not die, hence it could not be a real human person. Jesus Christ in the NT says things that would never have been said by a Gnostic initiate. His words and acts are inconsistent with an illumined teacher from the Mysteries. The Gnostic Christos is not the Christ, the Only-Begotten Son of God, in the theology of John and Paul.
The Gnostic Christos is an Aeon, a divine force that does not assume human form. Gnostics denied the Incarnation. In their view, no human person has the privilege to incarnate an Aeon, a Divinity.
Karmapolis: Do you see a tendency (even very small) in the Roman Catholic church to recognize the legitimacy of the Nag Hammadi texts, including the existence of the Archons, or in fact to deny the content and the pertinence, the relevance of the Nag Hammadi materials?
JLL: I see no tendency to recognize the genuine non-Christian character of the NHC, and certainly no tendency to recognize the Archons. Bear in mind that Gnostic teachings attribute Roman Catholic religion (the salvationist belief system) to the deviant mental influence of the Archons.
If Catholic authorities were to recognize the Gnostic message, they would be admitting that their belief system is an extraterrestrial implant in the human mind!
Karmapolis: People often compare the importance of the discovery of the Nag Hammadi texts with the Dead Sea Scrolls. As far as you know, can we find in the Dead Sea Scrolls the same warning about the Archons, about the fact that the creation of the universe is a mistake contained in the NHC?
Who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls and who wrote the NHC? Were they enemies?
JLL:Great question. This connection, between the DSS and the NHC, is crucial. To my knowledge no scholar has indicated the cross-references between these ancient texts, but they do exist. Let me elaborate.The DSS do not warn us about the Archons because they were written by an extremist sect who were manipulated by the Archons.
The Zaddikim(“Righteous Ones”) of the Dead Sea was a violent, apocalyptic sect dedicated to celestial beings, called the Kenoshim, who appeared to them in shining chariots.
Some DSS texts (notably, 4Q405, in the Sabbath Songs) describe the appearance and movement of flying saucer type UFOs exactly as they are described in modern sightings. In short, I am convinced that the sect at Qumran was an apocalyptic cult of UFO contactees, like the suicide cult, Heaven’s Gate.
South of Qumran was a Gnostic encampment of a group called the Archontics – who took this name, I believe, because it was their mission to spy upon the Archons who were controlling the Zaddikim.
In one Gnostic text, the Apocalypse of James (25.15), the Revealer says,
“Jerusalem is the dwelling place of many Archons.”
I am certain that many Gnostics from the Mystery temples in the Near East were aware of the intrusion of the Archons.
They detected the aliens and their effect, a mental or psychic infection that took the form of religious madness. Jerusalem was highly infected, and so was Qumran.
The NHC does not say that “the universe is a mistake.” It says that the world system we inhabit, our planetary system, is an anomaly due to the presence of the Archons who impinge upon life on earth. Gnostic cosmology explains the emergence of the Archons at the cosmic level, so Gnostics understood the origin and behavior of these alien entities.
The Dead Sea sectarians were completely duped by the Archons whom they saw as celestial Angels.
They believed that the Archon leader, Jehovah, was their creator God. Gnostics viewed these beliefs as religious madness due to the ideological virus spread by the Archons. Several passages in the DSS scrolls refer directly to Gnostics who are considered to be arch-enemies of the Zaddikim.
To my knowledge, no scholar has pointed out that the Dead Sea cult targeted the Gnostics in this manner. The Zaddikim wanted to completely destroy the Gnostics. If my theory is correct, we can understand why.
One more point: the Nag Hammadi Codices were discovered in December 1945, but their importance was not recognized until the summer of 1947, exactly when the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. Readers will of course realize that the summer of 1947 was the time of Kenneth Arnold‘s UFO sighting of flying saucers, and the Roswell incident.
It is amazing that ancient materials written by an ET/UFO cult, as well as other materials, exposing the nature of that cult, surfaced at the exact moment of the 1947 wave and the Roswell incident. This is truly “cosmic coincidence.”
Karmapolis:Why was the Roman Catholic Church so stubborn, and so reluctant to give access to the Dead Sea Scrolls? Was it the same reaction for the Nag Hammadi materials?
JLL:The Vatican controlled the international team of scholars associated with the Ecole Biblique in Jerusalem. These scholars, such as de Vaux and Milik, withheld the DSS materials because they show the true origins of Christianity in a very negative light.
The DSS texts reveal that the ideology of salvation in Christianity did not originate with Jesus, but came through the Zaddikim cult. This is a nasty blow to Christian belief in the uniqueness of their religion.
With the Nag Hammadi materials, a different team of scholars was engaged. They did not delay or dissimulate. However, it must be noted that the usual interpretation of the NHC is very favorable to Christianity, or made to look that way. Consequently, the NHC are less threatening to Christian faith than the DSS.
However, in my radical interpretation of the Gnostic teachings, the message of the NHC is clearly anti-Christian: that is, against the ideology of divine redemption, not against love, kindness, and good works, of course. (But then, love, kindness, and good works are not the monopoly of Christians, are they?)
