Some Questions About the Jesuits??? – In General, the Order Does Good Work for the Church

****It is the position of this website, that all human activities have their questionable ones.

by Alfred Lambremont Webre
December 2014 – January 2015

from NewsInsideOut Website


The Secret Babylonian Cult now known as…

“The Society of Jesus” (Jesuits)

Independent scientist Leuren Moret, MA, PhD (ABD) discusses

the historical role of Russia in protecting humanity

against the destructive scenarios of Jesuitism,

including the role of Tsar Alexander II

in saving the USA during the Civil War

to the present day of Vladimir Putin

in preventing WWIII.



Part I

Fukushima Radiation from HAARP Nuclear Polar Vortexes

exceeds 2-3 Times Limits Mandating Immediate Evacuation of USA

December 9, 2014

In Part I of a Special 3-Part program, independent scientist Leuren Moret, MA, PhD ABD, confirms that U.S. Government and Jesuit controlled HAARP under President Barack Obama in coordination with monarchies and City of London banking networks are creating polar vortex and nuclear typhoons filled with Fukushima radiation that is then dropped on the northern hemisphere populations, especially targeting the United States people.

By contrast, Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, is employing Russian HAARP to lay an electromagnetic fence around Russia to keep out plumes filled with Fukushima radiation, thereby protecting the Russian people from depopulation.

Putin is also constructing BRICS, a banking model in competition with the Rothschild-dominated private debt-based fiat-currency, a prison for humanity.

Mandatory evacuation of the USA – Radiation levels are genocidal and unreported
In Part I Leuren Moret reports recent radiation readings on the continental United States following these HAARP generated polar vortex and nuclear typhoons that is two to three times the levels requiring Hazmat clothing and immediate evacuation.

These show a range of 11 to 15 BQs/sec (becquerels per second) at ground level in many parts of the U.S.

The standard requiring Hazmat clothing and immediate evacuation is well below that at 5 BQs/sec. Readings in the continental U.S. as high as 600-1000 BQ/sec. have been obtained following a Fukushima radiation-bearing HAARP “bombing” by polar vortex and nuclear typhoons radiation plumes.

Asked why,

  • public health authorities
  • members of the public with Geiger counters are not reporting these levels,

…Ms. Moret replied that,

  1. There is an extensive cover-up designed to prevent the North American and world public from knowing true radiation levels
  2. Radiation cover-up There are sophisticated stealth algorithms used in creating HAARP polar vortexes and nuclear plumes, steering them to Fukushima to fill with radiation, and then steering these plumes around the world to bombard the world with targeted radiation as part of the depopulation program. Website launching Dec 8
  3. Electronic cover-up There is a worldwide electronic cover-up to desensitize civilian Geiger counters programs to actual radiations levels



Polar Vortex wind patterns forming in the North Pacific Nov. 10, 2014.

After loading up on Fukushima radiation earlier in the week, two nuclear vortices moved into the north Pacific and headed for the Arctic region.

HAARP radiation Polar Vortex

The one on the right (below Alaska) moved down the west coast of the US, contaminating the food baskets of Canada and the US.

The second nuclear vortex formed the Polar Vortex that moved down the middle of Canada and the US, then turned east to contaminate the entire US east of the Rocky Mountains.

It is obvious that certain global regions were protected from radiation exposure by HAARP heating, creating high pressure zones over,

  • Russia
  • Korea
  • China
  • Central and South America

This wind storm image confirms that Fukushima radiation from Japan, and the tsunami debris field stretching across the Pacific, serve as radiation sources for nuclear typhoons and storms thrown at North America.

Accelerated genocide is the desired endpoint.

Radiation Alert – Flying is hazardous to your health

Leuren Moret reported on massive increases in the upper atmospheric radiation column from levels 20 years ago.

For example, radiation levels of 8 BQs/sec were reported in a commercial airline cabin in a flight across the continental United States, compared to 5 BQs requiring immediate evacuation of that airliner.

