The Coperican Compromise

by Kyle Griffith Excerpted from War in Heaven The materialistic bias in science seems to have originated no earlier than the Sixteenth and Seventeenth centuries, simultaneously with the Protestant Reformation in Christianity, the beginning of the Age of Discovery, the rise of the modern nation-states, etc. All these changes in western civilization mark the transition…

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Alice in Wonderland

by Tim BaberNovember 2003from Wikispooks Website Tim Baber is an early retired ex librarian who worked for 30 years in education. He is the editor of , which dissects the square mile not of London but Christchurch harbour, which is bounded by the ancient town of Christchurch, in Dorset, the ancient Hengistbury Head and…

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Biodigital Convergence

by Spartacus February 24, 2023 from ICENI Website Spanish version Private-Public Partnerships for Mad Science.The ongoing plot to reengineer humanity… Klaus Schwab said something recently that got people’s hackles up. “Artificial Intelligence (AI), but not only artificial intelligence, but also, the metaverse, near-space technologies, and I could go on and on… synthetic biology. Our life…

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Return to Mind Control Return to Life in Our Galaxy Return to Ponerology – The Science of Evil Return to Free Energy – Hi-Tech/Top Secret Projects A Modern History of Debunkery from Dan’sWorld Website An undocumented and possibly apocryphal timeline of classic debunkery, assembled from anonymous internet sources: Back to Contents  Symptoms of Pathological Skepticism…

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