Media Manipulation

by Global Research
March 27, 2011
GlobalResearch Website

Never before has it been so important to have independent, honest voices and sources of information.

We are – as a society – inundated and overwhelmed with a flood of information from a wide array of sources, but these sources of information, by and large, serve the powerful interests and individuals that own them. The main sources of information, for both public and official consumption, include the mainstream media, alternative media, academia and think tanks.


mainstream mediais the most obvious in its inherent bias and manipulation.

The mainstream media is owned directly by large multinational corporations, and through their boards of directors are connected with a plethora of other major global corporations and elite interests. An example of these connections can be seen through the board of Time Warner.

Time Warnerowns,

  • Time Magazine
  • HBO
  • Warner Bros.
  • CNN,

…among many others.

The board of directors includes individuals past or presently affiliated with:


many others.

Two of the most “esteemed” sources of news in the U.S. are.

  • the New York Times (referred to as “the paper of record”)
  • the Washington Post

TheNew York Times

has on its boardpeople who are past or presently affiliated with:

  • Schering-Plough International (pharmaceuticals)
  • the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
  • Chevron Corporation
  • Wesco Financial Corporation
  • Kohlberg & Company
  • The Charles Schwab Corporation
  • eBay Inc.
  • Xerox
  • IBM
  • Ford Motor Company
  • Eli Lilly & Company,

…among others.

Hardly a bastion ofimpartiality.

And the same could be said for theWashington Post, which

has on its board:

  • Lee Bollinger, the President of Columbia University and Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
  • Warren Buffett, billionaire financial investor, Chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway
  • individuals associated with (past or presently):
    • the Coca-Cola Company
    • New York University
    • Conservation International
    • the Council on Foreign Relations
    • Xerox
    • Catalyst
    • Johnson & Johnson
    • Target Corporation
    • RAND Corporation
    • General Motors
    • the Business Council,
    …among others

It is also important to address how the mainstream media is intertwined, often covertly and secretly, with the government.

Carl Bernstein, one of the two Washington Post reporters who covered the Watergate scandal, revealed that there were over 400 American journalists who had,

“secretly carried out assignments for the Central Intelligence Agency.”


“the use of journalists has been among the most productive means of intelligence-gathering employed by the CIA.”

Among organizations which cooperated with the CIA were the,

“American Broadcasting Company, the National Broadcasting Company, the Associated Press, United Press International, Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Scripps-Howard, Newsweek magazine, the Mutual Broadcasting System, the Miami Herald and the old Saturday Evening Post and New York Herald-Tribune.”

By far the

most valuable of these associations, according to CIA officials, have been with the New York Times, CBS and Time Inc.

The CIA even ran a training program,

“to teach its agents to be journalists,” who were “then placed in major news organizations with help from management.”

These types of relationships have continued in the decades since, although perhaps more covertly and quietly than before.

For example, it was revealed in 2000 that

during the NATO bombing of Kosovo,

“several officers from the US Army’s 4th Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) Group at Ft. Bragg worked in the news division at CNN’s Atlanta headquarters.”

This same Army Psyop outfit had,

“planted stories in the U.S. media supporting the Reagan Administration’s Central America policies,” which was described by the Miami Herald as a “vast psychological warfare operation of the kind the military conducts to influence a population in enemy territory.”

These Army PSYOP officers also

worked at National Public Radio(NPR) at the same time. The US military has, in fact, had a

strong relationship with CNN.

In 2008, it was reported that the

Pentagon ran a major propaganda campaignbyusing retired Generals and former Pentagon officialsto present a good picture of the administration’s war-time policies.

The program started in the lead-up to the Iraq War in 2003 and continued into 2009.

These officials, presented as “military analysts”, regurgitate government talking points and often sit on the boards of military contractors, thus having a vested interest in the subjects they are brought on to “analyze.”

The major philanthropic foundations in the United States have often used their enormous wealth to co-opt voices of dissent and movements of resistance into channels that are safe for the powers that be.


McGeorge Bundy, former President of the Ford Foundation once said,

“Everything the Foundation does is to make the world safe for Capitalism.”

