by Wes Penre
Extracted from “In Wait for Things to Come!”
February 01, 2013
from WesPenre Website
We have discussed channeling before, both in Level I and Level II, but we are going to take this subject quite a step further here in Level III, because some of these channeled entities play a major role in the Sirian Agenda.
So I am not implying that all channeled material is bad, or the entities evil.
Much depends on the energies and vibration of the channeler; it’s actually crucial! You receive information in direct relation to what you are prepared to receive; no more, no less.
Also, the quality of the information from a specific channeler from a specific source may fluctuate in accordance with the channeler’s mood or vibration at a certain occasion. So, even if we feel that a channeled source may be trustworthy one day, the next the quality of the information may not be so great.
Therefore, we need to use discernment even with a source we normally trust.
This is not because the source is intentionally willing to give you disinformation or bend the truth; it’s because when the channeler is not “with it” and tuned in, other entities who correspond with those vibrations may come in and interfere, pretending to be the original source.
When we feel that the source is giving us correct information, we say that the channel is “clear”. The opposite, when a channeled source is taken over by negative entities, is called “not clear” in the world of channeling.
Many make the mistake of abandoning a channeler when they notice dis- or misinformation embedded in the messages, when in fact the channeler may just have had a “bad day”.
But it’s also the channeler’s job to be critical towards the messages he/she receives, or they will lose their credibility, and eventually their audience.
I have spent a lot of time listening to channelers lately, and read channeled material from different sources; both those who are considered trustworthy and those who are not.
Then I have compared what I got to see differences and similarities between the sources in order to find some kind of pattern.
For example,
- What do these channeled sources really want?
- Why are they here?
- Are they as benevolent and helpful as they say they are, or are they just faking it?
The ones I have listened to are not hoaxes, by the way.
All of them are genuine channels and not something the channeler is “making up”. Although there are such fake mediums as well out there, they have a tendency not to be long-lived these days when people are spoiled with the genuine stuff.
It’s easy to distinguish between a human fabrication and a true channel, because the information we receive from a true source is way beyond the scope of knowledge of any human being, normally, and the questions are answered instantly, without any lags, which would be difficult, if not impossible, to fabricate by a human.
However, there are also channels that are not originating in the metaphysical universe, but are transmitted via satellites by Intelligence Agencies, in order to mislead people. Those, I believe, are also relatively easy to distinguish from the real stuff, because the quality is not as high.
Still, it’s harder to distinguish between the military/intelligence sources and the real material than it is between a human who is faking it and a real source. But the messages transmitted from the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) [def] is usually of such that sooner or later one will see through it, especially if we are used to listening to channeled material in general.
Many sources come in all of a sudden in a person’s life, sometimes as thoughts that the person feels is not their own.
Then they can start communicating with that source back and forth, and a channeled communication can take place. It’s important already in the early stage for the person to set limits and boundaries, and for example letting the source know that the channeler is only allowing uplifting communication that is for the benefit of him/her and/or the whole planet.
It’s more common that whole collective of star beings are acting as sources in a common effort, than that the source is just one entity, from what I have noticed.
The energies of such non-physicals can be pretty intense, so it’s crucial that the channeler is in good mental and physical shape, or the intense energies will eventually break down the body, like it has done with so many channelers who have been too open.
Carla Rueckert is only one example, during the period she channeled RA.
Others, in pure excitement, take on more than one source – they may be channeling 5-10 different sources – and that can be very dangerous to the body, first of all, and secondly, the channeler is so wide open that they let any entity in, and it’s very easy to be deceived.
So if you’re going to channel, my advice is to feel out the source, say no to it if it doesn’t meet the guidelines, and wait for the right source to come then. Then stick to one source.
Normally, when we ask the source a question, they look in the memory bank of the vehicles (the channeler), which often go back thousands and thousands of years due to the genetic memories from previous life, and they look in the Akashic Records for an answer, in case they don’t know it already.
