The Jupiter Meeting- With Members of the Galactic Federation- By Invitation Only

Note- Please Note the importance of Bariloche. I have mentioned this numerous times here…..

 by Dr. Michael Salla

August 17, 2021

from Exopolitics Website

On July 11, to much fanfare, Richard Branson traveled on a Virgin Galactic spacecraft for a highly publicized trip to the edge of space – defined by NASA as beginning at an altitude of 50 miles (80 km).

A week later, he was followed by Jeff Bezos, who flew in a Blue Origin spacecraft to just above the Von Karman line, an altitude of 62 miles (100 km), the worldwide standard for the start of space.

Around the same time, on July 23, Elon Musk announced that SpaceX was given the highly prized contract to launch NASA’s Europa Clipper mission to Jupiter by 2024.

What unites these three disparate space events involving pioneering aerospace CEOs is a claim by a former French archeologist, Elena Danaan, that a series of secret meetings were held in a floating extraterrestrial base (city) in the upper atmosphere of Jupiter in mid-July.

She was told by her primary extraterrestrial contact, Thor Han Eredyon, that the meetings were attended by top officials from 14 space-faring nations, as well as “progressive corporation CEOs” to meet with representatives from the Galactic Federation of Worlds and other galactic organizations.

In previous article, I discussed the identities of the 14 nations that most likely attended the meetings and speculated that the “progressive corporation CEOs” probably included Bezos and Branson, whose trips to the edge of space coincided with the alleged time of the Jupiter meetings.

I further speculated that Musk had attended due to a SpaceX announcement that it had been awarded the Europa Clipper meetings.

In her most recent ‘physical contact’ with Thor Han, Elena has provided some fresh new details about the Jupiter Meetings, which confirmed my speculations about the CEOs in attendance.

This is Elena’s (E) recollection of what she was told by Thor Han (T):

E: About the CEOs, was Michael right?

T: Yes.

E: All of them?

T: And many more.

While Branson and Bezos very publicly televised their relatively few minutes floating in Earth’s upper atmosphere, Thor Hans’ response suggests they kept secret that they were about to or had already spent many hours in the upper atmosphere of Jupiter negotiating the future of our solar system.

It’s worth pointing out that this is not the first time that Jeff Bezos has been involved in top-level negotiations involving secret space programs.

In early February 2018, the German-led Dark Fleet operating out of Antarctica conducted high-level meetings with the Trump administration, as first revealed by former Forbes Magazine author Benjamin Fulford.

What corroborated Fulford’s claim was that Trump’s Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, did travel to Bariloche, Argentina where secret negotiations were allegedly held with the Dark Fleet to reveal its existence and release some of its advanced technologies.

What added even more credence to Fulford’s claims was that Bezos was also in Bariloche at the same time, where he almost certainly joined Tillerson in the secret negotiations, which was covered in a previous article.

This takes me to the question of why corporate CEOs with questionable backgrounds were involved in the Jupiter meetings.

Thor Han’s response suggests some dire contingency is on the horizon that makes it necessary for the Galactic Federation to work with them for the greater good of humanity.

This is the relevant portion of the dialogue between Elena [E] and Thor Han [T]:

[E] Why them? People on Earth are going mad about it.

[T] Because these are the ones who are ready now. There’s no other choice.

We don’t have time, we can’t afford to wait that new corporations form and equip themselves with brand new fleets, we take the ones who are available here and now.

I know they are not pure-hearted but they are the only ones able to lead the Terran species into the future. As corporations, their agendas are financial. They go with the winners.

Their old allies are losing, so these corporations have turned their back to them.

Thor Han’s response that “we don’t have time” is very troubling.

It corroborates that the Galactic Federation sees some impending catastrophic or major Earth change events that make the development of large space fleets an urgency.

The most likely candidate for such a dire contingency is a micronova or ‘solar flash’ event happening in the near future.

Ben Davidson, the founder of Space Weather News, has for several years now been urgently warning about the growing evidence that a micronova event will happen by the end of this or the start of the next decade.

Similarly, a secret space program insider, Corey Goode, has since 2015 been warning that a “solar flash” event is predicted to happen in the near future.

Historical evidence shows that micronova events had happened before and wiped out advanced civilizations on Earth and in our solar system.

Thor Han’s reference to there being “no other choice” and that there is insufficient time “that new corporations form and equip themselves” suggests that the dire contingency is not that far in the future, just as Davidson and Goode have been warning.