Karmapolis:Anthropologists like Michael Harner or
Carlos Castañedagave the same kind of description of a mysterious creature: Harner saw in a vision the Maninkaris, a black creature, a mix between a whale and a reptile (pterodactile). These creatures need to hide themselves and are considered by the Indians of Amazonia to be the source of all life on earth.
Castaneda describes the flyers as horrible black and huge fishy creatures that eat the consciousness of mankind. Can we compare those creatures? Do you think that they have the same nature?
JLL: No, I don’t find this comparison to be valid.
The vision of the Amazonian Indians is probably an ancestral memory of the origins of human life. Gnostic teachings on this matter are similar to those of indigenous peoples who claim that the “first people” came from the skies. This is called
panspermiain modern science: the seeding of the human species on Earth from an extraterrestrial source.
In the imagination of native peoples like those who initiated Harner, the seeds of life arrive in huge canoes, worms, dragons, and other such forms. This is a way to visualize panspermia. DNA itself can be visualized as a coiling serpent.
Castaneda’s description of the flyers refers to a totally different phenomenon, a type of predatory being that is bat-like or dragon-like. Throughout history the dragon has been viewed as a benign angelic figure, even a type of superior consciousness, but the “reptilian” type of the Archon described by Gnostics is different.
We must exert some imagination and distinguish the universal dragon “archetype” from the specific form of the predatory alien, the reptilian Archon, called “drakonic” in the NHC.
Karmapolis:Why do you compare the Gnostic knowledge toshamanism?Did the Gnostics engage in research about cognition, and other ways to perceive reality? Did they use hallucinogenic substances like shamans use ayahuasca, peyote or psilocybin?
JLL:Don Juan says that sorcery (shamanism) is about shifting the parameters of perception. I believe that Gnostics were masters of this practice. They were heirs to a long tradition of shamanism deriving from the indigenous peoples of Europe and Asia going back to Paleolithic times.
In Gnosis, the path of heightened perception (to use Castaneda’s term), we see a sophisticated method of shamanism, a kind of high-tech shamanism, if you will. Techniques of paranormal perception were taught and transmitted in the Mystery Schools founded and led by gnostokoi, “those who know about divine or supernatural matters.”
According to the “Wasson thesis,” the ritual use of psychoactive plants was the basis of all genuine religion on Earth.
Gordon Wasson and Albert Hofmann, the Swiss chemist who discovered LSD, proposed that the kykeon, the sacred potion drunk at the Eleusinian Mysteries, was a mixture of ergot fungus, the organic basis of LSD. Hence, it was a psychedelic potion.
Much solid research has been done that supports this idea.
Also, the use of psychoactive mushrooms in the Mysteries has also been proposed, based on good research. It is now certain that ancient shamanic cults such as the Mysteries used psychoactive plants to achieve temporary ego-death and shift the parameters of perception. I believe that the Gnostics were deeply skilled in the use of psychoactive plants, including mushrooms.
However, I have not found any direct evidence of this in the NHC materials.
Karmapolis: Some religions and philosophies state that our material universe is an illusion and a trap and that our consciousness is tangled in an entropic web of deception. If we believe Castaneda, the human being is directed by a consciousness that is not its own conscious mind, but the mind of the predator.
This view can sound very dark and pessimistic. What is the way out of this trap, this mess?
JLL: There is really no trap, but there is a confrontation with the Trickster, the alien presence in our own minds. Gnostics did not teach that the world, this physical planet and the realm of the senses, is an illusion or a deception. They taught that it is a deep and beautiful mystery, but we are blocked from entering the mystery in depth and in a lucid way by factors in our own minds.
The Archons can insinuate their alien intelligence into our minds, but they cannot control or take over our minds by sheer force. However, if we let ourselves fall under their spell, they can entirely rule our minds.
This occurs through our abdication of our own consciousness, not through their domination, however.
The way out of the trap is to discern what is genuinely human in our minds, and what is inhumane, stupid, mechanical, blind, imitative – in short, we must understand human potential in order to see how it is distorted and subverted. Imagine, for instance, that you never heard Beethoven’s 5th symphony played as it really is, but only a distorted version with the notes totally deformed.
You could only know that the music was distorted if you knew the true, undistorted version.
Likewise, we must realize our authentic minds, our true human potential, in order to see how we are deviated. This is the challenge of the predators.
I have a little phrase for this situation:
I say, ‘Human potential comes in a trickster package.’
Karmapolis: The “laws” of nature are based on predation and fear. It is in fact the same thing for mankind, even if it is more subtle. Everything is based on duality and struggle. Is it possible that it is due to the influence or the manipulation of the universe by the Archons or the flyers?
Without those creatures, is it possible to think that the world could be different, not dualistic and predatory, or do you think that dualism is in the very essence of the universe with or without the Archons?
JLL: This world, meaning life here on the Earth, is actually not as you describe it. The description you propose is already a result of deviant perception. There is as much evidence in nature for symbiosis and cooperation as there is for predation and fear – far more, in fact.
The way the Earth works is a symbiotic miracle, and it is a magical event as well, and so there is no question that it is due to “the influence or the manipulation of the universe by the Archons or the flyers.”
The Archons influence the way you perceive the world, not the world itself. The primary power in the world we inhabit is the indwelling divinity of the planet, the Gaian intelligence, called Sophia by the Gnostics.
