The Battle of Antarctica

by Michael Salla
June 16, 2016

from Exopolitics Website

Part 1

On June 15, I received an informal “briefing” by secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode, about recent events that include an aerial battle over Antarctica involving various syndicate groups (Cabal/Illuminati) that had over the last six months fled there, and also the current status of negotiations involving different extraterrestrial and “Inner Earth” civilizations over “open contact” with humanity.

What follows will appear fantastic to those new to Goode’s revelations, which he has been releasing over the last 18 months. A detailed resource page has been created listing most of Goode’s interviews, reports, videos, along with articles about him.

My own detailed investigation of Goode was released in the book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Alliances (Sept 2015).

My conclusion was that Goode is genuine, and so I consider his June 15 ‘briefing” to be a very significant disclosure of recent events involving secret space programs that have transpired over the last few months.

Goode released a short update on May 14 of recent events in bullet point form.

In his June 15 briefing with me, he gave more details about this update, answered questions about what had occurred, and provided artist depictions of some of the events he was describing.

The May 14 update by Goode described an exodus of elite groups to South America and Antarctica:

Reports came in for approximately 6 months that high level syndicate groups were moving huge amounts of personal items and supplies to South American underground bases most noted in Brazil.

More recent reports stated actual family members and high ranking syndicate members were pouring into these underground bases like ants before a storm.

Goode elaborated in his June 15 briefing that what the syndicate groups (global elites/Cabal/Illuminati) feared was huge solar storms predicted to hit the Earth.

The so-called “solar killshot” long predicted by the remote viewer, Ed Dames, was imminent according to him in an interview on March 21, 2016 (far below video).

The syndicate groups could not easily leave the Earth for refuge on off-planet locations due to a recent lockdown on airspace on and around Earth by what Goode describes as the “lower level SSP” comprising the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), USAF Space Command, etc.

The latter had deployed technology establishing an “Earth Defense Grid” coordinated from an “air (and space) traffic control” established on the Moon (Lunar Operations Command – LOC).

He said the LOC is currently controlled by the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate which is coordinating with the lower level SSP’s. The latter were instructed not to clear SSP Alliance flights into Earth’s air space.

The syndicate groups chose to flee instead to Antarctica/South America where underground locations provided some safety. The following graphic illustrates one of the six industrial areas under the Antarctic ice near the Ross Sea with parked spacecraft.

The fumes coming out of the ground is from abundant thermal energy used as a power source.

Coincidently, President Obama visited Bariloche, Argentina on March 24, which had become the unofficial headquarters of the “Fourth Reich” when Adolf Hitler fled there after World War II.

The Nazi U-boat historian, Harry Cooper, found credible sources establishing Bariloche as Hitler’s refuge in his book, Hitler in Argentina.

In February 1960, President Eisenhower traveled to Bariloche where he negotiated the Joint Declaration of Bariloche with the Argentinean President concerning Peace and Freedom in the Americas.

The real topic of negotiations, however, allegedly concerned deals which would further put the U.S. Military Industrial Complex firmly under the control of the Fourth Reich.

This alliance led to the emergence of the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC), one of the secret space programs revealed by Goode, which was now in charge of the Nazi bases in Antarctica.

Therefore it is more than likely that President Obama’s visit to Bariloche, was to finalize new deals with the ICC/Nazis, which would facilitate their desire to move large number of people and cargo to safe locations in South America and Antarctica.

Goode’s May 14 update went on to describe huge submarines used to transport people and cargo to Antarctica as revealed to him by a “Lt. Col. Gonzales,” who has worked closely with Goode over the last year in secret negotiations and meetings involving different space programs and extraterrestrial alliances:

Gonzales later confirmed that these people and supplies were in many cases being transported to Antarctica via “Black Submarines” that were “EM Driven” and the “size of container ships”.

The water filled subterranean rift systems are so incredibly enormous that they have no trouble on their journey. Furthermore, the reports stated that the rift caverns had been modified into massive arched tunnels in ancient times.

Goode supplied various artist depictions of one of the doorways into the vast water filled tunnel systems throughout South America and Antarctica used by the elites that extend all the way from Mexico, through South America, and down into Antarctica.

He said that there were six large industrial complexes located in the Western Antarctic region.

The two largest complexes were city-sized and about two miles wide. He provided an illustration for the location of these bases that he was personally taken to visit by the “Anshar” on May 14.

NOTE: Goode has previously described the Anshar as the oldest of the Inner Earth civilizations that he has met in secret negotiations – alleged dating as far back as 18 million years.