Elena continued her dialogue about Musk, Bezos and Branson as follows:

[E] But do you trust them?

[T] No, we don’t.

Remember, I told you that we were watching them proving their good intent.

Now, you must not tell this publicly until I say it is the right time because civilians on Terra do not possess all the elements yet to grasp the whole perspective.

There are many other reasons why we do not disclose everything for the moment, as it does not involve only ourselves.

Thor Han did give permission for this information to be now released.

He is correct that most on Earth do not possess the necessary “big picture” perspective.

Many will focus on the shortcomings of Musk, Bezos, and Branson at the Jupiter meetings as “progressive corporate CEOs” without realizing that they have built the necessary infrastructure for quickly expanding their operations and building large fleets of civilian spacecraft.

  • Musk’s SpaceX
  • Bezos’ Blue Origin
  • Branson’s Virgin Galactic,

…have spent a decade or so developing rocket-propelled spacecraft to get to their current positions where they can safely begin building fleets of civilian craft for moving a significant number of humans into space.

It’s unreasonable to expect that,

the world’s militaries would undertake such a massive endeavor in a global contingency since they would unquestionably prioritize relocating government officials and military families to “safety zones” in space or underground.

The rest of humanity would be left to fend for themselves.

Therefore, there is an urgent need for a civilian space industry to be quickly expanded far beyond present levels.

This is especially the case once advanced propulsion and energy technologies are released, which would enable space travel deep into our solar system, thereby evading any catastrophic earth changes.

Elena shared more of Thor Han’s response about the corporate CEOs, which gives us some clues into what lies ahead:

The Galactic Federation offered to these corporations a deal:

that if they comply to the progressive rules of the new agreements, we will support and protect their commercial interests.

Because it is in our spirit to entice unity and progress, not division.

We believe that everyone in this universe deserves a second chance; this is a process part of the evolution; learning from our mistakes.

And also, by including your opponents in your circle, they cease to be an enemy and they become an ally.

This is how you make peace, and also why our Federation works hard at welcoming cultures that were once regressive.

Unity is progress.

Thor Han is here acknowledging that Musk, Bezos, Branson, and other CEOs at the Jupiter meetings previously collaborated with the Deep State in various ways.

However, with the impending defeat of the Deep State and their space allies,

  • the Dark Fleet
  • Draco Empire
  • Orion Alliance,

…Musk, Bezos, and Branson have realigned themselves.

Thus they have been given a second chance and are being closely watched by their new partners, the Galactic Federation, in terms of complying with ,

 “progressive rules of the new agreements.”

At this stage, it’s not known what these progressive rules are, but given the Federation’s recent actions on the Moon, Mars and Antarctica, we can expect it would exclude the kind of,

  • exploitative practices
  • genetic experiments
  • slave trade
  • biowarfare, etc.,

…that were the mainstay of the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate, and the Dark Fleet.

Elena continued:

[E] This explains why, as I thought, in the recent agreements on Jupiter, countries such as Russia and China were voted to be under the management of the United States of America. But why the USA?

[T] Because they are the best able to fit the task, and because we know what the future is made of. We have been secretly grooming the USA into secret programs since the 1950s, because we knew…

[E] I closed my eyes as Thor Han sent me a telepathic image. It was three similar logos. From left to right, as an unfolding timeline:

Star Trek’s Starfleet, Artemis Accords, and Space Force.

All three blended into one. Just after that, I saw eight ships of Solar Warden passing by the GFW station (where I was). What a good omen!

Elena’s response highlights the Artemis Accords’ importance and US leadership for the immediate years ahead as humanity’s presence in space expands greatly beyond its present levels.

The Artemis Accords create a framework for the civilian, corporate and military sectors to work side-by-side in meeting the challenges of quickly expanding humanity’s presence far into our solar system.

In addition, her information confirms the testimony of William Tompkins, who told of human-looking extraterrestrials (the Galactic Federation) helping the US Navy develop a secret space program (Solar Warden) since the 1950s.

Tompkins further stated that the Navy’s Solar Warden program has been building new fleets of space carriers that are scheduled to come online sometime in the early 2030s.

Around the same time frame as Davidson and Goode have predicted the incoming micronova event

Coincidence? I don’t think so…

All this suggests that in the immediate years ahead, the Navy will begin revealing Solar Warden assets through the newly created US Space Force, which is becoming the hub for a future multinational space alliance.