Airline crews, notably pilots, who are continually exposed to these lethal levels of radiation, are reporting high levels of radiation illness, including premature death, heart disease, cancer and other illnesses.

Moreover, the “Wigner effect” in which radiation weakens metal joints, bolts and key airliner parts, has accelerated to the point where one of the two major Japanese airlines shut down in the summer of 2014 because of lack of airplane maintenance and lack of pilots.

One U.S. entrepreneur reportedly abandoned plans to revive Eastern Airlines once he was briefed on the atmospheric radiation effects on crew mortality and on equipment, let alone passengers.

“The airline industry is dead,” he was heard to say.

Part II

Jesuit Depopulation Plan

= Radiation + GMOs + Vaccines + GeoEngineering + Wars + $Collapse + Transhumanist Agenda
January 5, 2015

In Part II of a Special 3-Part program, independent scientist Leuren Moret, MA, PhD ABD, confirms that U.S. Government and Jesuit controlled HAARP under President Barack Obama in coordination with the Vatican, monarchies and Zionist banking networks are creating polar vortex (see Part I above) and nuclear typhoons filled with Fukushima radiation that is then dropped on the northern hemisphere populations, especially targeting the United States people.

Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, is employing Russian HAARP to lay an electromagnetic fence around Russia to keep out plumes filled with Fukushima radiation, thereby protecting the Russian people from depopulation.

Putin is also constructing BRICS, a banking model in competition with the Rothschild-dominated private debt-based fiat-currency, a prison for humanity.

Depopulation Plan

In Part II of her interview, Leuren Moret summarized key methodologies of the depopulation plan that the Matrix elites have undertaken. The equation determining the Depopulation rate is:

Depopulation = Accelerate Death Rate + Decelerate Birth Rate

  1. HAARP to bring Fukushima via polar vortexes to targeted populations, mainly Northern Hemisphere
  2. Transhumanist Agenda – All aspects of the Transhumanist Agenda to robotize humans
  3. Next generation EMF generators – such as weaponized transmitter Light poles
  4. “Accidental” nuclear releases at nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons plants
  5. Depopulating the individual human through Cycle: Radiation + GMOs + Vaccines + HAARP/Chemtrails-GeoEngineering + Wars + Financial Collapse + Transhumanist Agenda
  6. Others

HAARP radiation Polar Vortex


Polar Vortex wind patterns forming in the North Pacific Nov. 10, 2014.

After loading up on Fukushima radiation earlier in the week, two nuclear vortices moved into the north Pacific and headed for the Arctic region. The one on the right (below Alaska) moved down the west coast of the US, contaminating the food baskets of Canada and the US.

The second nuclear vortex formed the Polar Vortex that moved down the middle of Canada and the US, then turned east to contaminate the entire US east of the Rocky Mountains. It is obvious that certain global regions were protected from radiation exposure by HAARP heating, creating high pressure zones over Russia, Korea, China, and Central and South America.

This wind storm image confirms that Fukushima radiation from Japan, and the tsunami debris field stretching across the Pacific, serve as radiation sources for nuclear typhoons and storms thrown at North America.

Accelerated genocide is the desired endpoint.

Part III

Putin Plan – HAARP the Fukushima Radiation out of Russia

BRICS Saves World from $collapse
January 18, 2015

In Part III of a Special 3-Part program, independent scientist Leuren Moret, MA, PhD ABD, confirms that Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, is employing Russian HAARP to lay an electromagnetic fence around Russia to keep out plumes filled with Fukushima radiation, thereby protecting the Russian people from depopulation.

Putin is also constructing BRICS, a banking model to protect against collapse of world financial system, built on U$dollar Rothschild-dominated private debt-based fiat-currency as a prison for humanity.

The U.S. Government and Jesuit controlled sections of the HAARP environmental weapons system, under President Barack Obama in coordination with monarchies and Zionist banking networks, are creating polar vortex (see Part I above) and nuclear typhoons filled with Fukushima radiation that is then dropped on the northern hemisphere populations, especially targeting the United States people with depopulating radiation.