Map of Antarctica

with circles depicting location

of industrial complexes,

and their relative sizes

Further, he stated that he saw the secret Antarctic cities while traveling on an Anshar space craft that flew about 60 feet above the surface of the ocean directly into what looked like an Antarctic ice cliff, but which in reality was a hologram hiding the entrance to one of these cities.

Goode saw large buildings, and two huge black submarines used to transport people and cargo to Antarctica being unloaded by giant cranes.

These large industrial complexes had first been established in the 1930’s by Nazi Germany, according to Goode, and subsequently expanded in the 1950’s and after agreements had been reached with the Eisenhower administration and the U.S. Military Industrial Complex.

Currently, these six Antarctica bases are used by the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate, one of the secret space programs identified by Goode.

He then described in his May 14 update, a battle that had taken place over Antarctica:

  • Reports came in for approximately 6 weeks detailing “huge spherical craft” in geostationary orbit above the continent of Antarctica. These reports came from 5 different sources and described the spheres as being huge, metallic, shiny with one row of portholes going around the sphere. One speculated that these craft were of Russian origin.
  • Reports came in for approximately 6 months that high level syndicate groups were moving huge amounts of personal items and supplies to South American underground bases most noted in Brazil. More recent reports stated actual family members and high ranking syndicate members were pouring into these underground bases like ants before a storm. Gonzales later confirmed that these people and supplies were in many cases being transported to Antarctica via “Black Submarines” that were “EM (electromagnetic) Driven” and the “size of container ships”. The water filled subterranean rift systems are so incredibly enormous that they have no trouble on their journey. Furthermore, the reports stated that the rift caverns had been modified into massive arched tunnels in ancient times.
  • Military abductions conducted by operatives of one or more unacknowledged programs occur. Chemical interrogation tactics are implemented. Body fluid and hair samples were taken, words and phrases were read off of a tablet to attempt to ascertain if I was a current asset of a known UNSAP. A tablet with a camera was held in front of my face and academy type military photos were shown to me. The camera monitored my eyes and marked a photograph when it was detected that I recognized the person. This incident caused the ousting of 3 high ranking SSP Alliance individuals and caused a further rift between myself, Gonzales and the SSP Alliance. Because of the chemical interrogation and the attempted blank slating of my memories of the incidents, I didn’t remember the full details until I was informed later of the security breach.
  • Gonzales had been staying with the Anshar for weeks with no explanation. I was receiving briefings from both Gonzales and Kaaree during this timeframe. One of these briefings included information about a couple of recent trips that Gonzales and Kaaree made to an “Outpost” of working “Ancient Builder Race” technology below the surface of Venus. Gonzales was turned away by the beings that inhabited that outpost. They then traveled to a temporal anomaly and embassy type space station in the vicinity of Saturn that I had attended Super Federation meetings at in the vicinity of Jupiter. There were no craft or occupants on this station other than the same beings encountered at the Venus outpost. Gonzales was turned away from there too. Later Kaaree informed me that Gonzales had worked to make sure I was disinvited from these two trips. It was soon after this that I found out that Gonzales was one of the 3 people that was revealed during my chemical interrogation.
  • I was then completely out of communication with Gonzales for weeks after finding out about his identity being ousted in my interrogation. Even though I was chemically interrogated and technology used eye muscles to identify who I recognized among the dozens of photographs, Gonzales was still upset at me. In one of our most recent meetings he would barely make eye contact with me. I had been delivered to the same base (by Kaaree’s vessel) where the recent meeting occurred between the Anshar and the Guardians.
  • One of the most interesting things that came out of this briefing was that there had recently been reports of 6 large cruisers (Teardrop Shaped) were in the process of leaving the atmosphere after breaking the surface of the ocean near the coast of Antarctica. Dozens of “Unknown Chevron Craft” swarmed these cruisers and attacked them causing massive and shocking damage. The cruisers broke off their attempts to leave orbit returning to below the surface of the ocean where they came from.
  • There has been a major uptick in conflicts just outside and within our atmosphere between craft of various groups that have involved the shoot down of a number of craft.
  • Gonzales reported dozens of underground/ocean conflicts that have involved the use of exotic weapons as well as an uptick in the use of weather modification weapons by both the various syndicates and elements of the Earth Alliance.
  • Kaaree informed me that Gonzales had informed her that the Anshar request for a meeting over requested ratifications to a treaty that was agreed to by all of the major ET players in the Solar System including those we would consider negative. This meeting is said to be occurring imminently.
  • Kaaree takes me to visit the Working Ancient Builder Race Outpost on Venus. We arrive and are met by a giant, long narrow craft that had a blast shield over the windows of what would be the bridge of their craft. We sat there for about 20 minutes before Kaaree told me we had been turned back. As I looked I could see several other of these large narrow craft around Venus with their noses pointed down toward the surface and the rear of the vessels pointing away from the planet into space. While waiting Kaaree and I spoke about a few individuals as well as how concerned the Anshar are with people actively reaching out for them mentally yet receiving contact from other beings. The reason the Anshar requested the meeting to make changed to the treaty is that they were considering a more active role with the surface populations. They are keeping an eye on the highly programmed nature of humanity and our response to knowing the Anshar exist. They have been troubled by some of the signs they have seen and some of their group has raised these concerns in their recent council meetings.