This is evidenced in the expanding “Combined Space Operations Initiative” whereby the space commands of,

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • France
  • Germany
  • New Zealand
  • United Kingdom,

…are closely coordinating with the US Space Command and Space Force.

I discuss this exciting emergence of a future multinational military space alliance – a modern-day Starfleet – in my latest book Space Force – Our Star Trek Future.

The US Navy will play a key role in preparing humanity for the challenges that lie ahead.

Over the last few years, the Department of the Navy has been releasing some of the advanced space propulsion technologies used in Solar Warden through scientists such as Dr. Salvatore Pais.

Little information can be found about Salvatore Cezar Pais; he has virtually no web presence.

What is known is that he received a PhD in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Case Western Reserve University in 1999 and that he currently works as an aerospace engineer for NAWCAD at Naval Air Station Patuxent River in Maryland – the Navy’s top aircraft test base.

Pais has published several articles and presented papers at American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics conferences over the years describing his work in electromagnetic propulsion, revolutionary room temperature superconductors, and topics like his PhD dissertation:

“Bubble generation under reduced gravity conditions for both co-flow and cross-flow configurations.”


There have been five patents released by Pais, all on behalf of the Secretary of the Navy, which have all the necessary components for the civilian sector to build fleets of advanced antigravity space vehicles and powerful electromagnetic shielding technologies that can be used to protect humanity either in deep space or on Earth itself from electromagnetic storms and Coronal Mass Ejections.

All will be vital for building future fleets of civilian spacecraft that can be used to ride out the devastating effects of a micronova or other catastrophic events foreseen by the Galactic Federation and multiple secret space programs.

In conclusion, I know that it will be difficult for many to stomach that compromised CEOs such as Bezos, Branson and Musk have been given a second chance and allowed to reach agreements with the Galactic Federation at secret meetings held above Jupiter.

However, the Galactic Federation is telling us that there is no choice given the magnitude of the challenges that lie ahead, which makes it imperative that a very large civilian space infrastructure is built using exotic technologies such as those found in the Pais patents, as quickly as possible.

Bezos, Branson, and Musk have the necessary finances, resources, and know-how to quickly transform the civilian space industry away from fossil fuels, just as Musk transformed the automobile industry to electric cars.

The upside of the Jupiter Agreements is that humanity is being helped by a positive association of extraterrestrials – the Galactic Federation of Worlds – working simultaneously with national governments, militaries, and select aerospace corporations, to prepare humanity for a Star Trek Future.

And this is just the beginning.

Join me for my upcoming September 11 Webinar, where I will lay out all the latest information about humanity’s Star Trek Future, and how it all relates to,

This is positive and highly inspiring material, so don’t miss this look beyond the chaos into a far better future for all of us.

by Dr. Michael Salla

July 19, 2021

from Exopolitics Website

Italian version

Three months before the collapse of Nazi Germany during World War II, the three great allied powers, the USA, the Soviet Union, and Great Britain, met at Yalta on the Crimean Peninsula to discuss the post-war order of Europe that would be based on the principle of national self-determination.

According to a former professional archeologist and ‘contactee’, Elena Danaan, a similar set of meetings have just concluded near the planet Jupiter to discuss,

the new order in our solar system that will emerge with the impending military collapse of the Dark Fleet and its Draconian, Orion, Deep State, and corporate allies…

She says the Galactic Federation of Worlds met recently with the representatives of the Earth Alliance and an alliance of secret space programs in a set of 12 meetings to discuss,

the new order in our solar system…

It’s worth pointing out that the existence of a Galactic Federation was recently acknowledged by the founder of Israel’s space program, Professor/General Haim Eshed, and he further added that it was working directly with the US Presidential administration of Donald Trump.

Furthermore, I have discussed the escalating military conflict between the Galactic Federation of Worlds with rival space coalitions – Dark Fleet, Draconian Empire, and Orion Alliance – in a prior article distinguishing between different galactic associations and their historical interactions.

Elena contacted me on July 17 with the dramatic news of the meetings that had been completed near Jupiter and the different nations that were involved through their respective space programs.

She said the final meeting had concluded only a day earlier with an agreement being reached that would establish a multinational space alliance between the major Earth nations under US leadership.