Putin’s Plan

  • HAARPing Fukushima Radiation out of Russia
  • BRICS saves world financial system from $collapse
  • These measures of Putin’s Plan in turn help deconstruct the Transhumanist Agenda to robotize humans

In her Part III interview, Leuren Moret details how the genocides that Russia has experienced over the last Century, including,

  1. The Bolsheviks during the Revolution
  2. Holodomor – in the Ukraine and Russia during the Stalin era
  3. Chernobyl nuclear False Flag (by CIA) where Russian life span was decreased by 10 years led to engineered collapse of the Soviet Union

Putin Plan – Counter Depopulation & Death with Protection of Life and Empowerment

Leuren Moret details the following aspects of Putin’s Plan:

  1. Abolish GMOs in Russia
  2. Radiation – Create HAARP Fences around Russia to keep USA/Obama/Jesuit radiation plumes out – NOTE that Russia is exporting nuclear power plants to China and India, thereby increasing depopulation by radiation in China and India
  3. NGOs – Clean out NGOs from Russia and force them to register as foreign agents
  4. Deconstruct the “Hidden War” template that Farnese, Zionists alien infiltrators have used to bring down societies for the last 3000 years. Most recent example is USA infiltrated by Zionist/NWO aliens.
  5. Create BRICS as alternative to Rothschild controlled Federal Reserve system of Petro dollars – Asked about Putin’s bringing in to BRICS funding of Vatican funds through Jesuit Pope Francis Bergoglio, Ms. Moret stated this was a “martial arts” move on Putin’s part.

from Campion-Knights Website

THE PLAN of the proposed rule follows and is this:

In our society, which we wish to be called by the name Jesus, let whoever desires to fight under the sacred banner of the Cross, and to serve only God and the Roman pontiff, His vicar on earth, after a solemn vow of perpetual chastity,-let him keep in mind that he is part of a society, instituted for the purpose of perfecting souls in life and in Christian doctrine, for the propagation of the faith through public preaching, ministering the word of God, spiritual macerations, works of charity, and especially through the teaching of the young and uninstructed in the Christian precepts; and lastly for giving consolation to believers in hearing their confessions. Let him think first of God, then of the rule of this order, which is the way to Him; and let him follow after the end proposed by God with all his strength. Let each one, nevertheless, rest in the grace given him by the Holy Spirit, and in the proper grade of his calling, and lest anyone use zeal but not discretion, let the deciding of the grade of each, of the offices, and whole arrangement be in the hands of the general or prelate selected through us, in order that the harmony so necessary in all well-governed institutions may be preserved.

Let this general, with the council of his associates, have the power in council to draw up rules suitable for the end proposed, the majority of all voters of the society always having the right of deciding. Let it be understood that there be consultation in regard to the more important or permanent questions, the majority of the whole society, that can conveniently be convoked; in the case of less important or transient matters, all those that are present where the general lives. The right of carrying out laws, however, belongs only to the general.

Let all members know, and let it be not only at the beginning of their profession, but let them think over it daily as long as they live, that the society as a whole, and each of them, owes obedience to our most holy lord, the pope, and the other Roman pontiffs, his successors, and to fight with faithful obedience for God. And however much he may be learned in the Gospel, and however we may be taught in the orthodox faith, let all Christians profess themselves under the Roman pontiff as leader, and vicar of Jesus Christ. For the greater humility of our society, and toward the complete self-mortification of each one, and in order to aid the abnegation of our own wills to the greatest extent, let each one, besides that common obligation, be devoted to this by special vow. So that whatever the present or other Roman pontiffs order that concerns the saving of souls and the spread of the faith, and to whatever provinces he shall wish to send us, this let us strive to accomplish as far as in us lies, without any turning back or excuse; whether he shall send us to the Turks, or to any other infidels, even those living in the lands that are called the Indies; or to any heretics or schismatics, or believers, whatever. Wherefore let those that are about to join us consider long and well, before they put their shoulders to this task, whether they have enough grace for good deeds to mount this citadel at the command of their superiors; that is, whether the Holy Spirit that urges them promises to them enough grace to enable them with God’s help to bear the weight of this calling. And after they have given their name, at the inspiration of the Lord, to the service of Jesus Christ, having thus girded up their loins, they will be prompt to fulfill this grand vow.

