Nine Simulations Drills Years Prior to the Covid 19 Event

by Makia FreemanApril 28, 2020from TheFreedomArticles Website  Learn about at least 9 simulations, drills & laws that planned & prepared for the coronavirus, plus other coronavirus foreknowledge. Coincidence? No…! They planned and prepared for the coronavirus decades in advance. The infrastructure has been clearly set up over the last 2+ decades to ensure that when…

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Totalitarianism 102- The Scientific Version-Silent But Deadly

by Phillip D. Collins June 11, 2009 from ConspiracyArchive Website Phillip D. Collins acted as the editor for The Hidden Face of Terrorism. He co-authored the book The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship, which is available at It is also available as an E-book at Phillip has also written articles for Paranoia Magazine,…

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The Coperican Compromise

by Kyle Griffith Excerpted from War in Heaven The materialistic bias in science seems to have originated no earlier than the Sixteenth and Seventeenth centuries, simultaneously with the Protestant Reformation in Christianity, the beginning of the Age of Discovery, the rise of the modern nation-states, etc. All these changes in western civilization mark the transition…

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