Bashar (one of these sources) explains it pretty well when he says that the Akashic Records are not, like many think, some sort of “library in the sky” where you have to go to find the answer. The Records are all around us in the ether; it’s there to immediately pick up and use.
Then apparently, according to some sources (something I was not aware of), such as Harone (who is a Gray whom Lyssa Royale channels), these entities are using computer systems to gather their thoughts so that they become transmittable.
Harone says:
“Emotions on my end are not necessary to channel, though I am working with physical facilitators on my end [Bashar and Sasha] and the three of us are linked into a computer device that will synthesize our thoughts.
They provide a balance for my thoughts so that the biological vehicle can receive them. Thus they are translated.” [*]
Bashar is of a Gray species as well, while Sasha is supposedly a Pleiadian.
In the above case the computer was apparently used in order to combine the thoughts of these three very different species (is that really necessary?) and make sense of it to humans, but if this is true, it makes me wonder how often channeled sources (called only “sources” from here on) use computers when answering questions that humans.
Also, I said earlier in this paper that it is fairly easy to recognize sources that come from the Military Industrial Complex, MIC, [def] but if the MIC is using extremely advanced computer systems, built or given to them during TTPs, [def] and connected to special satellites using ET technology, how easy isn’t it to copycat even advanced real sources? [def]
I haven’t had any trouble spotting MIC sources when I have plowed through these kinds of material, but who knows, maybe there is more sophisticated programs that can fool any of us and the lower quality MIC transmitters are only there to make us believe that this is the best they can do.
If this is the case, we can only go on intuition and connect the dots to our best abilities.
by Wes Penre
extracted from “The Dark Road Towards Extinction“
October 21, 2012
from WesPenre Website

We can just as well face it; we are all going to die one day, and our life force will leave the body.
- So how do we carry the information with us and remember it the next time we reincarnate?
- What is the use in learning all these things if we are to forget it in the amnesia implant station?
We’ll see if we can answer these questions to some extent in this section.
In the New Age and ‘Spiritual Movement‘, people often think we need to reincarnate to eventually evolve to the ‘next level’, i.e. the next density or dimension. They believe that we have a lesson or two to learn each lifetime, and it builds up and we become wiser and wiser.
The ‘Between Lives Area’ (BLA) then becomes a resort where you rest in between incarnation, and mingle and have a happy reunion with dead relatives.
Although there seems to be some truth in this, it’s not at all the purpose with reincarnation and the BLA. It’s all set up to trap us, like we have discussed in these papers. We don’t even necessarily get wiser by accumulating life events that carry over.
Because we usually don’t remember them, instead they become unresolved and unfinished business which build up ridges of energy around our light-body, just to transfer over to the next physical body, which in its turn carries genetic memories from the bloodline, including unresolved issues as well.
This creates inner conflicts in individuals, who find themselves having issues in the present lifetime which they can’t explain where they come from.
Of course, resolved problems and carried over completed learning lessons can be relatively helpful and in a sense helps the person evolve under the circumstances of our earthly existences.
But overall, reincarnation is severely halting the evolution of a being, who could, if amnesia hadn’t been implemented on them, had learned their lesson many times faster.
But aside from these arguments, it’s all a trap and can’t be beneficial for any of us.
However, the only reason the Sirians can keep us trapped in their System (which does not only include the earthly System, but expands out to include the Afterlife as well) is because we are ignorant of what they’re doing. Once we are aware, their System falls apart and can no longer be sustained.
And they can’t keep us trapped here, either, if we refuse to do what they want us to do.
When we die, one of several things, or a mix of them, can happen to an individual.
