![]() September 19, 2024 from CarbonDioxide.News Website Click above image for VIDEO… Scheduled for a Netflix launch on September 18 (2024) is a new docu-series from billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates that pushes the notion that, “we have to give up hydrocarbons almost entirely,” among other anti-human ideas. Because the climate is currently not to the liking of Gates and his acolytes, major changes are needed to stop the human herd from living… all “for the planet.” Even though he jaunts around the world in his own climate-polluting private jet, as do Netflix’s executives, Gates feels as though, humanity needs to be muzzled and confined as people’s carbon footprint is tracked, monitored and controlled at all times. If such ideas sound dangerous and loony to you, it is not because they actually are, according to Gates. The problem is, “misinformation” that Gates hopes to quell by unleashing artificial intelligence (AI) robots to police the Internet for wrongspeak… The five-episode docu-series will address a variety of anti-human topics that excite Gates. There is subject matter about, infectious diseases appearances from Lady Gaga and Bono lots of climate alarmism to keep viewers scared and ready to sacrifices all their freedoms… Gates says his family’s carbon footprint is no big deal The human herd has been growing increasingly agitated at the nerve of Gates (and others like him), who are trying to depopulate the planet with their mass suicide plans for total control... Gates has this covered, too… ![]() “These are the scientists who come right out and say they had been exaggerating about climate change or at least keeping the lie quiet because if they did not, their jobs or grant funding would have been cut off. That whistleblower crowd is getting bigger and bigger every year as more and more retire.” Bill Gates is a psychopath…! Sources What’s Next? – The Future with Bill Gates – A Video Summary… Bill Gates planning for “Pandemic 2,” complete with new vaccines administered from “a little patch” Return Home Return to CO2 – Carbon Dioxide Return to Depopulation of Planet Earth Return to Windows-Microsoft-Bill Gates – Depopulation Return to Global Reset – Great Reset – The WEF and the Global Elite |
Gates is at it again