Examples of this include philanthropies like the,

  • Rockefeller Foundation
  • Ford Foundation
  • John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation,

…providing immense financial and organizational support to Non-Governmental Organizations.

Furthermore, the alternative media are often funded by these same foundations, which has the effect of influencing the direction of coverage as well as the stifling of critical analysis.

This now brings us to the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) and Global Research.

As an institution which acts as a research centre as well as a source of alternative news through the website, the CRG has become a much needed voice of independence seeking to break through all the propaganda and misinformation.

To maintain our independence, Global Research does not accept assistance from public and private foundations. Nor do we seek support from universities and/or government.

While the objective is to expand and help spread important and much-needed information to more people than ever before, Global Research needs to rely upon its readers to support the organization.

Thank you, dear readers, for your tireless support.

Supporting Global Research is supporting the cause of truth and thefight against mediadisinformation.

Thank you.
The Global Research Team

by Mike Adams

the Health Ranger

May 10, 2011
from NaturalNews Website

If you’re tired of all the half-truths, the propaganda and the complete disinformation that has been spewing from the White House for at least the last twelve years, you can always turn off your television.

Switch off the radio. Or just like everybody else, stop reading printed newspapers. But the U.S. government has decided it must reach you with its official propaganda one way or another, so now it is mandating that all mobile phones sold in the United States automatically receive and display “terror messages” from the White House.

Verizon and AT&T have already signed on to the scheme, and starting in 2012, all mobile phones will be required to have this capability. This “feature” will continue for as long as the U.S. federal government continues to exist.

Can you imagine what Bush would have done with this technology?

The very idea that the White House is the best source of emergency information is unbelievably arrogant to begin with. If anything, over the last several presidents we’ve seen that the White House is probably the worst source of information you can possibly find. It is the least likely to dish out information based on facts because it always has a one-sided political agenda.

To think that the White House is a credible source of information about anything is to exist in an elaborate fairytale land where facts don’t matter at all.

Alerts are mandated

Interestingly, you can’t turn off the White House alerts, meaning you’ll be forced to read whatever current disinfo is being passed off as some kind of alert. Watch out! Bin Laden is in your refrigerator! No wait, he’s stealing your light bulbs!

Or as former president George Bush was fond of saying,

“Today’s terror color is ORANGE!”

Get ready for a barrage of utterly fabricated, socially-engineered propaganda to be “pushed” to the population via their mobile phones.

This is George Orwell’s Ministry of Truth in full operation mode, clued right in to people’s fingertips. If you’re going to control the sheeple, after all, you have to have a way to push your disinfo into their heads, and this mobile phone push technology is about as good as it gets. The FCC also says the system can push Amber alerts and any other information the government wants to put in front of your face.

So on the day the dollar is crashing, you’ll all be sent a message,

“Everything is fine. The banks are merely on a short holiday. Do not be concerned…”

Or I suppose the next time a nuclear power plant goes Chernobyl in the USA, and there’s radioactive fallout threatening America, the White House can send out an alert that says,

“Do NOT prepare. There is nothing to be concerned about. We have it all under control.”

Someone needs to write a White House alert translator that takes the official alerts and translates them into reality:

“Do not be concerned” would translate to, “The nation is on the verge of panic,” for example.

“Your money is safe” means “your money is about to disappear.”

And “We have it under control” means “it’s completely out of control.”

So the alert that reads,

“Do not be concerned. Your money is safe. We have it under control,” actually means your money is about to become worthless and the nation will break down into a panic that will get completely out of control.

What we really need is an alternative news push

What America really needs is for mobile phones to carry an alert system from the alternative media.

We’d push messages like, “Did you know mammograms cause breast cancer?” Or, “There is cancer-causing poison in hot dogs and bacon.”

One tip each day, you see, based on solid facts that people really need to know.

“Have you read the warning label on that vaccine?”

But of course the FCC would never allow truthful messages to be broadcast through this alert system. It only exists for propaganda, not factual information that might be useful to people.