- One scenario is that the deceased is being helped with the crossover by their so-called ‘spirit guide’ (or guides), who lead them to the tunnel, which sucks them into the Light. The deceased often feels joy and increased awareness during this process, relieved from not having the physical body with all its programming to carry around anymore. On the other side of the tunnel awaits them either deceased friends and relatives, or ‘Jesus’, who will carry them further to ‘Heaven’. Others, on rare occasion, have told a darker story about going to ‘Hell’, seeing demons and dark spirits. It seems pretty much that people go where their belief system take them. If they have very strong religious beliefs, for example, they may go to a place that corresponds to that. In part, they make it up themselves, but there are versions of the Afterlife which already corresponds with Jesus, the Devil, Mother Mary, or whatever it may be. Still, it’s only make believe, and the person ends up being recycled anyway.
Although exactly where people go after body death may differ, they all have one thing in common:- the Tunnel, leading to a bright light on the other side.
Why is that? How come even lonely spirits, without guides are drawn to the Tunnel? I think the answer is relatively simple. First of all, the Tunnel may have an electromagnetic pull to it, which pulls the spirit in, but also, if a spirit is lost and confused, finding out that they actually are dead, they want to go somewhere. When everything is dark around them (or hazy at best), a tunnel with a bright light may seem like a good idea. The alternative seems less attractive. And when the spirit gets closer, she is sucked in like into a vacuum cleaner (which it basically is – a gigantic mega vacuum cleaner), and the rest goes by itself and the spirit can only go along with the ride.
The Tunnel with the Light is how the Sirians keep us trapped through the afterlife, until a new body is found that we can get recycled into. They know that if they can only get us to enter the Tunnel, they have us for yet another ride; there is no way back! Once in there, we are at their mercy; there is very little we can do; it’s like being blown into a balloon, where after somebody ties the string around the opening. Whatever is in there stays in there until the Sirians, with help from technology, shoots us down into a new body. The existence in the afterlife, if we are to believe the 7,000+ witnesses in Michael Norton’s books, who from regression therapy were able to tell a similar story of what happens from when we die until we get recycled, is not necessarily negative. The great majority of case studies show that people have quite a good time seeing old familiar ‘faces’ and having a chance to rest and feel healthy, and at ease. If so, all is fine and dandy thus far, but those who take this route are definitely going to be recycled again, although there allegedly are those who stay in the afterlife for quite some time (or so they think, because time is different there).
Now, from knowing what we know, we have three choices as I see it. The first one we have already discussed, but here they are, all three of them:
- We go towards the Light and into the Tunnel and get trapped in the recycling process once more.
- We avoid the Light and the Tunnel all together and take a new body without going through the Sirian implant station in the BLA.
- We turn our ‘back’ to the Light and hurry up heading in the opposite direction; out through a hole in the Grid and escape out into the Universe.
- We covered number one, so let’s take a look at number two. This option is of course available to us, and if a Sirian spirit guide is coming to guide us, we tell them we don’t want to be part of their entrapment system anymore. The guide may be nice about it and try to manipulate us for a while (and with all this knowledge, we will think it’s pretty transparent, I’m sure), but we persist. The guide will leave us alone, because they can’t go against the Law of Free Will or they’ll be in deep trouble. They will let us go. Then, at our convenience, we take a new body and reincarnate again, this time with full memory of our past life (although not necessarily the ones before that, as these are hidden under veils of amnesia from previous visitation to the Implant Station). When we’re born into baby bodies, memories will not return until we reach a certain age (I would think around 2-5 years old. Some suggest 12 years old, or during adolescence). The reason, perhaps, that we want to take this route is because we want to stay on Earth and be part of creating the New Earth and become Guardians of the Living Library again.
