Cyborgs and More

by Ben PopperAugust 8, 2012 from TheVerge Website  Shawn Sarver took a deep breath and stared at the bottle of Listerine on the counter. “A minty fresh feeling for your mouth… cures bad breath,” he repeated to himself, as the scalpel sliced open his ring finger. His left arm was stretched out on the operating…

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Mass Surveiilance and More

by A Lily BitMarch 19, 2024from ALilyBit Website  European Parliament Approves ‘Artificial Intelligence Act,’ ushering in Mass Surveillance in the Name of “Public Safety”… In a move that rings with Orwellian undertones, the European Parliament has propelled the Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Act from its conceptual cradle in 2021 to the precipice of legal reality, transforming…

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