Dimensions – The Real Matrix

by J. O’Brien July 2000 from O’Brien’sExtraterrestrials Website Recovered through WayBackMachine Website Spanish version THE THIRD DIMENSION The Third Dimension – Physical Reality of the Conscious Being The Third Dimension is where energy congeals into a dark, dense pool of matter. This is the plane of thought or mind. The densest stratum of this plane…

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TransDimensional- The Secret to UFO’s??

For Years, I have felt that UFO’s were transdimensionals. You decided. As always, QUESTION EVERYTHING!!!! by Rebecca HardcastleJune 21, 2005 from GalacticCivilizations Website Spanish version Introduction In 2005 I taught Extraterrestrial Reality, one of the first college sponsored ufology courses in the nation, at Scottsdale Community College through the Community Education department. The college and…

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