Things to look out for…! First of all, when we choose to take a new body, we most probably have to fight off non-physical beings, who want the same body we do – bodies are a scarcity, in spite of 7 billion of them on Earth. There are many non-physicals, who for different reasons want to experience the material worlds. When we go through the Tunnel, we get ‘help’ from the Sirians to make sure we get the body we are supposed to be shot into. Other aspirants are fought off beforehand. Now, when we’re not within the System anymore, we have to do the job ourselves. Another thing to be aware of is that our new parents may not welcome our ability to remember our past existence and wave it off as fantasies. As we grow older, our friends, and the school System are going to do the same thing. In an environment where we are constantly invalidated for our past life memories and our relatively extraordinary knowledge, we may think we are the ones who are crazy and start believing what they’re saying and begin to suppress our memories. This is a serious threat to ourselves, because if that happens, we may once again become trapped in the System. Most likely, however, if we are born without amnesia implants, sooner or later in life we are going to realize that what we are remembering is actually real, because we’re going to be drawn towards information which helps us revalidate who we are.
- Lastly, we have the option to find a hole in the Grid and just disappear. No one is likely going to stop you, but if they do, it will most possibly again be in form of spirit guides, or even dead relatives, who are going to tell you how wonderful it is in the Afterlife. Just because it comes from someone we have loved, and still love, it could be hard to resist, but then we need to keep in mind what we know. Once we are outside the Grid, we are going to see the Universe in a new light, free to explore the different dimensions, and now we’re talking about perceiving 100% of the Universe, not only 4%. By just thinking a thought, we can move from one place, or dimension, to another. Things to look out for! The only problem I know of when choosing this option is when we run into other star beings. At a first glance, it may be hard to know if they are benevolent or not, although they all have a signature to them which will tell us if we’re perceptive enough (which we should be when out of the trap system, I would think). They may be convincing and act friendly when in fact they are anything but. Best way to find out is to ask if they are of the Light and if they endorse the Divine Feminine. If they say yes, we should be relatively safe. If we’re still uncertain, we can either ask them more questions, or just say we want to be left alone, until a new opportunity shows up when meeting other star beings. We have to remember to respect other civilizations, so if we explore a planet, we need to leave the beings there alone so they can evolve undisrupted, and if the civilization is more advanced, ask for permission to get to know them. If they’re friendly, this should not be much of a problem. Time is irrelevant when we travel the stars, so we are not limited by ‘lifetimes’. We can browse as long as we want, until we find a place that can be our new home and settle down there.
These two last options are the ones I see can help us to get out of the Sirian control system after we have experienced body death.
In the meantime, while still in a body here on Earth, and to help raising the vibrations of self and others, a good idea is to disagree being part of the System as much as possible, and perhaps join others who are like minded.
Keep in mind that the soulutions are often simple – so simple that we haven’t thought about them. Isn’t that how life is, after all?
What I have suggested here doesn’t require more than a decision and an action on our part and we will be our own masters. It’s just a matter of taking the step and do it!
All it takes is courage, and the realization that nothing bad will happen if we break our patterns.
After all, it’s the System which has taught us that it’s dangerous to think and act on our own. We just need to understand that it’s all a lie in order to keep us trapped.
by John L. Steadman
New Dawn Special Issue
Vol 12 No 2 (April 2018)
from NewDawnMagazine Website
John L. Steadman is a scholar of both H. P. Lovecraft and western occultism and has been a magickal practitioner for over thirty years, working with various covens and small groups of initiates. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Michigan State University; a Master of Arts degree from the University of Virginia; and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Wisconsin. Currently, he is employed as a college professor in Michigan. In addition to his academic credentials, Mr. Steadman has been granted the following degrees in the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) USA: Magickian (II°), Man (I°) and Minerval (0°). For more information about Mr. Steadman and his upcoming projects & events, please visit his website: https://www.johnlsteadman.com |

Are aliens extra-terrestrial?
Ufologists, contactees and abductees presume that they are…
This presumption is based on the theory that alien-astronauts visited the Earth in ancient times to establish off-world colonies and engineer the process of human evolution.
Since the aliens supposedly come from worlds other than our own, or so the theory goes, it follows they must be extra-terrestrial.
However, there is little evidence for believing this.
