by Clif High
July 3, 2010
from HalfpastHuman Website
Well, I have apparently done a bad thing.
A number of people have sent along links to some YouTube vdo’s in which I am specifically mentioned and threatened.
The fellow, who shall remain nameless… just due to the glamour of it all (Majic and how it works), is really irritated with me. This fellow was a doctor until his colleagues in medicine (read shills for the Big Pharma industry here) decided that he was killing or maiming his patients too frequently and giving them all a bad name, so they decertified him (look it up… all in the public record).
That is, they removed his license to practice medicine (read shill for Big Pharma here) in their state jurisdiction. Of course, this fellow does not see it that way and claims the situation is different from how his former fellow doctors would word it.
Of course, this fellow is famous for the numerous other claims that he makes. When he first contacted me, he claimed to have worked in the computer industry. At a top secret facility, with high grade super computers. However, I am a techie with decades+ involved in the computer biz. I am software but got my start in hardware. So I know this shit.
When I questioned this fellow casually….”oh, what kind of equipment? what OS did you interact with?” he went all flustered, could not answer a single question correctly, and then went into a whole other group of claims of having been a ‘deep ops doc’ in which he was a doctor to almost every secret project that one would have or could have heard about.
As well as being “the” doctor involved with both the Murrow building bombing aftermath, as well as the Colombine school shooting madness. I sensed madness in merely talking with this fellow. I have a reason or two to know madness intimately, and recognize it when it speaks to me.
Some of his many other claims are about having been selected (by his god) to act on your behalf in dealings with the Intergalactic Council (of planets?…sorry, forgot the actual designation he used).
He also claims to be directly related to the biblical character of ‘Moses’.
- First, let us acknowledge that the bible is literature not fact, and that the character of Moses is a title, not a name, and derives from the Tutmosis (Tut-moses) word.
- Second there is no proof that any of the personages in the christian bible actually existed in the flesh.
- Further, in spite of this fellow’s claims (he saw it by some form of mental reverse time travel apparently), there is no proof that any of Moses’ relatives worked on the pyramids at Giza.
And there are the many other claims, too numerous to detail, in which his religious status is detailed, and in which he places himself above all other humans since he is “the” representative of god on earth today.
Other of his claims include being ‘offered the leader of the planet earth job’ by the current head of the Priory of Sion.
This Priory of Sion is a super secret organization that supposedly actually runs ThePowersThatBe. This fellow, by his own words, was offered the job from the current ruler of the planet, who presumably wants to retire as all that ruling for so many years is really hard work and he just wants to vege out and party for a while.
So this fellow claims that the offer was ‘rejected’ by him as being not the path he wants to take. He prefers to be a prophet for his god, and so claims that he rejected the offer of ‘leader of the Priory of Scion job’.
Also note that the leader of the Priory of Scion has the title of “Pindar of the Priory“.
This fellow also has many other claims such as having ‘classified sources’ and constantly, even weekly, revealing ‘classified information’. Now I dispute this totally. I know people who are in ‘classified’ positions and these men and women take this status really damn seriously and do not say anything to anybody about their work.
They know it is against the law and so don’t speak of their classified work.
Of course there is also the fear of retaliation should they violate their classified status. So it seems unreasonable to me that any such person who really has classified knowledge in any way would risk speaking it, especially to a fellow who is known for claiming that he can’t keep a secret and will knowingly speak out any and all classified information that comes his way.
But to be fair, perhaps it is just me.
Maybe there are real people with real classified status that do talk to this fellow. Maybe they know that he will blab, and that is why they speak to him. And maybe his claim to have ‘status’ with the ‘black ops world’ is true and that is why the government of the USofA does not have him arrested for releasing classified material.
I do note that in the reality in which I inhabit, the government does all it can to curtail the release of any classified information by anyone, so I doubt his claims instantly just because no one has tried to arrest him or shut him down.
And in my reality, real heroes like R. Kelly “are” killed when they go public.
So my reasoning is that this must be yet another claim (read so much bullshit here), and have no substance, otherwise… where is the ‘suicide’ with this fellow’s name on it?
Now let’s be blunt… I have pissed this fellow off.
Mostly from previous, off handed remarks about his credibility or lack there of in my view. This really pissed him off, so much so, that he is making threats against me (oh, and anyone else who would dare to question his authority) on YouTube and on internet radio programs. This is crossing a line.
While it is more or less acceptable to be disrespectful, and to denigrate, and label people negatively in the media these days, it is another to make threats on their well being.