Lest in some way there arise ambition or jealousy in regard to such missions or provinces, let all agree never either directly or indirectly to interfere with the Roman pontiff in this regard, but let them leave all such concern to God, and to the pontiff himself, His vicar, and to the general of the society. And let the general himself promise the same as the others, not to take upon himself a mission in any direction unless by the council of the society, with the agreement of the pontiff.

Let each vow to be obedient to the general of the society in all things that concern the fulfillment of these our regulations.

Let him command what he knows to be opportune for the advancement of the ends proposed by God and the society. In issuing these commands, he shall always keep the memory of the kindness, gentleness, and love of Christ, Peter, and Paul, before him, whose example in this rule let the council carefully follow.

Let them have charge especially over the education of children and of the heathen in the Christian doctrine of the ten commandments, and like rudiments, whatever seems suitable to the circumstances of the individuals, and of time and place. It is in fact very necessary in providing this, that the general and council look to it sharply, since it is not possible in the first place to rear an edifice without a foundation of faith, and there may be the danger that as one may be more learned than another, such a one may perchance abandon some province that seems at first sight not promising enough for him, when really no district would be more fruitful, either for instruction, or for training in charity and humility at the same time as our duties. Briefly, then, for the sake of the never enough praised exercise of humility, let them always be held to the obedience of the rule in all things concerning the institution of the society, and let them see Christ in the general as if present, and let them venerate him as is proper.

Since we know by experience that no life is happier, purer, or more apt to aid its fellow than the one most removed from all contagion of avarice, and close to holy poverty, and since we know that our Lord Jesus Christ provides necessary food and clothing for his servants seeking the kingdom of God, let each and all vow eternal poverty, and not to acquire any civil right, either personally, or for the maintenance or use of the society to any property, wherever situated, or to its income, but to be content with the use only of what is given them for meeting their own necessities.

Let them have the power, however, to have a college or colleges at the Universities, having census returns, revenues, or possessions, to be applied to the use and necessities of the students; the thing held to be under control of the general, and the society in accordance with the common government, including the superintendence of these colleges, and students, the method of the choice of governor, or governors, or students, or their admission, dismissal, recall, or expulsion; the introduction of rules for the instruction of the students, or their correction, or punishment, their clothing, and all other government, regulation and management. Nor can the students misuse the estates, nor the society turn them to its own use, but they must be used for the necessary expenses of the students. The students may, however, be admitted to the society after enough training in spirit and in letters, and a sufficient probation.

12. All members whatsoever in holy orders, even if they do not possess church benefices or the revenues of such, are to be bound each of them privately and individually, that is, not in common with others, to repeat the services according to the rites of the church.

13. These are the rules which we have drawn up concerning our profession as a model for the approval of our aforesaid master Paul, and the Apostolic See; this we have done that by this writing we might briefly inform on the one hand those who ask concerning the nature of the life we have instituted, and on the other the future imitators of our example, if by the will of God, there should be any so disposed, how we have intended this life to be lived, since we have learned by experience how many and how great difficulties are attached thereto. No one should be admitted to this society until he has been tried and proved for a long time and very carefully. Then only may he be admitted to the service of Christ, when he has shown himself wise in the wisdom of Christ and his doctrine, and pure in Christian life; and may Christ deign to favor our weak beginnings to the glory of God the father, to whom alone be glory and honor forever in all ages. Amen.

(Papal Confirmation.)