To date, not a single ufologist, contactee or abductee can present credible ‘evidence’ to support the view that aliens are extra-terrestrial…
Evidence of a kind, however, does exist for an alternate theory about the ontological nature of alien entities.
This is the view that aliens are trans-dimensional entities inhabiting the myriad layers of alternate dimensions that interpenetrate the Multiverse, ‘in’ the world as we know it and yet not really ‘of’ the world.
Kenneth Grant
The great 20th century magickal practitioner Aleister Crowley, in his own experiments, first postulated this view:
he saw aliens, in fact, as humanity’s best chance for solving the problems of life, death, and achieving perfection.
Similarly, Crowley’s disciple and protégé, Kenneth Grant, head of the UK branch of the OTO for many years and author of the monumental 9-volume Typhonian Trilogies series, also made the argument that aliens are trans-dimensional.
Grant went a bit further than Crowley due to the fact that the UFO craze was gathering steam when Grant was starting his own career (Grant’s Typhonian New Isis Lodge was in active operation between the years 1955-1962).
Studying the documents of the early contactees such as George Adamski, Betty and Barney Hill, and Howard Menger, Grant attempted to reconcile ufology, which he referred to as “ufologicks,” with mainstream occult theory & practice.
Aleister Crowley & LAM
Aleister Crowley (1875-1945), poet, mountaineer, adventurer & philanderer, worked his way through most of the grade structure of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in the early 1900s, learning the theory and practice of Western magick from the bottom up.
When the order was wracked with schism, Crowley left and founded his own more congenial magickal order, the Argenteum Astrum.
Later, in 1912, Crowley became the Grand Master of the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) in the UK, where he developed his special, stylized brand of sex magick based on Tantric and Yezidis sources.
Aleister Crowley
Crowley defined magick as,
“the science and art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will.”
The “change” Crowley refers to is,
psychological and spiritual transformation…
This is accomplished by utilizing the latent, psychic powers of the mind and activating the psycho-sexual power zones that reside in key areas of the body and the brain, the areas known as the chakras…
As a necessary preliminary step towards making the “magick” happen, so to speak, the magickal practitioner must achieve contact with a genuine alien entity, something not connected to the practitioner’s own mind or body.
Crowley referred to this entity by the rather fanciful name “Holy Guardian Angel” (HGA), and he described the experience of contacting the HGA somewhat less fancifully as obtaining “Knowledge & Conversation.”
Crowley insisted that contact with the HGA was absolutely required before the magickal practitioner could hope to utilize the powers and energies of lesser entities such as spirits, elementals, demons and so forth (none of which, it must be remembered, can be wholly disassociated from the mind of the practitioner).
And finally, Crowley insisted that,
each and every person on Earth must achieve contact with his or her own HGA if humankind is expected to advance…
As Crowley writes:
My observation of the Universe convinces me that there are beings of intelligence and power of a far higher quality than anything we can conceive of as human.
They are not necessarily based on the cerebral and nervous structures that we know; and that the one and only chance for mankind to advance as a whole is for individuals to make contact with such Beings.
This is one of the most important passages that Crowley ever wrote.
Crowley offers a three-fold definition of an alien entity:
- aliens are genuinely ‘alien’ since they exist apart from the physical and cerebral attributes of human beings
- aliens have a higher level of intellectual and cognitive ability than humans
- and, most importantly, aliens, being essentially magickal beings, are trans-dimensional, not extra-terrestrial
This last point is implicit in Crowley’s statement but it is there nonetheless.
The magickal practitioner is expected to achieve the knowledge and conversation of the HGA via magickal or mystical methods:
- this entity can be summoned by magickal rites, whether evocations or invocations
- it can be summoned by astral travelling or lucid dreaming
- the entity can be summoned in meditation and/or mystical trance…
In contrast, extra-terrestrial entities cannot be reached by using any of these methods:
they must be met face-to-face in real time, in a common, shared time-space continuum…
In his lifetime Crowley achieved contact with only one alien entity of this nature, and that was the alien known as Lam or Aiwaz (the two are sometimes distinguished by occult scholars, but they were virtually synonymous in Crowley’s mind and I shall therefore speak of them as one entity in this essay).