Speaking of pushing information, NaturalNews is working on an iPhone app that will push alerts to users, but of course you have to want the alerts (and install the app) in order to receive them.

The White House, on the other hand, will be pushing alerts to everyone, even if they never signed up for them. And you can’t turn them off, either.

It’s a forced system in the same way that the federal government uses force for everything else:

  • FDA raids on vitamin companies
  • DEA arrests of licensed medical marijuana growers
  • FTC threats on herbal product companies,

…and so on.

They’d better make sure to get their timing right on these alerts. If they send out an alert that says,

“There has been a dirty bomb terrorist attack in New York” but they accidentally send it before the attack happens, some people will do the math and figure out what’s up.

You can bet the White House won’t send any alerts that you really need to know.

“The U.S. national debt has hit $16 trillion and your economic future is now in doubt.”

Don’t hold your breath waiting for that alert to appear on your mobile phone anytime soon.

“The U.S. dollar has been devalued yet again today by the quantitative easing of the Federal Reserve, which keeps printing trillions of dollars in new currency that dilute the value of YOUR currency.”

Again, don’t sit around waiting for that message to show up, either.


chemical and pharmaceutical companieshave polluted our farms, streams, rivers and oceans, rendering the future of life in North America questionable.”

Hmmm… probably not going to see that message, either.

What you’re likely to get instead is a steady drone of “sheeple alerts” that keep people living in fear and not knowing what to do:

Red alert! Terrorists are now saying they will attack TRAINS and STADIUMS using BUTT CRACK BOMBS. So to protect you, we will install TSA checkpoints at all the train stations and sports stadiums.

Please open your butt crack for inspection.

Thank you for your cooperation.

What’s coming next

White House takes over internet DNS to force people to view messages online

To take this one step further, the White House could force ISPs to remap DNS requests so that all web browsers automatically point to the White House website, no matter what web address you type in.

  • Searching for sports scores? You’ll be rerouted to the White House alert page.
  • Checking your sinking stock portfolio online? You’ll get the White House page.
  • Researching how to grow your own medical marijuana using hydroponics? You’ll get the White House page yet again.

This type of technology can be implemented right now, by the way.

It’s more than an internet “kill switch,” it’s an internet “reroute switch.” And it may already be in place without us even knowing about it. The only way to circumvent this tactic and get directly to the web server you want is to know the IP address of the server.

For example, can be reached at:

If you keep this address handy (bookmark it or whatever), then the White House cannot reroute your website requests via DNS. This is why it’s a good idea to know the IP addresses of all the key websites you’ll need to access to get good information during a “total information blackout” attempt by the U.S. government.


The Internetis the last place on Earth where you can get truthful information about what’s really happening. That is exactly why it will be targeted for a shutdown during the next big crisis to strike America.

Because the very last thing any government wants its people to have is access to truthful information. Hence the assaults on Wikileaks and anyone who dares to question the status quo.

by Rosanne Lindsay
January 30, 2019

from NatureOfHealing Website


Are you a victim of panic propaganda promulgated by the Government?

The media is the fourth branch of government, dominated by the power of advertisers, such as the pharmaceutical industry.

Media propagandizes people using words as weapons to disparage, demonize, and dehumanize. The propaganda machine, like the markets and the seasons, cycles and repeats.

With each cycle, the machine attempts to generate greater panic and more victims.

By design, a repeat story of measles outbreak has morphed from a typical outbreak story of a few targeted individuals to a “geographic area” where no one is safe from coughing and sneezing.

Washington state has declared a measles state of ’emergency‘ and blame the unvaccinated…!

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports measles as a leading cause of death worldwide of 450 cases each year, but do not show the evidence of who has been vaccinated.

They ignore the 2011 measles outbreak in Quebec Canada of 750 cases where 95% were twice vaccinated

Parents who choose not to vaccinate their children are not only called “anti-vaccine propagandists,” they are also “irresponsible” and “ignorant.”

Media-heads pander to people’s base instincts that threaten a parent’s choice based on religious or philosophical differences of opinion with headlines like this: 

Vaccine exemptions are on the rise in a number of US states‘.