This action is yet one more sign of mental illness and emotional distress, and not the actions of a grounded human being. It is also contradictory (not that this fellow could recognize this) to the claims made by this individual to be a spirit focused representative of his god. In fact, as I understand it, he claims to be THE representative of his god on this planet at this time.
So I find it incongruous that he also is so emotionally uncontrolled and expressly is wishing violence on anyone (me included) who would dare to question his right to issue orders to all humans.
First let me note that persons making claims to be prophets and directly related to Moses, and taking weekly trips off world to stand before the Galactic Council of Interplanetary Governance (or whatever he calls it), as well as being offered the leadership of the planet by the secret society of the Priory of Sion, are expressing a particular symptom of mental illness that medical people label as ‘delusions of grandeur‘.
Then I need to note that his threats are as empty as his claims, and need not be a source of concern. As my pappy from Missouri would say, ‘all shit, no bull’….
Then, to be fair, let me also note that the one claim I can get behind is that he may have indeed been offered the job of Pindar of the Priory of Sion. As a linguist I am fascinated by words, and take the hunt for meaning in words seriously.
So since he claims to have been offered the position of leader of the Priory of Sion, and noting that the title of the head of that organization is Pindar, and that the word ‘pindar’ actually means ‘penis of the dragon’, I can certainly agree that here is a job for which this fellow is well suited.
After all, even though he turned it down, he is clearly a Dick Head.
by Rhoda Wilson
November 21, 2023
from Expose-News Website

During a speech in 2006, Dr. William Deagle spoke about chemtrails.
He said that chemtrails contained barium salts, mycobacteria, viruses, Pseudomonas bacteria and human plasma…
Dr. Deagle said,
he was the doctor of the pilots from the United States Department of Defence’sNational Security Agency(
NSA) and Fort Carson who were flying the aircraft that were spraying chemtrails…
Also, in the chemtrails are Morgellons, he said.
He explained that Morgellons are silicon-based nano-machine life forms that do not originate on planet Earth...
“This is a silicon-based life form that is intelligent like bees or ants and it fights back,” he said.
He continued:
“Conversion of the atmosphere to a plasma for,
- weather modification
- geotectonic warfare
- scalar mind control technologies
- the Woodpecker, which has been discovered in the 70s
- HAARP, the tetra system in the United Kingdom
- the Gwenn towers in the United States
- the Iridium Satellite system connected to the cell towers and smart highways,
…are all based on not only a signal to track you but Nokia, which is one of the leading cell companies, has figured out a new way to cut down increasing the amount of signal by 3 to 5 times as many cell phones in the same area by beaming the signal directly to you.”
“But it can also, besides the cell signal they can have a bio-coded signal to your DNA to affect your physiology and insert thoughts into your mind.
And they have this technology today.”
Dr. William Deagle,
Granada Forum, 7 December 2006 (2 mins)
The clip above was taken from a 4-hour speech titled ‘Conspiracy Realities of 9/11 to Avian Flu and Beyond‘ given at the Granada Forum on 7 December 2006.
You can watch the full speech on ‘Granada Forum Lecture – Dr. Bill Deagle‘.
We haven’t watched the speech but Swallowing the Camel wrote about it in a 2008 article titled ‘The World of Dr. Deagle‘.
Swallowing the Camel included a comprehensive introduction to Dr. Deagle’s history before getting into highlights from his speech mixed with highlights from Dr. Deagle’s interview on the cable-access show The Freeman Perspective.
The link to the interview is no longer available, but it can be watched here.
While we don’t agree with everything Dr. Deagle said and a lot of what he says seems “way out there,” we also don’t agree with all of Swallowing the Camel‘s criticism of him either.
However, there are some things that Dr. Deagle did say that seem to ring true today…!
Below are excerpts from a section in Swallowing the Camel‘s article titled ‘Dr. Deagle on The Future’:
Dr. Deagle on The Future
February 27, 2008
modified December 30, 2018
“The sheeple are going to learn the hard way this is not a joke… What I’m going to show you tonight is a vast panorama of dark, majestic, evil majesty.”
“I’m not afraid to die tonight,
’cause if we don’t fight this, we’re all dead.’
I’m talking about the death of our planet… We have roughly a year to turn this thing around.”
Later he says that in ten years, humans will only be produced in labs.
Those with genetic abnormalities will be killed, and we will all be programmed to die “like lightbulbs.”
The Avian flu is “the brainiac virus,” the most intelligent and deadly bioweapon ever released. It is “Ebola on ‘roids’.” A global pandemic of it could kill 2 billion people.
Americans will be chipped and placed in quarantine detainment facilities, ostensibly to prevent its spread. Vaccines will be useless against it.