14. But since there is nothing in the above that is not pious and holy, and since those members who have humbly petitioned us in this matter will be more zealous for a holy life if they know that they are held in the special grace of the Apostolic See, and if they see that the above rules are approved by us, we therefore from our certain knowledge approve, confirm and bless by our apostolic rules, all and singly, as being apt for the spiritual progress both of the said members and of the whole Christian flock, and we receive the same members into our special protection and that of the Holy Apostolic See, granting to them the right to establish freely and with full warrant such particular institutions among themselves as they may judge to be suited to the ends of the society, to the glory of Jesus Christ our Lord, and to the advantage of all.

15. The constitutions of the general council, and of our predecessor Pope Gregory X, of blessed memory, and all other apostolic constitutions, and ordinations to the contrary notwithstanding.

16. We will, however, that in each society of this kind persons desirous of living by this rule of life to the number of sixty, and not more, may be admitted and added to the said society.

(Warning) Let no one, etc. And if anyone, etc.

Given at Rome at St. Mark’s, in the year of Incarnation of our Lord 1540, the fifth before the Kalends of October, in the sixth year of our pontificate.

BULL OF OCT. 18, 1549.
Paul, bishop, servant of the servants of God.

Although we are ever attentive and well-inclined toward our duty as shepherd to all who follow the regular life, that they may be continued and encouraged in their discipline and praiseworthy life, yet, like a loving father, directing our eyes especially toward the Society of Jesus, instituted and approved by us, which by word and deed among the Christian people has brought and brings now daily, like a fertile field, so many and so rich fruits to the Lord for the glory of the Most High King and for the increase of the faith, we have thought it proper to show especial favor to this society and to its members, who serve the Most High in the odor of sweetness, and therefore to grant them special privileges by which the society may be ruled usefully and guided profitably, and may progress in the Lord for the preservation of souls.

1. Hence it is that we have yielded to the supplications of our beloved sons the recently chosen general prepositus, and the other members of that order, and have granted to the said general prepositus who holds the position at this time, since he has been elected according to the constitutions of that society, that he is to be and is to be considered the true general prepositus of that religion, with full, general, and complete care and administration of all and every thing looking and pertaining to the happy rule and prosperous direction of said society, and that he is to begin to exercise his office in all things and to have full jurisdiction over all the members of this society and over all persons living in its obedience, wherever they may dwell, whatever exemptions they may claim, whatever property they may have.

2. The said prepositus may be and ought to be removed in certain cases in accordance with the rules of the society, by persons receiving the authority for this from the society and appointed for this, and another may and ought to be substituted in his place by the same or other persons as may seem most advantageous in the Lord to the aforesaid persons.

3. And the said prepositus has full power and warrant to go himself or to send his followers to any place whatsoever, even among the heathen, and to recall them, whenever he shall judge it expedient in the Lord, and to transfer them without fixed limit of time to other places when this shall seem to be expedient for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

4. And we determine, decree, and ordain that neither the prepositus without the consent and permission of the society, nor any of the members without the consent and permission of the prepositus may be capable of consenting to or accepting any election or provision from anyone in the dignity of bishop or archbishop or in any dignity whatsoever, through the authority of any prince or of any decree or of any persons having authority to confer such; or to receive an advancement or office in the society itself, if he is seen to be actuated by open or secret ambition for himself.

5. No appeal may be taken from the correction made by a rule which has been instituted according to the constitutions of the society (in order that the vigor of discipline may be maintained), nor can any appeal be taken to any judge, or any absolution from the duties of the society be obtained in this way.

6. The general prepositus and the inferior prepositi of this society are not bound to delegate the members or brothers of the said society to perform any service for patriarchs, archbishops, bishops or other ecclesiastical dignitaries, except by the authority of apostolic letters making specific mention of that society and of the service in question, and if any such members be delegated they are to remain under the discipline of the order and to be recalled when it may seem expedient to the society to do so.

7. Ignatius and his successors as general prepositi of the said society holding the office at the time are to have full and free power to remove or recall those among the brothers who have been delegated to the preaching of the cross or to the inquisition into private heresy, or similar offices, and to make null what these have done in excess of their authority, and to substitute others in the place of them whenever it shall seem expedient.