If you are aligned to the Gaian intelligence, you do not see the world as a place of fear and predation, but of beauty, bounty, and magic.
Karmapolis: In the Gnostic tradition, “Sophia” is the divine entity who made a mistake and created the universe and the Archons. How can we find and claim the connection with this originator principle and avoid the contact with the Archons?
JLL: One way to reach Sophia is to surrender to the beauty and majesty of nature, to enter the mystical presence of the Earth.
In nature the mystical and physical aspects of reality are merged. Beauty is supernatural. The purpose of Gnostic practices and related shamanic methods was to depart (Fr. sortir, hence sorcery) from the human social realm, shed the filters of conditioning, and commune directly with the planetary intelligence, Gaia-Sophia.
I believe this was done through temporary dissolution of the ego with the aid and guidance of sacred allies, such as plant-teachers. There is no way to avoid the Archons, but we can build an immunity to them by strengthening our vital bond with Gaia-Sophia, the living planet. The Archons are aliens who alienate us from Gaia.
Precise language is important in the expression of living cosmology. Precise poetic terms, if you will. The Aeon Sophia did not make a mistake and create the universe and the Archons. She acted unilaterally, without pairing with another Aeon, and projected herself beyond the galactic core. Aeons are formless powers in the galactic core of each galaxy.
There are many galaxies in the Universe. Sophia did not create the Universe, she emanated the world order we experience as the triple system: sun-moon-earth. Sophia did not make a mistake, but she exaggerated her involvement in her emanation, her Dreaming.
Hence, she herself became embodied in her Dreaming.
This is a rare event, not typical of the way Aeons operate. As a side effect of her excessive involvement in her Dreaming, Sophia plunged from the galactic core. (Imagine a surge or spike of luminous, foam-like matter from the galactic core into the encircling arms.) The impact she made on the elementary matter in the galactic arms produced an inorganic species, the Archons.
The Archons then proceeded to fabricate an inorganic planetary system, a clockwork mechanism. The Earth, the living planet that embodies Sophia, was then captured in that lifeless system.
This is the “mistake” – or, better said, the anomaly of our world system.
Karmapolis: In the Gnostic tradition, as I understand it, Sophia (wisdom) is not the only “Godhead” or source of eternity and perfection. Can we compare Sophia to a very sophisticated and elaborate advanced being, some kind of super extraterrestrial intelligence? Or must we admit that the source of everything is not an unique entity but more a polytheistic concept?
JLL: In Gnostic cosmology, Sophia is an Aeon, a divinity at the cosmic level, but she is not alone. She is part of a company of Aeons, the gods of the Pleroma or Fullness. There are many Pleromas, many galaxies, in the Universe.
The Gnostic myth of the Fallen Goddess is about our galaxy and our planet, not the entire Universe.
If we do not know what’s happening here, locally, how can we know what’s happening anywhere else in the universe? The test is, to get our story straight, and then go into the larger story.
Due to the peculiar intensity of her Dreaming, Sophia came to be embodied in the planet earth and so She is, for us who inhabit the Earth, the very godhead in which we live. She is the true, living Matrix.
Sophia is the Godhead of Nature, theologically speaking. What is She like? This is something we must come to understand by practices, through a path of sacred learning, Gnosis. All the Mysteries were dedicated to knowing Gaia and serving the higher intelligence of the Aeon Sophia. The “source of everything” is a Mystery.
Why speculate on what we cannot know when we face the adventure of exploring what we can know?
Karmapolis:Despite the bad rumors and perception around conspiracy theories, what do you think about the other conception of parasitism represented by
David Icke, and the Zulu shaman
Credo Mutwa, who deeply believe that the parasite is in fact a reptilian entity and that this entity shadows or invades the bodies of the rulers of this world, people like
George Bush?
JLL:I think that we need to train our imaginations to detect the presence of alien entities, and distinguish what is real from what is fantasy.
The alchemists had a rule:
Proceed according to nature, observing the workings of nature, and perform the Great Work with the true powers of imagination, not with fantasy thinking.
This is a matter of discipline we face on the path of heightened perception.
I believe that some indigenous sources such as Credo Mutwa have valid things to say about the Archons. At the same time, I suspect that the reptilian scenario is blown out of proportion due to fantasy thinking and mental manipulation.
As far as I know, the alien predators called Archons by the Gnostics can take two forms,
- embryonic (the Grey ETs)
- drakonic, a reptilian type,
…but they cannot and do not possess the bodies of human beings.
There is an element of common sense that must be maintained in considering paranormal and supernatural phenomena. George Bush does not have to be a reptilian to be a monster.
We need to recognize that human beings can act in monstrous ways because they are deviated by the reptilian predators, without adopting the fantasy that they are actually turned into reptilians. To me the scenario proposed by Icke and others gives too much power to the predators.
How then, can Icke and his witnesses offer first-hand evidence of reptilian shapeshifting? Well, perception is a construct. All perception. Bear in mind that the Archons are masters of virtual reality. In Coptic (the language of the NHC) this is called HAL, “simulation”.
Gnostic texts say that the Archons “abduct souls by night.”