One of the most interesting things that came out of this briefing (by Gonzales now safely located at a secret Kuiper Belt base) was that there had recently been reports of 6 large cruisers (teardrop shaped) were in the process of leaving the atmosphere after breaking the surface of the ocean near the coast of Antarctica.

Dozens of “Unknown Chevron Craft” swarmed these cruisers and attacked the leading two craft causing massive and shocking damage. The cruisers broke off their attempts to leave orbit returning to below the surface of the ocean where they came from.

Goode has provided an illustration of the battle that took place.

He told me that the teardrop shaped cruisers belonged to the syndicate groups who were aligned with the “Dark Fleet” – a space program first established in Antarctica by Nazi Germany/German Secret Societies – which later allied itself with the U.S. Military Industrial Complex.

He added that the SSP Alliance were not sure who the chevron shaped spacecraft belonged to, but the speculation was that they were linked to the “Earth Alliance,” a consortium of “White Hats” from various national militaries working closely with the BRICS nations.

According to Goode, the Antarctic battle was not an isolated incident:

There has been a major uptick in conflicts just outside and within our atmosphere between craft of various groups that have involved the shoot down of a number of craft.

Gonzales reported dozens of underground/ocean conflicts that have involved the use of exotic weapons as well as an uptick in the use of weather modification weapons by both the various syndicates and elements of the Earth Alliance.

Events in Antarctica were being monitored closely by different nations and/or space programs.

Goode described huge spherical craft over Antarctica that appeared to be conducting surveillance operations:

Reports came in for approximately 6 weeks detailing “huge spherical craft” in geostationary orbit above the continent of Antarctica.

These reports came from 5 different sources and described the spheres as being huge, metallic, shiny with one row of portholes going around the sphere. One speculated that these craft were of Russian origin.

Goode then explained that the craft were operating over large areas of the Southern Hemisphere, including Australia.

It’s possible that the craft are related to the “Cosmospheres” allegedly developed by the Soviet Union, which are described at length in the Peter Beter audio files.

Beter was the General Counsel of the Export-Import Bank (1961-67), and had high level sources who confided to him what was happening behind the scenes in space up to the early 1980’s.

The Cosmospheres established Soviet weapons dominance in near Earth orbit, where they had military skirmishes with craft belonging to the USAF Space Command and NRO, which according to Goode, operate to about 400 miles above the Earth, and occasionally sent their most advanced craft to the Moon.  

It is therefore very likely that the large spherical objects observing the Antarctic space battles were indeed Cosmospheres now under the control of President Putin and the Russian Federation.

It is feasible that they provided intelligence used by the chevron shaped spacecraft that intercepted and turned back the larger teardrop shaped craft leaving with their likely global elite passengers.

Part 2
Military Abduction & Extraterrestrial Contact Treaty

At the same time the Soviet Union had deployed Cosmospheres in the 1970’s that competed with the National Reconnaissance Office and USAF for domination of the space around Earth, the U.S. Navy was developing its own secret space program called Solar Warden, which used huge cigar shaped spacecraft equipped with antigravity and temporal technology for distant off world operations.

Former aerospace engineer, William Tompkins, has disclosed that he provided the initial designs for these kilometer long secret space craft in a secret think tank at Douglas Aircraft Company in the 1950’s.

According to both Corey Goode and Tompkins, Solar Warden became operational in the 1980’s and was highly compartmentalized, and therefore unknown to most USAF Space Command/NRO/Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) personnel who were told the vehicles in deep space or remote locations like Antarctica they were monitoring were merely prototype craft being tested.

Goode additionally explains that most NRO/USAF Space Command/DIA personnel are unaware of the Secret Space Program Alliance (an alliance between the Solar Warden program and defectors from other secret space programs), whose operations Goode has been disclosing since late 2014.

