
Shortly After Donald Trumps Election, A Raging Gun Battle In Lower Manhattan Erupted Between The CIA And the NSA- Why???

January 4, 2017 Trump Explodes In “Cold Anger” After CIA-NSA Gun Battle In Lower Manhattan By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers An intriguing Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President-elect Donald Trump “exploded in cold anger” yesterday after a specialized Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) infiltration…

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From the State of the Nation Website – An Article That Says It All About The Label Conspiracy Theorist

The State of the Union Website is highly recommended How the “Conspiracy Theory” label was conceived to derail the Truth Movement Posted on May 10, 2015 by State of the Nation FacebookTwitterPinterestRedditEmail Share The C.I.A. created the ‘Conspiracy Theory’meme to shut down the Truth Movement State of the Nation KEY POINT: Many ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ are…

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The Boyz in the Hood – The Key Players in the Military Industrial Complex

by Tim ShorrockNovember 16, 2009 from Crocodyl Website Contents Return to Global Militarism Return to New World Order Return to Big Brother Loves You Return to Blackwater – War Mercenaries Inc. SI International/Serco Author/ResearcherTim Shorrock Headquarters1818 Library Street, Suite 1000 Reston, VA 20190 Principal AgenciesNational Security Agency (NSA), National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)Defense Information Systems Agency…

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ET Deception

by John LashFebruary 2006 from MataHistory Website Spanish version  In my recent interview (“ET and Ancient Texts” – below audio) with George Noory for Coast to Coast AM, a listener called in a crucial question that I did not answer properly, due to the fast-paced, improvisational nature of the on-air format: ETs & Ancient TextsFebruary…

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This is a Combined Post- The First Part is about an alleged sea battle between a combined US/Chinese Naval Force against ET’s. The second part is about The Farsight Institute- One of the Very Best Non-Governmental Remote Viewing Groups Out There

Dr. Courtney Brown started this group back in the 1990’s and they are by far one of the best. This is a length Treatise which outlines their methodology and some of their findings. Most Interesting. Enjoy!! by Michael Salla October 20, 2012from Examiner Website Is a real life version of the Battleship Movie happening in…

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Inter-Dimensional Warfare

by James GillilandMarch 18, 2018from In5D Website   James Gilliland is a best-selling author, internationally known lecturer, minister, counselor, multiple Near Death Experiencer and contactee. James is recognized world-wide as the founder of the Gilliland Estate, previously referred to and commonly known as the ECETI Ranch (Enlightened Contact with ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence) where he documents and…

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The Police State- In My Option, A Very Good Friend Got To Close To This

by Prof. James F. TracyAugust 10, 2012from GlobalResearch Website  James F. Tracy is Associate Professor of Media Studies at Florida Atlantic University. Additional information is available at his blog, memorygap.org. The news media’s readiness to accept official pronouncements and failure to more vigorously analyze and question government authorities in the wake of “domestic terrorist” incidents…

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The Little People

William Butler Yeatsand The Little People Excerpt from:Strange Magazine, Number 4, ISSN 0894-8968P.O. Box 2246, Rockville, MD 20852 In the late 1800s, William Butler Yeats came into contact with two very unrelated movements, the Irish nationalists and the Theosophists (an occult/magical sect), and took an active part in both … In 1890 he was “excommunicated”…

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