Dimensions – The Real Matrix

by J. O’Brien July 2000 from O’Brien’sExtraterrestrials Website Recovered through WayBackMachine Website Spanish version THE THIRD DIMENSION The Third Dimension – Physical Reality of the Conscious Being The Third Dimension is where energy congeals into a dark, dense pool of matter. This is the plane of thought or mind. The densest stratum of this plane…

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TransDimensional- The Secret to UFO’s??

For Years, I have felt that UFO’s were transdimensionals. You decided. As always, QUESTION EVERYTHING!!!! by Rebecca HardcastleJune 21, 2005 from GalacticCivilizations Website Spanish version Introduction In 2005 I taught Extraterrestrial Reality, one of the first college sponsored ufology courses in the nation, at Scottsdale Community College through the Community Education department. The college and…

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Dark Forces within the Church

by Cassie B.October 06, 2020 from DeepState Website Italian version Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano is warning that the “Deep Church” is working with the Deep State to make the Catholic Church the ‘spiritual arm’ of a New World Order, calling the upcoming U.S. presidential election a biblical challenge.  The Catholic archbishop, who has served as…

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Transhumanism Two- Don’t Panic, It’s Just Satanic

by Uri Dowbenko November 10, 2014 New Dawn Special Issue Vol.8 No.4 from ConspiracyPlanet Website Spanish version URI DOWBENKO is the author of Homegrown Holography, Bushwhacked: Inside Stories of True Conspiracy and Hoodwinked: Watching Movies with Eyes Wide Open. He is also the founder and publisher of www.ConspiracyPlanet.com, www.ConspiracyDigest.com, www.AlMartinRaw.com, and www.InsiderIntelligence.com, as well as…

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Bush Sr and Aliens

by George L. (gl2) 04-30-2005 from Alien-UfosForum Website I work as a writer and have friends who are personal “friends” of the Bushes. My first publishing contract was with a man whose family is close friends of the Bushes (major corporation owners). Over time, other friends (past and present) have done business with, or shared…

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40 Years As A Diplomat with the Secret Space Force

Antichrist The Contemporary Data from RedMoonRisingWebsite recovered throughWayBackMachineWebsite Please see the Important Noteat the bottom The 20 thcentury has seen the decline of traditional Christian beliefs and the rise of the seemingly all-inclusive, multi-dimensional belief system known loosely as “New Age” spirituality.Helena BlavatskyandAlice Baileywere two of the most well known organizers of this movement in…

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