8. And we grant to the said Ignatius and the general propositi in office at the time the right to absolve by their own authority or by that of those to whom they may delegate such authority, all and each of the members of the said society and all persons living in obedience to it, from all and each of their sins, committed either before or after their entrance into the society, and from all sentences of excommunication, suspension or interdict, and from all other ecclesiastical or secular sentences, censures, and penalties, imposed or promulgated by law or by men in any way whatsoever.

10. Also it is decreed that every member of the society ought to confess his sins to his own prepositus or to one or more delegated for that by his prepositus and designated by the rules of the aid society, unless he has been given the right of his prepositus to choose his own confessor.

12. The general prepositus and the inferior prepositi have full and free power to excommunicate, seize and imprison, or otherwise subject to their discipline by themselves or through others those who have left the society or have become apostates or have even been insolent in any way, or who seem in general to have merited such punishment, in whatever situation they may be found, and the right also to call upon the aid of the secular arms, when it may be necessary.

13. We exempt and absolve this society and all its members and persons and all their possessions, from any superiority, jurisdiction, or correction of any order whatsoever, and we take them under the protection of the Apostolic See.

14. It is also permitted to the general prepositus and by his authority to all the members or brothers of the society of the rank of presbyters, in the places where they live or where they chance to be stopping, to have oratories and to celebrate in them or in any honorable and fitting place, masses and other divine offices even in times of interdict imposed by apostolic authority, with closed doors, in subdued voices, all excommunicated and interdicted being excluded; and to receive ecclesiastical sacraments and to administer them to others.

18. And also any Christians of whatever condition who are present in the meetings of the word of God or at the preaching of the brothers and members of this society, or in churches where they are meeting, may on those days hear masses and other divine services and receive the ecclesiastical sacraments; nor are they bound to attend their own parish churches at these times.

20. And since these members are suffering great poverty in the name of Christ and by their pious zeal of exhortation are directing good men to better things and striving to recall the erring to the way of rectitude, we grant to them the right to dwell freely in the lands of excommunicated, heretics, schismatics, and heathen, and to converse with them (with the permission of the prepositus), and to ask and receive from such persons the necessaries of life whenever they find it expedient to pass through their lands.

21. And of our especial grace we grant by our said authority and of these presents that they are not to be bound to receive correction, visitation, or inquisition in respect to their monasteries or churches or persons, or to admit the cognition of cases or the citations of parties, or pronunciation of sentences of interdict or excommunication or to be under the supervision provided for monks and other religious persons by general apostolic letters or to be provided in the future, unless such letters make specific mention of the case and of this society.

28. Moreover, since we have learned that the people of cities, lands and districts among whom the members have had their dwelling or where they are sojourning, flock to them gladly to be confessed and to receive the holy communion from their hands, in order that they may be able to satisfy those who thus crowd to hear them, we grant to all faithful Christians the right to confess to any member of this society, without first obtaining the permission of their regular rector, and they are not to be bound to confess again those sins which they have confessed and for which they have received absolution from a member of this society.

32. And it is granted to the general prepositus of the society that he may appoint anyone of his members whom he regards as suited to the office the power to teach theology and other branches of learning, no further authorization being required.

38. And considering how great advantage the professors of this society have brought and are bringing to the exaltation of the Christian faith and of the true gospel, we approve, grant and confirm all and every one of the favors, concessions, privileges and graces which have been conceded by us in any way to the aforesaid society, its members and person.

41. And whatever favors, concessions and graces have been conceded by us to the general prepositi of the society at the time in office may be freely and with full warrant exercised by their vicars or other persons considered by the prepositi to be suitable and delegated for the time, especially in the remote parts of India and other such regions.

45. And we command the said society and each of its members in the Lord to our beloved sons in Christ, the illustrious and noble princes and temporal lords, and to our venerable brothers, the ecclesiastical prelates of whatever rank; and we exhort and command them in the Lord not only to see to it that these members are not disturbed or their privileges violated, but also to receive them in kindness and love as is fitting.

