The Promis Software by Inslaw-

by Ed Encho2009 from OpEdNews Website  Editor’s Note: On Monday, 2 February 2009, OEN premieres Ed Encho’s newest update of his investigative series, “Main Core, PROMIS and the Shadow Government (Pt. 3) far below, which brings to the forefront recent revelations on the expansion of the US government’s surveillance apparatus and the stolen technology that…

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The Axis of Evil

by Ed KomarekMarch/24/2008from ExopoliticsBlogSpot Website  I have noticed a convergence of awareness between UFO/ET investigators and general conspiracy investigators in relation to how autocratic power in today’s society exerts itself from the control of an elite few down the chain of command to the many. Globally and in America we have two very contradictory political…

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Bigfoot and the Dulce Facility

Chapter 11 A Dulce Base Security Officer Speaks Out  The following is a list of questions that were directed to former Dulce Base Security officer Thomas Edwin Castello approximately a year before his death [or disappearance]. They are followed by his responses: QUESTION –When exactly was the [upper human-occupied level of the] Archuleta installation constructed?ANSWER…

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