Unvaccinated kids are deemed a hazard and removed from school to ‘protect’ the vaccinated.

If parents choose to apply exemptions, they are accused of posing a threat to the community, which the media calls a “Public Health” risk.

Panic propaganda is created through wordsmiths.

The term “Public Health” is a tool known as

Public Relations.

“Public” is a term meant to conform and meld individuals into a group mindset. It is part of a greater agenda under

the United Nations(U.N.) that oversees a global doctrine to redefineunityasuniformity, where having an identity is no longer acceptable.

In reality, “Public health,” does not exist. There is only an individual’s health that makes up the public.

Likewise,Public Opinion,Public Safety,Public Body, andPublic Perceptionare myths that

political elitespromote in order to manufacture consent to justify their right to power and to maintain the status quo.

There is only,

individual opinion, individual safety, individual bodies, and individual perception.

Individuals see with their own eyes, hear with their own ears, think with their own minds, and speak with their own voice. Individuals exist in relationship to one another.

Through relationship, they build trust on an individual level.

Thus, there is no ‘Public Trust’…

Public Health is a box into which you, as an individual, are lumped together as “cattle” or “sheeple.” You become enslaved and farmed like animals because you accept the garbage you are being fed.

The pen is mightier than the sword when elite propagandists control the narrative through the powerful and influential media.

  • Has the language been commandeered and used against you because you have blindfolded and gagged yourself by trusting their terms?
  • What if humans reclaimed the pen, and called out public relations for what it is? Predictive Programming.
  • What if you choose not to get caught up in labels that keep you divided into “pro” and “anti” groups? The divide-and-conquer propaganda machine creates opposites and extremes by your consent.
  • What if there are no opposites, but only perception? Fortunately, you can recover yourself through understanding how the machine is there to program humanity.

Change your perception to end the program.

Then recognize Panic Propaganda for what it is, a means to create victims by shaping individual opinions for political interests.

By taking the “Public” out of “Public Health,” you can begin to reclaim the narrative. You can also avoid fighting a losing battle in the courts.

Whenever something must be done in the name of Public Health, the answer must be,

“There is no Public Health. There is only individual health.” 

This provides an opportunity to stop the next level of propaganda, which ushers in cradle-to-grave vaccine mandates under the Healthy People 2020 Act, a U.N. Agenda under the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.

If you can prevent PANIC PROPAGANDA where you live, you preserve your freedoms where freedom lives, in you…

by Makia Freeman
December 13, 2016

from Freedom-Articles Website


The “fake news” and “Russian propaganda” charges being leveled at those in the Alternative and Independent Media is laughable, pernicious and borne of an obvious agenda.

The idea that the MSM (Mainstream Media), such a widespread purveyor of fakery for so long, would have the audacity to accuse the Alternative Media of fake news is beyond hypocritical.

To call that hypocrisy would be doing a disservice and an injustice to the word “hypocrisy”.

The MSM has become a dinosaur relic of a former era where it dominated the means of communication and therefore controlled the narrative, all the while beholden to the,

  • Corporatocracy (Big Pharma ad revenue)
  • Military Intelligence (i.e. CIA Operation Mockingbird)
  • even the plain old Government itself (to ensure it got access to the President etc.)

Those days are gone.

Now the Alternative Media is in the driver’s seat, with more reach and viewers, and importantly, more credibility.

There are many ways this was evidenced, but a particularly good example was the topic of Hillary‘s health, which the MSM was deliberately ignoring until Paul Joseph Watson (InfoWars) made a YouTube video on the subject which went viral:

Then the MSM was forced to cover it so they wouldn’t be perceived as out of touch (too late, chaps!).

The Alternative Media, although itself representing a broad spectrum of views and not always correct on every point, has busted,

  • MSM bias (on a good day)
  • MSM fake news (typical)
  • MSM outright lies (frequent)

No One Does Fake News Better Than the MSM

The truth is that the MSM is the undisputed master of fake news.

In my 2015 series Everything Is Fake – Top 40 Pieces of Fakery in Today’s World, I named the MSM as an institution that spews forth fake news.