This is what Elena wrote in her first email:

Agreements have been passed on Jupiter yesterday between the different progressive galactic coalitions and Terran military forces, to share the use and the protection of this star system, regarding to economic and military domains, in preparation for the future.

Territories of action have been set.

Terran Humans are officially taking ownership of their system.

The US was the lead representative in these series of meetings.

They were chosen by the GFW because of their abilities, resources, and goals, best able to guarantee a sustainable and glorious future for off-world humankind.

Long years of secret collaboration with the nations of Terra have come to completion, but we still need to bring closure to this war for the liberation of this system.

Until then, we will need to work hard, and when this day comes, we will all be ready to step into a new era of fraternity and cooperation together.

What corroborates Elena’s remarkable claims here are the recent signings of the Artemis Accords among countries with functioning space programs.

These are bilateral accords negotiated between spacefaring nations and the United States that were first signed on October 13, 2020, between the U.S. and seven nations:

  1. Australia
  2. Canada
  3. Italy
  4. Japan
  5. Luxembourg
  6. United Arab Emirates
  7. the United Kingdom

Since the launch of the Artemis Accords,

  • Brazil
  • South Korea
  • New Zealand
  • Ukraine,

…have all subsequently signed the Accords.

Another major spacefaring nation, India, is also ‘considering joining’ the Artemis Accords

It’s worth emphasizing that the Accords result from several years of negotiations between the US and other nations that began in earnest during the Trump administration and continue under the current Biden administration.

What the Artemis Accords have created is the founding principles of,

a multinational space alliance that will be established under US leadership…

The Accords make possible the pursuit of joint economic and scientific activities in space along with a multinational military alliance that will protect these activities through “safety zones,” as I have discussed previously.

The recent signing and expansion of the Artemis Accords, after several years of negotiations, closely matches what Elena claims has just happened near Jupiter, where the Galactic Federation and other progressive space alliances such as the “Andromeda Council” have recently reached agreements.

To help clarify what had just happened, Elena sent me a second email on July 17 with additional information she had received about the meetings from her primary extraterrestrial contact, Thor Han Eredyon.

She has earlier explained that she receives regular communications through a brain implant, which had been re-purposed from an alien abduction that occurred when she was nine years old, and from which she had been rescued by Thor Han and his Federation companions.

I highly recommend reading her book, A Gift from the Stars, to learn about her background and continued communications with Thor Han.

Elena was told:

Thor Han wasn’t part of these meetings; he was just part of the escort for the representatives of the GFW [Galactic Federation of Worlds], and he stayed in orbit of Jupiter.

But he knows this:

There was a series of meetings, and this had been going on for a while.

There were twelve meetings in total, first occurring among specific groups, separately, and then these last days, three big meetings:

the first gathering everyone, the second a selected group, and the third the final agreements with the leading selected group.

Each group was made of space force military officials and (progressive) corporations’ CEOs.

So, a delegation of the GFW has been auditing separately different Earth representatives, military officials responsible for space forces, as well as heads of certain progressive corporations to determine safety zones and who would serve best the interests of the many.

It’s very significant that Elena used the term “safety zones” to describe the areas of multinational space cooperation, and what served the interests of most nations.

This is identical to the language used in the Artemis Accords, something she was not familiar with prior to our communications.

It’s also very important to point out that major nations have been recently forming space commands, where their respective military forces are increasingly working together in space related issues.

…have all recently joined,

…in setting up space commands for integrating their military activities in space.

Most significantly, in October 2020, NATO set up a Space Center that will run all its space operations out of Ramstein Air Base in Germany.

All these recent military developments concerning outer space corroborate Elena’s remarkable claims.

Her second email went on as follows:

The GFW only wants to work with a unified global civilization, not with a clutter of different rival space forces playing power games.

Thor Han said that there are actually fourteen countries involved in space programs, who were represented there, but a top six have programs recognized by the GFW as most progressive and durable, and fit to join forces with them.

The eight others were just in for commercial reasons benefiting the many.

Thor Han was also speaking about a “horizontal” coalition of these top six, coming up as a unified space department.

Would we be witnessing, as you said it Michael, the birth of Starfleet…?

It’s understandable why the Galactic Federation of Worlds would be insisting on a “unified global civilization” that partners with it in space affairs, rather than the current situation of competing spacefaring nations with conflicting agendas.