Lam was believed by Crowley to be an emissary of other aliens or “outer-ones”.
Lam/Aiwazwas the entity that dictated the notorious
Book of the Law, or Liber AL, to Crowley via the seerRose Kelleyin 1904.
Crowley also had direct contact with Lam in America later in 1915 and 1919.
Crowley drew a portrait of Lam and included it with some of his expressionist paintings in an exhibition held in Greenwich Village, New York City, 1919.
This drawing was reproduced for the first time in The Equinox, Vol. III, No. 1 (1972); Kenneth Grant reproduced the same drawing in The Magical Revival (1972) and Outside the Circles of Time (1980).
Lam has a small, diminutive body visible only from the chest on up, covered by a coarse, wool-textured robe.
The area of the head above the eyebrows and the bridge of the nose is very high, bulbous and hairless; it is more than twice as long as the lower area.
There is a faint, mushroom-cloud shape etched into the expansive forehead. The face itself is scrunched down low between the eyebrows and the chin; the eyes are narrow and slanted, the pupils tiny, the nose long, the mouth a mere slit.
When we compare the image of Lam with the descriptions of aliens given by contactees and abductees, there are striking similarities.
Grey-skinned humanoids have been reported as being 3-4 feet tall with bald, elongated heads, black almond eyes and slits for mouths. There are descriptions of diminutive green humanoids, also bald with elongated heads, slanted eyes, slit-mouths.
There are even accounts of small silvery creatures who resemble the other two types.
Clearly, contactees and abductees are seeing the same sorts of entities that Crowley saw; the only difference is that Crowley’s entity was not colored green, gray or silver.
In this context, it is worth noting that all of these alien archetypes are virtually equivalent to the 1950s Hollywood Science Fiction versions of aliens – the big-brained, bug-eyed, little green or gray men that still crop up occasionally in SF films on TV and in the cinema today.
David J. Skal, horror film scholar and author of The Monster Show: A Cultural History of Horror (1993), offers an interesting interpretation of the big-headed, bug-eyed alien stereotype.
Invasion of the Saucer Men (1957) boasted the most exaggerated eye-brain hypertrophy of all:
aliens (played by dwarves) with heads shaped like gargantuan light bulbs, their bugging eyes the size of baseballs… these new creatures anticipated not the violent rending of the body but its withering and atrophy.
The future was about watching images and processing information; the eyes and brain were the only useful parts of the human form left… ocular anxiety and depersonalization was reflected in films like,
- The Beast with a Million Eyes (1955)
- The Crawling Eye (1958)
- The Cyclops (1957)…
This is eerily applicable to our contemporary times where young millennials are addicted to their smartphones, cherishing them more, seemingly, than the hands that hold them, as they pump unceasing bits of social and entertainment data directly into their brains.
Perhaps in the future, as our technologies advance and proliferate, we will see increasing levels of “ocular anxiety” and depersonalization of the type mentioned by Skal.
But this is more or less a human thing.
Alien entities such as Lam do not have big heads because of information overload:
they need the expanded cranial capacity to house their superior minds and apply their cognitive energy, enhanced as it is, to assist humankind in taking the next, necessary step towards enlightenment.
Kenneth Grant & Ufologicks
After Crowley’s death, his disciple Kenneth Grant (1924-2011) received a charter from Karl Germer, Crowley’s successor as Outer Head of the OTO, to set up a UK branch of the OTO.
From its inception, Grant’s New Isis Lodge reflected Crowley’s hopes, which he articulated in his diaries during the last two years of his life, for a fundamentally different, re-structured OTO, focused less on initiation and more on promoting and fostering communication with alien entities.