46. And we command by this apostolic writing to all and each of our venerable brothers, archbishops, bishops, and to our beloved sons, the abbots, and priors, and to other persons placed in ecclesiastical dignity, and also to all the canons of metropolitan or other cathedral churches, and to the vicars-general and other officials of these archbishops and bishops, wherever constituted, that they themselves or through their delegates solemnly publish these letters and their contents whenever necessary and as often as they are to do so by the said members or any one of them, and that they aid the aforesaid members in the matter of these privileges herein mentioned with efficacious assistance and defense, and they cause these members to enjoy peacefully the privileges granted in these letters by our authority, not permitting them or any one of them to be molested unduly, in respect to the aforesaid privileges or for any other cause by the local authorities or by any persons whatsoever, but giving them complete justice in all cases as against any persons of any condition or rank, of any dignity or authority, patriarchal, archiepiscopal, episcopal, or mundane. Let all these authorities cause to be earned out whatever is ordered by this society and let them declare and cause to be excommunicated and interdicted those who have incurred the censures and penalties of the society.

47. The constitutions and ordinances, etc. . . . notwithstanding. Given at Rome at St. Mark’s in the year of the Incarnation of our Lord 1549, fifteenth of the Kalends of November, in the fifteenth year of our pontificate.

Excerpt from The Library of Original Sources 1907.

History of the Jesuits

Excerpted from the massive 2 vol.

History of Protestantism

by Dr. J. A. Wylie LL.D.

from Reformation Website

Dr. Wylie’s massive History was published in 1878.

The Jesuits did not self -destruct with the fall of the Papal States in 1870. As a matter of fact, that momentous event spurred them on to greater effort. The highest ranking Jesuit priest ever to escape that system and come to Christ was Dr. Alberto Rivera. He was a Bishop under the Extreme Oath of Induction. Normally, a person of such high rank who wants out knows too much, and always leaves feet first!! God miraculously spared his life for 30 years. He finally succumbed to Jesuit poison in June, 1997.

Dr. Rivera authenticates everything that Dr. Wylie says in his book and the half has not been told!!

During the Second Vatican Council, Dr. Rivera was taken deep beneath the Vatican to the Secret Archives, where all the history of the world for the past 2000 years is stored. He was ordered to study the methods of infiltration and extermination used by Nero, Diocletian, Constantine, Dominic, Torquemada, and Loyola etc., in preparation for the Last Great Inquisition!!

Dr. Rivera read many top secret documents that linked the Vatican to the creation of Islam and Communism etc.,etc.