Since they are a massive force in controlling people’s perceptions, they hold responsibility for a lot of the fakery around. After all, if MSM reporters (in general) did their jobs properly, they would fact check, research and refuse to publish lies, and thus refuse to instigate or perpetuate the fakery.

As it stands, the MSM has been caught over and over with its pants down, lying through its teeth.

  • Remember how CNN reporter Charles Jaco fabricated the story he was getting bombed in Saudi Arabia… inside a CNN studio in America?

The Mainstream Media has been caught faking news countless times, which had serious consequences worldwide:

  1. CNN caught producing fake news during the Gulf War
  2. CNN caught producing fake news during the Syrian conflict
  3. CNN caught producing fake news during Sandy Hook and Boston Marathon “Bombing
  4. Former CNN journalist – “CNN is paid by foreign and domestic government agencies for specific content
  5. FOX News – and all other news agencies – are ‘corporate persons’ and can LEGALLY LIE their viewers
  6. New York Times openly admits MSM stories are scripted by the White House
  7. MSM censored/ignored a shocking admission of highest level Turkish false flag against Syria, which would have triggered a war between the two nations
  8. 4 Examples of Mainstream Media Fabricating News to Push for War
  9. BBC Journalist Comes Clean – ‘Believe Nothing You Read or Watch




The Endgame of the Fake News/Russian Propaganda PsyOps – Soft and Hard Censorship

Yes, the hypocrisy is laughable and absurd, but it’s important to look beyond that to see the dangerous agenda behind this latest move of the NWO controllers.

The “fake news” and the “Russian propaganda” PsyOps are connected; they are part of a larger push to bring about censorship.

This could either be in the form of,

  • soft censorship (creating distrust and poisoning the well so that people no longer trust the Alternative Media)
  • hard censorship (getting the government to pass laws restricting or banning certain websites in some way from transmitting their information)

These 2 mass mind control psychological operations may have started with the Clinton campaign’s desperate attempts to blame the ‘alt right‘ for Hillary’s waning popularity and blame the Russians for just about everything else (without any evidence). 

Both of these are occurring right now, both in Europe and the US.

EU Considering Pushing Online Censorship of Fake News

Breitbart reports that EU officials are considering moving from non-legislative efforts to legislative ones (i.e. to hard censorship) in an effort to curb “hate speech” and “fake news”.

Again, at the risk of repeating myself, this is all backdoor censorship. The obvious target here is free speech

Here’s what the article said:

“Speaking on Sunday [Dec. 4th2016], the EU’s justice commissioner added “fake news” to the list of what they want censored online.

The “series of commitments to combat the spread of illegal hate speech online in Europe” developed “together with… the IT companies” included a promise to “review the majority” of flagged “hate speech” within 24 hours…

EU Justice CommissionerVěra JourovátoldThe Financial Times(FT):

“If Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Microsoft want to convince me and the ministers that the non-legislative approach can work, they will have to act quickly and make a strong effort in the coming months.”

She added:

“The last weeks and months have shown that social media companies need to live up to their important role and take up their share of responsibility when it comes to phenomena like online radicalization, illegal hate speech or fake news.””


how do you feel about unelected executive bureaucrats deciding what is hate speech and fake news, and terminating your channel and silencing your voice if they think you’re in those categories?

If You’re Accused of Promoting Russian Propaganda, You’re About to Get Legally Targeted

It’s also happening in America, although the pretext is more based on the elusive concept of “Russian Propaganda“.

The fake news censorship psyop

The Washington Post article which started all this (drawing on the mysterious “research” of an unknown organization behind the PropOrNot list of 200) has been soundly rebutted by some of the Alternative Media sites on that list.

Like all dangerous accusations or laws, the list is deliberately vague.

The Alternative Media is about to get targeted if this bill passes.

The following is directly from HR 6393 (Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017), which has passed the House and is on its way to the Senate:


(Sec. 501)

This title establishes an executive branch interagency committee to counter active measures by the Russian Federation to exert covert influence over peoples and governments (with the role of the Russian Federation hidden or not acknowledged publicly) through front groups, covert broadcasting, media manipulation, disinformation or forgeries, funding agents of influence, incitement, offensive counterintelligence, assassinations, or terrorist acts.