The formation of an alliance of spacefaring nations working within a unified command structure makes much sense.

Based on current membership of ‘The Artemis Accords‘ it can be guessed that the six countries identified as the “most progressive and durable” would be,

  • the United States
  • France
  • Britain
  • Germany
  • Japan
  • Italy
  • Australia,

…all of which have space commands either functioning or in process of being launched.

In my book, Space Force – Our Star Trek Future (2021), I explain how the multinational space alliance being currently created under US leadership is the antecedent of a future Starfleet, not unlike that envisaged by Gene Rodenberry.

In fact, I present evidence that Rodenberry’s Starfleet was modeled on a future multinational space coalition that he was clandestinely briefed about in the 1960s!

The other eight nations participating in the Jupiter meetings would be drawn from Artemis Accord members or other nations.

This leads to the critical question of,

Where do China and Russia fit into this emerging multinational space alliance collaborating directly with the Galactic Federation and other positive space organizations?

Elena’s message from Thor Han provides us with an answer:

Thor Han showed me also the only visual memory he had of these events:

viewed from his ship, three ovoid crafts leaving the orbit of Jupiter after the second of this series of three ultimate meetings.

Each craft had Earth military delegates onboard, by country.

He didn’t tell me what the third was, but two of them were carrying Chinese and Russian officials, and he was told that both these crowds were very unhappy.

He said that the USA won the responsibility to organize the new Earth’s united space coalition.

What corroborates Elena’s information here is that no other spacefaring nation has joined China and Russia in their proposed International Lunar Research Station initiative launched with their bilateral agreement reached in June 2021.

Only the US has succeeded in creating a multinational space coalition through the Artemis Accords, which Russia declined to join since it was “too US-centric,” and China was excluded from joining due to its continued theft of intellectual property and industrial espionage.

Consequently, it does not come as a great surprise that Chinese and Russian delegations “were very unhappy” with the agreements reached near Jupiter.

In addition to the circumstantial evidence presented so far that corroborates Elena’s claims, we need to further consider whether,

it’s feasible that a Yalta-like set of meetings and agreements have just been reached?

Yalta clearly created a precedent that even in the midst of savage fighting during the final three months of World War II, the allied powers were already actively planning for a post-war order free of Nazism.

We appear to be in a very similar situation right now with a covert war being fought on,

  • Earth
  • the Moon
  • Mars,


  • the Dark Fleet
  • the Draconian Empire
  • the Orion Alliance,

…have established bases or assets.

These bases were created as far back as the 1940s because of agreements reached with Nazi Germany, and have since expanded with major multinational corporations secretly building the space assets for different customers,

the Dark Fleet, Orion Alliance, etc.

Significantly, these corporations have built privately run secret space programs themselves and have become space powers in their own right.

According to earlier information released by Elena, these Dark Fleet-Draco-Orion bases have come under attack and are at various points of liberation.

This is consistent with claims by a number of insiders that the Dark Fleet and their corporate allies have been cut off from their interstellar partners, which has led to dwindling resources and significant defections.

It also matches with data released by remote viewers associated with the Farsight Institute discussing the current exopolitical situation

In conclusion, with the continuing global blackout of information concerning extraterrestrial affairs (exopolitics) on Earth and in deep space, it’s very difficult to confirm Elena Danaan’s startling information that secret meetings and agreements are occurring in space involving Earth’s major space powers and corporations.

Nevertheless, her latest information is supported by much circumstantial evidence, what other secret space program insiders have been recently claiming, and remote viewing data.

While this doesn’t confirm her remarkable claims, it does make them worth investigating further for those wanting to know what is currently happening in deep space right now.

by Dr. Michael Salla

August 10, 2021

from Exopolitics Website

Spanish version

More information has become available that better clarifies what happened at a set of secret meetings that took place in the upper atmosphere of Jupiter in mid-July involving representatives from different spacefaring nations and the Galactic Federation of Worlds.

Elena Danaan, who first released news of the dramatic meetings from her extraterrestrial contact, Thor Han Eredyon, has provided a diagram along with further explanatory comments that help considerably in getting a better idea of the different nations, corporations, and organizations that participated in the meetings, and the selection process for the nation that would be chiefly responsible for coordinating humanity in taking responsibility for the solar system – the USA.

