
Gates- Wild Bill is at it again

by Frank Bergman May 04, 2024 from SlayNews Website A world-renowned scientist, who previously served as Bill Gates‘s vaccine specialist, has blown the whistle to warn of, a coming “wave of morbidity” and “mortality” among the Covid mRNA vaccinated… Former Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation scientist and vaccine expert Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche has warned…

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From Siphoning to Assimilation

by Bronte Baxter June 04, 2008 from BronteBaxter Website Extracted from Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment The world’s religions have changed from their ancient demands for blood sacrifice to their modern insistence on a more personal commitment to the divine. Blood provided life-force renewal to the interdimensional predators who call themselves the gods. But blood-on-demand…

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Unconditional Love

by Odaine Carr December 07, 2011from EvolvingBeings Website Spanish version Odaine Carr has spent much of his short time on this Earth searching for absolute truth. His search began with religion, and continued with different spiritual topics and traditions. Despite rigorous research into the different spiritual traditions, he was still not subconsciously satisfied with what…

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Chardin- The Mastermind who envisioned what has happened

by Eric SteinhartDepartment of PhilosophyWilliam Paterson UniversityJournal of Evolution and Technology Vol. 20 Issue 1 – pgs 1-22 December 2008 from JournalOfEvolutionAndTechnology Website Omega Point Theology Being Used As Framework For ‘Christian’ Transhumanism Tomorrow’s Nephilim As Spiritual Leaders Of New Global Order  Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was among the first to give serious consideration to…

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Cognative Warfare- Time To Wake Up and Get Your Head Out of the Sand!!

by Jesse SmithMay 27, 2024from TruthUnmuted Website A centuries-old plan to control humanity on a micro-level is being enforced through the construction of a new bio-digital prison system… Relegated to mere conspiracy theory by legacy media and vehemently denied by accused conspirators, the plan continues unabated with only pockets of resistance – nowhere near enough…

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