Apparently, some of the intelligence released by Goode over the last 18 months about secret space programs, was accurate enough to come to the attention of the “lower level secret space program,” as he described it, run by the NRO/USAF/DIA.

Subsequently, he was subjected to a military abduction by one or more of these agencies, which he briefly described in his May 14 update:

Military abductions conducted by operatives of one or more unacknowledged programs occur.

Chemical interrogation tactics are implemented. Body fluid and hair samples were taken, words and phrases were read off of a tablet to attempt to ascertain if I was a current asset of a known UNSAP (Unacknowledged Special Access Program).

While briefing me on June 15, Goode stated that he experienced a total of three different military abductions on a spacecraft that was clearly less advanced than those belonging to the SSP Alliance.

The abductions happened during the period from January to February 2016.

Artist depiction of room in spacecraft

where chemical interrogations occurred.

I asked Goode why he wasn’t protected by the “Sphere Being Alliance” (advanced extraterrestrials belonging to a Type III civilization), since they had previously intervened during an alleged incident on Mars that he described in a report back in June 2015.

Goode said that the Sphere Being Alliance will only intervene when his safety is in serious jeopardy, and not at other times since there are lessons to be learned for all involved.

In the case of “negative experiences”, he says, these might have a larger purpose such as completing operational goals.

I also asked him why the SSP Alliance, which has superior technologies and clearances, couldn’t just tell the lower level SSP’s to back off, and not abduct Alliance operatives.

Goode said that just before the time of his military abductions the ability of the SSP Alliance to conduct operations on Earth had been stopped, since they were denied clearance by the air and space traffic control at the Lunar Operations Center (LOC), as described in ‘Part 1’ at top page. 

Goode’s interrogators could not find any information about him in their databases which is not surprising given the level of compartmentalization involved in the different classified programs. He said that all his records were scrubbed upon returning to civilian life in 1986 after being age regressed and sent back in time after he completed his 20 year tour of duty in 2007.

During one of Goode’s interrogations, attempts were made to brainwash him into believing that extraterrestrials weren’t real and that the “higher level space programs” he was discussing – Solar Warden, Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate and Dark Fleet – did not exist.

During an interrogation, he also said that chemicals were used to get him to involuntarily reveal three high level operatives working within the Secret Space Program (SSP) Alliance:

A tablet with a camera was held in front of my face and academy type military photos were shown to me.

The camera monitored my eyes and marked a photograph when it was detected that I recognized the person. This incident caused the outing of 3 high ranking SSP Alliance individuals and caused a further rift between myself, Gonzales and the SSP Alliance.

Because of the chemical interrogation and the attempted blank slating of my memories of the incidents, I didn’t remember the full details until I was informed later of the security breach.

Artistic depiction of Goode

under chemical interrogation where

he involuntarily outs SSP operatives

One of the ousted SSP Alliance individuals has subsequently disappeared, another has been captured by the “lower level SSP”, and the third was Gonzales – Goode’s primary contact with the SSP Alliance.

Due to his involuntary ‘ousting’ by Goode, Gonzales had to leave his civilian “cover” identity in Texas, and quickly found refuge with one of the Inner Earth civilizations called the ‘Anshar’, which he and Goode had previously met with on several occasions.

In particular, Goode had formed a special bond with an Anshar high priestess called “Kaaree“, with whom he experienced a mind-meld back in September 2015:

Gonzales had been staying with the Anshar for weeks with no explanation. I was receiving briefings from both Gonzales and Kaaree during this timeframe.

Next, Goode refers to the period immediately after Gonzales was ousted, sometime in March 2016. Goode, describing one of the locations where Gonzales traveled to during his stay with the Anshar:

One of these briefings included information about a couple of recent trips that Gonzales and Kaaree made to an “Outpost” of working “Ancient Builder Race” technology, below the surface of Venus.

Gonzales was turned away by the beings that inhabited that outpost.

They then traveled to a temporal anomaly and embassy type space station in the vicinity of Saturn that I had attended Super Federation meetings at in the vicinity of Jupiter.

There were no craft or occupants on this station other than the same beings encountered at the Venus outpost. Gonzales was turned away from there too. Later, Kaaree informed me that Gonzales had worked to make sure I was disinvited from these two trips.

It was soon after this that I found out that Gonzales was one of the 3 people that was revealed during my chemical interrogation.

Goode says that the reason Gonzales had been turned away from the Venus outpost was because he (Goode) was not present. It is likely the “Venusians” were aware that Goode had been appointed delegate to the Sphere Being Alliance, and viewed his absence as awry.

