
Population Control Timeline- This Has Been Around For a Very Long Time

by Robert Howard from WakeUpAmerica Website The following excerpt was taken from an outline of a Government Project: The Wildlands Project. …Humanity must drastically scale down its industrial activities on Earth, change its consumption lifestyles, stabilize and then reduce the size of the human population by humane means, and protect and restore wild ecosystems and…

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Nine Simulations Drills Years Prior to the Covid 19 Event

by Makia FreemanApril 28, 2020from TheFreedomArticles Website  Learn about at least 9 simulations, drills & laws that planned & prepared for the coronavirus, plus other coronavirus foreknowledge. Coincidence? No…! They planned and prepared for the coronavirus decades in advance. The infrastructure has been clearly set up over the last 2+ decades to ensure that when…

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Dr. Michael Wolf (RIP)- One of the Most Knowledgeable Insiders to Come Out of the Shadows

by Chris Stonor October 2000 from VisionsAndViewsFromTheOtherSide Website This article had been read and approved by Dr Wolf before his death American scientist Dr Michael Wolf claimed he was a member of the satellite government for over 25 years. He attained a very high ‘Above Top Secret’ clearance level and worked primarily on joint ET/human…

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Doubles aka Clones

There have been many reports of the possibility that Hillary has a number of these???? from FourWinds10 Website Contents Return to Synthetic Life Return to Temas / Paraciencia DOUBLES, ROBOTOIDS AND REPLICAS PHOENIX JOURNAL #24, PP. 92-94  How is it that you find this difficult to accept? These “genetic/holographic” DNA/RNA repli­cas have been in the…

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