This is done through virtual reality, VR simulation techniques. Of course, the “VR” of the Archons is as real for them as our earth reality is for us. The difference is, we cannot interact symbiotically with VR. The other difference is, the Archons manipulate inorganic quantum fields, but we manipulate the perceptual bands that shape those fields. Gnostics taught that we are superior to the Archons in thought, perception, and intention.
I would say that these reports are existentially true: the witnesses have perceived shapeshifting, but the perception is an effect of the reptilian powers of VR rather than a genuine phenomenon, an event in nature. Serpents are born from eggs, and they shed skins.
This is what nature shows us, and it can tell us something about how reptilians behave if we approach this matter with genuine imagination and not fantasy.
Karmapolis:Some authors (like Paul Von Ward) denounce
YHVH or Yahvehas an advanced being, an extraterrestrial entity who wants to rule our world with not really pure and nice intentions. Do you believe that YHVH is an Archon or the representative of the Archons?
JLL:Gnostic texts clearly state that Jehovah is the “Lord Archon,” a reptilian type of alien predator who dominates the hive-mentality of the embryonic or Grey aliens. Jehovah, whom the Gnostics calledYaldabaoth, is truly an extraterrestrial being whose realm is the planetary system independent of the earth, sun and moon.
He is not an “advanced being” (i.e., more evolved than humans) but a demented alien with certain superhuman or deific powers. Gnostics taught that Jehovah infects humanity with the belief that he is their creator god, but in fact he cannot create anything.
The NHC is very clear that Jehovah-Yaldabaoth is the commander of the Archon species.
Karmapolis: The Gnostics denounce the role of the Archons. Did you find the same kind of warning in other religious traditions?
JLL: No, I can’t say that I have found this information so clearly and thoroughly stated in other religious traditions. Bear in mind that Gnosis was a path of knowledge, not a religion. The Mysteries were schools of paranormal knowledge, not religious institutions.
I am convinced that all religion is a deviant from human potential, but the three Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, are potentially lethal. They lead to terminal deviation of our species. You will not find any religion that warns you that it is dangerous to your mental health and your physical survival.
Gnostics saw in salvationist religion both the evidence and instrument of alien intrusion.
Karmapolis:The Gnostic teachings and the Mysteries Schools are the same thing, in our view. Conspiracy theorists like Springmeier and Icke believe that satanic rituals came from mystery schools and think that Mystery Schools are the roots of Satanic and ritual abuses, the Illuminati and the Masonic tradition.
How and why do those authors make the relation between mysteries schools, Illuminism and Satanism? Why do they denounce with so much violence both the the Gnostic and Mysteries Schools and Roman Catholic religion, when we know that the Gnostics were persecuted by the Roman Catholics?
JLL: Icke and other conspiracy theorists who propose alien intervention are unfamiliar with the Mysteries, I suspect, for two reasons:
- first, they do not have direct experience of egodeath and instruction by the Light comparable to the experience in the Mysteries
- second, they cannot distinguish the methods and motives of the Illuminati from the genuine Gnostics
The Illuminatiwere deranged initiates, who had deep knowledge of Mystery practices but misused it to acquire social and political power.
The Mystery Schools were not training camps for Illuminati, as Icke believes. This is a grave error on his part. Due to lack of direct experience, Icke and the others are unable to realize that adepts of the Serpent Power (Kundalini) were directly opposed to the Illuminati who made a pact with the reptilian powers.
As I have explained in my articles, we are given Kundalini as the force to repel alien intrusion. The benign, healing Serpent is not a reptilian entity but an innate component of our divine biological inheritance. Speculation and research (even research as good as Icke’s) cannot teach us to make such distinctions. Only direct experience can.
Illuminati were strictly forbidden to participate in the Mysteries, once they had been detected.
In other words, the Illuminati were practitioners of occult sciences (mainly, imprinting and mind control) who had to be expelled from the Mysteries… but this is a story (an extremely important story, I might add) of which Icke and the others seem to be totally ignorant.
Karmapolis: What are the conceptions of heaven and hell in Gnostic terms?
JLL: There is no conception of heaven and hell in Gnostic teachings.
Karmapolis:Clive Prince and Lynn Pycknett in a book called
The Stargate Conspiracydenounce the fact that with the New Age, global manipulation will create a syncretism (a mix of Buddhism, Hinduism, and the three religions of the Book), a new one world religion based on old Egyptian cult and the worship of the “
In this new religion, we find the book the “
Keys of Enoch” and people like James Hurtak and Andrea Puharich, the order of Melchisedech (that we find also in the Mormon cult).
What do you think about this? Is it another manipulation from the Archons?
JLL: I think all this is a fantasy shared by people desperate for power and spiritual status, and some elements of these scenarios may be affected by Archontic deviation.
The challenge in facing the alien Tricksters is to discern what is really deviant and dangerous, by contrast to mere folly and foolishness. There is a lot of foolishness in new world order conspiracy theories. There is a lot of spiritual phoniness and pretence among people who channel “the council of the Nine.”
This has been going on for many years now… The problem here is, the fantasy material is like quicksand: you just sink into it and you cannot crawl out.
With the clear and precise indications given by Gnostics about the Archons, we can begin to see what is happening in our minds and correct the madness – although we must do this one by one, individually, for we cannot correct the madness in the minds of others.