Elaborate ceremonial and the establishment of fixed Lodges in specific locales would be superseded by a fluid and far-flung web comprised of Thelemic power-zones.
These power-zones would form a loosely-knit network of occult groups using the Ophidian Current to prepare human consciousness for intercourse with the denizens of other dimensions.
Grant followed through on Crowley’s game-plan:
he divided his “Typhonian” OTO as he called it into a series of disparate cells, each operated by either a single, dedicated magickal practitioner or by a small coven of practitioners.
The main lodge facility was reserved for visiting magickal practitioners and performance artists who were allowed to stage their own creative rites on a first-come, first-serve basis, using lodge members occasionally for support and backup.
Grant, like Crowley, also contacted the HGA.
Grant’s guardian angel was named Aossic-Aiwass, and not surprisingly it closely resembled LAM.
Grant provides plates in the various volumes of his Typhonian Trilogies series that show the faces of the alien entities he communicated with over the course of his magickal experiments, both during his tenure as head of the New Isis Lodge and afterwards.
These aliens also resemble Lam.
An alien known only as Desmodus is shown in Plate 8 of Outer Gateways (1994), this was drawn by Grant.
Desmodus’ face occupies only the lower half of the head; the rest is a high, bulbous forehead, with a small, weird face etched into the skin, smoke pouring out of its eyes.
In Plate 29 of Beyond the Mauve Zone (1999) there is the drawing (also by Grant) of an alien priest.
Like Aossic-Aiwass, the priest has a large, bulbous head, though the face is more normal looking.
These examples are clear evidence the alien entities that haunted Grant’s magickal chambers and the chambers of his imagination are the same diminutive, big-brained creatures that appear to countless contactees and abductees.
Grant, likewise, accepted Crowley’s view that alien entities are trans-dimensional.
In Outside the Circles of Time (1980), Grant calls into question the whole extra-terrestrial vs trans-dimensional dichotomy, seeing outer space as a form of inner space, especially when it comes to alien beings.
This takes aliens out of their metal ships and plants them squarely in alternate dimensions.
Whether or not… intrusion proceeds from actual entities in outer space is problematic; outer space may be another form of that inner space which comprises the mental or subjective universe.
In a later, more penetrating analysis of the nature of aliens, in his Outer Gateways (1994), Grant rightly notes that the larger percentage of encounters involve aliens that are not flesh and blood but are actually magickal beings.
Grant theorizes that aliens are largely “etheric,” not quite astral-entities but closer in substance to the astral than they are to the physical. Grant extends this theory to include alien ships.
These ships, according to Grant, are etheric – astral shells or capsules fabricated by the trans-dimensional aliens as a necessary by-product to assist in reification on the physical plane.
The substance of manifestation appears… to be of an etheric as distinct from an astral nature. This supposition is suggested by the tangible quality of many of the objects observed.
Sightings in this category appear to be far in excess of those in which the occupants of UFO’s are considered to be flesh-and-blood beings… that suggests that ufonauts are of a substance more subtle than their vehicles, as the astral body of man is more subtle, or less dense, than his physical body.
Such might be the case, for example, if an astral entity fabricated for itself an etheric shell, or capsule, as in the practice known as the magickal assumption of god-forms.
Grant coined the term “ufologicks,” which is phonetically similar to “magicks.”
He defined ufologicks in obscure terms as,
“a suggested designation for the mantric vibrations associated with Gematria and with the power-wave impinging upon earth from Outside.”
When we get past the over-inflated terminology, the meaning is rather simple:
ufologicks is (or will be) a new magickal system focused primarily on rites that are specifically designed to enable magickal practitioners to contact alien entities like Lam, Aossic-Aiwass, or Desmodus.
Unfortunately, Grant died before he could take practical steps to implement this new system.
But he did leave behind some notes on an improvised magickal rite which could be used to summon Lam. Grant instructs the magickal practitioner to gaze at the portrait of Lam, concentrating attention on the eyes.