The committee shall expose falsehoods, agents of influence, corruption, human rights abuses, terrorism, and assassinations carried out by the security services or political elites of the Russian Federation or their proxies.”


Conclusion – Beware of Sneaking Censorship in All Its Forms

Hopefully, most people will see through the “fake news” and “Russian propaganda” PsyOps and realize it’s all about limiting diversity of thought, reducing free speech and shutting down criticism and dissent.

To advance the NWO agenda, the controllers rely on inventing fictitious concepts and threats.

  • They point to a problem that they themselves create.
  • They paint others with a pejorative label that more aptly describes themselves.
  • They concoct threats like Russian propaganda when the real major problem is US (and by association UK-NATO-Israeli) propaganda.

It’s all a mind game…

It’s all about scaring you, inducing emotional responses in you (getting you to react rather than think things through) and screaming the loudest in the hope that you won’t consider the situation and see it for what it is.

Despite these blatant attempts at censorship, the good news is that people are seeing through the lies of the true propagandists…

by Makia Freeman
December 13, 2016

from Freedom-Articles Website


The “fake news” and “Russian propaganda” charges being leveled at those in the Alternative and Independent Media is laughable, pernicious and borne of an obvious agenda.

The idea that the MSM (Mainstream Media), such a widespread purveyor of fakery for so long, would have the audacity to accuse the Alternative Media of fake news is beyond hypocritical.

To call that hypocrisy would be doing a disservice and an injustice to the word “hypocrisy”.

The MSM has become a dinosaur relic of a former era where it dominated the means of communication and therefore controlled the narrative, all the while beholden to the,

  • Corporatocracy (Big Pharma ad revenue)
  • Military Intelligence (i.e. CIA Operation Mockingbird)
  • even the plain old Government itself (to ensure it got access to the President etc.)

Those days are gone.

Now the Alternative Media is in the driver’s seat, with more reach and viewers, and importantly, more credibility.

There are many ways this was evidenced, but a particularly good example was the topic of Hillary‘s health, which the MSM was deliberately ignoring until Paul Joseph Watson (InfoWars) made a YouTube video on the subject which went viral:

Then the MSM was forced to cover it so they wouldn’t be perceived as out of touch (too late, chaps!).

The Alternative Media, although itself representing a broad spectrum of views and not always correct on every point, has busted,

  • MSM bias (on a good day)
  • MSM fake news (typical)
  • MSM outright lies (frequent)

No One Does Fake News Better Than the MSM

The truth is that the MSM is the undisputed master of fake news.

In my 2015 series Everything Is Fake – Top 40 Pieces of Fakery in Today’s World, I named the MSM as an institution that spews forth fake news.

Since they are a massive force in controlling people’s perceptions, they hold responsibility for a lot of the fakery around. After all, if MSM reporters (in general) did their jobs properly, they would fact check, research and refuse to publish lies, and thus refuse to instigate or perpetuate the fakery.

As it stands, the MSM has been caught over and over with its pants down, lying through its teeth.

  • Remember how CNN reporter Charles Jaco fabricated the story he was getting bombed in Saudi Arabia… inside a CNN studio in America?

The Mainstream Media has been caught faking news countless times, which had serious consequences worldwide:

  1. CNN caught producing fake news during the Gulf War
  2. CNN caught producing fake news during the Syrian conflict
  3. CNN caught producing fake news during Sandy Hook and Boston Marathon “Bombing
  4. Former CNN journalist – “CNN is paid by foreign and domestic government agencies for specific content
  5. FOX News – and all other news agencies – are ‘corporate persons’ and can LEGALLY LIE their viewers
  6. New York Times openly admits MSM stories are scripted by the White House
  7. MSM censored/ignored a shocking admission of highest level Turkish false flag against Syria, which would have triggered a war between the two nations
  8. 4 Examples of Mainstream Media Fabricating News to Push for War
  9. BBC Journalist Comes Clean – ‘Believe Nothing You Read or Watch




The Endgame of the Fake News/Russian Propaganda PsyOps – Soft and Hard Censorship

Yes, the hypocrisy is laughable and absurd, but it’s important to look beyond that to see the dangerous agenda behind this latest move of the NWO controllers.