June 15, 2014
from NewDawnMagazine Website
excerpted from New Dawn Special Issue 17
September 3, 2011
JOHN LAMB LASH is a leading exponent of the power of myth to direct individual experience and drive historical events over the long term. His website is an inquiry into the contemporary meaning of humanity’s myths and beliefs, with emphasis on star lore and the legend of the Grail. He has written a number of books, including The Seeker’s Handbook, Twins and the Double, The Hero – Manhood and Power, Quest for the Zodiac and Not in His Image: Gnostic Vision, Sacred Ecology, and the Future of Belief. He is featured on the DVD Sophia Returning: The Path To Planetary Tantra. |

In a text in the Nag Hammadi collection discovered in Egypt in December 1945, an unnamed teacher declares to his student:
“Behold, I shall reveal to you the path of deliverance. Whenever you are seized [in the soul] and undergo mortal fear, a multitude of archons may turn on you, thinking they can capture you.
And in particular, three of them will seize you, those who pose as toll collectors. Not only do they demand toll, but they take away souls by theft.”
Nag Hammadi Library in English
ed. by James Robinson, 265
Consider the information packed into this short paragraph:
the certainty of a supernatural confrontation, the mortal fear it inspires, the threat of being captured or taken hostage, the large number of predators, their habit of appearing in threes, the demand for tribute or toll, the feat of abduction (“take away souls by theft”).
And the intruders are even named outright: archons.
The First Apocalypse of James, probably written down around 300 CE, presents a glimpse of “higher education” in the Mystery Schools – that is to say, education concerning the supernatural, the paranormal, parapsychology, and the noetic sciences.
The founders and leaders of those schools were ancient seers called Gnostikoi,
“those who know divine matters.”
Gnostics were the arch-enemies of the early Christian converts and ideologues such as Irenaeus, who established the canon of the four Gospels of the New Testament.
In order for Christianity to rise to power and meld with the Roman Empire as a state religion with an agenda of totalitarian mind control, its advocates had to eliminate the competition. Gnostics threatened the salvationist agenda due to something they knew, or claimed to know, about its origins.
Scholars of Gnosticism do not ask why the threat posed by the Mystery adepts was so great and grave that it required centuries of murder, persecution, and intellectual genocide to be eliminated. On the contrary, they routinely assume that Gnostic sects were early, innocuous variations of primitive Christianity.
They take the writings found in the Nag Hammadi Codices for out takes of Christian material.
That being so,
- Why did the Gnostic message simply not co-exist and mingle with the writings that were to become canonical for the Judeo-Christian faith?
- Why did they have to be extirpated, root and branch?
The threat posed to Christian ideology by the Gnostic message was very great, indeed. And still is.
For one thing, Gnostics asserted that the paternal father god of Jews and Christians alike, Jahweh-Jehovah, was in reality one of the archons. An alien intruder, a hostile ET.
And moreover, they insisted that this alien pretender is insane and working against humanity.
Needless to say, this proposition was extremely alarming to devotees of the Abrahamic faith. Since the discovery of the Gnostic cache in Egypt in 1945, that alarm is again sounding across the land.
The Sophianic Vision
Extensive noetic and parapsychological training, undertaken in teams (cells) and maintained for generations, allowed adepts of the pre-Christian Mysteries to detect predatory ETs, discern their origin and habitat, identify their forms, and to unmask their motives and methods, as well as how to resist them.
That itself was an immense achievement in psychic detection.
But for all their scope and finesse in supernatural matters, the Gnostikoi were also acute observers of the social world. They had a rigorous deconstructive view of history and the belief-systems that drive human behavior.
“Pagan adepts from the Mysteries in the Levant and Egypt saw in the salvationist agenda of Abrahamic religion both the evidence and the instrument of archontic deviation”.
Not in His Image: Gnostic Vision, Sacred Ecology, and the Future of Belief
by John Lamb Lash
The evidence and the instrument.
In other words, they saw in the religious ideology of male-only creation, election, messiahship, atonement, retribution, etc., the evidence of deviant intrusion on the human mind, and they identified that ideology as the very instrument of the intruding force, archons.
This analysis is extremely close to the notion of the “foreign installation,” attributed by Carlos Castañeda to alien intruders called flyers.
Interestingly, the made-up Aramaic-Hebrew name, Yaldabaoth, assigned by Gnostics to the archon overlord, may mean,
“the one who flies or flits around in space.”
Gnostic teachers in the Mysteries were devotees of the goddess called Sophia, “wisdom” in Greek.
They were deeply versed in the designs and purposes of this divine power through their method of mathesis, instruction by the Light – that is to say, the primal living radiance of the goddess herself.
Gnostics accessed the source of life and consciousness on this planet, for Sophia, although originally a goddess from the galactic centre, had morphed into the material body of our planet. So goes the Gnostic origin myth.
Prior to her conversion into materiality, the aeon Sophia (as she was addressed honorifically) had engineered the human genome among the company of gods in the galactic core, the pleroma (“fullness, plenitude”).
In the sacred instruction of the Mysteries, Sophia is both the source of pre-terrestrial humanity, our divine parent, and the setting in which human life unfolds, this planetary habitat.