As concentration deepens, the eyes will start to enlarge, and they will suck you into the portrait so that you have the sensation of being inside the entity’s head.
Then, Grant tells us,
two paths are possible, either a “downward” or an “upward” path.
Grant doesn’t elaborate on what might occur if the upward path is chosen, but he is very explicit about the downward option.
The results are quite dramatic, and they deserve full quotation here.
If downward, the descent will be accompanied by a sensation of rushing air…
A deep blackness will engulf the mind as one enters the dark tunnel beneath the mouth of Lam, and the wind will be replaced by the sound of rushing waters… [this] will awaken the image of an octopoid entity, the tentacles of which are the branchings of the tunnel below the mouth of Lam…
[A] fusion will occur between the eyes of Lam, in the region of the ajna chakra, and the flame will shoot aloft into the vast brilliance of a cranium that appears infinite in extent and dazzlingly lustrous.
This rite serves as an excellent example of what the formal rites for a ufologick lodge might have looked like if Grant had lived to establish his proposed magickal system.
Art by Raphael Terra
© Esoterica Art Agency
As a parting concession to future ufologists, there is a curious and rather peculiar UFO-centric account of the creation of the world in one of Grant’s last books, Beyond the Mauve Zone (1999).
Grant describes the appearance of an alien astronaut on Earth in ancient, pre-human times (the period is not specified).
The alien presents itself in the guise of an eccentric, reclusive scientist.
In his laboratory, the alien has set up a shrine to the goddess Nu-Isis, consisting of a statue of the goddess and an eternal flame burning in front of it.
The statue is fashioned from a metal that cannot be found on Earth.
She is a metallic, biomechanoid Earth-woman, reminiscent of the countless biomechanoid female aliens that proliferate in the canvasses of the Swiss artist H. R. Giger.
The alien scientist feeds the statue with fluids drawn from elemental, astral entities.
Eventually, the laboratory is destroyed by a massive explosion and the alien either perishes or escapes back to his own dimension. Much later a living human woman emerges from the ashes of the lab, born from the apocalypse of the explosion.
She is Lura, daughter of the biomechanoid statue, who Grant describes as,
“the vitalized image worshipped and nourished by the scientist in the secrecy of his laboratory.”
Along with the birth of Lura, humans begin to populate the Earth.
Some of these humans are directly descended from Lura herself, the children of her sexual liaisons with Earth men, and these individuals are particularly suited to communicate with trans-dimensional alien entities.
At the present day, the descendants of Lura are the magickal practitioners – magickians, mystics and psychonauts – who seek supra-human knowledge and power.
Real or Not Real?
Previously, I mentioned there is scant empirical evidence for the existence of aliens.
This is especially true when it comes to the extra-terrestrial alien. In all fairness, it must be noted that the evidence for the existence of the trans-dimensional alien is equally weak.
We have examined the testimony of Crowley and Grant, but,
is this any more reliable than the testimony of ufologists, contactees or abductees…?
The issue here boils down to the distinction between the imaginary world and the so-called ‘real’ world.
Which is true?
Or are both true?
Or neither…?
In the last few decades, quantum physics has eroded our views about reality, and the theories of contemporary scientists are beginning to sound a lot like the theories of the magickal practitioners, both past and present.
The line between what is real and what is not is no longer distinct, and in the absence of certainty we are free to believe what we will.
In this regard, I am reminded of Harry Potter‘s final meeting with his mentor Albus Dumbledore near the end of the 7th book in J.K. Rowling‘s Harry Potter series, ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows’ (2007).
Potter finds himself in an alternate dimension that looks like King’s Cross station, except that it is empty – no trains, no passengers and full of bright mist.
Initially, Potter is surprised to see Dumbledore, because Dumbledore died in the previous book.
After they converse, Potter asks Dumbledore:
“Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?”, to which Dumbledore replies: “Of course it is happening inside your head… but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?”