Then Goode went on to explain what happened when he was taken to Venus, around May 13:

Kaaree takes me to visit the Working Ancient Builder Race Outpost on Venus.

We arrive and are met by a giant, long narrow craft that had a blast shield over the windows of what would be the bridge of their craft. We sat there for about 20 minutes before Kaaree told me we had been turned back.

As I looked I could see several other of these large narrow craft around Venus, with their noses pointed down toward the surface and the rear of the vessels pointing away from the planet into space.

While waiting, Kaaree and I spoke about a few individuals, as well as how concerned the Anshar are with people actively reaching out for them mentally yet receiving contact from other beings.

Artistic depiction showing Goode’s bus-like spacecraft

being intercepted and prevented from traveling to Venus

by giant kilometer long cylinder space craft.

The final information Goode shared relates to the Anshar.

He says that they have requested a change to a treaty between all major extraterrestrial groups and Inner Earth Civilizations concerning open contact with humanity:

The reason the Anshar requested the meeting to make changes to the treaty is that they were considering a more active role with the surface populations.

They are keeping an eye on the highly programmed nature of humanity and our response to knowing the Anshar exist. They have been troubled by some of the signs they have seen and some of their group has raised these concerns in their recent council meetings.

Back on May 14, Goode described a forthcoming meeting (since held) between different extraterrestrial and Inner Earth groups for a new treaty:

Kaaree informed me that Gonzales had informed her that the Anshar request for a meeting over requested ratifications to a treaty that was agreed to by all of the major ET players in the Solar System including those we would consider negative.

This meeting is said to be occurring imminently.

In his June 15 briefing to me, Goode explained that the current treaty is referred to as the “Muhammad Accords” since it dates back to the time of the Prophet Muhammad (570-632 AD).

Further Goode added that prior to the “Muhammad Accords,” extraterrestrials and Inner Earth civilizations openly interacted with surface humanity.

It was decided that in order for surface humanity to evolve, open contact would end, and that extraterrestrials and Inner Earth civilizations would no longer openly intervene in human affairs.

Goode then said that the meeting referred to by Kaaree had been held, and the request for a new treaty had been opposed by the Draconian Federation – the dominant Reptilian extraterrestrial species in our galaxy, and other “Saurian” or Reptilian groups.

According to Goode, both he and Gonzales had in mid-2015 met with the leader of the Draconian Federation in our sector of the Galaxy, a 14 foot Royal White Draco, as part of ongoing negotiations over full disclosure.

Due to the need for consensus among all the adherents to the original treaty, there consequently would not be a new treaty at this point. Kaaree said this was unlikely to be the end of the matter, but more likely the first step in a drawn out negotiation process.

Goode stated that he last met Raw Teir Eir on June 10, and was told that incoming cosmic energies are dramatically ramping up energy levels for the sun, solar system and the entire planet.

People and groups are being easily triggered, which helps explains the elite exodus to Antarctica described in Part One, and upsurge of violent extremism around the planet.

While some may be greatly concerned over the possibility of a solar kill shot as predicted by remote viewers such as Major Ed Dames, it’s important to emphasize that this is merely one of many possible futures.

Ed Dames – Solar “Killshot” coming in 2016

(C2C AM – 21st March, 2016)

More on Remote Viewing

Previously Goode has said that according to Raw Teir Eir, the future and the kind of disclosure humanity is going to experience, will be determined by the collective consciousness and how well we react to unfolding events around us.

Different elite groups, secret space programs and ancient “Inner Earth” civilizations are currently negotiating over how much of the truth they are willing to reveal to humanity about their respective existence and the reality of extraterrestrial life.


Goode has summarized the optimal response to an uncertain future in what describes as “the Message“:

Every day focus on becoming more “Service to Others” oriented.

Focus on being more “Loving” and “Focus on raising your Vibrational and Consciousness Level” and to learn to “Forgive Yourself and Others” (thus “Releasing Karma”).

This will change the Vibration of the Planet, the “Shared Consciousness of Humanity” and “Change Humanity One Person at a time” (even if that “One Person” is yourself.).

At a time of great change where global elites are finding refugee in remote locations amidst uncertainty over what the future holds for them, and extraterrestrials debate over whether to openly make contact, the choice is ours over what the future holds for us.

We must remember the power of love and forgiveness in opening up positive possibilities for us all, including that of a peaceful full disclosure of the SSPs and extraterrestrial alliances that can greatly expand and enrich human destiny.

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