Her biography, the Sophianic origin myth, is the story that guides our species on its proper course of experience. Illumined teachers in the Mysteries taught the three Ss: source, setting, story.
Ancient writers assert that all the Mysteries were dedicated to the Magna Mater, the Great Mother, i.e., Sophia embodied in the Earth. Today an appropriate name for the wisdom goddess would be Gaia-Sophia.
I suggest the pronunciation So-FI-uh over So-FEE-uh, to distinguish the sacred name from the latter, the common name for a woman: Guy – UH – so – FI – uh.
Error, Not Evil
The Sophianic vision story of the pagan Mysteries is the cosmic biography of Gaia-Sophia, divine wisdom embodied in the Earth.
Amazingly, this scenario not only recounts the origin of humanity in the galactic centre, but also the origin of the species of the predatory aliens called archons, who endanger the human adventure in certain ways.
Gnostics saw the threat operating along two trajectories:
- by psychic intrusion or mental parasitism
- by deviant and insane beliefs framed in religious ideology, such as creation by an off-planet father god, the chosen people, messianic expectations, the redemptive value of suffering, apocalypse, and divine retribution
Indeed, they attribute such beliefs to a kind of channeling from the archons.
In the Gnostic view, the invasion of our world by hostile ETs has been underway for millennia. Via the intrusion of an alien mindset into human consciousness, rather than a physical invasion with saucers and Flash Gordon death-rays. No such event was foreseen by Gnostics, for archons are unable to live in the terrestrial habitat.
However, they would have us destroy the home planet out of sheer envy against us, Gnostics cautioned.
Several texts in the Nag Hammadi Library warn explicitly that archons envy humanity for the qualities of freedom and love, not to mention ingenuity and imagination, all of which they lack. These texts state that the envious ETs operate through deception and excel in simulation (Coptic HAL), but basically have no agenda or master plan except to disrupt and confuse.
Their plan is “senselessness,” a pointless game of “fear and enslavement” (NHLE, 364-5 – The Second Treatise of the Great Seth) to which humans succumb due to egotism.
Detesting the innocence and brilliance of the human species, they delight in deception and confusion for its own sake, cosmic spoilers, tricksters bent on absurdity. Our confusion actually entertains them, and they feed vicariously off our fear.
It is important to emphasize that Gnostics did not consider archons to be evil as such. The autonomy of evil and similar propositions are – if you will allow this expression – alien to the Gnostic way of thinking.
Gnostic were the cream of pagan intelligentsia. Pagans essentially did not see evil in the cosmos, but they realized the risk of deviance from cosmic harmony. Gnostics refuted the concept of cosmic or “satanic” evil working against humanity. In their view, no one can sin, but we can all make mistakes. And mistakes can be corrected. Even the error of the archons can be corrected.
Mystery teachings do not carry apocalyptic predictions, but the plot of the Sophianic myth contains a key event called “correction” (Greek diorthosis), indicating a decisive moment in the human adventure when we as a species come to terms definitively with the archon problem, the alien presence on Earth.
We would resolve and correct that problem through reaching an interactive connection to the wisdom goddess.
Indications point to that moment being now, right now. The decisive factor in the event would not be disclosure, for aliens have been known to lurk around the human world since time immemorial, including many benevolent kinds.
Are we to assume there is only one predatory alien, identified by those ancient seers? Well, one is all it takes. And if there were more than one malevolent intruder, and we cannot clearly see even one, we would really be in trouble, wouldn’t we?
What if, at the moment of correction, humanity achieves deliverance from the delusion of the Archons, overthrowing the devious strategy that gives them an advantage in our minds? The follow-up of Gnostic psychic detection would then be deliverance from Archontic influence rather, than disclosure of their presence in some official capacity.
But more on this distinction at the close of this article.
Prison Planet
The “foreign installation” or archontic implant may also be regarded as a delusional matrix, a false paradigm.
By broad definition a matrix is any setting or habitat:
the natural world is the matrix of all terrestrial creatures.
Your home is the matrix of your domestic life. Your soul-life is the matrix of your sensibility, aesthetics, ethics.
But a matrix can also be a construct of unnatural or inorganic origin.
- a labyrinth or house of mirrors
- a bureaucracy or government agency
- a Kafkaesque impersonal system
Gnostic seers saw the danger of humans getting trapped in such systems, to the extent of becoming soulless and losing our humanity.
In the citation above, the Gnostic master says archons act like toll keepers, or gatekeepers. This allusion is consistent with the Mystery teaching on “planetary spheres” conceived as a maze of confining shells defined by the orbits of the planets in our solar system.
This paradigm, leaked from the Mysteries and never widely discussed in the world at large in ancient times, compares the solar system to a multilevel computer game inhabited and guarded by trolls who prohibit passage through the maze unless they are provided with passwords, tolls, or tokens.
In the cynic or fatalistic spin, the “planetary spheres” may be envisioned as a vast penitentiary system where human souls are captured.
Misunderstanding of this initiatory concept by those outside the Mysteries led to the assumption that this Earth is a hell-world where the human soul is imprisoned.
This ancient teaching is the origin of the “prison planet” meme, a stroke of pagan, pre-Christian and anti-Christian genius. Note that point, Mr. Alex Jones.