In a prior article, I discussed the information received by Elena from her primary extraterrestrial contact, Thor Han, a ship commander from the Galactic Federation of Worlds who escorted some of the Earth delegates to the meetings.

We also discussed the meetings in an interview released on Aug 6:

Also available on Rumble

As explained in my earlier article, these meetings are similar in function to the Yalta Conference held during the final stages of World War II.

In the current scenario, these “galactic diplomacy” meetings discussed restructuring our solar system with the impending defeat of the,

  • Dark Fleet
  • Draco Empire
  • Orion Alliance
  • their corporate partners, the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC)…

I’ve discussed these developments in previous articles, along with corroborating evidence, which you can read here and here.

After our interview, Elena sent me a diagram explaining the sequence of meetings that took place above Jupiter. The diagram succinctly describes what happened, along with her comments for each stage of the meetings.

Based on the sequence of meetings, it appears that the chief purpose was a selection process to determine which spacefaring nation would be primarily responsible for coordinating all human space operations and liaising with the Galactic Federation.

Elena Danaan Illustration

of Jupiter Meetings in sequence

Here is how Elena summarized the meetings in her own words based on Thor Han’s initial messages and what she has subsequently learned.

There was a series of meetings and this had been going on for a while.

Each Terran group attending these meetings combined space force military officials and progressive corporation CEOs.

There were twelve meetings at first, occurring as twelve separate groups.

Each group was composed of officials from galactic institutions, auditing a specific Earth nation’s representatives in the space military and corporate domains.

Put simply,

the Galactic Federation was reviewing Earth’s spacefaring nations in terms of their respective capabilities, histories and leadership potential.

In his initial message to Elena, Thor Han said,

“there are actually fourteen countries involved in space programs, who were represented there.”

In other words, the 12 meetings involved representatives from 14 countries with space programs with officials from the Galactic Federation, and other extraterrestrial organizations.

These are the 12 countries that have signed the Artemis Accords (Jupiter Agreements), which are a set of bilateral agreements between the US and other spacefaring nations, which set out the guidelines for how signatories are to behave and coordinate in space affairs:

  1. Australia
  2. Brazil
  3. Canada
  4. Italy
  5. Japan
  6. Luxembourg
  7. New Zealand
  8. United Arab Emirates
  9. South Korea
  10. Ukraine
  11. United Kingdom
  12. the United States

There are also six countries that have national space programs but to date have not signed the Artemis Accords.

These are:

  1. China
  2. France
  3. Germany
  4. India
  5. Israel
  6. Russia

Of these, only China and Russia are not expected to sign on to the Accords anytime soon, but that could quickly change with the outcome of the Jupiter meetings.

If only 14 out of these 18 nations participated in the Jupiter meetings, then two possibilities come to mind for why four did not participate.

First, it can be speculated that some of the smaller nations, e.g., Luxembourg and New Zealand, delegated to larger neighboring nations to represent their space interests. 

A second possibility is that the European Space Agency, headquartered in Paris, officially represented the interests of France, Germany, Italy, and Luxembourg. While the United Kingdom does participate in some European Space Agency programs, it maintains a separate national space program and works closely with the US NASA program.

By “progressive corporation CEOs”, Thor Han was very likely referring to representatives from companies such as,

  • SpaceX
  • Blue Origin
  • Virgin Galactic,

…as opposed to CEO’s from older larger aerospace corporations such as,

  • Boeing
  • Airbus
  • Lockheed Martin
  • Northrup Grumman, etc.,

…which worked with the now-discredited Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate, a major ally of the German Dark Fleet.

Prominent CEOs such as Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Richard Branson therefore almost certainly attended the Jupiter meetings.

This is supported by recent flights into space by both Bezos and Branson.

Branson flew to the edge of space (defined by US authorities as 50 miles altitude) on July 11 in a Virgin Galactic craft. He was followed by Bezos, who flew into space on July 20 in a crewed Blue Origin flight.

These two very public space flight events, it turns out, were covers for Branson and Bezos to attend the Jupiter meetings.

Musk very likely attended the Jupiter meetings using another mode of transportation and cover story.

The cover story appeared on July 23, when Musk announced that SpaceX had been awarded a contract to launch NASA’s “Europa Clipper” mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa in October 2024.

That means that around the same time Branson and Bezos were involved with their trips to the edge of space, Musk was working with NASA officials on an announcement concerning a future mission to Jupiter.