Chapter 1 Rome’s New Army—Ignatius Loyola—His Birth—His Wars—He is Wounded—Betakes him to the Legends of the Saints—His Fanaticism Kindled—The Knight-Errant of Mary—The Cave at Manressa—His Mortifications—Comparison between Luther and Ignatius Loyola—An Awakening of the Conscience in both—Luther turns to the Bible, Loyola to Visions—His Revelations.
Chapter 2 Vision of Two Camps—Ignatius Visits Jerusalem—Forbidden to Proselytise—Returns to Spain—Resolves to make Christendom his Field—Puts himself to School—Repairs to Paris—His Two Companions—Peter Fabre—Francis Xavier—Loyola subjects them to a Severe Regimen—They become his Disciples—Loyola’s First Nine Followers—Their Vow in the Church of Montmartre—The Book of Spiritual Exercises—Its Course of Discipline—Four Weeks of Meditation—Topic of each Week—The Spiritual Exercises and the Holy Spirit—Visits Venice—Repairs to Rome—Draft of Rules—Bull Constituting the Society.
Chapter 3 Loyola’s Vast Schemes—A General for the Army—Loyola Elected—”Constitutions”—Made Known to only a Select Few—Powers of the General—An Autocrat—He only can make Laws—Appoints all Officers, etc.—Organization—Six Grand Divisions—Thirty-seven Provinces—Houses, Colleges, Missions, etc.—Reports to the General—His Eye Surveys the World—Organization—Preparatory Ordeal—Four Classes—Novitiates—Second Novitiate—Its Rigorous Training—The Indifferents—The Scholars—The Coadjutors—The Professed—Their Oath—Their Obedience.
Chapter 4 The Jesuit cut off from Country—from Family—from Property—from the Pope even—The End Sanctifies the Means—The First Great Commandment and Jesuit Morality—When may a Man Love God?— Second Great Commandment—Doctrine of Probabilism—The Jesuit Casuists—Pascal—The Direction of the Intention—Illustrative Cases furnished by Jesuit Doctors—Marvellous Virtue of the Doctrine—A Pious Assassination!
Chapter 5 The Maxims of the Jesuits on Regecide—M. de la Chalotais’ Report to the Parliament of Bretagne—Effects of Jesuit Doctrine as shown in History—Doctrine of Mental Equivocation—The Art of Swearing Falsely without Sin—The Seventh Commandment—Jesuit Doctrine on Blasphemy—Murder—Lying—Theft—An Illustrative Case from Pascal—Every Precept of the Decaloguemade Void—Jesuit Morality the Consummation of the Wickedness of the Fall.
Chapter 6 The Jesuit Soldier in Armour complete—Secret Instructions—How to Plant their First Establishments—Taught to Court the Parochial Clergy—to Visit the Hospitals—to Find out the Wealth of their several Districts—to make Purchases in another Name—to Draw the Youth round them—to Supplant the Older Orders—How to get the Friendship of Great Men—How to Manage Princes—How to Direct their Policy—Conduct their Embassies—Appoint their Servants, etc.—Taught to Affect a Great Show of Lowliness.
Chapter 7 How Rich Widows are to be Drawn to the Chapels and Confessionals of the Jesuits—Kept from Thoughts of a Second Marriage—Induced to Enter an Order, and Bequeath their Estates to the Society—Sons and Daughters of Widows—How to Discover the Revenues and Heirs of Noble Houses—Illustration from Spain—Borrowing on Bond—The instructions to be kept Secret—If Discovered, to be Denied—How the Instructions came to Light.
Chapter 8 The Conflict Great—the Arms Sufficient—The Victory Sure—Set Free from Episcopal Jurisdiction—Acceptance in Italy—Venice—Spain— Portugal—Francis Xavier—France—Germany—Their First Planting in Austria—In Cologne and Ingolstadt—Thence Spread over all Germany—Their Schools—Wearing of Crosses—Revival of the Popish Faith.
Chapter 9 England—Poland—Cardinal Hosius—Sigismund III—Ruin of Poland—Jesuit Missions in the East Indies—Numbers of their Converts—Their Missions in Abyssinia—Their Kingdom of Paraguay—Their Trading Establishments in the West Indies—Episode of Father la Valette— Bankruptcy—Trial—Their Constitutions brought to Light — Banished from all Popish Kingdoms—Suppressed by Clement XIV—The Pope Dies Suddenly—The Order Restored by Plus VII—The Jesuits the Masters of the Pope.
Chapter 10 Failure of Ratisbon Conference—What Next to be Done?—Restore the Inquisition—Paul III—Caraffa—His History—Spread of Protestantism in Italy—Juan di Valdez—His Reunions at Chiaja—Peter Martyr Vermigli— Bernardino Ochino—Galeazzo CaraccioliVittoria Colonna, etc.—Pietro Carnesecchi, etc.—Shall Naples or Geneva Lead in the Reform Movement?
Chapter 11 A Stunning Blow—Three Classes in Italy—Flight of Peter Martyr Vermigli —of Ochino—Caraffa made Pope—The Martyrs, Mollio and Tisserano— Italian Protestantism Crushed—A Notable Epoch—Three Movements— The Inquisition at Nuremberg—The Torture-Chamber— Its Furnishings— Max Tower—The Chamber of Question—The various Instruments of Torture—The Subterranean Dungeons—The Iron Virgin—Her Office— The Burial of the Dead.

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