Gnostics did not view the penitentiary paradigm (which they originated) in that sense. They saw it as a labyrinth of error and illusion, not a diabolical tool of punishment. Behind their view was a sophisticated cosmology that proves to be compatible in many respects with modern Gaia theory.
In Gnostic cosmology, the Earth does not properly belong to the celestial clockworks of the solar system but is merely captured in it:
an organic planet captured in an inorganic system.
Because Sophia permeates life on Earth through and through, and she herself is the ground on which we stand, the air we breathe, this planet is different from the rest of the solar system.
It is alive, aware, sentient, nurturing organic life, whereas the other planets such as Mars and Jupiter are inorganic worlds suitable as habitats for inorganic or cyborg entities such as archons.
Moreover, Gnostic seers claimed that the alien mind parasites who intrude upon humankind originated along with the solar system before the Earth itself arose – that is, before the galactic goddess Sophia morphed into her terrestrial body.
The term archon comes from the Greek root archai,
“prior, before, in the beginning.”
The archon horde arose in a region of the galactic spiral arms prior to the formation of the Earth.
That region was a kind of fracture zone produced by the impact of the plasmic luminosity of Sophia when she dove from the galactic core (pleroma) into the relatively dense materiality of the spiral arms (kenoma).
Sophia allowed the archons to establish a habitat for themselves in that zone, called the stereoma. It was a virtual reality simulation of the pleromic region of fractal animations, the realm of the galactic gods in the core, the aeons. But a mechanical, lifeless imitation.
Archons cannot create but only imitate. They did not produce the stereoma of celestial clockworks out of their own intelligence and intention:
they merely acted in drone-like fashion, executing the design lent to their minds by the Aeon Sophia.
So, prior to the moment in cosmic evolution when the Earth appeared and human life emerged on this planet, the archon stereoma was already constructed, up and running.
Sophia produced the Moon to set a boundary to their activities, thus establishing a mechanical, seemingly artificial regimen of moments and measures (NHLE, 121 – Note: That the Moon is older than the Earth is a recent hypothesis supported by quite a lot of convincing evidence, and some solid inference).
The archontic heaven comprises our solar system exclusive of the,
- Earth
- Moon
- Sun,
…which form a three-body dynamic of autonomous and cooperative properties, as Gaia theory confirms.
Such is the amazing assertion of Gnostic astrophysics.
The Sophianic vision story presents a complete and coherent rendition of world origin and human origin, cosmogenesis and anthropogenesis. It tells us that the human genomic design (anthropos) was engineered in the galactic core, but archons arose in the spiral arms due to a freak event, before that human strain had time to seed on a planet and emerge.
“The world-system we inhabit came about due to a mistake (anomou), an anomaly”.
Gospel of Philip, NHLE, 154
This is perhaps the most famous one-liner in the Nag Hammadi corpus. A sensational remark, to say the least. And totally, precisely accurate in cosmological terms.
The anomaly was Sophia’s plunge from the pleromic core, producing a fracture zone where the locust-like cyborg archons emerged by spontaneous generation – exactly as shown in the abiogenesis of Acari insects performed by Andrew Crosse in 1837, reported to the Royal Society, and duplicated by Michael Faraday.
Sophia provides the archons with a Disneyesque virtual world to inhabit, but as one Nag Hammadi corpus text says, the archon overlord Yaldabaoth,
“because of the power of luminosity he possessed of Sophia’s light [which the goddess lent to his mind], he called himself [the only] god, and he did not obey the place from which he came”.
Apocryphon of John, NHLE, 111
The demented alien overlord assumes a reptilian form (Greek drakon) and sports the mask of a lion-head, representing the usurpation of authority and his preference for working through royalty, dynastic lineages, blood-lines.
He arrogantly assumes himself to be the Supreme Being and would have others do the same. He does not respect boundaries and attempts to invade the human world, an absurd objective, doomed to fail.
Yet he can harass and confuse the human species to the point where it loses contact with Sophia and the pleromic gods, destroys its own habitat, and turns into a horde of mindless zombies.
This is the ultimate peril of ET invasion in Gnostic terms. There is much evidence that we today are at the ultimate threshold of that drama of absurdity and alienation.
Spiritual Control
When I began to write Not in His Image around 1996, I was deeply immersed in researching the ET/UFO phenomenon.
In all I delved into some 150 books. I talked to many people who had seen flying hardware or been abducted. I also drew upon my own encounters with Castaneda’s flyers over many years. Among all investigators of the alien enigma, I found in Jacques Vallée a diagnostic and deconstructive view closely compatible with Gnostic sources.
Vallée and his mentor, Allen Hynek, both initially considered that the ET/UFO phenomenon was benevolent. They concluded that it was not. I totally concur.
Vallée’s sophisticated and in-depth analysis tallies with that of another outstanding mind in the field, John Keel, who views ETs as tricksters. But not tricksters out to play with us in a kind and instructive manner.
Vallée and Keel both observe that speculation about ETs and UFOs tends to develop religious dimensions – clearly seen in the messianic zeal of Steven Greer, head of the Disclosure Project.
A Gnostic living today would perhaps comment,
“Yes, but we already have an ET religion on Earth:
Judeo-Christianity, the brainchild of a reptilian freak.”