The “fake news” and the “Russian propaganda” PsyOps are connected; they are part of a larger push to bring about censorship.

This could either be in the form of,

  • soft censorship (creating distrust and poisoning the well so that people no longer trust the Alternative Media)
  • hard censorship (getting the government to pass laws restricting or banning certain websites in some way from transmitting their information)

These 2 mass mind control psychological operations may have started with the Clinton campaign’s desperate attempts to blame the ‘alt right‘ for Hillary’s waning popularity and blame the Russians for just about everything else (without any evidence). 

Both of these are occurring right now, both in Europe and the US.

EU Considering Pushing Online Censorship of Fake News

Breitbart reports that EU officials are considering moving from non-legislative efforts to legislative ones (i.e. to hard censorship) in an effort to curb “hate speech” and “fake news”.

Again, at the risk of repeating myself, this is all backdoor censorship. The obvious target here is free speech

Here’s what the article said:

“Speaking on Sunday [Dec. 4th2016], the EU’s justice commissioner added “fake news” to the list of what they want censored online.

The “series of commitments to combat the spread of illegal hate speech online in Europe” developed “together with… the IT companies” included a promise to “review the majority” of flagged “hate speech” within 24 hours…

EU Justice CommissionerVěra JourovátoldThe Financial Times(FT):

“If Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Microsoft want to convince me and the ministers that the non-legislative approach can work, they will have to act quickly and make a strong effort in the coming months.”

She added:

“The last weeks and months have shown that social media companies need to live up to their important role and take up their share of responsibility when it comes to phenomena like online radicalization, illegal hate speech or fake news.””


how do you feel about unelected executive bureaucrats deciding what is hate speech and fake news, and terminating your channel and silencing your voice if they think you’re in those categories?

If You’re Accused of Promoting Russian Propaganda, You’re About to Get Legally Targeted

It’s also happening in America, although the pretext is more based on the elusive concept of “Russian Propaganda“.

The fake news censorship psyop

The Washington Post article which started all this (drawing on the mysterious “research” of an unknown organization behind the PropOrNot list of 200) has been soundly rebutted by some of the Alternative Media sites on that list.

Like all dangerous accusations or laws, the list is deliberately vague.

The Alternative Media is about to get targeted if this bill passes.

The following is directly from HR 6393 (Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017), which has passed the House and is on its way to the Senate:


(Sec. 501)

This title establishes an executive branch interagency committee to counter active measures by the Russian Federation to exert covert influence over peoples and governments (with the role of the Russian Federation hidden or not acknowledged publicly) through front groups, covert broadcasting, media manipulation, disinformation or forgeries, funding agents of influence, incitement, offensive counterintelligence, assassinations, or terrorist acts.

The committee shall expose falsehoods, agents of influence, corruption, human rights abuses, terrorism, and assassinations carried out by the security services or political elites of the Russian Federation or their proxies.”


Conclusion – Beware of Sneaking Censorship in All Its Forms

Hopefully, most people will see through the “fake news” and “Russian propaganda” PsyOps and realize it’s all about limiting diversity of thought, reducing free speech and shutting down criticism and dissent.

To advance the NWO agenda, the controllers rely on inventing fictitious concepts and threats.

  • They point to a problem that they themselves create.
  • They paint others with a pejorative label that more aptly describes themselves.
  • They concoct threats like Russian propaganda when the real major problem is US (and by association UK-NATO-Israeli) propaganda.

It’s all a mind game…

It’s all about scaring you, inducing emotional responses in you (getting you to react rather than think things through) and screaming the loudest in the hope that you won’t consider the situation and see it for what it is.

Despite these blatant attempts at censorship, the good news is that people are seeing through the lies of the true propagandists…

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