Before You “Join” The Collective (Refer here to the post entitled “The Way”, Consider This

As ALWAYS Question Everything!!!!!!!!!!! by Dan Winter February 2000 from ImplosionGroup Website  An update on how to sort the latest PR from ’the collective’. (If you are trying to remember where you heard ’the collective’ before, hint: the BORG in Star Trek ) By request, we begin with commentary on the DOMA way (Daughters of…

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Alice in Wonderland

by Tim BaberNovember 2003from Wikispooks Website Tim Baber is an early retired ex librarian who worked for 30 years in education. He is the editor of , which dissects the square mile not of London but Christchurch harbour, which is bounded by the ancient town of Christchurch, in Dorset, the ancient Hengistbury Head and…

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The Battle of Antarctica

by Michael Salla June 16, 2016 from Exopolitics Website  Part 1 On June 15, I received an informal “briefing” by secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode, about recent events that include an aerial battle over Antarctica involving various syndicate groups (Cabal/Illuminati) that had over the last six months fled there, and also the current status…

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The Black Nobility

by Fritz Springmeier Revised by [16. XI 2006] from FactsAboutPsychiatry Website Part I June/28/2000  This page has been prepared to provide some type of table of contents to the various items which will be included in this chapter “The Thirteenth Satanic Bloodline”. In my writings this bloodline has been interwoven into the text of many…

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