My studies are summarized in Nine Theories of Extraterrestrial Contact.
Among these are,
- the Sitchin theory said to be drawn from Sumerian cuneiform tablets (although Sitchin’s translations are extremely dubious)
- the ancient astronauts of Erich von Daniken
- biblical Ufology which asserts that divine visitations in the Bible are reports of alien encounters
This third hypothesis would be positively shattered by Gnostic deconstruction, showing that angels, if they be archons disguised, are indeed ETs, but there is no divine plan working through them, and the god who sends them is definitely not on our side.
The Rapture is a ludicrous soap-opera of archon deliverance.
As for Sitchin’s slave species scenario, now widely adopted and mindlessly repeated by many people, it is frontally refuted by several Gnostic texts that describe how the archons wished to rape Eve and plant their seed in her, but failed (The Hypostasis of The Archons – NHLE, 164). So much for the incest delusion of the alien interbreeding program.
Archons cannot hack the human genome. The claim that they can is an archontic lie.
Yet with their acute powers of simulation, archons can induce humans to life-like experiences of what they pretend to be doing. Without a touchstone to reality grounded in the wisdom of the Earth itself, it may be impossible to detect and unravel such virtual reality con-games.
Entrants to the Mysteries learned that we on Earth live in the terrestrial paradise of the body of the wisdom goddess, supported by the Moon and Sun, an Edenic three-body system (trimorphic protennoia, NHLE, 511f).
But at the same time, this system has been captured in the planetary stereoma, making us subject to certain properties of inorganic, archontic physics. And blinding us mentally to the divine presence in our world.
This situation recalls the metaphor of a two-source hologram proposed by Philip K. Dick, who was deeply versed in Gnostic writings. Indeed, the archontic theme of simulation (HAL) dominates his novels.
Awakening to this situation involves a dual solution (diorthosis):
- a return to the ground of our being, the goddess who originated our species in the galactic core
- deliverance from the archontic maze, the matrix of deception, hoaxing, concealment, secrecy, and desolating make-believe
Although archons may inspire that maze by insinuating their mindset into ours, it is human,
- egotism
- greed
- fear,
…that keep it up and running.
We are our own worst enemies, for only archons can only assist us in defeating ourselves. Archons are merely a phantom pretext for our betrayal of our own divine potential. Undetected, their influence exaggerates our errors beyond the scale of correction.
Such is the Gnostic message on the alien presence in this world.
I have deliberately front-loaded this article with Gnostic material before getting to the specific topic of disclosure – understood as formal announcement of an extraterrestrial presence by world governments.
I realize that the Gnostic material is massive and may be largely new to some readers. But having a chance to overview this material, you may remark how much debate and investigation of the ET/UFO phenomenon is conducted in total ignorance of the above views and insights.
In total oblivion to what may be the single most important information we have for reading and repelling the alien presence.
The word archon also means “ruler, authorities.” If disclosure means public admission by authorities of an alien, ET presence, then it cannot be anything but another ploy of archontic deception.
Anyway, who would believe anything the authorities or governmental rulers say at this point in the world game? If anything gets corrected right now, it ought to be blind confidence in what authorities say. The absurd credulity of the human species.
No doubt, the authorities would announce the presence but hold back further details as a matter of global security.
“We are in negotiations,” Obama says with a straight face.
Well, the game is not hard to call.
If the ETs in contact with world authorities are benevolent, there is nothing to conceal. If they are malevolent, they can get the hell off the planet along with the federal and military psychopaths who are colluding with them.
Along with the bureaucratic drones and media whore who keep their sick charades up and running.
In Sophia’s correction comes the follow-up of the Gnostic expose of the archons:
time to go after the lot and take them out.
According to the Sophianic vision story, the power to do so comes from the wisdom goddess, the planetary animal mother – rather as last-minute rescue comes from the Pandoran goddess Ey’wa in Avatar.
After all, SHE was the one who put humanity in harm’s way by unwittingly and unintentionally producing the archon horde of neonate drones with its reptilian overlord, Yaldabaoth.
But for Sophia’s precipitous plunge from the galactic core, these pesky intruders would not ever have threatened our world in the first place.
So the story goes. Just a story? Well, maybe. But what a story it is.
And consider how it can be enacted and tested… It may be that following out the plot of the Gnostic vision story can lead to frontal defeat of the archons and their human accessories, archontified people.
The Sophianic myth is open-ended and certainly does point to that opportunity, the moment for which is right now. Deliverance from the error and illusion of the archontic matrix is the best option for our species, but disclosure is bound to be just another con.
Many people are already alerted to this deceit: for instance, consider the widespread caution that the authorities are due to stage a false-flag alien invasion, Operation Blue Beam.
Whatever the case, Vallée’s warning that the ET/UFO phenomenon operates as a “spiritual control program,” and Castañeda’s assertion that the flyers are the way the universe tests us, both tally beautifully with Gnostic deconstruction of the cosmic error in our minds.
Human potential comes in a trickster pack. It is as if the prize in the Cracker Jack box was a device that tricks your mind.
Eat the toasted corn, observe the show closely, be entertained and learn, keep freedom and love uppermost in your mind, and do not be tricked by the cheap bauble in the box…