A plausible cover story for Musk secretly flying to Jupiter to attend the meetings.

What’s noteworthy here in NASA’s announcement of the Europa Clipper mission is its recent behavior of increasingly awarding contracts for space exploration to SpaceX or Blue Origin rather than older established aerospace corporations.

This is critical circumstantial evidence that there has been a major change in how space is being managed by national governments and the aerospace corporations they are supporting through the contractual process.

Elena went on to explain what happened after the initial set of 12 meetings.

Then, three big meetings occurred:

The first of the three meetings was a gathering of six selected nations’ programs.

The second meeting gathered a selected group of four from this previous group of six, to decide who would be best able to lead the group of six.

The third and final agreement was between the galactic representatives and the winning nation selected from the previous group of four.

Elena says that Thor Han was forbidden from identifying the different nations participating in the meetings.

It can be speculated that the six nations that participated in the first of the three final meetings were those with the oldest and largest functioning national space programs.

These are in order of their first satellite launches:

  1. Russia (1957)
  2. the United States (1958)
  3. France (1962)
  4. Britain (1962)
  5. China (1970)
  6. Japan (1970)

It should be noted that the first five nations from this group of six, are all permanent members of the United Nations Security Council.

Each has a long history of being deeply involved in Security Council decisions concerning international affairs.

It is therefore no great surprise that this same group of nations would perform a similar function for regulating human activities in our solar system.  

It can be further speculated that the four countries that participated in the penultimate meeting out of which the Galactic Federation would choose the nation that would be given the responsibility of coordinating all Earth’s nations in space affairs were,

  • the US
  • Russia
  • China
  • France

From this group, the Galactic Federation chose the US as the nation with the most support from the total group of 14 nations and the CEOs of the space companies in attendance.

Elena went on to give more details about the different galactic organizations that met with the 14 Earth delegations in choosing the leadership team that the Galactic Federation would coordinate with in the future:

So the delegations of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, Council of Five (a spiritually evolved organization) and Andromedan Council, audited separately different Earth officials responsible for Space forces and progressive corporations, to determine safety zones and who would serve best the interests of the many.

The Galactic Federation of Worlds only wants to work with a unified global civilization, not with a compound of different rival space forces playing power games.

Thor Han said that there are actually fourteen countries involved in space programs, but a top six have programs that were recognized by the Galactic Federation of Worlds as most progressive and durable, and fit to join forces with them.

The eight remaining others were in for commercial accords benefiting the many.

Thor Han was also speaking about a “horizontal” coalition of these top six, coming up as a unified space department under the leadership of the US.

What makes the scenario described by Elena and Thor Han credible is that it is consistent with what is known about the Artemis Accords, which are growing in popularity among spacefaring nations.

This growing space alliance is organized around the US at its core.

In contrast, an attempt by Russia and China to promote a rival international space coalition through their joint International Lunar Research Station initiative has gathered no support.

It’s therefore very understandable why the Galactic Federation and affiliated galactic organizations – Andromeda Council and Council of Five – would choose the US as the go-to nation for future collaboration between the Federation and the rest of humanity.

Finally, Elena drew a graphic of what Thor Han saw departing after the penultimate meeting.

Three spacecraft were seen carrying the unsuccessful delegates of the nations not chosen to lead the Earth in future coordination with the Galactic Federation.

Elena says that two of the craft carried the Russian and Chinese delegations that were unhappy with the outcome.

The third craft, according to Elena and my speculation, carried the French delegation.

The cigar-shaped craft presumably belonged to the US Navy’s Solar Warden space program.

Elena Danaan drawing of the 3 craft

carrying delegations from penultimate Jupiter meeting.

In conclusion, there is significant circumstantial evidence that the Jupiter meetings happened in mid-July involving 14 nations and CEOs of relatively new aerospace companies.

  • First, the number of nations in attendance (14) is close to the number of known spacefaring nations (18). 
  • Second, the flights to the edge of space by Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos were very likely cover stories for them physically attending the Jupiter meetings. 
  • Third, Musk’s announcement of SpaceX’s selection to launch the 2024 Europa Clipper Mission shows that Jupiter was very much on his mind during the meetings.

Finally, the growing acceptance of the Artemis Accords by leading spacefaring nations – with the exceptions of China and Russia – makes it very plausible that the Galactic Federation chose the USA as the go-to nation for future communications and coordination in deep space.

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