To prevent this pandemic, we must have HEPA filters in all international aircraft, and we must stop spraying chemtrails containing nano-organisms (silicon-based lifeforms that do not originate on Earth).
“I can’t tell you when it will happen, but it’s coming. It will make all the plagues of history look like nothing.”
“2007 and 2008 will be dangerous years.”
As if that’s not bad enough, on 1 April 2005 Bush signed an Executive Order requiring all people to receive a shot that could “kill you or give you cancer.”
National ID cards and/or microchips will be in place by 2008, along with laser retinal scans (like in Minority Report), biometric identification, and lightning-fast DNA analysis.
Even so, any traveler not carrying a paper ID will be detained and quarantined.
The Amero will be in use.
Coins below $1 will be removed from circulation.
“The dollar will be the new penny.”
He actually takes delight in telling people this; he snorts with laughter and grins.
By May 2008 all financial transactions will be tracked with the National Drivers ID.
It is already illegal to barter, under the Patriot Act. RFID chips will be inserted into everything – every individual pill, water bottle, etc. – so that every move you make and every item you consume can be tracked 24/7.
Currency/ID violators could be confined to prisons built by Bechtel and Halliburton, and/or summarily executed.
“National health care will be a nightmare,” because it will be an “electronic choker chain on doctors.”
If they don’t do what the “Nazi Dr. Mengele controllers” tell them to do, their licenses will be yanked.
Doctors will be forced to implant microchips into their patients and administer,
“psychotronic vaccines that will rewire your brain,” vaccines that will “insert DNA to alter your genetics,” vaccines that will “brain-tenderise” you so thoughts can be implanted directly into your brain with ELF waves and control your very physiology using scalar technology, and vaccines that cause cancer.
All these things have already been developed.
“Just like the big pharma drugs… that are slowly killing our elderly population and turning them into demented fools.”
Israel wants to attack Iran with nuclear devices, triggering WWIII; only the 102nd Airborne is preventing this, by guarding the Dimona reactor site.
Israel gave a secret ultimatum that if the US didn’t attack Iran within five months (of Deagle’s talk), Israel would.
“We are one second to midnight.”
If Israel does attack Iran, Russia will send its most advanced anti-aircraft system to Syria, Iran and the other Arab nations; missiles from central Saudi Arabia can strike as far as London every 30 seconds.
US HAARP-based antiaircraft technology will be of no use because it will cause every aircraft without a special chip and special tubes to drop out of the sky.
They are designing lethal pesticides (research begun by “crazy maniacs” in Israel 30 years ago) and will irradiate food to kill more people.
Apparently, this info comes from Major-General Bert Stubblebine III, a frequent guest on Deagle’s online radio show, The Nutrimedical Report.
There will soon be nanotech foods (there are already nanotech dyes and fats, which can cross the blood-brain barrier) that will “fry anything that’s in their pathway,” causing Alzheimer’s and other brain diseases.
Chronic Wasting Disease is another nanotech disease. This disease was designed to make all meat inedible so that we can’t hunt when the shit comes down.
They want to control the food supply totally. One source told him that within about fourteen years all food will be grown hydroponically or grown from cell cultures in huge buildings; meat will be simulated; animals and plants will no longer exist in the wild.
The Georgia Guidestones tell us They want to reduce the population to 500 million, and the stones were erected by Them.
This theory (also promoted by Alex Jones and Kent Hovind, among many others) ties into Deagle’s idea that Their strange code of ethics requires that They tell us what They’re going to do to us – in code.
Deagle has seen the secret operational manual of FEMA, which says that if a radiological or biowarfare attack occurs a perimeter will be established around the US, and anyone who tries to escape it will be shot.
Everyone will be quarantined together so there will be maximum cross-contamination. He confronted the head of FEMA about this.
In a Code Red Emergency, FEMA will shut down the grid and all highways. More than half the population will be dead within 30 days.
The real goal of chemtrail-spraying is,
to convert the atmosphere into plasma for weather modification, scalar mind control technology, geotectonic warfare, and other nefarious uses…
Nokia has figured out a way to beam a bio-coded signal directly to your DNA through its phones, to affect your physiology and insert thoughts into your mind.
Nokia and Bell Technologies are staffed by NSA agents and have above-top-secret classifications for research. Cell phone companies are part of the “dark, majestic, evil majesty,” in other words.
The Mex-Am-Can superhighway plans call for the seizing of private property. All freeways will be toll, and they will all be linked.
Walls and barriers will be erected to keep people out of non-controlled areas and these areas will be stocked with wolves, dinosaurs, and other dangerous animals.
“If you think they can’t [engineer dinosaurs], you’re living in a dream world”…